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Western Carolinian Volume 43 Number 13

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  • PAGE 4/THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN/NOVEMBER 17, 1977 Okefenokee . . . myriad of wildlife Oketenokee. an Indian name meaning "Land of the Irembling Earth," is a pocket of picturesque wilderness in Georgia, Mistakenly, called a swamp, the Oketenokee actually has a bottom of fine while sand A million vears ago. this was the ocean floor, but wave and tidal action created a huge sandbar more than I(K) miles long, isolating the region. lhe swamp is fed by underground springs, making lhe water [Hire enough to drink. Such an isolated watery world naturally became a haven for wildlife, and today the v cry essence of the Okefenokee is its myriad of bird and reptile life. It provides a stunning glimpse into the long forgotten past of two million year ago when dinosaurs roamed the earth. lhe Oketenokee was once pnvalelv owned land, having survived attempts at cutting it down, draining it dry. poaching and a lire that burned for seven months. it was bought bv the U. S. Government in 1936, Some 293,000 acres became a National Wildlife Refuge the following year. ["here an- small islands of partially floating vegetation live to twenty feet thick. Some of the floating islands became solid as tree roots anchored them, and they grew in si/e. There are approximately 70 such permanent islands in the Okefenokee today . Cumberland Island is located off the coast of Georgia and is also a wildlife refuge, lodav. exotic birds and wild animals are the only inhabitants of deserted Last Day Friday Men's Traditional Siladium Ring Regularly $87.50 Any Ladies' Fashion Collection Ring Regularly $87.50 Your choice only $59.95 $10.00 Down Payment Balance COD COME TO /WC71RVED RING DAY t()hd|)\ when the ArtCarved representative will be hero selet t your ring. You can charge your ArtCarved ring on Master Charge or BankAmericard. PLACE: B**™*** Center T|MF. W. 3 nAJf m,NorJG_ mansions once erected bv northern industrialists. On November 23-27. the university will be sponsoring a canoeing trip to the Okefenokee Swamp and Cumberland Island iii Georgia. You have the opportunity to explore these protected areas, spending two full days canoeing and camping on a 20' by 30' wooden platform above the water. On the third day you will go over by ferrv to Cumberland Island. For more information, contact Violet Watson between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. at the University Center. Art discussions A. K. Hinds University Center and W( ment of art will begin a monthly series discussions titled Seminars for Contempt) seminar will be held on an informal bash different topic each month concerning I incuts in Contemporary Arts. Occasion discussion or film will be presented. The pi series is to offer a forum for discussion interest by students anil faculty within the I lhe next seminar will be tonight at S Cardinal Room of the UC. The topic for di: be "Geometric and Organic Abstraction. Firestone, head of the WCU art dcpa moderate lhe discussion. -^mn GREEK shop 3J SPECIAL Chain Plant Han yen $2.50 Matchiny Wall Brackets $2.50 INQUIRE ABOUT OUR DO-IT- YOURSELF GR0 - LAMPS V& miH5L-5¥lM\ get a good deal, and a good deal MOUNTAINEER *CHEVROLET vsk about our student Discount 704-586-5565 109 EAST MAIN ST. - SYLVA.N.C.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).