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Guide to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park

items 62 of 144 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-2750.jpg

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  • outfit is advisable. For precautionary purposes, one shoul'dl carry a First Aid kit containing a snake-bite antidote. Although there are no mosquitoes in the Great Smokies, gnats are troublesome at times. From May to August the camper should carry a small Lottie of Citronella or similar medicine obtainable from any drug store. Fleas are in the old cabins or lean-tos that native cattlemen used for sheltelj in the past. Insect powder should be carried if one expects to stop in these old shelters, which are few in number. WEATHER: It is difficult to predict the weather in the Great Smokies, but generally April is apt to be rainy. May is bracing and pleasant, with cold nights in the high ranges. June is the perfect month, with rhododendron and azalenf blooming. July, August, and the first half of September are warm and usually dry, but showers may be looked for at any time. In general, the Great Smokies offer a wonderful and cool retreat from the oppressive heat of the lowlands. Facilities: Some facilities have been provided for those who want guides, horses, shelter, and other equipment. Consult the list of accommodations elsewhere in this guide book. Such places as the Mountain View Hotel, Gatlinburg, Tenn.. A. J. Huff, owner and operator; Ekaneetlee Lodge (Willie Myers), and John Oliver's Lodge, both in Cade's Cove, Tenn.; and Cataloochee Ranch, on Cataloochee ('reek in North Carolina, Thomas W. Alexander, manager, supply horses, guides, and other facilities. The Cataloochee Ranch, a new attraction this season, offers fishing, hiking, horseback riding, pack trips, camping,, and ranch life. Besides the main buildings, there are tvvo- and three-room cabins, floored tents, and a stone lodge, the latter being three miles down the gorge. Pack trains and| camping trips are arranged by the management. 62

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).