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The Log Vol. 17 No. 08 (1935)

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  • Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue.
  • • • • .. • • • • •• • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - , • .. • ' ... • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I • .. • • I • , • • , • l • ' • .. • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • \ • • • • • ' • .. ' • • • • • • f • • •• , • • (). 8 'I:HE P.L\ ER FOU THI M , ZI. E IS 1\IADE l.l\r OUR PL1\J.'lT OUT OF~ \VOOD FROM THE ORE ~T 0 1" 1GRTH CAROLI, A. \' E tA F'.A.CTliRE M. .~ . Y GRADES OF BLE CHED SULPHITE P PERS, l\fACKlNE F I H, ND UPER-C. .~. LENDERED .. ~ ............. ._...- f . . ....... e ... ... • a • • .¥. e • e ._..... • I .. .. t !l -.u: a 1: .. I I · ~ . 1. !II • a •• • ,.,_ .• ........, e .... 1 a .......... _..,..,......_. ..... ...... ..,.....,..._,.._ .,.. ......... ... . • • - •·· .. c:- • e e • I 8 e .._ ...... _... co TTENTS Page A.n hn .:r~ ~1 inlf ..,Hry H: ~ust--f•n H. NobCt"l' u" S1 ~ --·- .:1, :> ·····--- • . Qu ide :\-·Jr.k : ....... - ................ . Ulll,~'.i 1 Tbi&.~s and Plact"s · ! In · re. )n ~ortn Caroli r . ······-···-········--- . rc• ' t ,... ,..~ ~:.; ,_, ... a.£~ --·-· ............. _______ .,. ...... .. 4 4 5 G, 7 \ l 9 GcmW.nclntr Ar~- 11 cmu in Favo-r ~i Saie~:v . t C•t. ...•••• ..... ...• 10 '\-tl~n You ave an Jn..~1~iration ....... ·-·· ~-- ·--· ~····· 11 Departm.cnt .t r ews .................... .12-16 + i • ~-- • eep o1n HEN \Ve begi11 to live jt, the pasr, vve're old. \Ve've qujt \·vo rking_ and everyone probably kno\.\' jt except our­selves . No one .is so pathetic as the n1at"1 \-vho is overly conscious of succe s. Tl1e vvorld is far 1110re tolera11t of men \vho are on the 111ake than of chan1pions. ~T]1e11 you ad­nut )'Otl're good, watch OUt t ~ff/illiarn, F eather. • • , THE LOG Reuben B. Ro~rt on on the way lo S hetland. Taken in .\bt-rdeen Harbor bet ween 8 and 9 at night. T he un ~' ideDfly mu t ha,·e been shinjng as brightly as if it were mid da' . • A1T JN'TERESTING STORY Reuben B. Robertson, Pre ide-nt Tbe Champion Fibre t:ompany, Rela te. T he Siol'y of a Recent Vi it to . "hitJand I ·land The ative Land and Birthplace of IH. · Father 1 a.Jte. · Phi11 irts Ediiot, TJ ~Log. Thi~ i'-:. ht r~~p0uf f> io your req uest that I f urnish Sl1IT1 ., unnnsllHi t;n r11y 1: cee1•i exper i e rt~S in lb e Bhel­l~ Hcl 1. land .. . As )·ou J'Hv v tY f; t he-t· waa a Gl.tive oJ tft 16lnn<ls and ~.hh0ugh l,r. )t ft }'(Jr fHtliH wll')ff. rpritv ;-1 yo nn ~" ftHU. be aJ~Va\• S CJ c l"J~hr:rrl HI 1 'Jtlfll'tt,S vf }lj ~ bo•y jtoOft d<J j'S j1l the lau1l •if tl•• ''~iJutn4 .. lJ JJt t' 1 l l r Uu) t'e tdent.i aaH tJ,e SJ,rtJ, .. nd~. ··:·;n n1 ·: 1JiUl11 i~ Ll1c· lueal P:X .f.,. •a-- ~ion d :SCri II 1 r th lo (f J s i, b i l tl" i~ PJ'll "· i~atl) t ·{?n ly four h ou1 ~ ,f day1i 1t. The . h tlands c "U py a latit.u e c "r 1 · n n r t<J th~Jt o ~ . 1u h ·11 .. re 'Ill; nd anti ry have the fc r.g suzn­In• l" dn_vs :l.tln erru·tfJy Jong wi lt l' ni· ht .. \-,jfi h ar~· r.Jun~a 1·i ·tk oJ the f! r 11ot th. The •. t,l tP.linhJr• gulf tream, ho · v:er, ,,\·ing · ;n ftom he 1\ llanll(· dir, ~tly ag; inst the 1shHHt'", tha. in !-\pif ' pf the11· (\' lreme n rthern Jc c.atior~ they ~~~v.e a 1 eraci v tv m.ild J.Ul' u 1j f ol'·m •Unu1 l e ~-, h fewer e· - {!'en es of tr•fflp.: rntule thall 1P have here in Canton. Ve1·y little no~ in wiut<'"r ar.d no 1nt days in unnner .. So und ~ lil< · th ma1\in~ nf an 'r tt;tJ ,. hnate, but I - (nr<:: sreit ing en th us insti,... ~-p rrnt. t rPn~enl be the in­ct ·~~n-nt fngf'. the gray days <HJd !.l1e high ~inds which p1 oducc a. cl i nt:::tte far :f.u,n1 healthfuL The 1 land • ch iefiy because of tltese ' in<ls, are the de:-.p<:Li,· t.J fot esters not a real tree on the fslands an "'h ·re in spiie of frequent cfl'orts in fore~t plantdttun. ...1'ature has heJp d out in Lhe n1aiter of fuel. h') •• b~ producing large areas 0f pe~t, the "uea ·'' coal '>f the Notth, which is availahJ~ fnt· practican~· every .:n1all farmer at no g1~eater co~t t,han ·he phy ·ic::1l eff:()l-t j n­volved in djgging iL up, drying it in the un and trans­porting it to his peat shed. 'fhe Shetlander is something of an arJlphibian. a combin.atjon of farmer and fisherm~n, ltving pa:1.1: of the time in .his boat and part in his field . e rually at hon1e in both places. A stranger vis iting the island is naturally intere t ­ed in seeing some of the famous Shetland pon1es on their nat ive h eath, but today he ; ~ doomed to d1~p­pointme11t as the busine ·s of 1aising ponies has fallen off so rapidJy that on ly a ver~· fe,v can be fot1nd ~n a day'$ journey. One of the greatest n1arkets tCJr pon ·t .. was the coal mines of England and Se.otland and toda)· electric mine haulage has for the most part di ... placed the pony. Shet]and \vool. however1 till retnins it... popul1ttit y and every whe1·e one sees the little 1..'h-etland h ep of val·ious shades of color g1·azing on the hillside .. ·- The Sh etland eustou1 r eg:trding the gathet ing of the wool is unique in t hat instead of $hearing the wool it js "plucked'' fron1 t he hody of the \; heer. l t s, und 1 ike a cruel and barbarous met hod, but '1:00.. a n attt:\ · -..r fact, the plucking (or l$rooing '') i~ not atl rnptM l nt:t the VlOQ} i abnost ready to d 1•"' p 0 (!. ttl ~ i\ E' We~. fl.u· ihc oncoming g1 ,,-u, of a ne\ '' "1"J. l t. :t ·n1 ', l causes th c aninu:\1 no 11nin whatc j r. Let n lon~. 1 ~ ~h eev wo uld of course shed t-l'\0 \' ('lOt ) 1 jts eu il' t;~ . TJ1 plucked W<'lol .\· iekl~ long'f\r and Stlf et tlbr~' tli!ln \'Vonl t.hal h ·• ~ l>e n ~h e~u·ort and 1h H, h.g tlh·t w'th un~ tHl tU·tl ~kil l in kuil Ung- :'\('(',lUHt s fort h l"'lu,rklbtt \ iU11d h jn pn l, •r1 itll l to \'(•i)_rld \lf "'h vll ttl I knit ~·o. Js. '1'ht>q ~no lt"i a•· · ... ut irt•ly lwnd tna\·h'. fl~hi(lHt·d ' .... tlw d t ft firtg t ~ t>f tht-• ,,·,)rr\t~n ~d n l'A.f ,. , f Jh\ d t hal • itTlJ •iy ~UlHl ~i . it"' Ulc e~"{· ~ oi Mr~. nobet-t'\~ n, '"'he Is, het"~f' l f DQC tnpli ~h <'1 in the ~~ut. ~hPtJan ~ l·dlll gl,() l~· h ' ·tJlot.h \r ttnique eh:U'a · f~d ~­~<' in thAt fhe Ct}l r.: u .. t.'d'"' getl rrdly th' n tur~ll ~~)ltH o.· 1]~(, sh{'(']) th{ Hl~P)Y f8. \ 0\ l i,· fO ttl~d in rnH~ ~hitt\ gr:-ty. IJ, own, l lack and l'tAd, .'11\d intc\J \ot nl('di~t t .~11} de~ n t· rnnrl(\ by rn i ~ iu o· tl l'O'l(t. t f t h ·\ f' b· ·h .. cnl< 1 ~. ~h t!.-1 Ht vnls intcn,~tiltg h> llJf~ fol: p r.· ual ,. nsn.ns. 1t a}~) h '$ nl:n'~" ft1atun~!s -. f jnt. '<: ~t to H vhdt t r who h ·ld n ' p \r · ·1n ·) l int ·Test in ~ling t h ~o\r\1 . ~ht~ t'-al~fi,~$t r ~·ttrd-t ] ~Pttl rrtt•nt ~ on the I ~lH nrl s "'"er" na ~e ln \it· inp·R \ ho e~1n1~ ovflr Jrotn 1 or\ (l Y. HJ)Jl3l' :l ·1L lr d·' iYing 1;>tt t t 1t t ahorigi.na1 rwt :.;, a 1 Aee · l\l ut \t}n ·h hb.tory ••t:h~ol"d~ practh~~llly ll\.:lthin~r. 'l'h~' l H..' "'.ar ... kn"lWH •nl. '. \Y , on1 ·' tf J'" ~S t.ruel. ·10s \J\'hH:h • • ' • The white cottage to tb.·e J1ght or the picture .is "S~tie]dsH at "\Vall;:;> S hetland, where R. 8-. Robetrt.son's father was born. the:v• . left behind and vvhich are sajd to have been built nearly t'vo thousand years before Ch1~st. These structu1.. es are lrno\vn as "BrochsH and con­sjst of circular stone to~r.ers about forty feet in dia­meter and forty feet high, built of flat stones put to­getl1er \vitho~}t lnortar of al'lY so:r-t. These towers were placed at regu1ar intervals through th.e Islands and apparent ly served the double purpose of signal towers and defense fortress·e"S, \Vith provisjon for ~torage of food ~d sleeping accon1modations~ It is inferred that the Pic.ts w~ere men of ve:ry small .