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Cataloochee tract 296: Robert Palmer

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  • / SMOKYMTN PARK ~08£/f!T PA~MEH TRACT 11?5553 ACHE.S .,St:"AJ.E J'~zo C/-!AIN.S 8 \ NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRA€T OF TITLE of Lands of ............................ Ro.bert ... l?.all:ner. ....................................................................................................................................... . .............. .O.Qi$~Qhee .... :~------······························ Township ........................ Hfly.w.Oo4..................................... County. !'TOTE: 29.00 33,63 62,'19 64.09 30.'19 20.26 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION ~act { 296) Lying on the East side at Caldwell Fork o:r catcU.ooohee Creetc.·Haywood. County, Nt c. All bee1"1.ngs in this descript ion were tUrned from the true meridian. and all distances are expressed in ohaina of 66 feet BEGINNING e. t OotnfJr 1• a 6" chestnut sprout ins trom the stump of an old chestnut in a gap ot Be~ Pen Rids$1 about 1,.00 ohain SOutheast or the ro-e.d• eh•wn as the old corner by Rt\:rrison sutton and Robert Pe.lmer1 blued and sort be4 P • lJ _ · Then.oe1 s. 75•51 E. Small stre~ flowing 1-Io.rthwest corner 2,1 e. leaning chestnut oakt blazed and scribed l?•2J . -, ~ Thenoe, s, 13*0l w. sag B~oh tlowing Nor._hwest c_ ()rner a. e. .. pointt_wi th witnesses. _ abQut ,eo chain West ot sag Br~noh 1 Be a maple pos~ P.3; A 6" basswood bears south 45•00 East ,09 ohain distant, . blazed and scribed B,T.l'•3J · Thence, N. '12•18 W" oor_ner 4_ 1. a ;poin_t in the_- _edge ot a laurel thicket about 2.oo oha ns East ot a b~anch flowing North, se'J :, e. post scribed P.4j Thence, N~ 12•58 E. Sag Branch ·flows tiorthwest Sluet A ..., · ... about 4•:50 about e.oe · at,out 3~16 about s.eo about '7.71 Col"tler 51 an 8" Whi -.e oak w1 t .h ooner Dl&rka, .01 ohaia North or ~ ra11 tenoe• blazed mul $0r1k4 P., 5J Thence, N'• 48•48 w,. Corner 6, an old stale& with 'Witnessea, established b7 E .. M. u.saer and :Robol"t P~llner; Thence N. 29'ot'32 w. A ble.okgum,. the south corner ot the Hal"r1a011 sutton tract, 'l'benoe, N. 26 .... 00 E• A chestnut on top ot a tide9 J Thence N. 41•00 E. A large chestnut; Thence N. 3-00 w • A stake at the rorks ot a branch Northwest ot H~~niaon sutton's house)' · Thence No:rth 3<>-00 w A boUy in the old Robe~t J' • . Palmer line on the NCth•a•~ side Of' the branch b$low Robert Sr Palmer's houaeJ· ' ThenCE', N., '54•45 E., Corner 9, a point with Witnesses on a ridge top, set a post sori bed P., 9 • A 4" chestnut beus s~th '72-00 w •• as_ o;haln distant, blazed and soribect B.~ •. p •. 9J T Thence. s,, 20•15 E. . . tj.:JS:53 The place or beginning; containing e;i$.U. aol."es, ANALYSIS OF TlTLE TRACT NO. 296. 578 1. Tract No. 296 is now owned by Robert 1. Palmer, and is a portion ot state GJ'ant No, 252 isaued by the state to J"ohn Gray Blount. Aa we have treated state Grant No. 252 in the a~lysis ot ti• tle ot the tract belonging to Sidney Nelson tram the time said (}rant was issued by the State to John Gray Blount, up, through, and includ­ing the time said Grant passed by the will ot J'ames R. Love to his ex­ecutors, the S$m.e will not be repeated in this analysis, but may be seen by reference to paragrap~through lOot the analysis of title to the Sidne7 Nelson tract. see page__L_ot this abstract. 2, On September 23, 1886 t W11118ln It, Thomas, Robert G•A• Love, William L. Hilliard and samuel L• Love,exeoutors, conveyed to J. R • . Palmer a tract ot land containing two hundred acres; Which sa14 tract embraces the larger portion ot tract No. 296. In this deed only samuel L• Love and w. L• Hilliard signed the same, To be regular, the conveyance shoUld have been signed by all tour executors • however• this detect was cured by an agreement and consent judgment in the case ot w. L. Heuy, et al vs \l, L• Hilliard, et .• al. This consent judgmen-t and agreement has been tully treated heretofore in the analysis ot t1 tle to the Sidney Nelson tract. See page_Lo:t this abstract. In this oonver ance1 one.,.hal:t of the mineral interest, with mining privileges is re­served. This conveyance may be s•en by ref'erenoe to page~ot this abstract. z. On :Novem~e:r 15, l-889, William H, Thomas,. Robert G. A. Love, William L. Hilliard and Samuel L. Love,. executors, conveyed to Robert Palmer a tract of land containing forty-five . ~ . ~ acres. ~his tract is a portion of State !}rant No. 252·. ~1a conveyance is signed by w. L. Hilliard • the remaining executors failing to sign &laid deed, We are of the opin~on that this defect tn said deed was cured by an agreement and consent Judgment en­tei" ed in the case of V-1 , L. ·Henry, et al v .• w. L, Hilliard, et al, See page. 35 through 55 . of this abstract. In this conveyance, one-half of the mineral interest with the mining privileges is reserved, This deed is I"ecorded in Haywood County. See page 582 ot t his abstract. 579 4. Thereafter,. J •. :a, Palmer died intestate, and his heirs, on November 22, 1895, conveyed to Robert J~ .Palmer, one hun­dred and fifty ac-res, This conveyance is signed by all the heirs at law of J, R. Palmer. See affidavit on page 583 of this ab­stract. The above referred to deed is duly recorded in Haywood County. See page 5§4 .. of this abstract. 6. On Febl'Uary 15, 189&, part of the heirs at law of J, B. Palmer filed a petition· tor partition ot the remaining por­tion of the lands owned by J. a. Palmer at his death that had not been al1oted to the several heirs theretofore • . This petition states that all the hei:rs of;. B. Palmer ·wera not made parties, How·ever, we. are of the opinion that since this proceeding was started 1n 18'6• that the land so alloted, or asked to be alloted b7 said petition was described by metes and bounds, that the same would be notice to t he world that the parties ·therein named were. claiming the lands therein described, and that any of the remain­tng heirs who were not t hen made patties would be barl'ed from claiming .a:ay interest _in said ~ands by the sta1;ute ot limitations. If'or a copy of peti tion• answer • aDd report of the commiasione:~:s • " . see page 585 of t his abstract. In the above entitled proceed• ing, a tract containing thirty-eigbt acres was awarded by said commissioners to M. L, Gibson and 4es1gnated in said report a.s Lot No, 4. See page g89 of this abstract. 6, on November 8, 1902• M, Lt Gibson and husbant• !h-F, Gibson, conveyed to Bobert J, .P~1 lmer thr1tt-e1ght ac~res of' land which said tract is a portion of the two hundred acre tract con­veyed to J. R, Palmetr by the Love executors. and being Lot 110• 4 ' . ' des1pate4 in the report of th& commissioners 1n the partition proceedings heretofore referred to, page 589 of this abstract. !Chis deed is of recol'4 in Haywood County. See page 592 ot this abstract. '~• .As we are dependiJlB largely upon :possession, for title to Tract No~ 296, there being several defects 1n the paper title to said tract, we have obtained affidavits to t he effect that Robert J. Palmer• _end those under whom he claiu. have been in the open, continuous. advetee possession. under known ano. visi­ble metes and bounds of said tract :for a period . of thirty yeara and more, Said a:f'fiElavits may be seen by reference to pages 593 , to 596 of this abstract. s. For Surveyor's affidavit on this tract, see page No. 597 of this abwtraot. '. