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Cataloochee tract 216: J. R. Hall

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  • . .. . ' . . --: . . . .. :; ' ~ · . ...:- ~- . . . -._. SMOKYMTN.PARI< •.·~ . J. R. HALL TRACT /2/.44 ACRES SCALE /"'20CNA/NS @ . . ,. ':-.. -~ . '. SVHI'EY o'/.1,8 . BY W. N. S~OAN NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Lands of ............................................ if.t~. ... R!! ... H. .A .. L. .. L. ..............: . .......................................................................................................... :. .. . (216) ............................................................................................ Township ........ H..A. .. I .. :W ... O ... O .. D......................................... County. l9d7 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION D!h All ~a.l'lrea 1n thld A$aoripUca WJU •-• fl"OD tbAI .,.. •I'.U. d &ll ~--~-- a~e ._......,. lD olS• ol &a ..... B:fUmnu at. co~ 1, a polJQ 1ll t!ll oenteao 11• rl Ida -a... •• 1 til iJa •.-ott. ca w1tb n bcu.., lla of 'hil '-' 8JIIl • ». w. c.:&A-.1 ~' (ao?...a). beina o...-r llo. • •• n. •· OelMJ.l ~·· A I" lflllaO• poa t. 1n II\ ~ or • to •• 'bl-.1 .._ torlbtcl :r:t.o. cor. 1. "' on GAB' '-* et oa\tk, 'b&..a a. ID-l8 B. .M ob•l• 41ataDt.. . JJ. 3>" ...., ttl_. 'bla114 a41 au.· llltd ! •'~• .D.c. Cor. 1. ••• l~. lt-00 B • le06 ~ 4 D ella faA tr. tl"c!il til 11 pGiAI. ateBDII "* th till n.w. O.l4.U. .._, (IOt-a) eo.rr... a. a d1at rw~.t 1u a ~tell ~tref8 :In M U.IIJ8 ot ao.. •• .... ~· fact (alt) and o<rraa» :-Jo. 8 fit .._ ;p.W.OaU-.11 ,,., (aot..;ah A la" be_.. bla.-s. aD& oort.-.4 1\.'r. D.o. oar. 1 be•• :s .• C6-IO •• .16 Ghll.n d.t•••· ., ~ l089"1nG 1'.be v.w. calA•ll U~~Dt (ao-?-&)1 "» am wlt.b tb• Jl'IJaad81'8 ot f.b.e ~••h lbl wlli •• ... ~~A.~· tftll1 (&19)• \...__,/ ?'?- ~-:· &dl £. Roh* 14 14-0t B. a.aa • .Polnt w. 00-M •• a..u A Po tat ·~ 'W..t .. 1 ••• A VOID I •• , ... "• 1.18 A Polla u. 18-17 .. 1 •• • ~1- u. IL-Oi w• ..... A lot at !h .. "' •• 1•01 no.. I, A 6" ..... P• t 10r1 .. 4 w.,a.. C•• a, Ia a ltl .... • ,.., hole at •• heel of the ~....... et• ot \lti o14 .,... .. •• lbCifA 'bJ u. JC• , ...... a oorat• of ._ Ul'll• w. A. ~ .,..,. A 10·• whiM oa bl8184 lltll acrtbef. Dd. w..&.c.. a. biUt a. \i, .16 Olabl cUetMt. flhtae• te•1• *• nan. w.;s. hl•• ._, a.~w. M.IO lat.Uaa Cfetk GOW 80\ltll&U t. "•" t.. a polat wtt.h ., .... on top of Sl*&tJ ru.Aaa. ._,. OOBJIJ' Wo. I of the 1!b.- Cla14WU t~ata (IJ,Z.a) • &It • 6" ••••• ptat 1n a .. .- ttl aeo ... llltuMII .,. •ontiH cor. a • .& 12• blaOit oa llluad e.t4 an •4 a.w. J.a. cor. a, ~ .. n. ·~ ~; . .10 -. .1r1 4leteat. bD. do• ftDl With~ ...... at ._., BliiJ .. w:ltb ._ ~- Ufll4wtll tr&e' (aJ,J.a) • ........ ..... 17 ..... ..... A ••• , / / ,.,.:' ::~ I ·. ,'·' ' I ? Al'olat APoSII a. lt-lt a. , ........ s • ..., .. a • . ,..., a. ':1< ...... .... . s.·,wt• ............\ ........ .... .... ....... . •·· . •• ~....·.·.·. .. .':";;;2;J 1.- O.O•• 1, a r .._ ~»•' ta a llGUil ot •to~t•• ae1'1llt,4 a. eor. a. ••• a. of M .._. Cet.t--.11 mnet (au..) &4 • GO-JIIIW ., •• OetlllOMIIH ikll001 Wt• •-lMYilll ... .,.._. oaw.u tftet (aa.a) fDl wa• h Oatal ... MI SOliiOOl )Ot• •• el-10 .. 1.'11 o..,.. t. a vcdat Ia •• ••• U• ot Wl•• . ......_ • ._.. ., • Gailloo•a.• ·ICIIIOol J.ot. A 86" e•& blld .. wCth oM _. .... on ._ tiM\ b&U ., .. .,... ••• aa4 ,.,.,1114 J. a. c-. 11 --. s. w • .&f •• cu .... ~- .,_ ali .& a a. m~CJGMN ot rlllt• Ole c_. aut ••• ... ca•a.eo.-. SObDOl lo\t · s. 16.18 • • a.U b plUI ~ '-ai:Aal~C ooa*-lllll Ul ... •••• I I .' -~. .b.ll.!LYSIS O.F TITLE THA.CT 216,J.E.HA1L., O.Vr-JER. 1. '.i.'r&ct 216 lies 11holly ?ti thin State Grant 252 iseaed to John Gray Blaunt,Nov.29,1796. ings under this grant in the :analysis of title to the StdnPy Heleon t:r&ct from 3ihe time said grant 'li&.S 4lssued by the stti.te to John GrL.ty BlHllnt,uo and through the ti m ~ said. holdi.ngs pnssed by th(' 'i'J~ll of Jas. F . J~ove to hts F.Yeait:tors·, the ~ame. ·:!1 11 not be r e-p ~.a ted herein, but nl[J.y be seen by :reference to pa rfle!l'fclph one through ten of t he snoly-s. ia of title of the Stdney Nelson trv.<~t.-:., nge three of this ab f:tract;iG/~. / wherein reference is made to the different instruments making up the ohDin of title through the period above re#erred to. This t 'h ;ct is made up ·partly from an origina.l boundary of one hundred and fifty acres deeded to Jeese r .• ?alrner,ond partly from a four hundred acre trnct dePdea to the same perso n. 2. First we have a deed ,bearinr date,June 8,1857,by which the J;_:~ecutors of F.obert Love undertakes to convey to Jesse r . Palmer -" .. one hund11ecl end fifty r-cres, by metes t..nd boundB ,which bo11ndary em-brHces about teo-thirds of the tract under discussion.There i.e doubt as to the validity of this instrument from the fact that the grantors hud not sufficient right e.nd authority to convey the lsno in question. This defect has been discussed 1.n puragraph three,page ninety-three ]3.,.-f' / of this abstract in the analysis of title to the i . E.Caldwell tract, .A, to which reference is hereby made. _.... Sef ~~of this c. 'u2tr~ot. 3. Under d&. te, O ct. 2 8,1875,th~ E::<ecutors of Jas.R .. J,ove con­.\... J v ~yed four hundred acres by metes j')nd bounds t o Jesse R.?almer. This deea is deficient in that ;:Vm.H.Thoma s,one of the E~xecutors, failed to sign. !iowever,thi.s defect was remedied by a cert&in agree­ment and consent jUdf3'ment signed in the case of Henry vs. Hllliard. ' . 