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Cataloochee tract 208: James Caldwell

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  • ) ·3.:! 7 \ SMoKY /'v?rN.PARK JAMES C~i.OW£Ll TRACT /.SS.82ACRES 3CAL£ 1''-"20 CHAINS ® .SURYEY 1!!1 y w. N. " NORTH CA-ROLINA PARK COM ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Lands of ····················:·················:.J .. A. . .H .. E. . .a ..... C) .. ,A .. J.. .. l). .. \J.--.E·-L···.L········-··············································~-,-······························· (208) ............ .: ... : .......................................................................... Township ············¥··A···f··W··G··O···»·····-······-··-···················· County. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION Jt)!JBa _ J,l).~rt.- b • · a t\'!~w~® _,_ \l;l•ta._"'- * V. •-~41*.,.-. ttl). •·~· ~• .... ~ w ~- ot •• ..... l -..u.r;nm o' o~:r 1, 1\ -potatt ••tdfl am -~-~ 1M A4 i OOI'D.\~, :m1 tn ~ Uuo ot t1~tit.J.' l'f~ • ' (_,), · j: a.• a ;.\1t l~ vnat t.n-- ol iii~ GQ.ft J .. .o. -· 1. A -16" •n•~ lllaaa4 m d e~1'iXil4 a .~ • .t.o. c• 1. Ote.ra •· ~ ll • • 'In amla 4ltl -•• ~- 4 4" l~~ poe\ i n t~ oft " #llaii ~:r-1-.. J .o.. ~It• ·a. A lJ)ti- l-Oovat )1818 4 aa1 IIC~ n. ~ . J . tl. o-. a 'Marl $.~ "• ~~oe ~ Giatqt. - at.Q \lon¥)r 3• ~ po!at ~1M Ci 24• !J~llu att,_ w.lth oJA ..s•a••• .\'1-et a 4" (Jbtitatmt ~t 1n a ~$.•\ fit atome eo.a-A'Hi .r.c. cot-. a. A tl'O" pOplar blatrtd m4 nor£84 a. ~-~ .c. Qol' e. beaw ••~ a. .34 ...! JA dJa'lli'· ·· t~ llf~ M.CO z. .. Oo~r 4. ®!I-.. 1th !',t!JlC!t 'blam4 te-lltt.ll'lbt& J. c. Col'. t A M" bbdcdc t:.lA\.- ~ 001'"1• n.~. ; .";A Oor '• -- &t-...oo I• ·••*··--· -- ~ s.l&..GG B. Mdf 0~ I. il po1ta.t fiulda lA ~" p~i' NJd. 8 .aa .... , Wltlh 0).4 ..... .W 'JO $da ..., _-_. ., - -~~~· Gll ...... --- Q~~qoe- e~ am ~14WWIU fa'$/ b 10" popkl7 b1~ ta4 scrt bold J. o_. f.WJ' I• h a~ <;~ttmt lila•tl -. ~eril>«l t> .~. -:.c. Oi>l' a l'lGut a.two w • • 11 ~ d:latm-t-. Shut A --s. """' •• l6.M O.o _. 61 • 41- ~- \Jawol d •«llfl4 1. Q. c.. •· .. . . .. A ~· ltiftll. 'lla- .a ...,._.., J .• t. J.O. 0. ft ...... . 1• .M,IO It _,.._4lfltlat. . : . .. . . ,.,. s. "··· .. --· .,. ,., •• , ,... 01 •·*' poplar . ........ .. ... .., , ... Otlitllll.t . Gtt a •• .lociU• JOat 1n a fiOIPI4 Of au>• 111&* * 101'&._ '• Ot o •• '· A ~· • ..-.- flla- aal $td¥4lte L 1. c. oar. f 1 •• a. -~ '• .:n otuWi 4ltt-.t. ~s.· JWaw. •• ... plaa t>f ..... QO&.tamlJU ............ . iJUI ANALYSIS OF TITLE. Traot No. 200. l• T:raot Number 2Cl3; nar ovr~d by .T~.Xmes Cal~well, is composed of two ae}Brate botmdaries ot lam t totally anb:raced wit,hin state Grant Number 252 issued to lohn Gt"ay Blount. The conveya.Jloes UDder thi a Grant from the date ot it-. .1s~e down thl'oush the time whCil the hold .. 1ngs th~reunder paased1 by the Will of Jeme" R. Love, deceased• to hie Execu.tca-s, having been treated eepaft\ely in the analyiis ot the title to the Sidney NelSon Tract, same will oot be repeated herein but . may be sea:t bf ;re1'erenoe to the ua,bsia ot the Sidney Nelson title• page three of' this .Absttact • beginning With paragraph one and ending w1 th paragrapl;l ten. 2fi The title to tM 100 acre tract oE)~s trom the Executors of James Rt~ Love to Vl1111ant Ht Caldwell, bf warranty deed dated October 2'1 1 l.S74, which 1s in due form• proper~ executed and recorded and oontainS no re•ervat ions a$ to Dd.neral rights. see Page % ~ or this Abst raot. 3. On April 4th., l920t w.n.oaldwf.)ll and his wife; Susan, conveyed this land to their son, L.-: lh Caldwell• the oopsiderati0n being the support and m.aintenanoe for life of w .H. and susan Caldwell. see Page Cj i-·z ot this Abstract. 4. Tiring ot his obligat;1,t}n• ap}tlrently,. L. n, Caldwell, under Elate ot NoVEID.ber 15th.; 1921; attempted to re..,.oonvey this t:raet to The deed ia ot reOQrd in HaywoQd county but is de• fective in that the vdte did not join in its execution. See page '[.<(( or thie Abetrac,t • 5. The defect above rete:tted to was eo:r-reeted, on October 25th, l > i lt•e by the J>rope,.- exeou.t1.on ot a dee« ~11\ Levi B, Caldwell and his 1fite• ora OaldwEIU. to w.n.c~awell. This deed io duly :recorded in , - Hayweod Oou.l!l.ty. SetJ page ...:lf:t_ of this .Abst:taot. e. Tb.e detd wbioh veatJJ ' t~ title in the present owner was exeout• ed .g lamel Caldwell bl" w, U. Caldwell and Susan Caldwell, his wife, ; :~~ ;~' ttnde~ t\ate or November 3 1 l922J the conveyance being conditioned upon the suppert, IEIB.intenanoe, pa.yzt¥Jnt of h~'ta.l ex-penees, etc, 1 of the said w. H, anti S\U!an Cal,dvtell. by: tbelr son J~ur&us OaldW'ell. This deed is properly executed and recorded. See page 9 f P o:t this AbStract. We ba~ procured an att14avit establishing the taot that both w. H. Oallihrell EUtd susan. Caldwell are dead.. See page 9 9 I of tlis Abstract. r.J:'hus, we think1 thia tee simple title is vested in J'ames c. cald­nll. t the ~es~nt owner. As to the r•a.ini~ partion ot Tract 2oe, the obai:n. of title is as tol~cmfs-. l• Deei · ~DJ. FI.D.Giltter·., Trustee and AdmlnistJtator, to W,ll.Caldwell• · We beve heret"toare ah~n.t in the anel,yllJts ot title to the .Sidney Nelson 'l'raot, tae f:luthor1ty of R.D., to «)nver lands belong!ng to the LOve estat•t i.t is tb.eretore; \Ul.D.&Qessary to repeat the t1ame herein as it my be seen by ret$l'et~.Qe to the Sidney nelson ti tle• '!'his deed is prape:f• lp,d., aokll4')W1edged and l"tn)orde4 but one•halt ot the mineral interests , , with mining privile~s is rese~d.. see page etf~t this Abstract. 2.. By l!'eS~lar warranty deed, propel"ly executed aJ).d recorded, w.H. Cal.till'eU and wife conveyed the tre.ot covered by the abo'V'e I~&ntioned deed,1 C·al. elwell, se• Page flf1 ot th1$ A.blt-.ot. 3• .A.ppMrlng hel'ti.ll 1s a Deed ot Ti'Ust t CC!J'Vel'iB& the ahoTe port1on at lJri"a" ~oe., .Efxeeuted by 1anee c. Oal4.ttell and wtte to Job M •. Queen; T;ru&tee, ~ tb.e benon,t IJI 0-e.l' M• Oalc1hreU.t There is nothing - 1iJ4\1Qate t~'t Oba:tlotte M• C~a:weU had any l'1ght t title or interest 1n the :wope,-ty in an}'1ray but aa the Deed ot Trust itJ properly cancelled ot :record 1 t e t4!nns. to re 1m$a te :r :tal, ""' s~e page !.,9J bt this Abetract. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF. DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Sig-ned As Acknowledged -tllwTBO.MAS· tR•G-• At ilnloll• 'L'Il OMAB , J P t;W .EDWARDS t LOW,J,I.•lUtLIARl) R•G•J\• ~VE ,w .L. _ _ . subsoribing witness sad SAM•L.t--J:OVlifi HILLIARD1SAML,L. LO ' WILLIAM lit CALDWELL ' 1. Kind of Conveyance ..... De.e.d ........... ............................ .. 2. Date of Conveyance .... l0!'!1!'2.7•1874---······················· 3. Is it properly executed ... ..... Yes. .................................. . 