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed As Acknowledged -, RQ)b~rt G• A.. Lqve ~ WUllam t. Hll1S.EU-d = samue~ t. tove ~~~E=z=~~o~u~t~o-~~~·~--------~~--------------------~------------------~ I1J ~ ] J',, It, Palme:r ~ L---------------~--------------~---------------- 1. · Km. d of Conveyance ...............D....e...~...d... .............................. .. 2. Date of Conveyance ........... Sl~.2~66. .......................... .. 3. Is it properly executed .......... ........................................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ........ C ...... $., ... 0 .• 6. Acknowledgements, regular ............ .. YQ .................... .. 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ................................. .. 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ............... NQ .................... .. 9. Date of acknowledgement.-. .... ~1~.9~95 .................. .. 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ............. ,. ............ .. 11. Did officer .affix SeaL ....................................................... .. 12. Was order of probate correct.. .......... l" ...................... .. 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record .......... .6.~l~$ ................. .. (a) of seizin ............................ .110 .................................. .. 15. Book .................... 7.iL .............. Page ............ 4,U .......... .. (b) power to convey ........................ Y.O.S ........................ .. for ................. IlaywoD.d .......................... County. (c) against encumbrances .......... , .......... NO .................. .. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others .................... N:Q ............ . or restrictions .. .Qn,.~halt---mineM]. ............... . . ................. intereat ... r.o.soX!Ved-....................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ....... TO .. .HA.VE .. .J •. ND .. TO ... IIOLD--~the ... .afo:r:osai(} ... 'tra()-1t .. o-f.··-land .............. m.t.b ... th.~ .. .:rtr..t.Y.1l.egQs ... md ... appurt.$ ... there:to---be-10ngi,ne--·untG---1he·---·· ·· ··· ·····---~~_g, ___ ;r •.... R •.... F.~.lme.r. ... an.d .. .h1.s ... .he1rs .... to ... h1.s ... and ... t.he1t---.only---uee---and .. --be-'-·· ....... -........ ~QQ~f ... f.Q~_Qy~~·-····· ···· ·· -----·--·-· ··--········ ....... ........... -- . ....... ----- ..................... ·-·- ..... ······························· ····-····-··-·····-···-···-- Exact Description of Property "That whel'eas J'e.mea n. Love ·_ deceased. was seized ot tracts or land oommo~y called Sp(teulatton land and vhereas satd .Tames Rt Love made and published a last will and teeteln4nt appointing Wllliam a. T11o:mas, Robert G, A• Lov~,. W1l11a.m L. H1.ll1ard and samuel L. Love execut·or&, and l!he:ress _said _ J'(U!les R. Love -by said will fully aut.h-or1~ed end empowered his said exeeuto»s to continue the sales. ot t~aid land and to make t1tlea tht;)t'efo;o .... New. thoreto;re" BEGilmlNG at a chestnut in a deep gap of the Bear Pen ri d8e·t: and thence :ruil!J south 75 126 poles to a oheatnu~ oak on tQp ot the :r:td@EI: thenee south 10 234 :polEU!l ;p~uuli.n~ a double chestnut and l!14lple on the lilast ot SW&£ branch at 191 poles to e. etake o~ossing Swas branch; thenoeNo:rth 76 West 126 Plillets to a stakeJ 'thElnoe North 10 East 126 poles to the beginning. containing two hundred acre$• Shut B NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT no bert o. A. As Signed As Acknowledged Love William t . llill1ard samuel L• Love w. L. Hilliard Proven Exeout o:rs Robert Palmer 2. Date of ·Conveyance .............1...1...•...1....5...•...8.. .9.... ........ .............. . 4. Date of Entry and No ..................... ....... , ........................... . 6. Acknowledgements, r egular ................ 1"~$ .................... . 3. Is it p roperly executed ........................... ........ .................. . . . c ·s c · 5. Before what Off1cer acknowledged ............. .f ... .. !L ... 9 ..... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ............. ..... ..N .Q... .............. . 10. Was privy examination of wif e t aken ....... ...... . 12. Was or der of probate correct ..... ..... ¥.~~· ··· · ···· ············· 14. Date of film. g f l ·.r ecord ..........9...-...~ .'. .-...9...8... ............... ,. ....... 15. Book ................... JL .............. Page ................. ~~~······· fo r ................ :f:£~~~4 ............................ County. 16. Does deed conta in any special limitations, provisions or r estrictions ........ On~.half ... m1neral .......... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ................ .................. . 9. Date of acknowledgement ....... 9..~.'7. .... 9.~ ....................... . 11. Did officer affix Seal... ........ ........... ............. ........................ . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- ;~~ :o,;:~z~: ~-~-~~~;:::::::::::::::::::::::~~¥,~::::::::::::::::::::: (c) against en cumbrances ............. ...... J~9. .................... . (d) agai~st claims of all others ......... NCJ. ....................... . ....................... 1nt.eres.t ... re.aer.ra4 ................... . 17. Haben dum clau se (Quote f ully) .. ....... TO . .HA.VE .. BD T.O ... liOLD .. :t.he. .. ator&sa1d ... t.rac.t. .. .of ... land ............. ... :the ... pr.1.v1legea ... an.d ... app.ur:t.en.ance.s ... th.ere:to .... bel.ong1ng ... Wito ... the. ...... . ............. sa.1d .. R.o.ber.t ... .Palmer ... an.d .. h1.s .. he1ra ... t .o ... .h1s ... .and ... the1r ... .only. ... uee, .. and ... be~ . . llOQ.f ... t.orever •.............................................................................................................................................................................. Exact Description of Property "That Whereas J"ames R. Love . deceased, was seized or large tracts of land comm.oiJ.y called SpeoUlat1on land; and whereas, the said .Tames Ih Love made . and published a last Will and testament appointing William H.. 'i'homas, Robert G. A. Love • William t ., Hillial"d and samuel L~ LOVe executors; wher-eas • .Tames B • Love by his sai C1 will tully authorized and empowered his said executors to continue the ·sales or said lands and t o .execute tltles ther~for; Now, therefore,n ON WATERS OF CATALOOCHEE OPJ!:EK ADJOINING !ITS HOME PLACE. BKQINNING on a chestnut stumpt the Nor thwest corner or his t7aot, and rtms .North 23° West. 30 poles to a stake on a ridge; thence Ncrth 53 West 10'1 poles to a stake ·in scottiSh 11ne; thenoe with that .line south 22 Ea!rb 42 poles to a chestnut; thence south 30 .East 41 poles to an oak• oorner 1n .said line; thence south 50 East 21 poles to a stake in Palmer's own 11neJ t hence with same line North 10 East 112 poles to the beginning, Containing forty- five acres, more or les~. Shu t B \ ' \ ' ,. ' ST.A.TB OF NORTH CAR~LINA HAYWOOD qoUNTY , d.tpo••• ant aeyt1 that he ••• •~U aoqutl:a1ied 1t'1; th :r. Rt P~ 4m­. lna his lltet-imeJ tha\ the taid 1, R• Palme:r ·died some time prt• 'lo the. yeu 189~• tU\4 l•tt . &;Ultrll'tns .