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Resolutions supporting Appalachian National Park movement

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11984.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • PRELIMINARY PROGRAM. The annual convention of the AMERICAN PARK AND OUTDOOR ART ASSOCIATION is to assemble at the Art Institute, Chicago, 111., on June 5th, 6th, and 7th, 1900. As a sufficient attendance cannot be guaranteed to secure special railroad rates, each member should make the best terms they can with local agents. The Auditorium Annex hotel has been selected as the official headquarters of the Association, where rates will range from $1.50 to $4 per day. The program will provide for papers and discussions at the morning sessions of Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, to which all interested are invited; stereopticon lectures Tuesday and Thursday evenings to which the public will be specially invited ; and visits to the park systems in the afternoons. On Friday there will be an excursion to the drainage canal, or other places can be visited. A banquet will also be tendered to the Association during its sessions. PAPERS AND DISCUSSIONS. Mrs. Edwin D. Mead of the Twentieth Century Club of Boston will prepare a paper upon " Municipal Improvement," which will be read by President Loring; and Mr. Albert Kelsey, president of the Architectural League of America, will give an address upon the same subject at a joint meeting of the two Associations on Thursday evening, June 7th, on which day the annual session of the Architectural League begins. A paper prepared by Mrs. Cyrus H. McCormick of Lake Forest, 111., upon "Landscape Gardens'' will be presented. Dr. Albert Shaw, editor of the American Review of Reviews, will present a paper upon some phase of outdoor art relating to our national growth. Mr. William R. Smii:h, director of the Botanic Gardens at Washington, D. C, and ex-president of the Society of American Florists, will write upon a subject relating to the arrangement and grouping of plants about architectural structures. Mr. William M. R. French, director of the Chicago Art Institute, will present an illustrated paper upon " Composition," giving particular attention to the proper distribution of buildings, of artificial structures, and of foliage about such structures. Mr. J. H. Patterson and Mr. Edwin L. Shuey of Dayton, Ohio, have consented to lead in the presentation of work that has been done in this and other countries toward making more attractive the surroundings of factory buildings and employees' homes. To this meeting the general public will be specially invited. Mr. William Ordway Partridge of New York City will present a paper upon the proper setting of statuary in public places. Mr. J. Frank Foster, superintendent of the South Park System in Chicago, will present a paper upon park roads in whichhe will call particular attention to their maintenance and administration. The Rev. J. A. Rondthaler of Chicago will present a paper upon the influence of public parks upon the morality of a community. Mr. S. M. Millard of Highland Park, 111., will present a paper upon a subject connected with outdoor art. Mr. Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr., of Brookline, Mass., will present a committee report on "Advertising Bill Boards; " Prof. William J. Beal of Michigan, upon "Prizes for Designs; " Dr. William W. Folwell of Minneapolis, upon " Park Census;" and Mr. C. C. Laney will report for the committee appointed in connection with the work of the Pan-American Exposition. One of the most instructive and interesting features of the meeting is to be an exhibit of photographs, showing the good and bad treatment of various subjects connected with outdoor art, and the artist's conception of beauty in various objects in landscape. WARREN H. MANNING, Secretary.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).