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Horace Kephart to Judge Arthur Perkins, February 21, 1930

  • wcu_kephart-278.jpg
  • In this letter to Judge Arthur Perkins, Chairman of the Board of the Appalachian Trail Conference on February 21, 1930, Kephart gives a detailed account of his thoughts concerning the potential route of the Applachian Trail.
  • aryaon I , .C. yah. 51, 1930 Chairman of tha 3oon&v Appalachian ?rail Confaranoa, Ti£a Parfclna, ■lataat JUtc F errors tar of Gaorela, atotlonad at Otflnat* vi.. Laarc thai ,a strongly 4iMrprtf*« <?f «nnl ^ UchSan Trail ¥la to COhutta at and that tbaj vL3 *« to cpo:; or. *o- I that thay will ha*E .,separata on a trmJ tha othar hand, 1 underatan;: laa- ira* tha Cohutta route, Ui . . mtppora, baoau*a ll would carry tho h thrflteh tha ahela 1 jratalr^ Rational F»rt *nd glva thaia diraot nocaaa to the A.T* free any point >lr tide. EMi nmttar much study, «s by a codification of clowl rap. I also thlf&i 'root ih« siaggaatad tha ora&r t»l Gap, %, ## hll mil* and ballavo that 1 hava fo<md a ny to MtU- tha 0*a*r trail that la outlined on tha a mrtanktokmmmtfmmm pareonal fai oouraa thro%h to Gragory #ald and out aj>oco and Jantoetlah La*a and tho Xaatahal* awh ocr* aoonio att; than tha nh*rt cut from ^iitr'a Bald via ■ ^gespany ^, throat • asbaidiary, wtI bagin n of Urga daaa for hydro-alaotrio purpoaa* balcnr 3uihnall, or nokr it, irtiloh will coBplotoly flood tha a&all tow: mt ngl with a daap ^ >Mdine ttpitraaa* I that aa*a, thara wl mm -rowlog at Auhnall nor anyvfcara naar It. ro will aitfay* b« a crosa at &yaara forry* •utftfaation U to Httlnua Ml ..♦ matwanl along tha oraat ef t iaa (atata Una J fro'3 **ileru _i, through tha Eal . sld trail would run dcim tw to tha uhli. .o*nara tfarry on Tapooo La • aoanary all aleu£ thio route: liyraora i'arry tha oroaalne would ba by fan? beat or aoall powor bor-* - ra* ham co- tha trail would folio* tho old wagon rc*d around tha point of I ra tals tu 'fallow Croak, vhara a imrfaoad highway nn1 i uoa alow tha bta choron of janteatlah UM to FtobbiiuTilla, vh*r+ ona oan root and gal 7«o arllla wa would follow t\i aUta highway to th> Uoteut at tha haad of ^hala ?orcav «hara tha vlataf ara j. Laai ItfiMT at tW- ■• wa would dcaoand to I road, balow tha >%llroadv that £0u hala atation C «r.- Hallway* Haro boclna a good road raoontly bull; tha JCaticnal i jrrioa, which t;oaa up tha braci* roa ahloh ot«u battar rt f tha ^orga ara affordad than < Ua alda. 7hio fo» would ba follcwad to Mrti 1 M3c« Than an old ««gon rood would ba tax*.-. ?*llioo Gap, whora tha o&a*r trail lo atruofc. | ra would lo no cha^a I ..aar rout* froo - -i.-- .• Oylathorpa* Kuot«r Lib«ry fip«ci»l COllactiona, K«at«rn C«oliH* tfniv»r»ity, Callowh»,