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The Log Vol. 22 No. 07

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  • Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Paper and Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue.
  • Partial view of the Digester Build.i.J:lg, Houston Division CONTEtfiS Page 'New Houston Paper MKhine. _. _... 2 I Blu.e Ridge Conference ____ ..... _ _ A teuer from GDlletal Metts • __ . . . • 6 Award for Suggestion __ . ___ . _ - __ . . 1 Taxes txcaed Dividends . _ . _ _ _ 8 Whitaker Officials visit Canton . __ . _ 9 Some .E;vents Which OccurretJ in __ • • . .. . __ . __ .. _ ... _ 10 THE CHAMPION r AM1I. Y NEWS Hamilton Division ... ___ ...• _ .. ~ _ . ll Ca11ton Division . •• _ .•. _... . . . . _ 2S Volume xxti AUGUST 1940 Nnmber7 Established 1914 • - .. - • · Twenty-Filth Year of Publica fion Published by "The Champion Family" HAMILTON, OHIO : : : CANTON, NORTH CAROLINA ROUSTON~ TEXAS : : : SANDERSVILLE, GEORGIA • nu~ paper fot the cover of this maqazine is Ch8Jl),p\on Cotdwain. a~d Is made 1D our Canton Division pla.J,\t o~J ol wood f;ro~ the iorcats of \he southern states. The paper lor lho in~tide paqos ia Champion White Mi.ngelc:>ld Enamel made in out Hamilton plut. We manuk.cture ~rry tt~de• ol bleacl!&d papers, Maehlne Finishocl, Super CaleAd&recL ancl C ted. e ttl! Ci er Paper Making Unit Starts Rolling On June 18, 1940 fh· D-:cig}1t /. Th om JOI'- \ 'X 71TH the ~ t arting of op~"ra ti0ns of its nc~~· pa per mill in 'V Ht)u:ton The Cha mp1on P:..per and I• 1bre Company hos increased i'ts daily produclion of printing paper by 120 l t:ms_ T'ne addilion to the rulp mill : which was opened in in 1 9~;. briug~ Champi0n·:- Houston inYestment to many million~ and the nun1ber at employees nca r the 600 mark. It is <::.\imatt;d th at the increase in pay roll will amount to ;400.000 annually. T he pulp from the Hou .. Lon Plant is used in the ma n~ ­facturl! of Champion rarer$. The new Houston paper mtll will specialize in machine coa ted book paper and bond, en­,- elorc and tablet papers for t~1e sou th w~s te rn n1a rket. The machine coated book paper wdl be furmshed on cont ract to Tirne1 Inc.. for use br Li fe ?vlagazine. TLe new parer mill is probably the most modern in this country. si nce greaL pains \•ere taken by the c~mp any to 3ee that the best equipment be installed in order to insure the n1ost efficient operation and maintain the recognized high standard of Champion paper. Six Dilts beaters, with 2500 pound capacities each , com­prise the mam pan of the Beater Room equipment. These beaters are tile-lined and have the new duplex bed-plate which causes more effective treatment of the pulp ftbres during the beating process. The bea ters are furnj shed from indivjdual slush tanks into which the pulp flows from the pulp mill. A meu~1ing box on the floor above the beater.s mixes the proper propor tion of the Yarious pulps according to the grade of paper being run. T he stock from the bea ters j~ drvppc·J int(J a bcaler ch~sl which has tw(J ct;Jnpa!tJt lCJll 5 . ln tile fi rsl. .aud small\!r <.:oltl pa nmcnl: the stc,ck i~ d.i lUl'"d ttJ dw cno i:>h:nC.\, ' \ hich j.., 'Ill dH· r:·l't'l lrt '·te lunc and lhcn :t ~ ~ puwp ·d i fll(J d 1c lar.t' 1 lt,ragc ('CIHIJ ::Ji f fl r·JH UJ1ld it 1. Jl •c•J(·d. 'J Jtj tyj ,,t dtt:S\ i a rn t'tll d'*' <.:IOJ'n•<:nt And ; dt·,j~'ncd (( ) (JH.d,c· r t'l raitJ that d:t· ~ J l>t:i\ f!.JJiug (JIIto dw ~,.,, , , '"i ll al- \.to.c.t be ar lf,c JH '') Jt.' l VJJJ JSlf·Jh). lr~ rh· b(attr rv1111 :d 11, ar ·the.· five j (,fl1 'S ,\Lljc ·61 j, .l ~~r:\lnst . TlJi•fi\! ~q rtl ~ rh <Ht: • ~qul t ·lwd v. id .. ,., n11lir,g r ~.~111 and fltr fl11Ji l•" I ~~, il fl :a u t•d 1 fl ilT thl·y can h<.: IJSfCI 111 Wl~d t •J tl c11 I r~;i"t ll iuu, ~~ w~ I I~· ,· t IIJt p if rh.d • I Jl • '; w c 11 r-o • n ' v 1'1, ~ \ \'. ·t I· n d ~ ( ''''''"! St!<! r~t J ' ' iti l'Jc:H··d it tht j ,, i tt•1 fi,.Jl,fll Ill {IPJ.. J 11tal I fl, 1 IJilltr ,J 111' ' )1 II) :J :1' h i:t \' c• d 11 '•c t ~~~ c '..! • ~ tr, 1 ) w t r K l whid, lllU61 I ·~ IJ nJ l o J. acfi.JIC' 'f,l I j, f! tl, . til •• ~ bin, !H· HI ... I )( J ~. 1111' 61 ()I [ I ',4 s I.:~ "d (; I i ~ IJ ~ (' '· ' I) •··~ u prii, l fll) vurtr.tp6 ~~~d th~ t~•jl•£tcd ::.ffJt.:k ft lJfll lltt.,tjC pctSSCS dllt I I •It hH•t; ac t• ne a ou6 on ~ccontbuy vc,rr t aps, th\b in ul'in~ dt·an ~l.ut:k f,,t he machine. It must a l n pa~ th~tJ IJ~h theft:'· Bt .. d reen •. ·n,c paper machine H <..,tdbox and lie~ 'Was mad~ b~ !u: \.' ~die) l1oo \ Vork .s and i_, 1hc (i..::~pc t hcCJ.db')'X e·.;;;r_ bUilt. It w~i !(hs 1(15.000 pou_n~:J and i" ~(J lar.!!~ tba ~.vbc;l :i i\~) scnL tu ll1111 ton bv nul 1t l,~H.l 10 be soccJallv rou eo since !i. would not pass un.det the at.·e rage undcrpa::.~ or thrJtt'h t:h'= ave rage;; tun nels. T he F ourdri nicr seed on of the paper mach111~ is ouitt entirely of stain less s tcd and can be nH.J>:ed (JUt in o he ai ic by m ea n ~ o[ rails for the rurpr,~e <1f cl argir\! thr.: The wire itself is 214 inches in width and 115 feet if' lcn.rth.. lt is carried by 32 table rolls and the _uction coLch :1;l!. and pas es over eight sucLion boxes. The p ress section has a modern development which is not famil ia r to Champion paper-makers: aod that is the Beloit horizontal dual press. Thi'> type of p:-e:s has been used in the last several yeais. but in t:hi.; time it h~s pro:ved that it has advantages over the old lrpe pre. s since it n1akes a smooth er, m·o re even sheet. Seventy dryers make up the drying _:-ection oi the paper machine--of these 68 a re fi \·e foot drrers and 2 are eigh~ foot dryers, these latter being located dire.ctiy af~er the n:o wire side coaters. Eighteen of the five foot dryers are F eeney F elt Dryers, each with thei r own indi,-idual d6Ye motors~ In order that the drying section can be as flcxtb!e as pvs~i~ie there a re twenty scpa rate temperature control stcltioos \ h:ch can be adjusted to properly dry the pal'\~r all the way ti,rCJf,, the machine. The new paper machine is cqt1ipped with four coating stations, two each for the wi re a ntl felt sides uf the 'heet. Ea ~h co:~ ti ng station has a pre-wetter and a Cflat"·r ''ith a complete set of su pply tanks and pump- in th\! bas - :H:nt. lh• t ourdrinler, or .,..., •Ad of th• rnachlno • {, /1-~· ln , n11,'Vtl•1ll \ lth the tn,t tin\J :--) '\l\'m thnl' '' ~' \lllllj ' lc tc· \ ·•l11r n~··'·' \ 1,~ n· llh' l. tinl"' "ill be m.-1 h-. Th~..· r"lcu tclllll\ is e\.H.ll'i u.l ' ith thrt't' b-1 ll ntill:.. a Cf•nttilug('. t 't~nkl' t s, bk·nd{'f . ,l !\ .ird (.:1s r in ~t{l t"\1 t'l'' ~J'.l(~' , .J thl a h \ tin? !'l rllinll d'"''l th;' \''~' t tn\! ,, lt''t t'\.L ' \ t 1hc dt\ t'tld l,f t he· machint· ~u~..~ th ~ tnrid\Jt\l' r alt' ttdl'l :-. ; l\'.1") fll!ll.' h ll.:l.l~ k_, 1...f tlh ll}'( tl ·ide t' pc (Otnplc..•tdy ~·quil'l'~·d with 1 ll(~r b~fJti tHl'· \ nd t1nnlh thc•1c i ~ the lt\1111 red ll('Pll ,,·!.it..h tlw i !'lft'r i \ \1\llid as it ~l•11H.'~ <'IT tlw m:t.hin<.'. T h t ~ t'al (!' i:- ::lit . nJ r~\H"ll thl • 'll 3 Bd,Jit '''l)-,l1t11n "indcr. in j-.rq'.n'ai.ion f{ 1 .I ir':~in~ 0 1 fn J' the lini-.hin!.! n'cHn . Tlv p .. q", tn:l('hine 1, cq uirpLd '' ith tht• Belnil Lh:tin dr;\"(' ''hi ~1~ i' I tm" '~ 1 \rit h tlt(' ( ;eneral Eleru i~,· Sl)ctionJI h·:"~-t.h~ Lt~g~~' d''' in· unir "hit'h ha C\T r b~en put on a pttr ·r nladlin~.·. fh · nlPtor dri\ ing the ~lornr Gcncratnr :--\· d~.·' ~h'P' l .~.::n hl'l':'l"l O\~· ct Tht' \.:onnl'Cred lcxtd for the nrw 1 H"'t.:l i1' t ·1•in~: :l l11.l it. ;~ u,ili(Hte s has 3dJcJ approxi­mate!) l O.<':tt 0 lh. ''('f',)\'t'r tt' tht' L<'tal load at the 1 {lHJ SlOn ~ pwnt.. '[1e 11nni pa:-t of the new mill is the Finishing RoorTL iii-.. dl·r\·jr' n nt is c\1uipped with two cutters. hoth 71 inche ~ wide. ''IC ol -:.'11hich has an o\·erlapping layboy. There arc t\' :1: .. ~:1 Ci~ al<). <'ne ~-+ inche .. \'ide and the other having ~ \Id£h oi 64 incl'e~. The ren1aining space in this large. ain·. a1·.d ·wdl-li~l~\ed room i: de,·oted to soni ncr and packing ra.'k an1' 1c sr:Ke for fanning and counting. and stor- 3.., • The fi.. ·--r.n.; ~oom aLo ha · very excellent shipping Lc~litit' ... t, !··d!'ll~le railroad cars. truck ~ . and barge loading. T· " m . h ~t":.:Ji 1 cannot be S....? iYen to rhe n1cu who have cha r::-e ~.1f · hl' llf'\ rrill and the men who are working under ' ~ xhe~.1. Ti ey h:z, c gi \·en untiringly of their time and effort to make .1 .. , u.:t:;-,~ ',f tht' new mi ll and from all indi ca tions i:h(i~ ha\ '- i:ut \urkt·d in Yai n. The .. bugs·' have now been front end of she oew ~aper m.achtne (3) Calendar stack on lhe new paper machine worked out or rhc macb inc and prod ucrion is really starting . so that from now on ~Hous t on Paper ~fachine No:' 2 wiJI rea lly be an asset to the company. (Ed. !\'ote-Super~alendcr will be co,·ered in another article.) The prese section and reel dtum Cbamplon de legates and visitors a t the Convention Dr. George D. Heaton Delivers Keynote Speech at Twenty-First Annual Blue Ridge Industrial Conference ' A T THE Twenty-F irst Annual Conference on H uman R e-lations in J nclust ry. held at Blue Ridge, North Carolina, J u]y 1 -20, Dr. George D. H ea ton, pastor F irst Baptist Church . Lynchburg. \ "irginia: was the keynote speaker. Dr. Heaton is a marvelous preacher wirh a sweet mellow voice, which. we imagine. is somethi ng li ke the voice of J esus the Grea t Teacher of Galilee, of '"'hom it is said, '<He went about doing good.'' He also possesses that gende unassuming cha racteri ~ ~ ic of the ~ 1aslcr. Dr. Heaton c0nducted the de,·otional services each morn­ing during- the Conference a nd l1 is talks were both inspiring and ed uca tiona1. \Ye wt:.rc im pressed . especially, with his talk 0n friday morning. J uly 19. He used for his scripture Je .. ::.c.m rhc 12th of I Cori.n1.hian : v.-h ich we reprint herewirh , together witb the unique way in which he presented its rtlC3nin? as applied to the problem of industry, whi ch, in hi~ jJJd,gnJ<"nt, is essential ro gnod human relations between PJnpk,:·er ~ nd ern ployer·s. Sm pture Lesson Read by Dr. Heaton 1 C r,d llti Ji ;n· 12ch Cl•aptP.r; l "_:,)w rnnccrniHg spjlllll al ttifls, h~:r l hrrn, I woulJ IJ(l h~V«' }'01J Jj!llfii:H'tl . 2 y,. )tu,Jw tl1 ~n }'t: ,.,. ,~rc: C~,.'ulil·~. c.u.icd away unto tl1 !.o~ Jumt, 1dtA j ·v ·n a 'C \l.' l t l!•tl. • 3 ~.Vh<.·wft , H: ( vi\'t• jOil hl IJIJdt·l {iHHl , th :H Ill n'lnt\ ~peaking ily the Spirtt of Cod <a ll(•d Jc··Hr- <H:Ylltl~t:d: ct tll r L~t 1i J tnidt ( t111 ~:• 1 d 1n1 J ,. t l ti js Ill'' l.n1 d l11ll b) tlu: i"'lolv (,}lOSt. 4 1'1.' I J' ., ~-.. o v ' " s ,.. a 1< • l , ~~ , ·rs 111 (• ,'\nd tlr ert.; J ~fJrcl. ( J t' j f t ')! \ I lll I h ~ •Ill H' s pi I i L. 11l 1\lHtiai 11.1 fi,,tl . hot 1 he I, AJJJ tlt c.::t i!':Hitt' ( ud \ht• h ate· drverhiti ,· ( tf \'\ r I k •1 It :.1 II i 11 • •II n1 • 1 ~tiu•l· I tJI ic is rhc 7 Bill the• m. nif·· IOll ~ n Ill 11,c· !-il lJII man t,, i'""ftr v. irh <J I • pht'l t In t:Vt.;lf F•.r ~n crt· i givc·n b. ,h) t-ipi t rt 1111 w ,, lt f \'' dtlul; to another the ·won..l of knowledge by the same :~irtl; 9 T o another fa ith b~r the sa me 5ririt; to another '- :! girts of healing by the ~ arne pirit. . 10 To a not her lhc working of miracle~: to ani'lt her r .. o-phecy; to another discerning of sririt:: to anod.1c1 :,·~~ kinds of tongue ; to a not her the interpretaticn o: h nt.: :L ·: l l But all these worketh thnt anJ the sc' ~nmc Sririt. dividing to every man severally Js he will. 12 F or as the boJy is ont. 3th.l hath many nH. trbt>r·, and aU the members o[ that onC' boJy. being m1ny, are on bodv: so also is Chris t. • 13 F o r b ~, the one Spiril ar~ \:t."C all b:t~"~ti''-"d iritn ~tne boJy, whcth~r \'t..' be J e\'$ ('' ( ;<.' n~ i l tt~ . \·hrtht.·, '"-' bt.' ""·mJ o r fre.e: <1nd h~vl.! bcc:n ~d l made t~" drink.intO <' th.' ... eir·\. 14 F0r l he hoch i · IHH l''nc nH:mb~--~. bHt lll(un· . • 15 1f the fool $h .. lll ~a \' . l kr:tu~~· 1 ~tn"t nor the h.lnd. 1 • am n0t of the budy; is it tht"n~fPl t' th. t 1'1 th(? bt..·d; ~ 16 .\ nd if lhe t• .lf shall ~a\ . Hl·c, u~t- l rtnt 1\c"l r1lt ey ', l a nt 110( uf flh hnd\; l~ it tlh.' t d\ H ~' Ot>l l'( th ~ l"c"d\. I 7 If the w bok• bt)lh '' ,., i.' .tn t..'\ ,._ ' ' ht' t l w" h' rht..' ht' .t • ing? Lf tlw \ holt• ' ''' I I.' lw.ll in t?, \lh·~·~._· \ t'tc tht• ~m"•lbng . tx Hut now hftth <•lJll :;,,.t lht' IIWntb\.''" \'\'l.,, • nc nf tltt·ftt iu I hl' h,_...d v. d · it lt .trh pl "··t'l'\1 him. l q \ od if dtl.' ''t'r .. · tdl ''"\' m t.'ll\lH.r. \d w t~· "''''' tlw hnd' . <") .... 0 Hut lH''' .Itt' liH~ \' 1\lllll\ ll h: lnbc t :-O, \t"t hut n t•l b11d v ~ : I \ 11 d tl1l t \ ~.· 1 • 1 1111 n t ~ ,l v \1 1 " ' d1, h ;1 n I l h n t • n ;\ nr·t•d I }i tltt'l': llttt .tg.llll I hv ltc•,td to dh· r. ' l , l "t\ t' ll\ n .,, ! ll ( IJ\1. .!.2 N 1~ , rnndt 'HI'' '-' tht•:-.1.' numiH~ ' "' ''' th· bmly \ld h " ' ' " Ill tr• ht· lll•ll c f,Thl·. 11..' lh'H'• "cll'\ : _l \nd d tt c nll ' t11ht: r ~ l,f th t· bn,h '·hi 11 \ ~· tl1ink tt' he l c~:-. hc •tli •H \' 1 hk. tl {'t H\ tl,,. · "l lw~ \l.l \ m 1H' ,1l u 1,! · nt • • . • .. • -~~ F,'), tYlt \tltl'h:d ~ ~'"·U"t:-) ha\ t' n~' h ~~: bll'\ f!joJ h~th t Hlf't h."'d tJ\:t b· .tl~ l>t1! ~d •\.'1, t<1~\v ing ~-i ~n t1t 1r ... <:thuud:tn.l th'1ii'\ t ttl ·fh,H ·.ut wli~..:"'h.l ~·k-t·d: ~'i ·r hftt t1 H~r '.sh 'nhJ \ c JJh ·'- hi,-,\1 ,i,, l ht· t;..;li:l\ ; hl·lt that d-- ~ r: ~ ''l 1. .. ,.!..: -\ "ht )u!d il ,.\. 1~hr s.<LilH~ r. t l' , n f r tHt '!1 hC' t. 2\' nd rJ,\..·trhc:r ,;)J1(..' m~mht'r ~uttt"t·. aH 1J1 ~ . rni..\rnh~1·~ ~ u r.~' ''I· h if: Vl ... l'h' n1.~'1nher he h »H wrcd. :dl thl' pJ"~ rnbe 1 s TLj~ • 'it \ ;ft} I . . - '"' ~t ~W\ \ ~ .j . " t'H'\'. Hb L 2d . \~~d <( r\~d ha.1,h ~'t St-\mc in rJ1~ dHheh. hl'SI ap('\b(Jc.$ ~<:\l-lldr.r~ ~ -- 1 t'nl·'~hc-r· , thirdl~ t~a~l~cr". aft •r 1hat. •. nira tf!le .. d~-~1 gift. •.1 ~rcah~gs, ht:dt!)' gn\: t·n~nh·nr." divetsi~i<t·~ oJ ~.. . \~' ''' ] ·"'"·'"~'\ . . . :.."'~ .\.n' ~t ti ap.u!'tl<~':: ~trC ~11 pr )pheLs: ~He alt ~~achers ~ a r( 1lH \ O""'l 1 ~ ·v! ml r~ ·k ? .~t) fla V(\ aH the ~ift~ 1.1f ht~:ll·i·~l~ ~ do .'l ll , peak wl-Lh tuag\u · ~ d'-P <!-~! ~f' '-Cl pt-ct ~ · .. :-1 B~.n (\)\ t.l> e-~u ne:,.t ly the- best g-ifts~ and y~c: s.bew I lH1't\J ~ vu a ilt>'!\: e.'{.ctllent ,, ... ar~~- • (Twell-ib. Chapter of First Corinthians -as Parapht:ased by]):-. Heaten Applying to mdustry) •·But f' \~·ant \'O:U to ttnJ.e r'Stand abri'Ut industrN brothers. Yot, kn~i'~"- h ~'t 1~1 forme~· days _our impuls e-s Jed· you to ~~)' _,·'Ever~ mai:t lor himb~lf ~ ·· so I teH you J10\W that no one js ::;~ea'k~ng in the ·pirit of industry when.. he cries, 'Cur'Secl be man:t or cursed he that group." 'There are ~:ariet!e,. of talent-s· hut the sa o-re industry;,· va6eti~ .vf sen.·-i-c{!. but th~ ~aroe inclu.stxr-; va.r-i.'~;ti-es o{ eff.ootS btr: it f.S tbe \-hOle indu~try \Yhich affects everyt.fu.