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Guide to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park

items 114 of 144 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-2802.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • colorful and picturesque figure—the American frontiersman, upstanding, clean-cut, independent, resourceful, and brave. Cabins, typical of the frontier, still stand in the Great Smokies and add one of the most picturesque touches to this fascinating region. Preserved, too, by oral tradition, are hundreds of folk-songs and ballads brought by pioneers from England and Scotland, and words and phrases found in the language of Shakespeare. Later, when the educational program of the park is inaugurated, folk festivals, to acquaint visitors with the customs of the mountain people, will undoubtedly be held. hn J?.!.e0P,e °f the mounta'ns are strongly attached to their fh ™ ' ™ m. red' thdr hills' and t0 the old ways of doing hunriL aI uKlVe Wrested their 1'velihood by farming, hunt ng and fishing and cattle raising. Picturesque indeed eshblis,11? ind/attleman' Had not th* national park been SSSS?' u economic progress would have, in a com- froml y a T Period' d«troyed this last vestige of the Znu.A V"X 6 American wilderness and the rich heritage would have been lost to future generations. The current of social progress that long passed the region by would soon have swept away the beauties of the old life. The National Park dZZZ rer fS the great asset aff(»-ded the park by the presence of the rough-hewn cabin, the highbinder, and the olk-songs and ballads. This rich field of local color is to »e preserved as much as possible. thp i\ t nUmber °f the owners of mountain farms within 1 r are ^maining under life-time leases, for which only nominal rentals are charged. In some instances, where administrative and public improvements are required in order at tne park may be properly developed for the convenience and enjoyment of those who visit the area, some owners have moved or will move. Those remaining, however, are permitted to use the land in practically the same way they always 1'"' '"Is and crafts of the highlanders are being protected 114

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).