~. t .he toUowlJ18 he1ra at law oa:pable of' 111lter~t1D8 hle real es11ate: w. A. Palmer .and wire, Mila Palme~ GeO:l'ge :n. Ps.l.$• an4 rite* Alioe Palmer :r. f• :E>a~ Th(ml8f Pa~,.. ~ o." u .e.the..n ·.o od and husband, .v.; •.. H• Leathe.r w· · ood Telitha Oqpenter an' husband; . c. M. O&,.l'penter Bul'11•• Oarp~atel" and husband, J'oha ·cai'Pentel' RaOh9l C~sl• . :ana huabend, 3'ohn · . Eliabeth Ella Palm•r sarah Caldwell and · ~tt!!Jband1 · n.. t, OaliQl.l. ~garet G$.bao• 8114 ft~eband 1 Thama Gibs•ll Ell&l Oal4,.1.1 and ·h'U,'bluld, s. c. Caldwell ·sworn to and subaori bee\ to bet•re me th:l,a~day ot .runel 1 t2t NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged "t;' ~.. 0~--~----------------~----------~------~---+------------~--~~~ 1. Kind of Convey<mce .. ....... ··········Deed···························· 3. Is it properly executed .................................................... .. 2. Date of Conveyance ......... ll•tf~3' - .. , ...................... . 4. Date of Entry and N 0 . ....... : .............................. : ........ :: ...... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ...... ltft .............. .. 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .................................. . 6. A~knowledgements, regular ............... TG$ ... : ......... : ...... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ................ Ye··· ................. .. 9. Date of acknowledgemenL ... V~i"OQ--------------------· 11. Did officer affix SeaL ............................................. ........... . 10. wa~ privy examination o_f wife taken ... y:_. .... ,..: ... ... . 12. Was order of probate correct.. ....... Yilf: ..................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ..................... YG1t ..................................... .. 14. Date of filing for record ..... ~PSJ8 ...... : .. :.: ....... : ..... .. ::: (b) power to convey. .................. YtJIJ ........................... ,. . . ;:::-~e~~:~[!i;n~'::s=:~~~:::::~~;~~=~~~~~~~ (c) against encumbrances ............. -y .......................... . (d) against claims of all others ............... y.8 .............. . or restrictions .............................................................. ~ ...... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ..... ,ro--rrAW' AN'n--·to·notD--·tn.e '#lbOVcf"floeOflbel"laul"':"""' ·······and·--pl"emtaa···wtt·b--·a11··tl\e-·«JP't.trtananH•···tliereto--·ootonpns··oi"···ln ............ .. ----···-·any··v;t.,e···appezrtetntq··-unto···ttte···a~1-tl'pu,y···or···tne···seoc:tna···P8ft------hl·a:··--··· ·········netrs-···mul --•n~alfPI&i·· -tore'f'ert:············ · ···-·--·-···--··········--····-·············-······--···-·--···--·······---·--······--------'------------------------ Exact Description of Property "That e•reas 101M a. p~; 1n ld.s l.1tet1ll1G ·of~·­eJ! p:Jrtfil'$4'4 hla tntofttiott and 4es1;re to exoou'• a ted . of oonveyoaoe fQJ' aD®\ 150 aortas ot 1M4 bia1ttg a pert ot th• 2QO acre ~~tot deeded to sn1d J'CUI$0 llt _hllne,.-· bi SGUnUel t, LGYe and w • L• . nll.ltUtl, exeouto:ra ot .. ~ _. . . :. n. tovo, deoeasea, · on tbe 234 ·C1a7 et septe~, lS!J& •. flow, thereron" . A ft.AO'l' OF L.~ ~N CA't:\tOQOl'D~ j'fO~I§HIP ;ON -~\''Ail IBABQU ,,_ ,... • •.• , _. . __, J '- -ll' •- . t>z,e• . .• 1 __ , _, • -. ~- t; . ; ts- ,_ ~ -"""':"' . . _,._- -·- --- __ - -"""!"" , ~---- WAftltS _OF . 0-Al.DWBtL ll'Ol'$ 0]1' 'C)Jr. TALQqOlmE go:nnn:.m e'C. a chtstaut ia. • · t!teep ~- ot th~ J!!ear Pen 71•• m.ld tho.nM t1ll\l south 70 East 12e polo e to a , chestnut~ Ol IOJ -fit a J14SGJ. t!J~ttoo _south lO weet 191 )'obis to tt ·doubl(f oheetn"ttt nnt• on tll• ~t at de ot haS br~t theaoe d...a said swag bl'EmQ:h .1'11 ~b tts _ JnG$nde~ngt tt •• point WhOre t.lle closing 11ae t:tt . Dd-4 200 aore t~aot GJ'Oasee .eald li1'11114hJ thenoe rtori.h 10 Ea~J't with aaid line to th:e ~glmdng oo:rne:r • e~ tai.nlas at-,out 150 aofts • bttng PGI't o:r the 200 acre tMOt eonvore4 to lesse R, Pttl.m$t' bJ the execntOJ"s ot s. R• Love1 ana boina ~11 or eaald traot lying Jlorth an4 East or said S.g Branoh. Shut B " . / ·/ / / .·P age ___ _'_'_ ____5_8__5__ NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS 1. Proceedings in all courts affecting the title of the lands abstracted must be set forth and attached hereto in chronological order, and in such detail as will show all jurisdictional facts averred in the proceedings, proper parties, sufficient service to bri'ng all necessary parties into court, all orders and decrees up to and including confirmation of sale. . 2. When minors, insane persons or any other persons for whom a guardian ad litem, committee and such like are required to be appointed, are interested, the appointment and acceptance must be shown; it must appear that all statutory requirements have been complied with. Give names of all plaintiffs and defendants. Sal'ah Cal4well and husband1 D. , t• Celc9:wel,l t Ma,.,ge.ret G~ bson and husband1 Thomas Gibson and Elizabeth Palmer vs 1. CourL -supex-1-or------ - County ----Haywood----- 2. Kind of action_Pe-tit-ion--£-or--Pa:rt-i'b-10:11--- - -- 3. Date of filing--- -- ---z•'l;B¥9&----- - -- ---- - - - - - - -- __ +. Date of filing lis pendens_ __ _______ _____ __ ____________ 5. ,~~~.;~[~ft~~~~---2- - - Page_ ___ 55o----- PROCEEDINGS 'l'O THE SUPERIOR COURT OF SA! D COUNTY': THE PETITIONERS COMPLAIN JJ:!D ALLEGE: That they are tenon ts in comraon and are seized in fee and a:vf) in possession of the follO','ii,ng described landG lying and being in the county ancl State aforesaid adjoining the l ands of the Executors of J. R. Love and others and bounded as follows: .. BE,GINNING; · A. a lynn on the North bank .or cattnlooehee Creek and a corner of said J. Palmer's 150 acre tract and then run­ning North 49° West 191 poles to a spanish oak a.nd a rook, his cqrner; thonoe North 35 poles to a stake; Thence North '70° 390 poles to a sta.ko· thence South 113 poles to . a stake to a line in the .rul1a r~ i"ller trnct; thenee South 70° 50 poles w1. th her line to a blackguln on o. ridge oornex- to said tract; thence south with ~nothe:r line o:f said 96 poles to a beech on the point of e. ridgo near the wagon road corner to said tract; thence south 57° East W1 th another line of said tract 29 poles to a spruce pine (gone) on the bank of said creek,t corner to said tltaot; thence up the meanders of said in the eer:rt~l" to the beginning, aaldns a . division of t his tre.ot exoept What has ber~ tot•ore been deeded by $rd.d J • R, Palmer to w. A • . Palme:J;":, also another tract of land lying on the waters or Indian Oreek e.nd watetrs of Ca. tta.looohe~ • · . BEGif.miNG at a spruce pine on the _s outh si4e of Indian Creek., and then running North eros sins said o reek at 60 poles WhQle l1ne 150 pQl$& to a>k oak_ near the top of a ri~&; thenee Not•th 82° West 90 poles to a hickory 1n a flat; thence South 150 poles creasing said creek to a stake; thence So 62° Ea_Gt 90 poles to the beginnlns, asking for d1 vision a: all this tract exoE)pt what may have heretofore been deeded to others think all of tlli s tract has been deeded to G.. N. Palmer .