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Cataloochee tract 222: Marion Hub Caldwell

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  • ,, It II If ,I,I , , ' / / / / ~ SMOKY MTN PARK M.H. CA~DWEL..L rJPAcr ·~ /J4.35 ACIPC.S c5~AL£ /''=rzO CHA/NS e 295 .Su;f'v.trr or /..,.Z.B Iii,- --:#. .SL OA /'{ ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Lands of ···········:·················································M·.-···H -.····Cal-dW'e-11··································································································· ............................................................................................ Township ..... : ........... ·-H&1W-Q04-····················:····················· County. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION AU blarla£a m <th18._ ~eo;tgt~o~t •• ttta ed. .hO!a ,,_ tate.-,.,~»1"14• m14 au 4-Sil-.eoa aa B»••• m o-ld a .of il ~oot,. · ~--~~ G"i C~ l • o. ~ at irap aliaewD - L B_. Pa.D l' U ~ 6 ~ .. . * Oil 81Ntlt08•1 bard~ ot Bla -~, be!»e ti)Oftm'J- e o£ the .. h t. ~.t.aar t:aet . (2C6 )' sot a 4"' ohestaut IX>. ~ u CJ1a 11'-P.- •rSlMI L ?. eo~. a. !J. u• ~ bl~ ~ sa~btd a.?.a.:P. eo •• •· -. :tJ., 81"-o<) I;~ .15· Olain 6t:etat; , . . i~h~oa, up the GJ:iaek • t .h itt Jl~DnAcJn, tho~~ -~ U.01tltl mth •• ~nnab ~· rmet (2051. .A.. ·~lliiil W--.4· ··J -:IW·4 1\: a .. · u~ w. . . s. --~ •• Slu&t A . I ·u. te-es •• eoaef a·, a pomt «1 a lOG ei11 ~t ·..u w BSS Cateloodl" ()~fll. ., , -~ 1~11~ _L OQ F'AJJ8 !Jaot (tOO) aat eoa.r I f8 tbt ii• B. . · _. . . '!Ad (110)1 x. .... ... · _. ._ · .. . ~-•· Jaa't'-U.\8 t1» .OJ!Nk eat 11ith flus ~· ~ (~) u. { ...... "• O.mttt .~-~-- a a• bnot1 ~prcat ot:t . .u •'-ll• 'Olaat4 aDl •r·Dt& u.~"· Co». .1, tows eo,._r' ot ••a~~t. PB•2' -ra.c.t1 (21tH. f! ;:n:n:ta :::' a::s.:r'bet D.T·•n•P• Cor.· lt 'boa.IW :zoo~, ·u_p «n4 u ., .h t• mew.4ea ot a d481 aa& With the a. tt. Palme.r Ttaet ( ~20) 5.1~1. ...... s. \ \ ., h._~ 4, _ & liP black -~- "th ol4 •~'• GJl4 wl~• blaMA =• eort~.a w.,u,.P. cor., "• \wttnc! oo~ t ot tbe ,...,. ~. a. ._., ,_., ( .aeo) u.a ••••• 1 ot tt» "• u. !aJatr ~ ( IA)1 . . . . M P .-piDlu on!t• blaal aDl aril.ret S.Tt'if+H• co ... a, • ..._.._ U ltA...A'!A. 11 l· A. ·"'"""'*_.'"' .JI,I.,..,..,_.,'I · _.l!i1' Ret V¥'"'\7W j< • W :lijJ'~iUI .... ~1!1· . . ..· . . -~· l•T.~J~S .. t• .,,,... a~ .t• a. a. 1$~ ~fJ.1 .~ ut• .'IM ''• L ,._. ! .et (W.) ' :u-. .?a• •• =C. .=.. I. $ H" k-qot trttll <)QJlLe aatJ q 4. 'td.tM. .., =:g:'t,~·!~o::.';, .. :o;:.}:t~lf:r Taft t*l~At •<~liM»' o~· ·•• t_. L JalWll' ~t (at1), A **4 ...... 1tlatet. a:al a .tll:le4 s.r •. z.P. cor • . a, b._ lf:t fi+ilQa 11 •• u chain tttsw.A\J 'l'rl0 llo.\). ~~ *"' w. il. ~,. ,1'80,' tdtb at Zan-ta z,.,. ~JI .. 'i'fto' tiM), 4s. ana. 11 ttl tJe ........ 01 Vp,per DO\lbls ·~ s,. ·5&-63 Et '-lP•T• A.· ..· .,~t... · ., •• .... .... z.n. t..~:. =:rram ,..,, ut ~a1tll s. -~ "• 0-lrtZUIUQ 'tlW »a4 . flOD.'I ?i . a poat 1ft . •• oeat• uu ot O.tuf:iO<boe CJeft, b*-tl~ ~-~ U. f/Jf tho zamo ~,__.. ft'Got 1124io:aal tll• ·~k ·u-. ..,.,_ "the JfA-':•"" ." -· :PQ"--• ""·~·\ct ( ·. .,. ~ .. v•"'!iil"'iJ ~ ,... . . N~ ....- ..- ~-..,;: ~ .... R~ .. . .. ·J A ·u-. -.e. Witb -014 »a$t ltla.a4 en4 8Cl'1,.ed 1•Pt: ·COJ1• 1 . ::n=.~ ::1:.=-:. ~~==~-=~~.., • Thet\Oe·; l~tns the 1«1"Y1t L.. Pal~ Tm.- (.1M) • t4"" the ln:r!sb t. Pallte:r ~' (aGO) all q 'be -e_. as tt r:4M&tn 5 .. 91-ostr. s .......... 'ftto plate ot be;flmms, O<ll~taa lM.U ao••• -'U-' Page ............................ ............. . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged II Bell UoGee Same Same Jl !!. H. Caldwell 1. Kind of Conveyance ...... F.v.ll ... W ~r:r;r_~n.:ty ___ (}_eed 2. Date of Conveyance ...... :-3 ~ .2.0.~. 1.6 ................................. . 3. Is it properly executed .... Y~.$. ........................................ . 4. Date of Entry and No ........... ............................................. . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .......... J. .. -.? .............. . 6. Acknowledgements, regular yeS---·································· 7. 9. If irregular, copy in full on back. .......... ...... . ........... ..... . Date of acknowledgement .. .... Z:::23~ ~6. ................... . 8. Did all grantors a cknowledge ....... y-e·s··························· 10. Was privy examination of wife taken.Y.e.e ................. . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ....... ... n.CL ................................ .... . 12. Was order of probate correct .... ~.f::-3- --······· ·· ·· · ······ · ··· ··· ··· 13. Does conveyance contain convenants-- 14. Da te of filing for record ...... ~.-::'. ... 0:-:-:.~.Q ....................... . (a) of seizin ...... Y.~ ~----······························ .... . .... ......... . 15. Book --- --~?--- - ·-·· · ····· ·········· ·· ·· · · · Page .... ·--299-------.-·········· · (b) power to convey ... yc.S .............................................. . for ...... Ifay.w.oo.4\ ...................................... County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations provisions or restrictions .c.. o nv..ey~ ___o. nly. ..l l6. ...i n::: ..... ____ t_~;r~-~-~~- - ---------·-····--------- --- - -------------- ---- ----------- -------------- (c) against encumbrances .y£:.8. ....... .... ........... .. ....... ..... . (d) against claims of all others ... ;qc ~:;; .......................... .. .1..7..'. ..J H?. ~..b..r...c.c...t.e..f.. ..c...~...f...e...t...~...n..o.d..e.. ..~.....~......-.-.