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Cataloochee tract 230: Ola Baptist Church Lot

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  • ~== OL.A C#t/RCHLOT ~ E ~ce_pf/on /Vo. I Cour.s~..s 1-2 .5/.fJ"'22'W-/..96 2- ..3 !V62f.5'7'f/Y- /. 6 () 3-4 II/2.3"5.9E -/..!12 4- I ..56.3(J27'E-I43 ./1 re a~a 29 /lc res SMOK·YMTN.PARI< MN.f/AL.L TR,4CT ;J.9.47 ,4/CRES-Ner .SC'A~£ /h•20CHAINS @ SURV£Y OF /.928 BYW.N. .SLOAN -···. ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Lands of .......... . ................. :·JI-.'--·N·· ·--·Hall------·-----,-------·----·------·--· .. ········· .. ··------.............................................................................. .' ... . . ...... , .. , ........................... :..................................................... Township .................. H&·1'3G$cl-·--···----··............................... County. Lto STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION Tract ( $29) ~:!',..!1t.!:&i:Ut;: !~8etf*:~~l:!i:a":: :Xu;:. ~e4 l n C~lnB r,f GG t~4tt :fiJGimt ma nt e~mef' 1 . a ~tbit est tnt l'iRt le of filnM 11Jl•i$., & oQmt'l of tht \f• a. a. ••e~ traot (Ulh. tJc\ • •"' t-llo»tNat »•tt .bi a -~ f'l1 a\ z .. , eorltttl x.:s .. oo.r. l* A ,._ 11b.J.~o o~ bl•=•~ fii ;~ t.J4r!b.t B. ~.u.a. Otr. 1. u~ttn 1-. ~'JO w .~a r:>bfdtt «11~. , .... Yi1lh 'he •• , ...... .. '11:1 ~A .• 4f'\:.ll m ... ·• t;;; w......, i9. lv ~~~~ll ~-~- RtJtJ fl~ north•ut~ o~a.t~ e. • 1$lnl •t lJ.tttMtfti~n tf ftnM· ltau. • ® rnw t~·t tbt· w ,o.~. lktiJHr tftlOt 1111) • ~ .• ""' " v.,. . l*> # .-¥. .~.... I""P'''~Y~~, :',;;1"1a1. ....~. A ~J:t -.,"t''<!~! .• . ~4 -.'!';) v"' ·.- .... .A, ·. ,,,. u ••u "•'-- - •M-•••-------~--~~ •-·••• • •--t~'e~t~,!oo~ 1.:·.~b:.~t!.L-t.a ... ~--~--··-- Th.-t N • 11..01 :a. ll•Gt comOl' I, a ,omt • • ~lil'l . ol'A ~~ . a •tl• .,.., 1,5,-o.. le , e-. u t:>:m..' bJ Q, ~l • . •••••~, • oo,_r of ~ .~ . .~. -~·.w t ·I'Mt { ) .. , . ~ •. o..J ...... trqt fiiW) aot • pan, in ao , •1 •toat:a aor:lW w.a. T....ta co~••• _ A ttt ~-- lJ.l IN . ant aort bd .a.t.w.l. !f.& oor. I • .,... th • • •• oJlab 41·1\.u,. . ... . tur~(t . J.••l.lll tat , ,.; a. . . . ••••• t tN\ fllll• " -tb tne '*"••• fMatt:t 1hot CIIW) Sheet A ~·· ..... ••• ••.a• ......... ,,.., -··-...... . 0* •• ., ...... ..... ._ . .,. ._ '-- .,. _•.- ti_;_J•: •__ ._ ... ..... tt'ftltf Of ......... .. fl;. ,,..., ., ..... ,. ' let o, t• pf'Ot ln l'l'l"tt lltC~le •t·tll)el •••• t..4 Co•• 6 • • , .. M•• .-.. -1••• ®t otUJ•t '·'•'••• r.e Oftt t. b•ut I• -~0.00 1t• .:eo ~1U 4i.tMtt '"~"· ....... . .', "~ 1, e _I~ .- -u- et~llble ollntao.• tm • ~-,. irl'l·~--'-""· tlf lJ.I.ld·.· G CO~ U tM W.O.B • • ., ... tnt\ (~J. tt=.e 11• ••'taUt -,laid d Mrl.bel a.a. OOJl• t. Ja UJ• ·~• o'* - lllMN ant eo1'"t.:b.t a.t.LI. u., •• 4, ~ a. if.oo '~• .u obl\l.ll llttt-~. - • .,..,.:t me' frh-onO£: • le~wi,~ti t b6 t1 •t 2 • t%1t.el.,• 1,tia . t•-bo.. ,.. , ._... • co._ •• • M-' ~tut 1'?itb ooru• •m on ,., e o.ll ~tit-.- bl.Ud t:r.4 84~lbo4 .,..s. Oet:tt J, • "• •t41e 0\» ltl..-1 ~- ••~l"'d ·!•t•••· cu. 11 ,_. a, ''.00 w. .to ta~.1n IS. fltam, tfJOr,,., 14M<thl8 , .. J~'l4<Ph s. ll~ll L --c-;, .f,;; ~.·-; ------~-----·-----~-'-,~--. -=. 'Liet;J:1~tli-~~-;;;;;--.. ---;.-~----~---- ~~··· '• - .•.•.