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Correspondence regarding organizational meetings of the Appalachian National Park Association

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  • STATE OF TENNESSEE. Nashville. November 17th, 189 Mr. E. p. MoKissick, Battery Park Hotel, Asheville, N. c. My deai' Sir: — Your kind letter of the 15th instant is received. I note what you say about the meeting at Asheville, for the purpose of putting on foot a scheme to establish a Park in that locality. I regret exceedingly that it will be impossible for rae to be there, on account of business that cannot be postponed here. I thank you most cordially for your kind invitation to be your guest. I have experienced, in past years the delights of yoi.xr hotel, and also the pleasure of partaking of your personal entertainment. Nothing but business that is beyond my control would prevent me from attending. Again thanking you, and with assurances of high regard, I am Very truly yours,

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).