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Cataloochee tract 248: J. A. Conrad

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  • ! I ! I, i. i I SMOKY /VI TN. PARi< J.A. CoNRAD TRACT 27..9/ ACRES J"CAL.E /"-=20CHAIN..S e .. _NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Lands of ................................................................... J .•... .A ....... .................................................................................................... . .................... : .......................................................... , ............ Township ........... .HB1W.O.Od .................................................. County. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION Traot (248) J_ _c xrs : •_11_ __b e_$ !'1n--8'1! _1 n th_·_i s . 4e-eer ip- t1on "''_" t wm_o 4_ fJOr>-m tbe t:r~ mer141-sn tmd all dlat&n,ces an oxpHS• ••4 1n chaine of 66 feet. Beg:lmJ.lnl at aomer l, a po.Wt or1 tt-• r~ nrtb bi&tllt of oom-sl aronota. beat tte tM tod. eb09Jn $ 8 oorne• bf J. J . oon:d. betns 00smt7 I ot the »• .B.; BelaQl fraot 24'1•a) set a 4't obeetntat J'OSt. soribe4 l>.:n.cor. 2 ~h&nee tt. 2·18 E. Come-11· a. c 2-0" otwJett.tut •1th cot•~' ma.*-· M4 w1t.neaee• em t~ of ? ol':lt: :U4ge , bla~e4 ana ecr1be4- J.A.o-. cor. 2; Tb$noa 11. t1l9 .. 52 ' • como~ a. a ao• obeett'lut \lfttb oome~ U~M"ke ana llitneaeer;• blllz:d llt.l4 ao.r1be4 J • .A.o. Co21. Z, 'being -C~i' J~ l of tbt ».:a. ti 1e a1 '.i."rtlct ( 24'1 ~ l'benoe w1 th the D. a. Deleon s. ~ w.• Come~ 4 .• a pobt on top of e, tt14p, ebowu ae oorne~ b7 J• M. eonm. cornet e of the J. u. O-Otll'a4 fto.ot (245-a) eat <h>l'tl&r 4t of tbe lJ. B. Nelec.a :ftraot ( !4'i ). s et. a 4" poet 1n a ll0Wl4 of atones ucl'1lte4 J.c. ~..a. oor. e, · BT An e" epe.nish oak bl~uJed e.m soribei."J.C.f-Ja Qor. 2. beN'& s. se.oo ••• 21 41etrm.t, !fhenM, lea,lna tht -~ ll. Nelaon TrtlCt ( 24?)-. witb the J. M.oonraa traot C 2~) fh 1-o2 •• Col'ner 6, e: ,.. oboatnut poet b•e14e tbe road • 1n a mound of etonfJe, eot"ibbd 3.A.c. Oo~. 6, being Oornel" 6 Shut A of to.. D. B. Belee Tnot ( !'V..a) ant a polllt ill liM of th• J. L Co.nna Tnot ( llD-a) 1 ·.f beooe, l•••ua '.. '• -. ooa­na Jreot ta•~) "''' tbe »• ! . Jfelee Tnot CUt-a) an4 4GWD tbe ~4 wltb 1te mean4en • • 1 .... , •• ANALYSIS OF TITLE TRAOT NO. 248, I~ 'l'raot No,. 248 1s now owned by J. A, CoDX'8.d and is totally eabraoed by sta_~e Grant No. 252 iss'l;led by the state to .Tohn Gray .Blount, As we havf!J treate~ state Grant No. 252 b7 meae oonveyanc•s. tr~Dm the time said gran.t wae issued1 up1 throueh an4 including the till1e said grant passed by the last will and testa• ment ot James ll• Love to his executors, the same will not be re­pea ·ted i .n this analys1s1 but may be sc;,en by rete1:enoe to the anal.,- sis of the Sidney Nelson tract, beginning with puagraph 1 or said analysis, e.nd ending with paragraph 10; page a. ot this abstract. !.?~ 7 II. The t1rst in at :rumen t •• ld.ll oonsi de~ atteo t1q Traot No. 248 is a deed frolll R. n •. Gilmer, tl"UStee and administra• tor de bonis non1 to 1, Ae Conrad. This iJlstrument bears date Of September 21, 1906, and conveys Traot No. 248, In making this Oo!P veyanoe, the eaid Ttu.stee reserves onftl"halt ot the . lllin~al interest with mining ptivileges. By reference to this deed; it appears that w, L. Hilliard, one ot the executors or 1ames R .. Love1 ~outect e. bc>nd $Qlllet1me duri11g the year 1894 to 1. A;, Conrad tor the land described in this instrument, Evidently bond was never t1114 tor reeor4. For the authority given to 'R• n. to exeoute titles to the Love speculation landtJ. see the analysis ot title tt . . Ok7 Tract No. 2851 page No. 69, ot this abstract. The above deed is ot record 1n Haywood county. See page '~"'Y or this abstract. nJ. ? . 