4. · Thereafter,some time :prior to the year 'l896, Jesse R.Pal~ ~> mer died intestate withoa.t ever having disposed of the parts of the above menti.oned tracts of land that make up the boundary under discussion. Therefore, on Feb.l5, 1896, W. A.Palmer ,ana o· othere,heirs at law of Jesse R.Palmer,filed petition for partition of the lands which belonged to Jesse R,Palmer .a~ his death. This proceeding appears to be regular and all parties who were necessar7 to said proceeding were served with aammons or accepted servioe, After considering the petition and t he answer filed,t he Clerk of the Superior Court of Harwood County, signed en order ,appointing cowmissioners to divtde the land belonging to Jesse R.Palmer at his,and allot the same to the several heirs. .By the report of the said commissioners it appears that a tract of land contain­ing eighty-five acres,more or less,and designated as tot. No.l,or Rome Tract,was t.!lloted to Thomas L.Palmer. The greater portion of said tract coming out of the one hundred. and fifty acre tract mentioned in paragr~:ph two above, the remainder embracing some fifteen or twenty acres of the four hllndred acre tract mentioned in paragraph three above, In like zr.anner,Lot No.2,containing fifty-five acres,more or less,and &djioning Lot No.l,wae alloted to Elizabeth Palmer. The greater part of thi.s lot was out of the Four Hundred acre tract and the remainder from the one hundred and fifty acre tract. .. The report of the commissioners making these allotments was dilly con:t'irmed by the court. Record of the proceedings had in this cause have been copied in c.onnection with the title to tract 240,ana· may be seen at ~ages 435 to 449 of thia ubstract. ~~ ). 5. We find. also from the records that a few aays after the filing of the petition by the heirs of Jesse .R.Palmer,th&t hie widow,Mary A.Palmer,filed petition,asking that her dower rights 1.n the lands of her deceased husband be set aside, The same commissioners who acted tn t he -proceedings mentioned in the previoll'a paragraph were a:ppointed to ate in this cause and. allot the doweza interesi of the petitioner. For some reason which does not appear of record,the same boundary comprising Lots No,l and No.2 in above paragrapb,was elloted th Mary A.Palmer as her dower. The coil'lftlissionera report was dulyconfirmed. Record of this p proceeding also has been copted in full in the a.nnlysis of title to tract 240,a.nd may be seen at pages 450 to 463 of this abstract. ZJ~ / 6. As a result of the partition proceedings in paragraph 4 above.ana: the dowet· allotment in paragraph 5,we have title to the lE>nds. under iiscussion.vested,part in Thomas L.Pa.lmer,part in Elizabeth Palmer and in Mary Ann Palmer by two separate proceedings. Under dv.te,.;Tune 30,1896,Eli~abeth :Palmer,by deed in reg11lar form, properly executed and of record in Haywood County,conveyed a fifty­five aore tract,the same be!ng Lot No.2 to Y£ry Ann Palmer. See page z;z_of this abstract. 1. on Jan.26,190l,Polly .tmn Palmer,who 1.s one and the same 'l'erson as Mary Ann Pulmer (see affidavit'of this ~ ~-;_,.t!J,...·(-· '!- conveyed & fifty-five acre tract, the same bein g lot previ­/ l ou~ paragraph,to Thornas t.Palmer. · Tbis deed is regular in form, properly executed vbd eecorded in Hay'lfoocJ. Cotmty. Mary J,nn pal-mer d.ied 1n the year 1915. See page ~ of this abstract. Copy of this deed may be seen at page ~of this abstract. 8. Thereafter.sorn•time Jnior to the yellr 1922,'l'homas L.Pal­rner died intestf te seized and possessed_ of the lands above men-tioned. Under date,I~ ov.lO,l922,Callie palmer,tbe widow of Thomas L.Palmer,and his sons,Chauncy Palmer t..nd his wife,Lre Palmer and v·erlin Palmer, e:xecu ted s. deed to G.l:I.Caldwell for one and thirtyQfive acres,moee or lese. These &re all th~ heirs of Thomas L• .Pa.lmer. Ser- affidavit page -~/of thi.s abstract. 1lhe boundary conveyed by this deed is all the land th&t saia Thomas L. Palm•r owned except about ft~teenacres of the southern portion which has alreadt been acquired as tract 207-a. See page ~ Zof i h1 s a.b:·tract. 9. On »ov.lO.l924·. G. H.Cald!Nell and his wife,Marge.ret Sarah Caldi'iell. executed a deed of trust covering this bounclary of land to iV .G.Hall,Trustee for J • .R .Hall. This deed of trust contains the usnal warranties and power of sale under certain .. , con<'U tiona ntlmed ther,in. See page ..-;s ~ ol this abstract. 10. In compliance ·with the terms of the above mentioned deed of trust,after J.H.llall,the best e.nd highest bidder,had . . ; compl1ecl the terms ~·f the sale,and the said sale being dUlJ con:firmed,W.G~' Hall,Trus't·~e·~execu:t'!.d a deed of conYeyance for the lana under disc.ssi on ·:-t~ I.R .Hall; . This deed is regular ill 'form,properly e:xecute'd. end of :record .1 n laywood County. see page ~of th1.a abstra.ct. F.ngineer's aff1di1T1t rnay be seen at page of this i.!bstruct NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble . 3 • R. Love to t himselt ~ ;r. R. Love, :s. LOve., As Signed Ag Acknowledgi>d = 3. B. LOVe, wm. Welch & as Executors ot R. Love ·4eeea:ae4. (the sane) ~oven by oath ofLevi ldwell, subseribi~ tness. 1. Kind of Conveyance ........ {laed·-··· -···'·-························· 3. Is it properly executed .......... -----Y:ee-- ......................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ........... ...................... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ................................. . 9. Date of acknowledgement ...... ... .............. .... .. .. ........ ....... .. . