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Cataloochee tract 253: Mack W. Hannah

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  • SMOKYIVITN.PARI< A4ACK W.IIANNAH TRACT /52.06 ACRES J'CAL £ /"::20C#AINS G 208 Sf/RI/E y OF /928 BY W. N.SLO/IN ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Lands of ------------······.·······································ll.s.Ok. .. !fi ....... H.anne.h ....................................................................................................... . ............................................................................................ Township ................. .BaJ\V.O.od.-........................................... County. 1a.ov 10;19 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION Tra.ot { 25Z) liOTE : All beerb13S i .n Ude 4 eer1pt10ll were t1Jrt)e4 f%'®1 t-hG true t1'.ar1d 1oo nt4 ()ell 41tlt~<iil0es ~r .· tntpr••­ ·aet in ohm ne of 6~ feet. Begir.nin!J e.t Comer 1 , fl 15" biekOl"J w itb oomett mans and blneea ena 80ribe4 B . ~ . Uo~. 2, being cOl'ne~ 2 of tbo J. s. ·Trnot ( 252) Ti~.H)G· lth the J. B. Usnnab O·ome)l' ~ • G ... n eh&$tnut poet in a t.IDund o1 stones blazed ·nnd ac , 1bo4 ~ . H • . Oc:r. 5 • bf#int tn e lino of tbe J • B. R~a:b 1i':t'fl0t ( !:52) . A 16*' pin! ltlase<l ruld. !SO:rS..b .e.. ·.l J3w:r.At. a. Cor. 5 • beers S. 64-f)O W. • 0!3 c~in d 1stmt • 'l1bono•, .les.ving t be J. ! . JlalJnab E. 8-1' B. ccme:r e. a 16" ~pani£\b oak with corner trJDrk8 'l' h(moe li. l..Z9 E. Comer 4, e 14-' lyrlll 'Witb oo rn•~ uuu. on aouth benk of Dude C1'etk C.wnel' I, a J'.!Oint at 1ntersoe-t1on of au·kod linea, a. Oo~r o1 th ,.. . n. Lt set~ ~ n.ot (214). set a ,,. ftl6ple r.oet i n • mottn4 of etanea, eo~ibecl u.H. Oo:at. '• , . l eo'* CbeStiltlt ltlas:od end 8ot>1be4 JJ. 'r•)J•R• Co~. 6, be81'8 s. 11.00 a. .u ebetn 41 etMt 'rbeuee. with tbe w. 11. !iteeeer J . 62~1 w. Comer & & 42" cheetnat wlth oomel" merk:a ant w. tne~Wt•A I t •1• 11.46 26.05 3'1.14 blased aul $eribed M.ll. CQ~. 6, a co roe~ of the w.D. lleseer T:rso~ (254). A 12" biokort bl$ze4 en4 scribed B.T.»:.H. Co;r. 6. bears s. 60 .. 00 E •• 12 eba~n 41stef>.._, 1Jlllenee leaving the W. D. .Mesa•~' s. 2 . ..ft w. Small atre$IIl flowing southeast • Small streant flowing east Co~er 'I. e. point sbown by J&ark Renn&b. aa old oo~~u· • ~'hEmet 5. 2-24 W • • 35 Jle..rtin Ro&d betrring southeast, e. '12 Comer 8, a point on ·ndge, be aide a chestnut oak stump at 1nte~seat1on o1 linfu~, Corner 6 of tbe James t. Pal .. mer lfraet ( 224-.a} Set a 4" chestnut JlO$t in ~ mound ot stc.mes, scribed J.P. Cor. 6 Tbenoe with the Jarvis l'a Pal- '1.30 Oomel' 9. a point on top of the l'i dge. at t ~ inter­section of ~rked boundary linea, Corner 6 of the Jarvis L. Pal.tller Tract ( 224-a) and a .o orner o~ the J. oss Smith Tract f 259) 16.20 s et a 4" ch•stnut l.10&t in tl mound of at ones eor1b"e 4 JA.a. Cor. 6 • · - Tbenee, leaving tbe Jarvis L. Pal.mer TJ"act (2~4-a), with the 3. oes Smith Tract (269) Corner 10. an 8" hickory with corner m8rka and witnea, a oo£"Uer of the J. oes smith Tract ( 219} ' s. 16·36 w .• Corner ll, a point at 1nteJreect1on o t marked lines, witb blt,U1e4 witnes.&ea, Corner 6 of the las. H. lllWllB.h Traot ( 261) ' Set a 4" ohestnut post in o. JIU)ttn4 ot stones, scribed J4,H. Qor, 2 ao.,, A l'" ob•etnot blaae4 art aor1\d .s. 'l' .~~.a. oo r. 2 • bur• :~ . ~~ 1 •• ~2 ehtd.n 41ete~. i'benee wt.tb '" Jse. H. H•mllla a. Ol...ot 1. corneJt a • a ~'" obea\nu:t •1 tb com• mo.ns .fW4 -s. ,_ •••••• ebo'ill a• oorn1#."b7 !l&n .Hrmnab., b4t2.ns Oorntl' 1 of tbe ... Jne. B. Han. »tab. T~aot 1~61) en4 Ool"'ld & of the 1. B. lhll'all !l'rao\ c e5a1·. - . Tbeno•, lea't'1J'i8 '~ Jaa. Bt Hen-nab TMot (Sel), wttb tm J. s. Herub Tnot (218) N. •.01 B. the plaoe o'f beginning. oonta1n1nB 1ea.oo aer••• '\ ·'· A 'B.llsis._of T~tl.e Tract No • 253 l., T:raot No. 253 is owned at present by M. VI. nanna-. It lies wholly within State G:rant No, 252 issued to John Gray Blount. As the mesne oo n"teyances from the issuanoEJ of the said grant. down theoue;h the titne the holdings the reundel~ passed by the will. or J as. R. Love to his :t~xeeutors, have been analyzed thoroughly in th~st itle ot the Sidney Nelson traot, beginning at page one or the .Abstraot, the srun.e wil l not be re peated he;rein, but 1nay be seen by r~terenoe to the analysis of title ·to the Sidney 1\ielson 2. '1'he lands making up tre.ot 253, came to the present owner in four different parcels, which we will treat separately. Par~el la) A fifty acre t ;'act from John JI. Hannah;- ·rhe history ot the title to t hiS ~.1. rc el is identical Wi .h t hat or '.I.'raot 251, dovm to 'the time its title vested i n J. J. Hannah, and will ndt be repeated herein, but may be seen by reference to the analysis ot t1 tles to that tract. See page 5{r'J- to £.i.4_ of this Abstract. · On Maroh 18, 1885 , John Haner and his WI. fa; Martha Hanner by deed in regular fozm, 9roperly executed and recorded, conveyed fifty acres more or less to Mao.k Hanner. It 1s known that this deed was intended to oonvey about one-halt' t he northern portion of the original John J. Hannah tract. Attention is direoted t .o the spelling of the name 11Hannahn in this deed. 'I'he variations noted is due to the limited educa ti on of the 'J• :P.", who drew the instrument. There is no question as to the identity of the parties. "Mack Hanner" is one ani tha same JJerson as M. VI. Hannah, tha present owner of Traot 253. See :page 1=1'2.t. . ot this Abstract. Parcel.. ( bl .A :t'irty acre tract from t he Executors or Jus. n. Love. By a deed i n regular tor.:n, properly executed, except as noted below, proven by the subsorib1ng witne..,s and, recorded, the Executors of Ja s, B. Love conveyed on April Q, 1884 to M. 1'1. Hannah, fifty a cres; :r~serving one•half m.inel:al interest with mi ning privi­leges. The desorip~on in this. deed is incol;[l:plete, erroAeous and inadequate to enclose the boundary purported to be · e m:veyed.. How­ever t he 11ne s ani o Ol,"tlers are known and visible on the ground. AP..d it 1s on this tract that the residnece ot M. w. Hannah bas stood fo:r :rrJ8llSf :rea.J<s, and most of t he land is cleared -ani unde;r re.noe. Furthermore, t he deed from R. D. Gilmer, Trustee, to t he North Car­olina Land &. Ll.llllhet' Company recognizes ·the M. W. narllla.h poss.ess1on on t his particular tre.ot, designating it as :Exceptiqn 314~ nnd gives suitable desQrip-tion by metes and bounds. We tare, t;heretore, o't the -J,.- opinion that any def'eot in title a:r:l.sing from inadequate description would 'be cured by long and adverse po!nession. Only two of tl1e .four executors mentioned iu the preamble, siBfl.ed ·this deed. This defect, however, is cured by a subsequent agreement and consent judgment in the case of rrenry et al, V"s. Htlliard o.m.'l. others. see ,pages 41 to 45 ot this Abstract. JJ*. 