-..o..i..l....~..\....-.f.i.~....Y.. ~P. -.../..l..-..~..I...t...!... ~e~9-i~cCt.h~---:-~~-;::~;~s-tf~~;-:t-········· o .. ...................... @-PP ....................................................... Q. ............. . ......... .P.~:J.q~g~_pg ___ ~_ 9. .... ~.h~- - --~-~-1.4. ... M~ .H-~.G. ~J_g_w_~_lJ .... ~n.d ... J).i2 .... .... t .o .... t.heir .... only ................ . .. ...... lf.~~ --- ~-~rl, ___ p_~_l?:9.9.1. .... f.9t.~.!.~l.:.<! ................................................................................................................. ······················· Exact Description of Property .Begi nning r.t & s pruce pine 61 p oles from th il·d corner end in t he thi r d line , t her1ce S70W 132 poles to & blaok gam; thence South 96 poles to o beach; thence S57E 29 poles to a .spruce pine on th,· bank of C&ta.loochee Creek:thenoe,down the said creek,with its meanders to a be&ch on said pole below the ford• thence a aou!hwest course 13 poles to a white ~ ine on the sou!h ban~, of t he r ouble Branch· then•e up the said brs nch,in t he channel of tne s s.:me t o the begi containi. n{!' 126 ac.l'ee ,more ot less. Thls b,:l,ng one/s 1:xt :-;. of an und1.vided -piece of land. rtnd being all my whole ehn:re of my fat hers'land. Shut B ANALYSts~,,OF TITLE. TRAC~ 228 1. 'l'hie trnot,now owned by v.n.caldwell.,is who·lly within state Grant esl,iened to John Greq Bleunt lov.e9,1796. Ae the holding Ulllel' tMe g:rent baa been thoroushlY treate4 in tile anal~'1a of title to the Stdne;- Nelson traot,beginnifl8 at the fil'st pa~e of this abetraot, the atune will not be rep•ated herein• ! efferenoe is hereb1 made to said anaJpta ~ 13/: 7 2'• Tho first defild we h&ve to considezo is one from Jaa • f .• LoYe to Julia O.P$ltner fo :r two hundred and forti aoree;beartng 4ate,Sep· 15.,185&. There is some question as to the power and authoritJ of . tbe grantor.,Jae.n.Love in thie instrument. Th1e queation.,hovrever, bae b"n discussed in the analpis of title to the Eldredge Caldwell traot., taragttapb , 3, page 93 o~ this abstract, to •bich reffe:renoe 18 > '\.. ".' ' . • ' •• her;iy made. .. See •lao pageJJ:.iof this abstract. a. lulta 0 . Palmer cUed 1nteet1tate ana Without 1s8lle,eetse4 of t he lund col\1"-e)'e4 to her ae above shown. .A,;_ proaeeding_ was brought for the :partitio·n e.nd sale of her le.nd. As certain of the plead• ings in tbis suit were somewhat irregular in form and wording,all are copied herein in full. See page.Jl..!.to page :J.l/ol this abstract. However,we think all of these irregularities we~ oured by the final Decree of the Court. The Court appointed a commiss'ioner to sell the property; the sale was made aooordin* to the law governing suoh oases.and at such sale D.r.t,Caldwell beoame the last and highest bidder. Bo deed.however,was ever made to Caldwell. 4. Eight years later,after the death of D.lil.Caldwell,a. pro­ceeding was brought: G.L.Palmer ·va.E.LCaldweJ.l,widow of 'n.~M .Caldwell, and the .s~Yen minor children, heirs . of the said D.M.Caldw~ll~ A Guardian ad litim wae appointed,se.le mentioned in above paragraph was confirmed,and an order made directing the Clerk of the superior Court. to execute Ci deed t6 in accordance ,.,1 1th said sale to the chil- · dren,h~irs ... of D.M.Caldwell. The order ,appointing the guardian, giYea the iQiio~f·ng al :th~ hei;; . o:t' D.M.cai~.:ell: Laura B.Oaldwell,C .c .Caldwell,David A.Caldwell,Wm.R.Cald.well,Silaa C,C&.ldwell,Jerey R.Oaldwell and Marion H.Caldwell. The aame,C.C. Caldwell must been a mistake for the Eme,Rachel Caldwell,and the Uame,Wm.R.Caldwell should have been Wm.E.Caldwell. David A. Caldw~ll died intestate without issue. le have secured affidavits eetablishing these laots. See pageshtLto~~f this abstract. &11 the records in ·th•• and the deed executed to the above named heirs have been copied in full her ein and may be aeeu at pages to- of this abstract. 5. We now have title to traot ''4:2,~-t~:aatisfactorially vested in :;:-·'"' -~·· the eix heira-at•law of D . M .Caldwell~'~l"ion H.Oaldwell or M.R.Caltbrell who ie one and the same person,being the present owner. There is of record in Haywood County,the following 4ee4,of oonveyanoe,veating title in ita entiret7 in M.R.Caldwell: Feb.2~.1916,Raohel Palmer,who 'taa Rachel Caldwell,and her hus­band ,Robert Palmer, a l/6 interest. See page J Dlof this abstract. March 20,1916,Bell McGee.who was L.B.Caldwell,a 1/6 interest. See affidavit pageJ-o ZOf thie abstract as to unmarried state of Bell McGee at the time of the execution of this deed. See also pagej.o-.J'of this abe:brsot. OOt. 7 ,1916,Jerry R.Caldwell and his Wife,Dare Caldwell,a 1/6 interest• See page .J...E_f>l this abstract. Oot.6,1928, I.E.Caldwell,unmarried,a 1/6 interest. ~f this abstract. See page Oot,6,1928, Silas C.Caldwell,and his wife,Lura Caldwell,a l/6 interest. See page.:-J~G of. t his abstract. 6 •• Attention is direotecl to a deed executed by Julia Palmer or J.C.Palmer to George .Palmer,Young Bennett.Levi Caldwell ~nd Iewton . ~ Bennett,Trttst•es of the Methodist E.P.Churoh,South,for a lot :of one acre to be· used ·· •JJ~ s meeting house ena a aohool. This instrument bears 4ate,Deo.l7,1858,but was not recorded until March ;1.5 1·1899. This plot of land was used for the purposes est out in the .deed for aeTerll t*a:re,bv.t was abandoned, the building moT ad awa7 $nd ·the land ,put uncfer oul tivation tb.irt7 1eara or more aco b7 the owner- of the . . i ' - ' • ' . traot of wh~oh it was a part,an4 .h&s 'so re~~&ined to the present time, . . . tt 1a th,ugb~ tllat this adveJ"ae poaaeaaion wollll bar &J'l7 oae atteapt­ill$ to o~a11111Ul4er the pro1'1a1ona of the 4 .. 