011 January 9 t l922t J • A, Conre.~ oon'Veyed to n. B. Nelson and wite that portion qr the land ~ntioned in the · preo8111ng Panltl'aJh ot th1• an.aly&d.a which embraces T:ract No. 248 • twontr ao:r:ta, mort tr lese 1 having been deeded to N. c, Conrad, Whioh it!l e~oepte4 trcmi thi$ conveyance. We not1oe that · 1. A• conra4 1s no-t; joined in this conveyance by his wife, so we have f1bta1ned an attidavi t to the e:f."tect that J • A. conrad- - was UJUD.anie4 e.t the datt ot .:ranuan- 91 1922. ·seci page, 2;7/ T11<, I ot this abstratrh The above deed 'is or reoot-d in Haywood county. see page .2J C:. ot this abstract. ' IV • On Jul:r 201 1925, nave B• Nelson 'ana. wife oon• veyed tQ John A• Oonre.d Tract No. 24Eh In making this oc:mveyanae .. the parties ot the tirst part reser?e a road in the same pl~oe where the road was looated 'at the date or the deed, · Howevel-1 sinde :o. B• Nel,on has since that 4S.te conveyed all his land located with~ in the Park e.rea to t he state o-r North Carolina, we are of the optn­iop that thfo' state now owns ~id right of way. The abo'te deed ia duly Ncol!'ded 1n Haywood county. · ' see page f J ( or this :'aot. V. As we are Pe.l"tiallf depen41ng upon possession to-r title- tc> Tl:'ae1- -No-;: -248. --we ·have- -obtatne-4 •atr1<ta:v·tts--·or-posses•~ --­- sion. 'said aftide.vits may be seen by reference to page 5!J &': - 4-- 1ihroU8h, fi.f! . ot t~s abstract. vi. surveyor'$ att1d.av1t ay be aeen by reference to page f t.3 of this antJtraot. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed AR Acknowledgecl §.. " lh D ~ GlLMER.,Tl"u stee ana Administrator R. D. _G!UiER 1TrUste• and Administrato:r "' Rt :p. ~a~, Truste~ 3 am Aam1.n1 st ra tor 1------------------------+-----------------------~----------------------- ;r, ;... ~ONRAD 1. Kind of Conveyance ......... De&.d .................................... . 3. Is it properly executed ...... YeS ..................................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ... C.a ... S .•. .' .. ..... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .......... .......... ........ ...... . 9. ·Date of ackno•vledgement ...... 9!!i!>Mt'!tl9.00 ............. . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ... N~---··············· · ······· ········ ············· 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ........ NCL .................................................... . (b) po•~er to convey ... Y.O.SNrf········· ................... ....... . (c) agamst encumbrances ....... .... .......... ..... ..................... . (d) against claims of all others .... J.fO .......................... . 2. Date of Conveyance ...... 9•2l.t~tl-9-Q6 .......................... . '1. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 6. Acknowledg~ments, regular .. Yes ................................ .. 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .... --,_ ........... ............. . 10. Wa~ pr ivy examination of wife taken_,..,.,_.,._. .......... .. 12. Was order of probate correct ... Y~.S .. , .......................... .. 14. Date of filing for record ... 9.<!!t.2l•~906 ................... .. 15. Book ..... 24 .............................. Page ... ll.'1 ................... .. for ........ .H.a:ywo:.od .................................. County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions l . ... 1nt.e.r.est .. w.1th miniDB----P:-1-vil-ege.s ... ~eaerved ............ , 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .. 'f-0-llAV~ ... AID .. TO llOLD --tb.e .. .ator:e.said ... trao.t .. ·Qf-lan;d ... .. ......... u'th .. :ihe. ... .»ri .Y:i.l.e:s~.