7 Copy of the a bove deed may be seen at page 'kt ;> ot this .P .. bstract. Parcel. (cl seven ani orte-half acres fraa the Love Execut ors. Under date E;epte:mber 10, 1890, the E:x:ecu·tors ot J as. R. Love by deed in regular form, properly executed, except as noted below, proven by subscribing wit ness and. ra.eorded, c cnveyed to !v' ·w. Hannah a traot c onta.ini:ng seven and ... half acres. Only one ot the four Executors nenti oned in the preamble signed, Thiadeed. We C.l'e or the opinion that this def$ot in execution was cured by the agr eement and oonsant judgr!l.ent ment 1oned in connection with po.~r:-cel (b) above. Copy of this deed r:ny be seen at :paee 1:: /"f ot this Abstract • Parcel, (pJ A traot of sixty-eight and tlll'ee-fourths ucrea fran w ~ J. Uann.nh, 1'he f irst instrument to be c onsidered in the title of t his :;arcol is a deed bearing Ciate September ~~ • 1886, by which the executors o f Jns. R. love c onveyed to W J. Hannah fifty a cres.. The deed is i H regular f ore, properly executed, excep·t a s noted below, proven by the sttbsori bing witnesses and recorded. Only two ot' the Executors named in the preamble signed, but this defect in execution wascured as noted in conn<:}otion with parcels (b) and (c) hel•ein. see page . ?-lJ- of this Abstract. The next transfer affecting parcel td) is a deed from w. J. Hannah and v:ife, Josephine Hannah. This deed is i n regu-lar forra, properly executed and recorded; ani 1urports to convey ~> ixty .. eight am. three fourths acres ~ iving suitable description by ... Jm.e-1i.e.s }lnd bounds. This deserip~ ion embraces the fitty acres mentioned 1n the preceding aragraph and in a ddition thereto a t)aroel . ot eighteen and three-fourths acres oi tuate and lying 1;-media.tely n orth of it. No re­ference is n1~~ de to this extra parcel and no source or title is in­dicated, nor clo the recorda discloseany instru.1nent tending to vest title thereto in W. J. Hannah or auy other person. However, the lines and corners to this parcel are known E,md visible on tb.e ground. a dwelling house, long occupied by t enants of 1!'! . J. Hannah and M. W. Hannah is located on it a.rn a considerable portion is cleared and under cultivation. 'l'h i~;~ entire parcel, as in the case of lJarcel {d) above, is recognized c,s u.nder pos session of W • . T. Hannah by · the Gilmer deed to North Varolina Land &. L~b e:r Compa.ey. It is desksnated a s Exception 33 and gives de :Jcription by metes and bounds w1t11 the desc r ipt 1on of :pa re.el (d) under disotJss1o.n. We are ot the opinion that !'i1. Vi . Hannah has rr.!£1 ture t1 tle under color, a nd under long and adverse possession. In order to establish the facts herein s tated we have secured affidavits ot possession fro:r~ M. w. Hannah alll t wo other free holders i n the vicinity 01' Traot 2_53, These aff idavits :;Jay be seen at pages :l:::..fX_ to · ?~f ot thi$ Abstract. copy of deed to parcel (d) may be s :;en at page ~I C. ot t his abstract. ~. The :mineral naen-atioU. no1ed 1n oonnect1on with • ... .. · parQels (a) lililA lbl her~in. ~ve a 17&a4y 'been aoqu.i~d ll1··.· ru1·1·.· wa:rr.e· ·.n.'·'·· aaedt· ··r·.·oi'ii· ·st. ;~· rt ?t al pr._ ( !)perly exa.out&d an« re• c~l~ de4. See pase . le.J~ . ot 11his 4 bstl"aat. 4. The dee4. to the ~tate ot No~rth (Ja:ralina S~l1Gul4 'be signed 1>7 M. W. Haruw.~r: am his wtt·e • l!an.Jlah., s.. fe call attention to one deed of trust that bas been properly oanoellecl of eeoot;"4. See page ,;tzo:t this abstract·. . . 6. Enaineers' a:tfi4tYit m&J t.e seen at page ~f this 11batract. • ~ · NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ZOBN HANER MAR'l.'HA HANNER ;;omi MABTRA liANNER 1. Kind of Conveyance ........... UeG-<1---····---·····-·······-··-···-···· 2. Date of Conveyance .... ~~8Mlae5 ............................ . 4. Date of Entry and No ......... ............ ---- ·-·····--·--·-·················· G. Acknowledgements, regular ....... YeS---------······--·-····-·-··· 3. Is it properly executed ..... 'ffiltJ., ... ...... ------ ------------ -------· 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ..... .T..-1>,•-------------- --- 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ...............y .................._. .. 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .. T-88·-·········-···· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ..... ............ : ................ . 9. Date of acknowledgement.. .. .3tiii~l.S.l8S5- -------------·· 11. Did officer affix SeaLI'lO---------- ------------ ------------ -----------------· 12. Was order of probate correct.. ... Ye-IIJ ............................ . 14. Date of filing for record ....... U11113011'tl8e5-........... . 15. Book ···-------~S-~---···················· Page ......... 579 ............... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin .Y~UL _________________________________________ __ _____ _________ __ (b) power to convey ........ YS.$. ......................................... . for .......... lloy:wQ.OO. ................................. County. (c) against encumbrances ...... YeS ............................... .. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ....... Yee ...................... . or restrictions .. ...... .l;J'Cc ..................................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully).'.f'O -- -It\VE - -.A~lD --T-O - :ROtD----t:le-- - a-tore.s&i-d----t-:raQt---ot---l-anA------ ·- -----~d ....a ll, _ ,p:r.1v1.1Qg~a. ...a nd ____e ,ppul1ie_nano_es ___th er.eto_ ...b .e.longing_ __ t ,o. ... the. .. said. ..: . ________ Maclt .. .•.... his ... heir.s ... .ond ... as.s1snst---·-t-o ... .h1.a ... only. .. u.s.~- - -and---beh.oot---1'or.•--- -- --- ---e'll8r•------------ --- ---------------------------------------- --------------- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exact Description of Property BIDINNING at a dogwocxl 1 li ort.heast oorne:r of the 100 acre t:raet and runs south with the old line 8f.!.3/4 poles to a stake t thence N. 63 w. 90 I>t>lee " to the old line; thence North with the same. 89t ­polell to the Northwest corner of _the old traot; thence south 55 • w1 th ~he old line 90 pole a to · tbe beginning. containing 50 acres more orleea, NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF· DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged .l't.Att4H'tll.WT t . Subscr1 bing wi tnes• W- L H!TT'TAfiD . .. ~ . SAti()'Jtt. L. LOVE .. ~ ; M, Wt ~U·f.AH ~ 2. Date of Conveyance ...... .. 4~~9-~as4. ........................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 1. Kind of Conveyance .... .DS.r.l.d ......................................... . 3. Is it properly executed ..... YE!.EL .................................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .... .C..-S-.r.-G..----------- 6. Acknowledgements, regular -Y-GS·-----........................... .. 