4. hrthermore~the 4ee4 1te•lf aeeiD8 to be 1neffeoti're u it waa ut put to :reoor4 till ah•r two traaafera of the bounda17 of wh1oh 11 :t•rma a part were •ation of this let betq •d•• !he c1ee4 also t ''i{ '.taaltJ in 1 ta e:.•••ttoa. see page~,~~it~~i-~· · abat:r'aot. . ~ \.'~;_:·., . . Jor ensineer'a af~idavit see page.3.£;of th1a abstraot. li"· ' 110RTH CAROLINA • ) c IlAYNOOD COURY. ) LQ.anw.r"""s&::l...oo.•OP.~T /..J.e:&.Jrur.;.ceo:a*~..~t _____ , fi rat being duly sworn,;depoeeer;~ 299 and says that he is -6! years of ege, that he was well aoquai~ted w::tth D.M.Ca,ldwell,a:nd thet the said D. M..Oaldwell died sometime prior to the year l88l,leaving him surviJing the following ohtldren,hia heirs ut law; ~.c. :.L • .B.Ce.ldnell. !"<e.ohel Celd?Hll, David A.Ca.ldwell, ;V.E.Caldwell, ~alas C.Ce ldvrell, Jerry R.Cald• well and Marion fi .Ctil7well. Affiant further states that the ssid D.M.Oaldwell did not have an heir by the name of c.c.Caldwell nor W.R.Caldwell,names giten in the reeords of the 8uperior Co'U.rt of Haywood County in a special -proceecHmg had in connection with the eatate of the said IJ. h[.Ca.ldwell 1.n the year 1884. AffiDnt flart her states that David A.Cald·,vell ,one of the heirs at l aw of t ~-> e said I~ . M .CaldwElll,died something like twenty­five yea.:re age without ever having married. 1-:"\- (Signeo} ~ r ~~ - A FF'! A UT Sworn to and subscribed before me this thel4tllay of October,l920 My Commission expires May 27th,l9Zl. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble :r,. n. Boone, Clerk of uaywood co. superior Colll!'t · As Signed .:r .• · ~ Boone 1 Cle,.;k super1ar court As Acknowledged 1t K, Boone, Ol~k superior court ot Haywood County 1. Kind of Conveyance .. ......... ............ Deed...................... 2. Date of Conveyance .. ... ... ... ~ ... -~~---··· ··················· 3. Is it properly executed ................ ... ....... Y$.1!iL....... .......... . . 4. Date of Entr'y and No .. . .. .......... ............................. ...... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .... P.:1s.tr1o.t. ... Judge Ack~owledgments, regulax ...... .Yea ...... ...... _.. . . .. 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ...... ,............................ 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .......... Yea .................... . . 7""'31•85 1~: ~~e o;~c:;k:;;:Je:::;_~-~~::::::.::.:.:X~.~-:::::.:::: ... :::.:.:::::.:: 13. Does conveyance coNtain convenants- J:i :::::::~.:::::~:~: ~~(). (d) against claims of all others .............. Nf:> ................... . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ____ _ 12. Was order of probate correct.. ....... Y~Ull.. ..................... . 14. Date of filing f or record ..... ~'!9.!e.~ .................... . 15. Book .. .. .. ..· · :. .S. -* · , .. _P age .. 2_5 .3. _. .... for _ ... ... HElYWOOd .. . . .. County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ..................................... ..... .. .. ........ ............ .. 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ___ T.Q .. il~Y.~.J~.l1.4. J;_fL~l~--_j;.Q::: lb~::::@i~:::p1P.;-_~_iQ_,.::.Qfiili::::: ~ ·- -- ~~~~:g.fl. ... P.:t.r~--~:~ __ 1l9. ... ~~-~r .. tt~J"~. - ~9:c-~~"'" · -·Y41:~.-~\l . _.1;_l.\~~-J!9<>._t\_r:~_, _ .. ~~-~ .... --..... --~lf~t-~'fi':-s1~r~!! --~~rr:~!~!:r~=·· ~£~~~:~i~~~-t~-t~!!-~~r;:1:-__ : .........p -a--·r·--t- -~h--·a~--t-h--- ·p·'(·J·---w---e-r· -- ·-t-·o---- ----c---o----n· --v· --e--y--.-- ~-------·-- ··. ........ · ..................................... P. ......... Y. ................... .. -----·--·-------------·--- Exact Description of Property ON' W 1\TERS OF CA'i'ALOOOTIEE CRgE}\. (I_ ' - . · - - - , _ t J. " -- - -,. $ - . - - BEGI!'ITUNG at a large spruce pine 61 poles from the third corner, n."ld in third line; t henee south "10 West 132 poles to a black gum; thence south 90 poles to a beech; thenoe south 57 East 29 poles to e. spruce pine on bank of Cata• loochee creek; thence dovm t he creek with its meanders to a beech on said creek l pole below t he fort; thence a North course 15 poles to a white pine on the south bank ot Double Branch; tbet1oe up the o ha.nnol of said branch to "~he begin• ninth containing 126 e.ores1 more or less. --~ ~ ~ 01 .';: Page .. 3.0J NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION In Preamble rachel Palmer and husb::::nd, R. J. Palmer ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed .Same A~ Acknowledged ~'iame ~~----------------------------~----------------------------~--------------------------- "g'j =.c.o.: fi1. rr.Caldwe 1 1 ~ 1. Kind of Conveyance ..... f:qJ .. l. ... ?HP:TfU'J.t.Y .. \.e.f.:.P 2. Date of Conveyance ....... Z.::-.i;.3::-:.l6 ................................ . 3. Is it properly executed ........ Y.e.S .................................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ............ .. ...................... .................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .... J .•. .P ............. . 6. Acknowledgements, regular Y.~.fL ................................. . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ......... .. . 8. Did all grantors aclmowledge ........ Y.El.::J .......................... . 9. Date of acknowledgement .... :.::~2.3~.1.6. 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .. y.£.'3. ............... . 