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Guide to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park

items 67 of 144 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-2755.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • "3. Fires: Fires constitute one of the greatest perils to me park; they shall not be kindled near trees, dead wood, [noss, dry leaves, forest mold, or other vegetable refuse, but in some open space on rocks or earth. Should camp be made in a locality where no such open space exists or is provided-, the dead wood, moss, dry leaves, etc., shall be scraped away to the rock or earth over an area considerably larger than that required for the fire. "Fires shall be lighted only when necessary, and when no longer needed shall be completely extinguished and all embers and bed smothered with earth or water, so that there remains no possibility of reignition. Smoking may be forbidden by the superintendent in any part of the park during the fire season when in his judgment the fire hazard makes such action advisable. 'Note: Especial cure shall he taken that no lighted maleh, "K"r. cigarette or hunting pipe tobacco is dropped in any gTflss, twigs, leaves, or tree mold. 4 Hunting; The park is a sanctuary for wild life of every sort, and till hunting or the killing, wounding, frighten- Hig, pursuing, or capturing at any time of any bird or wild animal, except dangerous animals, when it is necessary to prevent them from destroying human lives or inflicting per- s°i*al injury, or taking the eggs of any bird, is prohibited Within the limits of said park. Firearms are prohibited within the park except upon written permission of the superintendent. 5- FISHING: Pishing with nets, seines, traps, or by the Use of drugs or explosives or in any other way than with rod, tl<K>k. and line held in hand, or for merchandise or profit, <a prohibited. Fishing in the park will be permitted only •luring the open season as prescribed for the adjoining counties by the States of North Carolina and Tennessee. Bass less than 8 inches, rainbow trout less than 7 inches, and brook trout less than 6 inches in length shall be carefully handled with moist hands and returned to the water at once. 67

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).