-:-::aoo~~P~-1;1 na:oo. e.e ... ... unt.o .... beloll81n& ... .t:a ... o.1' .......... . ......... the .. mineral. .. 1n:ter.e.St ... ..., .. pr..i .vil.ege.s .reserved .. .as ... here.1nb.efore ........ Pm:rt.d~.d) .. .... tbe. .... ~.W. d .... J . .: ... A ...... C.Qnra.d .•... h.1.s ... h$.1rS ... and .... a.s.s.1~ ..•.... to ... lli.a. and thetr only use ani behoof' fo,...ever,. ·Exact Description of Property . _ . TBIS DEED made this the 21~ day of September._, 19061 by R. n., 'fruS't?ee for the heirs at law of James R. Love, de-ceas• ed end others. owners of the lands Imam as the "Love S-peoulntion Lands" and as. Admin1strato:r- de bonis · non, with the Will ann~~ed ot James R t LOVe 1deoeased.• to J.. A.• Conrad of the County of Uaywood t State aforesaid J WITNESSETH a That, 'fUIEREAS 1 . .Tal!.e s R. J;.<?ve , dece tJS$d, under ~ decree of the oour-t ~of :Wqtt1t3'···-tor - BtmeolDb~ ·eoun.trr-1mcte ·tn ·the ·-year ·];857;- ·nnd;--un.--- ·------­der the ]>;fo'V'is1ons ot .a DE)ed of Ae;l:tecment enter~d into on the 16th d~ of OctobEJr-. l85? by Jtilm s R • Lpve t R. M. Henry James I., HenlT.t William Welch,_.· .rolm B_· . Love, D1lliard Love and wti:h~ H. Thomas, be• came trustee 'for bimself and the . said parties above named of the said Love Spec-ulation lands lying ln. the Counties or Yancey t Madison, Buneombe, Ha~od ~nd Jacka:>n; w:l tb power to make $~<H3 of the aame end execute tt. t les ~e:oerort and, · VHTh"RE4S t th~ said James R. Love died seized and })Ossesaed of the said Love speculation lands as 'ITustee as f:l.foresaid t and.,. \"vl::.ERlU.S 1 the said James R • Love made and published a last will and testa:roont 1n writing and appointed William H., Thomas, Robett G. A, Love, William L. Hil liard and sanuel L. Love, executors, who q,ua.l1t1ed. and took upon thEmselves the execution thereot; and t WlDl!RF.AS 1 the said James R. Love sold many tracts of said land to different p9rsons and author 1zed and empowered his said Sheet B · -~~~- to oont1nue the sal~s ar satd land~ and to ma~ titles; and • l'i1IEREASt upon the death ot the said William t. Hilliard, ~be . ~·le acting ex&outor Of the said James B" tbve J deceased 1 tb.e s~peri6r court ot Hay,~Qd Qowrtly', at ~~ pr1ng Term, .1891., in the case ()f W:t :b.« Henry and vr.L.Hen;ry, Admin:i.strator of R. M .• Hef1l7, deceased, YS,t w .• L. rl1ll1ard and others, f.q):pe>1nted the said R. D, Gilm9:r Trustee tor t.h· e he:trs at law of Jaaus R .:. LOve~ deceased, and others.. ., . owners of the aaid ~ove Speculation Lands., With power to make saletJ f):f said :Lands and e~ewte titles theretO, t and 1 WllEIUJ:~~S , the said R. D. Gi~:r was appointed Administrator non with the will tllU!e~ed of Jam.ea n. Love, deceased.J by the OQUrt of Haywood county, on the 18th day ot sap tem.ber 1 1891; dtt bott!:J supel"'i.or andt ·. 'tlH:i:l'a1E.t\S 7 w .. L. Hilliard, executor of Jemes R. Love, deceas-ea1d1d ·On April 9th .. t 1884, execute bond for title to ·the 8a1d ;r, A. Oo1U"a4t conditioned to mdfe deed 1ai> the lams herein described upon the pal'llent of three notes of $37 .eo each; and, . WHJ!l'£ .. 411 , the said notes have been paidt t&•VTit, $45.77 to .said Hil.liard on September 10, 1890 and the renainder, to-wit the swu ot $100,75 to R. D. Oil.Ioor.,Trustee; On the -vtaterz of tittle Catalooohee in the County of .Heywood; BID Dft.TING at a me stnut on Fork Mountain and l"tJD.S s , 12 5 poles to a large spotted. oalt1 tmnce Weat 64 :poles to n spruee pine; thence North 122 poles to ~;- chestnut on Fork Mountain; theno~ Ea st~ with the top at the mountain,. M P')le~ to the beginning. Being el:Ception No~ 55 ·to J. A• (l:l) Conrad in a Deed bylh D. G1lm~ ., ~stee and Admifd,frttator, to the No~th Oarol.ina Land & Lumber COl'JIPatiYj dated March 31St•, 1896 a nl recorded itl the office of the Register of Deeds to~ Heywood eounty1 in Book l!o, 101 pa0iJ 1 and oontain.tng 50 eerea JJX)l"e or less .