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ........................... .... ................ ......... . ' '1: 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ............... ....................................................... . (b) power to convey ..... ....... ........ .. .................... .............. ... . (c) against encumbrances ............. ................ .................. . (d) against claims of all others .. ... Ye8--·················-···-·· 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ..... .... ...... ........ .... ... . . 2. Date of Conveyance .. ·--6-8""l859······················--···---·- 4. Date of Entry and No ............ : ... .. .............. ..................... ... . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ····· ·------·- -··········· ··········--·-·---·· 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ........ ........... ... .. ....... ............ . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ... - ...................... . 12. Was order of probate correct ........................................... . 14. Date o.f filing for record.t)."'4-•l&5e···············-········· 15. Book ·················G····-------------·--- Page·-338-··········-····· ····· for ·--·--·----Hay'W-004:-·--····--···················-·-County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ..................................................................... . Exact Description of Property This deed reo1 tes ... the powal.'" ~nd aut.b,ority ot the grantors to nake said deed by a deed from the executors of ;r. G.Blount, deceased. Lyine and being in Haywoal County, Ce.-tal•,; Ochee Township, on the North ot Indian fork or Ca taloochee Ote$k: BEGINNING at a pine and maple at tbs F).lst boundary line at Levi Ca1dW$llte lanf on the Nat'thwest bank ot Catalooohee Cl:'eek. and runs North 62 East 117 ~· poles crossing said oreek twice to a lynn on the Northwest side of' said o:reek; thence No:rth 49 We11rt 191 poles ·to a spanish oak at a rook; thence south 62 West 128 poles, orQ!Ising Indian Creek to a stake; thence south 49 East 111 poles to a spruce pine in bank; of Sllandy Branch Levi Caldwell oorneJ"; thence South &3 East with Levi caldwell's line 2.i poles to a maple at the ford ot . .'the Shandy Branab.; theace South 49 East with Levi Caldwell'• line 35 poles to the BEGII'nm~Hl, cent ai n1ng One hundred a.fli tifty acres, ( 150 l more or less.. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT 'R ,G iA• • %~6. +-eeam, b1:S:emu el L. ~Love, W. L" Hill.!AI'¢ 1 ~ w. :a:. Thanae, Executors :: of James R. LovG, As Sig-ned Deed was not signed by w. n. ThQJ.Uaa A;.; Acknowledged " a.eoaase4. Proven by oath or P. w. Ed warda, sub­aeribing witftesa. ""'' ="' :: Jesse R. Palmer ~L_ ___________________ J_ _____________________ _L _________________ ___ 1. Kind of Conveyance ... ExeoutorS---deC--·---·------ 2. Date of Conveyance .. l0-... 28•18-9-6---------------------------- 4. Dat e of Entry and No·-------------- --- ------- ----- ------ --------- --------- -- - 6. Acknowledgements, r egular -- -- ----- --- ------ --- ---- -------- ------ ------- 3. Is it properly executed _______________ __ ________ _________________ _______ ____ _ 5. Bef ore what Officer a cknowledged ......... ...................... .. . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ________________ __ ___ ________ ___ __ _ 8. Did a ll g rantors acknowledge _ ___ ___ ____ _______ __ ________ __ ____ ________ _ 9. Da te of acknowledgement.. __ __ __ __________ ________ __ ______ ________ __ __ __ __ 10. Was p r ivy examina tion of wife taken _ __ ______ ____ __ __________ __ 11. Did officer a ffix SeaL __ ____ ____ -------------------------------- ------------ -- 12. Was order of probate con·ecL -- --Ye-s---------- -------- ------ -- -- 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date o.f filing f or record .... ,ll-*23:,..18-'1-5--------------- (a) of seizin -- -- -- -------------- ------------------------ -- -------- ------ ------------ 15. Book ----1£---------------------------------- P age ........ -99------------------- (b) power to convey .... .. ---· ---- ---- --- ----- -- --- ·- ------- --- ----- ------ -- --- - for ---- -----------Htlyfi-QOd-- ----------------- -- --------County. (c) a gainst encumbrances ------------------------------------------------ 16. Does deed contain a ny special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all otherC.laiming .... th.J!o.ugh or restrictions -- ---- -------- ------ -- -- -- ---- -------- ---- -------- -- ------------------ Janes R. Love, deceased or tbem.selvea.•------------- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 17. Haben dum clause (Quot e f ully ) ..... ---·------------- ---------- ··· ·· ··· ·· ·········· · --········ · · ·· -·· ····--···- ······ ------·· ····· -- ---- --- ·----- · -····-··--······· ... ... ·······--··-·-·· --· ····- -·· -··· ·· ·· ···· ········ ·--··· ····· ·--- ---· ··· ·· ··· ··· ·· ·· ·· ····· ···· ···· · ····· _________ __ _________ _____ __ ____ __ ____ . ___ __ .{the .... Illii!IL.of ___ gre.ntee .... is. .. l.ef.t ... bl.ank----1n --Ha-bend-'tJD.---c-lause-.