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Cataloochee tract 250: Ola School Lot

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Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • tf*l"~.,- . . r DBSClllFl'lO:I OJ TD lotmllAlll' OF !IB t4 • o.a. 8~}::\JR 11RAOf (Ul-o) .. ; 1 509 mtGI.mnno at. oow.r 1. a polat 1u • aaple etu~ap bole, e'bt'~>ll ac . o:oroot- bf• ~ .o. :a . W. eQ'l', (10~ a ot ~be u·.N. Bal.l traot 22t) a!ll ooftl4tJ~ 8 of ttle w.o.a ... .._ tftet ( 2!1). S•t a poat 1tJ a aoun4 of etcmee, sor1be4 w.M.T-2 OOJ't 6, A 9ll aoU¥too4,lase4 arJ4 e vr1b•4 ».r.,w.u. f -2, Cor. 1, t-oe.:of!l u.e, r •• 32 eba1n 41tat.ant. Tbenoe, '""1 tb tbt u. ! .Ball Oom.r 2 • a point in S"pwi•h o•t at._, bol•, ebO•Il ae .ocUrn. •J" br Y•O•B• He~~er, oorr.c:tr' o£ tbe l.t.M. n&ll tl'ut eat) • Sot c 4" ppet in stump bole• scr1be4 fi .ll. !.S CoJt• t, Ul elt bl•ok oat blaae4 am aor1~ B•T•! .ll. t.S co~. 6 • -earl l .tG..OO -E •• so cbei.D 41.ll\ent. theno• N • 9•18 'It ~ht1 Cornel' s. • eo~ aua 1~" doable ohe•tnot on a 714se f!1t 1nteJ'aeot1on of linea, cor:.!' e ot ih• u. lh Hall tra•t (ta89), th 12•' bla•e4 &n4 aoJtll!.& JA. H. Cot. •• All 16" •pi.\$11M oak. bl a.tecl an,d. aor1bel a.r.a.a. cor. • bHre s . 19.00 Ih •" obaln t11atant. ':thttloo • l e&vlnf tbe Jl. E:. ~1 ll • ., ... . . CtftM·• '· • ,._,., 40" belilook etUilp on ••et bDl of Litt ~ ea\al.et901llt C7•e&. • oornent tbe :. B. lanacdl \ntt C SJI! ) Set. • 4,. ob••tnllt poet 1n llotm4 of a\oDt• eor 1b .. B.B. Ccr• I. AD 8" l~ 1J'oh bl ..... an4 eor1b•4 i•f•J•I• OO'rt It bears 8 . $1.00 s. • OB ellaill 4l#teu'. Tt• tlot, f$ltb tbe l • .8. Ban• J. ltl·l ' w. Otto&a1.n8 t tttu Catttloo•h•• CftO: 1.1.8 oors.r 1, a ,otrat tn t he lO'fl•r uJrla of the tittle c a:~el004h•• Roa4 1 a c-omer of t be J • .a.. BGOilall t .... ot (. 26!U av4 t;t• J. ~1. HBnllP tl'&O' ( 211) • Set a 'u run poat ln !10Un4 of etonea eo't'lbel a.B.CM'• 4. ~h•noo • lla'fiD5 tba J • 8" RID• Mh ,,.., (IN) • with tbe J. H. ltlltillah ( 811) n. 4'·~'1 w. 9.91 comer 6 • thne obeetnato, t~ o SO" _. one l.-4" .• ~--top a ri414t • t-. 14" OH$$t nut 'bleze4 ani acrlbet ~ .Ja. tt .. 2 oor. '· 'l1hell.oe, leavua tbe J. l:h BAn-nab tnot C t&l) atil lea.,tag t • ~14p • ' : ""' Creek flowtn~ e oot lleatSt, Oorn.Ji' ', f\ ~0" tr.nple, blued E4 ~or1b•4 w.R.1'-2 ecu· ••• r hanoe. J . G.lf •• crosatns ~ oo4J OI'Oek :flowing s.outbeaat, 1.0'1 Oorn•r 8, a 12" ana$' •d tb w1 m•••••• bla..C and eor1bd '-•"• rz~ Col'• f). An 18*' o\io\UIII.)•r bleld enl sor1bt4 JJe'l •W•L T~ Co-r. 9 1 l>•a.ra $•12.-.$0 E. . 2'1 obatn 41$t.U1:• f nenoe, s. 82•41 ~ . 1.10 woo4J Ot>eek Aowtne eoo.tbeaat. Com•t t • a point at upttoot•d .troaVJoOI, -eo aana fo•al, eboe ae ooma• b7 tie•••. ~ btnoe, s. Y.OV E· 10.00 Little cat alooOll .. Cre•k flo• lns •aa~ 509 '1'•'0 l!h•n••, lh u.z• 1. : ' Co•ner 11. a point 1-t i attntotloe of lwa. ht a 4• b~ll•oot poet 1n aoD4 Of etooee_ ced'-4 " •"• T..! • Cor. 12. - A 1~' o&k blfuot mt strib.t J,·r .• w.m. t -2. oo •• l a • ba&l'tit 'J• &440 tl . ..,. obaln 4 iet*lt'• Tb ~o• a. t-ao 1. co.nut» 11,_ an 1 .. 8". otle~tl!l~t w:lth oome:r mana blaht am aort.btl ~ • " · r.a Col'. 11. A 11• ohes tnttt \~ ith t~i tne ~Je ~&l'ku bt~n ~f e•t ,n'l Ohflln &1atatlt. !uno• ~ . 