• .U.l NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Sig-ned As Acknowledged J, A. CONRAD J., Jl. . CONRAD ~ D. B. NELSON and -Wife ~ LAORA NELSON 1. Kind of ·conveyance. .....·d ........................................ . 2. Date of Conveyance ______l .~~~l922 ______,, _ _________ , ______,_ 3. Is it properly ~xecuted ...... Yes ............... ---------------·------· · 4. Date of Entry and No ..... ______ ____________________________ , ____ ,, _______ _ 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .. .Q.,S,..C ............ .. 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ________ ........... ... ... ....... ... . 6. Acknowledgements, regular -----Yet---------------.. ----·-·------- 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .... ~~~,~~-----·-·------·---· · .. ·- 9. Date of aclmowledgemenL .. .l!'!!9~.l922 ................... · 10. Wa ~ privy examination of wife taken .... ~.'!'!'.'!'!'.'!!!!l!t ....... . 11. Did officer affix Seal... ....... ..... NO __________ .......................... . 12. Was order of probate correct...Ye8 ........................ ..... .. 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record--- - -~~9.~1.\JBIL ................. . (a) of seizin ..................... Yes ....................................... . 15. Book _______ _61 ___________________________ Page ... a1 ....................... . (b) power to convey ................... Y.e.e ............................... . f or ------···-·lleyWO..od ..................... __________ County. (c) against encumbrances _______ : ......... Y~~L .................. .. 16. Does deed contain any speciaL!imitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others .................. YeB ............ - or restrictions .... See ... De.s.or1pt.1on ... for. ___ _ ____ ......... _________________ _________________________________ _ 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully).T-0--.&V.E -AND -~.TO ... UOD ... th,e ... .a.tor.asai.d ... tm.()t ... ~---JX\b ... . .. eel. ..Q f_ __J ,and .. an.d ..s .ll.. ..p rivll.Eees. __ an.d ... ap.purtene.n.o_e_a ___th er.eto_ ___b ~~ng~ ... . ·--·------t.o ... the ... said .. D.~ . --.B., __ Nel.s.on .. and ... w1te ____ Lur.a ... .. and ... he.1r.s ... and ... ·-·-------to---th.eir ... only ... uae. .. an.d ... behoof ... .tore.ver_._. ___________________________ ..................................................................... .. Exact Description of Property ' Lying all:d being on the lett hand prong of tittle Catal.oocbee Cl"eek and BI!P!NNmG at a obe stnut on Fcrk mount a 1n and runs sou 1h 125 poles to a large spotted Oak; thence_ w. 64 pole• "tO a e,pwoe pine; thence N• 122 poles tQ a chestnut on Fork mountain; thenO$ East, with the 'tQlp ot the mountain M poles to the b~inn1ng;; · De~ltl5 E~eption No,55 1n a deed ·--:htom-R-..-:D -...-~1' . !.Pma 'tee--r-'" to--- \he ,_N.O-.I.and ---,-~-----------·------------·-.. - and Tim.'bar oom;r:e.n7, wM ch is reg1 stered 1n BOok NOt 101 on pagee trom 1 to 40 Reoord ot Deeds of ma,_,m county; ExQept1~, boweve.:r; f"rom tbe operation of this deed mich ts llQt intended to be eon:veyed by ~e ·~ 'the, toUowi~ . d~ser1bed lane\;- Which the said ;r. A, Oont'acl M1'etotore S$ld ott to ,r, v. Co:nracl Sl1d Carrie ConJ"a4 1 by dtted dated January Stb• 1921t Which is recorded in the oftiee or the Registel' of Deeds of' Hqwoal County t 1n Book 57, on :rage i511 Y&1ch land he:retotore conveyed ott . ot the above desori bed land 1s descri bei as follows;• Shut B fll .