$tature fron1 the very small rooms that \Vere b uilt int(} the \valls o:f the Brochs "for sJeeping places, the avel'(Ige size of a .room being about three fee_t wide thfl~e feet h lgh and about four feet in length. N ea1ly all of these Brochs are IWvv in l:'uins due to the st.ones hav·1ng been e~n .. rind off to b~ used by the local l·esi­dents fol' the erection o• f buildings fo1· their O'\: n use . On the jsJand of 1\tlousa near the Southei·n end of -the , ---- T.HE LOG -- ----~~-------~~-~~------~----~--~~-~--------~~~~~~~------~·~~--~--~---- gT Ul tJ1 re is '11 ) B'n h ''"hit•h ba. ~u · ·ivt?-d th~ n - .. :n1lt~ f the elen1~11t.. :1nd t h e''cn n · ·e Y 1gornt · ~ ~~ault~ f n1an and '=tanrls to lay ~q. the nH), 1' r·t ct ·· npte an,~\ ht'l' > of t he \ <•1'l"num ·lliJ) n f a long ftu·- uctt u ruce. i.. " above SlHteii he tTitt n his ful .\' vf th' i~lfuld. ~S!H1~ with th~ in\"' sion h~ the v1 ki •1!-.;. lat• r '11 :1 of the ~ )rwegi· .. n kin~r~ rl sir ed. to h<. \0 hi~ <bught ·1~ arricd h_') the ~on of lh . then ldng t)f "\~o llnnd ano in acco ·a ,,·ilh th ') <'tlston1 of t i)P lirn hau to prorlnc ·' a dOWI , . of S1 litab1 ' ~ i ze. t0 . 'Oll\Pt'U1) lh oriel~. HP- • ing "lh 1-t ~ t fund~ at the tin1e, the . or:e kin g·t c a l'Ol'hon in cash .. \url pte i p:~ d th Sh UaJld 1 laudr; for the reni.ainder. l-U~ fin~u1c i al ~tatu ~ ne , cr jm pl"OVt,d ~ufiidt"'ntly to r'-~l,nit hiln to 11ft th~ ple-dge and $0 the ~sland~ ''ere l~ft tu the coutr<.: 1 of the Scottish kings. (To bl c~ntinued ) L~-\DOR D Y CELEBRATIO l-IE ~ "'th annual Labor Day Celebration "vi ll take place in Canton 1\ifonday. September 2. As a prelude to the Labor Day Celebration, a o::~cred concert \Vill be given at the Champion Park Sunday evening, epten1ber 1, at 7:00 o'clock, in ·which the Champion Band and memb€rs from all the church choirs '"ill pa l~icipate. Jt ha~ been stated th<lt it will be the largest event ev-er staged in Canton. The celebration '"ill be spon­sored by the Chamber of Comme,rce and The Ohampion Fibre Company. The events of the day \·ill be .opened on Monday monling by a concert at the Champion Pa.rl\: at 9:00 o·cloclc ..~ t eleven o'clock an address will be delivered br a very prominent speaker. The events of the day \ill include s inging~ swin1- ming. ~nnis. races of all description and nun1erous othe:r interesting features. \"\ -e uwe.rstand that Mr. Ba.scon1 Lamar Lunsford of AsheviHe~ a spec iali~t in fol1<-songs and dancing, '"ill have charge of ihe song and dance program. On 1Ionday night there wHI be a square dance cotl ­fe.~ t in which tearns from many of the Western Caro­lir• A Cvu11ties v:H1 participate. D~,Ji~:J (age .ev .. n) --We':re troing to have 1·oast chicl,­r. m f6t diJJtlr.;r,. (Jftfc, fsj ter--- {<IU ovtwf,(:.ard nJothcr .·ay . ..r>. fJoris N!J1 1 ov:e.-r.I hi~JJ ed it r:ocJ~dn g. T~x ·ha nge. (Jfl. ~:-.y, whc) w~ ~ ht!J ~' to t:we v ;u la ,l uighi'? {)u),¥ ;\tl y rtJl~, f:·d..l • t~J·. :\.V, .. Jf) . 4 11 Nlv J , th4t -.i • }f .. fi h<~( ]Hpt r, ll u •. pi uo. ~1 r·. Heu 1 [\ob lr son . • I r . \ ·~t •n t ; n r·al ~·Ian" er ,Juh Th r·hampinn r lhrP Cnrnp'lll ... : I} ·ar l\1r. l'nh•:\rt. on : \'p the UlJd PJ'!! v..·i~h to r)ur appre··#~t-tinn f 1} t.h -' privde,S!e of ntt ·nd·ng th Blue Uit •:r( r~.~r<-'n --c nn Hurnan r~ _ l;.lti(Jtr . in Indu ·tr ·. It "'as ind{.! cl a drtli)Z'htfu l t l'i Jl and .,\ no 011ly e ~­jr: yt' f Every nutmPnt rtf i t. hut. fc~l that ·e ha.Vf.: n bet­l r Ut1d(' t' lanrling qf' th<· JJ1'f'>{ :em ~" of iitdt :-;t.ry. a1 ~ hn lJ cndc·avor tr, ('(, ... qp ;ratt. in e' •er;v · ·a) Pf'S ib~ \ {th the ManagertHmi of Th·? ( 'h ~mpir n Fibn~ Cntt ptuJy in Lhe futwrc. We l> -lieve that there a1 e few. if :•n.'. bcttt~ · or·garri­? nt ions in the country to wnl'k fot than The Chat pion F il>t·e Company, and 'We pJedgP ou1· 'UJ'lJf./rt in orom t ... ing goori wjll the organizaUon. Again we thank you. Signed : J. F. 1\1oody, C. C. Nichols. Jr,hn HaJI~ Clare7l'Ce Queen, Hayden Dot on, llarry Rotha. Jr.~ Porter Hf.;n­det, son, Fl'ank A. Hall, G. D. Wo()druff. ,J .. ,.._ l!oh rts, l{arry Spain, Loyd Parham, W. tT. Ifan.nah. Jame.: Rush, E . C. B1·adburn, A. L. Yarborough. NEW HIGH PRODUCTION RECORO .. During the 03 Period, five departments (Jf the t lant stepped into high-gear and producPd son1e t· ·<'Ol(t~ w'h ieh may prove embarrassing )n the ft~t !:H:0. The uBoss" might want to know wh)· "it eanJt be done every day ." The following depart.me11 ts reported reeo"M ·: BoQk Mill. n Extract. Daily average E. B. Plant. Number 4 Pulp Machine. Sometin1es we think these deparinlent~ h<n·e rc..·arhed their t0anage, but a greatet effort or a liHie ch "~ nge and former records are shattered. We cong1-atulate the s upervisors and operators and hope that better record will fol low. rve got the ball we lost ye .. terd~1.r. A ldrl h ct it. Golfer That' . good! 1-[ere ru g i \D y lU 'h,n ~~ou gave him for it. C~1ddi<~ No, tl~a n l . 1 ~ave h in1 a ulft 'k P) tl! 1 d()u•t uncle•·stnnd n1 E'n . Wh(1Vs the ruaU \r "' w '? · My h\JHbnlld rt\n a lank durin .~(· (},., ''ar. ~ nd lh \A h- · c !lll'L t)V(\11 J 'UO n. UCIIUJH c.·lt•uH!r f(lr l'lH'! • THE LOG 5 ----"----"-----..:;.,.,_;;_,. _ ___._...,.-__ ._........,._ __________ _.._.~---------------~--------------'-----------:----- OAT TRIPLE EVAPORATORS RECENTLY ERECTED ORK T':\·o jobs "1ich are neatly complete deserve men­tioJ;- the ne' · Bleach Plant and the installation of the Oat T~i1)le Evaporator .. r~oth oi the· e jobs ''"e- e done by the Construction Depa1·tm.ent. The evaporator~) '"hjch ordinarny re­qui. J;e, \:e under tand, three ~{f. eks to con1plete, were installed 1n cmt "·eel:, \.h ich was record time. Ho,,·ever, a «)eat deal of night \VfJrk 'as done. \ hen ~h--: Const uction boys make up thejr n1ind to or. a ."ob \ · hin a ce1 tain time they usually do it. The bu'ld~ng of ne\v evavorator room is also about cutr. pltt,e , nd rnach ine1·~ installed. In. order to kee}} a large plant equipped with up-to .. date 1naehinery it requires constant changing. \Ve 'vonder hovv it is possible to n1ake a p1·ofit \vhen so much is spent on ne\v equipm,ent. Another thing that made the gTeat 1nen of old seetn so g1·eat was the lack of candid cameras. Nel ... on Ne'v ~ • ML"tress Just look at the dust on this piano, Ivlary. 1 i's at least six \veeks old 1 Calm Mary Then .it ain,t noth ing to do \Vith tne, mum. rve only lJeen h et·e fOUl' \V eks. 1'hc a ·h Year. 6 THE LOG -------------~---~--~---~ • <lrbr g,tars anb ~ar1l U! -v UAL THINGS AND PLACES OF INTEREST • IN NORTH CAROLINA The Stars and Bars ID you kno v that the designer of the Con­federate Flag: the llStars and Bar s'' was a _ ~ orlh Caroljnian? n 1861 rep1 e~en tat1 v•cS of the seven states, ·which had seceded, were assen1bled in c0rtference at lVIont­gon1e1 ·y, Alabarrta to otganize a ne'.v coun try out of the ..:ot theaslern, Lh~ committee a sked t he people lo &u! ;f:J ·t dt::: i~rns foJ a F1~g of thP Cunfederate St ales of A rnel"i-c-a. \1\.hile the C•J~.t fcdera t(; CcJngJ·cc:s 'vcas io session al Mrmt.gvmr$r,v, Al.ab:una, On PH rt:-ulfloJvh Smjt.h , who l •ad !'Pl"V~d wjtJ, ZuchriY~' 'Taylor in lhte war AJ! 1 k4G- H~, an(l ;with c'\lht Jl ~..;JdJJ•"'.Y .] rAJJi . l tJU in Utl.lh ju 1 85~. ~ H S Jiving at Lc·wi .bu r?·, thP Cotu1tv ' Ji i r,f t'r HHfdi tl. \iVJH·11 Mr. Hrrdih holrd ~ht~ ()n f t·d t•l :l lf; c~J)J O") • ·:-: ~ w a r; --~ a. king for d(•h-1gn:-- for fl11g for tL •! f'1 nied"'·-~· .. tal{·s, h JulJnJ itLet! th .. •·, tar and I~ ar ... '' an it · .""'"' a-ce "' Pt ~d b~· th~ f r<,vincial Co1v~;;.e 'i 1 a:t It I, 1861- Th ;J .. ..;t.:H·s a nll JJat' ·· Wl·r~ desig 1.:d ~y C)rt·en L.~u ~ dolph Sn1ith ahont V~b,·u~t ry HJ, ldf'l, n:od sho!''tJiy t.h cryH iter a Jnall f:lag uf the '\~b.t• and 1~ a.r~. :. · n l <t il· ~1 1 f ' the C'Jufedc f'vng:re · in Afaut.una, r n <1 qCJ' ibi ng th ~ ''Suu· an I I ;al '. ;tr I l jt r!leaning. J\ J t . Sntith ·~id : HJ. k n ~w th<t a -()idtet', :ffag sJJ.ould JHlYC the de .,pest. t rue t .. i g-nlf1CJ:L.n~c . not be ~intl'b n hJencli ug· of b.r1gh 1.. coJors. c oldie ·' · flag is h1 , in­SJ) ln't tion.. 1 t strl nds fur horn t3:. k.ln rll'ed aud co n Lr ~ . _ l l had C:>O Jn uc;h n1 a ning for nte. 1 b o p~:·rl n1y ftag wou.d lell it~-; s tory to nll who saw j t . ·o 'htn 1 read the ad­vert iseni nl ·· F'lag 'va ntPd,·· I wa.'