•. . a.n ttn• fltw-la; ...t • 'fte· plsoo of lil!.ll~U\l, containing exclusive of .. Exception No. 1, 39.4~ Acres. DJSCRlltiCIJ Of THi OOOIDAlfr 01 ~~ (189) BXOIP'l lOI JIO. 1 Be tria tbt ow &n m~ c.HtJROB Im. BStltD.OSQ at oom•r lt a p01Dt 'fMJ.loe. s. 11-ae "' 1. N CoftJer 2 • a po1rlt e.t tbe oorner of a •m feno• !hen•• • N • 61-1'1 W • 1,10 00'~3: I, a point on t.h• &Ga~ mtl1"Bln of pu'blio aoa4. N. C!..-69 I• i .• • Ooftltst 4t, a. potnt .,.. tbo e"'et merSS.n of the roo! , 'l'b.ene• o. 625•2' :a. ANALYSIS OF TITLE TRACT NO. 2iO • . I., Traot No. 23Q is deaignatecl on the plat as ~he Ol,a Chm.-oh 1~1, all4 i .a aet out ~s b:oeptj,cm No. 1 tro.m Traqt No. 2!9. A8 the,a ot ·title to Trae1 No. 230 1e the s~e by meene oon• ~·· veya:noes as a poitUqn ot T;raot No, 229• eame will not be repeated in thts e.naly&1.$, btt't tll$.Y be seen by rtte:renoe to.· the_ ~al:ysia .ot Tl'aot No. 229 • p~agraplt one and two o:t sai4. analysie; page_....._._ o't this abstract. I. ..,... ... Traot No • . 23() to D, 1. Oook and H. T. Hannah, deanons of the Mis­sion~ Bapt~at ohtll'oh• Ce.talooohefi township, and their suooesso:t's in ott1c>~. This deed is dUly recorded in Haywood County. see __ ot this abstract. III, . A$ Tract No" 200 has been u1:1ed to:r;- church purposes since the ye~ 18931 we do not deQm it neoesEJal"y to ob'tiain at:ti~ davtts of pQ:IlJIGssion. For a plat ot Trao.t No:. 230, see th.e plat o-r 'l'l'aot No, 229. ANALYSIS OF TI'I'LE · · TRACT NO, 230• I. ~crt: Ne. 230 ie d$818nate4 on the plat a$ ~he OJra Chureb lot, a:n4 i .a set out as ~oept~on No. 1 trom TraQt No. aag. As tht .elu;lb,t; •~ title t~ Trac'fi No. 230 te the eame by :meane con .. veyaruuuJ as a pottlon ot ~act No. 229• same will not be repeated in this analyst•, bUt may be •een by :r.terenoe tQ the . @alysia ot Trao._ No. 1l139 1 p~agraph one and two of satc!J. analysis; pege_..__ of this abartraot. IX• On Septembtlt 29 1 l.893• J:t v, wooar and w~te I)Qn'leyed '!Tact No • . 230 to D, 1 * Oook and n. T, Hannah, deacons of the Mls­aio ».ary Elaptiat ohu:rch• Oatalo()ohee township, and thei:r suocesao:rs in of't!oe• This deed is dttly recor(led in Haywood county. see page.._ _ o:t this abstract. III. As Traot No., 230 has been u.aed tO'J:' ohlU'ch purposes sino• the ye~ 18931 we do not deem it neoe.saal"y to obtain at:t1-. davits ot PQI!JOGssion. For a plat or rrtao.t No. 2301 1$0 the plat of Tract No. 229 .. . -.' ·-; . ABSTRACT OF DEED -OR G~ANT ;fr~· . In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ~-.. 1. Kind of Conveyance------DEED-·········-···-······ ·············· ······ 2. Date of Conveyance ..... , ...... Q.•J.i~-93- ·· ···· ············ ········· 3. Is it properly executed ................................... .................. . 4. Date of Entry and No •............... : ....... .. ............ .................. . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ...... J ..-···P .• ············· 6. Acknowledgements, regular .................. y ••.................. 7. If irregular, copy in full on back .................... : ............. . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .......... ............. y ••........... 9. Date of acknowledgelUent ...... g-ag...l-893··············· 11. Did officer affix Seal..~·-···-·············-··· ·-·····-··-·-···-················· 10. Was privy examination of wife t aken ............. y ...... . 