88.49 a. a.l9 'l'he plao• ot :SEG1!115G. oont~tnlal ,e,1ccausive"~-o-f,­exception No. 1, 148.86 acres. - -.. •.. w.o.a. a sssa W eT (2$1-e) !XCIWX«l 10. l htn• tbe o1a Sobool Lot. hglnaiq at oorNst 1, a ~ em . tts. no•"• bait of Little O.talooob" Creek ani on tilt oa•t •~'slA of tbe poblle •* at w. o.s. ... ..... •n1. i btllOe with th• ast1a •rib of the 1'0 e4 ledlDI to the eollool b•11IIISI I • 8$4.6 1. Col'H~ I, a pelat in tbt eoutb ma!'gla of the s-oe« at lte lnteneotion •1 tb tbl tttet bOIU14aS"f 11M of tbe eobool lot. Tlumoe s . s-ao a,. I• tO OOJDeJ' I. a OOftle~ faM poet f bonoe Dt 8&•19 B. ,.,, Come!' '• a oorner fenoe poat . u~enee 11. 4...01 w·. C::oa.e1ns Littl~ Cl.ltalooobe• Creek , flnill8 ean s. 98 CorDI I' 15. a COrM~ f•I!Ot poet. z,tl 1'benoe 111 , 89·18 1 • 'l'btnot s. ..... • •• Comer '1, a point in the north ,.,Sin ot tl1t n•&• f benoe with t tl• nodb JRQgiD • • 81-11 1 . corntJL- 81 a point •t ·.''- ' .. aterseotlon .•f til. • nol'tll ·mar81Jt or t\o aobool lot nu wi t h tbe eaet •r8la of tbe pobllo roe4, · of tl:te pa'blio _..a rhtt'loe ~ tth tbe _.. , mat"sf.n s. $.80 • • . •·-~·'-- · ~ ..... . ~·····-··-· " .......... . , .. ~~r··· ."""-6. ·. . I~ ' ;, ' 5 11 W.G.B.M£8SER.THAcr.s @Ja98.23Ac.(!j)•43.38Ac. {fj)=J2.1J6Ac. @y•/-#8.8S ~~,... . TOTAL.• 34.3.32~c:.q~:.$-N£r SCA~£ 1"•20CHAINS @)@@@) .SVHY£Y o;/~16 8Y W. H. .s'I.OAN ~ ... · .. . i u OLA SCHOOL 'rR.A.QT.t BOARD 0},1' EDU:C.!TION OF JiAtWOOD CoUN'l'¥:, The title w the Ole. Sehoo,l. Tract ie the eame as the Ti~le ~ 'r:raot 231~. ; w,o.~•••••er.,_ It w1U not, tbe;refore,, be -r•peat$4 l1ere1tt but 1IEJ..Y be seen by rete:renoe to pagea to ---- ot this Abetrac~. exeept the fQl1owtng; .. Tl:\1$ deed is regular tn tb~, properly aoknovrledsed and is ot record in Ht17V10od County". It conveys the sc11ool lo~ 1 pl:oper, and, in additioz;. 1. a right-ot-way trom the sehOOl. lot out to the ro aa:. See page --- ot this .Abstract • FOR J.H!':SORn?TIOrt OF OLA SCHOOL LOT SEE Jl..G.B.JJES.SiR._Tl.U.C T .. .a_3l"!C ... , "· EXGEPTION NUMBER I Page...,. _ of this abstract I •' \ ' ."..' Q =.=.. ' t,-~?.. ' ; NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble \'~ .G d) ;MESSER an I! vrt. fe BAEmEL MESSER As Signed As Acknowledged ~~--~--------------~--~---------------+------------------- ~ BO.AaD OF WUCA'r tON Qt '§ HAYWOOD CO'flNl'Y ~~------------------L_ _________________ L _________________ _ ~: ~:n~ :!o~:r~;e:::::-~~~::::::~r::.:::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::: 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ... ___ __; _~_:P..t. ............ . 2. Date of Conveyance ........ 4.~~5~~9.27. ........................ . 4. Date of Entry and No ...................................... .................. . 6. Acknowledgements, regular --YeS----······························· 7. If irregular, copy in full on ~~~l~l"9"2"i1· --------------- 9. Date of acknowledgement.N ____ __ ___ _. ____ : ........... ................ . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ......... Ye.f,L ...................... . 10. Wa~ privy examination of wife taken ... Y.e.a .............. . 11. Did officer affix Seal... .......... : .. ~ ......................................... . 