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Senate Bill 5228: Senator Depew's speech

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  • 8 cent improvements which will shed blessings everywhere, and at the same time be self-sustaining and a source of everlasting revenue to the Government. Mr. Nelson rose. Mr. HALE. Mr. President, before the Senate proceeds to consider any other matter I wish the Senator from New York would tell us, after we have had the positive delight of listening to the rhythmic flow of his eloquence, what is the practical plan he has in view to accomplish the very great object upon which he has spoken. Mr. DEPEW. I am very much obliged to my friend the Senator from Maine for asking that question. There is a bill brought in by the Committee on Forest Reservations and the Protection of Game, unanimously reported after an exhaustive consideration, which provides the plan for the accomplishment of this result. It proposes to give to the Secretary of Agriculture the right to purchase a reservation upon the Southern Appalachian Mountains, and appropriates $10,000,000 for that purpose, to be used as the scheme is perfected and the purchases are made. The testimony before the committee was that these forests now lie in one body; that the invasion upon them so far by farmers and settlers has been very slight; that they are all in the market for sale, and that without any doubt the whole of the 4,000,000 acres can be purchased for $10,000,000. Mr. HALE. Making a great public governmental reservation. Mr. DEPEW. It makes a great public governmental reservation, the same kind as the 41 forest reservations that we already have in the new States. Mr. HALE. I do not think that anyone listening to the Senator can fail to have been impressed with the very great importance of this subject as he has presented it. Business is so diversified here, and as pretty much every one of us is devoting his time and attention to special purposes and objects, I was not aware of the extent of the scheme proposed by the bill. Something ought to be done about it at the present session. The very thing that is going on, the ravage of this region, which will, as the Senator says, make it a desert in ten years, ought to be arrested, and at no distant day. I hope if the Senator is not here other Senators upon the committee will see to it that the bill which he has explained to us is brought before the Senate and that the Senate will properly appreciate the purpose and the work, so that we may embark on this most important enterprise of the Government to save that great forest region. Mr. PRITCHARD. Mr. President, I had intended to ask for a vote on the measure at this time, but owing to the absence of my colleague [Mr. Simmons] , who desires to submit some remarks in respect to the measure, I give notice that I shall call it up some time next week, in order that we may have a vote upon the question. Mr. HALE. I hope the Senator will do that. Mr. PRITCHARD. The matter has been thoroughly investigated by the Agricultural Department and the bill has the favorable recommendation of that Department, as well as of the President of the United States. 5327 o

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