$ 1 Pa dy . "T he idea of n1y flag 1 t ook from tht: Triuit).,. Three in One. rrhe thr-ee Ba rs were StatE\ Ch Ul c;h and Pre · .~. P ed r epresented State ; Le~~ s lat i ve , ,Judichu:y .anrt E xecutive ; Whjt e for ChurchJ Father, .. ·nn and lft)t.Y Gl1ost; Red, fo.t· P es.:; : Fr eedom of SpPech , Fn;edom of Conscience, Liberty of Pl", all bounfl tv-getheJ by a .field of blue, the heavens over aU, I.Jearing a tar f ur each t a te in the Confed era tio~ The . e"en .\hite s tars, all the same size, were placed in a circle, :- h.o\,;ng that each State had equal Righ ts and Pri\.. ileges, irre­spective of sjz.e or population. The circ.Je having nei­ther h ead nor foot, signified "you d-efend rue and rn pl'otect you/' "If you had been in my place, would you not have Wc1n ted one of yOlll' f lags to float in the breeze, ·hether the Flag Committee accepted your design 01· not, "·hen you had given so much tin1e and th<iugh t .. the besl that was in you, to it? After titre model was gone I asked n1.i~s l\Iurph ... - to make me a la1·ge flag, nine by tweiYe feet, and it was on JVlonday, 1\[arch the eighteenth, 1861,. that I raised this flag to the top of the pole one hund1·ed feet high, 0n the corner of the Court House Square~ in Louis­burg, the County Seat of Franklin, North Ca1·olina. "The d1·ess goods Jor both n1Qdel and 1 rge flag l bought frmn :Barrow's store, and the r\ o n1~"1 that helped n1e the most and we1·e the mo~i intere red in the flags, were \V. J. Green, Oolon~l C. ~ . A .. ru1d .-\.lgr StrotheT, Louisburg. .. The pole I nlatle by splicing two t lll &~pl ing'\ got­ten fron1 my n1other's plantation, fi e n1il s f ron1 t~ wn. ''Over the la.rge flag I had a long bh1 ~ st.1· ~mer, uch as an Adn1iral u~es on hi: ~ hip h~ n h.oau:" :tl'{i bvund. and on thi ~ Thad a star for Lh ~ No1lh !St ~t-l ~. i vr ih\Htt'"h !:)he did ltot secede unlit ~L,t .' ~ Oth. 1 k Pew ~lr .\ \ .1$ ' 'lloruewanl Hound.· · 11 ~[arch I ~ th, U)()l . '~ A$ n i r ~ t f>fl.r f (lr l .< H ishu r 1 the town '"'tL~ fill d wiLh pt·o!,l(\ fr ~ m ll tiJ ~ .}U vU t)d . ' .rfiH!" is lh :-.; t ('l"~ .. 1 t;.u ·~ ntul J : .a l ·~, th • or the." ''Ot,l ~ "~: ,-.;h FJa •·.'t Tth~ Vl n~ thut l 'd th · \l ('O in "r .. \ • • THE LOG • • • ..lnu~n( m ,front of the Courthouse iJl LouisbOJ;.g, N. C. .Erected in rne1no·ry of Orl"en &a-n.d4llph Smi th who ciesigned the Confederate Flag. through t.:he 1'1ost difficult '\Yarl~H~ an~ against the g.rea test odd~ .eYer told of in llist~·y. • ··~i"'is was the first :\ational Flag and u.ntil after Mauus~J;s. \Vhen it vr-a'"' deeided to use BeauTegard's • l:iag in Battle~ it \Y~S tl1e oruy Flag of the Confederate bta te ~ of -~e riea. i'l-:e of Dooe. loved Old Glory. Did not tl1ousands of u... march under her fo:d in the War with Mexico, read )1' t'O &t·erifte~ ALL for Her Honor and Her Glory 1 ··Ttat ·was 'J.·hy I \~anted to use hex colors in the F1 g for the . outh~ I took the idea of adiling a star for: e-ach. Stat-e that joined the Confederacy from that other Southern man, W a.sl1.i11 gton. ·~we, lJecp]e of IJixie, are richer for having two flags, one brings to uc the ble sed drearr.ts and mernories of our .:outh, th~ Sta ru a.Itd, the other stands fo1· OUi . OfJLTNIH~Y, to live tOl\ if need to die for1 The and -.Jttipes. "In the sixties, some Americans w.ore Blue, some Gray, now all Our BOYS \VEAR KriAKI, (Cl\'linute ivLen~', 1'<2ady ! at their conn tTy's call." In front of the County Court House in Louisbtu·g stands a 1nonun1ent erected to Orren R.andolph Smith, the orig~inator and designer of the "Stars and Bars," the Flag of the Confederate States of An1erica. The monument bears this inscription: Erected September, 1923. By The North Carolina Division United Daughters of the Cont.ederacy .in appreciation of the fact that the fitst flag of the Confederacy, the ustaT~ and Bars,'~ 'vas designed by a s:en of North Carolina, Orren Ran­dolph Stnith, and made under his direction by Cather­ine Rebecca (lVlUl"f>hY) Wii11botne, for,~arded to 1Yion t­gontely) Alabarna, F·ebruaty 12, 1861, adopted by the (Concluded on Page 9) 7 , \ uf. ~ \ 1 I • .1. Q . Pubti-hcd by ·'The Chamrh.m l"amily" ns l \ .. ymbol of t he Co­operalio » ~n<i Good Fellowship Existing at the Plnnt e>-f The Champion Fibre CI."~ U'lp~u,y, .anwn . North Ca roli r1n. • G. . . f'H ILLlP ......................... _ ........... ............................. Editor REl.iBE. · B. ROBERTS(.) -, JR. ........................ As;sociate Edi tor REPORTERS D-Al.SV B U'Rl' ETTE --· --·-·----·-·--~------ --- ~laill Otriee J. M. DE TO. -·- ___________ .. - ·-- - ...... -- Book MiU ;,t. \ _ BltA.MLETT - -·· .. - ··-··-·-···-··---~--·-----··---· ·-··- R. & A. PAUL S YATT _ - - - - - - - -------·-- - --- P ower 0 . F. GlL L.IS·-------·---·-·------.. --.... 8 . 8. Dept. 1. WARR& SIDTB - .. - ----·-- -··--.. --·.. _ Voc.ullonal Educatloo "DlGESTER" - ·-- __ ·--·~··-· _... --·---·-- Sadphhe COGWllBEl.S -·- ----···- -- ·-- Machlnea L E· ~o.BA 8 UGH£8_ .. _______ ···--·-- ·-·-=-·- - - FiniabJna Room THE COLO ·a ------ ---·--··--· .. -·-·-·-· .... ··----- --Estract D. G. ~"1\.EN ···--·- · ···-- - ····- .. ----·-- ·'"'···----·····-.. -·· ··---··-···--~-~Soda M·;u A BAD RISK ~1A_ - n1akes applica tion to the bank for a loan or to the n1erchan t f or credit. He is jnvestigated and the repor t sa ys that it is a d~k" hj;· r€corrl is bad. Con sequent 1y t he loan is not gr~nt.ed a11d credit is J·efu sed. \~11lat about y.our acciuent 1·ecord '? 1 s it good or a1·e '·r,~u considered a · lJ~d risk"'? • Recently v:e n ::ati of t he foHowing p u1·poried conver­. a.lio.n between an u1jurerl en1p loyee a11d his superin­~.. cndc : ll : 'Flo\ ·'s th , J.Ttl, (.1.')ked the boss. u, he uor.·t htH i l t1 Uc·h'' r·erJlied Ienry. ('\Vhat I ha te most j i.Jl' t J JJp,J;.c :t fHte n ye:-~ l· r:;nf·~t 1'PCord by get t ing hl.rrt r'Je b(~en ~1-l'e Jtl Jre'u fif t een y eal·& und ihi lS is tht! ~ t·. t tj ,, t• I f~\u!r hurl a lo~ l titue aCI.!i cl t~nL T h ut';"\ ti. g· i (Jd , l.: !l.Jrd <.d.d tH, v f've J.1f>11 t? hlnd ru htPrl i t .,. '·:-;tt ./(JU uj i.r: h Lh ~c jt is a go(Jd ret::o t·d ~t , :l ~h ~d thf..' l:iUJ):.-r in1.Pfld<.:nL " £;111) i ;t hu1 t ('\· t ·I y fif:t ( ) JI :l~ al'.' iBn't a gt,~( . r r nouvh ,~ ... C•>JCl 1,:\, any JJt ~tnt). Jn ta·L • Lhe ho. ~ continu .. d. the aVPrage in"'liv i lutl l cord of tit ) n•en in hjs pl:tni i.: HHH:h b t t. t 11• n that. 1 t ,,, ·~ h o w yfiu . Jleor\·1 ' 'l Htt \'' Hd ~q lpt !J if each o · t le n1 n i u th is plant would g < l h Ul'L -' Hw ~ eY1Jl'Y nfteen , ~c·ar~ . " • Aft,·r T"~...;tr! Jng the above. "' e J c·g; n t'J ligttre anr dis-co v\.!rt•d that a thirty-} t!€tr ,. c oul i" r1 ot Jnn~ (J brag. fl hou f. ShouLd t he orn t~J oye;.: in our ph-.tnt ave age erne tnaj or t-wciden l flvcrv A fit' 'Jl ye:-11~,- " 'e wos1Jd ha~'e nl.ore Lh P!l 1 2~ dL~ab li ng -aecid<! nLs each yr:!~l r. o rnore th· 1 J O.G p ... 1· tnont h. lfovv long have Y' u bc~n ~ r_,r ld ng for this Compan"·'! What i. .YOll r l 'eCt•J'd ·? Are you a uhad riskp? 1 r :ou \ere operH ting a bu~ine q and one of you1 .. cuRtorners didn't pay his l>ill , \Vould :rnu continue LO accomn1odat.e him ? 