12. Was order of probate eorrect ....................... y ••........... · 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ........ l..l-•28-•9-6-··············· (a) of seizin ··················-········Y88-·································· 15. Book .............. 8........................ Page ......... -82$. ............. . (b) power to convey ......................... y ••......................... for ...................... Haywo.Q4 ...................... County. (c) against encumbrances ·········-·············YH··············· 16. Does deed contain any special li111itations, provisions (d) ag~inst claims of all others ... ..................... y$8······ or restrictions ..................................................................... . 17. Habendu'~ clause (Quote fully) ., .. ---·-- 'l'O --RAVE---AND·-'·'l'O···MO-LD···the-·-&i"oresa-1-d···tr&ot···OJI··········· ............ paro:el ... ot ... J.e.nd ... ana .. ell. .. :pr1.v1leg.ea ... ~.Ji4 ... app\U!-knan~s-···th~-to---~-'········· ............ 1.oqing ... lo ... :the ... aa1d..-.n •.. ~- ;r ...... coak ... and ... ;t•-···T-~---·He.nnah---and-···the1:v-·:·auo•·············:· ............ ce.asor • ... in. .. ottioe ... the.U" ... onl.y ... use ... and ... l;leb.Qot"---·fo:r• . ., .......................................... , ...... . • < • • ~. ..-. • 0 • .. Exact Description of Property ,. l3EGIHNING on a epan.ish oak bueh at the road n.ear the gap ot the l"i dge • l'UtUling Eeu~twardl;y 7 rods tQ a a take· 1 thenoe Northwardly 10 rods t o a stake on top ot the ridge; thenotJ westward• 11 6 rods to a stflk& at the road: thence SO\lth• wardly with the road to the beginning. Sllul B oo' As Acknowledged 1. Kind of Conveyance ...... DEED-········································ 3. Is it properly executed ..................................................... . 2. Date of Conveyance ..... c •••••. f*"l-$,.,..9$---························ 4. Date of Entry and No •............... : ....................................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ...... J,..-- p •............. 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ........... ~ ........ : ............. . 6. Acknowledgements, regular .................. y ••.................. 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ....................... y ••........... 9. Date of acknowledgement ..... 9-l~l-89J············ ··· 11. Did officer affix Seal . .\. ....................................................... . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .......... ... yq .... . 12. Was order of probate correcL .................... y ••........... 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ........ l.-1•28•9-6---··············· (a) of seizin ·························--Yctll-·································· 15. Book .............. $ ........................ Page ......... .J23----··········· (b) power to convey, ........................ ,.• •......................... for ..................... Rayw.o04----·················-County. (c) against encumbrances ··················'·---'YH··············· (d) ag~inst claims of all others ........................ Y.&S······ 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ..................................................................... . 17. Habeudt{in clause _(Quote_ fully)., ....