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Handbook/ 1933/ Smoky Mountains Hiking Club

items 64 of 78 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-10075.jpg

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  • DECEMBER 16 and 17 INSTALLATION, BANQUET AND SQUARE DANCE AT MOUNTAIN VIEW HOTEL AND HIKE TO BRUSHY A banquet— Installation of officers— A good, old-fashioned square dance— A chance to meet the new members and to get better acquainted with the old ones— All these, and a hike to Brushy! The installation meeting at Mountain View Hotel at Gatlinburg is one of the most enjoyable get-togethers of the year. Nearly all the members who go on the scheduled hikes during the year, together with those old hikers who have "hiked out" or—for one reason or another —are unable to hike regularly with the Club, and the "knife and fork" members, all get together to help install the new officers and to "talk-things-over" at Gatlinburg. We must get a "soon" start Sunday morning for the full day's hike (12 mountain miles) from Cherokee Orchard to Brushy. Leave Mountain View Hotel at 7:45 a. m. The trail is through beautiful forests, with relatively little steep climbing. The view from Brushy is one of the choicest in the Smokies. Brushy overlooks the wilderness area above Greenbriar and offers a broadside view of the state line including Mt. Guyot, Mt. Chapman, Mt. Sequoyah, Eagle Rocks, Laurel Top and the Sawtooth Range. The North side of Le Conte (of which Brushy is a spur) stands out in bold relief. Leave Dixie System 5:00 p. m. Saturday. Driving distance 94 miles round trip. Hiking distance Sunday 12 miles round trip. Leave 64

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).