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Western Carolinian Volume 43 Number 13

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  • PAGE 2: THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN/NOVEMBER 17, 1977 Carolinian Newsbriefs Events happening around Cullowhee and WCU WCl goes to NYC io New York Citv will be sponsored bv the Deparlmeul for December 17-22 to visil art museums, etc. Cost ol the trip is $40 round I and $42 for a room for live nights. A deposit required bv December 2. Interested students I (he we i An Depi. at 293-7210, or see Raj 284 Belk for further information, Billiard exhibit e Brunswick Advi Flewellen speaks William C. Fit ich professor s quality, vill prevent the busin, ping ground" for belo Attention Vets If you have been recci ng Veterans Administrati at the end of the scmest yarding address and not allov V As addre VA cheeks for CI Bill students' final month of raining, or partial month, will he issued on the first day ,f the following month. Unless the VA and the postal .ervicc have received a change of address, lhe check vill be mailed to the address provided bv lhe student The Veterans Education and Employment As Aei ol 1976 eliminated prepayment of mon allow ances for VA trainees, effective .lime I. I hlv Professsor speaks Dr. Frederick W. Leysieffer, associate professoi • tatistics at Florida State University, will deliver ectures November 21 and 22 .at WCU. He will speak on "Randomized Response Tcchniq n Sample Surveys" Monday at 4 p.m. Tuesday, he .peak on 'Assessing Evidence Relating Environmei 'ollution with Human Effects" at 11 a.m. The Icctn Department ol Mathematics and t Program. I he lectures an- open to t Englisher's meet ■ontacl Dr Karl Null..las in Mi Kci Gillin lectures "Who's Who of America! quality ol the . ]\oma(J accepts >rs of the Nomad will accept art and literary ons in Room 22 Joyner starting Jan II. .- following information: name, address. s number, class, major. Artists' names should Circle K shines Friday ami Saturdav the Circle K Clubs of WCU and Appalachain State will be out shining shoes and passing out balloons for donations to the research and care of the dread child disease. Cystic Fibrosis. The p.m. at BrownCafeteriaand in front of the UC. On Saturday, members will be in front of Whitmire a lii and i ol chili UCB presents. . . The University Center will Greenville Rodeo. Participant s Sf>. which includes an UC sponsors trip I he UCB will present its lasl film of the fall semester this Friday night at 7:15 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. in Hoey. The movie "Nicholas and Alexandria" will be shown. ['his is an outstanding movie about the tzar and his family in Russia during the earlv I900's until the Bolshevik Revolution. The admission will be SI at the- Choral concert tonight Calendar THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17 A p.m. Lecture, "Trends and Issues in Teacher Education: The Teacher Corps Perspective," Dr. Carolina Gillin, Killian 104, free. 7 p.m. Billiards exhibition by Steve Mizerak, Cherokee Room, UC, free. 7 p.m. Film, "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," Jackson County Public Library, Sylva, free. 8:15 p.m. Concert Choir, University Chorus, and Chamber Singers, Fall Concert, Hoey Auditorium, free. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 2 p.m. Seminar, Dr. Jim Harvey, UNC-A, "The Role of the Industrial Chemist," Natural Sciences Building, 208, free. 3 p.m. Meeting, Commencement Committee, Bird Conference Room. 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. Film, "Nicholas and Alexandria," Hoey Auditorium SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19 1:30 p.m. Football, WCU vs. Appalachian State University. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20 5 p.n . Nort Count Legislatui Sciences Auditc 8 p.m. - 12 a.m. University Center Board Concert/Dance. The Cafalinas, Grandroom, UC. $1 stag, $1.50 drag. Art exhibit, Painting by Dr. Tom Mew (opening reception November 20 at 2 p.m.), Art Gallery, Belk Building, free. Through December 9th. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21 4 p.m. Lecture, "Randomized Response Techniques in Sample Surveys," Dr. Frederick Leysieffer. Stillwel 309, free. 7 p.m. Public reception for Dr. Tom Mew in Art Gallery, Belk Building. 7:30 p.m. Lecture by Dr. Tom Mew, Belk 104, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22 11 a.m. Lecture, "Assessing Evidence Relating Environmental Pollution With Human Effects " Dr. Frederick W. Leysieffer, Stillwell 309, free.' 1 p.m. Public workshop by Dr. Tom Mew, Belk 6:30 p.m. Ski Club n iting, Reid Gym, Rm. 21 or WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23 Pay period ends for all hourly student Nov. 23-26 Thanksgiving Holidays. Nov 23-27 Okefenokee Swamp canoeing trip to Okefenokee Wildlife Refuge. $30. Sponsored by

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).