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ......... No .......................... .. 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ........................... . 12. Was order of probate con-ect..:'r.ea. ..._ .. ......................... . L ' ' • 1-!. Da ce of filmg for r ecoid .....9. ... ....1. ...1....•..~ ,' 0....0...5... ................ .. 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ............. .................... .. 9. Date of acknowledgement..9.~l.l~:l8SlL .... ........... . 11. Did officer affix SeaLY.~JL ............ ....................... .. .... .... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 15. :0:o~· __ ::::::J'!~Y.~:Q4::::::::::::: .. ~~~~::~~~;~~~;: .......... . 16. Does deed contain .fn~ecial limitations, provisions or restrictions .... .. :2 ......... ~B.~~@.1 .... 1.l'J.:\:..Qr_OI.'di... .. .. --~~-h ... ~_I'l_$.pg ___ ~l.~.l.~g~-~-.. J.>.t~~n~d (a) of seizin ................. .NO ................................................ . (b) pm~er to convey ........... Ye-J 0 .................................. .. (c) agamst encumbrances ........... : ........... ....................... .. (d) against claims of all others .... N.O ............................ . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ... ....T .Q.. .fl;A.VE .. .AND.. . .. JJOW ... th.e ... ai'o.t"e·sai.d ... tr.act ... ot. .. land ........ With .. .al~ ... th~ .... pri.Vilege.s ... and ... ap];llrtenano.e.e ... as ... thereunt.o ... bel-ongine; ......... :-· ........ un:to ... the .... ea1.d .... !lt.W...Banneh ... an.d ... h1s ... h.eira . ... to ... hi.s. ... an.d ... :the!r ... .onl.y ... -llae ....... .. ........& nd ....b eho,of_ ___fo lte.ver.-. ............................................................................................................................................................. .. Exact Description -of Property KNOW J.l,L M:E.n BY TH~E PR.F..SlJNTS t That t WHlilRJ!'JI.S, J ames R, Love deo•ased was seized ot large tracts of land ~0Im:i¥)nl.Y called ''Bpeoulat.1on Lands" ly1ng and be·ine: in tho ColU1tien~ ot Yaney, Madison •. Btm.ccm~ 1 Heywood and JaoblonJ ~nd; WHN1EA.S; the said James R. Love :undo and p.Ublid'led a laet will and testament in writing and appointed William lt. T:ttornaeJ1 Robel"t G. A . Lt)Vfilt 'Willimn. t. Hill1.a1"d am s amuel L .. LQve. ~xeoutore,. lho quaJ,.ifiEJd Qlld t ook u:oon thEHn$elws the execution thereotJ and~ WRJJRltiAS 1 the said J R" Love sold many tracts . of s aid land to different pe.rsons end authorized and El!lpowered h1a eaid Ex• e<m1a.)re to oo;ltinue tne sales of said land and to mke titles; NOW Tt·tt~."\t:l EFORE • e. +".."r." t .,.._ Bl!GDlNING at a dogwood in a flat,. the Northee.s't_ of the John Hannah 100 aore tract and runs s ., 54 E., 47 to a stake i then N • 25 pOl<i'S to a stake f then S • 64 polee to a stake in Jonn Hannah t s line; then with same 54 lh 78 poles to the beg inning , Containing 60 acres NORTH CA~ROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ~ wm.lttTBOM.AS tROllm'r G1 ~ AJ LOVEt w.t t!U~ ~ and SAMO'EL Lw LOVE " Executors ;~:.I - &ex wo !WilUB ~-----------------L----------------_j--~-------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ........ :P..~~g. ______________________________________ _ 2. Date of Conveyance ..... ~_..:;+_<?_~~~~-~----------------------------- 3. Is it properly executed .......... NO ...................................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ........ O.l!fl :J.C:J. ______ _ 7. If irreg~lar, copy in full on back ............ ..... ................. . 9. Date of acknowledgement ... Jif.:"'!'.l.O."!"l§~Q ______________ _ 11. Did officer affix SeaL ..... Yes ......................................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- ~~~ ;~,::!z~: ~~-~~~:::::¥~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4. D:::o~ Entry and No ............... Yea··----------------------------- 6. A ledgements, regular ......... ... : ....... ............... .... ...... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ...... L . .. . N.Q. ........................ . 10. Was privy examination of wife ~ken ......... .... .............. . 12. Was order of probate corre~·:··'·'-~~---····:············ 14. Date of fi.~g for record .... ----~~9.~-~~~9 .................. . 15. :ooro~~~~:~:::::::::::::::::::::: .. ~:~~:::::::::~~~~~-;:·---·----- (c) against encumbrances .J~lO ..................................... . (d) against claims of all others_ ~Q ... ...... ..... ................. . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ____ }~9 ....................................................... .. 17. Habendum clause _ (Quot e fully) .T.O ... Rt\VlJ; ___J.$ TP._ ___ 'l;_Q ___i jQU}: ·j)~§::::~9.~--~~~tf.::::~~:9:~::::p~·-::+~~:::::: ._..... .ws .et..tlhd ._. .Mt h.. .e.... ... p:r:irtl.ege.l. .. ~.d. . -~ppq,~-~P~~~-~----~~-r..e.~_o --~*-~~ing unto the . ~ -" H.annah and hi.s heire . to his and tlielr --oru:··----\fse--·ana ____________________ _ ..... bebA'Jot .. :.tare.v.:~;::::::::.:::::::::::: ::::::.:::·:·:::·:::::::::::::_~·-:::·--_-_-·_:----·---·-----------------------------------------------!f.. ____ ________________ ________ __________________ _ tracts in tbe ........ .................... ..... .. ......... :.····· ······ ····· ··::·· ··· ··· -····--······· ····-···-·········· Exact Description of Property Iai0~1 J...LL IJ!EN l3Y THESE PRl!S.Elf.t'S 1 That 1 . WHEREAS * James R. l.A)ve, de¢eased, we.s $Oi zed ot large or ·land com.n.wnly oallet1 "SpeCUla ·tion Lands" lying and ~ing Counties &f Yaney, Madison, BunoanbQ', Haywood and Jackson; end, -· " 1/HEREA.S t the . said James R • .. !.Qve 1Tl1d0 and published a last Will and tEUltwnent in wrl ting and appointed William R, Thomas • Robert G. A, Love, W1U1em L. H:!.lliard and Samuel r... Love. Executors who qual.1:f'1.ed end took upon themaelVEl$ the exeCt~.tion thereof; and, WHEREAS, the said James E, LOve soJ.d many tracts o1' said land to dif:f'e~ent persons and. authQ~1~ed and Etllpowe:red hia eaid Execu• tors to continue the sales of said lands and to make titleSJ NOW t THEREFORE t e to-. BOO:INNlNG on a dogw~tXt and l'Uns St ti4 :m. 47 .. to a staJte; then s. l3i to a chestnut in J •l•!fAJl.Xlflh's line; then Vi • 38 pole~ to a h icltonr1 J ,J .nannah •s eornerl then N • w1 tb Hannah• s line 42 pol& a to the beGinning • Containing ·Vi acrfUt, NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged 1. Kind of Conveyance .... l)eed-········································· 2. Date. of Conveyance ........... Q....S.l886---······················· 3. Is it properly executed ........ Yes································ 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................... ............. . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged . .C...S:~tC ..... , ........ . 6. Acknowledge1nents, regular ........... Ye-s----·--................. . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ............................. .... .. 8. Did all grantors a cknowledge .......... ..... NO·--··-- .............. . 9. Date of acknowledgement.2•3•18B'1···---- .......... .... . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ........................... . 11. Did officer affix Seal... ..... ye-s----············ ......................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ----No--····················· ··· --··-- ··· ....... .................. . 12. Was order .of probate correct ..... y~8 ........................... . 14. Date of filmg for record .... 2-5-la6'1--·· ................ .. 15. Book ....... ~w:~!.......................... Page .. J..eQ ..................... . (b) power to convey ..... ye•·········----·----··--······ ·········--······ (c) against encumbrances .. NQ ...................................... . for ·--···----Hay:wo(J(i ................................. County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others .... NQ ............................ . or restrictions ...... ... ... f.f()······· ···--·········· --···········--··· ····· .. ···· 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) . . TO- HAVE -AND---TO--ROLl)- ·tbe · afor-eaailil ·tra-e-t--·e·f···lend·· 0 -----With---the .. p:r1-v1lege$-- and ... .app'\.Wtetianees- --th-eret~--· ··tmt-o---the····· .. ······ ....... $ai·d··Wm..··· J·····Hannah---end--·1U·s····he1re', ---t-o···h1·-s---and···the1r-· ··only---us:e---and·--be· .. ...... hoot ···fill"'e'Vel."e ............................ ·· ........................................................................................................................................ ~ ........ . Exact Description of Property Kl~O'i"V .ALL MJ!l'T Ir.i THESE PRE$]1-lTS 1 That, wHmEAS1 lames R. Love• deceased, was seized of large t:racts of J.-an4 cOIIlm.Only Qalled Specula tiCJn Lands ly1ng and being 1n the Counties of Yaney 1 Madison. Ilunoombe• Hey'wood an:t Jackson; and• WHER!".AS t the said J'ames :a. teve rlltldfl;l . and published a last will end teptaro.ent in utt1DS_ end appOinted Wil.liam H. Thowu.J, Rob$rt G. A. JAve1 Vlilliam t~, W.lliard and Samuel L• Leve,. Executors, w!J.o qtteJ.if:t.ed and · took upon tb.enu:ielves the execution tbereot; and, WREREAS,. the said J' R. Love sold many tracts or said land to different persons and authOrized and Empowered his said Ex• . eoutors to continue the salee ot said land and to lllflke titles; NOW THER.El?ORE, et o. Bmnmnm- on 5 spaniSh oak$, M.w.&m.nah's Nort:neast co:rne2r • . and ... runs North. '1'1! pOles to a. _lynn on the bank ot Little Catalooehee O:r;ee;kl then North 64 West 125 poles to a sta.keJ then south V?•l/3 poles to MtWaHannah •s eorne:rt then South 54 East 125 poles to the beginning. Containing 50 acres. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged 1. Kind of Conveyance ..... D.$.e4 ......................................... . 3. Is it properly executed ..... .t'eS ..................................... .. 2. Date of Conveyance.~~l3 .. l.9.QE) ........................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ..................... .................................. .. 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ..... C ..... s . .... c .... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .......... ................ ........ . 6. Acknowledgements, regular .:Yea ................................. . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ......... Ye.e ........................ . 9. Date of acknowledgement.~~l.5~l.9.06 ......... ... .. . 11. Did officer affix SeaL .... JIO.. ......................................... .. 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ....... ~l~L ..................................................... .. 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ... Y.e~ ............. .. 12. Was order of probate correct ......... 'te.8 ....................... .. 14. Date of filing for record ........ l~.l.~l.tOO. .......... . 15. Book ....... .2:3 ............................ Page ...... 5.37: ................ .. (b) power to convey ... .. ~IO. ............................................... . f or .............. .H~.«J. ............................. County. (c) against encumbrances Nfl) ........................................ .. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others .... NQ ........................... .. or restrictions ......... No ..................................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ... T.O ... HA.VE ... li.ND ... r.£'.0 .J!OLD .. the. ... af.or.esai.d ... tract ... ~ ................. . ........ parael. ... ol' ... lot ... o.f ... lal1d ... and ... all ... p:r1.11i.leg.e.a ... a.nd ... ap.purtenanoea ... .... . ........ b.el.o~ .. t.o ... the .... sa1d: . .M•··:.w •... Hannah ... and ... his ... heir.$ ... and ... assigns., ... to ........... . ........ the.Lr .... o.nly .. "'e ... and ... b.ehoor. ... ................................................................................................................ . Exact Description of Property on. the waters ot Little Cat~loochee, on the Cre•kt \1el0w what 1e knOwn a1 th.e 'Graes patch' end bounded aa tQJ.l.owts • \ Bl!X)lNNING on thrE)e $pan1sh oak$ M.w.Ranneh.•·s Northeaet oo:rmer and r~ 116 poles, qrossing the Creek to a etala, 1 tb:tno& NQr"'t;h 50 West 125 poles to a chestnut Jt$ar the tcp of the span!eh oak r.iage; then~ south · ll6 poles to a etake • M.w,,Bannall •a corner; thence s. 54 E. 125 :poles to the be.S1nn1ng., Containing 6Si aore a ltlQl:'e or .,_, •• .. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION Abstract of Satisfied Mortgages or Deeds of Trust (NORTH CAROLINA) Below give language of release or cancellation, and if by other than the original payee the authority must be shown by which the cancellation or release is made. 1. Kind of instrument. .....) )eed. -Of'. ..'l !i'\18-t ... .. · · ·· ....... .. 2. Date of instrument.ll..-).&.1896 . ... .. !l. Consideration $ a00,.0.0. ........................... . 4. Maturity date .. U~U~l.89'1 .. 5. Is it properly executed? ... N.O ... to 6. Date acknowledged ... ll.o!!l6<!itl89fL .. ... . . .. 7. Before what officer acknowledged .... J l..tli.C. J. ............. .... .. . 8. Was privy examination of wife held? ... .NO.... . ............... . \J. Date of filing for record .. ll:<Wl7.~94 .. . .............. . . 10. Recorded in Book ... ......... f1.F'' .... ......... Page . ... .. 420 ......... . ....... .. ............ .. flay"WOOO········ ·:······----··---··--·-County. 1 L Does this instrument form a link in the chain of title? . NO .. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Fust l*raetJ• BliGINNlNG on three span1e~h oaks M.w.Hannah's North• (l)a~t cornet- and I"Uns N• ?7•1/5 P• to a lynn on the bank · ot 11 ttle Oatalooe~& Grt!