=.Isl.l . . ~~­\ ;J .:;)0 ' Page.: .................. .'.· ... ................ . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION In Preamble ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed DA liD J3,. NELSON LlltA .. NELSON - . ~ - ' '.• As Aclmowledged ~~----------------------~------------------------~----------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ...... Dee.d········································· 2. Date of Conveyance ... f•2~1988··············· · · · ····· · ···· ·· 3. Is it properly executed ....... ye,$. .................................... . 4. Date of Entry and No .......... ................................. ............. . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ...... z.,p., ............... . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ·····Yetf··············-············-··· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ................................ .. . 9. Date of acknowledgement ... ?-20-l-9a-5-----············· 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ............. y-68····················· 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ....... J'e&·-········· 11. Did officer affix SeaL ... NO-··· ·····---······ ··········· ······ ············· 12. Was order of probate correct ... ¥&&···'·························· 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record .. S..~l-93·-·-·······-·······--···· (a) of seizin ........ Yes ..................................................... . (b) power to convey ...... '!(.es ........................................... . (c) against encumbrances .... Ye.s ................................. . 15. Book ··-··---·-··"10--······················ Page .... li·············-·--······ for ··--···--HayWOO<l··································County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others .. yeg ........................... . or restrictions -See----Be-10'0········································ 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .... ....... T-O HAVE···MID· T0 · 110LD··--th-e· -· a·f1)J!"e$~ld····tJiaCJt··-of· ·· ··,····· ......... l.e.ud .. :an,d ... an ... ... an4 ... ap.p\l.' --there-to-- --be-l.-ons:~ng ... t -o'--ta-e---- ······-&a1-cl---JGha'---A; ... conrad-,- --his---heirfi1--and---a$Signs-, ... to --tl1a1:r,.·-onl7···UN·-a~----···· ·········bebbo1"-··f01'&W1!·a········-····-····· ···-······-··········--·-····-········ ····················-····-········································-··········-· ···························--····· Exact Description of Property Lying and being on the left hand prong of !.it tle Oata1ooo)l$ e Oreel{; and BEG:tr\!Nnro- at Ohestnut on Forlt ·Molmtain and runs s~ 125 poles to _ a large sp$tted aik) thenoe Wf 64 poles to a epmce pine; thence N• laB. ~les to a chestnut on Fo~ mounta1nl thenoe East, w1 tn tlle · -· ·to:p -~f- the · 'l.!!mUfta!nt - 64-- ~l~s- ---t(r-the -beg tnntne~----- -----­B~ 1ng Ex\1eption i"f:o• 55 1.n a Deed from R,D.GUtiiBJ't Trustee to the North Carolina Land and ! .. umber Oom.- pany \ibieh. is registered in Book ~To. 10 Qn pages from~ to 40, record ot Heywood county; except1ng1 howe~r • t:rora. tlJ.e. oparation of t his Deed, Wh1c$ ls not intended to be oonwyed by d~ed for sam~ the .. land vb.ioh the sa:t.d J·. ft. . Oonra.4 aol.d to N • v_, Coru'ai and Oa:try Conrad by dee.t dated . Januar.Y Sth,, 1921, v!liol'l is recorded on ~se 5511 Book 5?. · "'"That said D. B. Nelson get a road the same way that tt nf>w gOes"., Sllut B STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA E'A.'YWOOI> QQ'UliJ'l,'Y J-;;, /i /6-naa-6 . ·• bed.c~g duly sworn1 depOses and says: That he is S~ yea;rs Of age and has been a »esid&n't and citizen