~ng lLl every vne, Each re ..... e.ives bis place jn in~hJsH:y for the .comn1on o:o lcl. One OHH1 L ~ranted th-e place a{ ptes ident by indus,.. try~ auoth~r dte pia.ce of {ore ma-n br the san1a i fld l:lst.ry; O"l~ mftn in industry the gift of sales ma1~sh i p; another ti: ~gift of ski11; an.other Lhe g~ft of stat') sties; and ) rtet another tte gift of personnel direnjon~ Rut aH the~~ gifts a'(e pro­d ·_•eed by one and tl1e same industry. As tli.c hum:an bod}• is- one a.Erd has many men1b.ers? all the n1etnbers of tl:e body f.orm ing one body for an thei t nLm4.)-er. so is .it ~~ith industry. F or by dHt sam-e th~ug\'l't of each one have a·U been brought in~t.o one inclusLry. vVhy e'\cn the body consiots not -Q{ one memfrer1 t"ut of inany; so it i" \jfh aU indu . .:tria! r-elation~ . l f tl1e machinr:;t ~ere to sa)': ."Because I am n:e.t a .Sales­r,; an :l do not ~elong t•J ih)s in;dust11r'. tha:c oot ·make h:m no part ~of 1 ndu.s~ry . lf our factones weN~ all foremen, -'.\here ~·ouJd the p.resi:dertt b.c. f f ]no us try w~n~ alJ exe<:utiYeS J.rhere would la_bvr. b€: ~ So th<:! prers.onnel .tl12HI' caru.\.()t 5ay to thcjaniror: ·~J have nCJ netd of ~-ou>~ nur aga•ll the 'w'rJrktr ro martag-eroent (:I Lave no aeed oi you·,. Q!Ji!.~; tile <:o,ntrarv, v. ~ canu\Jl dq wit.h(.nn t.hose metnber~ . -o£ ind~tifJ in the ,)ffice. ju ~ t as the m~rnl.H~rs 'lvbo \v.ork ~vrd) skit! a,.nd pr~o~icm arc t be very pan~ we inv~~l with s;pec1a~ honoL · 1~c&1 jndu ~t:rf nft.'bt even t< Lt:$ bo<;iy together wid1 ' "1'1~al djgnity for tb · iuf~ri.c)l· ~rtsJ $ () that t.hcre n.Ht. he · ft(J dhi4-ln1<:~n io o.tJr rd~lil3n.~hir; but lhe \1~or i o.tHi nJl,enrhers o~ ii1du try sJt.r.n:rld have ~ e.0rnrnc:m coJleern for one a.nothe l". :t;Hl~, if a \~·Grker s u fl:e.1·s aU the Inanagt'JTl.f;;.flt sh a ~ ~ his • • • ~11 fferi 1 , r, A J'\(1 if Jt'IQ 1\,tl~f"lll t"~!Yf j sb M r~· i I.J hml<11. • ,u,,· you ~l. ~~ i.Jhl\J ~ t t ~ , ar.hl sf·ver-oHy Lt\~srnh~'J. ~ of i't. S.Pwc e:tr": 1 1-l"~ idt" n:.t s ; sorne ,...aJ~ tml'n ~ ~JltW pl:)f S'HHH: f dtl' : .... t r,r~ . $0Tn · ·fnt t.: nwn; ; omc ~ kMJt!d1 \v·ork.c.r ~; ~orn(; l!H!!:.-~ kiH<"l l ' ~~'l set ·.- ~JLIF ht1allA '"" tile IJt:}>• t h at~& i:P ) ~~u ~nd J will KO ~lj l t.\ ·diD\~ y 1\1 ft ., IJJI hi ~bt: 1 \'VUS of Wt,rkftl!{ IJJfie lJI ~f:· . , .. c I ~g l' 'l Vt.: rr ll t~l'd) t h M \-Vt~ :\ rR u nah I (•. IC; lti \f. I;! l ()' f"i lli't" tt'adcnr () ,. H ea t on '~ cntir~G ~ c:J~mL;n, hnwc\CI >we · h ~Hrld hkr (t ~:l y th;.at Wl' ha.y;e. n <·v~.:: r 'h ':.t 11.l t.tl1Yth1n~ ii f').-cr. J'l(Jf tnttJd <'\ll•\.~ {"'i;Hlthina·ljQH o ·f W() t~d~ 0 1' l'ient c.! ll('~~. cxr•n.•s rpnr~ lcady t'hc k(•,· nnt~ of ~i.he C~-tu f•·rv tJ C~ . n f~H· 1 it ~e.n:n$ t rlJ u ~, thi .. p a , .vc\J I <.-~1 &lscns~ ion, Q--r ~Cll110~l. if t ~l ctl ~rinu-,ly~ is' \T;CJf1h a 11 the eff~iHt tt.t nd 1 i:tn " e x~pend cd i u b ri H~in~ a ~PU·l ~hi i pa t- . ti~ ul ar Couf<:::reHCC. 1-ror~ ·nn1e of tts ~~ e p-(~:f&!uaded t-hal the o,ne rllling .J.H'etle\J 100~ 1 · t O' btirr.g abont right f ~la tinns io tT1diiCStry. j.$ ~ uecp~e r CiOJl&ktCI"a ti <:l'fl tq tJH~ prtndple$ taught l)y the 1<)'\- ly Nflta J'in e. as rec0rdcd in Lhe 1·~q_l y Scriptures. Ah(1t:1l 4:0.0 attt-ndu.l. the Crmfe,ten.<ft1--ddega ces a Ad vjsl­tors frott\ 11ll oi the sob.l.theas~e·rn ~rates, 1~et.xas and Ohio,. as ~.veJl as a n:un'\b-er of cHher st~.tcf$ . · . . J<.elll b ~n B. l~0b<::rt:10 0.~ Ex€C~Hive Viae-Pres-ident of The Champion Paper .an:d F i;br~ Crn111 ·has been of tbe b:~e<::l;ldve C:oco mi uee for a n \.JJ.\1-l:;}CJ' of years. E. G ... \Yi lson ef. A tl aJHa. · C("orgi a is Secreta ry. Fon ·y.,pnc r:nt.:.t)\bers o{ the . Champion Eam.i1)'~ atte11ded the 11"\~e.tings. ~i ~Lee n I ron1 b'u r liaunil to·n, Ohio, pla .tU; hvoe from p ut Hou~ton .. , 'l'exa.s J'lant, and l\Yenty~t~·0 from the ~ ?\@rtb C~tolin:a: plant. 11iQs:e ~n{tie, atteedecl fron'l the Can.tC';;.n Divisio.a. were': R::f:ub:en 13. RoJ~'el~tson, H. A. l-~¢lder, Nh . and Nlrs. R. J. _ 'S}D~·~a:.til.$) ·~tfL ~nd. 'l\1{1-s. G. A. Stone, Fo~t Sm:1.ather:$, J?retl Ca:m¥)\i).erlJ ~ FJ:ecl. Bill, 'Ha rry. :f'tsher, A. C. ~o1·ris, G.ordon Reno, E. ;F. Green, Le.~ .NlcElr.adt, L€-vYis Gate.s} ~J.fa·rvin P. B·. York~ Wm. Ro.ber~son Gee r,ge Arthur, Clyde Hi'lde~i·ancl, Q. M. '!Erost~-1, \V~ ~~1.!ison ~· nrcl 1. lr~ and 1V£rs. G. W.· :FhiHi'ps. Pia milton Division: A. . An.<lersoo, K~nnetb Fai s t~ L. Ceok.~. G. F'aber, Ray Bai.rcj L. Ge:i se·r~ P. Jacobi C. Ki4n, E. Potts, J), Sellers E. Robi}is:on, Cal $kllftn~n~ J. Zrm.nJler­man1 I1._I-Iur-st~ L. George, Jr.'- ao.d C. Nloyers~. Hol!l·ston Division-: D1iVight Thol7n o,Q., -A. 4. I~our y and C. l. Cri,~bs . "If peoJDie knew how ha rd 1· hacl tG· :work tG my mast.ery, It w .. euldn -t see..n1 w0ncrl~Hful at aU. '-Nlich.a.el­am. gelo. . HNa£':\'r.ral intellige nce may m-ake up . a hno'~l: e\·{1-ry step 1n culture, t>ut HO c\dture -tn'~!kes up for natt'l.ra'l intelugente .. H­St: hope11-h:..a uer. . UEvery marl is at hi ' he"'t when he adds en,tl\usiasm. to \Yha te:ver ·]) (! hon estr'y lliS}lie,,•es 1tJ.. '' -W a>,:(J;~ (Jif . • 'tit mark~ a b)ig .s tep in a: rnan· de\~d'J'l ment when he ~curf(;S l}!> r·cali z~ Lh.~tL oth(:r tlliea cah oc caHod in to ltdp do t h~tte r job than h ~ can d r.> • l(>nt."-·.4n(lrf-r.v Ctinte_git'. -~-----.:--..__ __________ ,__ _ __, '\"\11 un.gnnefud mail is Hk~:.· tl hok uttcltH a tn.~e cld og aoorns. hl!l nei•er lo(:)ki~l~~ llJ' 10 eel "'""here they. QOU'l·C' from. -~lJ(I'xlt:'f. · · (5}· .. • ' • • • . """" • • • , A Letter from. Adjutant General Metts ' 1'.1TE OF XORt/1 C.·I NOLIJ\'.-1- ·rJJE i4DJUTANT G E .V E l~ 1 L . . DE P . .J N T 4\1 E 1 T Raleigh, N. C:. 'Yir. R. B. Robc rt .. t'~n , r. Executive \'ice-President Chamric;m P aper & Fibre Co. Canton. 1 ~orth Ca rolina • ~I v dear ~11r. Robertson: • J uly 3, J 940 In a letter from Captain Rhioeha rt l have the informa­tion oi the Yery fine spirit and patrioLic thought on your part and that of the other offi cials of The Champion Paper and Fib re Company in your volu nta ry offer that the young men of your employ, me1nbers of tbe 30th ignal Company, may haYe su ffi c1ent time off lO attend the Thi rd Army ~rf.a o euve rs in :.\ l issi s~irp i and L ou i:>iana d uring earl y August, and es­r ecia lly you r wi1lingnes to pay these you ng men the d if­fe rence bet ,·een the pay thcr rccci,·e dt1ring the 'camp and their norma] pay aL the miJl. '"' As I look back over the years I realize your interest in the Kational Guard and especially the 30th Signal Company. Your disposition and generosity in this matter shows that patriotic spi rit whid1, I am sorry to say, is lacking in son1e few of our business concerns. H ad it not been for the fact that the ~ ational Guard has been training over a peribd of years since the \'odd \' ar, we would not today have the n ucleus of an Army on which to build our · ational Defense. The opponunh.y {or train ing. of the Guard has always been. mea~cr in the fact that they practically get only one and {'>ne-half hours a week trai ning at home and in the normal two.weeks at. c~ m l? they are hard ly ,getting down to serious work before Jt JS time to rerurn home. !n this instance t he \Var Department realizing the apparently serious situ ation coufrontJng ot.u country in the future have directed the twen­t. y-on~ ~rArs of field t rainin,!!: in larger bodies of troop$ and UJ4der h 1 gh ~ r ro~n m a ndc rs , that t hcse com m.anders, pa ni~u ­l arJ~·, ma_Y l ~tdlt f:E"IJt ly learn trJ mnneuvcr ti'Oops and tO con­truJ tl,t JU·nlor -otficch wtdl·r ba ttle conditions. "fh e matr r r f t ,. ent y-oue d:l.f 6 "~'Cl b ~~on<: into thoroughly by SOtn(' o ( u · l .f d (\ n ·c: JH~d J \'C St:Ht'S wtth the St·c rct a ry o f \Var :~nd b(! ( }tit f of ~ t a~1 ~11 J rcra lizinn the . hfJJ•tcomi ngs of both lh(• H "~ l,lar .:-;e-r •. J( · a1 rcl t ht ( , ~ ~lfU 1 tht t\.Vt•IIL}'-ont• d a1 camp · a., duecu·d. \.Y t: all rc dtzc• it m c.-;n yr ul t> lltC~ hu. i­, tl~""S6 rneu ; )~" I , it i, b.1 1i ved t hZI I tl•i i-s a tinw wlu·u it is ~ a.,;P rJr lc- ~ nN ; ~ar) t ho r :dl ·tf•(·~pt ~ortw it)cunveninu e 111 dw t ffu11 t rJ hutld t <• a •tt tr1·r d ft< ii'IJ.{.}' ~,.,u r 111ilit.ny il n ·,· . j jtJ!1t 't. a llt )' I.JU lf; ~ l)l t :V I hill. J, ~ · wd J fl !l th (~\_)Vt ' l ll •1 tl f· J•H '.'.i al ( U!r l ' l lt< .. Ft tl:\• rJ ,, :- ,j, ,u , ,t T is< C l tHI! l j •iu ll P•'P' 1' and t• l"·l t uln} •.tny d ~t t JH~h d1ib t ' k n di~ L ~ l ' llil .j~ · 111 }\'\' t\ hy y fJtL \' i1l1 ,q J t fi•c i (.III IJIJ wd :J t; u;-. ttiC • (•i Ill} JICl, czt• 1 f~' .. gJrd , J a IH Veq.> :iihtl'n·ly, .J • \ "n B. l\11 · n R. 'fl, · djHtrU)t ;(·nc·t t. in Caje Appenlci!iJ Yo t :R ci<Jcto r will tell }t"'tiJ. if yon e r•r h a\·t: a ~e·.r·l . c n­tin uctl abdominal pai n, cl(m t try to heAr i· like a - l " " rt.a fl or decide that it c.alls for a r.:ad ·1rtit:. !Jr ' ·nc " hci· ~ H­prescribcd trea t ment. [ L 11H!(ftl U~ aptPJuiir.iH!. There were J 4)C)0 deal bs f r.:,,n, app<:ncl.icici.G ic t! 1 ~ C"n:n­t ry during 1 ?38. ~carl} all these J eat h couJr' ha' ,. been prc,·cntcd had a doctor bct;n called t rmup d y a nd ur~i~a l attention obtained when nece.,5a. n ·. Appcndjcitis is an inflamrna1i'on of the a;Jpcnd! x, di ~t sma ll and seemi ngly uselcs:. organ lnca1cJ in he i, \ ... ri{!Lt pa rt oi the abdomen a nd a n ach~d to 1h~ Iaro-e iiit.e. r'ne . • \ cramplike pain in trus rt:gion is an earl/ ~Y11F. ·r m of a·)pen­dici tis, a lthough in ma ny cases the pain ts g-eneral or in ocher parts of the abdomen. T he pain n1ar be se,·cre c,r mild. l r may be accompanied by fever and n au ~ea. ff hc'<e sy:mp­toms a re present, (1 ) consult a doctor at once; (?) do no" take a laxative, food, or medicine: (3} rer 1ain quiet and apply an ice bag while awai ting the doctor. It js not safe to atten1pt self- treatment. lP the case of acute appendicitis taking a laxati\-e may cau~e ~h~ ar p .... c.-i' t to ru pture and result in pe ri toniti~ with pos~ible deat.11. T'oc treacherous thing is th at should Lhc appencli:.{ bun>•. :h~ pain may lessen. giving the patient the fals ~ notion that he is bet­ter when he is really wo rse. T hat is why it i-s al ·olu eJ~­essential that no one but a physici an should diagno~e 4 ~-\? case and prescribe treatment. Appendicitis takes its greal est toll am on{! ('h!1d .,.en and young adults, although it can occu r a t any r.imc oi lif~ Statistics compiled by the 1 1etropolitan Life ln .. ura .. l<:e Com­pany of perso.ns it insures show rha{ there has ~eeu a sro: ·1 but gradual dec rease in the append1C'itis dca(h rat\.' uur:n the past 10 yea rs. If each oi 1JS will remember ;!!ld rractic" the suggestions giYen aboYe, \Ve can hdp to cut ~~·-'" n t l-te appalling toll due to ignorance and neglect of ap• enJi"'iti~ . If y ou want to wor-k (or the ktnd of a fum Like the kind of a ftrrn:) ou lib~, You needn't ~ li p you r d cnhes jn .1 grir' Or tart on a job ... hunting h1l-.t:; You'll only ftnd '"' h ~t· you lcfl hchinJ For ther-e's n'Jthi n)! t hnt s H·alh · n~ w , 1 c.'s a lnock at) oursc.:lf \v hen ) ou kl h. .. •c.·k ) PUr br,~s, It isn't tlw t1rm . . . i t's ~ ou. 0 COffi J tin} '~ mad~,.·\ y lJlt ll \ lh • .Il l ' a fc1iJ Lt·:it ~' l~ll lH ly (', ~l' gl·t ~ 1\h l'.'\l,.l. \VIaC' Il ·vel nn w ,rJ, :t ~lnd \1\ll \)~h e:hirk ' Yuu c:tn tHing l•.ack ,, bu . tth·~s t':> dttld · i\ml 1f whik f <HI 11 1. k(; ',n r p~.·r"' •n.ll ~t~~kt• \"pur fellt,, ~ ·.n\ nt a l\, t~ c!l\<'. l \1''· \'uu1 ht tH '-"ill b,· '' hnt uu '' .tnt it t • l \ . .. . h H411 1 i dlt' hiH\ . . , tf ':> \ \.111. • • . , ........ ft • • ,-.--~. :O"l!!_...._ __.., . _..,. .. ... ..,.... • • I hr· \ i:,c ltLl Jt h, ~ h i ~ (, .I I i ~·, I ll) l • ~ ttl.ID \111• f". •J • l· ;t h··••·w la r tl•v di~l\· t<' ll t ' -.dH· I Ptl ll " •·f \ l • ~ t ~nl ,l l't~ ld H •\1\ l• J du· '''"rill I 111 lti(l h-n f'h \ \ll hiw.'< It ; tl ,t. l Pi h ~ ·~ t t th • \ i , "••'' ,, ... 1 "' '''n H • hlll t~ dt 1 buL ll!tldl'u l !vu\ dt· \~o•d {. ' ..... ( : tJlt tJ ( . . ( :. ,It (J 11, {6) ., u t?n fy-,___ • ll''t! l!.o?.sl • ~Ofjt,('l •lr ~!\II'H1). ,~npl)~<.· ,-s :uP. r-[ \r"lU •·~, inl !C~ ted in the Lh I ll:"'': l )l\ ~ ·~:tLiZ tinn. bc~~{ lt ~t· Wt"' tlfC J'-~ l lt.Utlin.· urh)\t the ('i ..., ll'} ~\H 'd\ 1\)IJ t•~ 1111.'1.,1 ("'1\tr (\hfi~Jli\.lJlS, t ttl'n.: Lh~ l':t'l tbiu~ \e~\1 !' )r H" lt'"t", Charnpic n cm­rh ·'~ . h,.\"t" h~d rcgnf~ r rstn.plt)) m~·nr: thcrt!'for •. ,, \,; have' tt;~l ~l~t1ne l frt,m Hnc P'it"l~,~ llh nt dt1 ring d ptt.''S$iuns :lS did "tl\!'l• n~cs. in !'f\HH~ , .dh: r < \, ~ .. ~ niz. 1 inns. 1-km~evc r~ \> ~· may :::.nfu: i.. 1 1..~:: t"rt !~1\.·•n \~'tdl ·hall t.t. vnr)ng('nUtt)" and l rJ);~:lt . t t ) t fr~ t~ ~ ~h 1~1. h i ~ t h~ l t crpk ~j n~ pn )bl cn"' \·d11rh we arc 3!\krn~ y·on tt. hdt' u: ~()he. \~Vt.: bell ·\·c th,~d vo11 have the ... .. .. ~ an~'~ ... ~ .. t•l;:L • s in th~ f'a~t~ · h,tn~pin n !'\h~ttU be \lhlc to stern th~· tid·" ~rh.l k~ ·v 11~ all cmt h)~ ~~.t n;gularl~. rar th~ h,~ and lUO}lt logical u~ ~s ti on ~ n award of $15.00 \·i(l h.~ n1.1 le .. nJ for the scrond best sugge&tion ;, 1 n.oo. \ e ~L.g~~~t 1hnt : f\tJ cn~1fin.e ) ou r answer to 100 w9r-ds ;r h'" . Ct ~· ~H ir'n ~n1 pk~~ e~s in .'lll of ,. u r plants are eligi b,le, and we: : pc t"Hn ,~. c sh .. dl r~.c-ct:.i, e n t least 1 :000 lel te rs. Re­~ re~•le·. (~ ..u ·1rn.\• ;.."$en the \Yood. Y. ard o r labor crews have a~ _f'lr,\.l d·.H•.\.C t<:' win ~s the nlen in the ofl1~ . Add res~ you r 1< .. 1- iu{ r, ' I'Hli: Loc oF C fT \~J Plo .. ~\crrvrn.Es., Canton, Xortt' Ca rc:.l;., . -L\H s.Lg 't'·i.itn~. l\ \ill b~ ad judg-ed by a camn)ittee of three iar a~t'tia! lil"'.~tnber.:. • hlere is thr: prohktn for your coi'lstdera tion. Recently~ a cQmnY • .f.l("aiion "as re·ccivcd b~· the !\<l anagc:ment of The Ch:tn1pion Paper and Fibre Company which is causing sou1e anxit:.H. · it i~ a'S iollo· ~ s: J une 26, 1940 PO .T \._\R PHOSPECT ... .FOl~ SALE OF A~1E RICA~ PULP G e!l tit~ '"ll (· n : The pu.rr( e 0f thi$ letter is to e~press certain views re­f: i~J;pg th- possible eC(1t1omic consequences of a German \ oo:-!· in the .F uropean \far as affecti ng: 1-Pro~rc...:ts fc·r sa'!e: ol :\ mer1can Pulp ill Eu.rope. 2-Cccn.pelicion fn):11 Eoropean. pulp i:n "American '' n.arket ~. . . There is little dnubt hut rhat if Gern1 any S1tcceeds in ~·J.m1natin~ f..., ... rope our dou1eslic p'lllp industry wiH be ser­JC• t; ··l~ aH t'~t.eJ by re:n.d ' ant German efforts to dev:elop Eu ro­J c~L econt•mic ~df- ~~ffirien(T and to control othef wo rl.d mark~b. There J$ anple e.iclenee that Germany is already e ·-..~rc!s.i'l~ a. d~r:~ct CJ)ntrol ov·er the sales of \VOod and pulp flum .\'vnn-ty .• .'weden and finland, to Eurepea.n countries fHJ ~· dvmi. a ted by t.ienna ~1y. (;erman;y ~·iiJ 11 ·ed ra v ma terial and agricult ural products fl r her p(.;-1-war ecr..~n rnic rehabilj""'ation. Sl1e will want to t.tillze as HHith CiA h~r dcrnobihzeJ rrtan.-.powcr as possible i.n uht: rn.anu r'Acture of .