--J the11ce N. 54 VII; 125 poles to a st~; thence S.4 ''1+1/5 pc>lee to M.vl.Hannah's (X)rner; thence s., 54 E. 125 poles , tq the b$ginn1ng, Co-ntainl~' 50 acres. .... z t:n second Tl'a.Ot t• :a~ INNING at a. $pan1sh oak in the East bo'Ulldal'J' line ;d ot John.llall1lah'e 100 acJie tract and run' Eaat 64 poles to a poplar; ~ tb$nce :Nw 3;.0 ~. pa~Uel Wi'\b. the old line l25 poles to a choetnut J ~ thfJD.oe m. 64. to a h14lk017 1n tbe old line; tb.enoe s, with 1-i the old. 11ne to the bee1.naing~ contahung 50 aoree. 8 THE RELEASE OR CANCELLATION OF ABOVE MORTGAGE OR DEED OF TRUST IS AS FOLLOWS: Th1e Deed or Trust tr41n w.J.Hannah to F,E,.P:resneU, Trust,e tor William EVana,. he.s been Jl11d in ~11 1 pr1ne1pal and int~~est and the same 1s hehby• This Decembet 29th., 18971 W1tnes•t• H. B• MOORE• Regl1ter of Dee4e. All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. NORrli CAROLINA HA YWOOO C cm1'.l'!' _c_a_r_l_.'N. .._ o_od__Y ______, be tng dUly swom, deposes and says: Th.•t he is -33 years of age, ani has t:~en a citizen and resident or Haywood County r ·or ~ years; tba t he is well acquainted w1 th the o~mership and p os session or a Qerta;Ln t reot of land now owned by Mack W, Hannah and mo re parti aula rly bounded and desori bed as fo l l ows 1 TRACT NO, .253 BEGI ~illiNG at corne~ 1, thence with the J. B. Hannah Tract (252) south 87-01 E. 8.67 chains, corner 2, a 4'' oh~stnut post thence North 8-14 East 20.33 chains, corner 3, a 15" spanish ca k; thence North 1-39 East 18,0'1 chains, C'..orner 4, a 14" lynn; thence North 2.40 lfaa:t·.:l.O.l9 chains, cormr 5; thence rrorth 52-31 West 29~46 chains, co mer 5, a 42" chestnut; thenoe South 2-29 West E)gtQ4 ehains, OOI"ne? 7; thence South 2 ..,fl4 i~est 9.07 chains, corner 8; thence s outh 29-55 West 7•30 chaino, corner~; thence Scuth l-31 East 16,20 ella ins, ctorner 10, an s~' hie ko:ry; thence s ou1h 15.36 West 5.82 cmins, corner 11; thence s outh 51 ... 02 East 20.74 chains, corner 12, a 24" chestnut; th$UO$ North 4.-01 East 11.84 chains to the place of' BEGINNING, containing 152.0.) acres. \ Ai'fiant f'urtber states ·tha t track W. Ho.nnah am ~ hose under wham he clai ms have been in the open, adverse, no ·to ious ani con­tinuous pO!>Session at said lMd, under known and visible line$ and bounds for a period or thirty :years; but affiant mkes this affidavit With part! oular refere.noe to an e :lghteen and t hree -fourt·hs ao:raa strip included in the above description, lying 1:rorth of Dude Branch and ., c onveyed by w. J". Hannah to Mack W. Hannah by deed da. te4 ·october 131 1906; that a!'fia:n:t knows or h is own la1.awle4ge tmt the aboTe named Mack W. Hannah and t h ose und6l' whom he o.laLI'.S title have 1)een in the open. notor ious. continuous ~ adverse :possose1on ot the said eighteen and three-tott"hs aorttl pe.roel uadar lm01rJ1 ald v1•1l~1• •••• a:td bouads ror mor-e than thi.m ,eats, oult1vat1ns the 'Sb•* taldl:tg timber a.nd firewood theretrom, ~sturing &alll$ a:ad putting the lands to su.clh other uses as the sue are susceptible ot • .Aff1U.t further atates that h$ ba$ never heard ot Ql y . . ·.·~:-· ', .:.~.' ·:·,' . . . . (lispute or cmtroversy involving tb~ title to the abova tract. sworn to nm subseibed bet'ore me This the . 12thcl~y of JUly, 1930, ~~~ My O~isaio~ exp ires: May 27th,l931 ., NORTH C.AROLmA HAYWOOD COUll'!'!' -~~~1-f.i....V:.~~Z!::.~vbeing duly swom, deposes and &ays: That he of age, and has been a citizen and resident o:f >?ft Uayw·:Jod county for i:J_ years; that he is well acquainted with th; ow :nership ani possessi\JO of a certain \i raot or lald now owned by Maok w. Hannah and more rn rtioula.rly bot1nded and desor1b61 as f'ol-lows: TRACT NO ,. .253 BEGINNING at correr 1, t hence with the J. n. Hannah Trao·t (252) South 87-Ql E· 8.57 chains, corner 2, a 4'* chestnut poet t hence North 8-14 East 20.33 chains, corner o, a 15" spanish oak ; thence North 1 .. 39 East 18.07 chains, comer 4, a 14" lynn; thence North 2-40 Eas t 10.19 chains; corner 5; thenct) .North 52-31 west 29.46 aha ins, oorner 6, a 42" chestnut; thence south 2 ... 29 West 69.04 chains, corner 7; thence South 2.24 West 9.07 chains, corner 8; thence .South ~~9-61 West 7.30 chains; corner 9; thence South l-31 East 1 6. 20 chains, corner 10, a.TJ. orr hickory; thence South 15-36 Wes·t 5.82 chainst corner 11; thence South 51-02 East 20.74 chains, corner 12, a 24" chestnut; thence North 4-0l East 11.84 obaioo to the place of BEGI!-l"'NING, e ontaining 152 .06 acres • .Af'fiant further states that ltfa.ok w. Hannah and tho$e under whom he ela ims have been in t he open, adverse, noto}ioua and con-tinuous possession of said land1 under known and visible lines and bounds for a period of thirty years; but a f fiant makes this affidavit with particular tef erence to an eighteen and three -fourths acres strip included in tha above descri ption, lying north or Duda B~:anch and conveyed by W. J. Hannah to Mack W. Hannah by deed dated ··october 15, ' . 1906; that aff' iant known of his CMn knowledge tnat the above named ~Maok w. ·Hannah am thooe under whom he olaims title ha"fe been in the open, no torioust oontinuous and adverse possession of the said eighteen and three •fourths acres parcel unde~ known and visible nJBte• and bounds for more . toon thirty ~ars, cultivating the same, taking timber ::md firewood the;retrom, p!iSturing $ame and puttin the lands to suoh other uses as the same are susceptible or. Affiant further states that h$ has neve:r heard ot any dis­pute or controversy involving the title to the above tract. sworn to alll subscribed before me This the l8thday ot Ju,ly, 1903; &' ~ ·~::Ritifo.q-=-, \ s~:>- - Page ... ~.i~.:. ..... .". .....~ .. ... NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION NORTH CAROLINA, fl:A-y;f O()l)·-----------------COUNTY. SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO ·-·--M. JJI-.----TI:,:.rm;.-I! --e.n-d--w-1'f•---F-ANN-I F---------------­~ 1'AN.N~t.t~-- -lle$ ----· AFFIDAVIT. !'RAQ! .. l:U1!<U3J:-.R .. 253 ............................ : ..................... . ------------------H .. -C-.---.W-il1Hll'n------------------------------------• being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of Register of Deeds of·-- --- ·r~·ywo·oa·--- - - - --------County, in Book. ..... 131 ______________, Page_ _________________________ . That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga-tion, he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of · the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land. L / ~~ ---- --------------/--Y----? -.-----------------·· ··-------·--------··------·------ Swocrtn.. to.· ~.n d subscribed before me, this __ f..=--·da~.oL .. .:~e-Ne-r------· 19.30--· . ( -~ / ~<:'.JL~::.t2;:.:;:~: _ 0d::~---- _.