11. Did officer affix Seal ...... YU.S ......................... .......... .... . 12. Was order of probate .......................... ...... . 1:~. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ....... ;l.,., . .:...z,.,.~.-0 ...................... . (a) of seizin .......... ; ....................................... . (b) power to convey ..... ~7.€.8. .......................... ...... ...... ... . 15. Book ............................ 80..... .. Page ....... -2S:J ................ . for ... JI~ ... Y.:'!.<:>.C>.<} ..................................... County. (c) against encumbrances ..... ~:~.g ................................ . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ...... ;y:l':\£) ............ ........ . or restrictions ...... --n-o- ...... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ... 'I 0 ... .. !.;r.d.. t.o hol.c ... tllf: .. .. :..i£!. .. tr-&.;.c.t---O·I-"····PBTC-e 1 ·of· ·land·· an-d ··t;ll t·he ··nrivi:lercs and ~ppu.rtf:l"l'llTiCHl ttl.el··~-·to beTong;;;············· -··· --i-ng .- t-o- ·the --Fai 0 ~-- •... -~ .r;·&l£iH~11· ·Hl·t"i· --H·e ···-hf·1 :n:· n'tc v-r s·i gn.-~; ,·tc····tf::e-fr-············ ----onl-y--u-se---·t:nf\----heheo- f--·f-c-~'•·'Y·t:T· · · ··············· -------···--······························· -------------···-------·--·-·-····· -·····--···························· Exact Description of Property Beginni. ng r.t a. ~nruce nine til ·-1ole>s from third co:rnt;r l·.nd in the thtr8 line,thenco 8705 l~~ poles to ~ bl£ck~lm; thence ~outh 96 poles to n b8nch; thenc~ i.:l5i}. 2~ noles to u spruce p:inc on the bank of Cataloochee Creek; thence ao •n sai~ creek ITith its meanders, to a beach on said creek on~ nol~_below th0 ford; thnnce ~ 8outh­', vest course, l:: polPs to n .-;lli tf: Dine on trw cuntl: hL i: o:f thE J:oublr Brunch ; thtulCf.' UL' t:tr• Lht:tnnc.L of the ~Jait' br.: ... fiCh to the beB"·lnn]ng,contnining l . G t•c:r-es,rr:ore or lt-:;;::;\. 'I'his bejnp- one-~'iYth si;t:re o:f an ~m/ii.vtdea pi co o1" lund., nno beinz rny O'rhole shure o:f rcy fEJ.thers' lE:nd. Shut 8 l~.:>rth Carolina. . :Personally appearing before me, __±taura P. Jarrett who being first duly eworn, depoaes nne nayB that he is ~ years of age, t ha ~ he is well acquainted with Mrs. Bell ~cGee,one of th ~ children and at law of D.N .• Ce ldw cll,deoeased,that the said iv:rs.Bell husband !';1cGe e •sfie now dea.d, ha-ving died some tine pri or to t he t wenteith day of r,:~J. ro b ,1916, th f' date o:f the makinB' of a dEwd of convey­ance for her und.i v i deo i nterest i n her futher' s estate. Swoi·n t o ann subscribed before m.;:: t: hi.s the 14tltsy of October,l930. M.J Comni rsion expi r es , ~!.ey t 7th , 1 9~1. 302 JUJ Page ...... ..... ............... ........ .. .. .. .. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged !I Bell .MoGee Same Same Jl M. H. Caldwell 1. Kind of Conveyance ....... hll .... W:~u:;r_a.:n.t.y ... d 2. Date of Conveyance ...... 3~ 2.0.::-.1.6 ................................. . 3. Is it properly executed .... Y~.$. .................... , .................. .. 4. Date of Entry and No .......................................... .............. . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .......... J .... :?. .............. . 6. Acknowledgements, regular yes .................................... . 7. 9. If irregular, copy in full on back .............. .. ................. .. Date of acknowledgement.. .... Z.-:-:.2.5~1.6. .................... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ....... ye·s-----------.............. .. 10. Was privy examination of wife taken.Y.El.fL .............. . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ......... J'l<L ........ .. .......................... .. 12. Was order _of probate correcg-~~(5:·;;;;·() ....................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filmg for record ............... ....... ~~ .......................... .. (a) of seizin ...... 1.~ .$. ....................................................... .. 15. Book -----~~ ....................... ....... Page ....... 2gg ................ .. (b) power to convey ... ~.C. S ................ .............. .......... ..... .. for ...... Jii.a.y i'l.QQ.(\ ...................................... COunty, 16. Does deed contain any special limitations provisions or restrictions .c.. o nv.ay.a .... o.nll'. ... l/6. ... in::-.... .. . ... t.~;r..e.~.t- ~ ........................................................................ . (c) against encumbrances .;j.£2.8 ............. .......... .. ............ . (d) against claims of all others ... y.~;,:;; .......................... .. 17 ' He~cdeT c~:rer~rtc!e ~a>""ii1fql~~Y.El.i;·i·i1t!~e~9-;~if11'~~ ... ~.~~!i!~;~s-tf·~~;-~t----........... .. .......... :P .................................................................................... P .................... o ................ .......... :P.P ....................................................... Q. ............. . ......... l~:L.9~gtpg_ ... ~.Q .... ~.h~- - -- ~-~J.9. .... M.~ .H -~.G..a..~.d..w .. e.l.l .... And .... hi.a .... .... t.o .... t.heir .... onl¥ ............... .. ......... ~.fl-~-- -~-~cl, ___ ~_e._h9.!'-f... ... f.9.~.~-v..