•nidatd prod l~ctsJ. whi'cb she ean then ttxduu,"~-e for ncec~5arr r~,,¥ roa~eriah, 0;!, food, etc. T ~:c~ exat11plf:s illu "',_rate t~i s : S"Acdish i. .r vOu ore aJild wood· puJp if,~r man .f~ctur~ tl gc:.ocis rA man)r kinds; South. An\l.eri~an L.~.:ef. l;~'ttt 'n aPG, <;t ff..~- fr~r a~rinJitUfa l mac.h.} nery, awtonto-­hilcs. tc.d. e-r-<.. "J'!:krc i::. m> · 'JUC!Sl i~r b1.1t 1:hat in the cvetk of a·o ultimate G-e.rn..a.I.L;;} ~ ir?ur), Ct.rrnanv wi ll have avail aLl · $U ffident 'liUppli:.:~ r-,f F.: ':'<2 ': ~ n fPJIJJ tr; make her C<.)mpJetefy jr).d<::pet\- . eent of l·~\rJ1C;:~-r;t il~; f ulps and to rJrrwide }i c;r with pulp for • ") ~· Ufj'jeJlion . e\f n•·t to A m J:ri<r~ n l'lHHk ~; ts () f prices. or mvlf'r b~litcr €~­dt; u)pe co t io"' ' i th wh i.1· h fOP r·ou ?tilt pi!JJJ ibl y t~o nt pt·te. r fl i$ lS ('V id.enl frn~fl th~ f'E1JitJW~'n ~• ~lg'\lfCl): ln 1937, tht• l~ ll n~pc·a n count ric - whirlj elf~ alrf•ad:y 110dcr rt~rtia l or <.·~.Hilpk\(' '(";c..l ~ l an dOHlinat ion pt•ndn<;_ed L 1"547,00{) t~ 11 : of W\.lod pulp a nd ron~ l.lfi:iCY only S.<i25,000 t<•n". 'l11·f!SC ~a rn e Eu rop~a n cunur rie:) ex t~n rt~ d 5 ,86~.000 tcms o{ PH·lp in 1937, of which 23 l 000 wcr:1t to Central ZJnd Snoth 1\merica..­l ,C>47t000 to the ll Tnit~d Statc:s aud Canada . artd 3,679}000 l(mS to En 'Ope. An. arn rlc .rna rgiu for effective barter trade u nd(!r tot~ li L<~ rian regiment rJ tion of T£u rop~a n Ia bor and in­. dus1 ry! -It seems th at \ve must now be considering such prospects as more th an possibilities, in· the event ·of a Gennan-rmposed ''1 cace'' in Europre, although it rnigbt be s.onae time before such co{l.ditions would seriously affect the s~t.l es of American pulp. The question tb.en necessarily arise-s-what <.:an we do about .. it? Since rely yours, . Thjs is a maner which s.hot1ld be gi·veo seriou.~ considera­t ion, becaose we are all deeJ">ly· in te res ted~ -lf thi.s couutry is flooded \Vit.h pu lp n1anufactu red by cheap Europ.ea n labor, the affect on labor conditions in this country might be dis­astrous. \Ve do n0t want to see living conditions in America Towered, but i·mpro¥ed if possible. Y 0ur vj~~s on th is· subiect ,,·ould be grca.tly appreciated. M·ISS GLADYS. HQDGES RETURNS FROM VACATI.ON . • .. Miss ·GI'ady·s E. f1odges, of Sandersvi.lle1 G.eo.r..gia, has just t ett1rned from Flori·da whe r~ s·l)e spent a delightful \'aG:atiG>n. She sp·ent so.rne time 1 n 1Vlia rni , Da ytoaa; Sih·er an@ n"lahy other poi t)t o{ interest. • Nazi-Russia -vs- Americanism \Ve are inf0 nned that Rus.sia has ab-andoned the five-day~ tbi rty-fivc h0u r '<Nork '"'cek and 'Ordered soviet labor on a six.-da}T forty-eight houFs week. \VQrkers have been warned that tltose who quit their jQbs "'·i.thollt permis&ion \>vill be punished. c~r.many a I so ha. issued fl eW regul.a tions to C<t rrn an \Vo r lters-den ~riug the right to t rike by an~rone. !\t o compeJ.ling eve ry rnq n Lo regi s'.~er for work. <Hld for ­biddin! t labor' loitering.'2 1'hose who arc ab$e rtt: fL·om " or\( without \.Yritten perni i& ion v.~ ill be ja·iled. Em­ployees are forbi<clJen to change jobs wit~ou t CC:t'>nsent of bis 1 azi boss. • \~Te h!l Am.erica tt re fr r~e men--fr('e to \Ork, where, ·when lnd for \l\'hfJn'l we pl e:l!~e. l { \Vc:' dog t lik .. ®u r job we can quil and g(i) in ~ea n; h for ttfltther. s Ame ri can.; we shc,uld, if tlc!ied be, fioh t for tha t li.b<:rty wb ich our f:Hh<;·rs rr.o:tlainH~d t·o the \Vodtl in17:76. The tJ'\CJSt pre~iou~ l"~i ~se .. sinn of Alll(tlic:l is /\ m c r i<.·an i ~tn _ en • Published by "T he Chamrion F amily'' as a Symbol of the oop:~ration a11J GooJ Fellowship Exi ~ ting at the Plants of The Chamrion Paper and F1bre Cor1~ paoy, Hamilton hio; Can ton, .t orth Ca rolJ na; Ifouston, Texas and andersvi lle. Georgia. G. W. PHJI.liPS . _ .• __ . _. _. __ ... __ ._._ •. _Editor. Canton. North Carollna REUBEN a. ROBERTSON, JR •....•...••• -.- _--..•.... -. Associate Editor DWTG Ht J. THOMSON __ •....•. __ . _ . __ •...• __ .• -_ .•. Associate Editor Ett'IERSON ROBINSON _ • ..••.. __ •.. • _ . Assistant EditoJ. Hamilton. Ohio A. M. KOURY· - --------- ------ - --- ---- Assistant Editor, Houston. Texas J axe:J ~~ceed :lJ£f/idenJ6 Pape1• J nduAr'1 • I K a Jetter to ~ r. Leroy in 1789. Ben F ranklin said: ((in this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.11 These \·ords of ~ 1 r. Frank) in~ though spoken 151 years ago, a re just as applicable today. During 1938-39, the parer and pulp indus t ry's tax pay­ments to Federal, tate and local governments averaged $-1-6.300.000 a year, while, we are told, dividends to s tock­holders averaf!ed cml)' ~39.600:000 on a capital in\'est ment of q'~o and a half billion c.Jollars, aprroximately 1.5 per cent on 1l.c total invt:;:,l meoL The: Paper Trade Joornal publi shed in Chicago, Ju ly 4, l'J41J, statt.:s tha t .cfor eve ry weekly pay en,rclope duri ng J'J 3'J. $1.43 went for caxes. This payment to go,reJoment equals 22 per cent of the paper aHd pulp induslry's aYc rage v:,..:,.kly WC.i.'\. nf 12~4-.40 fot hourly paid em ployees. ·· D u iH~ J q39 wa~es ad ,.a need a pproxi maLcl r 3 per cent 0v~r rJJ(~ prcc.cding year while laxcs incn'~ cd nearly 17 per cent Ju1 ir ~ t!Jat time. f <.,r t'' cry ton (If paper made $1.21 is paid ,n1ax~· .. A - th· inJu,lt}' tax burdell in cteJsed durmg then pr·nnd f1ni hed papt:t 1 rices 1 t'?is t t'H.:d a n :l\ er­;_ tf?•· dceljnt.: ,J ~3 21 j)t:r 1 m." l tt c c,Jt,r:trj~<JH \;.tJ· uthcr rnanuftHIIIi'l'rs, j, i" t:u td. llta1 lJc a <ra;tl'lt:fCertrc-J9<· ol U&'+< ~ ,f •til m"''uf;tcl tt nrs i~ r,.'3; pr:p;r, fJ·1() I' r ~·:nt. Jf'rll and .It d. II : '15 pc.~ t r'CJil; ch!t:l ric d L•:(fliiJ1l.1J1•1Jl, 1}.4 J f If t t•ftt; ~ 1\'fllit tll, ().{17 {ll'J C ~ ))I . 't lld lntlt ­j 11g 4.,. & p '"r o 111 \ttl, fi 1\'TJfold V&):' •tpJIIti(Hlll ll~·. lll<..:l'i c,:~ l lllU~ t be ) It~· J•ill U. 't'\ tf (r II I' t ~Xr's' l~o Ill'' .tddell. tlt II ftiH' in Q .H. ,,f tt;)j, f f,,,fl :1 Lutdi'J .. }J ult.; l 1• ·~'1 lh 'l\ \ Ill, \t :nc inr,,r,cu-d tha t J.i '" ·r cr .q-.r.,, ,;,,,, ta i.'S II <' IJ,·i u , I . It'd, h I J ;, II I • X I I' ~ p II) I il t • I I .' h it.: I I lt j g t I f h .I 1 I I ' I I ,u 7 ~ l t'l l •nt, jiO liJ I H: in,,,~() cd iJJI ,all rJJtiftt of u•q tal.tllf)H$ /I IH..I ill­divJdu; ds \ J,,,.,. c c. 1 Lin ftgtta v , \ L·.;.-; II I ld l hJI P.•tt ~I tl •• , •• JJ ~ ·· b} ' fi !• t' • b, ~IH.I ' • all ) ,.. ;.! i 11 t 11 f' fii ~ 1 H • u ( · I· ,, , 1 !.:: 'Ill , , f , , ~ II•· ' ' '•Stile·/ II·J ~Jj, d the· p:• t'l•·hy; '~IJ~JI .\ ltt\1' l ht· iJl· 1 1ll tl.{. 1 '\ I ) b :d 6 ? • ·•"\",All. • ·,,iii 1lw h, ,ulu 'h\r iJ)c \1 ' nd llt(t I It '"-' v1 , ,rw n ;l 1, rn , c· h.'' Good Industrial Housekeeping Essential to the Success of Any Institution J Ufl. \' I~S LE Y who Jived d1t:-ing the Ei2ht enth Cen- 1Ut y. said) "Clt:~Ln)i u ess is indeed next o Cool inc;:, #,.. :., r. \V~ s l ry had I cr ·renee tC> pcr$01\al deanlinc~v and clean living corH.l i tk1H'\ which a;e c& enLial to Stor,d hcahh. C.lca nliness ('J r fl ()r,d lv;usekeeping. 1~ also e;:,sential in the manufactur' ~ of fine paper"', ~c Il a5 Cl.• ampu. ;-n [;lro~1 l1C~~- Durinv the r~ st 47 yrars Champoo has b~cn ViC reaae:.~.l~ the manu fact ure of f1ne papers from \ \ O')(i ubre. 1n fart. ~ h · Champion P G!pet' and Fib re Company, a r rr_,J"c ';:Yt he n~. nd of the late P <.: ler G. T hom'<•n1 (~ the re-.ult nf hts dc.:>lrc to manufacture the Iin~st paper ro~ ·iblc from •:n)d fibre. Ye~~ pcrhar : . onJy a_ ~m a ll per cent of ~harnpion ... m; i()'yees to­day realrzc the •mportance of cleanhne.s:-. Jn tl c: manufac~:.ure of fine papers. T he Chamr\ion plants use nearly a }lu dred mitlion g:al­loos of \'ater in twenn~-four hour· a larue r.:.r~ Qf ;\ is used to remove foreign matter from ma erial used in t.h..: man ufa ctu re of its paper and keep its mac~ine-. ~nd bc!-ld­ings clca n. Yet, we do not keep our plants as clean a.s e should. Contrary to general beli,t!f. goo'-L housekce="ing i:, more a p roblern of good ma nagen1en[ than a Juty of the emp}f?y.ce~. HoweYer, employees hould haYe pride enout?'1 in th6:- ·()? -the place ,w·here th ~y spcod eight hours a dar- o keep Lt clean and orderly. ~ verr litde cxua work wot.Jd bt: each day to keep each room dean and in orJer. \'e C.: n. and should have the cleanest planls in the l -nired .... '"at~$. T his morniJ)g \iVC noticed in [rom: o[ one- rA our r'1achine" where rolls of beauri f ul white paper were being remo ·ed. a fiiLhy old s pitt0on 'Which would almo .. t ur~et one's tvn'l ~h to look at it. \~,. hen one che" s tobacco he is fo~ctd to .:r·t or drov\·n. and \'e kno\· that it is difficult to ke-ep f··o1l1 chewing when the habit is once formed. Hc•\~\-et, '-he a~"'­pcara n t~.; of eu r pl a, n,l· would be grcady imr-rv\~d \ itl~ >Ut t he a rnber-colored Slain of tobacco juic~ on th~ w~ll:, floo1 ~ and corners of bui ldin gs. \' ondt'r if '' e l.''.ln 't impru\ e this condit i o n ~ • .\ farrner bo\tght :1 btr~e m~H\l(•l d·JCk. on"" 'f th' kjnd t hal .? l ri kc ' tIt e hl":>t.l r ' iH\Ll rwlf IHJ\1!\'. On ~ ni~ht h(.· \'aS aw.,dtt'lh'd b,- tb · .:-trikin · of tlh' d h.·k. ' - .. ~O rt1Clhing h.-1d gone \ r0nt: \tth \he nw~h~ni.:m. ,tnd de ('h irn ~s . inscead ,)f .. l'-'1P I 'in~ ''i th the u::.n:~.l t\t.'hr. kq'l ri ht nn sntlltding. •t'he; b .,, il\krcd f,unh~r t.t'Unl~~.l tht'Ul U( t,, 102, and thl'n c.1 lk·d tu hi' \ik: '' \l.t t\, f,,, ~' \,){,\"·: ~ ~'-" g ' l lip! I t ~· lnt \'r th .ln 1\,. t'\'1' knP\J1 it to b~:.· l(•h't ·.'' -------..,.--..,.._...;-, \ lt S. ( h \ l.' II S- - ·\ l"'ll d1.·t tf dt t .. ,ln,' ldl·~ \ ll ... · 1\H' flt ht1 thi ll~· IH'I )\1 Hl (d j ll $1 ll t '\\ ' (h\1.'11 • '\ h .tt dtJ ::.lh' :-..t\•?" • . \ .I' t ..... t h \ \'ll ' - ·'Shv s.dd '' \' mi~dll :n k.t .5 t f' 1\ th~."tn ., \l~fl. A Pray :)r f ) f th M n t1 I H ,.~~ the I nd, l) ttl\- 'tl\11. :tnd dl dt •JI b \'. i tl1111 ltli' bk ~ Ill' huh· &l 1111 ~. I ;J ,. tl~ t· l n 1d , (} ,, ~~ J ttl , <t •td I~~­~ l' l IIC 11 .!II lu.., l ' lldlt ··· ' l~ht l ~ t\.1( · 1•~.tlm· IU3 ~ I ,~. Lcfi t , ri~ht , ~tandinz: Dewey Gillc:--pie, Champion P a per and Fibre> Sa le~ ~-' · \ \ . _ lcCormick, j oh11 F ields, Bradley r~Jrt~l· .k'h n l~ "' danJ, John Couper 1). A. Ca rson, Ed ~'l a u. . . . . . Knc::En~= Ro~· Prtty. \ 'ic:e-.Presidenr \Yhitaker Paper Cornpany Harry 'Buice, J r., Ed, Floyd \A/ d ltams, ~1aunce H az·dri ~ ~ '] . :"\ ~ IcPhcr-son. Sit~it:~: l~nne~ Haye~. ]ames :\~[cDuffic, I-L D. rfhon1asun, 1-Ienry \Vad€, :f·foweU B.yrd. "-'"" - . . er MR. LeROY C. PETTY. Vice-Prestden.t of the \~/ hi taker ..l Papet Contpany. 641 Whitehall Street ~ S. VI. Atlanla, Gt.orgtC\} anJ g.J~~ts vjsited the Canton Division of T'he C 1~arnpion P aper and Fibre Company r~ce.ntly . :\fr. Pettv and his g-11e ts haYe been rnaking. their ann ua l p!lgrima e (u C'anv>n -for fifteen years or n1ore . . We are a!"xJ~'.:: glad to see Lhtm. for the \VhitakeJ P aper Comp~ ny } ~ b'":l'n vur g"od friend and customer for approximately t -PJ r ., • 1 ·e .... .-.- ..... "' , "1 • .':1:. • £ The \'l1itaker P aper C"'mpany, with offkes in Cincin~ P.,..ti, Ohio~ c.\tlanta, Cenrgia; Baltimore, ~vi a ryland; Birming­hanL. A!abama; ~ tw }"'"(,J k Ci{y; Chicago, Delroic. and K.nox­,_ ... iJ~c, Tennessee, arc.: ic.trge di~rributo rs of Cha rn pion papers. Tht::tr Sr)uthern b u~iueu. is handl~d from warehouses in l1alt;mon::, Adart~a. Bi1 m1ng}tam and Knoxville. \.t> arc happy '{' r\:pnrt that during the past twenty v-tar~ t:he mo~L corcl1al rdat ions have exi~ted l>etween the \ Paper C c)mparry and 'T'h~ Cl.ampion P aper and Fubn.: C<.tu1pan}, \hid') i.1 a preu.~ g!Y.;d iudi c.ation of sati-sfied cu~teJI.ltr~. \rt hnpf.! that the plea~aru rdatio.ns. in the pa ~t ,.;~1 cvntin.oc in tht: futtH~. 'rJ:e fo!\u\A,:1rq:.~ Je1 ~r ,.,·a,; rr··~ei.ved from . Jf r. LeRoy C. Pet Y~ ~ Kt;-Pr~.;jdt!nt of the \JVhitak~r Papl;r Con1pany. t r, Pet~)' i abo rv{anagcr of tit A dal~ta division of bis CQJJ1f>afl y. . .. __ anlon ~zeta l\'[r. G. \~1 . Phillit s, C h ar:n pi o 1~ Pa per & Fi bre Company; ·ca nton, r. C. f) ea r Nlr. P hilli ps : anl J uly 8, 1940 'fh anks for you r letter 0f tbe 5th. T be '-'''h itak.~ r P aper Company operates east of che "tv1is­sissippi R·i ve ~, wi d~ head qua rters ·at Cincinnati, _Ohio. _T heir so'l.nhcrn b.us1ness IS handled from. wareho uses m B alt imore, Atlanta and Birrningham and at th·e present time we have a sales off1ce in !( nox,,i.He, Tenn. (9) l t ha.s been ou r p0licy to di$'tribute, as far as poss1ble, southern products, which accou nts for ou r very dose con­nection l\nd cordia l ieeliog t!oward the Ca nlon :Division. V.Ve have been. making thes:e t rips to the mill for t he past fl h eeo years. \Vhen we tn ade the o riginal t:rip the roads were unpaved in Georgia, .and it was quire a jaunt to ge.t to Canton in one d ay's tirne, Now '":e make the t rip in fo·ur hours: and c1ur gues ts a. re so de1igln ed with the country around Cantf>n t hat ro ~n1y 0f thcJ:n have rcturn ... d to. spend vacat iuf1ls with their fa milies. Cen ainl,y was a g't1e~t pleas u re to see you again at Ca nton, an.d uope that we \v itl all he together again n<.·xt yea r. - 'rf truly }rour, T I II.:.. \ Jt [rf',\ K ~. ,R PAl?ER CO* lP ~y tA T'L~\.:\1"'.:.4\ ) Lt: Roy C. Petty, Vice I? tebident. 1 ~d reJling a cu rrc<.l itt CtrenlJ '/;Vhick -----4 t fJitf,J t Incidents of Iinportance Which We Should All Remember A L C t · .'T 1. l790. the fi rsc Nation~d ten ·us was started. The l ' nitt"J St:ltC ' was the fi rsl cou ntt y of Ia rge area to l tle i.1lj"t. ~~ p~ri odical l'lHIIncr~tion of iu p~pulariw:. St.lcll entunC'r~Hit n ... ~ll b~t ·k to the tnne of AnHlSlS: an EgypLuln King. wh\'1 r~igned about 2.500 yea r$ ago. The original idea L'\f \.·vuntin~ t h~ people was to fi nd out the number oi men ('ap.1blc of bearin-<1 arms in time of war. _\ ugu!-l ~. 19 1+, German~· in\~ade d Belgium, just five days aft e.r \'rar was tleclaiTLl on Serbia in consequence of .the assa ssination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo June ?~, 1914. which precipitated the \i\1 orld \Va r. A-ugust 3 1492, Christopher Columbus, the di scoverer of the ~ew \Vorld, America, began his fir t voyage, and Jande-d OctobPr 12, 1492, on one of the srnall isla nds il). the Bahamas called by the natives Guanahani, but named by Colun1bus San Salvador. August ,. , 1864 one of the most important and decis ive battles of the Civil '\Var was fought at Niobile Bay, betwe~n the ·ruon ftect: commanded by Admiral Farragut, and the Confederate ram Tennessee, and th ree ironclads commanded bv Admiral Buchan. The battle resulted in the destructjon of the Confederate Ae\.!t and the capture of F or}s !Vlorgan and Gains. August 7 ~ 1927, the United States-Canada International P eace Bridge) connecting Fort Erie, Ontario, with Buffalo, :\ew York was dedicated. The Prince of \Vales and Prince George (now King of England) visited Canada and took part in the dedication ceremonies. August 8, 1829, the first stean1 locomotive wa-s put into s<·n ic.e in the \!estern Hemisphere. The Stourbridge Lion, built by FQ~ter Rasn·ick and Company, was irnported· from England by the Delaw·are and Hudson Canal Company. 