4. Date of Entry and No .................... .................................... . 5. Before wh~t Officer acknowledged .... .C.S.C-•-········ 6. Acknowledgements, r egular .~~!!1!-~ .. Yes ................... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ......... ................ ......... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .. !!t•M_..,_,.,ffi . .. ......... ... . . •• •... . .• 9. Date of acknowledgement .. ... l2~Z!J':'!'l885 ............ . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .. -_. ............... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL.lTtL ..... ............. .. ...................... ... . 12. Was order of probate correct ..... Y.ea ............................ . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin· .... llO ............................................................ . 14. Date of filing for record ... -l-211iijoaJ.-•).f385 ............... . 15. Book ....... !Y~---······················· Page_.2.,3 ...................... . (b) power to co'n.vey ..... Ye.fL .......................................... . for ............. Ha~.od .............................. County. (c) against ~ncumbrances ... N~i!... ................................... . 16. Does deed cont~in any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others .... N.O .................... , ....... . or restrictions ..... UO ......................................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) . TO .. HAVE ... AND ... TO. HOLD .. tba ... ... tl,'aO:t ... o.f ... l,aJJl ..... . ........ w1th ... :th.e .... Pl'1.Y1l~g~~ - -- and ... apl)ur.te.nanees .... ther.e.unto .... be.lQilB1ng ... unt.o ... the ...... . ........ said ............................ and .. llis .. ... to .. h1s. ... o.nd ... the1r .... only.. us,. .. and .... 'ben.oot ............... . ........ 1".0-i'ever .................................................................................................................................................................................................... . Exact Description of Property KNOW ALL t!!iN BY 'IHESE Im:SENTS; That , . . WHER1U.S1 the said James R .. Love was seirsd ~t la:rge tract$ O't land -OOD'I!lDlily cal.lad ttspe~lation land" lying and being in U\e Co'tlllties Qf' Yancy• Madison, Buncombe 1 HayvK.>od e.nd Ja~Itsont end• . . . Wl i.ERE.AS • the said Jams R. Love mde and published a last W1U ana. 'te$ta•nt in wntillg and appointed William H. !htmas1 Robei't G. A. tove, Willkm L. HUUalrd and samuel L. tove, exeoutol"a, ~o ClUalU'ied end took u~n thEm.sel• s t:t:e ~xecution thereotf e.n4,. .. . . WHMUllAS 1 the aajd Janes R. Love sold mail)"· tra.eta . of . said land to dit'terent pe;rsoJJS and fJUthor1:aed and empowered hi& said ex•cutors to contin-ue the sales at said lands and to n:eJ.<J3 titles; NON ~EREFatE t etc • 1 on the waters of Oatalooohee ereek and bOunded as to'l1011s B.~ E•GINNING on a maple.. in a .l:tm. · ot the Ee:n.l!Ott t.·re.ct,­near a bmndl and then running North 50 East lll to . a poplar J then ee Satltll 15 East 160 poles to a poplar; thenee scuth so We~ 111 pole-s to a sp.ruce pinef thon North 15 west 150 p()les to the beginning, containing 100 acres more or less. Shut 8 NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION In Preamble ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed w. H. CALDWELL SUSAN CALDVlELL As Acknowledged 1. Ki·n d ·o f Conveyance ......D....e :~ .e...d... ............................ ............ . 2. Date of Conveyance ..... 4"!!8~)J):2('). ............................ .. 3. Is it properly executed ......... X~~L ............................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ...... l: •. P.., ............... . 6. Acknowledgements, regular .. 1'0$ ................................. . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ................................. .. 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .......... Ye.S ....................... .. 9. Date of acknowledgement.. ........................... : ................ .. .. 11. Did officer affix SeaL ... N~ ............................................... . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ... Yes. ............ .. 12. Was o-rder of probate con-ect...Yes .............................. . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin .... .X~J.,: ....................................................... .. 14. Date of filing for record ........ ~!f•l-~Q ................ .. 15. Book ...... J>.5............................ Page, .. Mfi ................... .. (b) po,~er to convey .. Y~~ .............................................. .. (c) against encumbrances T~-~ .................................... .. for ........ Hayw.()Od ................................... County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others .. YSfL ........................ .. or restrictions ... S.~e ... Be.lO:W ................................... .. 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ..... :T.O. .. HA..VE. .. liND .. . TO .. HOLD .... the ... ... tr.a.e.t ... o~: ............ .. ........ pa:re.e..l ... ot .... land ... a.nd ... .all ... p.l'i.vi1agas ... .an..d ... .... the~euil-to .... be~ ...... .. ......... l.~~.t~ .... t9 .... t_b;$ .... $.~~-~ ... L:f! ... ~ •.... 0.~.4~ll ..... md .... · · .e .... ... and ... as.sign.s., .... to: ......... .. ......... ... J).nlY: ... U~Q ... .... .... .. Exact Description· of Property Adjoining the lands of sunol"est Lumber Company; and J'onathan Woody; BmlNNlNG on a maple and t·uns North 60 East to a stake (l).n top of a. ridge, J .,C,Cel.dwell •·s corner; thane$ up the top of sa!d ridge a south direotie>n v4tb tbe said J.c:.caJ..dwell•s line to a stake, J,C.Ct:U.dwell*s corner; then_c .e__ _ Sruth S5 West. to a dog\'.0. ad. ___ in old_._ line_J then(le Sooth 1~ East to a popla:r; thence South 50 .Vf$8" 111 poles to a sprtioe. pinEH th~ North lS \Vest 160 poles to the beginning. lOO Acres .zoore o:r l;.e$st · BUT :1 t is stl puJ.ate d and eg reed the. t the sa 1d L" llw Cald<iil vtell. is to feed and clothe,. house and shelter, and :pay all tb.eb" li-ving e,xpenses and PlY all Doctor bill$ end bear all the 'bur1al e:Q>enses or w.,H,Caldwell and susan Oeldwel.~ at their death; andt at their death the said L_.B.,CalQ;well :la to have all their personal ~~l!gings. Shut B ~ <:> i: "..' NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed . As Acknowledged L. Bt CAIJ>\VELL ·• ! . ~~----------~----------+---------------------~~~--~---------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ...... Dee-4--------·---------·----------: _____ ----- 3. Is it properly executed ............ j~O-·· ··---·-·· · ··· · ······ · ······· ···· 5. Before -what' Officer acknowledged ..... _J_.p•----······----· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ___ ______________________ ________ ., 9. Date of acknowledgement .. ll~lt3--.l92l---------------- 11. Did officer affix Seal... ... l\f0------------------·-------------------------·--- 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin .. Yee·-···------------···--···----·------------------··--------··· (b) power to convey .. Y.CS-----··----····--------------------------·-----­( c) against encumbrances YOO------------------·····---·····---···· (d) against claims of all others.YeS---- -----------------····--·- 2. Date of Conveyance ..... ll-i!itl5-l:921-----··-··------·----··-- 4. Date of Entry and No ............................... ....... .................. . 6. Acknowledgements, regular --No---·: ................................ . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ...... No-------: ...................... . 10. Was privy examination of wife takent\rO.--·····--·····---···· 12. Was order of probate£1,-------------·····---·----··--- 14. Date of filing for record.l.2;..,l.,....l92l-----··· -----·····--· 15. Book .... 1.)0 ................................ Page .. -$$4-----····--·········· for ........... !ieywood ................................ County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions Se.G---beJ..aa ........................................ . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully)- -TO -llA n --Al{J) --T-0 --110-tD--th!9- -- -t1 1'0:r-$··C>-~---p~l ________ Of' ___ J.r~---slld-- - .el.l-..$d-- -n-:ppurtenanc-Gs----th~rotm.tQ···b&lotl~~1if€j···1io·· ------- -thli----sa-id.---W-•. --R-.----Oal-dwel-l-,.---.W.~--mi.rlll-·and---aas-1-gns-, .... to--lti-e--·an-d--·'l•l't..t············ ---------Oll.lir---u.s.e ... and ... baho-Of ___ f.omv-EJ:.- ---···--· ----·-··---···-------·-----------·-·- -·--·-··-·------······-···-···--·-···-···-········-------------:--··-----·········· Exact _Description of Property Beill; in Cata.loo®ee Tovln.Shi:p; BLGHU:UNG on a mple · !'lld r-uns North 50 East to a stake ou t op of' a :rid~, J, Ct enldwel~'s oo:r:•ner; thence up the top of $aid r1dse ,. a south. di;,eot1on wi t b. ea:td J . c . Oaldwellt $·line to a stake, J".c.Oald~~l'a 001-ner; ~hence South 85· west tO a dogwood :t.n old lina; tnenoo south J.5 East to a p&,_ la. r ;. thal s ouUl. 50 W&at lll poles to a s.pruce · pine_, ·. then North l.S west l60 poles to the beginnint;H CQUtain• lng 100 neres ~I'Q o-r· less, . . This' bei~ the sane txo.aot ~ of' land oonve7ed to L11B.Oald• well ,by deed . dated April 8th•- 19201 regi.ste;red in Office RE\g1ster Deeds, fia;vwotxl C-Qunty, I~ .. G. ~ Dook 55, . page 345, and Vtas made on eon!1t1-on as set out 1n deed that L.B. · Caldwell was to take and. supp<rt w.H.Caldwel.l and wife• •o. are tr;rantors 1n said deedt rmd sai_tl Caldwell havtng failed his said oontl'act .; mel the oonJJide:ration ha-ving tailed and the t1 tl.e to only ba COil'veyed and the sa1d condi tiQn that said L,.B.Oal.clWell would :rerform hi.s pa.vt ot contract 1 this d~ed is tA> 1\ao~nvey t~,> vr,H.eald.wel.l atl4 vest title back 1n llim and renc>ve cloud ~m t1tl.e as 4aused by Deed in Book 55., ~ge 54:5• S!Jut B ~ =.0.1 Page ......... : .. . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION In Preamble l.'EVl B•' OALDWET .. L and W1 :te ORA HANNA11 CALDWELL ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed LEVl 13-t CALD'IiLL O,RA liANI'LMl CALDWELL As Acknowledged c~--------~------------~----------------------~----------------------- ~"' W • ;a. CJ\ll)Vi'ELL 01 ~ 1. Kind of Conveyance ...... iJQOd-·-······································ 3. Is it properly executed ...... 1(-&S···-··············'·-········-· ····-·· 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ..... N-.·P,e···--········--· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ............................ ...... . 9. Date of acknowledgement ...... ... ll-3-1922-··--······-- 11. Did officer affix SeaL. ...... ye-s-·--··-·····- ........................ . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin .:}ii'C). .................................................... : ......... . (b) power to convey .. No .................................................. . (c) against encumbra~ces ·--~{0 ..................................... . (d) against claims of all othcrs ..... N'O·····-····-··--·········---- 2. Date of Conveyance ..... l:0-2~l-92S· ..................... .. 4. Date of Entry and No ....... ................................................ .. 6. Acknowledgements, regular --'fe-s-----·-·-·-···-···--··--·--··----- 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ......... yee·····--···--····--······ 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ... y68 .............. . 12. Was order of probate correct ... Yes-··------·--··----···------·-· 14. Date of filing for record ..... ];l~l922···----·· ·· · · ------ 15. Book .!).Q................................... Page .. ·---263-------------··-­for --······tlaywo-00-----·······--------··----------···County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions .................................................. ................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) -····TO···HA:VE··AND ·· ·TO ·l~O-U)··tiw · c.rforesa1·d· ··t:r~Cir ·Qr---- · ··--···-----­......... p.a,re:eJ. .... of .... ).and ... .and ... all---Pl'iv1-~& --and---a·p~Ul'-tGna..rt<!·6&···tne;reunto--··be•--····-­......... longt-:ns----'to---th~- -- -said----W-:or--- -H .--- - Caldwel-l··end····lds- · ··he-1r-s· ·-an-ii- ··e!'ltlign·s,-·--to ··········· ......... theS.r. ... onl.y. ...'U .SE). .. a.m. ... behcof. .. ............................................................................................................... . Exact Description of Property Adjoil' the l ax(!C ot Jonathan Oeldwell.r Wood¥ tmr1 sunereet Lttm~ ber Caf4PGn,Yt and otoo:ra, lmllNNDTG on n xnaple and runs No~ 60 E,ast to a s-tak-e on top of a r1 ~e , J ~ C , Cal dwell f s oorner .­thence up the t~ ot said naso a south direeti ($ with the said J - o. Caldwell"s 11ne tQ a s1nke,J.c~oalti~ell.fs line; the.nce South 85 VleQt to a. do~oi in old ltin.e' thence _ south l5 East to a .:p.6p18:!; thence s ou tb 50 West lll peles te a spruo.e pine:. thence North 15 \1est 160 poles to the beginn1ne, containing 100 acres niQre ol' less, Being the same propexoty d&$cr1 bed 1n n deed tram W .H.Gal.dwell and '\7ife to the said LeVi :a. ca1dwel11 by . dG$d dated the 81tl. dar of April 1 1920, and dul,y rl)~orded :tn tha office ot the BegJ.ster of Deeds of a~ywoQd County in Book No. 55 pa3J 545• This deed is eXQouted. aa~ a part_ of the cons1del"at:t.on tbat the said W. H. Caldwell and susan Caldwell :release t. B. Caldwell from any obl!sation to support and maintain, ani bear Doctors bllU~ and fUneral expenses as set · out h deed. to same from them vmich bears date of April 8;1920 anc1 is .registered in Book No. 55 on p1ge 345, Reao:ra. ot Deeds ot Rs;r~ oc1 County • · Sheri B ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ~ W • fi• OALD\Ui!