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Endorsements supporting Appalachian National Park movement

  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12747.jpg
  • By 1901, the Appalachian National Park Association had received endorsements from around the south from associations, colleges, and businesses. The association was formed in 1899 for the purpose of promoting the idea of a national park in the eastern U.S. Although housed in Asheville, North Carolina, the organization was a multi-state effort, attracting representatives from six southern states.
  • t The Appniachhei National T^.-:' v i .at has been en&oraaS. sowing pmninent associations, colleges mu\ basin a,., fnm ttie have :. - h resolutions favoring the project: • i Vh.;.'; tlftjlal ,oa- Innuatrial Association, Hontgoaery, Ala. • ^, S* Odell, civil ?$vgi»«trf Port €heet«|*j M, Y, i&flM T)anbury Hon Club, ?>«Bbury#' Conn, tC«« Commercial E«^g&«# , da, - ^»/ ►The State Momal College,- Troy, Ala. , ,..i5 Young Hens' Business League, S] i -aha,;-;, ,. S, C, . »villa Bear* of Trail** Moksonv-*k'u, JpBbe Rutherford county Tfcaehtrs Association, *h Carolina, khe seu^h fctlmtie L^bar Association W%%r Machinery ^oiapany, Knoxville, . I*nJv, * it isens1 Baltic, A.thcns, Ala, . ,_ iBtern Hutual kire ins kJ**iy» Urnnnn, Ohio. ■ ■■- Forestry Association, &§,* York city, k^kra.--- liMirinaft Association for the Advance ent of" Science, New York., XsTiys Ohio y l;Insurance, 8a -, .Saieai, Ohie'i J^Sha- •• h hag company, Salara* Ohio, he . -■ ■■ •' ■'-'-c.c Irt Association hohila '.;--..--... .. -. ggmy, goblin, Ala, Ch.. tree, iart«rsvlllff Ou, ,,-^.k ■■ a- 'ticJjni^lla^ State Board of H«nlthf f*ncl the idieals*S,fees of heath Carolina, "lie C. 1 a %mA Boara of Tradaf, |fd, -The Ragit ■ . aiik ""ills, Gelwtes, '---. ^>The Oainasvi 'rajga, (laiiissvillsg On, a, &gfysjpo*?tv La, '. S, Stoith, Mayor, Athens, /Boar* . cerdelXtfi The .Statf "formal School ank ^acuity, Jacksonville, kla. V '.• of CO! ., .--.-..-a irs, ■■- ige, HA, The RHaetria, conpony, Millt&gawilla, Bouak of .■'--.■, Km :- -:> Nl.» 5| -•-. ' I, : . ■ la ;t -, 8a, Judge. "-,, R| Day, Canton, Ohio, Fraaa noil "01 Royal Arcaanm, Ak:ievkUc, h, *$»