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Speech in support of an Appalachian National Park

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-13796.jpg

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  • GEO. S. PON^PIl. DR. C. P. AMHhh^P ' President. Sec. and Treas. y. 03. #*>* 384. 3UJte%tUU% 11. ©♦, v Tt is with the greatest satisfaction we notice the interest which is being manifested hy the poeple and press throughout the Southeastern States in i/egurd to the preserva- 'ion of forests. The historjr of Spain, Italy and Switzcrlaid shows thai the destruction of forests has been followed hy depression in agricultural and mechanical interests, and these countries realizing the value of the natural forests as to the holding of moisture in the soil and furnishing the samegraduall. as a supply to the streams, and as rendering <0 productiveness p£ the soil, have attempted the reproduc tion of forests on lands rendered useless hy the thoiightless andk short sighted destruction of the young growing trees -&m\ the marketing of mature timber. We have in this country been likewise sacrificing our timber without regard to the future, and if the present policy is pursued there will shortly come a day of reckoning. This reckoning will come home with the greatest severity to those now living in thS localities where this same wantcm destruction is most rife, and while we predict that in the immediate locality where the establishment of a Forest Reservation Bight he located in the Southern Appalachian hountains

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).