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Western Carolinian Volume 43 Number 13

items 6 of 14 items
  • wcu_publications-8078.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • PAGE 6/THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN/NOVEMBER 17, 1977 JIM GOLDSTON PHOTO Sieve Glpson, a nationally known cartoonist, enter- ined students at the UC Tuesday with a show thai alined a satirical review of national personalities. EQUIPMENT AND CLOTHING FOR THE OUTDOOR ENTHUSIAST olarguard, Fiberfitl II Parkas. Vests. Wood . Boots, (doves. Long Underwear, Mour sleeping Hags. Tents. Packs. Stoves. Fr Cullowhee Wilderness Oul Mon day— Sa t u r d a y 293-9741 Outfitter 10—6 (BEHIND THE ALPINE BUILDING) Geologist "Stand still!" shoutei the i irciior "lhe piitur being made. Stand still w on are " "1 m twenty." she cri through!" "Vou're seventy." the l TOW 1 chained. "Look at wrinkles." "Pinch her. pinch her " shi uled the old man. " contours are going. She' e picture. She's sevi up here. Onlv seventies i p her There was the bright Hash of a flashbulb and group was paralv/ed ii placi . 1 realized that 1 looking at a picture and the line ol seventy year little old woman wh contours weren't that go d anv nore. Von could see was crying. And 1 could 1 ear hi r sob. "1 hate geolog But 1 had mv revenge. 1 gel r ■veiigeon everyone \ hates geology. Leonard to leap business seminars „ wi„ be led by Dr. Myron J. Leonard. WCU associate professor of marketing and a specialist m ttail'merchandising and food marketing practices. The marketing seminar is especially tailed tor managers in finance, research and development, ,,i mnim. engineering, purchasing or production, planning, enginccnug, i ^»3f"t„ch.en,inar,S«0.«uS? ent discount as will persons from nonprofit organizations or those'taking both the accounting and marketing ested in the s< lars may elect to enroll ■ Valley and should Continuing Education Mugshots 7 Ca vill be hei oliday .of the yearbook mug shol raffle are: Barbara nthis Morton. Sara Brown, Teresa Farlev, ebb. Judy Rathbone, Glenda Warlick, Hugh Jackie Walker, Kathleen Phclar. Kim alhan Smith, Janet House, Michael McAmis, ion, Jane Wells. Nancy Love. Andrew Chirk. 'obb, l.u Huffman. 'Dane Fradv, Nancv n H, Two and ace be olfei ributed in the UC. nagen nting t vill i.ill husi y WCU in Asheville and Mat November and December. A one-day seminar on "Mangerial Accoi Non-Accountant" will be offered Nov. 2Q a Valley Holiday Inn. The seminar will be led by Dr. Eugene WCU professor of accounting and a sn consulting expert. It is designed for managerial personnel, including those administration, marketing, engineering, ing and purchasing for either profit organizations. A second one-day seminar, "Marketing Essential; for Managers," will be offered Nov. 17 at the S&W ii Asheville and Dec. 1 at the Maggie Valley Holiday Inn. Residents beware rolved in nufactur- nonprofit the Housing Office in writii i the Housing Office Increase your options Horn the beginning. As a freshman in college, you are looking ahead to a good first year. Your ultimate goal is getting that college degree. To make that degree more meaningful, you shouldincrease your options from the beginning. Andyou can do that through Army Jeadership with on-hand adventure Army ROTC offers practical ship with on-hand adventui training. You'll get management experience, which aids in developing men and women to shoulder greater responsibilities at an earlier age than most other graduates. You can be part of this exciting curriculum in the first two years. And there's no obligation. You'll earn $100 a month for 10 months each of the last two years in Army ROTC. Upon graduation you'll be wearing the gold bars of an Army officer. With the kind of experience you get in Army ROTC, you're qualified for any career, whether it's military or civilian. Army ROTC provides for both-active duty status with a starting salary of over $11,300 or reserve status (Active Duty for Training) while employed in the civilian community. Get a good start your freshman year. Increase your options from the - -inning with Army ROTC. ^ArmyROTC. Learn what it takes to lead. Call:

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).