• All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Shut F Another tre.ot • BEGINN'ING e.t 2 birches on the North s1 de of Indian Creek and in the East boundary line ot his said J.R. Palmer's 75 acre . tract, and runs 64° with the meanders or .said creek 88 poles to a box alder on the liorth bank of said creek; thtmoe South 39° East 12 poles to a spruce pine on the East bank of said creek near the mouth of tc.v1dson'a branch; thence North 82° East P to a eh est nut; thence North 16 °. West cross­ing the Little Davidson branch 82 P to a hickory; thence south 65 West oross1ng the Big l'lavidson branch 67 P 1x> a stake .in the :East boundary line ot said Palmer's other traet• thence wi 11!'1 said line 110 !" to t ho beginn1n8i oontaining f ifty aorefl - tlsking d1 Vision of this, except what may have. been deeded to others her~tofore ... Also, another trao'i Qt lnnd lying and being on the waters of Caldwell creek, containing :fifty acres.! and reverence 1a hereby made to said deed as recorded in Book 5 1 page 49v, of office of Regis­ter of Deeds f or Haywood County tor particular description ... Also• another tract ot land lying and being in Haywood County on the waters of Cataloo­chee creek containing seventy-nine acres - BEG;INNING on a spanish oak1 a corner ot a survey tor M •. Hannah and r ei'erenoe is hereby made to said deed as recorded in :Book 5, page 495, or R~oords of Deeds in Of fice of the Register ot Deeds tor rrayv.ood County, for more particular descript ion ... Alao, home tract of land which is more particularly described in a deed made by J. R-. Love to :r. R. Palmer on the 8th of JUne, 185? ... Also, another tract known as the Conrad or :lall traot . of land! and is in t wo deeds dated 7th day of\ Deoember. 1891, made by John Vl ., Ha l and wife to Jessie R., Palmer, one, ten acres and the other fifty-four a~res - And also any other lands be­longing to the said J. R. Palmer which have not heretofore been deeded to others, and reference for more particular description of said lands is here­by made to said deeds as made to J • R. Palmer by whomsoever 200 acr'etraot of land deeded by executors of Ja.'les R. Love to Jessie H. Palmer on 23d day or September, 1886, of which amoun.t 150 acr13s has been e.lloted to J. n. Palmer - therefore, only ask a 'i vision of t he remai ning 50 acres - Also, 50 acres on D:uvidson's branch deeded .byexecutors of James n. J.,ove to Jessie R. Palmer on 9th d::>y ltlf Xo.y,. 1008 .. ..,'\nd all t h is division, except such amount as bas been deeded to Jarres Noland. 2. That the interest of the petitioners in said land is as follows: One undiVided ninth ( l/9) interest in all of above described lands v11 th the exceptions as above noted to ee.oh by name, Leitha Carpenter, wife of c. M. Carptmter, Birdie Carpenter, wife oi' John Car penter, Se.r ah Ot:tldwel1 1 wife of D. L . Cal dwell, Ha c hel Cagle, wife of John Cagle, 1.1. c. I"ea t herwood, wife of D. H. Leatherwoodt, Elizabeth Palmer, Thomas Pa l mer an d Ella Palmer, Margaret Gibs on,. wife of 'l'h ornas Gibson - t 1e ot her p arties having before t his received t heir :pa rt of t he estate of &'lid J. n. Pe.l.mer. 3. Tllat Ella Pa l mer, t he defendant, is a ,minor wi thout a guardian. 4. That t hey desire to hold t heir share in severalty - vnmm~FOPJ1 , your petitioners pray t hat you will appoint throe commissioners to divide the sa:me into equal parts or s hares by metes and bounds, and to allot to eaoh of your petitioners such t hereof e.e each ia en tit led to; and if an equal di Ti• sion cannot otherwise be mnde, then to oharge t he more valuable_ dividends With such stun as t hey shall judge necessary to be paid to the dibiLridends o~ inferior vs.lue in order to make the division e qual, and to I'eport their :prcr­ceedings under t heir hands and ,.eala e.s soon as practica ble into your oourt. This the lOth day of Feb., 1895. Filed Feb. 15, 1896. Moody & Welcb, AttOTneys for Petitioners. R. K, Boone, c. s .c. JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS 1. Proceedings in all courts affecting the title of the lands abst racted must be ~et forth and attached hereto in chronological order, and in such detail as will show all jurisdictional facts averred in the proceedings, proper parties, sufficient service to bring all necessary parties into court, all orders and decrees up to and including confirmation of sale. • 2. When minors, insane persons or any other persons for whom a guardian ad litem, committee and such like are required to be appointed, are interested, the appointment and acceptance must be shown; it must appear that all statutory requirements have been complied with. Give names of all plaintiffs and defendants. w. A. Palmer • et s.l Heirs at law of J' .. R. Palmer, d$oeased vs Ella Palmer 1. CourL---~!l..P~~~~;" _____ County ___ ]1~~-~!\ _____ _ 2. Kind of action __ ___ _ AJt_$ __ \! _ ~- -~------------ - ---- 3. Date of filing-- - ..Marc.h-l.21 --l!)g6.-----.------- ---- -t. s~e\lf~f1 il'xfgJe!18~ngs-.--:a - ----------35~------ s. Jm}gment~~et'ded-tft Book:_ _____ ____ Page---------,---- PROCEEDINGS Ella Palmer by her guardian ad litem, W. H. Leatherwood, arwwor1ng the petition ror pa rtition of the pleintiffs, s ays: · First. That she is a minor under twenty-<>ne years ot age as alleged tn plaintiffs petition, and t hat Vi. u. Leatherwood has been appointed aa her ~ uardian ad litem by a oourt or competent juriadiotion, and therefore answer by her aa1d guar d.i a1~ ad litiJ.Ill w. H. Lea thcrwoOd • seocmd. That t he first al.legat1on in plaintiffs said petition for p a~tit!on is admi tte~. Third. That 'the second a llegation in pl aintif fs said peti­tion for pa:rt i tion is also true. Fot.rtb:. Tha t t he third all.egation in plaintiffs petition tor partition lias true at the t i me stated, but since t hat t ime w. H, Leatherwood, as above stated, has bem duly a:t'pointed guardian. ad litem. . F.i:f'tb. That tourth alleeation in s aid poti tioll is a<lmit ted. WHEREFORE1 Ella Palmer, by her e.tardian ad 11 temt w. H .. Leather woo.d, joins in the ;pray$1" of the plaintiffs, namely: that yot1 Will appoint three oomm1es1oners to 01 vide t he real es t ate t herein de­sert bed into equal pot'ts or ~b ares by metes and bounds, and allot to each of Pla1ntl ffs and defendant such sbare t hereof' as e ach ta enti­tled to, and U' nn e qual division c annot otherwise be xna.d,e, then to ohax-ge t he more valm;1.ble d1 vidend w1. th such stllll as t hey shall judge necessary to be paid to tm di vi dent of infericr vnlue in cr der to malle the d1 V1 sion equal 1 and report their prooeed1ngs a.s soon tts pract1oabl.e to your oourt. This 12th day of Marob• 1006. Filed this 12th day or March, 1896. H. K. Boone. c. s. c. Ella Palmer, By her guardi an ad 11 te::n w. H. I.eatherwood All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or io support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Shut F NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS V I. Proceedings in all courts affecting the title of the lands abstracted must be set forth and attached hereto in chronological order, and in such detail as will show all jurisdictionai facts averred in the proceedings, proper parties, sufficient service to bring all necessary parties into court, all orders and decrees up to and including confirmation of. sale. 2. When minors, insane persons or any other persons for whom a guardian ad litem, committee and such lik:e are required to be appointed, are interested, the appointment and acceptance must be shown; it must appear that all statutory requirements have been complied with. Give names of all plaintiffs and defendants. w. A. Pal.mel" t et al He1rs at Law or 1. R. Pe.l.mer1 deoeaeed vs 1. CourL-SUperior------ - County ---Haywood----- - 2. Kind of action--Repo;rt- -or--COnl;nt-sst-oners---- 3. Date of filing ___ -Mareb_'28t--l896 _______________ _ +. Date of filing lis pendenL-- --- ---------------.,-------- - 5. !imfta.ial_ c'B'~~M...