'Vould you consjdt::r hirn a ,bat1 t j \ ')( '? H 'on1e of our empJoy€es have one or n1o1·e major in­jul ·i e~ every year. It .. eem · that employees ·who are injured of t en hould l>e con ·idel ed a ' 11Jad nsk''. H ov;­ever, t hey r emain on the job, yet we knO\V t hat ~oon er 01~ later the l'epea t er . wiJ l get kiJI~d or perroanen tly inj ured and they, their fa rniliet-i and the companY wi~ l s uff er . I n 't it bette1· to use discipline and stop the un safe pract ices bef or e employees do get hurt and haYe to suffer'? We believe that ii' the re •p onsi biJi t.v for jnjuries ·was placed on the f oreman and ihe for en1an given authol·­ity to deal with the careless man, inju1ies would be r ed ucerl to a n1inimrun. TOOL TE! Mr s. Mar garet vValey , wife of 1-Iannon \-aley. C0n­victed in the k idnappin g- of George Weyerhauser, J1~., who was r ecently sentenced to twent~· real~ in the F ed­eral Reformatory at Milan, lVlich igan, _a'id: ··1 descr ·e even n1ore t han I got. When l get out of this 1·etornla· tory I jnt end to lose myself to go it alone. "I hope the tin1e I am spending in priRon \ ill teach other gh·ls to keep out of t1·ouble. I J'n w· I h vuld have told the people when I lraf11ed thlt we had th~ Weyerhauser boy, but I was searec.l tin. . " If it hadn't been for Hannon \~ale ·· T wouldn·t bt: ~ \Yh erc I 8Hl today. rnl t hrou,g-h wi lh hi tu fore\ l' ., l\1t·'"'· \Valey ' ~ ex pPr iencc i · a le · ~( n f r us alt <.tnd . houlo not be"' on fo rgotten . T \ou ld li t · ,~ lo \1\ u lhlV ~l. f )O \ 'OU 1 (W \ \ h O\ t \l W 'lt 4 ? • • ( )),, f ~ hall u~t· ~l l .' Pf' \'l·it 1·.- Jl 'frnvaso. ~--------------~--~-----------------------------~------------~------~----------~------~----------------~ • T' hn :thra ' s. h )en ~o. \'h n a n1an suet.'C fld .~ • ihutncia.Jly, it d ·: ~11't ll1att r '"'h ~ th 'f he ha. l,f't nIt \ll<'t.:t in hi~ de:tling-~ <.\a· nut, h t,. i ~ l•r:~ nd - • f ;H1d a I \I h(1 r. rl,. (t ) l 1 ~ ~log. n i~ . .. har ~ t ht\ '" ;aft h .. , t'fttk ~ front thP: \vi o 1 l~,. ·' ~u1d J.(h e t' th )Se wh• h::tv nut. Li ~· t\ J "'- J'; 11 l, ) t i~ jt 1:!' () '0 })()li(',\ : J• )lHi i tell u that l\<) p .tr c~nt <11 1ht J)Opulation o·wn \itJit~' p ' 1" cent of the w(olnJth t)[ t)Ur cou nil·y. Thd n1.a\ l)e tru, JH '' ~\'t l'. tltnL 1n:1y not he a I )gi al ~ ~r ~ ~nnJ{~ t \ ,1 th 'Tr. "~har thP \ealth .'' t. h r lU ""'t of: th ' l.dlite:fl ~t t , ~, th ~ C11d· in t f a c ' .nnli Lt~ app 1nf"'il fnr t.htt purp) , of' ~l ... L') ~t· itting tl• 'uct":} l'l ' P •lt-cJ a. fu Jh.H\ ~: n Pl29. ,j ,t v~f ur p, r ·.-nt of the H<li-iOI1al incotnc ,<t .'~it1 ut tn ·a~:~· :nd $alari s. ln 193() the \o·rJ,. • ~ 14 )r ,·q ;p.,r ent of tJh.,. tot~Jl nation·tl iuct)lll . ln ~ : •. 1, t bt, ,,·ag" ,, 1 J <tblri.-~ of \r n·1 crs i!'Ull unt•?·d t(,> 7:} per "~ll1 o · the t •tl inron1e, und i11 l~J~ the Wul k­e .... ~ g' · ( 0 1~ 1 t en t~ \" t' :'ltC.J1 ~r C•'ntt·ndiug· thuL the \ Or'-cr arc !!0tting too n•t cl : in tact. '" '3 v.··:h it \·as ~o that PVC'r~r ern- • p!~;~\"t.: e\ ~. !! · t.:vuld 'e ub tanti~1llr iuf't(l~~t lL but the t,\n1C:'r~c"1n p 1,)pl., . l onld kno,\· the f~~ct .. 1"aking ·,,·.a.\ fro1n the ell ictent anrl giving to the ~nconl! i l 1t ' 1)] ,._,)t ht.~lp n1at te1· rnuch-we don·t b - rev~ ;., i..., the t. , ,,, 1:l. ' t.o re~tore pro perit~-. Iuepri nt~ of Pxogr~Sh Siah'l Q. e 1 as "' irl that idea" are the blueprints of }U"' rf-.;~ aru tJ, i i · not .J..1nply a figure of speech. Ii act t'Hi :iu~nUy st· ted. But for ideas there 'vould • t_, , no prOJ::r'l s:: :--. Fro11 t· n.lOl'tX>v.- \lfi':\"fard~ 1 , hall alter n1v djet. Noth- • ing ln;t frui :1o bread~ no cakeR, e.r pa~try . l)t)~to · : orrlm'!S ~ • . ro. baker . on L gire any lnoJ·e credit, but the f · ' d ll. .Jug nd .. L d · t ca · sho,\'room) - I want a reallv fnnnv ~ . n!a~ · ..:, 1 ll~ ~. . .np~rtntic·--M.r. I mith, a ladr want you. KoraJle. -·----~~----~--~ Dv . .-ou }h .• ') cl.ildt en ? -r f>:, ... , the.~ n:.ak~ iLe Lou ... € so c·aim a lid peaceful \'hen ~1~.r- ·1a · t.une to ! d.-Wochen~chau. The d· ct 11: I co :'ju]t tells .vuu to pla. · go I C for rour health .. .~<! "f ::tal alrPady plGly go-lf, v.:hat then~ ~( ten · . ·ou .. o :-..to1).~tray 'to tie..,. . • 9 ~:\ 8 I' A 1'1S1'1(' Nl) A C<t. 1 ~ ~ · -·n su rve ·~ s he '\>\' l$hat J<'l' ev J'. • f:t.Lal ~H· ·j !'I t in iralu :-JLI'r, th, \re clt ~ fh·c in hnn1es: ntJd. itt lJ J lliG ' p~[lct~ . A ~~-~ft' eondusion h~ tlt:·1t \,\! ... hnuld ht~ nf~ 1~· st a ~ t' ~tr •Jql ,,fl tl1c jc b n · \ '('!' arp wh~n \·\ H ki 111f. Tht~~· f~ttt " ~l n.: a l) ;.tltnal r<\lnind ·r that o 1r phtll uf' (; I'PllJ ~k!...l t t:;R ~ clnd Acci·d ~ nt JH'ot 'ei iou x.v[Jl p;q1 you '' < ld). ht· ut•(i1 :--. when you nre lajd up h<'C' U~{.; of ac(~i­lh · n t..~ tllr•l \',if II wldl i-l" ~tv front \Vvl'"I . It ):• 'S ~'Olt .!-\ it'llJiar }H'n •• fitt~ h( 1n ~it lnf·~ · k "P ' ynn hont ~ . Ill tlds wa. · rt ltdp.· f':\.'"tP the blO\ r,J nclt trn 1 - r t n (' it· ~. J ,a~ l Yt:'ill' jn Lh ., {J,lited 8b1 t<' ~ and C •n,~ .. ia lf) IJ) J!).~ • ~7 ~>1 '"a~ pniJ by ~he ~1etropo!i1un ,ifr- fn-· . Ill , IJl \.'P ( ; Ull l} }(lU V tt~ t0ntp0l'[t t'il di ~abl U f!D1 t•lo.'· ..(:tg \ \'IH h~td the lJrolcction of Gl'oup Si J.-ne ·o and Acci­d "'Ht r l tn, ~. It wiH IW.\' .VOII, or coun.;e, to kr~e p \Veil ctnd to I vr,irl acd dPn h~. J!nt if vou dl) b eun1e • ick ~ or n t vith • ~-u1 atcid 'nt tl th >job, the com}.n~n y ' <~roup fnsur::tnc .> wi JI Jend a \VPlcon1e h,,nd. YOU AND 1 ' Ev t y rnan \vho has auj thing to do \.Vith aui n1obilcs ~ hould becon1e an apostle of safe driving . F'as l high-­p< nvered cat$ a1·e falling into the hand ~ of hTebpon­StUIC drjver~ and unles~ so1ne -educational \ ork is done that 'vill tend to l'edu·ce the auton1obile mot~taljty , we ar·e ~oon goj ng to be faced \Vith. undue legal regulat.ion or n1Echanical governors '"hich wiiJ automatieally con­tl'Ol road speed. Talk, act and be safe. Anon. Colesla\v What\. the n1atter ? f jnance bothel'ing 'l Ca vial' Yes. I o~ e · mith $5, and today Pvc got it, and he kno\vs I've got it . THE STARS AND BARS (ConJimLI'd from J>agt· 7) Provincial Congress l\1arch 4, 1861. First dis played in N Ol'"th Carolina ~larch 18, 1861. Orren 11andol'ph Sn1jth \Vas born near Louisburg, No1th Carolina, Decen1ber 18, 1827. He was a nvember of the North Carolina Reg-iment of the fu·st volun­teer~ in the ~lexicau War. vVhile serv1ng undet" Gel'l­eral Zachary Taylor and later in 1858, \"\then he was n1ade a captain in the United States Ar1ny, he came to 1·egard the Flag as a symbol which the soldier re­::> pects and loves. lfis training in these two wars in the serv1c€ of ihe United States had in1pressed upon his mind the ~ anc­tity of the co1o1·s and the necessity for a f1ag \Vith a gr·eat piritual sihrnificance. The representation of Church, State and Press in the Flag to eX"press the tht·ee foundation~ of a gt·eat govel'11ment, sho\vs the l1igh rf:!spect in \'hich the colors \vere held by hint. , 10 THE LOG George Hh·eh- in bis speed boat on Gull Lake, Kalamazoo, Mich. • CO ! 'fr i~CI1 G ARGUMENTS IN FA~TOR OF SAFETY SHOES ;:z=::=:;::=-~ 0.~.. LE eroployees are . keptical a bout wearing Saf~ty-tr-"e shoe-s. r111ey claim that the met al in the toe makes them too heavy; t hat a heavy '.liejght d1·opped on the shoe mig ht bend t he cap do\"\rn StJ lhat thf:'y couJd not get the hoe off easily or that the tnetal cap rojght rub the t oe-s. ~ u ch arguments are rne1 ·~h excu(,:es and n(Jt facts. Jio . (lei·, ht.rt ~l·e culne facts wort!; con ·ideration : C F'. F, ady, e::n1 ui(JyPd jn the \VOod r oom, dt·opped a ~t.iel\ c)f ,.:,)c,d <>n hj toe •;vitlH,ut inj ury. Hili el y,·.;ijJl, in tlH~ ffij~(;i. J 'cal L) p~.t l 'tr l(Utt, dt opp ·d ::. twPJJi. J)vUHd w jght OJl ld6 k, · a ncl d ahn ~ thnL he did I riJt feel i L. t;, L. F'i h, eJ1J pfc1y<!d j,, tJ,A J~ oundrr. cl1 D111J d a HiO- • l ) pj c ... of ca ti utr vn h J ltJ wit hout ill.J tu:.v. nd ~ pi )C of pip v{eig hing aly ut 10' t)o Ind feU on J-1 . .... Harton's t e tLnd didn't hurt hin1. Henr ,\· Evans. mn pJr yed on Lh e ra.n1 p at ·'xtrac.i, dr('PP ,ct a . lick of \ o d on toe, stick of ~ o d J:Jounce on· Lo(.> of . ho nnd feU into t he <"JJHVeyor. Evan's toe \.v ~ u n i n j u retl. In ·i t her ca~.e, 1.