~r .................................................................................................................................................. .. Exact Descriptio n of Property .Begi nning ~t & spruce pine 61 poles from t hi r d corner end in t he third line, then ce S70H 132 poles to & blaok gum; thence South 96 poles to o beach; thence S57E 29 poles to a spruce pine on th"' hank of Ca taloo chee Creek: thence, down the said creekt'wi th its meanders to a on said creek,one pole below the ford• thence a sou!h\vest course 13 poles to a white pine on the eou!h ban~ of the r ouble Branch• thenae up the said brench,in t he channel of tne se~e to tbe begi nning, containi ng 126 acree ,more ot less. Thls b*ing one/s i :xt :'l share of an undivided piece of land, Etnd being all rny whole ehe.r e of my fat hers'land. S!Jut B I Page ..... ~_Q_S. ......................... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble A s s·1 gne d As AcknowledgP-d W. Y.l.Celdwell (unmarriE d) W .E.Caldwell same M.H.Calllwell - 1. Kind of Conveyance ... .fuU ... war.rmlt~- --.doe.d 3. Is it properly executed ....... J.e-8----------··--···-···-···---··-···- ·· 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ...... Jij . .,.p .................. . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ..... .............................. . 9. Date of acknowledgemenL ......... J~.l'!.~.~-Q ............ -- 2. Date of Conveyance ........ JQ.~.Q~_:?.S .............................. . 4. Date of Entry and No .......... -------- -------·-·--··· -·····-------···-······· 6. Acknowledgements, regular ---··-·--···---Y-ea-···---·--···-···---- 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .... yea----··-··-····-··--·······---·- 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ....... l.CS ........... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ....... yeS---·-·······-·- ·- -······-·--·····--····-· 12. Was order of probate correct.. . .y.fUJ---···---···--·----··--······-- 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ..................... ~.:':':Z2~.3.0 ....... . 15. Book ........ 80-----·--···-··-···-····----- Page ...... -£-85---··-------·---- for .. Ha..v.woo.d. ......................................... County. (a) of seizin ........ yes ..................................................... . (b) power to convey ...... y.e.EL ......................................... . (c) against encumbrances .... yes .................................. . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ..... y.e -G-··--···-·······--··-···· or restrictions ...... .no ........................................................ . 17 J-Iabendum clause (Quote fully) .. To ... hav..e ... and .... t .o.--ho-ld----the---&-f-o-reeai-d:----t-:raet-·--o-r···pa-rc-el O._f.. ___ ~-~-d. ....... and ... all .... the ... --priv-il-eg•s··---·th-e-ret-o··-·bslonging,------ to .... the .... said .... ll.H .• Calo.w.ell--This---·heirs----and--as-a-1-gns-·-iiM:-·-ii-$1flllij·····--to···thet·r···-· on~-J'---U.U-&···&lld-·f·o-rev-era······- ----- · -······----- - ----·---- -- ·· ·- ······· ·· ··-- ··········· ········································· ·····---···········---· Exact Description of Property .Being a one-sixth (1/6) undivided intl'rest in and to the lands hereinafter described , and ndj~intng the lands of 'II. ff. Palrre:r and others; BEGINNING at e spruce pine 61 pOles from the third corner, and in the third line; thence 370W 132 poles to a blaok gu.m; thence South 96 pol:ea to a beach; thence S57E 29 poles to e spruce -pine on the bank of Catalooobee Creek; thence down the said creek with its mee.nders,to a beach on e~ said creek one pole below the ford;thenoe a South'.vest course,l2 poles to a white pine on the south bsnK of the Double Branch; thence up the channel of the said. branah to the beginnging, Containing 132 acres more or less. Sllett B l ' JUb Page .......... ............. ........... .... ... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT I n p reamb le As Signed L As Acknowledged Silas C.Oaldwell and wife,Lura Caldwell Same Same I M. H. Oald~vell 1. Kind of Conveyance ...... FU.l.l . ..iV.a.rr.un.t_y J)e.ed 2. Date of Conveyance .. l0~.6.~.28 ..................................... . 3. Is it properly executed ...... ye.S ..................................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ..................... ................................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ......... Jll.,..,p.,. ............ . 6. Acknowledgements, regular .... .... y.e.S ........................... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back.. ................... ...... ........ . 9. Date of acknowledgemenL ..... ~Q~lz.~.2 8 ............... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ......... yes ........................ . 10. WaE privy examination of wife taken ... ye-&--··-·········· 11. Did officer affix SeaL ... ........................................... . 12. Was order of probate correct.. .... y-e-e·-·························· 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ..... 9 ...... 22•-3-0---······················ (a) of seizin ........... ye-8-·-···---·-·-········- ·········-······-·····-·····- 15. Book .... 80 ................................ Page .. .,284 ..................... . (b) power to convey ....... ..... y.e.s .......... -----·--·----···--·····-·· for .. ...... H!l..;yW-0()-d---·-········ ··········-··········County. (c) against encumbrances ....... .. .ye.t3·--····-···-·-·······-······· 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ........... y.e.s .................. . or restrictions ......... no ..................................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .. 'r.O ... haY.e .... an<l ... to.hold ... th.e ... .e..for.&said----tre.o-t----or---------------------­parc. e.l---Of----lan4-yand---all---·th-e---p?