-LL and W, H, CALDWELL S tJS,~\N <lA:LDWELL W * H• CALD\U;Lt ~ SUSAN C.ALDWE :.t.L1 hia SUSAN CALDWELL ~ \rtf~ ~ J' AMES C, CA:LDWELL s:: .".'. ~ L-----------------~-----------------L----------------- 1. Kind of Convey~nce .. p-.a. ............................................ . 2. Date of Conveyance ..... 11*3i'l922 ........................... . 3. Is it . properly executed ..................... ,Y(blJ. .................... .. 4. Date of Entry and No ........................ · ................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ........... J •. p .......... .. 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ........................... : ...... . 6. Acknowledgements, regular -Y-&1 .......... , ...................... .. 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ........ y$-G ........................ . 9. Date of acknowledgement ........ U..o4•l-922 ............ . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .. Y.e8 .............. .. 11. Did officer atfix Seal.. ........................................................ .. 12. Was order of probate correct..Y-ee ............... , .............. .. 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin .Yes ............................................................ . 14. Date of filing for record .... l2...,12:•l-fS!··· ............ . 15. Book .... £io................................ Page .. 0(J5 ..................... . (b) power to convey ..... Y.e.t, ............................................ . for ···········fiey'li1-GOQ· ................................ County. (c) against encumbrances .. Ye$. .................................. . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others .... l'.$8 .......... : .............. . or restrictions ··SSe····belE>W· .................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully).'JJO ... & VE ·!Jim ·TO .f10LD· ·the-.. e.foresa1tL;'Jll"aCt ... ~ .. ·puoel ........ ~.f ... lQtd .... alld ... a.U. ... pr1.Vileges .. and .. .... tnereuntG···be.1ongtq ... ~., ... ........ :th.e .. .. Jame-a ... c ..... oaJ.dwellt···.arJ.4--.. b1~& ··h&1-rs-.. ---te-···t.twir-···Only-.. ·wse··u4 .. ·be• ....... b.o.ot ... t.Qt.ever ........................................................................................................................................ : .......................................... . Exact Description of Property Bl.tGINN'XNG en a . mapls an:t running North eo East · to a stak$ &a 1q> fit ridge, J. c. Caldwell's oornel"J thence up the top at sa :ld ridge , a South ttueotion W1 tll the said. 1. C.. Gal cltwe ll' s line to a s bike ot J, c , Caldwell's t theti O$ Sc:u th B5 wes~ t() a <10swooct , tn old linQ; t.bence South :W Eaat to a poplaJH then()• SOUth 50 West lU pole$ to a sprue e pae f th~ne~ Nutth 15 W~&.Jt 160 po+es to the be@innUl€51 oentainills 100 aor~e ntJre E>f' leas. But it is e;tt~ated alld ~reed that Jaii113s c~OaldweU. is to teed and clothe. house and ehelte:r end -par a11 the _living exPen$es Of' .said w. H. Caldwell and Susan caJ.awell1 _and ts:r au Doctor bills_ and, beer all bQlal expenses of w. a. caldwell ana susan cald•ll at tuJt 4ee.tba.1 and at tiheir death$ t.m said J'Emies o. Cald.we11 is to have all their personal property. Shut B S'rA'l'E OF NOJilfR OAROLlNAt HAYWOOD . t.lOTJNTr• ..__.. . .J.... .-..-B~•-..•..,;Iil4!1iitlllida.kM·~A~•~.ooll~!l.~ll~•.·. . __ having been f'1r~t duly eWQl'Tl'f depost• and sqar·; Tlla:t he ~· .11··-- years ot age and has been a lite• rea. Tlut.t both the Aid w., It. Oalc!weU end hie Wife susa:.n Cald'lf'el.l are now deadt the said suaan Caldwell ha:vtng dj.ea_, 1n.. Ha~ Oil Qt)unq 1 about the ~er ].t29 &a1d w,.a..cala.weU having died dl.l.ling th.e year 1929,. and the S'O:BSCRX.BW .l~ SWe RN to 1» fat"e m by -....;l#;;·. ;tiO· ... .,.J~._,L;;;; ;;e.a;o.;;t.;M.:; .... ,n•. ·..o, ..·. . ~, •·-----· -· thta 2$th day ot .T$1l¥ll'Y, ~93011 NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF' DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ~ R.D.Q.I~ * Trustee 0 R. D. Gli.Mr!lR t TrUstee R. D, GILMER, = Truste(3. "...' ~~--------------------~-----------------------+---------------------- ""'' ~ w. H. CALDWELL "...' ~ L_ ______________ J_ ______________ ~·------~------- 1. Kind of Conveyance .... ......................................... . 3. Is it properly executed ...... .. Y~S ................................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged.J.ll-p·•· ··················· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ..................... : ............ . 9. Date of acknowledgement ..... 9"!"2.'l'!i>l9l.O ................ . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ....... .ltO. ......................................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin NO ................................................................ . (b) power to convey ..... Ye$. ........................................... .. (c) against encumbrances .. NO .................................... . (d) against claims of all others .. ..... Jl'iQ ......................... . 2. Date of Conveyance .... Jul,.y. ... G., .... lSt8-·-················ 4. Date of Entry and No ............................................. ........... . 6. Acknowledgements, regular -Ye&-·································· 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .. ~"'"·"'·,..············ · ·· ··········· · · · 10. Was privy examination of wife taken..'""-*"'················ 12. Was order of probate con-ect ..... y.e,s ............................ . 14. Date of filing for record .... J.2iiio50.1921··············· 15. Book ............. 61---··················· Page ..... SQ. ..................... . for ....... ll8y.J.fl00. .................................... County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or rest~·ictions i ... lllines. ... and ... miner.als. ..... . w1.1a1 .. m:LnillS'··P.r-ivilege-s---reser·ved• 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) TO .HA.VE ... AND .... T.O.llOLD ... the ... af.t¢.esa1d---tm-ot---O-f····l-am-······ ....... .. the .... PR.i:Vi~~es .. and ... a.ppur.te.nanoes .... ther.e.unto .... 'b&J.ongins-···Ht··Of···the··· .. min.e.ral. .interest .wi.t.h. mining . . pr1v1-le~,e .. rea&rw4 --as---hereinbefo-re-··p-ro­v1de4.). . unto ... the. .. llaid. .. w.