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Guide to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park

items 43 of 144 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-2731.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • tain there is a panoramic view of the western end of the Tennessee side of the Great Smokies. Blazed Balsam : On main divide between Mt. Collins and Clingman's Dome. Drive up Deep Creek, in N. C, to Will Jenkins' Place (about 4 miles) and leave car. Hike up road to first ford in creek, turn to right up steep hillside 400 ft. to trail. Hike along Fullback Trail to Bryson Place. One-half mile north of Bryson Place cross Deep Creek to left, on footlog, and take Easy Ridge 'Trail to Sassafras Knob on Noland Divide. Turn right along divide, going over Round Top and on to Blazed Balsam. Distances (approx.) from Jenkins' Place: To Bryson Place, 3.75 miles; to footlog over Deep Creek, 4.25; to Sassafras Knob, 6.25; to Round Top, 8.50; to Blazed Balsam, 11.0. Class B Trail: Fullback Trail, steep, in places, but dry; from Dee]) Creek up Easy Ridge, unusually steep; from Sassafras Gap to Blazed Balsam, fair to good. Brushy Mountain: (1) From Gatlinburg, 'Tenn. Route is over good trail, following Roarin' Fork. Round trip. 15 miles. (2) From Greenbrier, Tenn. In car, go about 8 miles over mountain road through Greenbrier Cove to Messer's Cabin (2,230 ft.) where trail up Brushy begins. Round trip hiking distance, about 7 miles. Last part of trail quite Steep. ' isible from top of Brushy, looking southwest, are all three peaks of LeConte; and, looking northwest, Mount Winne- *>ka. Erom Grassy Gap one looks down on Porter's Flats and can see Mt. Guyot, Greenbrier Pinnacle, and Mt. Chapman. Canadian- Top: From Cataloochee Ranch, on Cataloochee Creek, in N. ('., follow trail west along Nelson Branch to Canadian Top. Distance, about 2 miles. Chapman. Mt. : On State line. (1) See Appalachian Trail. (2) He-Man Trail, from Greenbrier, Tenn. Hike along Little Pigeon River. Turn right at mouth of Ramsey Fork 43

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).