£ the :tbove 1nen t iO'll(;d meJ> had been wea.nng o•·dinary hhoes <tL th tirne of thE! accident thev ,. oulrl have been off flu n1 ,vo1k for seve raJ weeks • w i ~h a crippled foo t . A fte1· you are injured it is too late; no v i:s the time to g uat·d ruur feet-wear Safety-toe sh(Je~. Jl fact, the safe cou1·se i!> always Lest. _ A "BUM'~ FISHERMAN • Sh ouJd you hear Ray Dyers t alk about his abJJity as a fisherman, vou would think that he could really cat ch .fi sh . He did have us foo led until a few· days ago. While a t Lake Logan, we saw omeone standing out in the Lake alJout knee deep with a fishing poie in his hand. His f ace appeared familiar so we stopped to see what would happen. P r esently the nsherznan gave a quick j erk on hjs line, t he rod broke and whe11 he dreN in the ·line the hook was empty. Aiter repair ing the xod he again cast his line ia.r out jnto the Lake, placed his old felt hat on one side of his headJ planted his :feet firmly and v.rith a confident air made ready to pull in a big one. A slight quiv e1~ of the line, again a sudden jerk and the rod snapped off about thvee feet f rom the 1·eeJ. When he pulled in the line, lo and behold, the hook had become entangled in a small branch of a tree. Ask Luthet· Snyder fo1· f urther details . That Was Different It's aw fnl how close these young people sit in a rum­ble seat, said dad. Yes, smiled mother, I r emen1ber ho ~· yoo u ed to hate the old hamo1ock because it had such a 'dcl,ed way of pushing us so close together too. V\Tit Here is a cigar which ~ o u can off~1· to any­b0dy . - ii--No, thanks. I \ ant one ,, hich r ~!l n S!llOl'-t' n1y ~e l f. o lu "'trnctiU-n Rook ) ' ,uug i\lolht~ t·--O h , J wisJt 1 k n w \hat to do r. r tily l;aby. I don 1L 1 now "hat ' ~ \ \'l'. ng ' dth tt. Young Britto- _l)jdu)t ~L bonl\ or in~ l l u · t itlh- I o.n wiflt il'l • ' ~~~5ll I ) y~,.,~ ever haY~ t--ttl in ·ph;itit')t t h "'tl :\llo'v SOTll h{)d .· 1 t· 1k ,(·nu ou,f. 0 f ilf !.any n per­" Otl ha · h~d ~l hrigh t. idea t hat ' ould h l.tV·t.":} put h11. vn t.op of Lh \Vol'lt. , ~ittin g nr ttv. h:uJ lt ~ fofhJ \- d the id ~ . 1: n. ~ t ilne ~ ibon ~ht has cc~n1 ~ to a r.~t\· ~~1 he H.llcr f·a.i1ed t.o ~~~"ogn179 ~t fot' \"ltn t · i Y:l. 1 he \<lnt aJhi \Hl(UitAd snmebod.v ;ll~e ·who dh n 'l l· n,) . · an i11s} i1 ntlou '¥hen. h . hf':.l:l'd Hhout it. · )r '\ ·1s t(.lv bu. y ,vjt h his o' rn nffair to thjnl· ,· fl'j<Jtls­ly <lbo.t rt ~ n ebt'cl.~ ... el'"'e·~ .., o t lu gu idbltg. shining h rhi 1· a~~ed 0111 • ·n '-l l1e ( H0 \ hO~..:.' pat it \ 3~ iut 'ncl:e<{ 1J . ~U.. unane1 r nudtl•'d "' h<;·t-e ll) hild beet:\. 1; ,·11c11 , u in .. 1lfc:,.t~ i<'n c'--n t? • ·ou · hunld lr:y tl'> h. ~'-'fll~hin:z .tili \ui i t. ~tl ~houfd h ~t ttl J.. rnnt hv it tl shuuld n-r lOt t ·let it p t'u:g on uuela.iuLerl. .Bni. 011e 0f the h·u·ntl..;t tiling\ . you l tsvc to \IO is bo tleoLfJ-e ¥'hat is an in~piratfun and ,, h~t h; nothing but a ftlvi I lf tiQn , 1'h re ha ~€ b ~11 ~1:.:- 1 uu1~ pe1·so~ "''"~"'eked l>-~., I all( "'· .. i r:,g fovl l.loi:ions a$ hai\r~r l.Ye n g:lot·ifi ~d :by follo\vh1g t.rll~ ·us . it~tions. Ju lcH Otrt UUW i~ rh-e pro-pPl" tinte faT .. rou to aul : ~'HttW ea11 I distiagui~l1 bet\"te .n a t~:ue · in .. p iration ~.:nd ' a f._· i netiv11 ?'t EUes~ n1 · souL I don't kno\v, 1\;e been ~ t'J.'King on tL<~ t one -a lon• tin1 . The only M.l ing yon • t?~ n rio i~ to po~~ter J o· -.t· ~ituatJon, · and think thet~1 fh..toun·h. f>ef~t< S get plenty Of &d¥iee ; but dOll1G be uud ifJ influt nc d h.· it; take it as inforrna$i,oJJ; then ~ ~ · e :\<\Or o·\·;n mind ru ~our Q:'\Tll ~pirit tlr what~'ver t he tia ;ng i .. ~ an t}pporttu ... · tr to torn~ an independent opin- J~L.~:t ot aU you ~v t leC~U:1- J· to be ~- illl1ai; to be ~uided ·' b}.- a higher PO''Ter; vhat 1:~\.e& p~actl~e. Eve.tty5:ody is .. ~Ht sb to he gui ::ed into doing '-fhaf he \lkints to do, J.Ju corupa:ra.ti~eJ .. · f:e are wilJJ:hg to be gui:Ged into dt-ing ~-:bat tbe~~ G() not Want to do. :( sa,\¥ a ·farmm~ "'' rk fer an n~l to get a floek 0E :clltckens into a lot, where tt!(:\;Y ';lrould fmd food, and '\VG1uld be safe during tbe 11ig1.t 11i.Gm pro\1: ling dog.;:.. ~{<: ur 1ni11d is a thing you ~h:a ve to learn to use. ·y· our :mintl can put ~·ou in teuch 'vith the soltree of wisdom·f K:nowl~<Oe and understan ding, or it ~ l)Ut you in · comnnrni.:;.atiCJn ~~ith evel~thmg ander the sun· that js llJJ!le . ira ~le.. Y 1U run e to learn to qse YOW mind in­~ li~6lltt~r <rna sat;ely !tnd con~truetively, just as ~ ou :.a e ;') lea. 1 to dr·ve an automobile, P.lay the pi'$no, r«~d do a thollhand and ~na.t(>ther th ings. . The r 11nd i~ n in trument that i_n sorfle way. Oi~ other i 1 ~~,- r-d ·up w)th ~uta; ~odl r and with the gteat be­Qn~ l. It ~ just a':' hnr#). ~ible to tell a -per~n how to use hi 1ui1 ~ a% to t -H a l;aby tnat ha.:. ner:y~ ,valliedt I • • ' ho\V f'o wall\. J<>ractj s~; in t hlnking if the thinkiltg i ~ dPrt <" prop~rJy, g( ts .r'C'markab le r sult~. o one CHn tJb Lni-.. hal n1fnll.v and not h ~ .tlll hitn~c l f. Ynu c· 1' Lrajn ~·<Hu· rrtind ~o ·itt out tbc \! ) 11 ~ id.e;c ~~ j u=t r .You Cetn tr~:dn yoiJr tongue and Jjl)g t.o Jpit:l<. out _gnd rc.ioct the ~ot·d ·, v he 1_ you are aLlug- au c.w~u 1 Lit ~ r e b·thi~ .... \T.t.lllu ~~· aJlo'v t;h t or a:n re seect8 .. 1 be in{ r f rl1sting ui<ihhlg t he true in.BlJlla1.i') 1 f1 u1n th 1'vol ltotJon is f\C( cd iJl the g:nr1.c w~.'~ a~ iR thi. fa uU ~\f 'Of te]Hng An edible t)Jtl f;h t~tl01 l r 'ODl (l. po 'son ou~~ tPad!ol.toof. .Tin t'vu :ntay loot nlik Lt1 the J.lH\·ice. J td: • • t:h~·.r·e i..5 ~L d cl.ur di · t,i u .. tion tt th ) ex PtH~t. Hy·c ,'"you. JUa..v i a y·, •·'ttnd about the t.in1e r hav· l~atn«i Lo u.: ~ UlV 01illl correctlt , th.e t'rn wilt hBve ' c<.HU , fo:t me lo rli . \. · Pctlt~ P~ .so. Perh~' ps that iq why .. ' tJU n,re h 1~ ancl the OJlzy reason y tYU are h~ ~o--to te~rn -to Hse your ·ntin<l · co.tJ '€ctl ' · If yon ean de ­' ll op tla" a'll iJJ t.r to ltnow ~L real 1n Ni))i1'~ tJon whe-n r<>u gf"t one, ~11d bo knovv \¥hat to do with the t·est of the ~uggestions that slip into YO\H' h~d, you \-\'ilJ hav<~ d<H}l <\ good lit'e'L.in1e j ob. And according to rny beli ef, you \~iJJ lva vc acquired son"le-th ing valuable \Vhich y<.>u ean take vvith you ;whe11 you go from here and 'vhich i, · Uie o.r1Jy thing, you can. take. The yout\ger ;you are, the n1o . e tiirH! sou \Viti have to practice on tb is propo ition. ...~. on. Dog.gone True Ho\v ·many flln\ sta:t"'S eau you narne '\Vho never have been in a aivorce COUl' t ? Fi'<Jllt. a Ne\,1 y ork Sel.. mon. . Well, t-he).·e was ~in-Tin-Tin. Du:e Tragedy · A Scotchman WQke up <>ne I:no1·ning to find that hls • wife had J)assed a way some tim,e cl uring the night. He leaped fro111 his bed and ran h o.:t•xor--stricken into the hall. l\[al"'Y, he called downst:;th·s to the g en e1·al se;rvant in the· l<itch:ei\., come to the foot of the st airsT qu ick. Yes, yes, she ctied, '~~hat is it? What is it? Boil only one eg.g for hre&kfast this morning, he said . . . • Aren't We All? • • A t eacher aslxed for. sentences using the wo1,d beans. My !atoot grows beans, ·Said tbe bright boy of the elass. My- mother cooks lJ~cms, came ft·Qn1 an:atl~ et pupil. t'hen a third })ipecl up: We_ at~e all hw11an ·beans . • • I 12 THE LOG ~--------------------~~--------~~~~~--~-~----~------~--~~~~--~~~----·----~~-- .ALBEH.T ('0)-l LEY T CA .. MP L€e 1\IcElrath and several of the boys have been in can1p at Coltnn ­oia. outh Carolina, for two weeks. Guess they a1:e having a good tune and "'ill haYe '"orne ma1 elous tales to tell when they return. i1AL OFFICE NOTES Dear ~1r. Phillips: \Ve ate a little curious as to \vhy .Y. OU shouJd want the news for tJtc column so very early. However, ours is not to reason why. (No rea­wning power accounts for that.) ii1lis Kirkpatrick is having a very peculiar vacation. To his fe)­lo~ v ' ,orkmen he has been narrat­ing gt·eat activities of threshing wheat and farming on a big scale. But his ¥'ife remarked that it seen1ed a shame that the poor man had ti.J ·wo1lr at the office nir:'=l'' 1"~ts , especially while on vacation. Vuody v~rilliarn s went tu \Ya:>ll­ingtr; n, JJ. C. on hi~ vacation HJ•d CH01e l,ack to ftntl hinu~elf d<';HJ \V c ke "P wo 1 de:rin~ about thai: rlaint~ handk•-' I'Chief (Jll ~1 · . Srl- • c, ·1' tl :.