· . .. x_ N~:l~c . . ' . . /~ My 'commission expire __ ·, .. ' -w~ --l. 0-31. \ \ \ NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION TAXES (Fill in all blanks indicating year, and show on lines opposite the year whether or not the taxes have been paid. If paid an affirmative showing must be made l;ly use of the word "Paid." The use of ditto marks is not permissible). The property in question is assessed for taxation for the current year, 19~ . 8> .. , at $.24 .... 15. ............... ,· in the name .... K •. W. ... R.~.~---······················ · ·····and the taxes for the past ten years have been paid or not paid as follows: 19g~---- .............. ?.AlP. ................................................. . 19 .. 2.6.. . ........... PA.ID .............................................................. . 192.~---- .............. RAI:D ............................................... , ............ . 19 .. 2:1:.. . ........... l?A.Ilt. .............................................................. . 19?.~---- .............. "?.~-~---····················································· 19 .. 28.. . ............ PAilL ........................................................... . 19?.4.... ··········----~~:n~----·--·-···················-···························· 19 .. 29... . ........... l?A.I.D ............................................................. . 19~~---- .............. ?~J~ ........................................................... . 19.ZO... . ...........~ A.:tP.. .............................................................. . ASSESSMENTS Mot lllly LES PENDENS Not any MECHANICS LIENS .Not say JUDGMENTS _Bot a117 NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE AND OPINION TRACT No. 253 IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instruments and court proceedings of record affecting the same from and including the beginning entry there of has been carefully examined and noted, and that the following named owner ...... : M. W. HANNAH ----~-~-----.seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to the same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed hereon. ENCUMBRANCES 1. Title to this tract is aubjeot to or1t1c1sm ot many deteota numerated in the analysis. However, attidav 1 ta ot poaaeaaioo have been secured and it is the opinion of the unders1anect that in view of the long and continuous possession ot llark ••· Hannah. the title has been perteote4 to this traot under­Consolidated Statutes o t North Carolina, Seot1ons 428 a.n4 .f.IO. a. ll1nel'e.l iatereat out•tal'l41q in LoYe Hei n. a •. M1ntftl 1nter•!aoU!Ii"nd1 na in IA•SoH•i ra. This ........................ day of ...... .......................... ,., .......................... ..... , 19 ........ . 249 251 252 253 264 ;/ 265 / ( J. ·s. Woody 3 room log houne Gld Mill -a-cultivated land (.~30.00 l49.l9 --- -- 100.00 25.00 100.00 900.00 Old Barn / 30 acres 30 acres 4 acres 11 II lit65.0Q Orchard .. @ 100.00 1950.00 ~ ~u. JJ,-1'~,·- 400.0~0~' --·34~7~5~·~0~0-)7 1 -. ,. Jas. 11. hannuh o..> 32.44 - ~ . <~ -' '.: :1 room ·log house ~~~- 100.00 .,.- · Shed 10.00 21 acreo cultivatt>d fields C60.00 1260.00 12·~ acres wo dland C:10.00 125.00 1495.00 ~ov ·. '),._~· j::~~~ ~- ~/~ ~( ~-~ ~- nd C::GO.O . "-..l320.00 . · --~ !;;lo. o o ~.ocr 1835';oo ,0 l!.nck ,; • Ho.nnah CjJ t/;; ' 152.06 110 aaron cultivated land <'60.00 .. . 42 f)orc:s woodland (ao.oo 5 room :frame house ~stall tam 7150.00 420.00 aoo.oo 500.00 loo·.oo lO'J .OO 100.00 100.00 -==:::.;;)mall 1, . rn utld smoke house 2 BL'lall log houses Small :lllrn ~ room boxed hotU:e Apnlo Jio· se and Smoke House 75.00 9345.00 , .,., ;,:eescr v 5:3.96 ·lo -'~• X ., room l oi; houne 100.00 ; . ' "' ,. ~ · ap!Jle house 100.00 Smoke house am1 spring house 50. ;() 10 !l.O!.'<lB tllearcll land ( ~100.00 1000.00 20 ac~cs II " C40.00 soo.oo 14 aoree woodlann . 12.00' 168.0:) ;s room bo:xcd house 1BO.o ~; 2368.00 L. N. Hall 66.42 IX 2 room ooxud house 100.00 3 room loc house 100.00 Apple hoUBe & apr in,-: house 125,00 4 stall <:am 300.00 7 room f:;.·ar:~ ed holllle 1000.00 65 acr ~ e <:ultivated land ,·65.00 4226.00 5850 • .QQ__ 2~y 257 ' I I. v. Hannah x ;:,; room lJ oxed house .• \ Darn 21 norce cmltlvntocl l Hnd ' W. H. }{annah ""..·- · ~ room_ lug house .. , .:.>;1all Jam 7 acres cultivated land 4 aarus uoodlaml. 10.00 Jethrow ~ ~ annuh 2 room boxed houoe l arn uud apple house 21.27 i 'i·, J . · ;jQ,OO 11.19 / I ; 60.00 /J i I I 12.24 • 12 ncrca cultivated hnd · GO.OO 150.00 50.00 6:30.00 100.00 50.00 420.00 40.00 100.00 &u.OO 720.00 1 : ' 8:.>o.oo 610.00 870.00 I / "'· / I 224 224-a \-~~.00 6.00 / 10. 00 '~;J..I, 15 ;,crcs l.Jotto .. l c.nd :12!:•. 0G 30 •• or e s ::ultivated land 40 . 00 56 ~ic re s v:oodl a nd Dr<ellinr;: house '~urn .Apple house ancl smoke h ouse '3prin8 house and chicken house Stor e house Camp 235 uon~~ be added ) .· o ·:J~Y 1 G<;Ii~ 8 235-a .:J •.l - I ¥- .. > . 236 251 30 ;.eros cleared lund 4•1 J'>.cres \':oodland J:;v;o1ling Ol d barns a nti old house .Apl;le h ouse _,. 30 . 00 l O. JG 15 ~ores clea r eo l and ~ 60 .00 78 .Acres wo ::>dland 10.00 ~At1I, :;uT_ c:~ 6 _.ores cleared l :.mt1 ti0 . 0 '.l :30 ;,c re:J cleared l::.:1d 2':> . 0C1 'J .cores ViOOdl and 15.00 'SHe l l i ng, c:rib a :1u r:teat house .r. ~~ . ..·o(:DY 5 Acres cleared l : nd _ 60.00 5 ~o res cleared 13nd 00.00 lG ~or e s cleared la~d 43 Ac r e s cle a r ed bnd 20. 00 ?9 .\.or es Barn and !JI'Iel l i ne ·.: . J . 1LD7?T.A!I ( James : ~ . ~ ra "ln ~~ h) 20 ,.cres cleared land 12 ~ ,·;.e re::; noocUanu -~ 10 . 00 -ouse a :1d shed .. :.;;..C l~ ·. ~· . : ~;.I ;~ :.A: ~ 110 i1.cres cul tivated l2..!1d "' 112 .i.c res '7to o<ll c:nd ::ouse Barn Bar n and amoke house 2 log houses ~3arn and box house Apple house and smoke hous e 60 . 00 10 . 00 - 2 - 258. 57 ~5000.00 / 1970.00 1830.00 1500.00 1200.00 2500. 00 400. 00 10·:) . 00 1;>0.00 350. 00 .;15 . 000. 00 300 . 36 2700 . 00 5300 . 0:) 8 1000 . 00 ;23 000. 00 101 . 32 )lf375 . 0 . 1200. 00 / ' 840.00 1600. 00 600.00 2!50 .oo 450.00 500. 0 :) 500 . 00 ; 7 ,815. 00 73 , Gl ·~J OC} . ;)0 t/' •140 . oc aoo .oo 20 ;.oo 100.00 93.30 ·,,, "llO 00 ~l O O. OO ·:: •- , ;) = • / ' 700. oc· 1 1580 . 00 ·1 22b . OJ .::;oo . c.;;: UOJ . c.o / ' 12·5 .oo ·~6 !3 . 00 1 ~5 0 ) . 0 () 300 . 00 // 360. o ~; GOO . CO H v . l9 860 . 00 118 5 ,00 715 . 00 )4;000 .00 375.00 125. 00 ~ GO . OO :1 260 . 00 152 . 06 6000. 00 ? 20 .00 1350.00 500.00 10 0, 00 100 . 00 200.00 75.00 )Q , 3·15.00 236 237 238 238a / \ 249 I . { .~,.l./.-1 ~l'~ \- 251 252 $ 100.00 75.00 @ 15.00 675.00 $ 850.00 375.00 0 10.00 4?0.00 815.00 . fJfilt-17 (~~-: ·~(.; tt/-- 1 . ~(:1 0 ('J (.