•. .. H• .. Oel.dw.el.l-. am .. -llilJ .... heir-s---aad---aas-1-gns » -·to-········· his and their only use and behoof forever. Exact Description of Property .. . _ 'l'H!S DEED made this ttl& 6-tb. day of July1 ·1a9a,· b~ RiD, Gilmer, Tru.$'ba$ tor the heirs et law of James R. Love, deaeasea., and othexoe owners of the l.ems ~as . the Love s~culation Lands and as Administrator de bonis non With the will amwxe4 or lamas ·R.Lcve, deeeas'd• to · w .• H.Celdwall of the Oou:t1ty ~ Hayv.ood atoresaidJ WITNESSE'!Ht That, WFIEREAS 1 Jamos n. tova1 deceaa~d 1 un• der a decree of the Oottt"t of Equity fo-r Buna:>mbe Coun"'iT made in the year 18571 and under the p.-oVi siom of a Deed of Ag~ament entered in• to on the 16th a~ at october, 185'11 by Jsmes R, Love ; n.M,Henl'!'yf Janes L. H~y 1 William Vlelohf John B. LQve 1 Dilliard Love and William H. T.homa.e, became 'l.'l'Uste e for .1:\ilmelf and _ the said parties above named of the. ae.:i:d I.o'V& Specu_lation lands lying in . the . Coun·t:te s of Y:moy1- ~dieon1 Buncombe, HeyWQal end Jackson, with power to :roo.I® sales of too same and execute titles therefor I and, WHEREAS, the sa :id James R. Love d.ied seized and possess• ed Of the said Speculation lands as Trustee e.s aforet:Jaid; and1 Wf!~FJ\.S, the said J'amas R, Love mde and. :published a last Will an:l. testament 1n wr-1 t1ng and appohted W.illiam H~ Thomas, RobeSJt G. A. Love, William x•• H1llie:v4 end samuel L. Love,. executors; Wb.e qualified and took upon themselves the e:x:ecuti,on thereof; and, WHEREAS , the said Jet11es R.. Love sold many tracts at said land to different pilPS01W and author1 zed am empowered his said execut• ors to ccntinue the sales of sa.j,d land am to mke titlesJ and; Shut B WHEREAS, upon the death of the said Wi.Uiem L• H.1111ar4 1 the .eole ao.t2t,~ f•eutor of the $alA · .Tames R, :IPvt1 dooeased*' the supo~or at~t ot Jila¥W&od o~•r at · eF~ns wrm.t 18l1, in the case ot w. L., Iieru"f .~d , W , t.•lien:ey-, Ad:nrha1~t:rat.Or of R, M. Henry, deceased;, VB• W• x.,. H1111t:il-d and appo1nte4 the $81d R. n. Gilmer Trustee t~ the heirlil at law ot J~ee n• LO-, deceased aal otheres, ownel"a ot tb.e said 1.0~ spe~lat1oJ1 lands* with powr to sales ot said lands and $:a:&·oute titles tbe~e:tbr ~ atJ.d 1 WI!EREAS, R• D., Gilmer, Trustee and Admin1st ratoi." as afore­said did on the 13th daf of Maroh1 1897 • exeeute bond for t1 tle tor the l and he:rein oon"fB1ed to the sa ~ w. Ih Caldwell, eend1t1oned to make title upon the payment atte:r purchase moner1 and 1 . WHEREAS, t he same has been paid, to•wit 1 $43176 toR. D. Gilnl61r on Mar ch 13 _, 197 and bale.noe, $87.52 to w, w. and w. w. string• f1eldl . ~10Vl T.HEilEFORE , et o t Eltoepting a.Jld reserving unto the said R• D• Gilmet, TrUstee and Atlmiustrator e.e afQresa14 · ona•llalt ot the mines a!il m1neral interest thereon together td th all th.e vcoa.s, ways and mining privileges neee sea.rr ) • J3EllDl'NING on a large · :po:p1~ Nartheast e(}rner 'ot old tract and X"Uns East 60 poles to a beE)~; then.e 'S®t:tr l$ Sast 140 poles to a p()plar md~ of Fork m.c:nmta~ 1 Nt>l"thwest of the timber gap; toonoe eo West ~ poles to a . dogwood 11'1 old line-; thence Nortb l;.5 West 154 poles te the beginning , oo ntaini~ * acres more or lese, · · , In Preamble . ~ w. H• e..Q.LJ)utt ~- ~ SUSAN OAtl>W.IiLLt his -' wtte ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed lY• B. C.Atl:>WiLt SUSAN CALDlJll Lt As Acknowledged 1. Kind of Conveyance ..... J).Ci$11 ........................................ . 2. Date of Conveyance ....... :4~ll20 ............................ . , 3. Is it properly ~xecuted ......... Ye$ .................................. . 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. ·Before what Officer acknowledged .. J .• J?. .................... . 6. Acknowledgements, regular .... ~YeS., ............. : ............... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on ]Jack. .................................. . 8. Pid all grantors acknowledge ............ T~f ..................... . 9. Date o:f acknowledgement... .. ~~l.9.2.0. .................. . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ...... Y.f;Ut .......... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL. ........ No ........................ : ................ . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 12. Was order of probate con·'e~·····:IeS .. :···················· ..... . 14. Date of filing for record ...... :."!~ ... ~l:,~l., .................. . (a) of seizin ........... Tt., ........................................ : .......... . (b) power to convey ......... 'J.~~ ............................. : ......... c •• 15. :0:o~_.:::::::~i.~:~Q.J::::::::: .. ~~~~::::::~=~~-~:······ (c) against encumbrances ...... YQS ........... : ................... . . (d) against cJaims of all others ....... Y$.8 ...................... . 16. Does de~d . contail(oY spcc.ial }~mitations, provisions or restncbons ··''"·;,..: •. •.. ............ ~ ......................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .... TO ... EAD ... AND.11~L.tto:LD:::th~::::aioZ:Qsai4;::ib.aei::DJ::::~a:r~:: ........,. ... t.. .. 1.~.~----~n4 ... a.l.l.. ... ~1n.l.Q~.$ .. aM. .. a.'P.M.t.~oo,.ry, ... b§10l\S1JJS ......... to. ... th~:-:··~-14. ... J.!! ....O .. t. ....C .~lQ.:?l~l1 ... fJ$.1; .... At.~---~1.:r.~., ....t .9. .... tb~.1-~ ... ~l1. .. U.~~---an.4 ...b ~:!!! .. ....... ho()f .... fm"eve.r .•.............................................................................................................................. , ................. : ............. : .................. . Exact Description of Property ~GnmniG on a l>Qpla:L-• eo:rne;r of w. n. Caldq1~' s ~14 - :tn:an~et\ a~;re t:raot ani .runs East . 60 . ;pole~ . t•. a _ .-. f inen~ 5Ql1'tib·_15 _;eam; 140 :poles _to ·a ~pilar .·. e FQI:'k mounta~~. NCJtthW$at of tim.'b~ gap) the.noe sou:tll 85 Wetn . te» the center · ot the tQ}) of Cove 1148•1. then a Nctl'th d~~f.lt1on 1 down sa¥ w1ftge 1 With tts differe:at tlinds and a!lg].tes e.nd wttb the · o~teJr of said -r~dSe 't(t a s1nke 1n old line No:rth of a ~- where tne l'oad Q~El~Ulti sa14 ;-i~eJ thence, w1tb the old line Nortll GO East ba.ok to bes1~. 45 e.ores ~lf& or l~es. 'l(,i . S!Jut B Page ........ . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION Abstract of Satisfied Mortgages or Deeds of Trust (NORTH CAROLINA) Below give Jail.guage of release or cancellation, and if by other than the originaL payee the authority must be shown by which the cancellation or release · is made. L Kind of instrument .. .. D&e:d .... ot' ... Trust,.. . . ........ ....... . 2. Date of instrumentl.o-25•1922 ............ .. · .. .... .. .... ......... . 