~lc J ni t.1a lr-u aurl p '/· fu1nr:..d we und~r ~;tan d. fflJW aJ,,,ut it A1,·. Sr•cn:.,t 't 1 r. 6nd A11·H. J ~- 1·,. M ,.J n l J t:.; 1 fH1 Jan ~ Peel\ spen t H wc·ek at i\tJ, a·Ue ReadL Front lh f recliles and Sl1!1- bu rn anrl pholng-raphs it ~c tn LJ have ~en a \: ondc1 ruJ \ c 1k. l elson l\ l or(l' . expect.~ to ~- I) f r) ('hutlnnoog·\. "oon. You Lt t I ·r ~ta.' away f ron1 lnttt le g rouucld a11cl thine.-~ lor·.·. lu.,xolini l.tliE,;, h t send for .Yo u~ lt thi~ t$SU0 of th > L()g coHld h:.~vo c rne onL a ]it Ie oat licr it would haxe p.rf.:'ventad () lll' having· Lo an wer Lhc ~an1 e question over Llnd ovPr. T'he very altiactiv-e girl we h ·lei 'With us in t he Accouuling De pa.rt1nent i~ 1\lli~s l\t[al'je Jfj U of A h evi llc. Carter l~ h i nehar t has been ~ p end i ng sorne time in Can1p Jack­son at Columbia, '. C. We are not quite snre as to how his job was t a ken care of while he \Yas a';vay. There are many run1o:rs. Carl D. J entz of Th1ee Rivers, Canada is visiijng his fan1 ily. This is his first appearance in Canton in nineteen year s. l-Ie was once a member of the Cha n1pion organi­zation. Part of the Main Office girls went to Tin1ber Top last week. That is r eally a red letter event. EJ Garrison's new nan1e is noricket" and her favorite number is "77''. have heard indirectly that Buckeve has been swapped for a pig. Poor Buckeye, we never thought he \Vould come to that. Sineere1y, Da.)sy Burnette. E~ B. ITEMS By 0. F .. Gillis AL the Gth ru1nual reunion of the Hipps Clan ht:>ld <1t I-!armony lirove ClJ urch, A u gu~t 11, '1 ull Jarnjson WSti cafle(l on to d Jj vrt• e xt('"'l1H1l·an­eous l.v thf' princ ip~ J achh· ss. 1\'Iany of us wuuld h. v~ LP.lll ft·uz .. n in ,,,u· lt·w.:.ks, bnl l1t.~i ·o ·wi th this .c;btlwn rl on t'f I h·n1•• {I h u,..-s. I ft' ho,h"G•.du n U~t · fur ~s;p·t ttuc' UJJd l ' 1,h larg oak tree v.ith the aug'J~t CflfTiagf? of an c..t m.,.. g 1eral and began to ~ pre 1 vith a g!"aCe ~)n l a c::om tla.nct vf g1·:>n n1ar '"nd 'ction thn t w 01drl }J:\ ve c~ Uf::if.!ll th<) brt:>~~t of an Envlish 1JutJe1· () rankle with envy . . \ hi...; . iJ 'Cl' tone· blended wjth the babhl o .. the bro.ok, he extoll­ed fvr an hour, the vi t tuc·~ of the Jl i pp~ far nih. \rVith aJteJ·nate prai. e and t:~dirc he explain()d how Adam H ipp .. and Evf~ I!ih liv'- d in the Car­den of Eden, located !iOme \·he1·e in llayw0od CouuL:, and how th · t h>tter ~t was neceosat v to t..,;J.. 1i h • Cain I-Iipps to Madi~on Cour1tr. He praised the Hipp citizenry for its enduring integ.rit} and ke€n sagacity. Ilis stories rivaled thos.e of Abl'aham Lincoln and his wit 'vas equally scintillating. At the end of his ~peech the Clil-= piau e "vas that due anyone ."ho had glo,dfied himself by glorii~·ing uth ers. At the present 1Y1r. Jamison is swamped with invitations to a}Jpe·)r before va1iou.s club· and or<raniza­tions t hroughout the countr,·. He s tates, ho"7ever, that he will con­fine him ~elf to this imntediate vi­cinjty. It has been disclosed that he will make a series of radio lec­t uTes to be spon ored by the Pige)n River ChapteY of the Woodchuck's Lodge. V. L. Reno and S. B. l\IcCrack<'n left this n1o1wning for tl1e hi~torical city of Charleston, , . C. where they \·viii spend theil~ vacation\.:. They do not expect to Yi ·it the ~lagnolia Gardens, but will ... penrl a considerable part of th\;;ir tlnH~ in the beer gardens. IV[r. Cecil Robin ;Qn ha t·ecover­ed f'ron1 a. lig ht attack of hyrlt'O­phol> ic\ and ha · r ttu·tH~d tv "Tork The E. P. D pnrlul -nt will he:l\7 ' their anntu.,l pkn.i · at. S.o ·o t.ap, August ~ lth . . . C'. GnH.len. J'ill t ogdill f\nd T . J '· ,h•ntison .• .re t.h~ co unnittl~o ,)n tll-rnH~ tADl\:'11 ~. \'\. C'Xpl• ·l to ht\ 'e n g\• >d tin "~' but Tull will n •t ue tl lltlW d lo u w t·~ tipe c:h. f. ~1. Collette i~ ~ti ll on the .~ { lit'lo hHt lo" illl l tlO\rlllg :lnd \Vc h n t t-h '"1 he \~i ll 1n be bA ·1, . )n u, ' ~ i \h. F~o t< 1 h . 1 L \ ~.n . · ·~nlo\ ~ rl > ;. l!:tD,l< lph fro1n h1 ~ tlJ1p ~n di' at a~ . A -h , Hh H 1 ·pit:tl. n. f<'\V da \ ~ ~ · <'. li ) hci n \ ll~ft the tlHd i · ~1 Hding· ::1 few rla.\ ~ at the bonH' of l11 ... nlPt 't ,. in 1-tend ~r~on­\ ill . 0 \lr F ,. d I urr1 ~~ will rt\turn t 1 1) '?hb 1r ''ltt'~~ lh0 last of this ~ ~non 1 ~. Fr .d ha. '"Ptl·•d in t h~ l~ . h. 1 )~partt H~L'lt d.tt1'1 D~ hl~ :' lll'H .. tn \':~f'· 6 )ll · :nd " "" reg re.t thH t he "'an n-ot L.n... · 0 ' \ 1:it 1 u~ ·'f t • L.i·!.e, 1 ~ a f·n111liar ~1ght OJl the ... t · ~ ('l lt;;~C d .l,Y...: \ ith hi ~ 11ud. .. ca ·. \Y ~ \ on tier 'her on (!";' 1 h • i • \. C. ~lil11 r ha~ rulL hed pteking blact·l ·e1 i ~. nd retnrn•·d l<.l Wt rk. lie .ir.k d sunl 1 tl' ing ' 1 100 ~~d­lnn . R · .::\ NO~E 8y v\ M. Bnnnl ::litt~ :-rher h~ve beer so rnnn~ con1- t 11 1Jt n· · rle ~l QUl de artmeni 1'0- gru:din . ., t 1H~ arh. of the g · q,t humo:r:;~t and · rh:er. \ViU I ogers, 1 feel that sl1ol.tld ~nlall paTt of t\i ai iel _e cle oted to him, it , m(Jt4 n t be oot of pla<;:. . There . " At old sr ~ring, t·fiaugh and the \VOll d iaugh ,,. · tlt you, Weep and ~' u 0b ~lane. ' ' ·hicl: is a ery true ~ucL ~ o true of '~7 ill Bog- .! I-= ~: ~ univ~r. all - loved and ' 0 a.dmi · because hre did n1ore to !>ri .g lP.ugl1ter into n1inds and ea. :- of people than an~ other 1 er~iJn in our l)t€' en t ~orld during the \!la_l7k da./VS of depre. si D and ha.l a tb.liP.:3. ... fot onlv was he a • l1.1 nori. t but he ~;as al$0 a g-reat hAuL.:nt of cna.acter and 1ife philo­SOl y, oec.a se deepl.: buried under hi. hu1nor- and ~t ·as ah ay$ found a . ".:!.~tin ,.,f true life ph ilo~. . o­phy am3 t 11 h. :\ ill RtJge• s stands )jjt t.~ ;d<.\.' in ~ ur modern ' orld as f)Df': ( •f he great~st cvntributon; to THE LOG lhP happines. nnd chP ·r jn a 'vorld lhaf ne ~d f'd h inL Th l qut·~ 1.1on i.., " \'ho can take! h i~ pl:tc<'? · lean­" ·hH<.J the world ll lOUI'HK bf C:'l.U:;;e t> f the unt U)H~ Iv rl <.l:tth of Aruer-icu·~ Jl"C;-tt e~ t co,vho\·. a hurn ori~ f .. ·:)nrl ph itnsoph ~ , , \~ ill Hog r~. TlH' .~tn l l< h a~ h )P,tl UtHl ~ U all~r l;us • thi~ 11101t th.• ct~ \V.C' hn Rt V<-'- rnJ ne\ .::ta riyals. ~Jr. and i\lr~. H.. ' H. I\f0hratf''.r hav' a lin t' IJab.' cbul.f(h t r. 1 t( tt if' Lynn. l\·1 r. and ~1 r ~ .. G. T. \.ode,\· nJ ~o h a v'~ a balJ~ duughl ,r, J.~; l i 7.::t~>t'th nlH~ . l\lr. and ~ll ~- f. \ \". i\1i lliu r hav a b,Ht'ncin!! hnh.v hn.\. The ntttnber • f < leat. h ~ in nu t· d ­patMtn1r: 4n t has ~ J ~o hc·cn \HlU~ ll :-tJI y l aHr<:: th i "'. nlonth. On July · 0 ~J. L. . i ngletr n rlied at. h i horne at B )theL H' i the fath e1 of '" <'lch ~ing-1 >-toH 'vho is cn1pl .'led in the I' ri k 01VI~ son cr<?'W of our de­P~ lrtntPnt. Then on "~ugu ~ t. 9, W. n. :NlHlet• di d Ht his hon1e in TJutch: Cove~ lle i the father of Rar­nlond !\!iller in the Extract Repair cr ev.r and fnther-in-l(t w of Paul B ~~t employed in the Iron ''' orkers cr :\"'·· .Ju t as this article is being '\'l"itten ne\v., ha e arrived that the father of :b~ tne~t Presley died Au­gu< o:.t 18. Ernef:.t i employed in the i\filhvright cre\.v and his father lived near Cullo\vhee in Jackson County. We extend our deepest s~; tnl)ath y to all tl:J.ese bereaved families . The legal advisor fol" this de­partment came in just now and ·asked tis to pass some advice to a certajn person in the Iron Wol"kers crew \vhose hobby I understand is S\vallo~ring chain falls, that it \rould be better jf the hooks were removed before svvallowing. That no matter how large his m.outh nught be or ho~v tough his diges­tive organs nught b~, yet there is a danger that the hooks may catch his n1outh and dantage his teeth '" hen atten1pting sueh f eats. We are glad to r eport that Jack ~f ar who has l>een hl the hospital for a minor ope1·ation i tecovel'ing rapirlly. 