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Western Carolinian Volume 43 Number 13

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  • PAGE 16/THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN/NOVEMBER 17, 1977 CR's invite you Dear Editor, Main people have begun to notice a new organization on campus. I mean new in the aspect that it is truly active in its proper role for the first time in quite a number of vears. I hat organization is the WCU Catamouul College Republicans. For those of vou who have never heard of it. or are instinctively turned of! In the word "republican," allow mi' just a moment lo tell you what it is really all about, lhe C.R. Movement as it was dubbed several .ears ago is a bipartisan effort by college students across the nation lo first, save the two party system; secondly, protect the free enterprise system from the encroachment of government; and thirdly, develop a means for college students to become imniedialley involved in the United States political system. In my opinion, it works. Since our first meeting in September our membership has grown from 15 to 105. In lhe past three weeks we have had a speaker, two parties, a picnic, and just four weeks ago we went to the • late convention of the North Carolina Federation of College Republicans at Meredith College in Raleigh. Most everything we do is free, fun. and politically We worked at the polls this last Tuesday in Sylva and we all learned a terrible, but valuable lesson. We saw open corruption at the polls, people standing around all dav long waiting for the highest bidder for their votes, liquor and beer being handed out by candidates, and much more. I believe thai the effect that experience had on our members can besl be expressed by the comment of one of our many "democrat" members. He said. "This was a crooked and Democrat machine. It was sickening, scary, and something I'll never forget." That is another point I can make for you to consider joining College Republicans, almost half our membership is registered "democrat." What else is going down? After the Thanksgiving Holiday we're sponsoring a speaker and film oil "free enterprise." which you'll like because the film is funny, with a special message directed at college students. In December, we're having Colonel Ray Schrump up to Cullowhee to talk to us about Vietnam, his experiences as a prisoner of war for five years, and about his race for Congressman in the cast. There is also a picnic and Chri oiks. I be icd and r illy and get involved. The C.R. Movemi omit Republicans offer you that chan Respectfully, Phillip Cates, President Hi! OiD You know. That RlQHT A/OrV, SINISTER Foreign poivrr/vs are QAMA&IN& y0UK COUNTfQf? THATS Rl&Hlf ANP M'K : tb cauip ik'MHnu til Tm fht QoothVitY DON'T SELL IN THftK COUNT- AND SELL n HIRE, IN AMI RICA, A* IPWlR Co$T, / Vll PON'T WAN! THAI CHLAP JAV lAuH HERE, DO Wf? I ML AH //MAI ARE iml , ///< MORLb'b BARGAIN BASEMEN I ? 5o come. on. it i 5 HIAK IT IOK TKN>E CONTROLS* e. $ A Poem Q AF1ER ALl . IF AMERICA DOEWT PROTECT FREE EN1ZRPRI51 WHO will? Dear Editor. The cultural aspects of the Western Carolinian have been lacking somewhat. 1 present to you this poem written by my suitemate. It reveals emotional feelings felt by us all at one time or another. To A Friend It can hurt a friend. Even though you don't know why. It is hard to mend. Because you can't take back a lie. Should telling the truth hurt, At least it was right. A lie must always hurt, The truth just might. By Thomas M. Hayes 1 hope this poem stimulates others to send in their poetry to help improve the cultural condition of the Western Carolinian, which by the way is a pretty good school paper. Airport unsafe? Dear Editor. Is there any truth to the rumor that when Gov. Hunt flew in to attend a Democratic rally in Sylva on October 29, he had to fly into the Franklin airport because the Jackson County Airport was deemed unsafe for him to We're checking, more later. AMD...p0C,WrW CAM-£?£>/? r^r Jri^e£;5r><&W1HA , Editor-in-Chief David Jackson Business Manager Da 'id Curtis f.porls Editor , ■ ' 8 : TheWester n Carolinian The Western Carolinian is published weekly by the students of Western Carolina University. All editorials are from the editor's desk unless initialed, all letters must be signed, all contacts are printed on a space-permitting basis, all opinions expressed in columns are not necessarily those of the editor or newspaper. Offices are in Joyner 10. Mailing address is POB 66, Cullowhee, NC 28723. Telephone is (704) 293-7267. Proofreaders Stephany Criss Joyce Cooper Photographers David Lees Hughes Grogan Jim Goldston Jeanette Beaudry Lewis Greene Typesetters Vicki Carter Janet Rawski Staff Writers A. E Brown. Jr. Phil Cates Chip Hammond Phil Harden Steve Surles Jobn Van Tassel Thornton Wooding Accountants Larry Burgin Tom McGuire Faculty Adviser Gerrv Schwartz

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).