'J ht Cooper, the fin>L locomoti\'L' to be built in An1€rica was put inlo sen·ice by the Baltimore and Ohio R ailroad August 28, J 830. August 9, 1642, 'Harvard University, the old est a:x).d one of the rno:-t iufluential institutions of higher learning in the -nitecl Stat e~> , l,eJd jt ~ fir~L co1nme nc~mt nt. August 10, J 920. Tu rkcy signe<.l peace treaty. A ~ g u.') l J I, 1b07, Rub Jrt. F ulton, an 1\ nt--ricnn in ventor, h<.~<l tJJc s:t li fad1rn1 of proving tl1at 'ltl:a"m, could be ~tp pli ed 1/) l~ ~ ]' f0J·Ulsion (A b r1a ts with f; liC(es~. II i .. a<:hievetl)cnt txdt cd 11ni·. r·t ·d :t t.lJ11iHni0n anJ flOill that titnc stca 111boa rs r£trJidly multipht:cl rm tht• w~ni~r. Au,~u 1 12, H/)8, 1la; JJ awc;lii tn l ~lttnd ~ were ll tmeJCtJ to tlw l :~ni1 ~d ~t a t<"t-t. Aut(U6i r3, lWn~, \1;. nilal t1~t• capi ti:J! CJf tht· Pl,ilrt' l'i fl(' J t>JdJld~ , Co jJilltlatr·J l(l the '\oh:tJU•fl f4~1 <"'. ~ . A •S!·u· L 11. JlJ J:t, IIH: I ~Jn~~~~~ ., awd, \hi, h CCJ..,t. the t ·nit..t;d St<tt\ o "'l" Jl '') .·.JIJJ.tll ly I.J7 5,0tJ0,()00 I 1J <'nll .ll HCt. w •• opt:msd L'' n r.~i ~atiiJH . T{tr.'lt h•r• vdt ,,t tiH C.tiHd fnur\ ~ h e: CaraJla!rao S•·JJ lf) tlJI· J>.,( iii\_ (k!!.~n, ap1 J imo~td)' ~0 tnil ;:,. August If), 1777, ti l(.• J ~ ... ltt,• u( I ~· · Hn i u ~u·u. Vt· lfttou l . 1',,-._ IWI,:(.;J) ,c;Huan iind Hritt h .oldi...:t, und,~ ,· l· ~l ''"· " lJc~ tHn ~tnd dw A rlll'tiCji Jl · undc I c;u, 'J{d Sl ,, , \ ,rt; J,,u,,ftl. ' l'hc; Ddli :)lt fr) tT J•b Wt'l£ u~· k. ftd. 1\u;.·'IJ:,t 1 ~. llJ(iJ, ir,n WH S ftrtd t tlt· ·lhd \·ddt tlttrri,it \'. A~wr1 ,! J'J, L;l 2, th• ('j JJitJ 'i.tuliolr (J:•J: tt l. td ~ ~.d J I ··o ld f l(lH::o ldt•;, ) ~ l:lJllfJU V( ;Aj fU d t (.. lr tl•d ~\al 'j i.PI)' , J:Hm.<:JtNI 1n J 7'J't t ~·utd <'(Jil id ·r~;,;d ill 1 hat t iJt11• t ~u re.tll' 1 pHtdllr·t of th~ .h~pb~tiltlt:r. art, Cll · g 'd in ha i.;; ~·i h :·e Briti sh flig.'\tt.: ( ;uen·jc r.c , nd lcf1 her a rr r.;r! ,.,ref•k. Allf11 bl2 1, J85f1. rhc e' Odk'·, a~ rJ4k tn." . t!. •~ and ng in lJart f()rd. Cunn~ctina. tJl v:hJ' h, accurdJug ff'l tnH.lltti)I:. he Conrlcclicul Chancr wa , c0ncealod 1tt Hk--17~ whcr. tf.e Btit. h ;overuor, EdmonJ 1\ndtrJR, d mandcd its surrende:-: was blown duwn. ArJgust 22, I k5 1, L nitdJ Sta e~ .nn 1 le i erna ~ onal yachting troph) . _ l\ ugust 23, 181c), ConJil)<'tdore Oliver l:..~a7.~rd Pc;:rry1 an America! naval ofliccr, dir.:<.l. 1\ ugust 24, JHI8 the new t•nited S1ates CaJitoi building was starltd. The original building. o( wbit3h the comer­stoue was laid by Gt:orge \'ashingt1)n, ·a~ barneJ by the British in 1814-. Augu t 2o, 1843, the first praLtical typewriter was pat­ented. August 27, 1776, during the ~\mtr1can Rev,JhtLinn. ' .e battle of Long l slaod was fought. between he "\- er·ca ns under General Putnam and the Eng-li .;h under Lord \l 1: l~i!m Ho,ve. The Americans were defeated. Augost 28, 1859, petroleum was fjrst disco\'ered in .~ meri­ca, wheu the D rake well was drilled at T'itu H·i ll c~ Pennsyl­vania. This was the beginning of the modern petroleum industry. The Quitter E' VERYBODY admires a hard fighter c oe who can B stan.d up and take i't· Oll the chin in a spiril oi t • .:-\ey~·r say die'', but 1s always ready for more. R obert \ ... ven:!cc expressed it thus: \Vhen you rc lost in the wild anJ. yuu 're s a red as a child. And death looks yo.u bang in the eye: And you're so1·e as a boi l: it s according to Hork To cock your re,~olver and die. But the code of a man says f}ght all you ca n, And sclf-tlissoJution is bat•red: In hunger anJ woe, oh il ' ' easy Ll" blO\ - · It's the bell se rXJed for br~~1kbst thctfs hard. You 'r~ sick o f the ga rn.c? 'Vdl no\,-. that·, ,l ·ham . t You're young a.nJ r ou·r~ b1a' e ~tnd you·rc b1ight. ) "otJ'vc had a nnv de,\1, 1 know. but don · ~ ~4.11c: l. fhtd up, do you r da1'nJh.:dcst and li ~1H! IL\; lhe plugging H\ ay th at will "in yuu the <b~· . So dnn' t ht! a pikt! r. n\d pHhJ; j11 ~ t draw 01\ your ~ ' il: i{'. s, "'~b) s, quit­lt 's tht.' k·cpin~ }<.Hit (hiu up that's h..trd. lt's e;-i$~1 In ct )' thnt ) uu'n:c· l~fltc n and dit•. I t 's l a' )' l\} ~.o"Ht '\' li ~ h :\ ll d c r .l w 1, Btll It) lhoht .t\1 l tc) li ~ Itt \ben h,1p<.:,S \)\It :'\( ~ i~ h£. \' It\. tlt .tt':> th l·11.:~ t ~-t•• nH' "d l ln:m al l. • • nd th .. ttLh }o 1l \l c''i ll \l' uu r ,,f t'~'" " J.:lltdin. • l·h'>ttt. • • All hrllk l!l\ atld hc ~' t t· n a rh,~ tit·.tt 1\'t.l ~. } 11s1 h4t\ ,: tJ IH. nH11L' lr'\. It '$ "lt:·ud , •. \ ... ~ ( 0 l1i{\ Jt\ tht· I \'Z~' I 'in • m li, in rhat\ h.u\l. \ tiHl l\ l ~ult~~hl l\ t il lll l',\ (r, Ill rll\ .tnim.d d • tkr. • ... \ f u ' ll• t;u tt· 1his b11d ~'till ~i t H.! ;'' h'-· ~ .1' l. ':'r LISt'i-.:ic\U l . c"l h·' t g1 i nd , j n ~w r .'' l'lt L' lll l t 1111t· r ldt. \ \ t '~.e k l.t l \ ' l lw ll'.t!'P·'·''' ,1. ""~q ! l'!ti-. hi1\.l } tttl ~nld ll\ • \~ Lnw !'' ''\V t•ll ' \ hd L thd } llll \'\.tnt ·tt ~i ll\•< 1 (\ ,t \l.ltl '~.:'\ r~ \10) • • c THE • • ton · HA MILTON amt '1 DIVIS IO N • • n on am 1ons FLdr.iL ':-.a Chan1rions are taking a lead1·1Q p.1n in rhc g-on~rnmenCs dc­f& i'~ rrc1gra.ln as it n:btes tO Hamil­tr: n. Cla.-ke \ fa rjon. ~-icc-rresident. has h ·en .n::.,:1t·cl general chairman of a (.·,\- wide ('Ommirtee on militarv af- • • i::.~i ·. 1'hi~ c-0n~ f"""tltee is des i.g.. -ned to <:'•ordinate ttll ~.:ti"on s tha t tna,,- be re-qJired "'u J1amiht·O may do her share in tL~ trerH•ad.otts e ff,J rtS now heing p Jt fnrt". n pr-·pare the nation for any t:mt:rtrer C.\ l!kdv t~· ~ ri~~..: ~n a rrnubled ~ .~orld. Thc~e ac}j,·jties wiH indude larger e;""~ti lftll,'JltS lH the :-ati.onal nuard v !1 \ cornrn1necm~ n \Orkin~ amnn~ in­~~~ i r:~s to a -snre guarc.hrnen of the! r po~! - :c r~ after the U1Jergenc~~ ba$ ,•.,.. ~., •."A-"' \.r. ...: t1 . \. S . . Anderson ,,·as called into a cc·nference of a n~ m be r of rcprr ;;enta­. .i. r~':J ci indu~trme~ 10 n1~k~ additional h~die-. on ·ocational c(i :ca tir.)n. ~nr.t her f~..:al .1re 1 ~ on~ ,,f \'0Gilt'J:nal e.duca ion where:in Cal . kiltman, a memb!.;r of the J feu aiiL(jn Bt~a rd o[ Lducation, ha.;. ftn·n .~ 11-crior to a !!}:-cJTdta (•; L,e ~ponsc)t cd br schools ar!.d inclu,.,tri~s. 'fLt a:rn is ~o tr~iJj • yq-;n~ n1en f .• r r;·ade;., Itquired in tlw i .r- 'i.h~cLir ,n of n ad in'-= r uol-:> ('/r such ( if.hcr cqU;{ ment 0 "'tlf!d :n Y:'ilr. eal d1 1 wa,) a~ puinlt<!d a member oJ a e ense B-v EmerJon, R obi11son ~ special sub commjttt?;e to m.ake a s.u r­vey of t-Ia milton indl! s t~+es, esp..e6a1ly as to tra1ning of young men. George J ohnsto·n. interested in. avia­tion . was na med chairman o'f another comrni ttee to n1a ke a study. of assist-ance tha l mighr be gi~retl h ere {or th is bra uch of the se rvi·ce. SON O.F CHAMPION IN a. S. AIR CORPS R obert. E . t ramer, 24, 4'l l L udlow t rl!el son of tvf rs. Deborah I<..ra mer, C \1 cuners. now is ene of Unc:le Sarn's nOYites in the an of fly ing. F ollowi·ng Lhe gove rn rnen1~ s decision to enlarge the <~ir corp6. you ng Bob. w be form.erly M'a.; in ~0 - 1 1nachine r<)On1,, \J\'enl to CitKi11nati tb en\jst , \.'as im·rncdia tely accepted and assigned to the fie ld and schl''lol at Valpa rai::-o> Fla. ] ncid ental ly> Ci ncjnna ri newspapers ca n·jed big pic­t t1 res or B<Jb and his sisLer. \n oth~f Sl;n or f rs. Kfamer, Cha.rle~ 1.~. . ug--encl ~ h recently was <'~'l~·duared from t llle l ni \7 ersiLy of Pur­due i'l Indiana. with a bachelor of ~ rier.ce c\t::¥n~r· , ha. jt,i awd the ntaff of thr• I·. L d u P rJ aH <.h: ~e rn ot1 rs and hcr·n HS iJ,tth"d 1 ' tl e Old I {,i r knry ph w io T enn ~<:<.>. J >tt h bG,. ~~ r<: grad ll ~He ;; f>f the l l ~~ m­iflvl. l. J-l i~h SC'brjrJl. {11) ar -1n Suggestion Awards , T he fo11ow·ing a'\ta rds for sug-ges­tions we re rna de a t the meeting J t1ly 9: - !-Ioyt Nordenuu1. suggestion to p re­vent paper from sticking to t..he <i!dge of drum, $50 .. J ohn Bryant: ·gujdes on bells that run the cotter ribbons on · o. 11 ma­chine, $5. T aylor J ackson, pipes on suction apron fans to c;a rry away the fumes f rom the formaldehyde $2. Roy Hollister ) s tation a ry electric plugs 0f Re ,~rind ers, $1. Fred O'Dell, tool for loading $5-T hoolas Bu rns . roll wagon for . emi- Coa t Depa rtment. with n ame printed on i~ , $1. . PREPARE FOR WORST T his is prirn:.t rily to not ify the friend. of J< hnny Burns, unloading t 0 "\ a :V ~l'A' a V f ron.\ h i 111 for a f ~nv • • d(l.\ 'S a fr r r he nt' l4Hll S. front his vaca-l iun abo~n rbe IOrh. John js ~oing lO \.l i(hi.g:Hl a n ~l priDUl riJy t O -fi sh. H ~ h;ts fH'CHlli <ied to bri rH~ home enough to supply the milt--but then t hal'·s 011l f a ftshe nlHl O]S rromise. When Hamilton Scouts go to Camp they are assured of the b est the co\Ultry aUorda and training CJUidanc-e by expeTts in their Seld. Here's the qroup. minus one. of Hamilton Champions who took a special course i.n camping at Camp Lauuus. near Columbus. just pr.ior to opening oJ the season. John Anderbalten. who also took the couxse. was unable to get to the mill for the s tart. a,nd went later in his own car. Left to right the gyoup is comprized ol Cal Skillman. Dick Korn.~ Ernie Nelson. Paul Cook. Noel Samuels. Jim Cozad. Lorel Hapner and James Grimm. tAMPING PERIODS ENJOYED The Bor Scout camping periods at Camp Chapaco ha\'e formally ended and the manr who enjoyed the fine camp and Lhc great. program that had been arranged for then1 are sorry. J amc:~ Grimm. the camp d irector, was assisted bv P aul Cook and \Var- • ren I-1 a rndon. Other leaders included Lorel H apner, ~!filton Anderhalten, J ame~ Cozad, ~od Samuels, Bud Gipbcl, Elmer Smith, Flmcr Alford, ·l erle Baker~ !\Jauricc Caner John IJa vis. '<cro Hice wa:s cook. Campers w( re: F, .- l Period: Box HiAon, Little Bea r Alhr I. f·]nH) Jl uffJ R alph Hubbard, JJ, ight }< il<•jr, l>fln ~!fun~., Lee Skiii­Jlj~ n. 1 ~ r (. Ba1' 1, Don , :<·w~i t k, Roy ( ,,,,.J>d, B•Jb Har rkt t., Bc,b Atnold 1 \ Jarnn \'·,'un. Robcn ll acker l n<: ; ' ( fJ~~k. J f 'IJI ,., I> •' ~~. 'l'l , r Hn:~s ' Jd.'ol-lnrrt, J •'' ~ I fc, -~ iu . \ ernuJJ Ua \ 1 ~, . f. t J i c, 1' ( ;• rt • ' I \ til t«: 1 \Vi P, E V 1 ! c•t ~ Lt·f d<.. r{,ltn St riJd,el: \V 1lt e;:t ( HI\ .. (tJJ J, \"tit ( r ( wi l•·1. \V;t!Jt r Ciltc' •• ){tty E:va.n . \ ·~ •11011 J ) 31,: ; . :we ' m·l l~l fl • ,d:: I t l I{ cnUit'}' ( i~11 • • I \ II, lu l<J h, }'.cL•.Jfl t 'lo) d ( •t.: tll' /\1 1 ~ 11 .J J. • • ' n ! It I hi t"'' 1 't'f, C nu ;-\it•wn at , f lvd·· lt,\.ltt. LJ• •Ji,.,. r '1r,,., , l.<.r . ,.11 ll ul ,l;a r<l, Bdl ( r·,j.. J'tlllfl•" J 1.1rn hl i r I r I I be tl 1 f •unl;li n. J I ·c ~" i 11 - IIJ"lJI, Jul.'! Ua•.i ~ l >· lf)t1ll l ~.<·t he d « •t•f , f 1 \'l b I H J< Jl ,. )', l.t J d u 1 \ 1 111 hn I L ~ IiI ''JII AnJcrlra ltn. J·.,,,j,. \til .' \ll;tu ( -,.,) lq·, \'a ht•t• C.:"Jf$ h dl. 1'. (·Jc'U Le•· J • \V:dtcr t , .• ·vf,,ld n ou ~ ,\ ... irl, \ ultr·, \; . Hul> A\ nqfl;l, R, 11 h • H u hba rd AJ ford. Thomas l\l[cCollu m. ELmer ' 'f hird P eriod : Bob Hixon, R alph H ubbard, Robert Crawford, Bill Craig, Don Newkirk, Oscar Stewart, B.arolc.l Smith, D\Yight Riley, Tom l\1cCollum, P au l Smi l h, .James Le-n'"is, H a rvi h \Vynn, Clyde Sle\<~:art, \ Vil lard I-lamb­li n, 1-Ia rrison I-Ia rnbli n, R obt'rt \Vil­loughby, Emmet Hamblin, \:Valter \~' i s c, Lee Skill m:tn, Gene ~ fcl ntosh. ATTEND SCOUT TRAINING SCHOOL Sc-~ eral lt·aders of Gi l!l Scouting in Ch:1mpinn to >I· a spt:cia l cou tse in • • ~ U1Ut 1 ratn1ng <H '.tmr Lcdgcwond, ncar Pt nin<\ ul ~l. Ohio, and l l..:'ttH n c'-1 hu111e deli vllL('d with the new itk:ls 1 tt' ~ S\.'Jllt.'d II I ll lt.:lll . !:)lt'lln Pt' rr i n ~. CHI up di t t•,·tn•. a ttJ ~dild~t•d Sl1ircman, assitdftttt . l "''~ the cu ut ·· ~· 1 Ktl·ndinv hwn j \tly J l o 1.., tHl < lli)H i t~·. a11d g,.,tl ,d1 uul lu t'!•hth \ ln1r• ,sJid I ),.ll r Skillt 11 :in l•u•t... dtc~ f1' d ,,y \ll ' ll :~.c· nn .url!H·~.; IIttnt pf ~'c . nt ll pH g w ll'I:L l1 w · ~ n' 1 <tit tlw 'i t lttdtrh· h111 'it r .tt 11 ,~d ,tiJIH, t <:< ''' ' i IlL I 1 II y tl Ht i 1\ 1 l. c • tiJut ti. ) j fl1l lll III , ICh \t'lt ' 111 tltt' tl1 • hI I .1 f\ If 't~.Jtl. r ( 'nt i,.·----·1·1,, pi, IIIII' ,lf 'Ill, It" '''"' ia J. ( 1( It l, I ll u \ hI l i., I II\ '.\ ,, l' I '11 ? 1\ I I j I ( lh t h C." h II <: ' 1 j 11 d I .I\ ' lh H . (I ) THERE SHOULD B-E £XCITEMEN . AND PLENTY! Th~rc·s r Jenr;· of excitement ab•,u c ~bhino in a ad ncar: Hami!to:n and in aucl ncar Pa ·e1dena foilow· i ny r ~1(: c~cha11gc af card l> ·t ·~··n \·.,br<, c ~:nith. '\!ho 09\V is in Tcx<t .... and fJfin Junkins. Hamihon. Jt all carne "'hr.11 when th;~t Q:rea n~hcnJ1;HI; Torn Adel per~c'¥' pub­liCJ7cd the fact that he had dcvelo·)­c. d a new me hrJd rff nabbing catfish. f L wa simply: J •Jst .:-at11ratc tbe bait with Iimburger. Don wrote to 13r'' ie abau it and in turn ·;'.'"s informed that Ton1' idea had been discarded bv hj rn • } ears a~o. ?\o\ . all he bas to cio in Texas. is to reflect tLe pict trc nf ~.e bait and the fish jump rnn of the ·-..:atcc to ~et 10 it. .\ br,atJ,)ad an h'J 1r. i_ his record or ra~.bcr what he ... a; s is his record. Til ford S orm. 1\:o. 1 beaters. ::..oon • \·ilL be able to tell •to; 1~ 1Ut hi:> ·aca-tion. Quiet Til1 belying 1i' la:.~ name: ma v become enthusia.:>tic abot.t so·'1e • of lhe things he enjo~·ed dt···:!"g hi" rest. • tl I .lN \l), l.ldit..· \t\d \ll\tl m h 1\ f d'f ll) go. cm4 wh 1 v r you "' 'y 'll t I<> t luc­hlm. Sh:..ko h. udl\ with Jou~ r1la. t •o yui'U'U ol.l. • u of M :.. Lou\& t'' lt C M · ortiu'-t own u• ConH••l A-., nu . whuc lhG 1\ liv . U thu n lqh l, .)I\ to J rt} tor lh.;it d. \ • J.o o o l lu~ppl n 8t> An~.l I Jrf d ht: dy h t\ll ' \lA bom ,, h • qu nt · ~ ·\~hvn w\th bl t ll und 1\.l tk Du t:r tl ~ut y h ufl ~nd .. , l 'Juy. • 'our • OCia l • , e ~~ u r 1 I I • , .. I\ !:'\. ' . ~ I R \ I I 0 : . II., m ii r u \ I n u 1• , • r I '\ ... • n" !'> • ~ l th· 11u h in :l H'l i (' ~ .... c , , . I ., V\{'I.Jl it• ~ t h' l 1l'Hl'fiL" \ hh h I I l' . \ I.' ..... I 1 ' h \. c I . ll ph t1 I '~ q ~· \. ,l II' I f ; , ~ ( ·• • • 1 n \ '' 'II !t'. < n '-' u n 1 h: 1 h · 1 1 11 L ~ • i ,tl ~ n.-\1111 ' \ t • } I .,1\ '\:l~ 1:•'\lllc~nq l~'~'''' \)f d .. H. 11 'h• I} (.,"],, !'IJ'lPtl ~lill. \h. ,, n '"' 1ned ttnd li\'('cl \ith h;, L.llh- ·. r iu l i milt•\L. Tlw t .. HJH·r ~~~~ h.,•n I i h ,i t' •. I J • h i (l' 1 11 (' }"' is t ttN) ~ · H l ~ , ..._! a, _l, .- (\_ \,•IlL h:111~ \'lHll~·h dt"- ,·:r .1 n· Uj ~ 'l Ju ....... , 11. }i t; ,,.,t tt - '\.'.ll s U _ • { 1 h ' 'l 1\1{.' hi ._, '11 dit. j I. d I h . :\ L h f { hi " \ (' 3 I • ~ i i' ,. t' h"' i ~ l h (' ' I u ! \ \ H a 1 , J '' .t:-. (.' n t it e I : ~k n hi. ~· n. h~. i ... cn1 ;tlctl to "\ i\'a f :-\JCi.~] '·''-''1fil: p.:t)­I .. :· " b •-\ d i1 hi" "Oil~ \ .L~l'S. \' l f'on. J !I .. \.It•,arn~d. kt U:) ·c 1 •• 'l ~~ ·1 pk. 1 1 :-. ·' \ ('(' l, a \·er- .·.