18 W <· " i,: h to (.! . :JJ t·c~. our g t :· tit tui to our fri nd... for th c ,. it'd nc : ~ h n\A n ng cltH"fll g' the ~ithn ~, nnfl (I< nth n f (J\11 ' fuliH· ~Jnd h u ~bnn L 1~~:-;p 'c i· ~H.\,. do\ , t.hanl t hP I ~ 0 • J\ 1 a ~t)l') Cre\v ·n1< f ('nns {rtF1.ion De­p: lYLnlcnt:-; fot' tl c 1;" autifn f [J(J\ "' \' ~J r h Singlef<>n ~n1 d 1 o·tnJily. J . L . SjugJ t n, 1\ t tiJ c n.J trf j 'i~t ·t. s. '"~e \ViHll t.o cxpre~~ otn· Ul•l .H'e­cita iion through "F h c Lr;g" to o t r frjends for th ~ nu.tny rl ·('rfs of k indness ·and ~r n1path y shown t~ s during 1he illu E:.,.. and dCt; rth of out· dear h osban.d and fai h er. J~spe­cia ll,v d \VP \·vant to thank t he l~x-t1 ·act ~tore Room -.and n & A De ... pa r tn1onts for the beautiful floral offerings. Mr ~ . W. D. [ ilJer and Family. I li ~s Louise, daughter nf 1\1 , •. and lVII • B. D. Smathers, of High­land ParJ\, who has been sick for several month , we under stand is gradually inrproving. 0 t\ CARD OF THANKS V\1e \vish to t hank our friends for the flowers, ld nones and sym­pathy ~hown us during the sick­ness and death of our loved one. Jan1es ~~L Stamey and the t~rney Fan1Hy . C·Ol\TFEDERATE VETERAN PASSES AWAY James 1\1atison Stamey, a Con­f edel·ate War Veteran, . passed a\vay July 30, 1935. ~1:r. Stamey is the father of Marion F. Stamey and the grandfather of Wi ln1a and o~car tatney. He \Vas 93 years old. • , • 1 r·nur !!\.: R~r tinns-J. \". Hawt:eT, age ~ ; C. M H~ ~~er. 'lr::. P. B. )" ork and > P , . ,., .. 1 , J r • • • .I v4 h . • 1· ~ ,. . r_ - _-\CTIVITIE ENLIST HU.~ ~DRED B\- G. C. uttles • Can to14 young and old is playing thi c::-ummer as neve.t· before. The n1r ~t t: -tensive prog1·am of orga.niz­ed rec .. eation in the history of the Tn"rn of Can ton has enlisted of ac­tual participant in sports and less strenuous pa,times and the spirit of pl:n· js ~pread i ng to unnumbet·ed 'ho for1 :1erly \:ere at a loss to u .i H.ze idle h ours. ~ple1Jdi <1 lighting el]uiproeni has be i!. ~"tc:tHeo over the softball field and . ~xteen tPa m.~ are fight­ ·ng {(})' a c}l~ro pi,)n ship under the J:iaoht.,, <u.d 1nany garrJes are being jJht} t:~ in the af ternoons. \Vit h a very ~ n1 aH an1oont of :rn , e on he:tTJd fvr softball, 'J 'h p *'Y" :S<;t:: 1Ptat3' c? aHPd in a gnm p () f iwJe1>> ; t d wii h 1.h i:::; g~.vup W(>Yl{ ­ad (J t a. :Jl~ rl ir11 tlre JjglJ t~. A JJ 1 11: • · ( 1 • <; :.d 1 ( u1; ... , J :y , ttl e; · t"t 1-< • u h , th r• I l~u1 toHtr-ibut( .. d t-o this funtl , ~Jlrf t iJC.. Jfq }lr>wirw J j~t (Jf l}tuJj nos; ;oult{ oft... · i Hltt1 r nell l't '', t tb u ted f u tiJis !l111( ; 1. C. ·""lrl"ffll Jr•J J . 1Vl . • \ H.. : . Pa ~is . d r... , c.T. "· J ·D ,.. ll rr~\ ~ )'~tm r, 1:. J . TJ. R ·~ v ...~ . ... \. h · rlJ pi n . ()tor C1J. . '""'" ... ·1~ .p. UY llipp . t n • \ li .,. ll >r~, . 'ltJ rler } t1l"'Jl i l::tn· G~t. , t a-t; Y . d. h 't .. 1 1 n J • ,-1., • . . 1. :-·;>tn Ht ·.... l ~ n. .. il i nt, n .. ;\ Ia ·­tjn':. .. Dt C:,ur< n I :nt l'­pl'i <:.~ . 'f r · l l ut· ti t11r•' · • .. l·f. t\ . 0 b.; •l"ni\ .). D. 1 ... .v. ll y ·o t Hriw. t 'o .. { l t ) Mu1·k t. (:h.• • pj..,,, l'rn plo~·<·er·: "' Off! , ~T . T. l~:-l H' ~ . Canton Drug l'o., Tap Hoorn • .r. r;:. T·1t , · nrl I, rDll '-'Ofl lVfnt r n. The HH n rlonaled all 1<1 bo1·, P ewe_r (~ re ~n gave th ~ poles, 'l'h.c anlor1 L~Htnrlrr hRtllcd the poles in anrl thry aro now in SHl'ViCe. ... t1 th ~· old time bascbnll players a1 e again hnpJ).Y as they light jt out under the hghts. The fol1o''1ing tean1s are now pla~ing: City', Soda-Lab., Fire­men, R. & A., Finj ~ hing Dept.~ Em. ployees Store,. Y's :Nlen, Canton Laundr~-, Leader Dept. Store. FiJl­ing Station En1ployees, W. E . B. S ., and Loaders. 1Innd1~eds are out each evening to see the g~n1es and to I'oot for their r espective teams. r.rhe baseball season clo-serl! this w·eek with Love Coman and his \Voodyard team ''tinning a Champ­ionship. In the se11\jes the Wood,.. yard team drefeated the Boolanill, three best out of five. Each team won two and then the fireworks aB Ed I-Ia,vkins came back and pitched the Woodya1·d to victory. This was a splendid finish of the season. The Hor seshoe pitch ers a re bat­tling for the privilege of repl·esent­jng Canton on T~abor Day. rPhe "Pen11is Club, led by Fl' d Mjtch Jl is now in the n1ids l of a gr~at Tonr narnent that ' ~ iJI end on Lv. bor Day. Th .~ lJnnf ing . n1l F'i .. hiug· luh ht:l'' h~lll a $4 r 11Hi SC':\S(Jfl W j th t ht"\ Ll \nJt. ttlul L.1 ~ ..; <Jrt Hu ' . .1\·1. C. l\. !nu ~ hJJJ~ H nd fi .• h h1s)· ptt•. (' '"''' 'l'h i .... h:1 · h(· ·u 8(Jfe ndid)y lt iutdl 'tl b,>i P. lL Vo.l'k, t! udJt,.)i' C tlvjn. t; ~on thtJUYt '. 1: . ~~ utt J H und l ~n.v )l :ill. 11' 1 ,_.,........~--h i t) () f . 1. m J I _ ;' I y. a: he ·. . 'i. · s club 1. a. ve.r. Jtn·gc n r 1 :~rsh 1p .. n i 1!rO·'Il· in ... Tl 'rn ' er · ~ ll-lJJl!' t .. a!!ld i al .. · \"S 011 h nd 1ti ffl ld 1/ Hl. it!. Th l ()t slH ~ :-.lub :is no ' in the lwnd o ~ y Jung p ( ple an J ''J irik' i1 . nv~ rd jn go1)d .: hape. ' f he"1· n xi aan ·e ui ll . e ear~v in ' . · p" ..,m be.r. Our vt lunte r wo 'ker. , AUi •)o. f a11~her( . . . ~~ w ·en£e. Hipp~, ut­u~ s, \Vdghfi, 1licl;.e~, R( .. b~1·t- . !)'"'1 - nt.ll, c nd '·math~n; hav.e wur "e ' ·itt 1 IJC ys r1nd rr1 rT .... this sea 0n. an<l ther are 1 e!l(l \.· -Prrr t ae Fall . .. Pa ·on HS the:· pr p~re f0r fo(J ball, s ,: ·irnn1ing, hoxing and Wt'{ C. I. Ee~ ll b as fr,rrned a new (IY" Club that will enli~t the time and interest of n1any bvys ~- they delve into the n1 ·st eries of ~lngic. 1 Ir. EeaJJ ]s a i\lagici~n '>f note and will have a lot of fun wi:r;h the bo, . .3 jn this activit \". • The y··s • len ·s CJu•> u.nd!:"r the • leadersh.ip of 1-fa..t.ry \Vinner contjn·- ues to grov.... Their big project for the Fall and \.Vinte1· moetb~ i­lhe developmant of Ca n1p H~pe fo · u ~e next umrner. Tl is ~roject in­vol'\/ es repairs to the equipment. the huilding of a laTge · w intmin~ pool and an A.: 1 ernbl.v H:·H with dinjng roon1 and kitchen. \Vhen they . tart on a pr ject it ... !one. C h an1b~l'S and noo~l t. '-\< ith uh' Cot-ps hn\·e ju ~t returned ft()m a great ii.:hing t 1p Th )Y jout~ne~ ed do·wn to g ay vit \ '' b r~ lhey can\ped :;llld fi. 1h• tfJl' 'De week. :Many oth(lr ~ ll u p~ b(! v ~ be n n\·~y on out in, ~ su pe1· lS.__.. . b.v the·· .... Br.v;.ln t .Holtz •Ia, 'f '1 t t't Chrtn tpio·n l~ Hld in q·p.~t ~h .. q t.h ~ 1 J~t,bm~ l) '\' t ' ·Jehl·.tu •~ H. 'I' his Pll~(\lll a(lt)ll s._ll·'H]) ;-"\d l ' th ph·a ure t>i th P'''"J k t ~-out \ \.-nl nttndt . • Tht ·y·• SJ" \1t. luhs ~ l h.t t1 1 ~.,. ~~, t..on untl·l· tlt i ~ 1 ( •t ldp Of T~l¥1') :fia1 t h orn aUd (~OtllDll t .. t~ ~. '"f lle~ ft1''-' tn i.nging in fh e Y-t~it­te , ft 1}, fOl' a S.ffP~lt 1-"'.tbOl' l)a.\· ~ )0l,lt l ... i · ~'U t< h !)- P. ·pl'f"$-~1 Hl • f roru . ·pen t par 1cip;1.nts: (' ry clean tht-1 f • ' }1:1th·y >' '·fJ;J e t he ._.. nd ~-Lnl, · : t .. u L l.he Flrcn1 n tH tt'' , F ep~u1· a~n d lte · th"~ R.. A.;·_. ".Pnt tlu~ stior ' .in th;) ll'and · of 1·"' c ,; ers '. '· ut off th· \~· t,(lr of tht' "~·;B~' ·. ''Cut t"df the G~ s of the Gra , rnen ·~ , ' \f~inl..;h tha:l Finish rs''* ··The ) "', rnt.>..n ar n1Jt o ,,·u~e ·· a.Bd un- 1 ,d h\! L0t~dQl'"-'~! ··\YheJ ~ k' th Rt ~nftb,;dJ tJut11t -~~ ~ ' ~ h " - al.>( \~ t a :n.c ~ l. H O!. tw 1'?", · · \Yhen.~ i . t! <t.t TP..lJ.nis r~ (' k ~t .... · ··Give u .:' 11 1 -w s ·~t v f 1-for!'3 ~ h ~' ~ ·, h VllJ~ nt t · !'"~t ~t).tne g-an1 '-Vith fh!\ tee Otl fit·. ''. H\Vl1;)!' can't ,~·· ~hont Ske-et ,u1 Sll nd;.J.v ·_ '' . '·JL_y"· • • at:lut a _fl "h · ~· t ·r ?''