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Western Carolinian Volume 06 Number 04

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  • (HIjf H>Ht?rn Carolinian Published By The Student Assoc latum "Be A Columbian" "Be An Erosophian" CULLOWHEE, N. C, NOVEMBER 6, 1937. NUMBER 4 Arrangements Made for Annual Homecoming LIBRARY SHOWS STEADY GROWTH . IN PAST YEARS Now Offers Variety of Volumes On Any Subject; To be Visited Alumni and friends who will be Visiting the campus on Homecoming Day should take time to visit the library. Members of the library staff will be on duty njkfil three o'clock. Saturday afternoon and will take pleasure in showing visitors through the three rooms whjch now cdniprise the library quarters. The librarian and the .staff are always interested in having the older alumni visit the library, for it is they who appreciate the grow. th of this department of the college. It is they who remember when the small room, which now houses the Business Education department, was the library- They, too, will remember with what pride the library was moved into "larger quarters" when the present reading room became the library. Into this room were crowded twenty tables, about five thousand volumes, and the librarian's office. Within the Mst six years two more rooms have been added and now the school looks forward to the completion of the new Training Schol, so that the whole second floor of Joyner Building car taken for library use. One room will be used for the librarian's office and cataloging department: another, is to be furnished as a Leisure Reading room: the room now used by the Business Education department will be used for the Publisher's Collection, and the present office will be converted into another stack room in which will be shelved the hundreds of new books recently added by purchase and gift to meet the American Association of Teachers Col- eges' requirements for 15,000 volumes in our library. Achievement of that goal is a source of pride to those interested- in the school's growth. Mrs. Buchanan has spoken with highest praise and deepest gratitude of the generous gift of twenty-five dollars to the magazine fund, given by Miss Clara Buntain. This gift enabled Western Carolina Teachers' College to meet the American Association of Teachers' Colleges requirements of 150 periodicals and Newspapers. Club and Class NEWS Mcdowell music club HAS MEET The bi-monthly meeting of the McDowell music Club wes held October 26. Some business matters were discussed before the program, during which the following committees were appointed: Social, Laverene Isreal, chairman, Florence Leighr, Gay Battle; Program, Clemmie Brewer, chairman, Chris- le Broyhill, Charlsie Ponder. Miss Brewer was in charge of the program, which consisted of some of the works and the 1 ift Edward McDowell, for whom the club was named. Christine Broyhill gave a brief, sketch of the life of McDowell, pointed out that he was the greatest American composer of piano music. Following this Florence Leighr told the story of how "To A Wild Rose" came to us by chance. Mr. Tracy then played this selection, which perhaps the most popular of McDowell's compositions. There was a program of McDowell music played on the victrola, and Mr. Tracy played the first movement from the "Eroica Sonata". At the dose of the program refreshments were served. Reporter, Jane Greenlee DRAMATICS CLUB The work of the newly organized Dramatics Club is going forward rapidly under the direction of Mr. Bitzer. The work is well under way that the club plans to sponsor a comedy and a one-act play, with special features, % in the next three weeks. Casts have already been selected for these presentations. The club has been divided into three groups, each of which has been asked to visit a typical mountain home and observe life there. After they have become acquainted with conditions, they are tr write and submit a play using mountain life as the theme, using local color, traits, etc. These plans were made at the last meeting of the dub. and students are taking much interest in this work. Chairman of the groups are Pearl Coggins, Victor Workmen, and Margaret Turner. There fifty-four members of the clul PROGRAM HOME-COMING CELEBRATION NOVEMBER 6, 1937 A. M. 9:00—10:00—REGISTRATION—Sale of Luncheon and Football Tickets (Joyner Building—Main Entrance). 3:00—11:00—OPEN HOUSE—Moore Dormitory, Robertson Hall, Science Laboratories, Offices, Inspection of New Gymnasium, Steam Plant, New Methodist Church, Training School, etc. 1:00—12:00—ALUMNI PROGRAM IN AUDITORIUM. THEME: A GREATER COLLEGE THROUGH A STRONGER ALUMNI ORGANIZATION. Dean W. E. Bird, pres. of the Alumni Association, Presiding. Welcome—President H. T. Hunter- Music—College Glee Clubs—Faculty Quartet. Two-minute Talks by Alumni, Faculty, Students and Friends. Alma Mater— P. M. 12:30 — 1:00— 1:45- r Coming Home to Home Coming Jui- little systems have their day: They have their e!ay and cease to be; They are but broken lights of thee, And thou, Ob Cullowhee, are The thoughts expressed in Tennyson's "In Memoriam" run through the mind of every alumni who comes back on Home-comim.r Day. To them it is a elay of reminiscing over the ynis that they themselves have spent at Cullowhee. They think- of the smell part they have plaved ir the his tory of the school. They wonder if members, on subjects given them by others in the club, and poetry reading by several members. The club has elected Mr. Rabun as faculty advi Rabun and Mr. Bitzer, i the meeting, gave criticisms of the speaking and reading. At the conclusion of the pro- DEBATE CLUB The Debate club of the Forensic Association of W. C. T. C, held its second meeting of the year in . Moore Parlors on Mondav. Oct. 25. STam refreshments were served per The business included discussions ^ of plans for attending several debate tournaments to be held the forth-coming year, the most im- portant of which is the Strawber- j rv Leaf Tournament to be held at ' Winthrop College on December INTEREST IS