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Handbook/ 1933/ Smoky Mountains Hiking Club

items 36 of 78 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-10047.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • JUNE 18 CHIMNEY TOPS We are all familiar with the Chimneys, having seen them from the roadside. From the top of LeConte, they appear far below as two insignificant small knobs. Compared to LeConte, the Chimneys are over 2100 feet lower in elevation, but what they lack in height they make up in ruggedness. On this trip we especially want to get acquainted with the rhododendron. To most of us the name rhododendron signifes a single plant, yet there are a large number of species known, seven ol which occur in the Smokies. Most of them 'will be in flower during the month of June and arrayed in all their glory with their bell-shaped flowers of delicate rose and purple shades, arising from the magnificent clusters. We should see the azalea rhododendron, the great laurel, mountain rose, catawba, and others. Not only will we enjoy the beauty of the rhododendron, but we will use them for support in climbing and pulling ourselves over the almost perpendicular rocky ledges. And when we get to the top we shall find the Allegheny myrtle there in company with the rhododendron. By this time our respect for the Chimneys will have been considerably modified as we view the magnificent panorama. Leave Dixie System at 8 a. m. with canteen and food for one lunch. Round trip hiking distance about 5 miles. Elevation 4740 feet. Park cars at bridge above Indian Gap hotel and take the Indian Gap trail. Leaders: S. MARCOVITCH (2-5233) MARGARET BROOME (3-7610) 36

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).