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Western Carolinian Volume 63 (64) Number 09

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  • 14 letters to the editor October 14,1998 inian Rape letters draw official response; Sexual Assault Task Force plans survey; Seek feeback on 'unreported' crimes To the Editor, We as members of The Task Force for Sexual Assault and Other Forms of Abusive Behavior extend our sincere empathy over the depth of stress and pain expressed in recent letters to the Editor. We realize, however, that mere expressions of concern are not enough. In 1994, a then ad hoc task force instituted the first Sexual Assault Policy at WCU which is reviewed by this task force on an annual basis. Since the reformation and expansion of the task force by Chancellor Bardo in 1997, we have diligently taken on a number of initiatives to ensure, as Dr. Bardo said in his charge to us, that "the rights of each member of the university community are respected." This year's review included discussion on how to make it as easy as possible to report incidents of abuse. As much as we are concerned and committed to addressing the problems to which these letters draw attention, we need the help, strength and courage of victims. Although we recognize this as an extremely difficult situation, we cannot proceed in recommending disciplinary action unless we have specific information from the victim such as names, dates, and organizations involved. Any victim is encouraged to report incidents of sexual assault to University Police (227-7301) whether on or off campus, however if the incident occurred off campus, the Jackson County Sheriff's Department (586-1911) needs to be contacted. Whether or not you choose to report the incident to law enforcement, you may report the incident to the Office of Student Affairs (227-7234) located in room 460 of the Administration Building. If you desire to only speak to a woman, you may make such a request upon contacting the office. If you live on campus, you may report the incident to any housing staff member and that person will refer you to the appropriate next step. REACH of Jackson County (586-1911 - ask for the REACH worker on call) is also available to assist you whether or not you choose to report to law enforcement. The report remains in strict confidence with the person who receives it unless the victim gives permission to move forward. At every step of the process the victim has the power to request the process to stop. Reporting the incident to the above-mentioned offices may result in disciplinary action without a law enforcement report, as long as names, dates and organizations involved are identified. In an effort to directly hear the voices of students. The Task Force for Sexual Assault and Other Forms of Abusive Behavior, is completing a survey to be distributed to students during this semester. The goal of the survey is to receive direct feedback from students concerning crimes committed on campus which may or may not have been officially reported. The survey will also allow students a format in which to express their feelings about specific needs related to these issues. In order to aid victims in this process, the task force is committed to being involved as much or as little as the victims choose. To make this more convenient, we are including our names, our e-mail addresses, and our phone numbers. Please note the Task Force is made up of students, faculty, staff, administrators and community leaders. You have our assurance that we will honor your privacy. We encourage any victim of sexual assault or other abuse to contact any of the offices or individuals mentioned in this letter. Those members of the Task Force on Sexual Assault and Other Forms of Abusive Behavior, in alphabetical order, involved in developing the above response: Jeff Davis, 227-7640 Steve Flury, 227-7443, John Habel, 227-3365, Bill Haggard, Chair, 227-7234, Deaiise Heinze, 227-3920, Bill Hollingsed, 227-7301, Sharon Jacques, 227-7467, Wanda Kidd, 293-9030, Sheryl Kuhn, 586-1972, reach Rati Lynch, 227-4238, klIS541 Michelle McKenzie, 227-4238, manlS671 ■ Gayle Miller, 227-3931, Monica Perry, 586-6594, Terry Rose, 227-7108, ('.J. Snider, 631-0730, Lisa Sons, 227-7303, June Wytock, 227-7469, WCU Police Rape Statistics During the period of 1991-1997 there have been 14 rapes reported to the WCU Police. Each case was investigated thoroughly and in each case a suspect was identified. Two of the investigations resulted in arrest. In the remaining twelve cases, it was the decision of the victim to not prosecute. Task Force on Sexual Assault and Other Forms of Abusive Behavior IFC complain Carolinian publishes bad news about Greeks; Wants newspaper to provide 'good things we do' column Surprise, Surprise, another article, or Letter to the Editor, bashing fraternities. It is really beginning to makes us (fraternities) sick! Instead of making the Theta Xi situation a front-page matter (See Caro/j'm'anSeptember 23rd), why not put it in the back, or better yet, not even put it in the paper at all. I am sure the Theta Xi's are having a hard enough time coping with the matter without it being plastered on the front page of the CAROLINIAN. Rather