-l-- Exact Description of Property This deed racHtes the power and authority or the grantors to sell • .A tract of land on the 1-Jorth s ide a.r Cata l ooolme Creek in Haywood co. BEGlNNING on a lynn on the North bank o:r Catalooohee Creek, and corner of said Palmer 150-acre traot, and runs North 49 West 191 poles to a spanish aik at a roCk• his oorn~r; thence .N<r th 35 poles to a stake; thence Nort-h 70 East .390 .poles to a stake; thence south 113 poles to a stake in the line ot the .Tulia Palmer tract Of land; thenoe south 70 West 50_ with her line to a black gwn on a ridge, corner of said tract; thence South with a nother line or said traot, 96 poles to a beech on point or ridg~ near wagon road, corner to eaid tract j thence SoUth 57 East With another line Of said t ract, 29 poles to a spruce pine (gone) en the mtlk at said oreek,aorner of said tract; thence Up the :mea nders of said c r eek with the center· or the same, to the BEGINNmG, eontlliining .Foutt Hundred Aeres, more or less. .>r.;, NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ~Elizabeth JU1zabeth Palmer Proven by G. L. ~ Palmer, subsor1b1:rg r----------------------+----------------------~~w~irtn~~~~e~a._ __________ _ ''> 1. Kind of Conveyance1;1a~ll.ty ... cleed .................. . 2. Date of Conveyance .. 5 .~.0~l8.9.6 .............................. . ; 3. Is it properly executed ... yt)'S········ ········ ... ................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ................................. . 4. Date of Entry and No .................................... .................... . 6. Acknowledgements, regular .. Ye.s .................................. . If irregular, copy in full on back ........ ..... ..................... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ......... Yes---······················ 9. Date of acknowledgement.. .. ..... ........ .. ................... .... : .... .. . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ........................... . 11', Did officer affix SeaL ........ ....................... ............ ............. . 12. Was order of probate correct...Y&$ .............................. . 13, Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record .. 8.~0-~l89.9 ..................... . (a) of seizin ··················---Y-6-S---······································ 15. Book ·- - -~~---·········· · ········· ····· ·· Page ...... 5ll ................. . (b) power to convey ................... yg,s. .............................. . for .................. H~.YW.O.od ......................... County. (c) against encumbrances ··············---Yes----·················· 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims pf all others ................ --Y-&8············ or restrictions .................................. ................................... . . 17. ' Habendum clause (Quote fully) ......... .. .. ..... .... ........ ........ ....... ......... ......... ... ...... ............... ......... ....... ..................................................... . Exact Description of Property The following traot ot land. lying and being in Catal..Jochee To111ship, on Big Ce.talooohee Creek and Indian Greek, u t ibutary o-r catalooohee, and being Lot No. 2, in the partit1 ton o:r the Je r1se R. Palmer lands. The deso:t>1pt1an ot the property as \'lritte~ 1n this deed is identical with the de s ori:P; ion of Lot l~o. 2, ill the partition proceeding, hereinbefore set out. STATE OF NOBTH CAROLINA COUD'TY OF HAYWOOD G, H, Palmer, being by me tirst duly eworn, deposes and .says: That he is a resident and fr$ebolder of Haywood County; North Carolina and that he is sixty jJluoee years or age; that affiant is acqua1nte4 with the lands n or~ awned by 1. R. Hall formerly owned by G. H. Caldwell; 'that affiant was aoquainted with Mary A. Palme:r the VJ1dow or Jesse R· Pal:me:r, deceased, and t l1:l t the said Mary A.Pallnsr was usually known as PollY Ann Pa.lmel'1 and to the best or e.tt1ant • $ knowledge • recollect ion and belief • th$ sa 1d Mary A. Palmer and PQlly Ann Palmer are one and the same person; That affiant ~a read the deaortpti<n in a deed from Polly Ann Palmer to Thoe. :r.. Palmer, dated Janua:rr 26, 1901, tor f1tty tive aores and is familiar with the location of said lands; tba.t said tract at land des or1 bed in sa1 d deed from l'Ol q Ann, :tn thtJ opinion or atr:L~t • oove~ all the lands fo l"llOrly, which are now owned by the said J'. R. Hall; That affiant was also acquainted with Thos. L. Palmer who was a son of Jesse R. Pallne~; that the said Thos. L. Palmer. died in Haywood County leaving as his only heirs at law, his widow, Callie Pal.mer, and two children, Chauncy and Verlin Palmer .. swoxn to and subscribed before me, This the 2nd day of Maroh, 1989, •I sylla ~vis, Notary Public. My Commission expirea;s; Deo. 20, 1930. s/ G. n. Palmer A'ffiant STATE OF NO Rl'H O.AROLII'>~A COUNTY OF HA Y'f/001) B. B. Cal4woll. being /by me f11'St duly swom, deposes and says: Tl:l& t he is a resident end fl'eehol.der of Hay-wood Oo~"Yl ti!" North Carolina. thirty years of age j tm t he was acquainted with 1zry A. Palmer, sometimes known as Polly Ann Palmer, widow of J'esse R. P'..U,mer, deceased; that the sa 1d Mar-.r A. Palmer died in Haywood County about the year 191!5 .. s/ B. B. Caldwell, aft18lt swom to aat $Ubsor1 bed before me, this the 4th day ot Maroh1 1929. s/ M. G. Stamey, Notary Publio. My Commission expires: June 21, 1930. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ., ~ =~ Polly :Ann Palmer ~~------~------------~--------------------~------------------ Polly Ann Palmer Polly Ann Palmer oc <I <I =e Thos. L. Palmer ~L_ __________________ ~L-------------------~-------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ...... Dsed ...................................... . 2. Date of Conveyance ... l~2.6.~~90~ ............................. . 3. Is it properly executed~~--.,··---------YBS ........................