~ J n . uth. L 1 ,Ju tlh' amcnJ- ,(' , :-=eL' .Itt-\' ~h·, n t}Hthh. ' sur-r.." nl .. .. 1e l· t~c~l on :n erage • 1 tl~. '•\ -<: : rne'". lli~ Jependcnt . i r \ ill recci\ ._.. 4-ll pll (ent of the ' 1- .:--::: l \ ~ · ._h i- · .:0. ;'J ,,~ Len per- ~.:en o." t ·c ... h(er .. n l' ,)c'\~Cn ~~0 and • 1-.. "' \tr.a~e m.nt1,· "age. or ~ -..,2.sU. " ~ciJ rnakt· .... 22.\-l. ln ;.Jddi-tu. m t t· will be .l :-.v\ ic-. creJit for c ...... h . 4..: r -· .. cc .} an .. .::.,.\ l. 1t)37, whe n Li-~_e i:l ... Uf..t.:ilC'e fir-.l ' ·nt into rf-fed. t ht- c ,;di i~ l ' 'J'tcnt c,f the :" .= ~ . dJ f c r -.· _ ch . f f u r .\ ·e a r 1\ • w Li c h •{ :!'~3~C- d .., riman.· insurance fi~ure '- l · 23.""1. ~ir. lJ c:. ~enior . 'h the '· ·.=\ir.~ lt:Pcnclenr \ill rc·­e a fnt'fi th. 1)(1-\tl1t.::11ll"'f une-h ~.J f. l l. ~. ! r tic.: re~t of '1iE tile. The e 1- .\ merJ· ~ ~ ' l l1.· m(;iled J.1rt:ct from iht: l'ni~~.:d ,...l1e5 T rca'tur Depa rt- : ... nt -r. lh~ cuJ c1C eath m•,nt~ . L nde1 1 t:- (,ld fa\. ~[r. Due, :,c:nior, ~1P .. S. MINERVA JOHNSON , , .~l:n-t.:t\"(1 fc 1 . !f:-flf. -1.dic.l rune ~ 2~ h in iH·r h mt·. ~~ •2 Hr.:a c,n .~ I reeL. ll _r t.!e.atl '~:1 .. clue tc '' hcar1 ailment ~.nt! v.a~ ll.inexpc · C'cl. _ Jr .... })ha~Qn t .e wi1 · ._,r ( 1 ·nrf..!C \Y. fohll'"''n. r. · · r:· to \ hc-1n ht· v. a~ mar.ri~d !Jc­~ t 2', }tifl·. h. c:tddiiit~n lJ Jcr v.icl(,\er. Le cl '"t...t. Da1 iel · kait dc-,u~ hters . .1·r) J, u j 1hn tn and ?\ f1 . J co ucs H( ;/ .cL H,.m11"·l and ·CiJlit J c,h Jt :\(.JJ. and .. 1~~. \da ~pa-H~~cl!bllr?-. ()lad-one:,:\. f.: ir>tr l,roilwr&. <')ne, • C-uL.'-C U)~U. !\: iclmz in 11 allil l!rJn; t.\o i ·r. <:1 d it!nt L!faJ.J,·hildrcn. Fur era' ···,vic · .. wer~ !J,·ld rtft the 21)Th v. it bur.ial 'n C.:~rcenV< ood Ccmtter y. \11 tt ld h,l\l' 1(' ci\L'd o ad ~ ()Ill' t lwtk, 1 lumt' ... ,liP p \ nwnt. 'I ht , ltttH('-~t llll j .l~ Jt\C ill \ PtJld h:l\ ~ hCt' ll t'qll.d Ln 1h11. • ,111d Pn ·- l1 .1 ll l'cru·nt pf tl11.: tf•l,d \ .t'\t'Jt.',j \ , I ~.Y- 111 IJ j~ SI H\ \htlv (" 1)1- \' lt'\ ~·d 111 j;.b ... l '-:t \ ' t'tnl hy the ."•~t.·i~rl Su., . ll ll l \ \ ,·t. 1 [r l\l'\('1, ttndt'l Lh l.' :{ I Ill nckd pl.u1. he \ill r,·l·c-i\ v JlHl~·c in dw fu -.1 '1.'\.' ll llll>nth ~ lh :tll 111t' "ITW IV htllll -·-1 1111 l'·l) rn 'nt "<IUld lwvc bl c:n. PRESIDENT AND FAMILY ON VACATION Lnu~m t :. Tlh1n1:nn. pn~. idcrn uf C'h.trnpiun. is l't'lllbi ning plc~ !i \lrc wilh h u · i rw ~ s d 11 r i n g h i ~ v a cal i o u w h i c h ~ ta llct.l l he miJJk oi I uh . .:\ I r. Thom- • • son. acu>rnpanied by 1 Irs. ' f'homson and their Jaught~r. Jane L{·wis, went tt) California where ther ex peeLed to remain a few ,,-eeks, \ith 1\·fr. Thom­$<! 11 g-oing to the mill in Ptlsade na from time to ti mt: on businct>s . 'Tri g~ Pen<.lergast, No. 2 rcwindcrs, and .:\Irs. Beatrice Brockma n, C ~11 sorting , went to B oonville> K.y., July 10. to attend the {u ne ral of l heir father, \Yilliam. F10R ALE-Plot of one acre on J)a rrtc;\·n 'Pike abo\H two miles west of rlt.tmi lton. PriccJ reasonabl e. 'ee Ca rl 1\la u pi n, Lab. Rentlt T hat Counts l-Ie haJ. just trealed his girl friend LO a resLau ra nt d inner and as t hev. de-pe: t.rted f rotn the food shop, she said- Dtm't you think it is bad form to sop up .) u.u r g r~n·y with you r hreaJ? l le repljeu-I t m ~ ~- be bad form, but it·~ 1:ery good 1a Le. }\ rt isL-_ '1 ~ obje<:t was to express in a ::,in(l'le painting all tht: lt o rror~ of J!tudcn1 war:. J Iolu\ ~ OKc-\' tl l) yuu've dr}ne it. r\ t: Jlt=\ C: l ~ Cell an} thin!! So hl)rriblc. f. IU1rtllly ,) pt'aki ng \ f rs . Bt.iblh-J l()w art: \OU thi t- af- • l t; n ac '' 1 11 • n 1 v c.h· a r : • .\ J rs. RcJhl,.,- J)( )\ n and otlt ~1r1 cl !!la{l of it. .\lrs. 13c,blas-\ l t~ l rm earth ckJ \ 'OU nv!an ~ · ).1 r,:J. RfJbbs- I\ t' j u ... t c:nm~ :n\ :t y fruut ha ving roy hrSt airpl(ulc flight. (13) Meet Herschel Lee Clemmons. 61 7 North E Street. son of James E. Clemmons, C M Cal· enders, and Lois Clemmons . Accompanying the was a word from Proverbs: Train up a chi'ld in the way be should qo; and when ne is oJd, he will noi depart from it . . . the rod and reproof give wisdom; but a child teft to himse11 bringeth h1s molhel to shame. PIPEMEN ON OUTING i\ column cottld easilY ha \ e been • \~· riuen about Lbe l'ipc shop boys who enjoyed a picnic cH 'eibold's camp the firsr week in J uly and arc still lalkin.g abou t some o[ the sutnLs that \n'rc pulled and. the banquet Lhat ''as ~c rv­ed. Lt was a real banquet and it wa · consumed a" onh uf the bc­ll) ved ganrr or -i.O m<:n. C lll con Lltn L' high class food. Conlidcnti a ll y. \·Ve \Yant 10 Lip off $Ome of Lhc ho\·s that rh~\· a rc gcni n ~ J • ' a break-th(: <.:<l rLuoni :-t \-\ as ~01' th~r(: . AT FLIER'S FUNEJlAL • CJirTord c (lOj'l'l'. \:r). :! ' hippin~, and .\It t- - Cn1)1'~t. (tlkth.I L"t.l. J uly '.the: fuut'ral of Licttten:t llt \ illi =t n\ R {.>b~rt Ban n\'\' r~f the L . S. .t. \' 1\u iCJn SL'l'\ i1...·L'. \d to wa:' killt:d '' hc:n hi" } 11 ~tllc u ~l ~ hc-J dllrin~ ~! bl onn in FloriJa. Bar row wa~ a cou $in nf \f rc;. ( \•n{'<:r. T he £u11eral 'Aas held in Da\·Lon, Ohil). Front Row: Liston Atchley. Elitabelh Koehler, Leona Shont l.saac Craven. 'B a~k Row: James Waqner, James Lanca-stell'. Willlam RoUo, Harry Ratl:l!f and Noel Adams. Talk About Your Unusual Records for Safet~ Fr rt\·-fiyc ,.<'ars in an i nd u~ tr y " -ith­m;: an· <tcciclcnt-yes. e\·co 36 ) ea rs \a.·ithotH ~n a~.'cident ~ Tho~e arc rccm d:; of which any one mid't be proud-bc,th the inuustry anJ the inJi, id ual. ~rh ere a re two <;l:Jer " -ht• be)(,ng to the honoreu list of Champinn.s but who we re Dnabll.:! tr_. b..: nresent \Yhen the picture \Vas taken. One. Logan G. T homson , presi­dent, bc~an his cmpJoyo1ent J uoe 1 ]<.JtJ3 . l ie is on vacat io11. The second) c:a n:nce P axton: who began his ser­Yice J ul~ 2. 190:?. He i_ ill. Kenneth Fai t Lhu mbing through t!l'' early record~ ('Jf Champion, found, clurin2' the first ten rea rs oi the com­pany's l1ist<Jrr, tiles~ ctn ployecs who had had 11u l(J:;t tilfle accidents during their ·nrin..: :.en icc \'>'i th the company. An0thc:r1 v lJo ju l mis~ed the post of t unor, wac; CJ ,arJcs SoiJ le ~ &uperinten­drnt uf lhe u;ar ing mjll, who came \~' !tll Ch~ln:q,irm 1he \t rr first day. fn all ,,f that titne. ltc had 0nly ont.;. cH:ci­dt"' tll c.·c.•Jsing hi rn l•J J,J~t: abouc a d a }'· .!JlH. .. J't..t.'(;fd i~ n•cvn.h a ud C"t.i ll\ be ch<tUiJ' d," sc• fri<·ud C harlc;' ju, l m i ~:;­ ··d I he 1 r, L )'lJU mic.J,t ay, IJy a t.. Ut J\ng':'. TJ,,-. Ji:r ··;it h daL<.: f1l ., a niut• f'nt - J Jo~. Iliclll ft)l)t;,, 8: JJ "'>. 11 ·llhff, ,,vc-mbn 2f_,, H" J). Li lrJJ) ·.tdd ~)', IJu t> tr)lwt It), H 'h \'i'li<JH "' (lift:, I• ( Ul ltll'}' 21. l ~·''"'· J l IJb \ i:tJIII(·J, \1 a y 5 J 'JUO J •• a~ < r.t\ '"" • j l1ll.; JS. I' IIJ~. 1\., w 1 Ad ., , u • • J "r1 l , 1' J( r~. ( h t CI JI ' f• fJ.\ 1.1111) 1 ltriY 2, J 1ji)J f·li.t:t l)i ~~~ l.t!l hit 1 1 /'\lriJIIJ 2\, llj~J'J . l )t.t•ql 'J IIIJI IJ,fJtl, ,,,,...,. I, l'Jl iL j HIJ I', ( . l ,iJ h l,1 '6t •·r. j ii!W S: }1JU J. 1 . , '( ,u a ~,., 1., '' ' t , • h y 3 I f ';I J 4 . -~-.......- -- - ,. •• ::X:QI!i ' g,,,,,, ' J' IJ lt:lV«: j)c•if luadc• ll cJJ t.'' '. •U k fll rW I Ill ll " \VI . J.:) .• \ l' u J I. I ~f • u B Il l \' 1I ( .I j ll t u I ll J-.1... .... I ) lJll (I IJ J I I C I. ELECTRIC SHOP BOYS REST t\ ntunber o( boys in Bill Phipps: {am<ws band of trouble shooters have been ta ki ng their vacations recently, some n s hin g~ son1e cloin:g work at horne, s om~ rebuilding garages, s heds,. or what have you, and some caroptng. Anc.l ev'cn one, Pearl Bru fry, taking most of his time to follow his hobby of photography. Some of the boys who have ((rested" recently a rc Lou Hcpry, H oward I-lu, }in1 \Vest, Frank Har­mon. and Leona rd \Vil1iams . One of our scouts said \Vi lliam \Vjrsing went to Indian Lake. BUT WHAT OF IT? Ed J a cob~ millwright, and C h arl~s Lt·cds, wet end contt:ol, and rhe1 r '' i ,·es s r ent an en jorable v a c.: a tion ft .~ hin g in the ri ver$ a nd lake- nca r S:tuh Stc ~ lari e, l\ l ich. For the w mH: n folks. it ,,·as a tnnst cJeJjghtful vt~ e<.nt o n --a nd rnostlv fur their hus- ~ ba 11d$, ton, \,ul l•:d ~tnd Ch :u l~!)' h. d ( IJIC d .i} dwy \'. CJtl lU like lO t~· ll )OU a hnul. l'h,u was \ ht•n th t·y '' ·ut to ~J !) II wll is 1 ~uH I i ll n ll e (i r 1 It c I .l k t'S. StiiJ II .lft l't 1lH:V .trl'i\'u.l i11 dH.•it mall \J, >,d , :t t a i 11. lc. n 111 h 11 , ~ t:. t) \ · \ · t t iP· i ~ l.t H u a n d II w }' h u d ln t\ t ~~ nd t, y i 11 a 11 fl i l l f, n ~ ,., tl d JUJ ut : . On Hlll)d''-' l n "' "iull , tlt.·y ,,.,d lt l lw r'. l ~) l red lumll: h) cl I . S. ls · · ~ ~tl l t"Hl .:.t' h11. tt . - ti . l , .. tnJJ i 1 11 .r "1 • l'l I. ( · i\ 1 , 1 • 1 ti n g, \i 1 • 11 I· t1 1u 1 • • , • 1 '" . . , , Jl J 11l >' 1 o h r tlu: d• .II], nl 1 lt11th e ~ ll l.U . · T h, nq l.•n• \ill n·~~h·, ~ t . n.l n til ' l H 11 Ll I I i II • d I i h ll lt ll l l 11111 " till· p l11l~ .,( tl t· f,rt'"' \ dl bt: :thh· t11 II>' •t. .lf··l} .a~ a I Ltnd 1 },JW l} t d., t ht• b 11d;, l ,( 1111· .t it ,'t 11ic h ul l .. , 1:/ ' d. {1 4) MACiUNt ROOM T "P Bow: Jotlil Ba-:ttt!!O'l f ::JCJ'li. L. -:'bOtll · Lou .kw. Mlddl~ .8o~, C1azenc Thotn • E• · EJrott Potbs. . .&,Hom H.atry Bruck, ~i-oa Tueke.r Boj>: : t Kno:iet R04!J r Cornell. MECHA "1CJI.l Tc..p Row: G. C. ComP'Qn. Carl Bobh . (coaeb). C\aren ~o ffi111eJy. Lo;.)a Mere.:. Mldd le: Don Vidou-e•4 T . • . Tbo..mtl'&oD. Got· don C ta1o£. Willio Hamm. io\lOJJt ~ Jo3eph JU~g-er.,. ED. 'IIW?en. Ar w Reel&, Morle McSwain. StEAM PLAN'! T0p Row; Ga.rla.od Mnnt. lac~ Gi.U.wJ:I.:, Paw Reidinger. Middle: A. SaodUn, {m!Jr .). Sa:o1d Bcr'".v-~r. Roy Stewart .. Georqe Bencillq. Bo1tob: £dw. Abn r. 1ames l.umafot:d. W~!e-:­Reed, John Curtis. NA.M:ELO Top Row: RoheT1 Fzeyher'}A r~a.nk Hol!:e"J, Raymond Ba1d. (mqr.). Middle: Ed. Goldmeym. Ros Oc#Jvie. J~es Thompson. Bottom: Vio_cent k•hu: Thw::t. Russell Pratt Mascots.: 'tommy Goldmayer and Billy freyberg. S.Ar£1 Y FIBS 'I T o.p Row: Ed. Wagers. 'B:o-herl 'FU c:k. I. ym an Brooks. Robert PiepER". Geol'ge Matton. Middle: Elmer Cra wioPi. Earl Scban.ey .. Hat· ry Nicbtiug, Merl& .B.runn~r. BottODl: Starr Bro(fks. ATnot:l Bt"tDDitt~ Cul Brunner. FALCONS Top Row: Ri<:batd lria:rj K!n<ired. Robert Witters, Gordon Andrews Howa:d ~'7. Middle: John Kimble. J~hll Harrison. Douq Gallacher. Geo-rqe K.indted. Bottom: Tames F alb.. Ku-qh. Dunlap.. lna• Ward. Bec.:dlaney. CALENDERS Top Row: Mitton Ryan.. .La..rty Welsh. John Schrader. Erva:n Ba'<m. Middle: John Lester B'iqbt~>Wet. lohu Goldrick, Roy Vaugh-n. llottom: Leonard Schfiesmath F!Hz Z!.e~e.u­hardt, Harry Doen, Herbert 't1plon. f'ORMA1' Top Bow: Seve Wyat~ Clayton Cwnmtas. Chas. Schliosman. Roy Elol:H~ter. M\ddle: Ray Gates. Jr .. Wilbw- 1-P.qbt()wet. felson Andtews. Henry :aaket". ~C> t1on: Char\•y Wi ltt~ . }oh.n t<~te , W\U~ Conlin. J'm\as Fannin. INSPE-cTION Top Row: M r vi:n WyUA 'O~>r\ald Junkla. Cart RoU' • t .1tl Bol'lM. Middle: H~f'. S::-hsnk. Adt1 n Kony. Wll• Uarn Cltttk Erno~ t Smith. 8oitout: r rank Thom ol\. Robert Stepb•JI· eoa. wnun.m H l"tial. S .1\ TlN Pf\ 'f Top Row: S.unuel Arnold .. Joh.n Butn~ Cl,\ld• B. P ~ake . (lllctr.l. Mtddl~: R. y Ml\Jw, ~~tq WUhnm on. J\oUonu 0\ly <l 'l'bom a. 'Pi>\e lWLu l\m, C~. Gdrdn~r . 'tl\lM l1AK Tol> Row:r ~b rt 1\Q-$ ncr. na. fr l"k .. \mr • n, lClwol~ M \!!'\ l. Mtd tlG; 1hOmila lu \~l'. a Of\)~ 'ttl. '·"II b :rt. A \b r' Mc-(h_.h. • B tl \ll\1 n lpb llut. I I l\ N W'lt\ n , .tC ntl lll. TANJ 1\llDS Top ttow: l~t. C'ul. Ad\tn , M re W T ~ .m'l WhlaWltl. 'fht1tltl ue t.3 ~.&J h'l> fit ~ r h R U Cha1 loy Kelul,, Nt rm n ) C'Ilhl (,0 Mhl<:lt.;;: S\fipr l th.nat. w. lt • M on ld, BHl t u, n clt, ) tfl~' Mu c~y Botlom. " ~ttr l 11\ll b:nt-n, ltob rl "C •un t ,. Joh-1 eon. 'Rtch rJ Collapy. M4n'- J h •<>~ • ere e men ep lo mae • a 05) mi:JJ Cva /~ark~ Miss Eva Mae Parks. 19. the charming dauqh­ter of Robert Parks. No. 1 mill. The Parks reside iJ1 Seven Mile. ·\Yi y uidn:t you go to the help of the c.h:frnJant: You ·aw that Lhe two !lJcn were 1r. \0'l nw. g. " ··Yc::: . h n how did I know 'vh ich one \'.~a~ &-oing to be the defendant?' Cl~.tra \.hy did the air corps turn d\:'~' ' ' Fr;t JJk: JanJ~ (Jn accoun t of his eyes. (.Jara--\ hy. I think his eyes a re J'J\'clv. ~ THA:T PICNIC-AUGUST 16 ' J } • "' },~lluJ jon 1• 111nily 1•icnic will bt• hdd AlltltJ'l lfth~ l·riday-.t l •. c.: .,,Jrd _.;IJI' L~ I , .. C(JJI·i 1, 1c du· il h;.d not bc~·n · t.Jfl plt·tc•d ~ I h( ·• k~dli t1t!• f, ).f I hi ~ i~ li •~ ',f d,r• Jllti!''I Z.III!' :J f'J·ronc h ·d. .fJI1tJIIII ('I'fli(.:JII fA Ji~ tJ ibu t i<IJ) nf ,,,k,.-ns t·~ nt,itt ir $• adrui ion rn d.<. p;tJ ~ :Htd p1 ivtlt ~~ J ;.r t'<1ttt t.. ... :d tUt'>~ will b(· Jl1 •dt• }nH 1. '1 h J..: 11 ll 11 W iII 11 ,, he ·It 'ilA''d d uri n !.) d,e dr:y h111 tLr· hir1 w·nw n1 ,.\rill t:iV,• n:ct)•ITI• flll 1tf\J''~I\4J•Il l ~ (1} tlu• pud. :.Hd ~lljn; a II;, 1(111111'. l .t· l ' UIUkc· if 'f pcrild (II Ll! th r. .11 &d t' , , ·n j r, y 1 • , 1!1 ~; f u II (, ll, · day \JJ}J f,tJ: f tiHihc ,, ., \ dl :J.p 1 ~ ,\ id, tb~ l,ig~l'l" ( h· f•l)ll'•ll 11' quJiy. Yeoman Tells of Riding Waves Locks on Canoe and Going Through Trip SSS~ li A 1 l1 Ry fJ ah S/..·i/1 man T he Sea Scout hip ~'I iam i ( Boy St.:ou t 'T roop 25) left a rr rv~HC Caltlp just abo\'C V<·ni cc. J une 21), for a ·ca ,·cout rcnclezvotts ut Louis\·ille. Ky. T he following boys went: R ay Evaus, ' ta nton 1\cwki rk Clarence Doa n, ] oe Cook, ~le rl c Baker. Don Bailey) Lcs Ti nchcr, I i m Sons, Bob Skillman; and ' kipper Lord 'Hapner. There were two bors to a canoe and they packed only a minimum of equipment. Each canoe ca rried d uffle and blankets for two. one trai l tent two life cushions. and • miscellaneous cooking eq l.tipment. \·e left ou r port at 9 :00 on Saturday tno rt~ing~ June 29. Iot ten minutes out and Stan .r ·ewkirk had to fall out of his canoe. (l-Ie claims he jumped out to keep it f ro1n upsetting.) vVe stopped at noon and ate the lunches \Ve had packed and th en pushed on. \Ve had a lot of fun shooting the rapid s. Cla rence Doan and Ray Ev­ans seemed to like to take them broad­side. (Anything to be di fierent) . \Vhen we reached the mouth of the 1\Iiami, the going was tougher_ due t0 the back waters from the Ohto. \Ve were determined to reach the Ohio ri,·er before we camped. This we did, and we set up camp just one mile above Lawrenceburg. Indiana, on tbe­tucky side of tbe Ohio. \Ve had a little exciv,ment the next mrJrning. The night before we had put the ca noe high and d ry on the b ~u1 k , b u t d u r i n g t h c n i g h t L b e r i v e r had come up. \' hen , .. ve "·ukc Ul' t h ~ li ttle twd vc fnc•t c. m oc..~ ''as gonL· and rl11 et.: pad<Jh· ~ I <'"~L . ~ rh t! re was nP ntr·d f(,J \'\orn, th )urlt. 'l'hct Wl!r~ caught) h) I''>Ull' quirk of full', in th · \':iliP\>S Oft~ i~.