• -- ~0 )-lAVE- -ANl). ·--TO---HO.LD---the---ai'ore.sald---:tru\···01'··········· ----------PS,:-<lt!l.---4t---l~4---aad---&.1J. ... pr1.v1leges---~-JJ.t---et.PP\U.!-knan~e----th~-to---~-'·-········ ------------1Qngin&---l0----~&---sa1d---D•----J-. ... Co0k ... and---R•----fl!~--·-Hannah---and-.--the1;f·---s-uo•··············: ............ CO.S~lrJI---1l1 .. o£t1~U!l ... the1r---Onl1---U8$---Gd---bthQOt----:f'Qa,t.Vc&l'-•················ -································· < '- · . ,, . " Exact Description of Property ,. BEGIWINg on a spanish. oak bush at the tQa4 near th$ e;a.p 01 the ndge• :rut'Ul~ng Etu~twardl.J 7 :rods to a ai;akf;tJ theuo• Northwardl.f 10 rods to f1 stake on top ot the r14sea tb.ene• Westwal"d• lr 6 x-ods to a atakt at the roe.«; thence south• WEU:"dly with the roe.d to the beginning. S!Jut B NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA, ..... J¥~X!!.9:QlL ........ COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO _!~-~-~-~p:~-~~~-~---~~--~~-~-~fW~~~~~·§ ___ Q~~---····-······· ··------------Q~-----lMi..l?~I_S~ __ Q_JfJ.l\CK ........... _. ______________ _ ......... l?~J~Hf.MUillt .. I li ... SJ!RYEY .. AS ______________________ _ -------------~~~-~---~~-~R _____ ~_~Q _________________________________ _ AFFIDAVIT. ···--······--···.1!!.9...~-~U,).J?~rn _____________ ........................... , being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of Register of Deeds of ........... ~!~Q~~L ........ County, in Book. _____ e.;L. __________ • ____ , Page ...... ao.: ............. . That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga-tion, he knows t} the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land. ---·----------~--;-e~--w~ Sworn to and subscribed before me, this --~~-~---dayu of . .. J~~~~~---'--/---- ----·-• 19.~(L . --=t:-~~;: .. r.:::?t~,.(~2_(~ . ... lN otary Public. My commission expire'[;{J~J:?c.f 13 I . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA, ···---~~Xt!.Q:QlL ......... COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO .!~-~-~-~P:~-~!~-~---~~--~~-~-~w~~~~~§ ____ QJL ____________ _ ______________ QM _____ ~_r.TI.6~ __ QHU1\CK ........................... . ......... P~J~l!4~Ji:.D. ... I.i ... ~J.ZRYEY .. A5 ______________________ _ ···-·---·----~~~-~---~~-~11 ..... ~-~Q ................................. . AFFIDAVIT. ................ J!!..Y..~-~{J!1?~rn ........................................ , being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of Register of Deeds of ........... ~!~Q~~---·······-County, in Book. ..... e.~---·-·-··-·····• Page ...... eo.: ............. . That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga- I tion, he knows t} the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this __ ;~-~---day of ..... ~~~~---·-'"······• 19.~~L. --=t:-~;.)6~?).~~,.~:~:2(~ . ... lN otary Public. M . . . .Oa.-w. /.L 1131 y commissiOn expire[/ ··--··-·······--···1····· . ·-·-··-·------~·-;·{l~ __ u)~ IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the· title to the within described 1?,-nd as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instruments and court proceedings of record affecting the same from and including the beginning entry there of has been carefully examined and noted, . and .. that the following named owner ...... : OlA Jd%SB%GBAllY BAPTIST .ommctf !ltle htll .,. ; ................ seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to the same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed hereon. JlP 1 .1 ENCUMBRANCES .-...,._.-V,,i.V,. • ''nllfOj . •. .-.u"v• Thi·s .........I· . ..............d ay of ............D....e...o...e...m.....'..b....e.. ............................, 19 .......•.. Address ....................................................................................... . Attorney. ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE AND OPINION IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instruments and court"proceedings of record affecting the same from and including the beginning entry there of has been carefully examined and noted, . and. that the following named owner ...... : ou l4lSB%OIIAltY ~sr .CltUBOU title hell bJ' ... u ... ................ seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to the same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed hereon. ENCUMBRANCES !J1a0• wo. ao • .. 0 • Deo... • Th1s ..... ................... day of .................................................................. , 19 ........ . Address ....................................................................................... . Attorney. 22'1 227-A 228 229 2aa 231 .. .}· 231J..13 231-C ', .. \' 232 ' •, ' \ ,• /\' I ( -o-s. H. Nelson 50 I 'r 25 aores cleared land C!I40.00 / .~ 1000.00 25 a.orea woodland e1:15~0 ·~ ~ ·l i i.A 375.00 4 room box d house "'v""'. I '/" t 2oo.oo 3 stall barn _ ___.l;;..o. .o _.;..;oo;.;;... _,. &;""l;;.6;;.7;;.;5;;.;•;..;0-.,0 J. l;. Stikeleather all woodland 1 ~ 10.00 81.75 J. G. : ~ tikelcnt her 315.16 ilook :FishinG namp :~ oad Campa Old House and barn 15 narcs cleared land ' 10.00 300 acres woodland C10.00 J.~alntow J~i~hi. Club All woodland imbor reserved ll. N. Hall 18 aores w·;odland , ,10.00 29 aoros c l eared l a 11d e•o.oo 3 room b oxed ho, tse 3arn 4 room lo~ }louse r;. G. 3 . liesser 3:.J.'15 39.4'1 817.50 1500.00 50.00 200.00 1/ 450.00 ). ., . ·, :. .. ., : 817.50 3000.00 5200.00 33'1.50 100.00 2030.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 ; I • l i •' •1 33'7.50 26 ~0.00 / \ . 98.23 43.38 3 52.86 250 aores c l ea:.-ed lund & ____.,9.J acres woodlamV '· 10. ou 12 l'Oom framed hq(lse I barn & mill blu ~ · Hill & ·~ 1ature11 119 1C S1iol.•e House c'!: ;Jhed -"' A 'Ple House . ' Ceme nt i'rui 11· house Gas house ll Plant Old sohoo:V' House i.;ea t hou~1e , --1:!96 pen, i .' ~ Apple l)'Vuse , 1\ "' Barn · ; " a. r~o fran ed ~ 188 Smok House ~ Hoo . . -<pp1e Ho 3 r om log ho e _ _ O.,_l_.,g,. lo .: lmrn , .:.p pl e house / Barn ' Loc; House ,·,ppl e Iloua Barn ., \ 148.8:> orohnrd.s• IOO. I ' • \ "• .. 41.63 1 .. acres ultivated :r.nnd , I 0.00 10 acr e ~:~ ·~ odland t';lO.OO 18 l and ©89. 0 25000.00 930.00 '!800.00 1200.00 500.00 aoo.oo 50.00 500.00 1500.00 aoo.oo 200.00 50.00 100.00 600.00 400.00 25.00 500.00 150.00 100.00 100. 00 2oo.oo ,150.00 600.01) 200. 0() 150.00 1300.00 100.00 1440.00 iJ_ 30405.00 ~8<JO.OO i ~· ' C1aimants Certain Unacquired Tracts in Cataloochee. () 2.28-Ra!lnbow Fishing C"'tG W .. L.Ha.rdin and w~Tibbie Hardin,~/ayneaville,.N.C. Zebulon ~Veaver and. wife Anna H.Weaver,Asheville,N.C. O.f.. .Martin Dn r"1 wife Florenes Hartin, Waynesville ,N.c. John Tate ana wi~e Anna F.Tnte. Asheville,N.C. S .oR .Felmet <\nd wife Clara McHann Felmet ,Oe.nton,I·r.r:. ("i~.:J.Medford and wife Beatrice :·edford,Waynesville.N.C. 1.....