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ......... .............. .......... . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ...... Yea ............................. . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ................. ................. . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ............. Yss .................... . 9. Date of acknowledgement .......... ................ ..... .................. . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ............. .............. . 11. Did officer affix SeaL. .......... .. ............................................ . 12. Was order of probate correct .... Yfi.S .............................. . 13. Does .c onv.e y.a nce++v.> snutaa.i..n1.., cownvaenrarnetsn-- ,t i . es (a) of seizin ....................................................................... . 14. Date of filing for record .. 3 .... ~2-~~9.Q4 .................... . 15. Book ........ l.S........................... Page ... 4e.? .................... . (b) power to convey ........................................................... . for ............ ............................... County. (c) against encumbrances ...................... ......................... . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ............. ......................... . or restrictions .................................................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .. .. ... ....... ..... ... .... .... . Exact Description of Property BEGTIH-IUm on a spruce pine on the bank or Indian Creek ill 'rhos. 1. :Palmer's line; thence with said .J?'a line to the top ot a. ridge to a sp anish oo.k; thence up said ridge to ~·; • .a. l)a~r• a comer; thence with. the said w. A . Palmer line to ·the uorthwest corner of the uataluochee . church hol.lse ·tract; thanoe with said line to a birch on iihe or oatalooollee creek, being the Southwest oorner of said church; thence up said oreek to the mouth c£ Indian Creek; t11enoe up said Indian ureek: to the BEGINNI NG, containing Fitty·Five acres, more or less. S'rATE OF NORl'H CAROLINA COUNTY OE' "fJ.J:!W OOD J'. s. Pa.linar being by me first duly sworn deposeo and says: That he is a resident and freeholder of Haywoai County, :North uaro­l~ na, and that he is thirty~out yea~s or age; that he was acquainted with the sa.1d Callie PalmJt, widow ot Thos .. L. Pal.mer, deceased, and ob.auncy Palmer and Ver1in :Palmer, only heirs a·t law of the said Thoa. L. Pallner. ,. d.eoef,lsad J t l'e t on Novembe :r lO, 1~22, th~ said ca Ute Palmer was umnarried and the said Cha.unoy Palmer and Verlin Palmer 0 were twenty one years ot age. SWorn to and- subsor1 bed be.fore me, This the 4th day of Maroh, 1929. s/ M. s. Stamey, Notary Puhlio. :My Commission ex-pires: June 21, 1930. s/ J. L.Palmer., affim. t. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ( tlw same) (the same) 1. Kind of Conveyance .......... J!.~t.4 .................................. . 3. Is it ·properly executed ................... Y~-~-----·-·-·· ·- -··--···-··-· 2. Date of Conveyance .............. .ll.~l.0-~2 ..................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ............... ................ .. . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ..... YS4----···························· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ..................... .............. . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ............ Yea ..................... . 9; Date of acknowledgement..................................... .......... ... 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ...... yes ........... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL........................................... ......... ...... 12. Was order of probate correct... ............ Yes .................. . 13. Does conveyance . contain convenants- . . 14. Date of filing for record ....... 2.~l6-~~92.9. .............. . (a) of seizin ··---~--~-~_!.~-~---~-~J .... W~~-~-:g_tieli\5. Book ........... 7..7 ......................... Page ..... 47.9 .................. . (b) power to convey............................................................ for .................. SWain ................................ County. (c) against encumbrances ................... .. _. ......................... . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ....................................... . or restrictions ..................................................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) Exact Description of Property A tract of land described as follows: The t:raot of land is identical with that described in the t"rustee's deed hereinat~ar set forth, conte.ming 135 acres, more or .:tess. / ,. · . .-··. '-'' ·< ·. -''· ,:.·. •••. · •> •t ·•·· · '''"- ··• '',: . · •· • - · • '\ .' •··~;c:w·>'':< ···s ·>~g;,;;~~i~~-~r~-K~;!~~t0ffti~;·;~~ff\~0"-:!}'•:7f{1Ff:B~·~.· \ · ' NORTH CA~OLINA' PARK COMM-ISSION .. .·. -._ ABSTRACT OF MORTGAGE G. H .• Culdw~ll and wife, marga.:r&t sarah caldwell Mortgagor · to W. D. Hall, T!Uustee Mortgagee J. R. P...all NOTE:-In deeds of trust give name of third party. (NORTH CAROLINA) 1. Kind of instrument... ... ··--·De·ed .... in --·tru~rb---- -- ----- --- ..... .. 2. Date of instrument ....... Nov·embe ·:r·--lo-~·-.. 1924 .............. , 3. Consideration $ --2-.'tlf:h:()O--·--·--;·-----------·-----------·---------------·----· 4. Maturity date ----N~vemoor ·:·lo·- ·····l925 ........................... . ' ' . . 5. Is it properly executed? ., ............... YE'fS ........................................ . 6. Date acknowledged ................................................ ................... .... .. 7. Before what officer acknowledged? .............................................. .. 8. Was privy examination of wife held? .: ................................. ........ . !J. Date of filing for record ....... J"a·nuary ___ 2'7 ; .... 1920 .... .. 10. Recorded in Book. .. -13----........................ Page ........ l?-7 .............. . for .. .... ..... --Ha:ywood--.. -'----- ................................. County. 11. Does this instrument form a link in the chain of title?.. ...... . ................. ....................................... Yes· .. ······.--------.. ·-- -- ----- ----.............. . DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY This deed i n t rust cont ains the usual warranties and powers of sale and e en vays to the t rus·tee a bove named • the identical description, as hereinafter s-et out in trustee's · deed from w. G. Hall to J. R. Hall as follows: ~ Lying and being in G ataloocb.e~ '.rownship, Haywood County, ro:~ North Carolina., and adjoining the lands or w. A. Palmer and others, ~ and boWlded as fol lows: BEGINNil'lG on a stake in the center ot ~ Indian . Creek and runs North 21 East 75 pol,-as to a white flint i rook in branch nea1 .. a large s pruce pine ; t hence up branch with !i. A•< Palmer's and T. L. Palmer's divisional line to the back line of the~ old Jesse Palmer ·tra ct on· t he Pi ney Mountains; thence w1 th its line 0 crossing Indian Creek e.t a n:a ~Xed pim on top of the ridge to a £-o stake; thence 'With the r..e '· nders of the ridge and 1 ts watershed and t3 the Dock Caldwell line to the school house lot; thener \' its ~ line to t he BEGI NlffifG, c ontaining One Hundred and Thirty {135) t aores, more or less, and m own as the old Jesse Palmer place. · ~ r.-:1 z Appearing ot the trargin of the record is the fotlowing: ~ FORECtOS:KD J AN . 6,1928, SOLD TO J .R.HALL.WHOSE LAST AND HIGHEST ~ BID '~AS $ 2900.00. TlTLZ m.A:UE TO J.R_.!JALL FEB.25~1928. · N.G.HALL,TRUSTEF. , WITN'J!:SS: C.F.'K;IF.KI?ATF: ICK, RE<H ;'lTF.P OF DEFDS. All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short ex:erpts made therefrom. Shut C (IJ <II =."<.I'I C.!l NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In P reamble As Signed As Acknowledg-ed w. G. Ball, Trustee (the same) (the same) J'. R. Hall 1. Kind of .... .. .... ..... ..... . 3. I s it properly executed ......... ....... Ye~s. ........................... . 2. Date of Conveyance ..... ... 2.5.~-- - -1928. 4. Date of Entry and No ...... .................. ....... ......................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ..... ..... .. . ....... ............ . 6. Acknowledgements, r egular ... ..... .Yes ........................... . 7. If irregular, copy in f ull on back. ..... ... ...... ... ... ... ... .... ... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .......... ................ .... ............. . 9. Date of acknowledgement ..... .. ............ ... .......................... . 10. Was privy examinat ion of wife taken ........... ... ............. . 11. Did officer a ffix SeaL....... ............ .... ... ... .......... ...... ...... ...... 12. Was or der of probate correct ................ Y.e.S................... . 13. Does conveyance contat convenants- . 14. ~9lt~ ~~IMI .. 11.~-~---··:v?·~-~~-~:t.~-~fJ ... '?r. .... ~.:t'U st~,. Date of filing f or r ecord .. ... Fe.b.rmry. ... 2?.., .... 1928 Book ..... 7..6. ............................... Page ......... ~03 .............. . · (b) power to convey ....... ... ......... ..... ................... ... .... ........ .. f or ............... Ha.ywood. ............................ County. (c) against encumbrances ....... .... .. ............................ ...... . 16. Does deed cont ain any special limitat ions, provisions (d) against claims of a ll other s ... . ............. ... ...... ....... ..... . or r estrictions .... ....... .. .................. ...................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quot e f ully) .. . Exact Descrip tion of Property This trustee's deed recites the deed i n t rust executed by G. H. Oal dwell and wife, Mar garet Sa r ah Caldwell to W. G. :Hall for J'. R. Hall, dated November 10, 1924, recorded in book 13 a !11 ge 177 Deeds of Trust, Haywooo. County, N. o.; that sale was made a:f'ter due advertisement a c co:rding to law, on the Gth day c£ January, 1~28 when J. R. Hall became ·the last and h ighest bidder; that s ale was duly report and deed ordered to be oode to said 11urchaser. 'l'he deed cont a ins the followi ng descri :pt1on: Lying and being in Cataloochee Townsh ip, Haywood County, N.C. and adjoining ·tih 0 lands of W. A. Palmer and others, a nd bounded as follows : BEGINNING on e. stak e i n the center or I ndia n Creek and runs North 21 East 7o poles to a white !'lint rock i n branch n ear a l arge s pruce :pine; th ence up br anch with w. A. Pa l..:roor's and T. L. Pa lmer's divisional l i ne to t he m ck line of' the Old Jesse rulmer t ract on the Pi ney Mountain; t hence with its line crossing Indian Creek at a marked pi ne ·or: top · of tlw ridge to a stake; t hence 1t th the meanders ot t he ridge am its YJfltershed and the Dook Caldwell l ine to the school house lot; t henoe with its line to the BID INNING, conta inirg One Hundred and T'n irty tl35) acres, more or less, and known as the old Jesse Palmer place. S'l'ATE OF !WRl'H CAROLINA COUNTY OF HAYWOQl) o. H. ~lme:l'• being by me t\ret