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Correspondence regarding organizational meetings of the Appalachian National Park Association

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12601.jpg

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  • ©ffice TUnitefc States CourW, WESTERN DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. STATESVILLE, N. C. H. C. COWLES, CLERK. November 16th,1899, Hon J.A.Nichols, President of the Board of Trade, Asheville, N.C. My Dear Sir:- I have the honor to acknowl- -edge the receipt of yotir favor of the 7th inst', extending to me as President of the Chamber of Commerce of this place, an invita- -tion to attend the meeting called by the Park and Forestry Asxhkx- xxjfcx»nCommittee , on the 22d inst', to organize an Inter-State Association for the purpose of securing a National Park in some sec- -tion of our mountains, as the gutfct of your honorable board. And, in reply thereto permit me to say on behalf of myself and the the honorable body over whom, by their partirality, I have the hon- -or to preside, that we appreciate the good will shown and honor coferred, and that your kind and hospitable invitation is accepted, and that I shall deem it a great privilege and pleasure to be with on that occasion. With assurances of the highest regard and esteem, I have the honor to be , 9 Very sinoerss^y y President S Commerce .

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).