3. Consideration ~.00. . . . .............. . 4. Maturity da.te . . ].0.025-•1924 .. ..... .... . .. · · ............ ..... .. 5 . . Is it properly executed? .. Yes. .... .. .......... .. .......................... .. to 6. Da.te acknowledged .. U•.2.•l922 ..... .... . .. .............. . 7. Before \~hat officer acknowledged ... .J .. Pti . 8. Was privy examination of wjfe held ? .. "fes .......... : . .' .. ~) . Date of filing for record . .... l..l-...Z..l.9a2 ...... ...... . 10. Recorded in Book . .......... a ...... .. ........ Page ... l.()6 ............ .. .. ....... , ...... H~,ood .......... .............. .. ....... County. 11. Doe ~ t his instrument form a link in the chain of title? . _.,.y· .. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY In Oataloochet:J Tomship e.nd being tb.e sane land conveyed to J • c.,. OaJ.dwe11 by w .1-h•Cal dwell end Wite by deed dated A~1l 8•1920 . as ~Goor4ec1 in BCQk 5V at page 255 e·t seq~ Regi ste~ ot naede or HaywOOd eounv • u.c. · nmnm:nro. on a poplar corner of W-,H.Celd:mtll's old 100 acre traet and rune l~ast 60 poles to a beeOhJ ~-­Sw1b 15 E t 140 poles to a poplar side FQl-k moun~a int Natttll'W$St ot t1mbatt gap; th.n Sou1ll 85 We&t to the , cente;- ot the:: top <'If Co'VG M~.e; then a No.rth d1l"ect1on ao-vm ·said rid~ i . w1 tb 1 t s dt tteren t Win.&J and . angles ani w:1 th tb.e cente~ of said ridge to a stake in old lw North of a ~t~ met-e the road. C1"-0s$eS eaid nqe; them with the cld line North 50 East back to the begin• ntng, eentaia:tttg 45 acres mol'o or les&st THE RELEASE OR CANCELLATION OF ABOVE MOR1'GAGE OR DEED OF TRUST IS AS FOLLOWS: ' notes f.\1r Whio.:n ttlts dee! et trust was €1 ven to secure J toptll$1' W$.th the de&d . of tru&t 1 bel liS }lt"esent~d to. • mJ'ted paid ~ tuU bt the h:olde»; I ber-etbre enter satistact1on e.D4 Qallcel samet; Tld.e 50th day ot Novembe:r, 192ih 0 z r -< 0 z t!l 0 • Ft 1\nutl?AT.RICKt Res1 ster of D$eds 1ri~ood county N. Ct All cases and a uthorities r elied uport to cure any defects in this instrutr]ent or proceedings thereof! or to sUpport any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Shut H i STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY c. Caldwell, being dulr sworn, .deposes and says: That he is~years ot age. and has been a o1 t1zen and resident et. Haywood County ro:r~yea;rs; that he is well acquainted with the ownership and possession of a certain tract of land purchased :trQm w. Hii Caldwel~i more particularly described as follows: BEGINNINGAt Corner 11 a point beside an uprooted hemlock, the old corner,_ and in the line of Johna• than Woody: ~act (209) set a 4" locust post ~a mound ot stones scribed s. c. Corner 1. A ·24" bell• wood blazed t;J.nd scribed B.T • .r.c. Corner 1 1 bears N, 64•30 w •• 76 chain distant; thence N, 12•28 w. 39.17 corner 2• a point at pla()e of old lllliple corner shown by .Tames Caldwell, Set a 4" locust post in mound of stonee scribed :r. c. Corner 2 A 15" locust blazed and scribed B.T • .r. c.· corner 2 bearss. 34-00 West 1;08 chain distant; thence N. 51-23 E. 27.81 corner 31 a point beside a 24" poplar stump with old witnesses. Set a 4" chestnut post 1n a mound ot atonea sorib~d ;r. c. Corner 3 A 30" poplar bl,azed an.t'l so~1'bt4 B .. T.J,C, Corner 3:! bears N. 15-00 E •• M chain dir tant; thence N• 87•'40 E •• 34 chain distant; theaot ,~ N, 87•40 E~ 3, 66 A ,small stream flows Northweet llhiO cornet 4 1. a 50" beech with old marks blazed alld s<ur-btd J, c~ corner 4 A 24" hemlock blazed and scribed B,.rr.::,.c, · Corner 41 beaxos s. 28-00 E. .• 27 chain distant; . thenot s. 15---58 E. 34.37 Corner 51 a point beside a 36" pop­lar and a 48" chestnut with old marks 1;00 chain Northwest of' timber gap on the divide between cata• loochee creek and Cal dwell Fork T·1e 36" poplal' blazed and scribed .r, c. Corner . 5 A 12" chestnut bla.ze4 and scribed B .. T.J,c, corner 5 bears s. 75-00 w •• 51 chain distantJ thenc~ s. 7~44 w. ·16.04 cor:n,er &• a 4" doswood blaze. d a.nd scr1 bed B. T-,.T tc• corner 61. beQ'•.· North 54•30 E •• 36 chain distant), thence s. 6•48 E, 3i27 Corner 7, point at place of uprooted poplar, the old cornt)r• shown by Jamea Galdwell set a 4'' locust post in a ·mound ot stones blazed and. scribed J • c. Corner 7 A 10" cucumber blazed and scribed B.T.J.c. Corner . 71 b. ears s. 61-00 w •• 37 chain distant; thence s. 52'-52 w., 28•29 The pl ace of beginning• containing 155. 82 Acres. Att1aat ~the;r states that he a lid ~hose . undei" ' be olai•• . ~ ' i . to wlt1 w~ lt• cal4,..U;, Liz ·B·.· Cald1flll ·an4 . the ·tru•t•es and exeoutore ~ . ' ~ ~ !. ' • • •• ot 181Uea ·tt• tO:Ve,. uve '-• ·tn the .open• tontiauous1 . adveree a4 notR1h.• poaaesatOJ:l or ~~&1d leutAa-. \Uldet kn~• and vt•t ble •••• an4 . . ; -~ ~- . bOtm«•t; t&'I! a period ·or.i-~.0. -reus ad llOteJ o'Ultivatiq same, tekiq timMr 'and tirewtto4 thexoetrom,, paet~tng sam• • Ei.D4 mald.-.s suoh oth•r . . . use~e ot said lande as they BJ:'tJ enti tl~d to; att1ant tul'ther .•tatea tha:t he hal n•ver heard fit 8%17 oontJ"Pver•r tt.«S to the title or to the posa•••ton ot any po.rt·ton of the above de . tt<Jribed lands. ~ . . . S'W.orn to and subsort ~d before me this:4:1k day ·ot~ . 1929. STATE OF lTORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD OOUN'TY ~ J. l' ~-r? · ·• being dul7 swol,"n, deposes and s~ys: That he 1&-Cd years ot asa1 ~nd has been a ei tizen and resident or Haywood County tor!;> .3yeaJ;."Sf that he is w$11 acquainted with the ownership and possession ot a oertai.n traot of land now owned by James c. Caldwell; more particularly described as fOllows: Tract 208 B~INNING . at Corner l.·• a point be. side an .uproot. ed he· ook, the old oorne:u, ~din the l1neot .Johna• than Woody Traot ( 209} sat a 4" looust pos.t in mound ot stones scribed j, c. Corner l A 24" 'belwood blazed and scribed B.T.r.c. Corner 11 be11~ N, 64•30 W:. .'75 ohain distant; thence lh ·1a•2a . w. 39.~7 Corner 21 a point at plaoe ot old maple corner shown by James Cald­well, set a 41 ' looust pqs'b in mound ,ot stones scribed :r, c. ' Corner 2., A 15" locust blazed and ·.scribed J3·.T.J',.o. Corner 2, bears s. 54-:oo 'w. l ·•OS chain distant; ~he~~e N• 51•23 E. 2?.81 Corners, a a ~4" pOll'~" lar stump with old witnesses. Set a 4" chestnut post ill a mQund of . st~IJ.eS scrib~d . J'~ G ~ Oorner 3. A ~"pa~· . 1~ blazed ~nd$cribE!d ·:a .T.J,.c~ Co~ner 3• be~s North 15-00 E• •54 distant; . th~nce N; 87•40 E. 3•66 A small stream tlows . northw~st +5.80 corner ~~ a 30" beech with .old ·marks. ble.ze4 and .scr1bed J. c. cornex- 4 A 24" heiDJ,ook blazedaild scribed B.T • .r.c. do:riler 4, bears s . 28•00 :m ... 27 chain distant; thE;tnce s . 