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Senate Bill 5228: Senator Simmon's speech

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  • SPEECH OF HON. F. M. SIMMONS. The Senate having under consideration the bill (S. 5228) for the purchase of a national forest reserve in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, to be known as the t; National Appalachian Forest Reserve "— Mr. SIMMONS said: Mr. President: I had intended to refer to the confusion which has arisen in reference to the bill to which the Senator from Kansas alludes, and upon which he will ask a vote. It has arisen by reason of the fact that the Committee on Forest Eeservations and. the Protection of Game has favorably reported during the present session two bills, both providing for the establishment of a national reserve in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. The first bill is No. 492, which was introduced by my colleague [Mr. Peitchard] , and which provides for the purchase by the Government of 2,000,000 acres of land at a limit of cost of $5,000,000. The second bill, No. 5228, which has been reported by the committee as a substitute for the first, is a bill originally introduced in the House by Hon. James M. Moody of North Carolina, and it provides for the purchase of 4,000,000 acres of land and fixes the limit of cost at $10,000,000. That is the bill which is before the Senate and upon which I desire to speak. Mr. GALLINGER. If the Senator will permit me, I presume that during the course of his speech he will explain it, but I have been so busy with other matters that I have not had time to examine the bill. In what States is this land situated? Is it situated in more than one State, I will ask the Senator? Mr. SIMMONS. Yes. sir. The bill Mr. GALLINGER. I presume the Senator will explain that during his speech. Mr. SIMMONS. I will explain it right now. The exact location of the park is not fixed by the bill, but there is a general provision in the bill that it shall be located in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, in the States of West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia. It is expected, however, that the park will be located in the higher ranges of the Great Smoky Mountains, the Unake Mountains, and the Black Mountains in the Blue Ridge, because of the superior altitude and scenery and because of the unrivaled hardwood and long-leaf forests in those regions; but the exact location of the park within the limits of these States is wisely, I think, left within the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture. Four million acres, it is contemplated, shall be purchased under the direction of the Secretary of Agriculture for this purpose, and the limit of cost is fixed at $10,000,000. because upon thorough investigation the Department reached the conclusion that these lands could be purchased at an average of from two to two dollars and a half an acre. While the limit of cost is fixed at $10.- 5333 3

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).