~-- o __ Page ____ J2c:.J:. ___ _ ~~.. ........... .,. • .__ ...,. ""G -t;JVU PROCEEDINGS TO TirE CLERK OF THE SUPEHIOU COURT OF HAYWOOD COUNTY: We1 tho undorstsned eonmlsstoners appointed by you b6....-1ns been dUl.:V sworn, p~oeeded on tbe 2?th day or t!tU'oh1 l eltl6 1 to div1de end Dllke ,art1tioa betwoa end .. .-1'16 Telitha ~nte:r1 Bi;ocUne . aavpenter, !llflrgal"et Olbson. sarah Caldwell, ltaOhel Oeg.~.e, Thones ' L• Palme,.-.. Elizabeth Polaer, · Me· e. · Leatherwood and. Ella Palm&r" t:onanta 1n ~· or the lands ~eoenclect to them as ~h!ldrerl and hel1'a at law ot 1. R •. PE1lmer1 4eoease4; 'fil'i.tlreupon, \76 bave made tll14 do hereby make the following approtrta~iOflS ·~ the :re.e­peottw ola.tmnta in aevenlty that ts to ae.y the Lot r:o. 1 ta assigned ruu\ approp,tato4 to Th~s L. Pal.-.r in sever alty bounded AS follOWSt BEGI .rn ING.: on a spru.oe .'P.1no on th.-e, I-1orth. bank o:f India.n.. cro.e lq thence North ~6 FAist 240' poles to n wh1 tt .oeJt stump on ]IQJ.nt ot a rtctse above. a. oliff or rooks; t.honoe North 11 ll•l/3 pole .. s to a Whl te oak on top or a r1 dge; thence north 20 East 1~ polee .. to a blecl<: ..oak bush on top or a r~d~GJ thence 'forth 3'1 East lf>-1/3 poles to a a~ an& polntore on 'OJ) ot a J"l~· J theuco Warth 25 West 5¥-2/5 poles w1tb the top ot the r14g.e to a small xreple on top of th. o rl. ~. ' ·thence. North 18.· wes\ 2&-4/5 . p. olos to. a. pine. on . . top the r1 qe; thence rrorth . 15 West 12 l>Olet~ to 11 spanish oak qn th$. :r148Gt the.n.ce n_.tb 35 West 35 poles to a oheetnut on top o~ the rt486J . tbs}lCe ~Iorth l4 .. East 3 poles to .a cheetnut ~n . top ot t. he rt• l'ft .--the old r.ru11 line!· thence south . '10 . west 26•1/5 poles ~~j to a stskel thanee 80\ttb. 55 po es . to e. spanish oak n-ear a rook, oorner to uomo tl'aot; thence south 63 Wost 128 poles to a stake oa e. :ridge; thc:ulOe south 49 East lat to a stake on top ot Sbanty ~>1dpJ thence dOmt the top of tl!e rldge as 1t meanders 126 poles to a h1okon .on top of satd r148GJ thenoe south 52 East e poles to a stake 1 thence south '16 East J.&-2/5 }JOles to e. stake on the point of 8$.14 ridge ; thence south 6G East as }>Qles to a stake tn All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Shut F the edge of Indian oreekt D. L. Caldwell's corner; thence up the creek · as it meanders, M-2/5 poles to t he beginning, containingg,·-- aores, more or less - valued at $225.00. · 589 Lot :No. 2 .,. To Elizabeth Palm~r,, and. ·'bounded as follows: B.EGI NNilm t on a spruce pine . on the North bank of Indian creek and cor­ner to Lot No.1; thence 1Jort\l36 East 24¢poles to a White oak stump, corner to Lot . No,; li• thence North ll East ll-1/3 poles to a white oak. • corner to Lot No. ; theuce North 20 . East .13-i- poles to a black bush.t corner to Lot No.• 1; thence North 37 East 10•1/3 poles to a stake and :pointers on the top of a ridge.t corner to r.ot No. 1; thence North 25 \fest M-2/5 poles with top ot ridge to a small maple on top of said . ridge; thence North 18 West 26..,4/5 poles to a pine . on top of the ridge; t hence North 15 West 12 poles to a spanish oak on top Of a ridge; thencte North 35 West 33 poles to a chestnut on top of a ridge; thence North 44 East 3 poles to a chestnut on top of a ridge, corner to Lot No,. 1 in ol4 Mull line; thence North 70 East 26•2/3 poles to a chestnut,, \t • A. Pal• mer's corner; t hence south 35 East 30 poles to head of branch,, w.• A. Pal• mer's corner; thenoe down the branch to the rork 22 poles; thence down the branch with Palmer's line as it meanders 112 poles to a sycamore at the mouthof the branch, w. A. Palmer'scorner; thence up catte.loochee cree., south '78 West 15 poles to a lynn, corner .to old homestead tract; thenoe up Ca.taloochee creek south 71 Viest 36 .poles to the mouth of Indian creek; thence up said creek e.s it meanders 75 poles to the beginning. Valued at $1'75.00. Lot No.. 3 - Assigned to Dirdine Carpenter BEGINNilm: On a stal~e the Southeast corner of John Caldwell's 100 aore tract, and runs South 43 East 82 poles to a spa~sh oak on side of ridge, Boyd's corner of 50 acre tract; thence with Boyd's line south 40 West 9e poles to a stake on side Of e. ridge and pointers• thence North 43 weat 81 poles to a stake in Joh,n CaldVlell' s home tx·ae t; thence w1 th his line North 40 East 98 ~olea to the beginning, containing 50 acres, more or less - Valued at $300.00. Lot No. 4 - Assigned to Margaret Gibson BEOINIUNG: On a double chestnut and maple, R. J • Palmer's corner, and runs south ll West 35 poles to a stake and pointers on West side of Swag branch; thence North 74 West 126 poles to a stake and pointers near a laurel; thence North ll East 97 poles to a stake in swag branch below a small spruce pine in said branch; thenee up said branch as it meanders. 127 poles to a lynn, fh J • Palmer's corner; thence East 24 poles to the beginning, containing 38 acres, more or less. Valued at $125.00, Lot No. 5 • Assigned to M. c. Leatherwood and bounded as follows: BEGINNiNG: On a spanish oak on top of e. ridge, Mack HanDah's corner, and runs South 21 West 20 poles to a spanish oa.lq thence south 33 West 6 poles to a chestnut on top of said ridge J tllenoe south 3-.:t.. poles to a chestnut oak on top of said ridge; thence south 55 West 10! poles to a poplar on top of a ridge: thence south eo West lOi poles to a chest• nut on top of said ridge: thence south 42 West 7 poles to a chestnut on top of said ridge; thence South ?8 West 3U.k poles to a stake and pointers on top of Long Bunok ridge; thenoe up said ridge North 34i West 21~ poles to a hickory on top of a ridge; thenoe North 67 West 13-l/3 poles to a large chestnut on top or a ridge; thence North 37 West 34•1/8 poles to a chestnut on top of a ridge; tllenoe North 20 West 5-4/5 poles to a chestnut. G. L. Palmer•s corner on top of said ridge; thence south 30 East oO . poles to the beginning, oontaining 40i acres, more or less. Valued at $300.00. Lot No. ~. Allote4 te Tel1tha Ca.rpentel", and boundeli as follows: ID~GUTNI NO: At a spanish oak en top of e. ridge, oorner to I.ot .No. 5, end runs south 10 poles to a etake1 J"ohn Han~h • s corner same course continued with. said Hannah•e line '10polee to a stake; thence North• wost 30 poles to a Ch$stnut on top of Bunok Mountain; thence North V7 West 26 poles tQ Thomas Harul8h•a OGJ'tte:ra th$noe Nol"th 55 Weet 82 poles to a chestnut; 1ihenoe North 25 East 44 poles to a maple on top or the mountain; t hence South 60 ~East 4 -pol.ea to a obestnut,G .