13•68 E. 34•37 Corner 5; ~ poi~t beside a 36" poplal" and a 48" chestnut with old :marks l.oo chain northwest or ti*" ber gap on the divide between C~ taloooheo Creek and . Caldwell Fork The 36 91 poplar blaz~d and sor1 beQ. if. c .. Corner 5 A 12" chestnut blaz,ed and s4r.1bed B,rr.a-.e, corner 5 bears s. "75•00 w. .31 eha1n distantJ thence s, 79•44 w, 16.04 corner 6 . a 4" dogwood blazed and scribed 1, c. corner 6 A 1~" biroh blazed and scribed B,T • .r,c. Corner G; b~8irs N. 54•30 E • .-5G chain distant; thenQe . .s. 16"'!'42 E, 3.2? Corner v. a point at place ot uprooted poplar1 th~ old corne;r shown by James. C41d· well set a 4" locust post in a mount ot stones blaze. and soribed J, c. Cornel" 7 A lO" oucumber blazed and scribed B.T.J'-.0. Corner 7! . be4~ s• 61 ... 00 w •• 37 chain d~stant; thence s • . ::>2-52 w,. 28.29 The place or beginning, containing 155.82 Aores. -1- ~ ,.1•'- Att:J.ant turther atatea that James c. Oal4weU $-nd thoee under . · .. ~. tees and exeou•o:ra ot lellll~ R. toye• bave been S.n 'he open; 40nt1au- · oua.t adVe:tae and ltotor~Olll ',P08$eaaic:>n ot aa1.d lands, tlnder knolQI and viet ble metes ana bounds., for a period ot so ;veal' a and 1n0re J cul ti• vating same, tald.l'18 ti,mber &nd ti.r ewocul tlletefll'om1 paetUl"1ag 1am.e,1 · . and ·llJ8king $UGh other uee• of aU 4 l.--48 a$ they a:Ft sUtOept1 ble of; a:ttiant t\u"thett ~Ytatets that he haa a•v•• hf.taJ-4 qt any oonmveray ae to the title 0~ t() the poasesaion ot anr po:rt10ll ot the .above a .... ' . acri bed lands. Affiant sworn to and subecn:ib•d betore me this J t( day ot~, 1920. My Commission Expires May 27, 1931 STA'l'E OF NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COtJNTY s · k r-v 1 s L, . ~ /(n er ; being duly sworn, deposes end says~ That h(' of age• and has been a ei tizen and real• dent Of T:!aywood County for :1::j_ rears; that he is Well acquainted · the ownership and posse.ss1on ot a certain tract ot land now owned by JaJDea c. Caldwell, more particularly described as :f'ollows: . BEGINNING at Corner 11 a point beside an uptoote~ ·fieiiilookt t he old · corner, and 1n the line of Jo~- tll8.n. woody Tract ( 209) set a 4n locust post in moun4 of .stones scribed J• c. Cornet- 1 A' 24" bellwood blazed and . scribed 13.T.J. c. corner .lw bears N. 64•30 w. i 75 chain c:lis~ant; thence l:ft 12.•28 w. 39.17 corner 2 1 '& . point at place of old mapl& oorner shown by James Cald­well., set a 4" locust pos~ . in mound of stones _soribed J". C.-, Corner 2 A 15" locust blazed and a.oribed B.T.J.c. Corner 2 bears s. 34•00 w. 1.08 chain distant'; thence N. 51•23 E. ·27.81 Corner 3, a. point beside e. 24" pop­lar stump with old witnesses, Set e. 4" chestnut post in a mound of .stones scribed J, c. Corner 31 A. 30" poplar blazed and scribed B.T. J.a. corner 3-t bears N, 15""'00 E • • 34 chain distant; then~e ,N . 87•40 E. 3.66 A sme.l~ stream ·tlows northwest 15,80 Corner 4• a 30" beech with Old marks blazed and scribed :r. c. Cornel" 4 A 24" hemlock blazed a.nd scribed B.T.J,c. Corner 4• bears S. , 28•00 E~ ,27 chain distant; the:nce s. 13-58 E. 34-,37 co:rner 5, a point beside a 36" poplar and a 48'~ chestnut wi tll old inarks 1,00 chain northwest of tiiJ1ber gap on the di• vide between Catalooohee .Creek and Caldwell Fork The 36" poplar blazed and scribed J. c. Corner 5 A 12" chestnut blazed and scribed B,T.J'.c. Corner 5 bears s. '75•00 w •• 31 chains distant; thence s. 79 ... 44 w. 16.04 Corner 6, a 4" dogwood blazed and so x-i bed J . c, Cor • 6. A 12" birch blazed ~d scribed n.T • .J.c. corner 6 1 bears N, 54-~0 E •• 36 chain distant; thence s. 16~42 E. 3.27 Corner 71 a point at place or uprooted poplar, the old corner, shown by James Caldwell. Set a 4" locust post in a mound of stones blazed and seri bed J. c .• Corner 7. A lOt' cucumber blazed, and scribed n . T.J,C. Corner 71 bears s. 61-00 w. .37 chain distant; thence s. 52 ... 52 w. 28.29 The place of beginning• containing 155.82 Acres. -1- ·, ' Attiaa:t tlU'the;- sta••• that .ramea o. ,Caldwe:).l and those Jlnder . whG hti olaUie, .to wtt• .w • . "H.a .Caldwell. Lt .v • . Caldwell and the t:rur ·. t••• . and executo:l!s ()'t .Teme• R,. 'tove liave betn in the , o"-•• oontt:n~ . ou., a 4Vtn"ae and notoJ'1oua tX>saession Qf ea1cl ·lands, under known and vtaible me tea end bounds, tor a period or SO years and more I oul• t1vatina same. taking tim'ber and firewood theret~m., pasturing same, an4 ma)tbg s11Qh othet- uaea ef aid ·lands as they are susceptible ot; attiaut turtber IJt.ate• that he has JJeve-r heard of anr oontrover•7 as to the title or to the possession of f1li7 portio:Q. Of the above 4e­ao: r1be4 landa. ~¥}.~, ~t ' 0 . swom to and •ubaorib•d before me t hia 'U.;,.daf of 44 "'' l92~h My Commission Expires May 27, 1931 NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO JAS .c .CALDWELL WIFE AV'IE CArJ) ELL DESlGJl.ATED IB SURVEY AS - ~---- --- ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- TP.ACT BUIIBRR 208 AFFIDAVIT. ··-----------------~-~-Q-~'-'-'-~~~-~~-------------------------------------• being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of Regist~r of Deeds of ____ ~_!!Q~~----·-··"····---County, in Book. ..... ~! _______________ , Page ...... ~~~---------------· That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga-tion, he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ~· · : TAXES :,. r;,.,, - <~. . . _j .,. • • ,'::.~·g·',::,;,_,.~ '· (Fill in all blanks indicating year, and show on lines opposite the year whether or not the taxes have been paid. If paid an affirmative showing must be made by use of the word "Paid." The use of ditto marks is not permissible). The property in question is assessed for taxation for the current year, 19l9. ... , at $ .............. ~ .... , ............ , in the name .. l ••... f::.WAW:t.U .............. and the taxes for the past ten years have been paid or not paid as follows: 19.:1'-.. ..fAX» ...................................................................... .. 1~i.... . ... PAX.l.l ...................................................................... . 19 ..2 :. ..0.... .. l?.4lP.: ........................................................................ 192fi.... .. .P AID. ...................................................................... . 19 .l., .:;l .... --~q.P. ....................................................................... . 192&.... .. .., m. ................................................. c ............... .. .. . 19 ..$...1... . . --~~~. ..... ...... ... ................... .... ...... .. .. ...... .. ........ .... .... . 192f.... .. . .!?~ ............................................................ :. ......... 19_g_~.. ..F:4.SJ2 ..................................................................... .. 193.