·~·r duv. n ~ln: ... un. (The Skq'pt·r :da nfiSI had :1 ne1 \ uu . h1 c.:.d down fur ;t\ }ti le• .) '\Vt' had ·t h.trd dr1w find1n~ tl 1-'an· \ I • b ll )' I llJJ 1'\ \1 f\ j> t f I ll I{ i l:)i II g S l} l f. lu1 l. \, · .\!t'JI ll ,H itltc t11 \' tt \ <'ml' flt\J 1'11" h•lq,J unw !IJ' c ·r~H ttl nd( t U ~r \•\ut.UI\' I'll •' I (• S •1 {' j{ dtt ) \111dtl t •pU\ ltf' fnt us, T lti;i tltu W't~ \lthull i ... th u··.\ btl( w e• IHt,d l, fullttd I httl t). (.l,•lu .. l\(':-... «"ll fi tt>}' fJJ t ll . I h<ll." I IH uld) 1ld ~~~~ ti JJtr ,1\t'd IJ llt 'ilt.l ldl'\.tii1Hl , (Oil \l·.·h'' :\, l.l " y ;<\( j I i I ( i Il l J"l ( Ill ( I I ,, 1 ll lltll ... t'ltHI l i"' ld« llftqlt h.q p•~llt d ill IIIII j, dnys 1 11 tlw tf\t t . ')n I'll j\l-1. lt ll ll\~t..•ll (It) a few. \11• ~f!Jf'p~d ar :-'nijt R(JCk, 7 yr., one da~ f<Jr dinn<:r. \\~ h:n~ a rowdy rinlf! explr.~rr11~ thf' hul!c ,,.., .. k i<:rma­tion! l thc!rC. \'{' c('Jt'iked a~ r:l.e ha~e rA one <,f tl,e n,ck ... Lc Tict:her a imo-t de<.rf'as~..:d 1ltt· p( p•· ld.l ion of Hamilton l>y f)JV". \*'hc.-n he te~rccl :Somt: rir~.:v. ',d:s from r he IC'P eli tl:e rrxk. ( :-., wc:L who am 1 tr, cowpia1P. it c.·nlr mic ~d tnc by a ffJOt. 'peaking of roeb and e. pjori'i::. we camped one nigh( ar the mouth of Cltfty Creek. and br!ght and cady th.c next mornin~ we got 1ip anc.l ~:aiked un to Clifty Fall". I t ,·:a~ th~rc tha Le~ T incher found a maH tu~dc \v.hich he named '· keezi-..: · ~ . He oron2'h! him back to camp and then forgot all about him. \Yhen we arri;,~ed at the ... ea Scout ba e at Louis\·ille. ·we found Skcezix in the bow of the canoe. As far as I know, ((rfin.:b·~ stil: has Skeczix. \'e had a hard time the nc'.£ ro the last day out finding r·laces ro ~u:, f<..)()d. \Ye went on a diet t!'at dav. The " F ourth or July, our last d<ty on the river. '"e didn't break. camp unnl noon, for we ~v\·erc only thineen mik•$ a\ ay from our destination. \Ye had a lot oi fun t~at a ftcn'lj~n~ riding the w~t\t'S and :n" c:U· irorn aU the boaLs on lhe ri\·er. \Ve an·in~d at the ba ·~ Gn ThunJ· v • • .tnol Qult\coy p i y• 1 with h r d~ ll s br Ao l<mq th l •b~» fln. 1\' <.' uldn' t ,.It y ~"'"" any lufH-IOt IIQ aho l\lot l.tld hut llU\c:r h ,,d 011 hvr doll • nd (ell ,\ I a~ . Cortol I• lhu\aqht f of M , dNl Mr • · J Quh1oey. Wtu~n \1 \Jt M ry Uow T.,J • M otUn\4 at. rt!O l lldi\CJ bO\ll h X CJl.tnddo\l J 1.t r \Wit l\:'\h C •• bow UthJht hor .i"c (Jet • • NOW (.. t( WH j t v~ (; ~T ro r~. A PA_AT l"Q O '( t}f \.w€ ~ fit<. ¥-i4d •'T£ ~ SP.'f.:f fie"' ~ ufT . ETH NC.,. T"f.IE <: ._lllOQE.N PlAY wrt" N:4tt...1 1 A 1:' T E Go J N <1:- \' R<h.w o A"" o :0 \J N 4:J ' ' ~ t T'li P. S #\'lAC. (.;. 0 Q<;­l" fl.:t T A F'Rrervo OFF E ~EO WfM s I At.itf v R IEO(L 0 £>E f) HE' w 0 -.JL.{;) }.l·r tMK€ Ave=~,- e:..ouo PEr PAtH ,, ~f i e A.. ~ P f-., 0 S ·A P(. CA\A IIin~ ltv 0 t F'E N.D ~N<.t= O~Y A 1..1 ('' ..,~ ~ P ro u.. ,..u C.~AR 1..CY Sr."'IJl e CA '-- l .... ..,. .SA'Vl ltl>te St~PPl.'f CJ t:: J.lo~ev WIU. -6£ lJHV'"'AU('( t.Alf6~ l M Vft Bt £)tlwNJ, Q f' S·P 1~0<. t< ,__ ____ ._..::........,,....;.;.~ I v'!i oc..o 4\Af<l t r I ANO w •fliE ~ er (Ill c "- ()J~o~N f - '1 fh' I fl/~ t " 'iti £ 1 ~~ cr ..- o ~ (> • lf.f e .... e: ff\o-r 11 r .s r ~.'rt: n a (II'- o, N:f.i: rqa,.. s u~ ~ H 1 llf: t'l.l tfW 1 £~b/A1 ()~ To "ToP I ~-; ( L n i:l"li 0 I - .J/IA PEllEY lilf!L.IEVE'~, Goi"\Fo 1/.0l O..,L..., IIV THe tiOI\t4e ~ur A·Rovf'IID 't~e H ~Me ,~~, s weu ... Some of the Things That Happen in Summer • .:rhc.:nJtJOt1 ai. prolfim~teh. :- o ne d av. ~head 01 tin~e . The nc. t morning the ~~rion Y <~gvn 1 uJled in wir.h all our ~:·nd . Lin eguipn1ent. (A large ex­: ·hiti-on :tCl!l1 u~eJ a:; a gallt!r and ?,• ,~ppc r· ~ quarters~ th~ mast~ ship's rJ.ilin9.s and ~tra v; ;, ickg, ere,) .. cconcl mat..: Pa~J C Qt:..,p, droyc the station 1 -"" fn~fll Ram;lt(lfl and the follov.'­iJ ·~ ~d;:,uls :; ,o couldn'r ma ~e the canoe " lrlf) camf' w=tb ~ im · F\·c:reu Leeds, J0hn l.J-d <:i;) uncl E ugen\! CampbefL 1.\'e did a \"<~ rh.t}" ()( 1Lings "' hile at d .e ren•1...:z. i;U:>. \Ye ttJnk a tr ~p in a ccd.>in crui>;er a shun lrtC in a hc:m c· boa r. \'c (r;rik pan ill th ree u'i rj~ CtlllOC; JJv c:.nd fW~ IDHijOg c,:cn S 'hdv. ... at: •rd~y afternoon. Jim &ni r. a~ a little disappointed bt au:--e hr.: diJ t/ t l'<il lo see _"\ anc ~o,. ""' . who he met cH thL: nzf\dt.:Z'· ons l a~ :- ~·t::.:H. (TlJ~ t was tuL·~L , Jim.) Sun- .a. r af•crnQ(;n ~·e til.~ canoe~ ~11 . fr. Sons} t;ruck, 1o~dcd r h ~ ~r s t i r)m w~~oo and wer.e (;)n our H a~ hr1Jlh! By ..,. {~· :J: Vt..J. Th.ere ~ ·a'6 .t~ t. a dull mom en i o the ' v•hole eight days we were gone and southerners rea lly knov.' bow t eD • make}· otl l eel a t home, even though all thev sav ·is ··Yon all ''. "' ; 1\l !llions of other thino-s h~ppen ed on our trip bu~ 1'11 sa:ve them for another tin1.e. t'·m b.c~ri nning to get wri t ing era rnps ; se 1'11 j ust say, 'So lofl g. \'OU all." • Yeoman B ob Skil lman. 0 n t.he ] ob Ce l) ·u;;; 1''aker- Ffow old are you, madam; ,\ 'lrs. Zoole-l'rn 25. Ccnsu.3 T aker-\Vhy anybody might ea ~iiy sa)' you were llvL: years yuu o g~ r. .\ r, s.. Zuule--Oh, l'VL: a l l'(:;ady 0 0 11e tll ~1t. . St.o re Owncr-\;\.''hal c.iid that ~us­l v l.n er s~.. y when he r~fu~t:d to bl!l·Y that SUJH"a St' ~-;on-li.c; ~ a1{1 wli ·n he hr.u}!ht a bag he warned tn bCit ~ c~rne Cu\ hide in it. St r.~re OwlJer- !-io \· h;u d o~s he; utJ...e v ~ for-~a~jcians ? (17) AND IS JACK HAPPY! • \Ve saw an iLen1 recently which told • of the birth to ).J rs. C. \Y. B ~· r ry in \ 7Vapakoneta, of a son nanH::u Clyde \Vil1i am, 11. 1\ lrs. Ber ry is the wif~ of D r. C. Vv. Berry a-nd the d a-ughter vf l\:fr. and ~ 'frs . ]. fT. Reed v, 13-t • • Progres" Avc.11l.le! \Ve k new .T ack Reedv. a nd didn't recognize him as the ne'v g ra ndfather unci I we h a ppcned to see him . He tc>kJ us of the ~ve nt made him ~ g ra nddad (hree time "- Lhe other two chi ldren being J a.~·queli n e 12 and Pal­t ')' 6. 1 he a f!a ble· and lovable 1 ack. who has bc:en in the machine shop since t be mind of u1a n ru t1ne1 h not to Lh e contrary! is pro1 erly h]a1 pier than eyer. And l\drs. Rc.;td\o. -hc ,sa . ·s ~he·\>va.nts to go to \ konct<t c,:ver:y " ~ck enJ . " l bdievc th,c :\ lh3ny born leaves this pi ..;J 1 dc.:>cs it not ? ' ~· cs it C'\ er} \ rip. ma ·a f.H. ~t'V e c knew ·ir. Lo tak\1 the dock IJP Ll~ e rive r yet. ... Watch Yo ur Department to Learn Your .. N o ~ c c i d e n t ,, R e c o r d Hamilton Champions are watchinQ their no accident records and depart­ments are vyinq with each other to establish perfect sheels. Days Since Last Last Accident Accident COATING MILL Box Shop ---- - -- S-21-29 Calenders ----- - 1-19-37 Cardboard ______ 7-11-39 Coaters _____ ____ 3-19-40 Color Room ___ __ 2-21-34 Cutters --------- 8-18-39 Finishing & Seconds _ _ _ _ 2-22-35 Shipping - - ------ 7-21-38 Reels ___________ 10-15-37 Roll Storage ____ 6-21 40 Storting & Seconds ___ ___ ll-18-37 Inspection ____ __ l 0-30-3 8 Asphalt Duplex __ 12-22-37 NO. 1 PAPER MILL Old Paper System _____ __ 10- 9-33 Chemical _______ 1- 7-28 Stock Digging _ _ _ 7-10-36 Beaters -------- - 4- 4-37 Machine Room _ 8-31-38 Board Machine _ 2- 8-37 Unloading _ ----- 6-12-39 Board Beater ____ 3-31-39 Semi--Coat _ _ _ _ 3-27-3 9 If THAT'S NOT LUCK 4062 1264 361 110 2326 323 1960 716 995 17 961 • 676 927 2461 4561 1457 1189 675 1235 390 463 467 H"'"IJ Llf,.t.J l lt~ppi n ~. js a ruan w!H> de! .i::J. tJ,,n~ when he:: -.::ly he wtfl. J·t)a IHSLUJJ<:: f·; J .h: a • ~tl a ft..:!lal i,, ... ·wid, ,,,< n tb•~ l' c f dv·u f·u.' d1• 1) SJJ n 1 ,t \'.c·k .11 111dwn J;d<.c. J· <Jr hv(\ ,h y , the uWH h· Ju:d lrt JTJ} J •l• t~l. IJI J1i l 11 (1111! ;u1J f1 1 0 ( 1 I I) 9 p. m . · J lw 1 d ;~ 11 v t· fi 11 a II v p q j d , g u I fC l ru tlw ~· I t .• il ~! lllf " ,,·)f rd t I n , Ju< l· '' t h··y ~·. ,·n· ft'l<.ri llf' ~fld .u·~ .~~ 1cd ~ .h t•y t>I C.Jt rl ftd . ~, ., hl ., ut· Nr 1t I f ~u,l d. I 11 stay 11111 d 1hc lAst,'' h1: iu ~ ,t(' I. Cmdt·l-a t d .).llwfi h Jttltl>hdr.t t d w I r ( ' ' a p I', < ~ ·1 I I , f I 1 ... ' ' • • P. n cl J f H c.:. kl auJ thr· lnua tl;· '•lllli J,t , tlt: lt:.l,P .. • ...'-J o < ,n c w h' J a l \ , ·! t , t ( • t , ~u' n in H, 11• \"1 HI sue· ·e~-· Kenneth Faist has compiled some interesting facts on the records which have been made since 1928. His table is as follows: Days Since Last Last Accident Accident NO.2 PAPER Mn..L Stock Digging _ _ _ 7- 7-30 Rewinders _ 2-20-39 Calenders __ _____ 6-11-29 Cutters - ---- - -- 2-13 39 Finishing - ----- - 2-20-29 Shipping - --- --- - 7-12-37 Machine Room __ 11-15-39 Beaters __ ___ ____ 2-18-38 Sorting - --- - - -- - 4-19-37 Super Bleaeh ____ l0-30-39 ENGINEERING Carpenter & Bricklayer _ _ 1- 1-32 Electrical _ _ _ _ 3- 4.·40 Yaid ----------- 1-19-35 Machine Shop _ _ _ 8- 7-38 Millwrights ___ __ 7- 5-38 Painting -------- 3-16-32 Steam Plant _ _ 5-20-38 Tin Shop _______ 10- 3-38 Steam Fitter _____ 12-20-37 Generator ______ 5-22-36 MISCELLANEOUS Cafeteria --- - - ___ 8-16-37 Research --- ---- 4-14-30 Office ______ __ __ 12-20-39 Police & Fire ____ 2-21-40 Store Room _ _ 8-30-38 Gas Trucks --- -- 4-18-33 Printing ------- - 3-20·29 SELLER Of HONEY 3650 503 4041 510 4153 1090 234 870 1174 250 2927 125 1994 699 732 3033 788 642 929 1506 1055 3734 199 136 4235 2635 4124 • L .., '\ o. 1 m~chin t· r )tn ~., ht) iu : ddiunn to lwtn·' a 1.1 iu t.' t i n is : in 1,; · I'• rt 11 n n'. lind ~ hours in tht' Stt ll llth t' trJ a u , 11d lo 27 h i\·c~ rJf be~ :) . r~q 1111 rlH· l lf Jl' d u., p .• ll will l •c . l lu i! . t~ JI • ,111d t!Jl h l..l ll« \ u ( Ul) ll~ Ud lh n n~· • • qll'd ll \ ( .ttl . n lw tllld lti ~ In• tl, l' l• .\11 dH·W, ~'\ dll to~l \ l , , idt(tll f IO,UUO jHIUW..I S. .• Il l li\ t' HI l l) 1 I] Ft ~' "\ lilt "'H'd v.l it l1 It· It c.: ut I) h nu1:h t, tlml c. tll .>~I}'' t •I ~ l1ih t 'h, t• tl ' ' m 11 il·Jlc.l , 1 h1' I ·. l ltr 1<1111 \ i J I 1\fl[j. t' \ \ l~. ill ••(' ! I •,l ll l .I U11' 111 .\ ( t! I ~ . ' n- oi l 1· "I IH I I u ; I ( l it } t' hi' I. \ ' I• 1,,,,, ' .rf ni " lll wi ll h. '.JUnd dH II' ti t 1)1 I I' I lrliO l,u {18) • fUn One of the exhibits at the Cb arop.&oll Hoooy Show was by the Sa1el7 Dep-a::tment. a.ud ane of the featwes was a hcoih dev.o~ to a c:UJ. play of Safety Shoes... Re.ze is J.ay Lhrn ~ a pair on a custom.eT. Safety Shoes cue qeU.inq to he ali llie uc;-e \n Hamilton Champion. They :~.ot only a..:o qua.rantee mashed toes and suu lD· juries, but they are dress y-and priced b-ew:>W ordinary shoes . Hamilton Champion has yet to ol 6llT employe ever sulterlnq an lnjmed toe if e wore satety ehoea-th.e .ste-el tip is qu.ARD\M of protection. BILL WHITAKER BETTER \Yilli am \-hitaker. ~<'·.u~r$. n.: .:d: 1"!• a t 10"'9 R os~ .\ ,·~nue. i~ "ht:\ ing -'' :-ne ~ impro\'emcnt ·ince he ha:- h3d bt d transfu ions. Hill ha · lnJ a tCtU h se ·~ion for se'- 'rd m<.~nLhs but the cuncl u, i,·e d of I;,. di;li~ttlt\•· lend$ hon\:! tha t he "·ill ~e , ut ngai n 'n a ·hnn time. Lester \ k l nt\·r~. ... ~ t • ca l cm.le 1'~. wa$ one \..,f thv~e lt.:- c~..t \ h\S ~' blond tnat~heJ thnt •l n ill. ---=---- TO EARLE BARCLAY 1 f \' U h "I , t ,) ,tf ' ' illl m · L"t. '".l · t~ · I'Hl It,, • \ hih' ,·, >.Ut.'l':.o- thn,bb d an.J ·"~H· ... l h t:\ und, \e lll \ .. ltdwd tl · i,h.'t':> c,f t\Ur '11\:n­.\ s m .' \ th:tt ., ·ott \ 1.·H. M:l n lt h·n·' t \nn~.. 1(\ lking op d· ' ~lipl t;'l v ll< nr-- T ht•n \ •\u t. l ', ')tt ku \ ·. onr· ~~~d fn .tl l. - .__ ... 4 ~ .,. 1/ .. • 4l ~ 1 illc • } .Inti\~ Hull- \.L h:l\'l' , \ ,lilt· 't r) I 1 . ,. bihl ~ I ll l• n~ l,lml. \ 1~,, , \t\ ••• ,,lllk l \' ll. t:tn.dmg in~. t~l~ ,·· 1 { .ttt ll'"• I t \ \ n HHUI l.;•lllH~ iu ~..)n till \ . q' II ' .11d r\.· ' J\,H ri t-n,, tl, ·t,. 1h.\l' u ul hll\ ~ U llu'. \·lu\ lanltu w nhdl p.l , 1, 1 . ,,, . . 1 p i ~ ~. ~...· ~ ~ , ou1 , .!, \ ny. &i 1r. !ssociation Rr.port \ \ t \ i. h t'l r'•'ffVC't a Pli' r ,·.int ;I\ l.:l~t \"I l'lt L.~ \ ~,. 'IV!, 11: • '' hj, h ~ I :1 11.:',} t 8 t ll. ~ ~ .{ ) 11 ~ \.1 • 'l'\' !l ' t ( I. \ l h l h: (. ' 'll\ ... t11UHll ~ t h '\:1 h:~ '·H 'hanq'i' n Sea· 'i .. 1. \' t ~!~lli\ u. Tht!" .llllPUill ~h,,\Ji d ' !1 i ., l ~ l .ll{ . ~n n1 t\ 1 i onat.. · · rsu~ht ' , u 1 r,l • in t"tc \ s~.nd .lti•'i'. \ h1ch "t "' ic:h H' :phtJJ an l {, r \ i i.:-h "~ '' i. h t< ~.:~ .... r'l' .... :-lltt't'fc~ h ttt. -~ tn• f~tl <'r \,f .t r h"l'\b~.:· t ,>t tlh' :-:,, .... i ttit.,n ti l, but tk\ \'"C ~"'~ '' ,. n. r • 1 ..- <!I• t ~ i he t u n _ 1 d l. \ · b~n-, tri<xt \en· htttu n,>l. t('\ h(1\.': ~ a chin . tik"- th~t h~l'r'LlL hut in thi: , l ~ Ch~ w ~!il ~"'\ 4 up. The c~rg· ni?.l- 1~ n i" :-ti!l faui' 1 \ .tttd it i· ditli .. ult tti keep tt'c{ ··k ';t '- vcr~ tfli.t{!. Our rc­<. ·rd~ :u <' no\ i" ~' od sh: pc. h\:w.'­cv ·~r. nod \""C feci <:U J • tlnlt a thing of thi:- kin~ w!H nt'\ er harrl n a~a in . )·ou can a'l h ·1p l!," by tellinc us \ I ~ 1h:'r \ 1 Bt t a n'C.1lb~:.-r of th~.; fam.ily j" . l Jnlb ·r t f the .\C\~ociati<"'n when ~.t 5.t in~ a "lt. . ath. \Ye hall appre-tta v· H. Se,en Aural piece~ \ere sent during J un · to the funerals of employc ~:s or tnember· oi their lJn1ilie~ f',,;~ winS' is the flnancial report for ] Ill\.. 194{)~ rc . I .. du' ··e to 6 '3 ... n Tunc 1940 T otal • tr.·". . ~t c~ ..,-t..;') _ __ _? L • ", ;".J" ?_ ll • ,.,.._,J. Flov,er ---- ~29.63 ~6.47 1:6.10 1:"' .. L C . . --- 300.00 300.00 Red Cro"'~ __ 2.50 2.50 C l ""l.. ')' t .... - ?? 1 ,.. - "~.n1. r<CSt .... _ ./") __ . I Reiief ------ 101.o:! 115.00 217.62 ---, ... I < - · - j l41A7 926.70 hand 61 3/40 ------- 979.12 r;1on~hs of _l une _ -3:.65 J: 1 ~ .87 Checks i~.:ued -------------- 1-+1.47 BaJanc~ 7/ 3/ 40 ____________ J'l73AO KARL PROTZMAN TAKEN BY DEATH Champions mourned the death of F · rJ Protznli:iJ!, father of ~\da 'tee)e, C .1 Sflrti ng. who pa~s.;tl away Sun­da}' . !\iay S. lie wa~ k.:\·ed br aH \'- ho c:amc in C< ntact ,xirh him and In! aht a} s h:ld l kind .-.,r ·rd tu evt;rj'<Jnc .. lr. "as emr loyed by thi ~ <:0mf'ttny in 1 '1U7 and \:orl~ed here lt ntil ilie ti rne of hjs d ·at h. --------~----~~---- ·'.. . \n}v 1t: wc_,n~d think 1 \"as Jlr)t.hiug but a c0ok in lhis lt)t: c." '· .t ot after a c:r: ~pi(: (,f ro als. rhey • lj 1ldn t ~ ' Th$ Girls Bowling League held their annual dinner-dance at the &tk·s Club Saturday, June 22. The girls made a be.autitul acene tn their formals se~ted around the pretty deco'taled table where dinner was served a.t 7:00 o'clock. After the dinner prizes were awarded to Maude Ziegenhardt.. Joe We iqel. Esther Strapalr. Esther Brendel. Frances Jones, Helen Flora. Dorothy Baerman. Wilda Lobieda, Helen Stubbs. 