than reporting that particular story, why couldn't you have done an article on Tau Kappa Epsilon's, or Teke's, Give It Back Project? They are probably the smallest of any of the organizations on campus, but I would be willing to bet the farm that they do more community service than anyone does. Regarding the person that wrote the rape letter to the editor. I have been at Western for three years and in a fraternity for two and a half years. I can honestly say that I know almost every person that is Greek, especially in the larger fraternities, and I have never, NEVER heard anything as absurd as the statement you made about having to have sex to be allowed into a fraternity. The paper keeps bashing fraternities because people like you keep making such ludicrous statements. Yes, rape does happen here on campus. I am not going to deny that, but most of the guys I know would fight their own fraternity brothers if they saw them abusing a girl in any way. There is even one fraternity that is going to offer a seminar on how to treat ladies at a party. I am truly sorry that this happened to you, and any other young lady out there, but saying the things you did out of the blue is not going to rectify the situation. Now, back to getting good things in the paper. We, the Greeks, challenge you, THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN, to give us a chance. You have a weekly column on a lot of different areas. Why not give a column to one of the most influential institutions on campus, the Greeks? Give us a chance to show the campus the good things we do. Let us report what we think the public needs to know and if we miss something, then you can report it. At least give us a fair shot. Give us a column for all Greek social organizations. Sincerely, Brandon Coggins Sigma Phi Epsilon IFC Secretary John Hendershot Lambda Chi Alpha IFC President So, Editorial What is News? Printing negative articles concerning any organizations, groups, or any one person can be a touchy thing. It is far from easy, and you don't make many friends. Simply put, people don't like negative publicity dealing with groups they are affiliated with. In a letter sent to the Carolinian this week, Brandon Coggins and John Hendershot suggest that the article concerning the Theta Xi incident should have been "put in the back, or better yet, not even put it in the paper at all." Frankly, gentlemen, that's ridiculous. They also say the Carolinian's "bashing" of fraternities is making them sick. As well it should! However, that doesn't discourage me, or tell me that I'm doing a bad job, or that I'm making enemies in the Greek organizations; I've been making enemies this way for a while. What this letter tells me, instead, is that I'm doing my job well. It tells me that I'm letting people know that these things DO happen, but I sincerely had hoped that such articles would make you sick enough that you would look into solving such problems. So, perhaps instead of blaming the negative aspects of a fraternity's reputation on the Carolinian's "bashing" of the fraternity, maybe you should ask yourselves if the fraternity is "bashing" itself. Why? The reason I feel like you should find the problem in your own organization and not the Carolinian is because I don't send writers, and nor do I myself, go out with the intention of finding negative things to write about concerning fraternities, so as to "bash" Greek life; people bring these stories to the forefront on their own, and the process starts with you! If an incident occurs, the word gets out Better factual reporting by us than leaving unfounded rumors hanging on the grapevine. Furthermore, the positive things that fraternities do are very admirable, and take my hat off to those people of any organization that do things for charity work, and for the community. However, I unfortunately do not have the time to go to every single organization on campus and ask what good things they're doing, just as 1 don't have the time to try and find dirt on Greeks so I can "bash" them in this week's Carolinian. So, don't think your suggestions haven't been heard. I hear them, and 1 invite anyone from any Greek organization to bring me information concerning the positive things they are doing for the community. I cannot, and will not, guarantee that all will get published. I only have so much space to work with, and some articles do take priority. Just like f cannot ignore the good and print only the bad, you cannot expect me to do the opposite: print the good things Greeks do and ignore the bad, ignore the letters (plural) that come to me concerning fights at Greek parties and rapes committed by Greek pledges, or anyone for that matter. I'm in this business to get the word on the street and to get the word to you. People are concerned about certain issues. I truly hope that you will start looking at Carolinian articles and letters in a more positive form. Don't read them and think the Carolinian is "bashing" fraternities. Look at them and ask yourselves, and ask your brothers, and ask your sisters, "What can we do to change this, so that this kind of issue doesn't have to come up again?" Seth R. Sams News Editor

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