of Haywood county tor o'.f-<yesrs; that he is nU EtOqualnted with the ownership and p&ssess1on ot a ._.... tain tl'act of' land now owned by J" • At Conrad more part1oUlarly bounded and uesoribed as follow ~ 'l'Rg\.CT NO .. ~ BEGIID~ING e. t Co~ner 1 1 a point on th~ ,No:r:th bank o:t conra~ Bl'anoh,. beside tho roa4 shown as col'nel,' by J • . A• c.onrad, be1ns Oorne:Jr 3. ot the D. :s. :N'elso~ Traot {24'1--"a) set a 4" oheet .. nut post ecrlbed D-• N• Co:rne:r 2~ thenoe l~orth 2-18 E. 15.33 Cc>rner 2• a 20" ohestnut w1 th ooner mat-ks and wi tnessee on t -op of F¢rk Ridge • blazed and sorlbed :r. A. c. Corner 2; thenoe N., $9•52 W1 14.47 Corner~, a _20" OilE:lstnut _wtth OOJ~fl' me.1'k$dUld wi tnGB$&$1 . blazed and ~01"1 bGd J*A"{J' Corner . 3,, b~1ng Co:rn~r 1 Of thEJD~ B, J:lelsC)l1 T;-aa~ . ( 247}; thenoe W1 th the D; B·t. Nel• son Trao~ (~•7) · s. 4-48 w. 14•56 Corhe:r 4-. a vo1nt on top or a rldse shown as o.olnl$~ by 1 • . M. Conradj Corner 2 or tht J' ~ . Thh couad 'a"ao" ( 245•a) .and co:rne2r .4 or the D• n. Nelson 'rrnct(247), -set a -4J1--p«>et ·-tn- --a !11Q'tt!1d of'- etone$'-SC:rtb~~ ·.rt"'-c.·--­~ 21 oorne1. a. An I" GI>anish oak bla_~ed ana aoribed ~'f,.J.o,T,•a •. oorne~ 2! bel:lrs s, _ a-~oo w. ,22 ohain disten-c; th~nee eaVing the D. B,. r-Ielson {.24.r7h V4 th the J'_, M,. Coxtt-ad tract ( 245-a) s. 1.-02 w. 11-.20 Corner . 5 * a 4" ehf)$tnut p-()et br side the t-oad in a mound t>f st~mes scribed J' • A, c • CorntW 4 _. b$1ng Cornel' 4 ot til$ D, B. Ne1Stl11 Tract ( 24'1~a) A;nd a po.1nt in line or th~ J' • . M. CQ~d Tract ( 24&--a) ; ~hence le&.Ving the J:* M,. 0~~4 ~ac>t ( 245<"-a) w1 fill the: D1 n. }lelaqn Tract . { 24'1•a) and down the l'oa& with 1 ts :mean6.e:rs . . N·. 14*5'7 lh 1.1e A Pll1il" J N·, 22•04 lh l. '15 A Po!nt; N'• 42 •42 E, ~.92 A Po1nts s. i3•l2 E:a 1•20 A Po~nt; N• 65•39 E, -1.05 A Poin~; 1~;.. 4'1-02 Et 1.46 A Point; N, 6~M lh a .• o9 -A Point; i'l• 49•55 E. 5.3'1 The pla.oe of begimd.n~h containing 27.91 e.qres. :":•·' . > • Att1aJlt tutthfliJ- ate.ttll 'th.a'l 1• At · conrad and thOee under •• ht ole..bul1 •• ri't · t>aT.e ' a,. !itl.s~a aa4 tbe ~t~e Qt J" R. · X..'Yt hl;v• teen in ithe o~, ·•, 1\l>_,~~ua and at"terse per •••••~~ •t aatcl ).e.tt4 •••1mc:l-. a4 vit.S.'bla •tea and· bOUJ14s tor a . . . . ' perio4 ot 50.1••• ua •"• Olilt1!&-t1- ~:1 ia.ld11.g ' and :ttrewooA, -.atv'));g •e•• tu.tA makina $UGh other uses of sai4 1u4a •• thet m au.Oepillblt ·ttl att14\llt further states tb4t Jte. us l'le"Yol' b.ear4 ot ••nr ooutft'Vuar •s t,o the tit~e o-r to the poiJ"'> J&ss1t>l\ ot po:t1on ot ~e above 4eaf$·+.1kd lands• . ,. sworn to ancl. aubso~1tnJ4 'betore me 'lll• ~l (k¥ C)f oot:. • 1929• ... ;v _e~,~=t I . . •.. . • . · I · My Commission Expires May 27, 1931 S'l'A~ OF NQ:RTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY ..... · <Fearjle ·. Ilea'? .ztt:::. ..., being dUly swo~• tepo•ea and says: That he is .;i;Z. year$ ot age and has been a oit~zctn and x-es:l.clent or Haywood county tfl:t .::.t:;Z. years; the.t he 1a we11 aoqua1nted with the o'Wilt:tsh:f.p and possessiott otCi oer­t8: tl'l tract of land now owned by J, At conrad more pal'tloularlr described ae follQwat etrm:ING a. t C~ner 1, a point on. the North · . . of oonrad B~&nch 1 beside the road $hown es oo:rnQl" by J'o-.