88 cou.ples enjoyed dancinq from 9:30 to 2.:30. Pictured abo~e are the girls who enJoyed the dinner: Front tow, left to right: Marge Riley, Maude Zie c;renhardt. Ellen Hunter, Wilda Lohiedau Roberta Caldwell, Jo WeigeL Mildred Reeves, Blondie LaudetmaJ\, Esther Becker. Seet>nd row, left to right: Lois Metzler, Tottie Ma.rvln, Clara Mesmer, Dot Baerman, Betty Zang. Esther Strapak, Grace Helton. Gertie Compton. Addle Hamblin. Third row. left to right: Mable Bishop, Ruth Ra._quet, Toni Puma, Edythe Gerlach, Carole McMechan, Katherine Newkirk. Buth Gerlach.. Fourth row, left to right: Edna KunkeT. Wanda Howell. Dorta Dunlap-, E.sther Lauderman, Esther Brendel, Helen. Stubbs. Fifth cow. lett to rlc;rht: Louise Brick, France• Cele Sunderhaus. Betty lllner and Bet1y StepheruJon. MRS. IDA FIKE Sympathy w:1s extended in late June to Rollins F ike, No. l f\1ach1ne R oom, in the death o f h is beloved mother, ~v[ rs . Ida Lue11a Fike, 76, who passed awar on the 22nd. 1\,I rs. Fike had mad~ her home with R·oltins a t 245 \Vashington Street, for the perjod follow ing the death of her husband, I~Ic n ry, on J uly 16, 193 7. She also lea vcs a da ughtcr, }\tl rs. CJen Dowrey, ;\1iddJerown a broth er, '' illiam Rogers, and six gra ndch ildren. Sen·ices were held in St. P eter Eva n ­gt1ica1 Lutheran Chu rch Trenton, with burjaJ in St. John Cemetery, 'f'r cnton. CLARA LOWES ·CALLED Cla ra Joyce L owe~, th · infant daugh­t e r rA ~ J r , . J it c I ~ Lo '"' L"~, r a fe LC t1 :1 , d i cd in Fott !J (tmih ou H()spital July 12. fvlJr1\ i11~· a Wl·ek•:, illness o[ pneu­J nt~nia. ~h(· ~a ~ t) rdy- two and a hJ.If r~J I' Old , ~ $W~ 1.;t fiLth- gi.d, idolf~t.: d by ts'>1 onl}' n~t.:rnbcr~ of her iwu\cd iate f~.u uil f bu I. by all ~' hrJ ~.uc·w h ~.: r. Sh c 0 9) leaves her father a nd moth er, he r pa­ternal grandparents, :rvi r. a nd ~ I rs . Charles Lowes, Oxford, and . I r. and 1\~I rs . Bert H as tin gs, Hamilton. Ser­vices were held on the 14th in the Presbyterian Church. Burial was in the Oxford Cemetery. JOHN J. LINTHICUM John J. Lint hicum, 74 father of ~ I rs . Clcda V\lhceler, cafete ria, d ied l UJ:lC J 6 in his home. 316 Sout h Fifth • • Street. D eath was unexpected of a hea rt a tl nck. I r. L inthi cun1 was a rcti red rail road w0 rke r. .He also leaves his "'' td ow, teUa, another da uglHer, !\frs. harles Booker, a son, V\Till , five grandchildrt'O and three grcat-~ra n dch ilt1ren. Scrvjces· were held in the l3 rown -l)~wson Funeral llorne \ ·ith bu rial in Greenwood Ceme­tery . ··Oue of the sc\.:r1.·ts of li fe is to k cp ou r jnt<.:lll'ctua l cutiusity acute.'~-l¥il­li- tl11l f. yo,, P lu~l p c l • • • I By JJ' cy/'t;·y C: nb lJ • :'quc~.zeti 0\l1 of r~c ~ fJUCt.'Zt-~ r 1\s anJ baked in the hc>t l1ne. n s ~~ere hca ,·y along the run­wa, ·s dtning Lhe J'ast (~'-'' 'vccks. as coatin~ tnill employees btd farewell to their ~~Ri s tant: superi n tcntl ~nt. p.orula r Earle 'BJt~lay. Earle le{~ _late_ 111 July t.o take o,·er his new I osnton tn ~ 1as- $ a<:h u ~ ett -s • In hjs 11 years am·ong \:IS . E.ade"s r~ad\" smile and friendly manner won him ·a leO"ion of friends tl:la.L ~tretc~ed all the wav f rom the ball ntdls rtgbt out to the. sorting line and finishi't!g. !'eYer tGo busy to stop and ~hat With a \~rkman . always a ready hste?er to an~' problen1 of men or macrunes­smaU "·onder th at Earle was alwa)rs looked upon as just uone of the boys." As a small tokctl of their rcga rd the C ~1 workers presented E arle vi·ith a raclio and two smart travdi·ng bags. E\-eryone of us wishes for .him and his family the best of everyth1ng. UJ)(((l Geuial "Gib: J ohnson , foFenaan in _ 1o. 2 room, is foreign correspondent .on Jack Refl 1n ~s shi ft. '0ib' in early e,~·~ry day, -and pltes us -with [acts and figures on what's happening across the Big Pond. J,) )) (( Cl T wo friendlv newcomers to the roll storage are brothers, Ralph and Cahrin. Dung-an, frnm do~· n Venice w~y. R.alr;h t5 a s- rawberry n1a·n~ knovvs Premier. }'ai rfax( J)unlap from A ro Z . . . and if you get on the good side of him m~x, sprirE:, he'll sli.p you ~ few· quarts fr,e ~nni~ . . ~ca rl set . 5500 t) traA\ bcrrv plams in a single da }. C;Al­vi n i l ~si OJl th~ '"c rir;u~ side. P riJ''~ crack tA 1 hf tlu,nt h . .. l.,ong J·:~d1nl ~rnitlt 'ays tha.t siM·e tu ') kid:i have ~c.~ue v;wati uni ng. the <.wly way hr 1 an J' H f'J 5lt:ep :rt 11itrh1 i ~s l t> h•-\n: H1tn<'Uf1L h l lt fHllry j,j h..:d 7llad l)f.!dl tH~ (I tnb, n n {f 1t CiJ::.i !!Hf" ~ ~ ~~dJk". ({JI'J1' tHuHJ, I~ lht· J ·n.~ud own,·r , If ~· JHIZ-'' "'i1ruinK f•J .\ htHntd , H\lth<.d St riHJ•. ' l,tt , J.~• u dHd ,i H! we" ' " ' " ' J al wdl ,, ,~, ~JOO. A fi)Ctflf( rlt !t f:t HlfJU ~ dqgo; 'liC I tJdfo'd I J) Stnng s p ctlJ 1 1t·.:·· i~ tl ai: t~Ti gi.rJ~d f h Jh ] )(,w on t..nnhiden·d th.._ 8fb L1'')1 ft1 lttJund Ut . t 1:v<.1 liv~ct '('h f renJ£'Jld•,trS :~ru• J\ J TH •1f hu s-tltdil ~' i11 d,..: thi<) sum1a1er u , J!l} h~ · m~-tdc thing: unt't> nt fo rLabk _f<Jr the bovs in J he eoali ng roo m ~~ v\ hen fd­lo\~~ s wca r a wel sponge.: strapped across tbe fnrehcaLl to k(;cp cc.~ol ... b rother i ~ ·s hot! ., )l (( (( Tall and q uicL George D yeh_o use, ro ll !'(o ragcr bec,~me a fathc~· for the, fi rst lirne o.o Su nday, J une 16th, when ,b·i ,,-}fe presented him with a boy. !-:Tis best frienJ ·Henry I-lopki ns: also roll- stora o-e took ooe o£ G·co rgejs ciga rs s m ~lted iL until it ~ur~t l~is fin­gel: S . . . stuek a tooth 1 fl. 1 t and sm.. o k ed it sont.e m·ore. Sat<.;i r,,f enry, ((This m.ay 1:t ~ver happen ag-atn. » )) (( (( Vacationing heacHi gh ts ... Bob ~~fc­Queen, 1 an:d Z, ca tne back (rom the Smok ies wit~~ the h~~ t bu.nch of snap­sh: ots we ve seen in a long ti m_e (Bob t ried out th~(! t ne}v c~r be recc ntl ~r pur­cha sed-a f t~r this· colttlmn 'putt-putt­ed" his olCL n~J i .c to the j-unk pi 1 e,) . . . John JV[einsen, hH~ush nt an, made c~­t ain that his v•aca tion in Cleveland '";ould not be metrred b~r any traffic: yieiations. J ohn, st~P i"'~ed at the horne of a ~;e l ative, a CLeveland poli ceman:.. '\Nh en they ~oured the city. J ohn let the ucop pe r : do the dri v~in g . while he sat i·n the back s'eat, l·it a ciga r, and took things easy. ·vaca ti onin~ taillights ..... Di{:.k 11 a 1- comb came back f ron1 ll.hno1s w1th tW$ rolls of fiJrns wh ich he '''a:, a n ~.i ou$ to haYe d cvelop>ed~ I magine his dis n1.ay . V11hc r\ he diseov.ercd Lhal 'On'\ OOth~ had tipped ~ he time t'X f~os ure lrv~r~ and cv 'ry p:~c 1 ure. was ruJnt~ d .... Cht r~ ~'Htt!. 1 a.~ton camt: brtck fr-t:">m hts \•ac .. .tt:tuH l~rJ)<i n g as husk r a evC'r. only lo go hrr111e .·irk a few d ay:;;. lill'C. I'-('> IH~ <•f • f b~ IFsl t.lim ~:; fJ1 l1is long (\ t r0.PI' a ;' co:11 et• hrsss . . . 'ha rl ~t· ;.\ ~ Ia· r br•)ug-ln lH11':.k )owing 1'-l pnrt~ n t fll l({•t bn[Jt i ll !A ~~ l ( \ !tht r pHi ll t t •ll I h C f.u k <.! (1 H" l' \ r•tl h ·~d i-1 11 i. 11 $ j r f (~ J,! Ji Ill p s (' • tl rl H • ll\ Y :.O"H~ l l 0 I I S Dut ·h hu.l l ntnttrc~ll in th l~ l, ·lrht.., r ). ~ ~~~J Su. tltli l••t h . lb ~;p •nc:d tq t ' ' TWU t l1U·tc 1( l' 1 t':ttH :• I'L•fC • · u~ (n l•:n 1 t Lllllil­hill, l\l iJ ·d d1c ··1•.1 tt- C:(Htfe l t i, lHt'l) ." (),,>1' hr I ftnw l Lol -,hr l'l tH'I c· \> Jll ll,J-:., • . I :a-.d t' r \ ' h' II ,.-l l tL •P :t l • Aft~· 4 1 •ru!inr 1• ill Ht• 11 •• i.n~ ·~ ' II f i t~l ~: (JU ttw <.pl ,Iiftr .11 i-0 11· 1 \l lc... t· .;~H}' t• • lw n c,11(' ·~ flll " d\ .,,, t:n. our hr')l .~ nd (Jh fy ll O(fllr~,l l-J•Hl j-, llH· l o lc\l J • nJf1\1 ~ t21 J) mc ot~e-ef!t:5 in moun.tain6 Bob McQueen, hi& wile a.Dd family s_penJ 8 vacation p_eriod in the Great Smokie:s a:Da-.. re­lurninq: home, have a yell [Q q-o aqain. One of the places fhey visited was ths- CheiGkee Reservation at the foot oi the mountaim . l:n one pi.cture, we hav-e 'Melba, EAith <3"d Ella May McQueen an'd another . me~:r Qf au, party. ~th Chief Moses Walldnq Stick. in ~e second picture, the:re·s Rob, coaten. and _bi.f wi!e, Laura. No. 2 s ortioq_.. W1th the t.a.tne hl<t.h moqul of the reservation. All-. merican bo \·. P et~ \ lick:. ~tl<:k n ttes so htighlr ·in ~he '· tal~.e!· ' l and <li a r'-~ fields. that \Ye ted he nugnt ,~cry well slip l y .on tb(; c.'~tl'cr conllt$.. \ od don't forget. P ete t:i an authnnt} on chicken$, tno ! » tl « « • f e rr~~ 1-{,n.vard. roll Stc 1!"~\g~\ ~ ._sl hi: b~Hl (Jtl the \·\ ~~L~r, and .,fi \. ;t .:ntnt back. LO hau nt hin'l. fll ayi ng ft)r th<" F ;~h.'<vns a~ .iusl d <' ~rrin:lm 'r$' $'nhb.all h'(tm t\_•t $\1 t nK nco~ ] t;I'\"Y 1 mrwd \n~ Llt.'"\ r!•\Y~ [0 ~oht• 'f rim.r:nt'r~. [t'ftticl kr\ l'tnb p u$c.·nc:r,tn ". CR1nc tht..· 1, J it n\n~, th · F ;-~:k .... JU ~ l.\c­h ~ lt'-11 2 L v I • .uJ'<il ll P\"' in i n t l "a\ \.-\"1 ili u t1HI n •,)n $.1..''-'tind . ,l crq S.'\:Yt\1\! tit !\ fa~ l l all ~\n~l v_r; fl( :t ~ \;'( ll'{ hi IH~ 1 i 1 H.' t c. \t )\t. Ll d H.' l { l ll ~\ t li tH' dwt had "h~ >J n \'' -v, l'lbtc.·•\ all ft\t'r il. htn Rt,~· nn·rtns ~·.un~· tHll · ~1i 11 f! ll\ ~T, ~1U1.~h Oi.ll .Jc.~rt ~ •I) g,h·~ l '. -tllld IIHHh.· (\ Hll l h'Ulc l,l : . M3{".1.-L'flllb., ~H'l\.' h,;1n 'h• I ca td1. ~:ti \11 J.·rq. ·it ~ hf,ttl~.Ll' q ,,' 1 l{\ buU't at i) .~ '< A tw\• h -\11 ~ (IHlh' t\1 t h{' } ,Ju, llol ... L1nJ hl)nw In ~ £ luth· l ldt .cr.• .~ {lPUH{l, d ~n \ hain·.J l'hnnt:t :- i\ ·l kh~h·l \ 11d 11~ , w· \~ '-' h • t \' ·1 lnm h 1 h ~ 1 ~ c · h n · · dH <' nl "Ill l•qTH' ti'\Jt..' ., l nlllt~ ttl tlh. ~<YiltH 1 ~ (• •r b 1~ !tnt· bh f ~nnih , .rlhl (( 11'/ll l•l l it a• t ·li ,.\ ' t' 'l f I ,l~ ) • • \ t \'r ,qi tl!.! 11h_q1 th lt' l \ lfttt'~~~ a r.d • [l'l ,. i •{ '">1 \:l\l i . T l\tt \'' li11 tlJy !·· •I lt) h 'f · l · .n f ni.-h tht' tl'·ti ·k 1 :.t ,1rlc,l \ 1 ' i~) r. Th, .. tnagq~·i n t.' dt -· • • ltl t 1 ·. \c..' t this ~lid ~0 \dl itt \.lifh\.\lh • ! \ '\ ill(.~ fh.' \ ~. l l itl \ ' h{ ·u h~re ,,, ~ t "\.' '' \·,·!, ... ,c)~ t~ ·r l '( ,~ 1 ~ \"t:t..' \.L1.v . l' :ntt 1\.t .,g,·-·t, nl ~·:11\.l:. ni·e p,:'t'i'te. ttnd ~~ ~" J' I' . . ~ < h > \ u' k· rn :t k l'~ t. · ' • n. d u n •" COAT G Mt1J. CO.flNER ( ,, ~i ~nu· <1112 r·a~:~ :!r~} <;; !nn!! r' \v" (' · ,.·avin~ C\ll fl f, ~r 1' ·o $1 r~q 1in· t'~t1ys tc• Ctt!li\"~HC. , ) « (( T r n~ t th ... hrush s . . . Hovd ~cbdl. '\ ... 2 ff',l ~o"f)" 1n, i. con1 pJeti t1g a £encr 1 r~1rh l ·ling.. of his home . .:tnd a\;1 I \.11 f 1. tht :\ eatin <"' hifi1$~lf. ... I n .. \ \ ·;~ nn La ... a dJ. n\.h· ~et nf l\.in hon1~ t-t - ~ anxious to pa·n cotu­~~=-~- ,,.;th Ldn be. in$ta lled 0 11 anr r. ake car . .. I'hil ~ du1eide r, color rc rn SJ ent h:s ': cnt!on fishing 1n I n­< fc!4 a ... ~l{'cha ~ic Ralph Han-is, 1 • I • • • rec . ~, s~,~·~'.a t7.l: m tun1n~ up -your car to get t',r ll~'·i;~~_lrn n·tilea~ per gallon (}.i ga~ ... Si.i:i 1mon • the best-dre~sed ~:en on 'he rc-ate-~'-EJ ~Tc l.rnos h a nd E i Heflin, "hn both feature straw hats ail ~ urn.Iller long. De. n the line ... Hugh Callahan ~nd Bnb ~-it~ ;tre takin~ adYantsge of Bob's farm to go in{o rhe canle busi­n · s to~et.!hcr ... John \1 ulJir.s says thai if _Bob doe n"t g-t-t. an) thing d e ou of 1t-at ]east, he has th(' \Orld's ~ · >. l coat of t.: n . . . f errv PTo,\ a rd 4, d ·:cam·' I:S!ooks .. rr.ll stnfa~e nearlv md a Cart_.sar and Brutus act 'o~·er 011.e .:Yf ltauncr' .. '·Jnvel f to loc;k at1 ' ice crear, ~;rl . .. He~, he}. OO>'s~rlon't 1 0 _d:at~ ... Lalt't h-cadpj·~e...-J ack 1 cft1n ~ :;napp~ blac:k -and-\};}tte c-heck ­ered cap . . A ·pi<:ttl re ~:c ' d like to framP.-HiH Sr~ndifer jniu~ <:m the """ o-c ( r the r •r,ugh and S<Ja ' ·io~ his ~!ed "ciu' ·' in 'tl e water (a nk. » lt • " P . . 1 { 1 .j .. '· , l 1 ( se iJ. } . u \' 1 o W0 Jt.uer- oo :why we ar.·ecl Qur car c,n t(1p of l hca \ ·nwzi1iH and tran-ped ''e~rilv to ~· ~rk ~11 one v.~ek- \w· takt d0~,r ; 1 Otjr l:<.~ir. '):he Star !..f f riJJg b1·0ke ,.u Gi.H C1lci. { dcJ :\ 7 and-wdi, ".\' t Cl3flK­ci] it •JUt in :·cf.'enrtuk, but · \Ve were j· J • r ~j), .l:a; n.c·l f &%y trJ c ·~ank it again en 1i ,.he tlt } f /t'((J I I'LUII (l In\ "·h . '( I t ,.,lH ~f" rh<· H,~ h t p ·r,l •I·· \ c nw• ht•n• '' t'lt' () ,d~ h ! ..lHtl \ like.· (de'" ' t lunl, ~di ~e) '' h l 111.adc 1 1 ~ n r-tl i'lr \.c• \ ere• ' l't'\.:1\ls ft PI'n J\qW C'll t. llnd l tti lt.:L :n till' duh hnu ~ t· t~ trd l ntu t-1 ~a \ · ' l" • r\.·~db· h,n < ~\1l1,e t hi H ~ hcTC. R.·liJ h \Y,H\dt·\ and C l :-~ t ~· n ee ) nunv "ill h< inlt'tt.·~ t 'd in kn u \in ~ \rC have t'i Ill! J>nug t ,tbl<'$ here ,1 1h .l l-j ll itl' a rc\· ? 'Ud J'la~ er8. \Ve h.H·r fouHd pr<J ·ti­~ JII \· a new 1own with n c~ tl r all huih.ILnQ~ ::tnd hnmes brl-l tttl L)<.' \~. \~ c hn,·r n\0\ ' P d en Randall Street, while un r neigh bors i neluc.Je l-1 ubcrt. Fost,·r I k1tn lli v ~:lv and Bill i\1 cCrnrv. 1 j't~t . rc ntcrnl)et·ed tvfcCra ry was to ~ ,alv\.'ston B:\y yesterJay w"l th t he brnily, ar1d i, his f~c c red. Yes sir, from his chi11, clea r on ove r to the back. of his neck. ' l'hc popul ar place here is at Coul­son\; I)rug- Store. which is 1 he c ross road s 0f evcrr ·tate in the l ' nion. I rea lly bclie\·c tha t tl tc rc is a rcr rc .. cn­tati \·e of C\·cry rate" in the en ion right he re in Pa ~ a d en a . · I s~c cbi able .is getliog set-tled 10 ht$ new ho1ne now. 13rosic 'm.ith , who work_s with Oscar is recov­ering from a · knee. Hamil­ton boys are weU rep res;e·nted 0n Cha n:t­pion ~ o ftba ll teatn 1'\vith .Bu tc.h SJnith, R ey n0lds, Hively, \tVagcr,s, Hackes and m ,- ~ t~ l f. # P asadena opened its new $30,000 post office th e other day and it is a peach. There a re q\1i te a few swell build.i nf?s . The movie can easily com­pare "~i th the H a mi lton Pa ramo\lnt, and sho\"'. all £ r~t class pictures . You can e(lt drink~ buy groce ries o:r do any shopping- h ere without get­ung out of the car. Tbere is curb sen ict: <: ,~e rywh e re. ·r he car hop in­clud e beaut i ful girls, hand·snm.e boys .. fat \>VOmen and a vas( assCJnment of uthcrs. \~: el l. this ,,viii proba bl}' give )'O ll a ~ma ll idea of what v\'e have he re a1id J {iru 5Urc that flO}' of the 1-:Tami llun. folk~ wr>tdd be pleased if a11y nf the Chawpion \'acat1oners ,;\ .. otald slop anv tiJOe 0f the year. ~ tw J)atient: 'I don'( like 1hc ,, ay ~· ( u rt Jn t.his place. H ~n· c n ~t \onu ·v(;r l1aJ a Q' 5ttn i n~J bcr-\!.b(· fl}n.:•·· • • Ntlf ... (•: i·.Al t? ~~nu a f\: Otlt'l ll:'l ll :•) ".,..., P&tte nt : ··1 1ttJ1e aw.'; J' • 1 r~ : · 'J'h t· H v. c nl: t r h ~ ,~c :" {21) Here i'$ &-Tlde,noe pel' se.. or whatever the lawyers call it. t~h~t James Goebel~ machine ~hop, is a fiahe.rmt~n . He went along the Little Miami in late June and made 1be catch. Lest anyol)e accuse him of a ''taU s tory'' he had this picture taken. MARION McCLUNG' RECALLS AIR SERVICE IN ENGLAND DURING ALL OF WORLD WAR 1\ [a rion \ fcChU1g, boi ler roo1n, a vet­eran of l;nd e .. am's figh ting force . i ..; "' a rch ing the European confl ict with mo re th an u ~ ual intere ·r because he spent pra<;:tically- the en tire p eriod of the \~-orld \~-ar in E ngland. ·1t!a rion was in the ~i r -S-t rvi ce. - . ~ !.a ri o n fi r-. r enli sted jn. th t.: Arrny in J909 se rved until 1 9 1 ~ when he joined the 1\avy. At t.hat time he sought to e nlist in the a ir ser.