• L. Palmer's corner, and corner to Lot ) io. 5; thenoe down the mountain south 20 East 5•4/5 pole• to a chestnut • co~er' to I.ot No. 5 J thenoe south 37 East 34•1/5 poles to a larse chestnut on top of the mountain; thence south 67 East 1:5--1/3 poles to a hiokOl.'J on top ot.' a ridge; thence south :34-a- East 21-i poles to a stake and pointers on top or t he 11 dge, corner to Lot No. 5; thence No~th 16 East 3Qi- poles to a. chestnut on top ot 590 a ridge; thence :r:ro:rth 42 East '1 poles to a chestnut on top or a ridge; thence North eo East lot poles w a poplar Qn top of the ridge, co1-ner to Lot Nol 5; thence North 55 East 10•173 poles to a chestnut oak on top or t he r1dgeJ thence North '.Z! 'JlOles to a chestnut on top of a ridge, cor­ner to Lot No •. 5; thence North 33 East 5 poles to the beginning• contain­ing t hirty-e1r.,ht and one-half acres, more or less. Valued, t so.oo. Lot No. 7. Alloted to sarah Caldwell, and bounded as follows: BEGI N!'JING: On a sn&l.l poplar 1n Big Dartclson branch in J". R. Palmer's lina and runs with said line south 65 West 63-! poles to the top of the mountain; thenoe e. North course W1 th the top o:t.' the mountain 125 poles to a locust on top of the mounta1nJ thence with James Noland's line down t he ridge to Davidson's bnnoh; thence W1 th the meanders r£ the b;raBoh to t he beg~nning, contaln1ng thirtreight acres, more or less. Valued at ~125,00. Lot No. a • .Allotecl to Ella Pe.lrner-. and bounded as follows: BEGU1NINGt On a ohosrtnut1 a oox-ner .or the John Conrad tract, and runs south 42 East 14 poles to a chestnut and chestnut oak on the side or the moun• tain; thence South 35 West 100 poles to a stake 1n the East boundary line or J. R, Palmer's 50 aore tract; thence North 17 West with said line crossing the Little Davidson branch 69 poles to a hickory, corner to said tract; thenoe North 25 East 132 poles to a White on a ridge, conrads original oo:rner; thence up Buck Hidge to a stake, w, A, Palmer• s cornC"J thence with w:. A. Palmer' a line down a r1 age and crossing Little Dav14 .. son's Branch to a hickory . on the a cte of Piney W10unta1n, W. A. Palmer's corner; thence to the beginning, containing sixty-four e.ores, more or less. Valued• $3?5,00, - Lot t-Io. 9. Allote.d to Hachel Calge• and bounded as follows: ·~ BEGH:rNING: On two birches on tho North side or Indian Creek, and in the \ Eqst boundary line or G. N, Pa+m&r' s 75 acre traot; and t hen running North 62 East \vi th the meanders ot eeid creek ea poles to a box elder on t he Eaa·t bank or said creek near the mouth ot" Davidson's branch; thence North 82 ~ast 20 poles to a chestnut; thence ~~orth 17 West crossins Little Dav1<tson bran..oh 85 pOles to a hickory stump near e. path; t hence south 55 West crossing the Big Davidson Branch 87 poles to a stake 1n East boundary line of said G. N. Palmer's land, and corner to tot No, 7; 591 theaoe wlth al..4 liM 3.08 . pole a to tbe bta~n.a• col\ta1a1q 50 e. on• • .... l.e-ee • val:ued ~t oeo.,oo. we fu;>tlier .. o•e• . tlte m(tJre vaitl&~>l• a v'ten4a w1 'h euoh 4NU ot ••7 . :reepeottvelr t• be "l*~cJ . t.o . -.ho••. ot lJ\tel'l~7 valu•;a. :veueot1 vely1 aa W1U lll.B. ke .••.•ut'.. able. 41rt.•.. it)!l, thai) '-• *.• •.Y• rhe... J.Ot H..· ' · 3. . ~PPl"'pi• '"' to Blrtll.e cane at•• 11 to P81 to · tba tot NO • appMprS.•t••-- to ===~:abrrto '~~-; tf,$1!;0:& .• t:•.=-;:;.:,:»mtti·:t~~-~;;· the •• ot I71•09J ~· , ~ N~· e, a})prfPrlatecl ~t i).le . ~•"• 1• to pay to tho Lt)t No• '1.1 ap1fft»riate4 to Sarah the .- ot $lOO.OOJ the :to.-1). No. 8 llP,~71$tecl to EllA :Pa~ '• .. tQ· P·ar t o. the Lot No ••· .. app.'et)l'latet E11-.beth the --. .ot too~OOt the Lot N'C:h 9. appl'.,. :P&'latiJ4 to Raohol Oaet.o is to pay to tblt L()' No .. 4 appro:Priatel to Ma,rG~et Gibson., the · l!iUlll Of $2$. oo. · · All Of ·\VhiOh 1 a reepeotJ.Vel:F sul:uui ~te4 · W'ltler our hen a. Qd seala.1 thi• 28th day Of Maroht 1,89$-• · Attestt w1u1m. t.e4betto File4 !l.el"()h 30-1 1696. :r. K. Boone, c. s,. o-. • ~ !l ;;r; Page ........................... .............. . ,--_, F -· 1, •• NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION In Preamble ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed M. L. Gibson T. F. Gibson As Acknowledged M. L. Gibson Jl T. F. Gibson r-----------------------~-------------------------+------------------------ ~:.~~. --~- -R-obe-rt -j,- P-alm~er- -------~------------ 1. Kind of Conveyance ...... ... ......... .. Df!O.d ......................... . 2. Date of Conveyance ......... ll-~:~0.2. ............................. . 3. Is it properly executed ..................................................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ...................................... .................. . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .......... N.t P.a ........... . 6. Acknowledgements, r egular .......... .. Ye • ........................ 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ...... .......... , ............. ..... . 8. Did all gra ntors acknowledge .................... YU ............. . 9. Date of a cknowledgement ....... ll~26.,._02. .. ............. . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ..... .. Yea .......... . 11. Did officer a ffix SeaL ........... .................. ... ... .. .. ........... ..... . 12. Was order of probate correct .... Ye.a ............................. . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of fi ling f or record ...... 2~~~-Q5 .......................... . (a) of seizin ................... YO.fL ....................................... . 15. Book ............... !%.................... Page .......... 41 ................ . (b) power to convey ....... .......... Ye.e ................................. . for ............ .Haywood .............................. County. (c) aga inst encumbrances ...... -........ Y~UL .................... . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ................ Y.8 .............. . or r estrict ions .......... ........ ................................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ...... --TO- HAVE---AN-D - T-0- -- ROLD - --the- -- -ato-:r~said ---trao-"l -- ·Gl'···· ········ ·· ---- ------pa-r.oel- ---Ot--- la.n4- -- a-nd---al1-- -pr-1V1-leges - -- an4 -- -appurtenen~es - - -the:r-eto---belong- ­ · ·-·- ---- - 1bg-,---- -to --- the. - - .aa14 - --Robert- -- J•- - · -Palme~-.- ----h-18---he1rs--- aD4-- - a$s-1gns -.- - -- to--t-he1-l'-· ·· .......... onJ.y ... ... t.oreve.~ .. ---·················--··························--····································· ------------·-··············· Exact Descr iption of Property A TR..~CT OF LAND IN CATALOOCfiEE TOWNSHIP, HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ... ADJOINING TJIE LANDS OF AND BEING LOT NO. FOUR IN THE PARTITION OF JESSE R. PALMER'S ESTATE. BEGINNING: on a double chestnut and maple, R. J", Palmer's corner. and runs south 11 West 35 poles to· a stake and pointers on the West side or Swag branchJ thence North 74 West 126 pole-s to a stake end pointers near a laurel: thenoe No:rth 11 East 97 poles to a stske in swag branch below a small spruce pine in said branch; thence ~P said branch as ! "'" meanders •. 