duly swo:rn, depQs~s and sayat That he ia a re~1dent and r:re~older ~; Haywood county, .Nortb Carolina. and ts s ttty three yeats 0t age; th& t aff iant was acquainted wi 'bh .resse R ..,. an<J. is also aoqua1nte4 with the lai¥is nav ovned by J. R. Hall tol"Xilel"lY owned by G. H. Caldwell, and which lands were n:eny yea.ra pr~o:v to that O'lned by Jesee R. Palmer; that the said Jesse B. Palms~ an~ thQse ola1m1ng title under him have been in the posses$1011 of said la,n&J, cultivating am uaing portiOIUt thereof 1 for more that fifty years, to affiant's own .knowledge; that aftiant has never h$ard an.y question ra1se4 or dispute made as to the tit le ot the said Jesse R. Palmel" or those claiming Uilder him as to said lands;. . - that attia.nt has no interest in $8.1d lanis al¥1 is not interested in the sale propo$ed to be mde by the said J". R. Hall, SWol:n to ant oubeoribed be:fo" m$, th1$ the 2nd day Of Maroh, 1929, s/ Sylla Davie, Notary Publio. :My oor.m1ss1on expires: Deo.. 20, 1930, s/ G, H. Palme~, affiant. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO J ~ !h H.AI ..' t. and wi f e lDA L. a~t ____ p~-~-~~~-~---~---~~~~-1 .... ~~---~4:Q~------- ---- -----~~-~---~~~-------------------------------------------------------------- AFFIDAVIT. ___________________ :_ __~ ~---9-~---~1~~~L_ ________________________, being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of Register of Deeds of_ ______~ -~~---------------County, in Book ....... ~l_ _____________, Page_ ____& __ _________________ , That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga-tion, he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this --:Jt•Yof _;?_!!PJ~r , 19..19. f~_AZ~";tu# M_ y comnu·s s1·0 n expi·r es __A__p__:r__-_1__1_ ____2__0____1, 1___9 50 NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION TAXES (Fill in all blanks indicating year, and show on lines opposite the year whether or not the taxes have been paid. If paid an affirmative ~bowing IJlUSt_ be made by use of tlte word "Paid." The u~ of ditto marks is not permie11ible). .. The property i~- ques~ion is assessed for taxation for the current year, 19.~-~---· at $ ................................ , in the name ·---~--~-~-~-~~~---·······················-·and the taxes for the past ten years have been paid or not paid as follows: 1rl.!.9. .... PAID ···········-· -···· -···············-·····-·················· ····-····· ·--········· ·····.·· 19.~~--- ---·--······--.P..~~P.. ........................................................... . 1~~---· ............. ,4.~P.~---············-·······-··-···-··············· 19.?.~ --- .......... .... ;P..4lP. ............................................................. ~~~---· ............. ~~-±~----················-····-···-········· 19.~.7.... ······-·---~A~;P.·····-·········-························----·---· ~~-~---· _., ........... :r.A..fl.L ........................................................... . 28 PAlD 19 .. :....... . ......... ................. .... ............................................... ........ . 1~-~---· ............. ?.~JP. ............................................................. . 29 19 ... ...... . PAID ASSESSMENTS Bot any LES PENDENS Bot an; MECHANICS LIENS Bot eny JUDGMENTS _,.:;; -- <:, .','{~.~--~~~ NORTH CARbl.tNA" PAJ~K cdMM~'j·§s'f6~·'' , ..... ,., .. ,. ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE AND OPINION IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the. title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instruments and court proceedings of r ecord affecting the same from and including the beginning entry there of has been carefully examined and noted, and that the following named owner,,,; ........ , .... .. seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to th e same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed hereon. ' ENCUMBRANCES We find no liens or enoumbr a.n oes agains t thi s property un. oanoell&d and unsa t i e:f l ed., exoept a tax of $2'1.20 for the 1928 County t a.:xee. The t ax book is in t he hands of a tax oolleotor in Catalooohee Township, and we have no information as to whether or not this item of t ax has been pa id. In our opinion~ subjeot to the lien of said tax~ J,. R. Hall has a good title in fee simple; free from enoumbranoee, for the lands deeoribed in the deed from w,. G. Hall ; Trustee, to J. R. Hall, and that the description in the dead to t he s ai4 J. R. Hltll oovers and inoludee t he lands as described in the option e:xeouted by J. R .. Hall to the North Oarolin.a Park Commiss ion. Resp ectfully submitted, Maroh 5, 1929. This ........................ day of ............................................................ ...... , 19 ........ . Address ....................................................................................... . Attorney. 215 216 ..... 217 218 / 219 .· 220 221 ,/ _.,.. Bl4r•4&• ~4··~ :U•¥• 122.98 9 rooa :tr&.~aed ~ae 10 aall bup .44 x <i6 r ~o- .. 2 stall barn ' 1 2 room 1oe; ho\lSe \ ···.· \ ' \, 70 acres bottom land v • .i l ..l / 33 aoros woodlaDd. < 1.0. ;o ~·,.,. Geor,.:e H. aldwoll 6 room framed l1ouse "larn 150.58 / .n pple houne t crib 10 acres cultivated land '· .;}).00 40 aores lip :er fields ·Ab.OO 100 acres woodland ~10.00 ,. \ ./ J. H. Hall 121.44 ., . \ {alreail.y purchased) X:' Cutaloochee School 3G x 48 f .r·ancd house Lot Palmers Chapel Church 30 x 40 framed ho'll.':e lot 1.47 :Mrs. ;·:. "' . Pn l1~er 14ti. 66 I {\ 35 acres bottom laud Gl25.00 13 acres pasture (; 25.00 99 acres woodland(~ l5. 