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Guide to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park

items 76 of 144 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-2764.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • ' 'amlina, taking barometric readings by which Guyot cheeked and corrected his own calculations Clingman's Dome is Darned in honor of 'Thomas Lanier Clingman (1812-1897), a native of North Carolina, a Cited States senator, a brigadier general in the Confederate army] awyer. mining expert, explorer, and author. He was one of he original "boosters" of the Great Smoky Mountains, his enthusiasm resulting from venturesome and extensive exploration CUme intimately acquainted with the In 1844 General Clingman and Professor Elisha Mm hell, m whose honor the highest peak in the Appalachian mounl tarn system is named, made observations in the Black. Balsam, a Great Smoky Mountains. Subsequently Clingman pub- - k ' I rCnt that he had found a hfgh« peak in the Black than the one measured by Mitchell. "It was admitted mat General Clingman had measured the highest point, the J, ': b«i J"*g* ".at peak was the same as that , mhusIx mettsured by Dr. Mitchell." A controversy ensued. 10 settle the matter Mitchell began taking new measurements "1 1857 He plunged into the wilds of the mountain that now bears his name and he never came out alive stitutVoT h- '''r tllsaPPfaran« spread and a search was into sc-r A Ju \°u. Wllsot1' famous «uicie and bear hunter, ' . n H J i S ^f 10 da>s after the dentist had dis- , the fV° l0WCd the tra,'] :ind found thc body in a \ hell 1- T °- a,watcrfa]1* The body now rests on Mt. i in I, m m ag'C C°ath dc'cidin8 ^finitely that the moun- tam-.l-ould be named in bis bono, This Clingman readily whilh'm?,! [7mr™' in 1858' was the lead" of a party ' ™ -°n 'u T"*^'m^ of what is now known as n thi ;, mC'the h,glH''St mountain in the Great Smokies. nat, of V T", Tl H°tsf0rd BuckkT (1809-1884), a "l t 1 ,, U ' U 1,0,;!nist :md «"*<*«, in whose honor •Mount Buckley was named; and Dr. Samuel Leonidas Love 76

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).