~ .C. Pllill ips and wife Myrtle Phillips, Waynesville. n .c. 1/,.L.K-tkpatrick anc"' wife Mnry J .Kirkpatrick,\7uynesville .N.C. L.M.Killian,and witl'e Annie Aiken Killian~ if~esville, U .C. C.C.Bennett and wi.ife Emily Bennett. Asheville,N.C. Arthur J.Green and wif'e I:sther :Ma.y Green. Waynesville,.H.C. The following have judgments docketed against O.fai~artin,costs added. E •. LW:i there, WF.:.ynesville ,N.C. ;Jos. E.Johnson,Atty. :for Waynesville Country Club. Incorporsted. Wa.ynesville ~.N.c.; J. J .Zachery ,Address ·uJ'l...knot:n; two judgments costs added; fbe following has judgment neainat C.C.Bennett• W.N.ITutt.Trnnscripted from MooEe County.interest and costs added. 227-Stikeleather and others~ J .G.Stikeleather and wi f'e ,Haney \V'enver Stikeleather ,Asheville, H .c. Eueene P..Cocke and wi~e,Anna C.Coake, Asheville,N.c. E.J<:.Geer and wife Rena Rice Geer •. Greenville.s.c. F.,J .FF: . uling and wife. Katherine C.Panni~g. Asheville,N.C. J?Claude Cauble and wife I dna Cauble. Asheville • .N.c. owen Gudger and wife, Hell, .Ssheville,u.c. George w.craige and wife Kathryne·T.Craig, Asheville,N.C • .P.R.Branch and wif'e~Florence r.:Branah, Asheville.N.C. Cindy Osborne and wife, Evelyn Osborne,Nest Pnlm Beach.Fla. L.B.Robeson and wife Mamie Eobeson. Atl.anta~Ga. Geo.D.Robinson.Trustee. D.M.Hodges,Jr.Truetee. 227-a-Stikelenther and others: Same as above. 279- E .. ?rice vnd wife,Tishe Price, 280-J .M .C nldwell and vtife Etta Caldwell,Mt. Sterling. n .c. 281-Geo.W.Phillips and wife Viola Phillips;Chas.C.~oberts Trustee :for J .. U .Caldwell, all of Mt. Sterling,JT .c. 282-Presbyterian School: :Executive Comni ttee,Atl£;nta,Ga ... John Heilman and wife Emma Hilman. Newport,Tenn. r.l'he Hnnnnh Graveyard in Little t.utnloochee: ·,y.J .Hannah. (single} W'cynesville,H.C. Ola Baptist Church G8aveyard; Heirs-at-Law of J.V.Woody: S. J,.ifioody .Nellie, r .c.; Uan W'oody. Ola. u .(~.; ~T;rs. J .Jl:. woody. :Nellie, IJ .C:~· .Martha }:dward s, Knoxville, Tenn.; J. H. w·oody ,Nellie • .N.c.; J .S .Woody, Ola ,1~. c.; Cora Conrad, Ma~ei e, .N .c ~;Lora· Alley, Lenoir ,.N ...... ; :alia h:.J.lentinc,Hellie,H.C.;Harcly Waody,eove Creek,II.C.;l3ertie Cmnp, Gastonia.::.('. ; Eddie ";)food y I Nellie' N. r· • ; ~rg. J.Jnura. f.t;'l)leston, 525 East Main Street,1~.ichmond, Va. ;Arthur Jfora,otto Ford, Beulah Ford, Fctha Fora all of 1-.obin~wille,N.C.; !· .• H.'.'/oody,Durham,n.c.;IfLillard PleT;.[ .. .:,Lls, Sol Plemnons, Mitch Plemmons .Madison County ,add.ress unknovm; Dillard ?lommons ,Ashevill~ ,.t:. C? ~ Jas. C .c ald'"ell, J .L.C nldwoll, both of Nellie ,H .c. ;Levi Caldwell, Ola,H .L.; Mrs.Lou King ,Cutaloochee ,i~ .c.; I•1rs.: June Sutton,~7est Gastonia.l{ .c.; YiTS. L • .B.Leatherwood am.d Mrs. }'ennie Bryson,Waynesvi1le,h.C.,H.2; Floyd Seagle and Carmel Sevgle both of severe County, Tenn.; ,John ~voody ,r-obert IVoody ana Hillard Woody all o~ Knoxville,Tenno .· The, Caldwell Heirs Graveyard i~ tract a 2-a: 71 ''', ·; . f/_j!.A/ 'i· Thos. H.Caldwell,Nellie ,U .C.; l:fardY.. r._vJ.d\vell, 'l/Lyneavi~e • H .c .Jd~ t::; ?f . t·7 Minnie Davis, ··•'uyne>sville .N.c.~ #.;.;;listen Caldwell and Jesse Culd­rl; c.,r~~~~ ~ well, both of .Vpynesvtll~~,N.c.

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