-B.... . ... lrU» ...................................................................... . ASSESSMENTS NG:NI LES PENDENS MECHANICS LIENS JUDGMENTS NONE Snetl G - .- ! ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE AND OPINIO~ 'l'i'ac• No . .- 206 -"~~" .' IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED': That the. title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instrum ents and court proceedings of record affecting the same from and including the beginning entry . there of has been carefully examined and noted, and that the following named owner ...... : J"ames Caldwell --~~ ........ seized in fee simple of a good and valid t itle to the same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumb;ancc shown in this abstract and listed hereon. ENCUMBRANCES 1-. SUbject to taxes. a. SUbjeot to judgment again-st Levi C:aldweu. This judgment 1s to 'be oaneellGd on the reood • . This. ...... J.~-·- ----·--·day of ____ f.~-~;:-~_r.y: ____._ _ ._ _ __________________________ , tt?.O. .. . .... ··-............... ··-......... ··-····· ..................... ····· · · ~ ... ······ .............. ~- - -· - .... ········ .. Attorney. Address .. ----- -------.. ----- ---------- ---------------------------.. ---------------------------- 20f" 208 . I \I"' I / 209 209-: 210 211 12 I,X / v 213 I ./ -a. I) 0 /'1 ').A) - J)O • 38 • aa f1elda©60.00 oodland ' lO.OO Jam:.:s Caldwell 155.82 30 aores\oultivatcd land t-50.00 20 acres f iolc: .. pasture; 20. 00 20 aoros .~rasp. · f1 elda ~o.oo 76 nar·es '\.vo~antV' lO.OO G room framed house 3 room h oxed houne barn . S . 'f homas Caldwell 3 room log hou.'le fl':trned bnrn loc nmo}: e hous e 116.18 47.58 20 acres grass tl elU.s~o.oo 27 ac.t•os woodland( 1 ;~ .00 ?homao Cald,·: ell 46.27 ?o/;_.~w?· A\ 1oo.oo I ~'"'$•) • l:K>O.OO 250.00 f1,850.00 1500.00 400.00 1000.00 '160.00 600.00 150.00 300.JO 200.00 100.00 780.00 600. 00 300.00 200.00 1200.00 700.00 125. 0 150.00 ,/,j . ,. 4, 'ilO.OO ' ,; I , . t - 1080.00 ",I..·I ... . ' ' '/ •~ . - 3125.00 480.00 630.00 --~~~~----~- :;oo. oo 1000.00 500.00 990.00 150.00 1!.>0.00 2U.OO aoo.oo 325.00 2690.00 l45o.o:.> ' 6 room f r a r:cd house 1000.00 '.~ arn, crib 8. Smoke houne lOu.oo SprinG House 2l.i.OO 20 acres cu l .. iva tcll :~' ie ldn ao. :j_. 1600.00 8 acres na s ture ' 25.00 200.00 19 U0 1' i; fl I'IOOdland 15.00 275.00 3200.00 ------~----~~~~-- '~ hnrl es ay Caldwell 199.00 6 room f '.r·::•Jed houce 6 a ta.L1 'mrn 4 ;ld log stables ;;moke and can house :; ·rin,.: iiouse 20 ac .·es oultlvated :L'i e l dsC.100. 00 20 uores " " C.GO.OO ,;o :. ores rmstures 25.00 139 n c r cs wood. land • 1 2 .00 aoo.oo 400.0(.) 100.00 100.00 50.00 2000.00 1200.00 500.00 1390.00 J.., ./ . / ; I . .-t - 6540.00 ..'·· · :i MAP NO. OWNER ACRES 206 48.45 .,. MRS. L Km 93.02 2-room o Log b 23 acre cultivated land @ $40.00 25 ac:ie field pasture @ 25.00 45 ac~s ~Odland . G 15.00 i TAX VALUATION $695.00 @ , ..__ 0 0 $ 100.00 100.00 920.00 625.00 675.00 :j 485.00 2,420.00 ! f ' .,2-0b -e.- I , (1 {, f ' , {)l) I ~ 1 1 -r·i t'·' -·· 'i , · 1: \:;rCJ. .(._ ·~-=~ ... i i 'l '1 {,U..; -~ • ' ~"1r1Tf.Lt. ~ i J-.. :._:-; -~ a -~-~~·- ~~~~i~- ~· / :. r ; ·1 "." [!!, ( ~-f~- , 'i-t;:.-i .,;: :; -- -- ------- - ..3, ~ J' s .o 0 207 D. w. CALDWELL ! 2-room log h_ou~e 25 acres gra~ fields 25 acres woo~\and _,· \~ TAX VALUATIO~f (Se~Tract ( ' 50.38 I;) $60.00 @ 10.00 No. 207a) 207a D. W. CALDWELL~ 18.60 +i-S 10 acres bott 1 d @ 100.00 8 acres field woo dland '-"'/ Barn 1 / Log house / \ p ·' \ TAX VALUATION ' $1, 050\ po for 65 acres • .,1"1. . ,.. I \ ._ .) ,1) t .. ~ .... , ) I.·: . ~..,_ ,-,;.~: 11" •• • • • .,..,... l .) / ....... ·('( ... ... •' .!"(.,. \ 208 .JMJD!:S. CALDY:!EU. \ / 155.82 50.00 20.00 60.00 10.00 _,. . ~- / /(: !'/ -· .. { . 209 209a 30-aores culti~ted land /@ 20 acres field p~ ture / @ 25 acres grass f'~\lds ,: @ 76 acres woodland \ / @ 6-room framed house . / 3-room boxed house \y Barn ;' \ TAX VALU.'\.'riON / , -.. ~320.0~. -I j .· ) \ "-C .1/~q .. ; ;·~ .;;..srT" .TONATP.aAU WOODY \ 59.38 10 acre~s fields @ 20.00 10 acres ol~~ds c 10.00 39 acres nq6dland ~ 20.00 J .JONATHAN ViOODY 6 acres f'J,at lapd 6 acres c tiv .· }/'\ f ( ·.: ;_ ·_. ,. 20 acres old f 60 acres wood ?-room frame 92.11 @ 100.00 land .@ 50.00 ~ 10.00 ~ 20.00 ~~ { · ........ .... ,.,_' .i 1.: .~ · · , ; f Barn and _li"')r TAX V.ALUA.TI¢' / $2,090.00 100.00 1,500.00 250.00 1,850.00 _,r, _,.J, '··' I r' '"' It-/ ~: ,, . r 1,000.00 160.00 200.00 100.00 - ~· .'1. I . < . .l .... - 1,500.00 400.00 1,500.00 760.00 600.00 150.00 . 300.00 200.00 100.00 780.00 1,460.00 5,210.00 .. .... 1/ ',;" .. r~_:;.. ,. ... . 1,080.00 600.00 300.00 200.00 1,200.00 411 y 700.00 _1 2"-"5•. .;;.0_0_3-...;,1;;..,;2 5 • 00 . ' Bryson Cipy,H.C. Oct.:d,I928. .. s.hevillc, ]loG. Mr.Sloan asked ne to mail you list of ·r... • " .·i. .'·. t I (I Catalo~ohee . \ h .. ve bern c.O!'lputed.The \'71th e.reo.s :f'ollowf!:- I '' ;{t,<"• .! .- ·: -:·: - ·· . . :.T. • -J.a • Ca 1~, 11 n '' 1 r;:: • 1 t.·r f" • • • • ~ • • ... • • • • • • • • • . • ·J , • ...) • n c r P ~ · · C ... 8 9 ""~ n · ' · • • J.J 0 Il£: • . . • • • • • • • ,. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • " 4 .. -,-~ ~; ~ .. ~ aldwA ll ~cho ~l Lot ••• o••········ 2.!6 ~ \ .. ~ , , '/ . I.: .~;;.~ tton Heirs ••.•••••.•.•••• I7.4I : .-·, .. 1\:e.ri. :::.h JJ. :.>almer •.• o •••••••• o • • 6 7. 24 : ~rs.Lou King tract ~ ! •... ~.o•• 9 ~o02 II If tf f! }! 2 o o o • • o • o 23 • .$ 7 •I:."i.(~a.ldwcll tr:..:; t T (hOI~. e) ••• I8.GO ·. n " '' · 2 • •••..••• 50.~~8 .'· ·: .... Jomes Caldwell • o ............... o ••• !55. 82 _ · · · Jor~n athan :.voody ,: I ••.... .. .. o 92•!! ' •! ti (~ ••••••••• • • 59 .. 38 ~~ · .... i".~rs. ~-~ . J. /ooc1y ! •••••• ._ ••• i •• 74 .. ......... ~, • .'1 • ::·.· o \) O..;,r • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • • .... I I 6. I 8 ·: it:..:'-·~ .p r l:itn. t.~- i ~ t} . 47.58 • ·- --· .~ ... r •• ..: • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 6 • ~ 7 ' '7'- c-1.,.' 4....! ~ .".'.;. n~· , . !: 1 ,.,.f: ll . !99 00 ""-"":::--'' H ..... ..._. e ., (., _,"1 • '-""' .L.\ ' I • . • • •• • • • .. t • • • • C?4· Eldrf'urre Ccld7Tell ••••••.•••• o !22. 98 ··~~·-~· Geo. H.Ca. lti\'l~ lJ. .. • . •• .. .• •. .. • !50.58 ... . J .F.. Hall ..••.• o o. o .•••••.. o •• !2I.44 Inc~ ~ D.i'l C re(• k ~c ho ol lot ••• ·• • • • .! • :.: j :-. ·~·p<:.~ lr~e rs 'Chapel Church lot • . . • • I.i7 Mrs. •'f .i~ . !?ulnar •••••••.••••••• I45 •• 6 ::' '· ,v .A. :?almer o tr~ot !' I ••.•• o •• . •• 52.~0 Linton Pulrr.or •••.•••••••• o •• o 47.55 Yourn v ~ry t ~1l y, ,, . ., ,, ,, ., W"I :.,.• .• . It " If " If It ., " ,, !f " " If )( It It traota that -......

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