. ·· J:Iave ~ ou s en e:lJ~. · Bear nad l)eer on o.ur pJ·e .. .. .1 ·e ~· , .. ,, ~"hen do rvc- h a\~ an· r o•her· nance'?t·, " '"ln· did we not ~ \1 iTt hl the Dnne-e conte ·t at ...c. iP-he- ~ino ?" . ""'eh:phone~ 1 ing.h~g. ~round to kt:e}l in )•are1 ~ched ules to n 1r:t k~ . u l .niitt~> b ~a d D1€~t­in_ rr .. . elrn eh g-roups, out as to Q.r~ g&ni7.e. pk . zul·: . .1o:t· Da;" clu~1 n1eetin.:o-B, e-f1li-t1 ,lg "Olun.te~"S; o g· ·nizing new c!u \~, m king ool- 1 'ti~ns and ~at{f1iug the 15\Jl.Og~ It .. ~ geat l:fe J.f :ne Seeret~rie. · a; a -, o1unteey·i)- don't Vt-·aa..l.ten. • JUJ ... t Pals ~Jacl<. ... on and \ Tilli:anJ ._ had a tei'­rible rolv l~ nj gl1t at th~ club_t s.'\ ~ rl v~Hson . Hi~ eon1paniun looked surprised. 'T.l';.a • ~tt a ~ge, he .. t.tid. l hougbt, tho .. e two we1'"\' insepar.a­, !.e. ~}r. wereJ Said 7\ "il son, j t took si.- f}I us ,.o .dras; th ~ln apart~ . ..·sr . t1J,+ididdv \Vbr do you in­_ j~ Uf.IOn juggling };10a S OJfl YOUl, ., .... ~ r If;. .. , ' ll · . .. , • l:J~ci~jl!dy-.. ~ le:lJ, 11m on a l.~a.l­: u,ced d: .... t, ah1'"t 1 ? • l • OUR SICK J ruHeq \Vet son. t'mploj 'tl in t h• Tt·:: nJ, fer 1) p~.n·trn 'nt. hat-i Pt'iurn­• tl fro1n 'lh )1 o~J1ii ctl ,, h t'C It ~ w:.1 ~· UtJdeJ· h-· "·thnent 11ur u. f · w rl:-1 v . . • IIal'J.V F in(!J fr-. tvho '~»as Oth lf".­att.! d on <tt th ~ Nntburn Tl o~ p.if al T'f'C(i~nt! Y . i · itu lt'n,•ing :stnd \ Vt: ho11e \' ill ~uon hp well. T. A • l" . . enlpl ' red ltl t he F~ .,·1-r ler J)e;r<ui.trt lJd:~ . is at h<. .. nte !oll<' '' i ng an opcrat~i<)l1 . · lr$-. ·. J. Thtll is <-tt hoH1 nH:t£1]1 in1 l'l l ~o v ed f ll<n~· 1ng c-n1 pot a tit)ll ' ' hicb .. h(.; un h~t ·we nt ~Gi:ctt tl;\' . ~f n~. D. . (; r t:f·U w~s on i 11 . ~j c !\ li t for a fe~,· la. s but is feB ling :rn uch bed t.e ~ .. n1i "::. 11'btnehc \Vright. cletu,;hter of !\l:r. and l\1rs . g n WJ jght, North Al.alu St reet is r cover ing f r oJn an opt}l·a tion. \r e a,re glad to kno,v that lVlr . Lillie nn1"on is g.ett iug al ong uicefy ,after nn operation. .A. D. Randolph is at hom~ 1'e­cup 'l'ating. fr-Qn1 an operation. We hope that he sl~ au soon be \Veil • agam. lVIrs . Malcom Crisp is under t he doc.tor's t reatment, but we under­stand · that sh:e is improving. -lV!r. and J\t1rs. Jghn Ji a-U' Ut t le ~~T, who h as .been so v-ery sic}{ . . in tlle N·arhnrn r-Iospitaf~ \Ve are glad to _rr epe:rt is impr.oviltg . . Miss June Cava-na ugh has re­tuen- ed .borne fro111. t he No1·bul"n. rl o£pital folJo~rin g an operation. ' . l\1:ts. Wild, mot her of N. R. Wild, bas retur ned from the Norburn l l osp iial a sel':ioU:s ;(£)per ­afton ·which she und.~vent recent­ly. '\Te are g lad to kno'V\t that sh.e is slowly imp-roving. We are glad t0 see. L. N. F owler back on the job again. It is hard to keep a good rnan dewn. He '~as away fl'orn t he office for a f e\V days bce-ause of sjckness: l\Irs. Claude Holtzclaw on Thom­!->~ n A ·~ enu e, F ibet·ville, has been c"rlt ically iH for some tilne. We hope she '~11 s·oon be well agai~. 15 Sunda.v night, A ugust 11 , fJ fl. 1\il.ashbnrtl.; who \i a3 J·n.:·hed to t 10 has pi t:d ;-;u lit: t·ing frot an aU.iH'f >f appendiei ·is1 i~ i ri'lt.'l·u·td .. ug· f(Jf ... lowing n.n op r~t i on , ''J h ' little dc.lughtcr of .iVl ·. r nrl 1 !lrs~ ~1( r. in S1nath r1 .\ who h,. I lJt r ton tls rornoved t N';eni l ..r id g·£t­fj ng t.t lo ng fill '. 1t '1. C€'lgle \vho hCJs J eun ~v tfer­ing- f t"0fll ulc• ·r · on hi~ ~ yr·s i~ ab?u l \v l1 again. Sizing l:fim tJp .J 1 ~ ifc is ;~lWfl ~~,<) t hanging, nl.\;' dea1" lan.v, r 0tU.?Ltk 'rl the groet'P philo- HOph ically, <l~ .f1e n,)mo\crl a t;ft:'cC of stl{HH' .frorn th~ sncl" t hat h '! '-vei~h ed . 1ror in~ ,Jan c ,, h ~ snid, onl r a fe\V· .ve~tt 'H ag·o I \VJi.S n. pu­g ·ilis t. Yes. r·epl ied {he cu~ ton1er, a Jightwejgh t c)1fUt lpion, 1 presun1e. Shor tage and Surplu · Th~ f re1gbt agent on .one of the '¥e~tern 1·oads r ecei ed a shipmen i on which \Vas a donkey, iteseribed on the f rejght IJilJ as one burro. After checking his goods carc­fullx , the ag.e1lt ma de hjs r ep ort; h ort, one bureau ; over, one jack ­ass. C. €. CO LEY AND C. C .. JR . • , c -\.\' )J l ~ F: nuughh'r. ()f Mr. and 1\t r~. I'. D. \ urk Throug-h the <."llUnl n.., of The Log i ,,.i.. h to e:x.pre.:s n1y in cere ap­prer. iaLi<'n to each and every one of the Fil'li "hing D-epartn1ent for tJ1e gif:t the:~; contributed to n1e. l\Irs. Lottie Stan1e\..· . EXTRACT NEW Bv "The Colonel'' ~ ~he Fishing season for the Ex-h ~t 'Will close when W. C. Led­ford gets bacl'. The sb·eams may have to be restocked. .A certain Extract man w·ants to ~L"1o--;y if Paul Robinson has educat­ed any monobar conveyor s. Extract bQys on sick list are T. A. Rine-hart and A:rthur Conard. '., ·e hope th~r soun retu111. F> ancis 1-lall has retuJ·ned from 1.,.he Lo ·J,if al. Vle hope Francis will soon lA~ a ,le t() work. Yl~ were :-;orry to hear of t.hc nar.;:~:;i $! of or'e of the old Extract 1nen, {r. Vr'Hl Miller. Mr. Miller fr<.{i ~,een UJJ.abJe to W() k fo1• .. r.1vc- 1 <:i 1 \.,.etJ.: . • · •,, :dH,thP,. (Jn c1f ow· 1:tnJ.Jf:ul wod,cc~ in J~. o J1:1nnah. .Jr~q.q \VB: fi!il .d at> he \/P.J1t hut1-J f1·;rn v.oJ'lL V./e w(, t e ll ,.,t vr~d to f ~'•a t of t l •a death r1r J-'ta ,!},. f·Jdw:-t ,·dl'i Ht Wu.y­llcBvill --~ 1,, vtlt ~r · f f;;,r;h l tjdvta t db. THE LOG ___ ,_._....-.......; ___ , _________ ______ . TH \ :1 \ , t h " \nld ~rsignt< l ,,.i 1 U·wnk rtll of Ol.ll' f i )nds c1nd ~-.;. l cially tlH: l11JlO.\'t:• .... of Lh"' \V'fJOd ) :ltd fol' tl 'n•uH ldndn- ~s <:fH wn chn iu~ tht' ~q:..l ne > llfl death ur our d u h(t'l', i\h!'l. Taft _\].-~rl fn rd .. l r . ar1d }\Irs. 'vV .. ·. J\1His. J:"I ~ ~~ HI '<• noo.M ~w · After the r·emo aJ of hj ~ Lon si )fi, w.) thought for a Jew day t here would pos~ iul y he quietness around the sample departn1ent, however, it ha n 't affected ,;vayne BaH in the least. With his tenible sore throat he l :5 still talkative as ever. 1\Hs Bessie WilUs, nO\V nirs. Harold lVIo(fett gave us all a great sur prise ·when ~-- e heard she had mar:d ed a fe·w clays ago. Wel), here·s to you, Bessie. Hope you have many roany, happy years of married Jife. . :Mr. A. J. Sisson ~rilJ soon return fron1 a weeks' vacation in Georgia. lVIrs. Ramelle 1\-iashburne, after returning frQm a month's vacation, said s he hal'dly recognized the ladjes rest room since the new showeT room has been completed. We have at last enough lockers to accon:anodate all the girls. Since Sue Curtis left us to wo1·k ove1· at the ay, it doesn't seem quite the same place around cut­ter nine. '~Te are glad to know· she is enj oyjng h e1~ new wol'k. We of the ~aJnple department are g lad to have Mr. Paul Dorris, new as jstant of Gunner Bohnsdahl \v·jlh u . lVIr. I>orl· is is the son of Ml'. F. DOlTis of the Buffalo E,nve­Jope Co. 1\1mr1~, ~:tid littl.c \VitJj(.. . , wh ro dvf\,) fir~ go \Vh (-'tl it $!0 ~ ont '{ ~Ol'l, t· . pfil~cl hi ::> Lt uth fu l Jll(Jltae.-1 I c-au't f tj j au th~ t atJ v tl'l(H c thnn f 1 nnw f'all~«., a' ~(j .. • wJu n he • f)(, ()l lf . Tim t Comf!~ ~'""~ l ~PC . ·ou 'r... 1~ ·t ir:. 1. . .... ,. bn." dri' •) ~ o tr ~ r. "<: . he· . ., triH 1.• ) yo '!" tc ' -. tr·u~l •rl as a i r-de. triuu. r uuri. t [.: h re a drug- s .. >f in tf>wn Y N at1 •t- :. .r. but ' J:iv on • p b...r ! tl.V: lJOtt~ • v nd fl1lla.Vf~ rny '" d la git yn t up a. n· ck. 1 t f4~t y,· tfu .. n1nn v:a,g sh!Jt by his wife• nt clo.;e range. Tht:n lht:!rc mu~t haY"e been pa : ­der maYks on the body. • Yes. that 's \rhy she hot hijn. And now that we've got on the subject of chi ldrent • e -cvar.t to pass along the stt)rv 1Jf a 1itt;~ ~··! (age 6) we saw the <lther eve i .g at the dinner tahlc, ·ho remarked as she helped her ·e1f Lo the Ja;st piece of chocolate cake, ' 10h. well, this 'von 't matter to me, for rv~ j been an old majd all m.r life anyhow." Dear, you have b~n sitting on the piano tool all evening~ ' } . · - Mrs. Snlith to her husband. lVliss Thumper n1ight l.ike to play some for us. Yes, that' \vhat I thought, re­plied Smith ':rith a ... n1ile. W II f.. .\ .JI ~ \ ' bu u ~hkr ol h ·. und Mt . ( ·• . lh•htt''""''