- 700.00 100.00 300.00 @ 70.00 2,100.00 @ 12.00 240.00 3,440.00 375.00 430.00 805.00 J. S. WOODY 3-room &og house Old mill Old barn 149.19 30 acres cultivated 30 acres " 4 acres orchard 85 acres woodland land ~ 30.00 " @ 65.00 @ 100.00 @ 10.00 100.00 25.00 100.00 900.00 1,950.00 400.00 850.00 TAX VALUATION $1,650.00 J.AMES H. HANNAH &t.J'f.r11f';.44 3-room log house ! S~d l / 21 acres cultivcter· f elds 12tacres woodland ,, TAX VALUATION J. B • H.Al\'1\IAH 3-room bo~ed small barn\ 22 acres c 29 acres w ... .·\.. 5L.54 lOUS~ ,/ smo~ bbuse ated 1~d and , "'-·, $880.00' 100.00 10.00 @ 60.00 1,260.00 @ 10.00 125.00 '\ / r 150.00 / ?5.00 @ ~~00 1,320.00 @ 7:00 290.00 _.,.· . ./ 4,325.00 1,495.00 1,835.00 253 MACK W. HA.t'm.AH 152.06 110 acres cultivu ted la1m @ 65.00 7,150.00 42 acres v:oodland @ 10.00 420.00 260 261 MACK W. HANNAH ( oon tinued) 5-room frame house a-stall barn Small barn and smolce house 2 small log houses Small barn 2-room boxed house Apple house and smoke house TAX VLLUATION $1,602.00 A. R. HANNAH 133. 92 8-roo house,. ·rramed. "-'- 4-stal barn/ '... Apple ho e· ''/ 60 acres q tivated land c .. -:s·o.~oo 74 acres _,-'l':oo and @ 10 :·Q9 TAX VALtiATION \ I " $2,200.00 A. C. BEI-.T. }..TE'!'T ""-· 141.81 2-room boxed house~ 4 small log houses ·~ Smoke house and apple ~use a-stall barn ·, 75 acres cultivated land @ 67 acres woodland TAX V;iLUATION 291 lffiS. MAGGIE VIS 93 acres wo dland 01 d log hous~-.. .. ./ ,•" 29la MRS. I:L\.GGIE JERV~ . .4S.l0 5 acres c1eared '~an~' © 40.00 Log barn \ 43 acres woodlan ·\ © 10.00 Old boxed house ; · · ll ,-,..// \ T~, VALUATION / $9~.00 .... ,;:, 1/ . 't .. _, ..&..._ Ct; ~. ~, ., ./ ./,4--"cll( .~ _,.;· U"J' /1"'. '- . . . , . - .,,, 298 R. L. JENKINS .All WOO\Uand TAX VALUATION 800.00 500.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 75.00 $9,34!;;.00 600.00 150.00 100.00 1,800.00 740.00 $3,390.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 300.00 2,625.00 670.00 $3,995.00 930.00 50.00 980.00 200.00 25.00 100.00 430.00 755.00 \ / ~-.. / .~ ... · · .. / 403.30 ,~ . ~ (.· ,) ·· "True Value itz Motte~Low Tax Rates" ' /, ti!. .l tA' // f"d~ ;z­/ J ...... BLANK FOR LISTING LAND ACREAGE Tlte JHU'}Jose o.f tltls blani;: is to disclose the iltir, actnnl cash ''altte of the tract of ln1Hl listed. It cflrl'ies the gnamnte< of tlte St:ntc that tile }llll'!H>sc is uot to iltct·ease the total amount of taxes paitl, but to fhul the valne of each separate piece o: Jll'operty Cfitmlly, :uul IJy the snmc standar·d rule, so that equal justice may be done to eacl1 taxpayer. 'l'Jw total increase i1 taxes cnnuot exceed ten JlCl' cent for t he State, for the conn ty, for any S}Jccinl ta.:-,: tlistl"ict. A SCllllratc blaul;: must b1 fillcll out for each SCJ>a.ratc piece of real pro.vcrty. 'l'he Supervisor must rcqt!irc that iull answer be l!Hltlc to every qucs· tion. II' you cannot answer aHy qucsUou witit absnln1c accuracy, ghe the answer thnt reprcscntr; yom: lJC1it .italgment as ar estimate. 'file Board or Alllll'ltiscrs will 1wt be bound by your answer ar, to the achml Ylllue of tile lll'OJierty. Yom· answm should represent your best .indg·nwnt of the Yalne. 'l'llc nsscssmcnt will l'llJ.H't~scnt the best judt5l:wnt. of t.lJC County Boar{ of AI>llmisers, which may be ltigher or lower tlmn yours. You will in any case be notified in Wl'itillf~ by nmil of nssessmelti m:l<lc, :nul wiJl be given OJlliOrtun.if.y t,o l1c lteartl if in your judgment it is assessed for more tlHm H~ actwll cash ynluc. ~- -;,u~,;-o·; .· :;((?0;/:;;;;;;:;...:...;...:. ;2:. ;T;o~wn. .>ip. ....C <'7~Q~!. .... 3. Name of owner ....... ~:#.2Z':.: ...... ~·---·---······-.. ·-··· . ........................ -'1:.' li.ace .... /"'/.: .................. ~ . ..... . c1. I. . 3¥2. Postofll.ce aLldress ........... ........................... ..... ............ ~ ................................ .............................................. . 5. N mne or description of tract. ................................................................................................................ ............ . ............ :··:·-~······------------······-----3·······:····· .. ··-··;;_;e;···--;[··--------···:· .. --~~ 6. Co21inin?·-----~a ......... aereE 7. AdJouung lands of.£~ ..... 2!.. ............. /.: .... ~ ... f.Lf: .. !~/,.. ..... ~~·::2/~.J?.: .. ,./!:./-... 8. Distance from nearest city or town, ... .c2 .. f. .... miles. 9. Name of city or town.:.zr_~~ 10. Does it adjoin improved graded road? A ...... LY... 11. If not, give distance from such :6'6ad. A ...... /. .. 7--- 12. Number of acres in cultivation ......... ·-}··· 13. Value, ~ ......... /./-~ ... . 14. Number of acres in grass or pasture .................... 15. Value, $ ........... ~ ........... . 16. Number of acres in waste la11d - .................... 17. Value, $ ........................... . 18. Number of acres in timber ........ .:2.1.... 19. Value, $ ....... .3..~ ... ~ ...... . 20. Number dwelling-houses .......... ./....... 21. Value, $ .............. £4. ..... . 22. Number storehuuses - .................... 23. Value, $ ........................... . 24. Number barns .................... 25. Value, $ ........................... . 26. Number other buildings ................ .. .. 27. Value, $ .......................... .. 28. Total value of land and all improvements - - - - - - - $ ....... /Q .. o. .. o ........... . 29. In your best judgment, does the answer given to Question 28 represent the actual cnsh value of this t ract of land and all improvements on }.fay 1, 1919 ? A................. 30. If not, what was the actual value of the property as a whole? A. $ .. ... ......... ............. . 31. Does this tntet. <:')ntaiu merchantable timber in excess of that necessary for general farm use on this tract? A ................... . 32. If yes, give best estimate of timber in thousand feet.................................. 33. Has timber right been sold and .................. .......................................................... conveyed~ A......................... 34. If yes, to whom? 35. What was the consideration of sale? A. $........................ 36. Give amount of insurance on buildings, $ ....................... . 37. If whole property was r~nted in l!hS, what was the value in money of rent received? A. $ .................. .. 38. If cultivated by owner, or partly cultivated and partly rented, what was the fair rental value of the whole? A. $ ....... /!2 .. ~ ...... 39. 'When did you acquire this tract of land~ A. $ ..... £.e .. e ...... A ..... /.f/..1 ... 40. If by purchase, wLat was consideration? 41- \Vere there any circumstances connected with the sale which caused it to sell for more or less than its value at that time? A ....... ./!:-::!. ................................................................................................................................. . 42. Give cost of imp1·ovements made since purchase, $ .... /.7.~- 43. Have you sold any part of it since purchase~ A .. ~....... 44. If yes, at what pr ice per acre~ A. $................ 