12'1 poles to a lynn1 R, :r, Palmer' • cornera thence East 24 poles to the beginning. Containing thirty-eight acres, more or less. Shut B STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUtrrY t-Lr 4: d, 4~? er- , being duly sworn, deposes and $ays that he 1s_il_years of age, and has been a resident and citi­zen of Haywood County for.t,.L.years; that he is well acquainted with the ownel"'ship Ud posses.sion of' e. tract of land now owned by Robert :r .. Pal- ' mer situated in Ca talooohee township, and cleso:ri bed as follows; BEGINNING at Corner 11 a 6'' chestnut sprouting from the st.ump or an. old chestnut' in a gap Of Bear Pen Ridge _ about l.oo ol1ai~t SoUtheast ot the road, shown as the oll corner by Harrison s utto.n a...'"ld Fobert Palmer• blazed and scribed P1I; thence, south '75•51 East 29.00 &nall stream flowing Northwest 33,63 chains to Corner 2, a leaning chestnut oak . blazed and scribed P. 2; thence south 13""01 West G2. 79 Sag Branch flowing Nol~thwest 64;09 Corner 3, a point With witnesses about .60 chain West of Sag Branch, set a maple post J?, 3; .A 6f1 basswood bears south 45<+00 East .o9 distant blazed and scribed B•T•P• 3; thence. North. 72•1S West !30, ?~ Corner 4, a point in the edge of a - laurel t tlicket about e.oo chains East of a bra.noh tlor ing J-lortll,. Set a post scribed P.4; thence, No:r,th 12•5e East 20,28 SSg Bl'ancb flows Northwest 25~54 Corner .5 m S" mite oa.k _with qorner .marh:s• ,oo chain North of a rail tenoe~. blazed and sarlbed :r. 5~ thence N'orth 48-48 West 12.oe chains to Corner 6,1 an old stake With Witnesses es-tablished by E-.1\t. Messer tmd Robert Palmar; t hence l1orth 29•32 West 10,.94 chains to corner ?., a point vri th witnesses in a hollow, set a post scribed F·~'l .. A 22" chestnut bears south 8""'30 East ,.35 chains dis.tant-. t . blaz~d-- and sor. :1bed n_ ~T, P'•"l - th_ eooe;r_th 21-30 West 11·.05 chains to Col;ner a, a stru.te on a ridge top shown as corner by _ Robert Palmer.. se·t a 4" ohestnut :poat sc.ribed P .• a, a dead cheiu~tnut bears !iorth oo-oo West i,oa ohain distant blazed and .$ Ol'ibed 'B/'1".~8* A dead chestnut bears r~orth eo-oo East .• oa cl' distant blazed and scribed :s.rr.P.e; thence _ rrorth 64•45 East 2&-~40 chains to corner t, a point with witnesses on a ridge top1 set a post scribed P,9, A 4" chestnut bears south 721'-00 West ,.,22 chain distant. blazed and scribed lh'l'•F .. 9; thence south 20•13 East ?.,QG chains to plaoe of beg1nn1n&. conta1n1ng 25fh·55 acre"• A:ftiant t'Ul"ther states that Robert J • Palmer and thoee under whom he olaiQr to wit: J ., R. l?alme:r, M. L1 Gibson and executors of J"w:nes R. Love, have been 1n the open, continuous. adverse and notori­ous possession of said lands under visible,metes and bounds for a perto4 :::..:...._ I · Qt tM;nJ Jeta•, ua · MRe, oul;11'18 .....e, · taktai'" · &lltt til'e- · wood thereh'Oil,'Ul"iaS ~' and. mal,dag ·~oh oi hft- u••• or 8a14 l&Aa. at thq tU'f ~l180eptib).e O:fJ afti~t t"tqthC!IIr naiea · -.aat he haa •••r bearci ot an;y ooutl"C)Yel"s7 as to the tt •1• Ol' to )OsMs•1cm ot &ill' poJ-,10!l ot the abOve 4e•Or1 be4 lan4. swwn to and subscribed to be:f'ore me th1s~dey of .rune, 1929 j ; STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY poses end says, that he 1~ years ot age t and has been a rea14ent and citizen of Haywood County for c9-..3 years; that he is well ao­quainted w1 th the ownel"ship and possession ot a tract ot land now owned by Robert J. Palmer a1 tuated in ·Cate.looohee township, and de­scribed as follows: BEGINNING at Corner 1, a 6" chestnut sprouting tram the stump of an old chestnut. in a gap of Bear Pen Ridge, about 1.oo chain southeast of the road, shown as the old corner by Harrison sutton and R~bert Pal• mer, blazed and soribedPwi; thence. south ?5•51 E, 29,00 Small stream flowing North'&ast 33 .. 63 chaine to corner 21 a leaning chestnut oak, blazed end aor1be4 P. 2; thence, south l.~ Ol west 62-.?g Sag Branch tlor ing No rthwest 64t09 .corner 31. ~a point with witn_es.aes about .eo chain west of Sag Branch, set a maple poet P. 3J A 6" basswood bears south 45-00 East ~09 chain distant, blazed and scribed B.T.P. 3 .; thence1 North '12•18 w~st 30t '19 Corner_ 41 a point 11;1 t he eClge ot a laurel thicket about 2.00 chains east of a branch flow­ing North, · Set a post scrib$d P.4a thence, North 1Z.58 East 20.28 Sage Branch flows Northwest 25~54 Corner 5 an 8" white ~ oak with corner marks, .•. os chain Nor~h of a rail tanoe, blazed and scribed P.-5; thence, North 48•48 West i2.06 chains to Cornel' e, an old st~e With witnesses, established by E. M. Messer and Robe~ Pal• mer; th~nce . rtorth . 29-32 West 10 • 94 oha~ns to Corner . 7 t ·· a point With witnesses in a hollow, Set a post soriben P.'l, _A 22" chestnut bears . south_ 8 .. 30 Ea_st ;35 chains dis~an.t, blazed and scribed B•T;P-7; ~he~e North 21-30 West 11.03 chains to come~ 81 ~- st$ke on a rldse top ehown as corner by Robert Palmer, set a 4" cheat• nut post scri.bed P .a • A dead ohestxiUt bears North · 30--00 West .oe chain distant blazed and scribed B.T • .P.,B• A dead chestnut bears North 80•00 Eas'f; .oa chain diatut b. lazed and scribed B/T.PSj thence North 54-45 Eaat_ 26.40 . chains to corner 9 •· a po1nt w1 th w1 tnesses on a ridge top, Set I post sc:ribed l?•9, A 4" chestnut bears South '12•00 West .22 chain distant, blazed and scribed B•T•P•9J thence south 20-13 East 7.06 chains the place ot begin­ning, containing 255.53 acres. 595 ' ;;.·' ·- Atflant tuSathw aj~tea that Robut {e Palmer and thO .. \Ul4er whc he Qla\me, t(J;. rit• .l• R• Palmer, ~· t, G1bso:n e.D4 euou- • >. - • • tore ot .ramea R~ Love, ha1'• beta: ia the o,en1: oontt•uoua, a4v•l'ae and aotor1ou:a poeeeasion ot ea1a lu4a, undet vulble metea au 'bOuntt. tor a pert.o4 It tlliHf ., an4 .. mo»e, oult1Tatil18 aame* tak­tns Ull.bft' a.Jlcl t1,...woo4 tllerthOI\,· pa•turiDS same t and -.Jdas auoJl othel" ttaes ot aa14 1a.D48 •• they are susoepti ble ora att1ant turthe . -", ~ <: -. a)atea the.t he baa never heuf et any oOJttl'oYe, aa to the t1 tle . w~ , ~ · • .. · . c.U-• :1to poasesaion et 8llf }»ortiO». ot the abOve 4e.a:rl bed l.n4• · JJdf ·a~ ·. · · ·. . · Utlu\ Sworn to and subscribed betore me this25th dey ot .rune, 1929. My Com . ... ;l/:. ~ 111'Ssion£ . fre.~ Xp;res M.~ . <iY 27, l9JJ . f)97 Page ................. 'o ••••..•... ..•••••• NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA, -----.HAYweO&------------COUNTY. AFFIDAVIT. -·---------------H-,---e.----Wl-I:BO'RN---------------------------------· being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of Register of Deeds of·------M~ca---- -----·- ---County, in Book. ......... -81----------• Page ..... -42--------·-------· That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga-tion, he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land . ......... )i=;.rL-;~---------- Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ;_.;:£~~~~ My commission expires .... A-~t-l--·2.0-i-1930 \ '----../ :· .