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Speech in support of an Appalachian National Park

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-14301.jpg

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  • / ^; 3. beaouse of my familiarity with that locality) there is a great From domain of primeval forest.. .XiiJa Tyson's hotel the last house on the head of the Swannanoa to the top of MitcheU*s Peak,you travel for ten miles through virgin forests of poplar,oak,chestnut,cherry, and balsam without seeing the sign of human habitation* Down on the Yancey side to the settlements on the Toe and Caney Rivers is about the same distance througj a country equally wild and grandly pictiU5esq»e, While hunting sometime ago with Fayett Burnett,a noted bear hunter descended from a race of hunter®,himself a noble type of mountain manhood,we climbed to the top of the ridge connecting the Blue Ridge and Black Mountains into the Toe River Gap. Aoross the valley behind us stood Craggy with its mighty rugged I cliffs and clear cut outline;to our right was the pinnacle of th© Blue Ridge,steeple-like in its proportions;to our left was Mitchell's Peak,the highest land east of the Mississippi, In the precipitous gorge between the two the Estatoe leaps in foam and crystal over its stony path,winding far away among the purple hills of Tennessee. The rolling thunders «asd the voice of the waters and the voice of the winds, the huntsman* s horn and the crack of his rifle are the only sounds that resound in this va st solitude. In the wide range of vision there is not a break in the forests of hemlook,chestnut,balsam and giant oak, Fayette Burnette,waving his hand toward the mighty wilderness,"Jhattt,said he,inthe spi*it of Rob Roy McOreggor when his foot was on his native heath,"fhat id the kingdom of the bears'*, Oa another occasion I went with Lewis Patton and a olergyman to the top of the Craggy Mountain* General Clingmanalways said that this was the finest view in the world. Its; standsimmediat elly

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).