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Legislative act to give consent by Tennessee

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  • CHAPTER 47. i House Bill NO..S10. An Act to give consent by the State of Tennessee to the acquisition by the United States of such lands as may he needed for the establishment of a Natmonal Forest Reserve ih said State, WHEREAS,It is proposed that the Federal Government establish in the high mountain regions of Eastern Tennessee,and adjacent states a National Forest Reserve,which will perpetuate these forests and forever preserve the head-waters of many important streams,and which will thus prove of great and permanent benefit to the people of this State,and WHEREAS, A bill has been introduced in the Feder« w cxjl Congress providing for the purchase of such lands for said purposes; therefore: Seo.l. Be it enacted hy the General Assembly of trie State of Tennessee, That the consent of the state of Tennessee he and is hereby given to the acquisition,by the United States,hy giftfpurohase or condemnation, according to law of such lands in this State as in the mpin- ion of the Federal Government may be needed for the establishment of such a National forest Reserve in that region ; Provided that retain the State shall wwwBSb a concurrent jurisdiction with the United States in and over such lands so far that civil process in all cases and such, criminal prooess as nay issue under the authority of the State against any person charged with the commission of any crime without or Within said jurisdiction,may he executed thereon in like manner, as if triis act had not been passed; Provided further that this oniv act shall rex apply to lands in Tennessee lying within twenty miles of the North Carolina State line; that all condemnation proceedings herein provided shall be limited to lands no* forest covered and that in all such condemnation proceedings the right of the Federal Government shall he limited to the specific objects set forth in this act, and in the laws of the United states in regard to Forest Reserves. Sec.8. Be it further enacted, That power is hereby conferred upon Congress to pass such laws as it may deem necessary to ijskk the acquisition,as hereinbefore provided,for incorporation af in said National Forest Reserve such forest covered lands lying in the state, as in the opinion of the Federal Government may he needed for 'his ■uurnose. Be it ;urther enacted,That power is hereby conferred upon

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).