• f ~·i ;: -: ' ';; ' i/~ · : -i-f:' '• ;·- TAXES (Fill in iltl blanks indicating year, and shri_w on lines opposite the year whether or ~ot the taxes have been paid. If paid an affirmative showing must be made by use of the word "Paid." The use of ditto marks is not permissible). The property in question is assessed for taxation for the current year, 19 .......... , at $ ............... ................. , in the name . ....... .".'!, ... : ..... : ... : ........................................... and the taxes for the past ten years have been paid or not paid as follows: 19..... ····················Mt--·Pe,4-·-·--·········--·········---··-···- 19 ..... ··········-~---h£4 .......................................................... . 19 ... a ' ·· ·· ········· ················- ··-- -P•l4-············· -···· ·········· ······ ···· 19.Q.. . .............. Pai,4 ........................................................... . 19 ... Jf. ····· ············· ·····-·········- ··Pal.4········ ········--··················- ·· 19.Q .. ···············*-''·········--··············································· 19....... ······· ··· ········· ····· ···········-Pt-i···· ··-····-·· ·· ··· ·· ··············- ···· 19.... ··-········-························h·l-4·· ···· ······· ················· ···: ... .. 19.n ... . ............. :p•t•······· ······· ································ ····· ··· ·· ··· 19 .•.. .......... ..... J?-.U--········· ······ ·········· ················ ······ ··········· ASSESSMENTS NONJ LES PENDENS NONI f 14'ECHANICS LIENS lf 0 If I JUDGMENTS NOlfl Shut G \ \ _. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION . ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE AND OPINION , I . . \. ·.. ·} .;. ... IT IS' HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the. title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all insti;uments and court proceedings of reco~d affecting the same from and including the .beginning entry there of- has been C!lrefully examined and rioted, and · that the following named owner ...... : ................ seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to the same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed hereon. . · ENCUMBRA.NCES 1... Taxes for the 7ea.r 1929 due' Haywood couty• 2,. one•halt of the mineral interest outatandiq 1n t:raot now owned. by and others. Ju4grnent in the s\1111 of $101 .• 08 plus intel'te'$ e.n4 cost • Dock .ted in Ju.dp Book Bo, "• page No. ~u~. . As we _are larsely depeJ!ding u.pon .poseese1on to;r t1tl~ to 2!ta.ot :NQ• 296, ·we have obt•~et. a f f1dav1-ta to the ette.Cft -that Robert Palmel ani th9se whom he claim$, have beoa in the adve~ee p~s4Sess.1on of said tract tor a period o~ th1.it1 years pnd more. · This .......... 6 ............ day of ............ A~.) ................................... , 19.29 .. . Address ...................................................................................... .. Attorney. •10- 296 Robert ::~u llner 255.53 X ~ room loe i1ouse \ ' .. 500.00 ,/ - .' ' ' 6J- i · 4 stall barn ) ,..~...... Apple hl)'l.lfle t~ Sprinc, house ; ·. 2 room log house : : . / . 50 acres cultivated lAnd {.5o.oo f [ ~~- i~ 205 aorea woodland c10.00 ,.. 299 Mrs. Addie SUtton Old log hoUBe l'c Shed 10 acres cle ared l:'md <. 30.00 7:5 acres woodland H·12.00 -' J.~ li • .u. Jenkvf{ (_ w . ~.) ~~ .... All "ood~~: lO.OO ~·/ ....... D. J • .Boyd . . 75 nores aleared lnnd ' 5u.OO ~ : . • : j / . ./ ..( 56 acrrm woodland €.iil2.00 ~ , 1 ... ,~;; room houue . , / 3 ::tall b~n No map no. F.ran~~- !( <:al ~r·:st Co. . : 'I Ben ;s. reer • '-' ClJV ill e. s .c. !. ; . i · · · ~0 acr. ~clear ' o.oo . 30 ac eo .-v odl nd ,,,;lOoOJ ~~a~ Little Catnlooohee Church Lot / /\ Building · . :r.ot 83.24 _ .. ~ · · . . ··. 40.33 60.00 I~ o Jf.ap;·• Lit _:.le ·;· )t \loochec : c:hool J,ot . ,. ..Lot. b lOG.OO 125.00 \ . .- 100.00 250:.J .OO 2050.0:i 53'15~ 7b.OO 300.00 876.00 4120.00 672.0(.) 100.00 10'}.00 120~0 300~00 1000.00 200.00 1500.00 200.00 ; _, 1251.00 ! ' ' 4997.00 ..) ·· ·- 1500.00 ,.. 12oo.ou ./ l700.Q·; Bui let 1110 ) / 'Lf'.- ·' ' ··t . '·. . . . /V/" - . ,' f ' .. I ? I ' I . ·;· ~ ( ~;. 0 .'Y\flb ·'f ~ ,o~ i>'t/o ·)/'i. ~ Q · ··· ,. ~ "'-t "' ' : ~ .. Jf {, ' . 'rhe undersi,'¥!ed T. B. I.IT!;:lJ:r.'ORD, AI-m J. L. rtALKEI: hereby cert11) that they have appraiaed the lands in Catalooohee ~ownship, Haywood Co-uDty, north C roli:na, ~ ' listed on the 10 sheets hereto attached and nu:n'Jerin<..; f'rort ; o. 201 to 299 t c ;ether \Vi th tb -.. se tracts un-nur~beredi and the :,_mounts ~et forth .;1-tt<:r each n~~w: ami nurnb · ~l u1•e the valu1:o placed on oui d proper t ies. 0a ld aP)r!"~isnl n:u'ic at t iLe instanoe of thi.~ ;';,;rth Garolina Park Commiosion. '1'his l:!arch 15th, 1929 ~ / ; ). :( :0 -~ (~ ;.: :~~ !),.,L •. -( /~ ' I . . ' . i • -~ ; . I '_. ~ - , ) tJ. "" . :. "'\ ' . IliFORt.; (tt SECURIID BY WOODBURY AND CH .. APM.All ON Sii;PT.!:;!H i~~R 18 AT vu.v . HJ .. L.i::, 1{. C., },ROM. T.d..t.: TA..1. I,IST OF' H.ri.Y' OOD · .t;TY l•'OR 'L .L. ;~A!t 1928 Ol~ 1J.AlW~ ( ll:iT.i!:lUOE :lOLDHiG; } ;~ I'l'lLH1 T~ m '!hHK. ..A.R ;A · Dri G ~.'!:~·. LO•,CH ::;r~ c;u.; r.;K , CA'l' , !,OL)G.Li ; . 'fJ~X 'fl;~iJ~SitiP . J j,! y J ~C i' ~HJ ItiO"v' 150 ·,; u 1 u.e ~ ~~m.ou 1bf>v.Ov 743.0V 1813.00 317~00 231.00 '/02.,00 .-;~~b.OO IO!E: In 1920 Jarvie L. Palmor 11atod 250 aoros on tho old homo plaoe at $4,30o.oo, and 1n the same year l1ato4 166 aorea on Little Oe.talooohee known as tho z.~t1.n Trtt.ct a.t $2.&ou.oo. In ·1920 -roal property was pr6fHlmed to bo liasto{t at ita c ush value • .:. __ l::..1l:::~U .. L~=·~·~- ~~.-~t .. .. Guy PetJee 60 '1 o"'i~ .vv - . L. 1,1. Kiritl ' (Hot listod) -· W. M. Hali 170 " ~, 053.00/ ~;..,,. L _.. J. G. Stikelon.t her(2)994 :r 9,900.00 r r;:::::; ..). *-) ~ D :i ?- "~-' (. .. 'I , Hainbow l!'iehillt~ Clu~ (l~ §t lir.tod), .. / z,?~ ncrea 32,4~-o.OO i ~2,44S.OO I HD I AN C il: t-:: :K Gee. N. Pu.lmcr 200 acres 2,186.00 T. H.• Burris 8~-i 11 1,036.00 J. R.. Hall 135 11 1, 600.00 ~ ~. . C. Cal(tw,Jll 54 11 38f>. 00 .. Carl Sutton uO 11 50o.ou "' J .• , v. Woou.Jr Hei r ~:> 150 n l,luo .oo v V •. A. Campbell · 38 " 500.00 / C. ..T . Palmor.;·(2'}- · • (1~ot lioted )£SA 7,f"!J,lrf> - J. B. Lockman 50 acres ~~?7. ou , I. B. 1~cGahe. 10 " 7'7. 00 ' Jno. H. Pe.lmt!r 108 11 935.ov ~ '878~ " 8,656.00 LIT~rL.;~: CATAT~OOCi .. El.~ . J • .M .• ConrEl.d ,. • 116 &eros 99o.oo- Blaiue Com•ad 1// i::!5 " 242.00 Dave B. Nelaon, (2) 70 11 557.00 J. A. Conrad v 30 " ;)30. 00 W.G.B. :Messer J (~) 334 " .~ ,60 0 .00 J. W. But•gel16 >~ < 44 11 '122 . 00 w. B. BenrJ.ett / 44. 11 788.00 Goo . Bonnet t "'/ 46 " 743.00 M. H • Hall /. / :?0 n 4 9 5. 00 w.. c. Woody .--/ _ 6DBiinot liote d) Jf:ilf·o 0 J. s. Woody ..,r"" 156 acreo 1,650.0J J, • R. .Hatmah:. 150 " 2 , 200. 00 A. c. Ben.lJett ,, 156 " 1,320.00 Jarvis L. Pt:lmor / (.A.l1 listed on Big ea.taloochce ) :t ark w. Ht•nrulh 182 acres 1,602.00 Vi. J. ila.nnah . -· 4!5 II 540.00 J. BlaillO Harmah 55 11 880.00 J e gs-v Smith ...... ·38 " 2'15. Ov \;' . D. Meese~ .. <.35 11 721.00 L. l~. Hall. 5.-;,' ) G<J u l 298.00 J. Hannah -·-··-·· l Z " '116. 00 •:, . H. Hannah .-" 12 " 110.00 I . V. Halmah _,.... 26 " 275.00 .. 1,7Db n ;::Z , 456.00 ·- .. -.. -----. - · ... -·--~ J:J I~ \:,_ t i ~ 0 6,656.00 •..• ii:;,~ 00 GfoJ t • vi:> •

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).