12. Was order of probate con-e.ct ...... Y.e.a ........................... . 13. 14. Date of filin~or record ... J~-~1.'!'!19.2.7 .................. . 15. Book ................. l?. ...................... Page .. l;3.fl ..................... . for ------- -~l'WQQ_Q, ___________________________________ County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions .......................... ........................................... . Does conveyance contaiiYconvenants- ::; :~:::=~ ::~~:;~;:~~~~;~~····· (d) against claims of all others .... ......... 'I.~.f ................ . BEGP."NlNG at a dtestnttt and l'Unning thence · s. 4 deg$.;, .oo• E, 23t 94 chains to a stake; thence 84 degs. 1)0' E. ~.72 Ohains to a stale~; thence N. 4 degs~ 20' vr. 3 .• 84 pole$ to • atakeJ thenet:J w • 2.34 po~es to a stake; thence s, 45 degs1 48' w. 1.,76 poles to the beginning. Conta:1,ning l,-41 ael"ee• ~S9 a ri~~t~~twaL.~~~ ~~AS_J!~~~L.:i!Q_ tAEJ.".:Ptl'blLe. . ..rp~ut; . ~----------· ··Bl'l.'():nmnm -~n"'fneooeet.a-til iigl>ruullS corner ot above deecrU•· ed road and nns s. as deg$ .• 12• Wt 3,91 Qha.ins to the public rQe.d; .• 23 chain$ ll,. .or .a pine; thence ,23 chains to 8. p1neJ thence tre>m a p; N • .-85 deg,. 12' E. 3.91 chains to a stake .-23 Chains s. or the ohestnut beginning comer; thenee N •. • 23 Qhains to. a chestnut; a plat Of said lands made hr R• Ten•ll1 surv~rer attached; a:to:tesaid plat also .reaervea 'the right-ot""way abaw described• Said plat being made a part of this deed. · SIJul B \ ----- 705 Page ........... , ....................... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA, ----&.-~! Q()l) ........ , .... COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO .... .CDlJli!ft:.llQAm) __ ,Q,l .. ~J..'l'-lOli----------------------­mmt GZih!fD.a .. s.tmlJ'E:t--AS--QU---SCHGQ:L---­-------------------- f~0-21~--~f--200------ - ----------- ------ ------- AFFIDAVIT. -----------------B-.,G.WU~---------------------·----------------· being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of Register of Deeds oL .... ~-04------------ -- --County, in Book _____________________ , Page ... l.ot··------------· That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga­tion, he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land. _____________ Ltf __ ~~-fJ~------------------- Sworn to and subscribed before me, this '. ·'p' NORTH CAROLt'NA PARK COMMISSION ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE AND OPINION iLA 1010& ~ '~ 810 IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the. title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instruments and court proceedings of record affecting the same from and including the beginning entry there of has been carefully examined and noted, and that the following named owner ...... : ---~~ ...... seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to the same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed hereon. ENCUMBRANCES .This ........ l ............. day of ................. MrU.'C'b. ................................ , 1 .... . Address ................................... , ..................... , ............................. . Attorney.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).