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Speech in support of an Appalachian National Park

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-13801.jpg

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  • '^^ OR. C. P. AMULER.V President. Sec.^TO' mxe Appalachxaxx Rational T&ax\$ ^eociatkm I, (!). #ox 384. Mo. 6. signified their willingness to do whatever they can in behalf of the movement. This matter will be placed before the present session of Congress by the members from North Carolina, and that they will be ably assisted by their confers from all the Southeratern State sis already well known. &*£** It is not the intention of this Association to advocate any certain tracts of land in particular but, knowing that the Southern Appalachian Mountains contain many immense tracts of available land with .the grandest scenery, they expe AMKpect to pJLaa-q ■ into~ijre~lTBrrd-o-- of- the 4*01 which they hope to k have anno in ted, several desirable sites and to allow this Commission to be the judge of what particular site should be chosen. There can be but little doubt however, if such a Reservation is established but what it will he somewhere in Western North Carolina, and the point wherein such a reservation would have the greatest attraction and the greatest possibilities of success would likely be along the line between Tenn. and North Carolina. In this region is already located the "herokee Indian Reservation and adjacent to it between

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).