·1Vil-&ges·-·-a.nd···appurt·enan-c·as···th·ere···t-n--·b·e·.;,;,------------· longfng···th·· ·th-e···said· -··M•·H-.;Caldwell·~·hts--··h·e:r·:ra··--a:na:···a:aa·fgnEi··-ta·-· ·th~J:~::§~~:y::::::.·.:·.::: ue-e·-·an-d·-·b·e·hoof···for·ever•--·····-·····-····· ·--······----·-···-····-····-··--·--·-·-·-····-·······-····-····-·-·----···--·--·--·· ·· Exact Description of Property Being a one-sixth (1/6) undi-vi ded interest in and to the lands herein after deaoribed, and ndjoining the lands of ~.H.Palmer and others; BEGIU.NIIJG at n sp:rnce pine f:f 61 poles from third oorner,and in third line; thence S70W 132 poles to t:: black gum; thence South 96 poles to a beach; thence S57E 29 poles to f:.:. spruce pine on the bank of Cataloochee Creek; thence down said creek with 1 ts meanders to a beach on said creeK,one pole belo·,v the :ford; thence a s out hwest course 13 poles to a white pina on t he south bank of the Double Branch; Thence up the channel of the s&id brnnch to the beginning, Containing 126 acrea,more or less. Shut B ;;u 1 -. Page ............. .... .... .................... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Si-lm ed A.s Acknowledged c.... Julia ~ Palmer J.C.Palmer Proven b{ *Y~Kii&~ang George Palmer ( Young Bennett ( Truete~e Levi Caldwell( th~wtoA lhNmQtt t 1. Kind of Conveyance.fu.ll ..• . arr.a.nt;v. ... dec-:d.. 3. Is it properly executed ... .... .................................... . 5. Before what Offic er acknowledged ... .J .... P .•................... 7. If iri·egular, copy in f ull on bac!O.Op.ied. ... i.n ... .fu.ll 9. Date of acknowledgemenL l.O.~_l!:--1.89..8 .............. . 11. Did officer affix Seal....yeS-·········· ····· ··· ··· ······················· ·· 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin -·····YB-8-······ ··········· ················· .. .............. ···· (b) power to convey ....·········· ................................ . (c ) against encumbrances -ye&-······ ········· ····················· (d) against claims of all others ... yes···························· 2. Date of Conveyance ... l2.~-l1"'l-SJSS .......................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................... ............. . 6. Acknowledgements, r egular ... .N.o .•. s.e.e .... heloll. ... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ... .. ............................. . 10. Was privy examin ation of wife taken ... .. ~-~- ~ - - - ·· · ···· · · · · 12. Was order of probate con-ect .... y-e-s ............................. . 14. Date of fi ling for record ... 3 ... l-5-1S-9-9----···············.·· 15. Book ..... ~0... .. .. . .. . ... .. . .. ..... ..... . Page ....... saa ................ . for ... Hc-.lW0-0-d---······································County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitat ions, provisions or restrict ions .... no .......................................................... . 17. Habendum cl~use (Quote fu lly ). !CO ha.V @ .. anQ,. ... :t.() ... }w.ld-.,w-ith- -t-he-- a-ppur-t-&Bene-e&ftl.nto···· ... the ... ... .Trus.t.e.c.e. ... in ... th.e ... p.r.ope.r .... us.e. ... arul ... beho.of----O-f ---the----sa-14----t:ru-o:seee---·-·· - - - ~-s ____ f),_f o.r.e.a.a.i.d ... a .. J.d ... ... ... in ... o.f'fic.e ... .and ... aasigns. ... .•..................... E xact · Descriptio n of Property THIS I.NDENTUREi ~ nd so ~orth: W:ttneer.: eth, that the said Juli ~ C.Palmer,:for and in considertion of the1su_ of one .. dollar• .snd_ ~o_ r the,_!ove a_h e ha_s tfor _th e_J)romo:tion oi' rel. gton ana e"uca'taon 'lo 1\er in .uclUI paid by lile par't:T o:r 'the second part •. fn trust as aforesf.l14, the :reaeipt whereof. the said J .c. ?e.lmer doth hereby acknowledge ..,hath giv•n.bargained . granted and sold abined and confirmed,and by th.ese presents doth give,$rant.,bargain and sell,alien llnd confirm unto the said George Palmer* Y .Bennett •. L.Caldwell.J. lfRalmer and .M.Bennett in trust as aforeeaid,and their heirs and assigns forever,all that tract, piece and parcel of land lying and being tn the County of Raywood on the Noth side of Cataloo­Chee Creek. B:VGI Nll!NG at a birch on t he bank of the said oreek. ana thence running N8W 12 poles to a dogwood; thence East 16 poles to a white oak bush; t hence SSE 12 poles tor,., a spruce pine on the bank of the said creek; t henotl West 16 poles to the Beginning,containing one ( 1 acre,more or less, · AND also all the wood,water and water oouraee,and all add every the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining, and the revision and reversion.remainder and rewards,rents isuea,and the profits of the ufores aid lands and premesis,and every part thereof and all the estate,right.title,interest,claim,property and demand whatosever of the said J.C • .Palmer of,in,and to the lands and premesis hereby granted. Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of Attest: o~B G~~ .~>J) .r•r~ her J.c.x Palmer mark Shut B STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD OOUU~Y ,jUO I,D.L.Smathera,Justice ot the Pf'aoe,hereby certify that w.F.P.MoGee was duly sworn by me and says that he is familiaey acquaint ed with Jessie McGee's handwriting andthat the aignatuer as witneae to the within c1eed,for the purposes therein expressed is Jesse McGee'• to the best of !tie knowledge . a~:ul belief. Witness rq hand and private seal.This oct.l7,:18~8. i - • NORTH CAROLINA · RAYWOOD COUNTY. D.I.L.smathers (SEt~) The · executton. of •·the ·within ~ deed of· conv-eyance was this day proven before me 'Y the oath of Jesse MoGee,who is now blind.but the subscribing witness thereto andupon j!i examination say~ be don'! remember signin'" as. a wi tnesa deod for the within describe& propert7, but .remembers several years ago,when he could see,that som8 person called his attention to the fact that he was a witness to a deed from Julia Palmer to a~oard of trustees for the land described in said d e e dan~ the name tha.t appeared ther~to as wi tneaa was his signature. Wttneae my hand and private seal. This oct 17,1898. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUm'Y D •. I.L.Smathers (SEAL) Haywood County ,N.c. THE two foregoing and annexed certificates of D. I .r,.smathera a Justice of the Peace for Ha7Wood Oount7,dated oot.l7*1698,are adJudged to be correct and I .,therefore oertif7 'hat it waa this da;v.further proven before me this daJ-.'b#' the oath aa4 -: examination of J .M.tate, that J .o .,Palmer. the maker and grantor of · · said deed is dead and that of the $Ubsori bing'witneaa• es to said deed is also dead,8l!ld ft was further p:r()'Venb7 the o•th and examination of the sai4 J .:M.Tate, that he is well e.oqlia'intecl .. with the handwriting of the said J.R.Love and that the name of the said J.R.Love subscribed as a witness to said deed . is the proper handwriting of the said JqR.Love. TBEREFORF,let the ·said deed,with ·the certificates be repatere This the 14th day of March,l899. N .p .Walker,Clerk of the Superior 0 outt of Ha)'Wood c olinty. \____./ ' Page ... 309 ............... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA, ................................ COUNTY. PJiY'l/OOD IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO .. ---- ---- ·----- -.-- :---- ~ - - -- - --.----- ~ -----------.-.-- -.-- --- - - - --- --. --------- ... -:. AFFIDAVIT. ---~ ;;-r;DI'/ld."Lo---Dn1 gnn-t~-4-·1-,---su-rv"l'-------- J "iUf·'TrA"C·~··NU:~:B'ER:·2z2············· ....................... . l .' l ' ............... :: .. : .......... : ................................................... , b~i ng duly sworn, says: Tha( 'he 'is a Civil Eng:neer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Co.~ee-9n~~}lnin the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, which is / l' . ·~ designat~d as tract No ......................................................................... on the map prepared by him :::nd filed.Jn· the office of the Register of Deeds of Swain County, North -Carolina, _ which map ise~titled, "North GarolinaPortion of Great Smoky Mountains National P8rk." .~, · k · · · Hawoodd · t f th · 'd d 81 d f h' 16 That he nows the lmes and' boun aries se or m sa1 eed an rom Is survey an d I , investig~ticn, he knows that the deed to the Scate of North Carolina is likewise embracen in the s~veral links of the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. ·• ,f . ' An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in / .! in every;.~ase, where practicable, and .adjustrr.ents were made as between adjoining land '• owners,'1~6 that there is no dispute or controversy at the present time as to the boundarie3 of sai4;tract of land, except such as are noted in the title attorney's opinion herewith. ': / ' 7/ c.tJl , ......... .. /-tf: .... fl..;······-~---· ·······-····· ,, i' I Page.J..l.Q ...................... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION TAXES (Fill in all blanks indicatingyear, and show on. lines opposite the year whether or not the taxes have been paid. If paid an affirmative showing must be made by use 9,f the word "Paid." The use of ditto marks is not permissible). The property in question is assessed for taxati<).~ for the current year, 19 . .80 .. , at $ .. &~.-.7,a .............. , in the name ... 11 •. ii. • .O.&l4Jr.ell. ......................... and the taxes for the past ten years have been paid or not paid as follows: 1gg.l .... ..·.. ......... .l.4,l ,P. ..................................................: ········ 19.,6.:. . ....... PAil. ............................................... :·.. ................ 192.2..... . ............ .PAil> ............................................................. . 19.&?. ... . ....... P.Alll .................................................................. . .:. ~... ·. 1!128..... . ............ PAID ............................................................. . 19%8... . ...•... P~-Ill .............................................................. ···· 1~ ..... ·······'-•t» .............................................................. . 19.2.i ... . ....... Ulll ................................................................. . 1~§..... . ............ J?> .............................................................. . 19 ......... . ASSESSMENTS Bot BDJ LES PENDENS llot &DJ ~ECHANICS LIENS JUDGMENTS Slim G ·~ Page -31-1- ----- NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE AND OPINION Tract No"' 222 IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full; complete and oorreot abstract of all instrum.ents and ootn"t prOQeedings of reoord at­feoting the same from and including the beginning entry there or has been oaretully examined and noted, and that the following named owners: M. H. CALDWll:LL AND WI :FE, :M.A'tJDE CALIJtlELL, .. :\ ,)··· are seized in f'ee simple of a good and valid title to the same, sub jeot only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed hereon. ~· Taxes. 