·A• Conrad, . be1~ Corne:r 3 crt ·the D~ B •. Nelsoll Tract (247•a) sat a 4"' ohest­nu~ past sQl'1bed D, N; Corner 2~ thence North 2~1a E. 13,.33 .06;ner; 2._ o. 20" ohe$tn:ut W:t th corner ma:tks an:d ·Witnesses on top or Fork R1dge1 blazed and so;r1b~d 1t A, 0• Co;rn,e)t 2J thenoe li.; 89,..52 w., ; l4t47 · Corne;r ~ J a 20" chestnut . with earner marks and witnesses; blazf;ld end sol'ibed ;t•A•C• Corner 3; being COl!ner l ot the .D·, a,. Nels(l)n T'.i' ( 247} : thence "11 tb the P* B.. Nelson Tl'aot (24'1} s. 4•48 .. \1• ~~·58 C()lmer 4, a .point on top ot a r1 dge shown as oorne:r by J • M. con­rad, COl"ll$r 2 of tb~ :! • .u. conrad Tract ( 245--a) • and Corn~J> 4 .or then. n. Nelson . ~act {247), · set .. a 4-I! _ pt.lS't ~.itt .ELaound. o_t .. s.tdnea acu-1 bad .1~ a.._ _ , T-2, Ct?.rno:r ~., an 6" spanish. oak blazed and .scribed B.'l'.,J'11C• · ~2· t corner 2, bears .s. 85 ... 00 w • . -.22 ohain distant; the;uee leaving the :o- B. NelsQn T:raot (24'7t wiGh the J, -.. conrad tract (245·•a) s. 1-02 West ,.1.20 Corner s, a 4" ohestnut pos·t beside - the :road ln a lllQund ot stones eori bed J, .lh . o • Col'nor 41 bel~ corner 4 ot the D. :e. nelson Traot (247-a} and a point in the line of the J', M-.. Con-rae. Trsot . (. 24.~&ll tb. enoe . lea.vtng . tl». · .. J.• M, , c.·.on-re. d Traot (E!45•a) With th~ D. B. Nelson Traot · (247•a) and dawn th., road mth ttl mee.tuitrG, No:rth 14~57 lh 1.18 A Point; . N-t 2&-04 . 1\lti~ lt V5 ·A Point; N• 42•42 E• 3.92 A.. Po:tnt; S~ 83•12 E.:t.2() A Point; N~t 6·6,..39 E, 4'1~~ A' Point; Nt 47•02 E• 1w46 A Point; rq., 6:5--34 E·• a~oo A-Point; N. 49-55 :s. s .. s,, the place of beginning, containing 2?.91 acres. 940 I . '....__/ Attitmt t\U'the:P etatta that 1 .• A• con:ra4 .... , thoee undez­' irh• h• clalaet t1 · W1 t t n.~ B• Nelson ,,uu1 the 'trustee ot .reuae• . . ~ . R-. tov. havt bda. ill t!le ~·Jt• eoa,1n~oU8, noto:riou• and a4'Ye*•• · po•aeasiotl ot satd 1eut4 'Wl4e1' bon an4· \'ieible •teiJ en4 bwa._ to.r $ :periOd ot 30 pua ~,a J.DOHJ cul'l 'fati~ Bat.t te)all\g ,. .. bf.t).' anA t:t.»tWQOd. th_.~ .paatutlng ·eame1. atl4 ~- .suoh ·othazo u•• ot -~4 lamb as theY· ue •ueotl>tible e>fJ atftant tunll.•t states that he has ncwe~ hect o~ ·~Y eon~vW's1 &8. tot he tille or to the possession ot uy petton ot the abGve 4e84J"ibed lanta. sworn to an4 eubsor' b84 het~(J . .. me ,~ • .,31 d" da)' or· Ootu .ll9.:~4o · ,M_e.- < My Commission Expires May 27, 1931 I '-.__.../ .j . ATTORNEY'S CERTIFIGATE AND OPINION IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instrum ents and court proceedings of record affecting the same from and including the beginning entry there of has been carefully examined and noted, and that the following named owner ...... : ________ ___ _____ seized in f ee simple of a good and valid title to the same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed hereon. ENCUMBRANCES ~ .... tno_.. - •• ~·- n ....~ --... . _·. tt--t:v ttl._. the ~·· 1;t 29 . ·.,;~yp v~ "MOi:•'"- ~ "' . ·. . .,_ . .· .f' oarbeir ot ~· .Saem 1li~aeat 011t••a. · _.. •-..4 bf ~el4 ad O:th .. t Thi.s . ___a___e____ _____________ day of -----·--a----o---t----o----:-·-'~'--;1-(. _________________________________ , 19 __a____t__ , Address----------·------ --·---·----- -----------·---------·-------- ·---·-------·--------·------- Attorney. .·, .. · . ... - ,.~:..-- Page ............... ....... .": ........... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA, _ ~ HAl\"lOOD ------------------------------------COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO ----------J- --.-A---.-O---O---H---R---A---D--- '--W----I-D---O--W----E-R--- ------------------------------------ DESIGN.A'!'ED IN SURVEY AS ---- -- -- -~ - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- AFFIDAVIT. ----------~~9 .. !.W.lJ..~~!'-~---------------------------------------------· being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of Register of Deeds oL ...... ~_l)!Q_QJ;L_ __________ County, in Book ...... 8l. ............... , Page ...... 