·ice but was rejc:ct­ed. 1 'hree days a ftcr -\me rica cnttr('d the war. he wa nea t Fra nce, and ordered to Brest. Then he \"a~ cot to London Fn_gland. and coJd he wa in the air se rvice. FoJlow~ng seve ra l weeks of t ra ining ~1e was W1 th a crew of an old type Rrjl­JSh sea plane engao-ed la rgelr in con­Yoying ships. He not o nly bomhed a German sub'h.1 a rine but tli sahled orher craft ·sent eut tc c ri pple llicd shipping. He: \Vas a me.rnber of t'he crc:n,r of rhe Jason ,w·hit'!h took OYt"'r th ~ fir "t J\ mei·ic;an Joa l of Libet·tv tnQtur.;, a c;Hc~o valued at $.16:000.0()0', incluJin'' supplies suOlcicn t to la t ~00 men fo~ 5ix. months He a ~ i s tcd in driving- orr S~\'c." ra l Zeppelin n ddcrs frotn Lon. Inn.' Hi:; fl yi 11g career leu pcJ to ~on hotlt $ b~ ­fCJrc: rhc war ended. .\1lt ~. ~ n ti t h: ~-\V b~lt "' ''t:S \Oll r hu ~­l'. t n l liJ e bt,:·s t f n· l>r ~l k f<'L t ?;. \ frs . .J l•tws: -~uh , a n\ tJ-, jnf J don't h:q,pt-n to ltavu in the l ttJUSl'.>\ • B-v Carl Rnbbins SOFTBALL ROLLS ALONG Tl1e 2\l ~h. hit1c Rnom hn~ ~ , unde r t-he leader ·h\p t•f John J :unscy, arc s1ill scttivg the pace the rc-.t c,f dlc loop \ ith a l"'<>rfcct record ancl not tTtuch chance of its being spoiled fot the re­Plaindrr of the iirst round. The .:"amcl o~ and 1\ Jcchanicals a re stanlEU£:: around the edges, just one ;arne l~cl.ind. \·rishfull) h_opi ng that the Papermakcrs lose t!)~u· <:alendar and show up fnr some l' nday's game on _aturda,· at"terooon, as that seems to be the onb chance o f having the J race tied up right now. To d ate the Steam Plant or!!anization has been the '- only team to gi\·e the league leaders anr trouble in \,·inning. Since la l month's writing the 1\'Ic­chanicals drorped into the second slot, probably due to the fact ther were unfortunate enough to meet P otts & Co. on one of Lhe few e\·enings \Yhen it did nol rain. Potts did some right nice n\'l \·hile the ' & Co.n part of the leadjng combine gleefu lly pou nded )..fc5wain's offerings aJI O\'er the lot and. as a rcsull of this game, Guy Cnmrron is issuing a denial to rhe re­port that hi :: :'\ [echa nicals take thci r infi<:ld pract ic~ by shad ow boxjng­l · :~n if they c.lid m o~ t of thei r fieldi ng Pfou;i /n /(~'tlflrJr / Pielurod h tO • n, l'tout}y p, til y. bJ. de arot1b &bop, .mrl Ide linoth• r, boh P .ral• y . B 51r.oot 1 h y .,.,Q t~ha r,o, ,o a ttld tlrwt 11uuaH trador, wt1kh thc:y con tr\Vh.d b oru n uld rord 6-ut th:o Uil tJb tJ~) lh\oq &hou t th t1 4\."l r i• tbol tt p low .bht" ~ v11w:J .:ttl'l l TV 11 y ho '1 the o~&Jy u1 n i1.1 the U. S. with ~ t• acW')t lhat plQWI ba~k.,4,d . A~ t r \ ~ w kloW1 h 's rj9ht. with :{ S<' Li c~ uf right hooks and left iabs. T ed CarreLL m ,H.h.~ the IJlo t scn­~ ati un n l play of 1 It\.: cv<'oin~ wh<.:n he Look 13ob Zirnmr. r., line drive to Jc·cp sho rt with his right eye-for a force out at third base. 'Ted was forced ont for a couple of da) s, also. The Sa fety first bo} s also ha ''<:: "run out'' o f the ;·unning since the la.:::.l i5sue was p rint ed, th e ir first defeat corning in a " ha rd t a lked· contest with the ~'lechani ca l debate rs. in t en innings. This game was feat u red by the timely hitting or the lightweight catcher, c' Diz'' vVarrcn, who accounted for fou r of the seven runs scored by the :~decCan:; . Also. at p rese nt, the Standards A. C. is sti ll in the race, with onlr o ne digit separating th em from the leaders in the perccnt ag.e column. H o"veve r, !Vfr. H urst exr ects even b etter things when his ·'Re(7ula r' flin ger, _ f r. J ames ~ 1 u n ce):, recovers from his illnes and gets back into ha rn cs.; . 11[r. H urst re­pons that none o f his men have been struck by b.atted ball s- yet. Another feature game of the past month found Trim-Pak meeting the good gc ntlen1en from the I n ~ pection depa rtment. 'I'b is turn ed out to be a rea l p itcheFs:' battl e, going into extra innings, with 'T rim-Pak win ning in the ex tra frame 2 l to 16 after cominrr from behind with ten runs in th e eigh th. By n<·xt monlh the championship of the firs t ro tii'I.d should be definitely de- • ciJed, and th en for rnore serio us play -~n un ti I then-so lena. Stand ing ~·{ a chi IH.: R oom ----- __ \. L 7 0 1 1 ~ f tc h ~tn ica l -----··------ 6 'l':ameln~ --- - - - - ------- 6 Fa[((,n ··--- - -- ------- S ~ 'tfl· f \ Fir~ l _____ ,...,.. ___ _ S • S rt ·"lJJI l'l.tut ·---- --- - ..... ~ c·,d· ·udt·r. --· .. ·· ~ ---- - - - 3 l'lilll Pak --- - --- --- 2 l'uJIII,II __ ··- - --~ - ... I l n. 1w ti11n ______ 1 S .rill I ]'1,.,f _ _..., ,.. _ SLtwl:tl'd 1\ {' (l l) HEHt: ANU TH RE AROUND THE LOOP -? .'.) . -? ~ 5 b G 7 7 Pet: 1000 857 s 7 714 714 714 429 ~ s .. ... 0 t 4 i , .t ~ ( 00 oou " I Ji/' \ I I 11 I I J'IL) • 1t IIIII( It h ~ ~­f'cl llh' .11 11iffl IJ tl1111 'l l p ~ d •\' 1 . \ ,. ,.;\ (' r.c·u ,,11 : \ l .ll. •\l I tll·a t , dh' ht· ·t dtt· sed ; 'I , ~· ,·· iu tit ~ lt•. :I l l' ( )n the· "\11 llltlg 1) 1 uly hf~h "~\. tf.- (' ~~) Elmer L. John&. No. 2 trimmers. is a patiiUlt man. The boys all lmo-w 11 and now Bcsema.ry. the four months old dauqhteT, also re:alaes 11. Rosemary was sllqhUy impatie:t1 when Ebner wanted to take her pict-"..ue. hut Patienl Pa je:at waited tor a. half bo\lr, shot se~eral ~&h.u&S a'Dd finally c.rot thls one. .!\Dd he aays. !t'a .& dandy! terarm 1 T hompson ( rake ;:our chr)!ce) got a base hit. Advt.: E. Lenhoff is :tvailable ior plain and fancy• ing. F ootn ote: .\ n>· comm! st()n co!lecred on the abo, c ad,·ertis ...~ mt.!nt '' *JJ be split with the editors ofT .HE Loc. \"agers and Gillum are the tou~h ­luck hu rler$ of the league. \Yhene\ er anrthing happens to the"l.\-it's h.'lJ. Sportsmanship Aw:Hd: Hats on fO the entire . tandards A C lC3tYl a~c s,..,_ en umes th~,- have taken it 0!\ the • chjn and every \eek that ~ame chin is out to\.! it a~in. ... I or~ power to yo\J and ) our spirit. bo' :-.! ·\ pai t of old-tirr~"'rs han! r''nlc follh with . ome ni<.e pitchi't~ I Hdy. Jo' n P, r·ley ~nd Billl"l:' ..t :nm ·n~· : till doi~~ ri£ht wdl for the:•tn:;..oh t'~ aft~..•r tu3n\' ' e,u ' of s~.:•n•1'"·~·. • Frn ~~l ~ nHth. lop " j ad\.1~ ·• of lh n al l. j, •tnnth~ J \''"'tct"l.n '' hv ..· till pL) lik'-.: a '. \Hl&l'~ ~t~r . '' \l t·ll t •\<..'1 )ll rtt(.! thl'- h~ ~ t ~UC·..'U\ ~ hrl· d ti\l'f' .', .\ '1\ ~ . tl\ ntilr~ ··l h·\· • It t\ l ' I \IP lllltt..h 'l' ll'C l\l d• j, l \ith '"\n\." \I IIII t'l\ tl1 t "ht•t•l ~wcl dn: t'dwr arv~ 1n l ,4 fl.1 Pl ,, l .'' t )lt 1 ' ' • II ! l t tnHs t bl~ h"nn: in llli!\ .. l t h.H th\.'\ lll~l\ I '" k tiH· 1 l'l (\fl \IH;t \ ___,...,_.._ - - - \ ~\.:HIIl~h 1'''\'l \<\,t ~ h,l._l l)t ll)bJI)'ul\, in lli-. dlc..ti< H ll\ kl t d .. •ht1"\ ·····" ' '.1:. "f , l~~~l fnr h~11 .,. · ill En .. , tud .t ll t l f, •u"l [ lt\ l\kH 111 ~ulll '•hi." ., \ " I I { I \t' . • tH ( h' pt,'l, '',til" \V.t \ ~c: ,. j ,t l l ll \ () II hnd ~tl( h 1a II .., t', ,ql(:\ SH h • IIH'q: II • NT .\ NOUNCED J•"rn,,d lll tH Li r, ~.-nwnt " il. In.Hlc In l \' 1l) l r d' \.' ' !'' 'l I'·~ w r'\ t { f p. \!11 (' .'\.t - ti". : •.. m~,·,~\lfll :H, HH.l ~ ~ i~" l 'sth('r 'c,,. , . ,~un h. ~~n~ d \ ':lrtrntnt. ~'-"' '- r ~ ic r \h · \' ~,.·d\ 1 inf• h,1!' b t'l.'ll ~ .. ·t. 'Il l" t'll~.·~ '11h'lll be< ·n\H.' kncl\ n ''t't.>' \I .~~~ t}l~ i'Pl'~·an·d .u ht-r ,h"~ k \ :u ; n~ J l · u:,ilul Jia rnnn l t i n ~. J!IC CLE PARTY \::lrly t'\-\ r.' .. ~t l1 \7 g:tt~ t llk bi\.' yd ~--, n l1tlv ~ Jnd wt'nt t·"') ...· Jahlhct'''Ct \ · · · · fpr t! l·ir nuna l 0 ut i o~ .1 1\ll ~'!nl ·. 1· \-\ :o- c.. f'll" ol t lh q~ t' \ c.:uint $ • Jll. \.0 t .. ::1 , c..:i l!} h r tt ril.(:. . 1,111 ~ l he th '·' <'f 1l1i~ b'-•· utilll!l p.trk. f, ot <tt lt­d . · ". n~i. g .I"1d a ~( n~:..~r"tl ~o 1 ume. l h~ "~.. t • ki: ,.. tl c l r:i r' ' ' <:'t (,.. . : • t",d c1 Brc·n 1el. T'c,t1it.· \lan in. 1-fcl- :, 1\:1 u d !~ r. R (\ , ~ Sdn' <.l b _ ll cl t'n ~ .. bt ~. I..oui,l· Htt .. k. Dori ' Dllnlap. ) i l t'f•d ' . Ben 1 .un \ .'11., B~·ttv 111- ner. lh.1.h ~I,l!ran'), ~J a r) Hauser1 Jd1~ ' 0\: kcr. l .~ ·Ilk Burkhart, Lu­m~. Nt'l-.t, . l.~ .. ste1k Herber" D0t Ept ,,-:-.1. ::-.ttlia ] dth.lcrma u. :\laude Zie~el.. I at. Jo \ ~c-iele . Lil Carnpbell, l:.r; C .. inpl C'IL Ruth Kolodzik. Ro­he "i ,t C 'J\, I. Carol !\ fc).J t:ha n. K a lh­er= rac N. ·kirk, E .. ther Strarak. Edythe Gerlach. I:. ~ ther Be k~r . R uth Gerlach> Bt>~·$ Riley. t1ozcl \Y akh·oCTel , Sara Nor. anJ Elsie C!aunch. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED . Ir. and :\Ir~. \ _ ... . teed a re an­' vl~.ilCin..~.. the u1 .. , .~..~ ·n1ent of thei r :~\ij · - ~\lartraret to ~ lark E. l 'lndrt'd. ~nn of ~lr and :\Irs. Geo. \V. Killdrecl. l\li'~ . rc:cJ i3 employed in :'·-h"'dule Gfficc and \lr. K.i ndred is ~unnected w:th Re::ea rch. _...SARY DINNER FOR FLEFI'FOOT TRIBE The f- Jeet(c t Tribe. (A the 1-Iamil­t 1!' Bi·.·i ... iuH. obscn:t:cl thci ~ ninth an- 1 i'"). ,.,itll .:~ diener at ~1rs . '\Vag­ner's c.)toniaJ K itc.!ten in ~a loJJ. Ohio, <-n ~\ \1" t:d !H· .,Ja }". :1 U ne 19. Tap£; and beau ;{uJ ganlen fl o~:ers derorakd tLe a· t racti ·.. d r a ppc..~i nte<.l bL. rJ :.1e Ct:!ltCI'J ieee: rJlace cards c.tnd favor~ 'r~re of Indian cle~t(Jfl, car­r- y i .. t () ! 1 Lh e n n n e !7 r th.: d tJ b. F vr er · t·l14inin{', dc,'.er ganH·~ \·verc arran · ,~J r,, I l d~.:n . chu lv~n and Bet t ,. r , L~,;;ti loc1·, , ... !th 1< uth Sharpt: a ncl J ulia Glin., v. i n 't);n~ uorh i e~ . 'fwn in(er­c Ling and lll.!!.'J tlf(;lUS s kits v:e 1e pn: - enr "'' b:. Est! ·r 'Stra pak and Char­lotH: ( ,;;.n.e. E . ·Jn:1 Leifheit enu.:rtain­cd E .. e !!tnup •[th iJJteresting travel - l)'lo l \ '1''- 1' l { he• ~111111,..~ ~ }p\Jil l , tillH :tnd ~ • tJ i n t .. , , t i tlt ~..· n " 1 i n II t r S, 'o il• . Fkl.. llt ·n nl ( 1mn~p; fur till· l'Oil)lllf! Vt'" \1 :- ltdd ,,ml luli,t Cli n ~ w.u~ ; .. h• ' lc ·d I'H' j 11"1\1. \ T,tl:lqh:t ~t<'c'd , ~tT- 1 ~ 1.11.\. . :tud t l"r11 .t ~Ut ~l~~ . lH: :t ::- uJ c r . Fstlh·r t ;1 't- \' 11 . tlw n·lititt ~ ptl·~ idPnt'. \ ~" l 'l''' r~l\ l nl \ith a lqvc l. •ift in ;q' l ' rl'l it. •ll l 11r her ll r1 ·' urJ... ' llw hil...~.1 r~ ;111d fntllH'r bik er~ \Vhr ' rnj .t\'('d fi n• : tiL~i l V\CIL' ; 1:'. :-. th ~· · <s n·~=--(· 1. B e tt\, Ldbt·utk, 1•:1- l1't\ ll·an .1 lun u..: r. \ 110 \ .:q LT 1 Cnn- • 'tt a tH.T Tro\u1srll, } : nny Die 1\ l ~tr , 1 lldl n ~") l'l $ , F r~d d )t \Yilliam ..... 1\autni 'll il1klt·. \L11 jorie (i rcen, J uli:l ( ;l i H -- ~ i\ l.11i ' l" ~.·a tin g. Helen Fi:>her. 1\licec· } l H~an. E. l i~ \>\ ·c.. hr .. l aruic 1 Julfunl. I 0 St~IL1 'Y cl l in!-!h~)ff, !rene \· !rite, '"l'crc!\H Sl <.l~("~ . Helen ~k h ubcrt. J-:,·c:lr n Leif­heit Esther St rapak . .\fa rga ret Stt:ed, Charlnne Clins Tulia Fulton, Rut.h harpe, of J)ayton Ohio, Ann Liles , of 1 on smouth, Ohio . • The marriage of 1 1iss r l elen Long and A 11. h u r \ \ ' ycoff was q uiet.Jy solen1ni?.ed on Saturday, June 22, at :half a ft er even o'c lock_ in ·rhe bride'·'s home. Tbe R~Y . \ 'ollbreck re~ d the si1nple ring serYJce. ~li ss Doro(tby Long1 sister of the bride a ncl P aul \Vycoff, b rother of the gr<.)om, were the only a tlendants. lVIis.s Long wore a rose crepe 1 rock with white acce --sories and a corsage of red ro ~ cs. The bride \ras lovely in a blue crepe frock with white accessories a nd a gar­denia corsage. .!\ fter t he weddi ri f! a reception was held in t:he garden or the bride~s home SMITH·DODD NUPTIALS 'fl 1e ma rriage on J une 19 of :t\1iss :'\ancy Hulbe rt rnit:.h, daughter of ~ T1 s . Phillip " ' yrnan and Ha rrison Smith, to ~ r r. \Yon:hington Dodd, son of 1\ Irs. RuLh Outc<dt Oodu, was mark­ed h} fHea t dignity and solemnity in th~ 1\rm-strnng Chapel Indi an 1-fill. \T r. Dv. ight Thc:ml sOJl was best rnan. ~ 'f r. Dodd i ~ \CJl known in both Hamilt<)Jl and Ca ntrm Cham,pion where he was c·mpi(Jyed fc,r several m.o.nths. He is llfJW in l he ~a l es d epartn1ent, Clait;ago aiT1cc. ----------------------- Bct.ty Dret kc, C \ I sot Ling, rccc.:ived .a bt:ttJtiftJI r!iarth•nJ ring July 4 frorn A I bert ~ li ller. (23) • • .. for about J 00 f ricnds and relatives. On th eir retu rn from thei ,- weddin~ trip t.hey wil l be eslablished at 505 Ya nkee R oa d , ~d iddl e t o ,vn. 1 [iss rleh~ n Buerger C YI sunin~, and 1\Irs . J ack J ustice, in th~ latte r's hon1e, 639 E ast Avenlle, entertained iu hono r oi ~li ss Long in a prenuptial party. Those present ·were : ~ Ii sses Helen Lon.g) K ay ~rlenninge r . Loui se Enz, Bl ~t n che ?\e\.vmao, !\large Becker, !sa bel .IVIoore, Dororhy Becke r, Dorc:1- thy Long, J\Ia rga ret Beckman, ~1a ry Compston and Romilda \Viseman. The honoree vvas presented with a handsome silver coffee se rvice. fiss Long al so was honored when 1Vliss Kay Menninger anJ l\ Jiss Blanche _ cwm,a rl combined hospita lities in a lovely parry and ,shower in the Y. \V. C. l\ . Dainty personal gifts were be­s tG\1\'ed upon the honoree. Ca rds provided cli,·ersion .anJ ~ 1 rs. rvrarga ret Beckham . ~~J i ss J ul ia Fulton a nd ~~Irs . Enyeart Flick wt:re succcs-­f u.l conLesta l'tLs recei\·i ng attractive awa rJ s. Pa rticipants iududeJ : ?\ fisses Hclt:n Long: :\ la rgic H ec k~ r , Hekn Bae rge r, !vLuy CoHtp$t()n Lu ui sc: Enz, Julta Fultnn , J ewel Kelly, Doro.thy Long, b abel ~ f OUI t.>. h:sd amt~ Jll.Le Beckh am) EHyc,\ rt Flick, J ack .I u ti~c~ J~:J \' t is tnan, Lee \VHiL<:, L uLh ~:: r l' rau. auJ the hostesse-s, ~Ji ~s J~ay ~1 t·nnin oc l and ~[i ~s Bbnche ~ . ·e""' uw n. .. • The happy couple pictured above are Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thorpe who were married December 2. 1939. at Liberty. lndiana. Ernest works on the scales a l C M cutters. WIFE OF LOREL HAPNER CALLED ~Jr~. \nna lh1 ne1. n'.!e 30. \ifc of Lr,rd J l a1 n ·1. '\(1. 2 Calender,, pa:scJ a\'.' a v , ·"turd a\ n i ~ lr t • lu n <.: 2 2. in F on • • • Hauliltvn f r ~,sr·ital. ~l:\ cra l lJIIUr~ after l'ht; l.1ad h(.;··n adrllittl·d for trcatn,c.· nt. 111 of 3"Ulll)tJ rllf till! Ia l fPll(' \'ea r:;, it~ had l r.:,t I in tltc l1qspilal fur·, reat­! 1 Ult al \·,niOU times. Jl ~t dea th 3U '~J (IIIHJ l••t<: h1Jd. J ! . J i a 1 •1 • r '~ ~ h r ' 11 i n I h r n i l~e J 11 • !\(J · ml :•t .!. , 1 c, l fJ. 'nJ \ ··, ,. J 1 ru~·d m t 1 f' 1 ublu,: h•J J} • • he ''· ' m~•! rinJ f a n It 0 ~ 4 , JC 13 ( J, t Q I. q I t ·I J hi) IIC' I • a ll d lf"J dw UJ!It 11 \i i),,lll d lt't ' cl.ild H.: II. st . \ a de:;\ lilc I \'.If·· • w l fnt ,, ,H'I' ~J\.iu,.:t 11 t 1 1 1ir•1·· ~ ,J cO• 1 •v ll• '' ' · ·u ,. ;, nd at lf 1 1 r, n r f ],l't L i 1 clt < .,, n 11 d J, I h( ,JJ I . dill' \' u hI . !(,JI'' I) I ' IIi hi I of tl,, ht J, lite (.h l ( b lllh. l$1 tdc· tiH' wi j, ~·''I h lc • \',. d.t I' hlt'J , ( 11t11 4' l.n 1 d It, 1111 II p Jt 1; VII'' 'Jil fit L t d '\ In l!.t•·l II '! 1 ,., J,, t 1'1,, nt , ~ i1 . . 11d J, . C ttl . J lit· '":u t j tl"' ' lu(Jth• 1 < h 11lt , 11.11 tid and I l u~Ltld s ithr 111111: tlld f ll•ll) f ,tJ tl I ,, j ''ltd • I d l I I I i ~· ·· I· Lllh l d ('f ,, ' ~\1'1 I tid Ill 1h. J•.lmc I fJ JI,[' t h(•} htJI' I d l t ttl It \' II~~ Rc~\ \ '. \ 1 II I I , f" t I• •I ~A i'J s t r (·II hJ " t t ., , Jl 11 ~, n u '·" i 11 • • 1 ~ u ti t1 \ L~ ~ Ill ( .. . Jl \ I (t -ct rr~i lon Ml3S FRANCES JONES BRIDE OF EDWARD PFLANZER Tlw \ (·cl~li n e ,,f \lj, Ft atiC<~ lr)ncs. • Ulli n.'. tn J·:d\ ,trd l'fl a ll /,t'r v;<Js ;1 p1<!llV < • \ l' IH S .l l