00 20 x 40 ~d store house ,box r.a1•a.,:;esa.nd 2 8 room framt)(i ltouse I.i. ht plal!t house ~>>•tf,kc J!O':S e and Spring h ouse :loc:k apple house 50 :{ 65 barn ::ov. barn ·\"'' v! . H. n. ''' ·lr:1er . . · _.- S".J.o~ 163.29 3u acres bottoll).. ·rland l :l2b.OO 49 aor•as upltufd ( 40.0 .· .. 4 :•area u,pt}cr flat land ' 50.00 60 acr •.~ I).--'Woodland ·: ~-.: ; 24~· ~ore bldg. old ' arn. '\ shed ol box ho~e ;·i . ll. Pnlmer 59.15 6 room f 1•aned house 5 stall bnrn s ,ri~ House E. apple hou.<Je 54 acres o'Ultiva ted land ,·,;:;o.oo 5 acres woodland<' lO.OO r:. H • I'nl m l' 52.06 · :r,o,·; house L ~1 hod · J Smoke house ant' ori b 1 .' ·-.. 20 norco oul\ivated fields 34. acres wooC.lami li10. :JJ · bO. OO $1500.00 eoo.oo 100.00 100.00 7500. 00 330. 00 [ ~· . 600.00 300.00 71>.00 300.00 1000.00 1000.00 32'75.00 4000.00 4000.00 1200.00 .... 125.00 1325.00 1000.00 150.00 1150.00 4375.00 ,, 325e00 F' 1650.00 300.00 50.00 1200.00 50.00 50.00 300.00 1000.00 300.00 9,600.00 3750.00 / 1960.00 200.00 ,.,1).0') ~oo.oo · 200.00 580.oo '7St;o.oo 600.00 ..- 300.00 75.00 2700.00 50.00 150.00 50.00 1000.00 340.00 3725.00 1540.00 IliFORt.; (tt SECURIID BY WOODBURY AND CH .. APM.All ON Sii;PT.!:;!H i~~R 18 AT vu.v . HJ .. L.i::, 1{. C., },ROM. T.d..t.: TA..1. I,IST OF' H.ri.Y' OOD · .t;TY l•'OR 'L .L. ;~A!t 1928 Ol~ 1J.AlW~ ( ll:iT.i!:lUOE :lOLDHiG; } ;~ I'l'lLH1 T~ m '!hHK. ..A.R ;A · Dri G ~.'!:~·. LO•,CH ::;r~ c;u.; r.;K , CA'l' , !,OL)G.Li ; . 'fJ~X 'fl;~iJ~SitiP . J j,! y J ~C i' ~HJ ItiO"v' 150 ·,; u 1 u.e ~ ~~m.ou 1bf>v.Ov 743.0V 1813.00 317~00 231.00 '/02.,00 .-;~~b.OO IO!E: In 1920 Jarvie L. Palmor 11atod 250 aoros on tho old homo plaoe at $4,30o.oo, and 1n the same year l1ato4 166 aorea on Little Oe.talooohee known as tho z.~t1.n Trtt.ct a.t $2.&ou.oo. In ·1920 -roal property was pr6fHlmed to bo liasto{t at ita c ush value • .:. __ l::..1l:::~U .. L~=·~·~- ~~.-~t .. .. Guy PetJee 60 '1 o"'i~ .vv - . L. 1,1. Kiritl ' (Hot listod) -· W. M. Hali 170 " ~, 053.00/ ~;..,,. L _.. J. G. Stikelon.t her(2)994 :r 9,900.00 r r;:::::; ..). *-) ~ D :i ?- "~-' (. .. 'I , Hainbow l!'iehillt~ Clu~ (l~ §t lir.tod), .. / z,?~ ncrea 32,4~-o.OO i ~2,44S.OO I HD I AN C il: t-:: :K Gee. N. Pu.lmcr 200 acres 2,186.00 T. H.• Burris 8~-i 11 1,036.00 J. R.. Hall 135 11 1, 600.00 ~ ~. . C. Cal(tw,Jll 54 11 38f>. 00 .. Carl Sutton uO 11 50o.ou "' J .• , v. Woou.Jr Hei r ~:> 150 n l,luo .oo v V •. A. Campbell · 38 " 500.00 / C. ..T . Palmor.;·(2'}- · • (1~ot lioted )£SA 7,f"!J,lrf> - J. B. Lockman 50 acres ~~?7. ou , I. B. 1~cGahe. 10 " 7'7. 00 ' Jno. H. Pe.lmt!r 108 11 935.ov ~ '878~ " 8,656.00 LIT~rL.;~: CATAT~OOCi .. El.~ . J • .M .• ConrEl.d ,. • 116 &eros 99o.oo- Blaiue Com•ad 1// i::!5 " 242.00 Dave B. Nelaon, (2) 70 11 557.00 J. A. Conrad v 30 " ;)30. 00 W.G.B. :Messer J (~) 334 " .~ ,60 0 .00 J. W. But•gel16 >~ < 44 11 '122 . 00 w. B. BenrJ.ett / 44. 11 788.00 Goo . Bonnet t "'/ 46 " 743.00 M. H • Hall /. / :?0 n 4 9 5. 00 w.. c. Woody .--/ _ 6DBiinot liote d) Jf:ilf·o 0 J. s. Woody ..,r"" 156 acreo 1,650.0J J, • R. .Hatmah:. 150 " 2 , 200. 00 A. c. Ben.lJett ,, 156 " 1,320.00 Jarvis L. Pt:lmor / (.A.l1 listed on Big ea.taloochce ) :t ark w. Ht•nrulh 182 acres 1,602.00 Vi. J. ila.nnah . -· 4!5 II 540.00 J. BlaillO Harmah 55 11 880.00 J e gs-v Smith ...... ·38 " 2'15. Ov \;' . D. Meese~ .. <.35 11 721.00 L. l~. Hall. 5.-;,' ) G<J u l 298.00 J. Hannah -·-··-·· l Z " '116. 00 •:, . H. Hannah .-" 12 " 110.00 I . V. Halmah _,.... 26 " 275.00 .. 1,7Db n ;::Z , 456.00 ·- .. -.. -----. - · ... -·--~ J:J I~ \:,_ t i ~ 0 6,656.00 •..• ii:;,~ 00 GfoJ t • vi:> • Bryson Cipy,H.C. Oct.~d,I928. .. s.hevillc, ]l oG. Mr.Sloan asked ne to mail you list of ·r... • .. .•.i. .'·. t \ (I Catalo~ohee . \ h .ve bern c.O!'lputed.The \'71th e.rel.1.S :f'ollJWf!:- I • • x~ ..,.. ..! .-_:.:·.:-..-. J .r.~.C a lch'H•ll. o o •.••.•••••.• o • . • 0:· . 75 .nci'f'!'l · · C T 8 94 ,.~ n · ' · · · • • J.J 0 Il£: • . . • • • • • • • ,. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • " .. -,-~ ~; ~ .. · ~ ald w All ~cho~l Lot ••• o••·······-2.!6 ~ \ = .. : '/. I.:.(;\<.tton Heirs •••••••••••••• oi7.4! '' · : _.·_.. 1\:e.ri. :::.h J.~. ;_>alJner •.• o • o •••••• o • • 6 7. 24 : ~rs.Lou King tract ~ ! •... ~.o•• 9~.02 II If tt f! }! 2 o o o o o o • o 23 • 5 7 . •I:."i.(~a.ldwcll tr:..:; t T (hOI~.e) ••• I8.GO ·. n " ' ' · 2 • •••..••• 50.~~8 ~·- ·: .. , Jomes Caldwell ................ o ••• !55. 82 _ · · · Jo r~nathan :.voody ,.: I ••........ o 92.-II ' · ! n t~ ••••••••••• 59.,38 ~~ · .... i".~rs. ~-~ . J. /ooc1y !lei.ra •••••• ._ ••• i •• 74 .. ......... ~, • .'1 • ::·.· o '' d;,r • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • • •• a. I I 6. I 8 ·.-.. .. h os • C'. a ,.1. ~.· ;·t .·; ..J. ~_.!. . .tI I .-t. (.. :·!••~ n. Jt ,.;- c" "L } • 4. 7 .,5 8 . ... - ... · ·r ·. ': • •, •. •. •. • ••• 46.~7 ,f7o. c·l.,. 'fr....! ~'"\'.; n~· l " !: 1 ~·/' f: ll . !99 00 ""--~::--'' H . .... ..._. e • <,. • .,"1 · '-""' .L\. ' I • . • • •• • • • .. t .. • • • (jt4- Eldrf'ur-e Cc ld7Tell ••••.•.••••• I22. 98 ··~~·~~· Geo. H.Ca.lti\'lelJ. . ....... ... .. ... !50.58 ... . J .F. .. Hall ..• o .• o •• o .• ••••••••• !2I.44 Inc~~ D.i'l C re(• k ~c ho ol lot ••• ·• • • • ! • :.: j :-. ·~·p<:.~ lr~e r s 'Chapel Church lot • . • • • I.i7 . . ~ar~· ·;:.i~. r?ulner •• ~- ••••. o o ••••• I45 •• 6 . . . · '· t'/.1" • .. almer • tr~ot - I ••.•• o •• . •• 52.~0 .Linton Pulrr.or •••.••••••••••• o 47.55 Yourn v~ry t ~ 1 l y, ., It ,, ., W"I :.·•· .• . It ,, If " If II ., " rt !I " " If )( It It traota that -......

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).