BEING SHOWN INACTIVITIES Students, Alumni Looking Forward To Big Occasion Increasing interest has becat shown this year in our fifth annual Homecoming program. Every student and Alumnus has looked forward to this as being the bn;- gest. ami best Homecoming Dojf that Western Caroi".i-.a Teachers* College has observe:!. Plans for this year'.; program, ■re directed by Mr. John Worto McDtMtt, the Alumni Secretary, nd those working with hiin have exerted every ef f :rt to mako it a program of interest to both the students and the Alumni. In- working out the plans for the program they have sought to include those things which will be of value and interest to everyone who attends. From nine until ten o'cb>cfc- lunrheon and football tickets may be purchased at the main entrance of Joyner building. A very striking attrbnte- of the- day will be open house in Moore Dormitory and Robertson Hall. These dormitories will be open to any student or visitor who wishes to inspect the rooms. At eleven o'clock Dean Bird wilt preside at the official Alumni program which will be held in the* of College Auditorium- The theme- 1937-38 remember you. Yes, there of tbis program will be "A Greater- goes Huth Brown McCracken,— College Through a Stronger Alumni remember, she was the most popu- OrgamaatiDR." Prominent feo- lar girl in the senior class just ture* «* this Program will inrfudo three years ago? And bless me, if the Welcome address by President there isn't Paul-Sc'.iacnner' He's H-T-Hunter, music by the CoDegp Ihe guy who made the sensation^ Glee Clubs and Facnlty Q""**^ I :ay in '36 against Lenoir-Rhyne. «d two-minute talks by Alumni ... ... , _ * faculty, students and fnends- . ee that nice looking chap standing ever there by the rock wall? We-1, Following the^ Alumni meeting that person is Tommy WoodarJ. lunche°" will be served at twelve- Hi was the fH look**; person ir ***** in the College Dining HalL the class of '36. Now who is this The kickoff of the football game- Luncheon—College Dining Hall. -Short Business Session of Alumni Associatinn in Parlors of Moore Dormitory fqr the purpose of— Electing Vice-President, Alumni Council, Membership Fee and subscription fee to a quarterly news bulletin. 2:30 — FOOTBALL GAME. Western Carolina Teachers College vs. Appalachian State Teachers College. 4:30- 5:30—TEA—Moore Parlors-For Alumni and Visitors- 6:30 — DINNER—Dining Hall. 8:00—11:00—ALUMNI DANCE—Sponsored by Robertson Hall Boys f | (College Gymnasium). anyone knows or remembers them. Prevalent in their minds is the thought that never again will they an active part of the school. In this paragraph your author is going to go again t, all her codes of journalism and us* that little pronoun "you". You, Alumni, are the makers of W. C. T. C. Although you are not enrolled th: the present pupils 1 Have you been through the tunnel? 2. Have you subscribed to the Western Carolinian? 3 Have you backed W. C. T. C. during the past year? 4. Have you gotten your society colors? 5. Hape you visited the paper office? 6. Will you write your impressions of this Homecoming and send them to the Western Carolinian, Box 363? 7. Have you met the new faculty members? 8. Have you visited the 4-r,. Mr. Charles, Holloman gave a vivid description of the different phases of this tournament. Western Carolina has been represented at this meeting for the past three years and is striving to attend a- gain this year and make a much better showing. Several new members were welcomed into the club by the president, June Burleson. The evening's program was enlightened by impromptu speaking by several Methodist church? 9. Have you been through the ■ dormitories? ' 10. Are you coming back to see i us on Homecoming Day next year? by the social committee, which omposed of Dean Roberson, chairman, Paul Westbrook, and Pearl Coggins. Officers and committees are as follows: President. June Burleson; vice-president, Luther Ferguson; secretary-treasurer, Edith Wilson; publicity. Gray Hampton, chairman; Alwayne Delozier, Horace Meredith; programs, Jose, phine Morgan, chairman. Arnold Hyde. Norman Plott; Publicity- Manager, Gray Hampton; Senate sponsor. Luther Ferguson: Ser. geant-of-arms. Charles Holloman. The dub will welcome new members who are interested in advancing the prestige of the college in debating to a higher level. The time of meeting is on the first and third Mondays of each month, at PHYSICAL EDUCATION BOXING Mr. Bitzer b still doing some (Continued on back page) loafing along with that Iarv between Western Carolina Teach- =mile on his face? Yon goesseJ era' College and her rival, AppahV- it—none other than Carl Ratcliffe- chian State Teachers' College, isr He is teaching and oaching at scheduled at two-thirty in the af- Waynesviile this year. ternoon. And around the corner of Joy- Alumni, watch for your society ner comes a girl in a big* hurry, as colors at the game. Yon have unusual, yet having time to stop a":I doabtedly heard recently of the. pass the time of cay with every- reorganization of the Columbian- body. That's Dot Higdon, who i* and Erosophian Literary Societies. now teaching at Murphy. During the half these societies win These are only a few of the pen- show you what fine spirit they pie who come back Could such have established this year on our people be forgotter? They have campus. lived their little system at Cui.o-1 Front fonr-thirty until five-thir- whee, and they are little broker jty Alumni and visitors may go to liirhts of her. t Moore Parlors where the Aiumni, come back to as no* j win act as hosts at an informal wbn sad memories, Vi: with a pride jtea. in your heart that your system ha* A big social event of the day wilt had its day and that in being smjbe a dance sponsored by the boys alumni of Cullowhee a system even of Robertson Hall. The dance will larger than the one you possessed | be in the College Gymnasium from during your college dsys is bein* eight until eleven o'clock in tho experienced. evening.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).