45. Was part sold worth more or less per acre than balance of tract~ A..................... 46. Have you had a genuine offer for this tract, or any part of it, in the last two years? A ... ?.J..-.:?!..... 47. If yes, give the highest offer, $ ............... . . . STATE OF NOR!£IJ?OA!f9LINA-Oounty Jf----d.__~-~ I , ..... 1JL .... .?:tL •. ~-------·-·····> 1/ solemnly swear ( O?' afji1·m) that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the fo?·egoing statement [or statements] contains a true, full and correct list of all1·eal p1·operty owned by me on the fi1·st day of l11ay, one thousa1ul nine lmndTed and nineteen, or which I am authorized 01· 1·equi1·ed to list as agent {o1· anothm·,· that such p1·ope1·ty has been fully and fai1·ly desc1'ibed and its t1·ue condition 1·ep?·esented; that I lutve in no case sought to mislead the S-uperviso1· o1· his assistant as to the entire quantity, qwdity or value of the p1·ozJerty; that I have, to the best of my k·nowledge and judgment, val1ted the sa·id p1·opedy at its t?·ue and actual ·value on the first day of May, one thousmul nine hundred and nineteen, by which I mean the p1·ice that could be obtained for said zn·operty at priva·te or ·volunh~1·y sale for cash, and not the z;rice which might be .1·ealizecl at a fo1·ced o1· auction sale; that I have made full and true answer to all questions with 1·espect to the value and condition of such p1·operty that I have been ·required to (~ I answe1·; so help me, God. "7J.J . J!l/. ~~ X ~ ···············································-············-·························---~ Subscribed a:~~~:~~~~-~~~;:~~=ed=-)=· =to=~efo-?·e ~e, thi-:.1 .. .. ... ~a~ of-----~---------------1 19 .. /..f ·-----~--------·- ....... .. d) .. /./.:...1.7! ... ~~ Is this property located in any special tax district or districts?.. ................ .. If so, give name of district. ............................................. ......................................................................................... . Additional facts or comment by Supervisor or assistant, including estimate of value : ........................................... . ................................... ,.................. . ....................................................................................................................... . ~ '-FP . .................. ~ .................................... --·-· ........ .. . _..-:. --... ·-- - ................................. ----............................................................................. ------··· ................................................................................................. .. . ·! . : · -......... -......... -..... --.......... --· ..................... -....... ---.. --............... ---................. ----.. ";"' - ............................. ---.................................. ---... ---.................................................... ---........................ -------.................. ---·· ...• · / ' Val uat1. 0n by Co un.ty B car· do£ Ap pra1· sex·s , ~"=' -~. .~.. ..O...t....Y... Notice of valuation mailed .. ..l:c.f. .. ::-... / !. .. :::: ...... , 1919. Complaint heard ..... L.q _ =---~--7 .. :-= ............... , 1919. IliFORt.', (tt SECURIID BY WOODBURY AND CH .. APM.All ON Sii;PT.!:;}Hi~~R 18 AT vu,v . HJ .. L.i::, 1{. C., },ROM. T1ii: TA..1. I,IST OF' H.ri.Y' OOD · .t;TY l•'OR T~ ..L. ;~A!t 1928 Ol~ 1J.AlW~ ( Il:iT.i!:lUOE :lOLDHiG; } ;; J'l'l LIH T~m l!h HK. ..A.R ;A · oti C ~.'!:~·. LO• , CH ::; r~ c ;u.; r.;K , CA'l' , J,OL)G.ti;. 'fJ~X 'fl;~iJ~Siti P . J j,! v J ~ Ci'~HJ ItiJv' 150 ·,; u 1 u.e ~ §~m.ou 1bf>0 . Ov 743.0V 1813 .00 317~00 231.00 '/02. 00 .-;~~b.OO IO!E: In 1920 Jarvie L. Palmor liatod 250 aoros on tho old homo plaoe at $4,30o.oo, and 1n the same year l1ato4 166 aoree on Little Oe.talooohee knowu as tho z.~t1.n Tr tt.ct a.:t $2.&ou.oo. In ·1920 ·roal property was pr6fHlmed to bo liasto{t at ita c ush value • .:. __ l::..1l:!.~U .. 1..~=--~-~- ~~.-~1. .. - ... Guy P e tH3<i 60 '1 o"£~ .vv - · L. 1,1. Ki ng (Hot lis tod) ,. W. M. Hali 170 " ~, 053 .00 / ~;..,,. L _.. J. G. Stik0l on.t h er (2)994 :r 9,900.00 1 r;::::::; ..). *-) ~ D :i ?- (.,~ ·' (. .. 'I , Hainbow l!'i eh illt~ Clu ~ (l~ §t l ir. tod), .. / z, '1 ~ a cre a 32, 4·~-o .oo i ~2 , 4 4S .O O I HD I AN C i\. ~: : :K Ge o. N. Pu.l mcr 200 acres 2,186. 00 T •.i: i. • Bur r is 8~-f 11 1,036.00 J. R.. Hall 135 11 1, 600.00 ~ ~. . C. Ca l (tw,Jll 54 11 38 f> . 00 .. Carl Sutton uO " 500.0v "' J .•. v. Woou.J; He i r ~:> 150 n l,luo.oo v V • .A . Campbell · 38 " 500 .00 / C . ..T . Palmor.;· ( 2'}- · • (1~ot l i o ted )£SA 7,f!J,lrf> - J. B. Lockman 50 acres ~3 7. ou . I. B. 1~cGaha 10 " 7'7. 00 · Jno. H. Pe.lm(}r 108 11 935.ov ~ 878~ " 8,656.00 LIT ~rL.;~: CATAT~OOCi~. E1~ . J • .M .• Conrcl.d ,. . • 116 &.eros 99o.oo- Blaiue Com• ad v / i::!5 " 242 .00 Dave B. Nel a on, (2) 70 11 5 57.00 J. A. Conrad v 30 " 330.00 W.G.B. :Mes s er / (~) 334 " .~ ,60 0 .0\) J . W. Bu1·gel10 >~ < 44 11 '722 . 00 w. B. BenrJ.ett / 44. 11 788.00 Goo . Bonnet t "'/ 46 " 743.00 M. H • Hall /. / :?0 n 4 9 5. 00 w. c. Woody .--/ , 6D Biinot l i ot ed) Jf:ilf· o 0 J. s. Woody ..,r~"' 156 acreo 1 ,650.0J J, • R. .Hatmah:. 150 11 2 , 200. 00 A. c. Ben.l;ett ,, 156 " 1,320.00 Jarvis L. Pt:lmor / (Al1 listed on Bi g Ca.taloochce ) :t ark w. Ht,.nrulh 182 acres 1,602 . 00 Vi . J. Hannah · -· 45 11 540 . 00 J . Bla ix1o Haruum 55 11 880.00 J e~~ sv Smith ...... ·z,a " 2'75 .0v \';'. D. .Me e s e~.. <.35 11 721.00 L . l~ . Hall. 1.-;,' ) G<J u l 298.00 J. Hannah -·-···' l Z " 'llB. 00 •:, . H. Hannah . ..r 12 " 110.00 I . V. Halmah /.. 26 " 2 75 .00 .. l,7Db 11 ;;;2 , 456.00 ·-.. -··----- -· ... -·--~ J:J I~ \:._ t i £:\ 0 6,656.00 .... 15~ 00 Gf>J t • \:) • \ CO:MPARISON OF APPRAISALS - HAYWOOD COUNTY PROPERTIES Tract No. Owner Acreage 2nd Haywood 1st Haywood Buncombe P-ark Tax Award 235-a .T.H.Woody Heirs 183.00 $3, 500.00 $3,200.00 $2,080.00 $2,230.00 $1,104.00 $3,708.50 249 J .s .Woody 149.19 2,635.55 4,000.00 2,968.00 3,475.00 1,650.00 4,500.00 253 Mack W .Hannah 152.06 5,?57.10 9,345.00 7,623.00 9,170.00 1,602.00 11,023.80 264-b L. A. Hopkins 51.36 632.10 638.60 650.00 () 2, 02 7. 20 277 J. c. Hopkins 61.41 3,782.90 3,036.38 2,285.00 550.00 5,235.95 279 R. Price 85.50 1,430.50 1,079.00 1,285.00 638.00 2,000.00 281 Geo.Phi11ips 45.2'7 1,039.25 928.76 960.00 203.00 1,500.00 2~ J.B.Phillips 64.35 1,408.40 1,018.50 1,665.00 37 5. 00 2,518.45 28? Jas.Jenkins 28.19 1,899.80 1,909.75 1,750.00 259.00 3,051...45 288 Garfield Jenkins93.99 3,405.40 2,714.90 2,495.00 880.00 4,487.67 289 Spence Phillips 43.37 1,363.40 1,268.70 945.00 381.00 2,016.44 ~ 290 John Heilman 1322.35 5,289.40 6,611.?5 6,600.00 7,2'12.92 - - ------ --· --·· )--;--·---~- . " ' l> vi ~/0 1(.)•::1. I. - ., C) ··i ~ v,L?I' i \ 0 (NOTE: Tax valuation f'or 130 acres, $1,120.00).

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).