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Speech in support of an Appalachian National Park

items 14 of 16 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-13825.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • 14 inexhaustible, goma of the species of the noble treei of this region are, even now, sine at extinct, I s n turps of the black walnut are rained and sold at fabulous prices, and the cherry is going the way of the walnut* I sag toil by sianufaeturers in iay home city that the average advance in the prices of lumber in the last ten y®s&rs has been at least one hundred )-or oent, anl that timber la sow used constantly which tea * - a are a go m us pn i a t i c si 1 y um; m, r k e t ab 1 a, A merchantable white oak tree, standing in the forest, five tidies froia a railroad, is worth aa »uch as would have been, the lumber In it, on the factory yard, ten years ago* fhs northwest has begotten a distinct rase of oen, forest isstreyersi uorseaen ranging the forests, as tl a elier norsoaan ranged the seas, forever destroying with their deadly and insatiable exes. Like the vikings of old, they ccahc; oat of the north; they are stoning Upon our .ouutains, they are killing our forests, ffe ©ay net repel the® entirely, cut we. can put upon thai the restraints of reasonable anl ^ust laws, and can at least exclude the tribe Of the Vandals, Once core I say it is a public duty to save our forests, the ancient and steadfast protectors of our acunt&ins and our waters{ and upon us Who live among the jaountnlns, or under their shadows, the obligation is strongest, I would not see these and-est!c Ksouutalns robbed of the ad- ©rnraent and glory of the trees; I would not see the crystal streams

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).