75---------------· That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga-tion, he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of th~ -~haJn ()f title shown in .the aq~tract h~rejnbefor~ setf9rth. _ _ ·-- ____ _ ....... . An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controversy at th.e present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land. --------------¥.---~---~------------ . S~~fP to and subscribed before me, this 1al · .. - ~ ... 7 i ....... day oL ...,. ............. , 19 ....... 0 .. . ;:l.c~:r;~ _ _g _~:::: .) ' . · ~ Notary Public. ,· -~</M · · · g t;.,...v. I ,2 I 6 3 ! .;...~ / . y commission expires .. --r------------------'----'- · v-'' ' / ~ " . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION . ~i_ TAXES (Fill in all blanks indicating year, and show on lines opposite the year whether or not the taxes have been paid. If paid an affinnative showing must be made by use of the word "Paid." The use of ditto marks is not permissible). The property in question is assessed for taxation for the current year, 1~~---··• at $. .. .~ !:.!9. ..............., · in the name ... ..... !~~4::-..~l~~~~------·-··-~--- ·- ·····--·and the taxes for the pa st ten years have been paid or not paid as follows: 21 19 ......... . -···--··--·---~~~~----·······----·--······---·······------·····-· 19.~?.... · _____ ________ l~:n~---··········-··-·-·······------· ····-···· ·-·--···· ___ _ 1~~-- -- ' 1~:.r ... .. 1~~----· 1~~---·- 1~0 ..... 21.:!: 19 .... ~-- - 24 19 ..... .-.... 25 19 ......... . ... .. .... ..... :P..~~~------·-················-··-···--·····-·-· PAlD - ..................... : ........................................ ......................... . ASSESSMENTS LES PENDENS Bot m1y MECHANICS LIENS Not any JUDGMENTS PAID ···-··· ····-··················· ······················································ ··· PAID ··· ·· ··· ·- -·· -·-··· ···--·· ·········· ····· ···· ·--· ··· ·· ··-- -·-- ·· ··· ···· ····· ··· -· -·-·· -- PAID PAID ............ PAID .............................................................. . Sheet G 242 243 / _,_ a. 1. Pal.M:r old barn . 12 ao:rea oleer•d land d30.00 23 acres wo.ala~d t~O.OO , c. J. l'almer ! 7 room framed hou::;c '\ d / r \ 01 log house Lo~ bu.rn \ . ' ' 20 acre a c l eared land ( 2 fJ. 00 10 aorns woodland 10.00 J. B. I..ookman 5 acres cleared l and · 25.00 7 acres cl eared land ~20.00 30 acres woodland ' "10.00 I. n. T'oGaha G acres c l eare' . l und • 2b.OO 4t •~-or c a t~oodlnnd ''lo.o:; loc, nabin loc \xu·n 34..98 30.36 42.32 10.58 244 Joi&n lir. :Palme r 171.14 246 245-A 246 247 N room f rnm ed hou se 5 room fr•a 'itld house 2 a ppl e houses barns moJ:e Ilouoo and Sprint; House 0 acres cultivated land f 60.00 101 acres '~ oodland · ·10.00 J. ~; . Conrad \ Sheep ilouae 5 ! ~ Cr' ' 8 WOL}d l Hllll -10.00 / \ ' 15ir acr l~ & clearod land r;;60.00 ' / \ J. 1{. Conr ad 6 stall lJnrn 2 room log l1ouee Srnoko house and 2 ori bs ap :,le ltoUBe 45 aorea cleared la..;d , ·20.00 4 no res in orchnrd 0:125.00 J3la1ne Conrad 1 . .. Sheep ii o ·.~ se . ·;· ·· All nleared •',60.00 i_'j · ~ Dave 3.; r:elson ' 2 room ~or, house 5 r !Jom :X>xed house Bnrn 20 acres c~le ared land '!120.00 28 ao.;:·ea woodland • 10.0 .· Dave D. jielson All olJ. fi t;lds •. 15.00 1 lo;_; hom:;e 248 v 1./' 1\ 20.53 87.74 47.9'1 14.86 27.91 DO.oo 360.00 230.00 900.00 10().00 300.00 500.00 100.00 125.00 140.00 300.00 150.00 45.00 50.00 50.00 8oo.oo 40:).00 zoo.oo 500.00 100.00 4200.00 1010.00 150.00 50.0'J I) ' ! ./ " -• ...... 'l 1900.00 565.00 295.00 . . ~ . 7210.00 930.00 1130.00 250.00 100.00 65.00 100.00 900.00 500.00 25.00 1260.00 lO '~; .OQ 400.00 100.00 400.00 _28u.oo 225.00 100 .00 ~~-~ l:;24.00 1915.00 1285.00 :. ··/ , _. 1280.00 _,_ . ~ - .: ' ., •. ~ 474.00

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).