2. This traQt came through Julia Palmer. Many years ago, about 1857, she executed a deed for about one acre to certain persons as trustees tor church purposes. Later another tract was given to the church at another point and the lands embraced in this deed were abandoned, plowed up and haa been in use by M. H. Caldwell and others for a long period of time. The deed for this tract was, in my opinion, not properly proved aDd recorded. It was not actually recorded until 1898. In 1884 the land was sold and a deed made by the Clerk of Court of Haywood County to the Heirs of D. M. Caldwell, through whom the title passes to M. H. Caldwell. Even if properly_ proven, the registration of this deed in 1896 wwld not be effeoti ve aga1ll$i ,, · the deed under which M. H. Caldwell claims. We do not know of any person·- · · who- claims any title under this deed. We feel that 1 t ean be safely dis­regardecl. This 14th day of November, 1930. Attorney. Address --------------------------- .. :;,. Cl~o CaldweU J 0 1M. 36 boUCllll land0125.00 ~0 land 050.00 ~,:~~:~0 -' 0 aorea pa e 635.00 ,.....- 1400.00 79 acres woodla c 10.00 ,...---·· 790.00 2 room boxed house .-~-- 100.00 }c.y. IJ 3 stall lJarn __ ,/ 19 00.00 0 10 stall barn / oo. 0 lot; house > _ .;__ 50.00 8 room fptl'fiied house 1 ~-- -- -....__ 1500.00 Sprine·-House ·~ 200.00 Sm•;ke House 1.50.00 Li "ht house lOO•O•.J $6840.00 223 - / \ / Li:~ton l'f.IJ.mer 47.55-./- -.. -. --.;;...;;.;; ____,,. ........ . ..- .,- _-.~, -\ VJ· /\ 47?3- acres cleared land ( 3~-.oo V_l;:;.4.;;;2;;;.o;;.'"•;;.o;;.o;;._ _.. :l:..-:4;.;;:2;.;:l.i..:•..:O..::O_ _ 224 I ~ - .. .... .. ( / . ' ( .I .. .... f. ' ) I 225 Jarvis L; Pol mer ~~-oo 0 - 258.57 21 o.ores i hot l~ o 1and c,l25.0J I -~ 9 ac r es i culti ted fields' 50.00 15 uores \bot ,m pasture <<..)100.00 21.) o.cre~ w dland •'·10.00 ... ~.'...:~ . . , . 9 room f j_n ed houDe · " . , 3 to11rist~ camps · 500. 00 ·· " :\pp1c 1i 'e ~ p~~J:) · l" ·~ s: ,v :;molce ; ; u~ JllrTis L. alm'!r roc,u ..- 4b · ores in 3 fields t:-60.00 burn 255 acres woodland 12. 50 ..,;)0 300.36 2625.00 450.00 v 1500.00 2130.00 1200.00 1500.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 1200.00 2700.00 50.00 :.Sl82.50 Guy :Pe ae .. ! q 'Y~ - ;;;o ·6i! .. ., ncree o t iva ted land ClOD. 00 .. .,/.,. 27h- ocre ol tl :;' i olds <: ''.'oodl.and ·30. 'J:) 4 stall 1 rn 300.00 825.00 300.00 400.00 100.00 7 room "r rr·:·ne h ou se apple h~e ~ v ·U:J- 225- '. nu.v }'r; se . . '('r 8.19 ' . .. i 226 3 room ·e<L house 2 aorol.l,/ c eared_ land ·~40 6 ncr i:t'~ w dland 1 1.0.0 ~ (/ . ..... ~y '7 •. :. Hall 1l (~- I 1b acres 1'ottom land · 125.00 30 ac1·c·a cultivated .ieldst'*O.OO 56 acr t~ s\ wo& • 10.00 '.) rooM fr.a:led. hou se 4 f' i,nll onl•n Smoke lio e a.u 'l.e hou~ Chioken . :l ~use Rook :-;·,firle, House Stpre ·r/d c\lnp bld(~. Old lof, ho,ae T •mr i 11t call\p F sh .Pond \ I ~ i I \ 3:Jo.oo ao.oo 60.00 187D.OO 1200.00 560.00 1200.00 500.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 300.00 200.00 50.00 200.00 4000.00 ,. .. : · i } . i 10850.00 5932.50 / · 1925.00 'f;o.oo lOoS5.oo , . APPRAISAL OF CATALOOCHEE PROrERTIES. I•:AP NO. 0'.7NER 204 ·.; . L 3UTTO:·! HEIRS .All .. oodlend 206 l.:RS . J:I i7G 206-b 207 207-a 48 Acres c•.1ltivated land 45 .Acres woo dland Barn nouse 89t Acres woodland D. ;•; . CAI~Di. ..E :LL 30 .Acres ''rass l and 20 J~.cres ::-oodlf:nd Barn Log House 12 Acres J3ottom land 6 Acres Upland 1 Dwelling - log Barn 209 JONi•TITi, ~ f "}OODY 209-a 10 Acres grass fields 10 ,;.eros old fields 39 1i.cres ·.:o ·)dla nd 14 .Acres flut land 20 Acres old field 58 Acres woodland Buildings 210 8 . L. ·.:C>OD"Y 15 ,,eros olC:: fi elds 32 ~cres ~ oodland 211 ;_;·. ·:oo::n 1 00 .l.pple trees 25 Acres rollin:! 1 ~m d 25 ~cres old f i~ld 66 Acres uoodland ;- Buildings I ACRES : 222 r.;. :-t. C .AL D'. : :~L! . 'j '\ ' 'I \ ' .. ·. 10 .Acres bott om la nd 5 ;"cres bottom le.nd 25 .Acres Ol d f ield 30 Acres o l d f ields 64 Acres 1·;oodland DWelling house Barn ·. Can house ' Leat house :spring house and shed · Log barn and box house Light plant and gara~e , ..:. ' TOTAJ, 210 211 220 222 224 .... ,..-· ,:>·· 224a MRS. S. L. WOODY 15 acres old fi 32 acres wood ; 46.74 c Io.oo 0 15.00 F. W. WOODY J 116.18 100 apple trees 1 25 acres fla7\la @ 40.00 25 acres upper f lds @ 20.00 66 acres woodl. ~ 15.00 TAX V.ii.LUA'.":.'IO:tr"' \ $1,320.00 H. R. PALI:!ER 30 49 4 $ 150.00 480.00 $ 630.00 200.00 1,000.00 500.00 990.00 3,750.00 1,960.00 200.00 1,200.00 300;00 200.00 2,690.00 550.00 8,160.00 f I ~ '' .,..,......--·~"'~ ~ .....; :..tJ. --~ l (= ;.:)() M. H. CALD'IiEIJ.. / 10 acres bo~om land 5 acres upl nd / ; 40 acres pas ure ./ \ 79 acres woo and/ 2-room boxedl h9rise 3-s tall barn, / 10-s tall barn ' 1 log house/ a-room frame house Spring ho.lise Smoke House Lightyouse 134.35 @ 125.0,0 @ so ,<So © 3!>''.oo © ;J.:'6.oo TAX V.Alstf.A.TION $1,320.00 JARVIS L. PAU\·1ER ~ 21 acres bottom and r • 9 acres cu1 ti va ed fie;l'as · 15 acres bottom !llstur.e· 213 acres woodland! .. / 9-room framed house .. 3 tourists camps \6 f500.00 .Apple house /f Smoke house / \ Spring house ' 258.57 @ 125.00 @ 50.00 @ 100.00 @ 10.00 1,250.00 250.00 1,400.00 790.00 100.00 100.00 900.00 50.00 1,500.00 200.00 150.00 150.00 2,625.00 450.00 1,500.00 2,130.00 1,200.00 1,500.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 6,840.00 a-stall bar~ , TAX VALUATIO!J for 4~acref- $4,719.00. 1,200.00 10,855.00 JARVIS L. PAUIER . )(/ 45 acres in 3 fields I Barn 255 acres woodland/; 300.36 ~ 60.00 2,700.00 50.00 @ 12.50 3,187.50 5,937.50 \ .

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).