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Guide to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park

items 53 of 144 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-2741.jpg

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  • through fine growth of rhododendron to Indian Gap. From Indian Gap, there is a rough trail, for experienced hikers, down crest of Mingus. Return may be made by going around a little mountain road, past Balsam Lodge to Newfound Gap. Distances: Road Prong crossing to Indian Gap, 4 miles; Indian Gap down crest of Mingus, 4.5. Newton Bald: West of Smokemont, N. C. (1) See Thomas Ridge Trail. (2) Collins Creek Trail. Leaves N.C. #107 near Smokemont and follows Collins Creek to Thomas Ridge, then south and east to Newton Bald. Approx. distance, 4 miles. Class B Trail to Thomas Ridge; fair, but upper end very steep. Class A Trail along ridge to Newton Bald. (3) Cooper's Creek Trail. Leave N.C. #10 near Ela, and follow road, which is very rough and rocky, good only in dry weather, part of way up Cooper's Creek, then along Cooper's Creek Trail 0.75 mile to small branch and to small Sap on ridge, thence north along ride to Newton Bald. Distance, about 3 miles. Class B Trail. Richland Mountain: Drive from Smokemont on N.C. #107, then along Bradley Fork road to short distance beyond Taywa Creek. Then follow trail to mouth of Tennessee Branch, and along branch to Richland Mountain. Trail follows crest of mountain through old burned over area to point on main divide about 0.5 mile east of Dry Sluice Gap. Good views of the Sawteeth. Hiking distance, 4 miles. Class B Trail; fair. Russell Field: Open meadow on main divide. (1) See Appalachian Trail. (2) Eagle Creek Trail. Starting at N. C. #288, trail follows Eagle Creek to Tubmill Creek, then up Tubmill Creek to Russell Field. Distance (from park boundary), 5-5 miles. Class B Trail; steep in places. Scottish Mountain: On eastern boundary of park. (Elev., 4,290 ft.) Hike along road in southeasterly direction from Mt. Sterling Gap for about 1 mile. Wonderful views from summit. S3

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).