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Laura Kephart to Leonard Kephart, November 28, 1937, page 2

items 2 of 6 items
  • wcu_kephart-2291.jpg

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  • any worse, if as bad, as tonsils” the Drs say. Have not heard from Mich in some time & I owe Oregon a reply to a fine one from there not long ago. George job may not be just what he would choose, but it is secure-unless the Brain Trusters succeed in killing Civil Service. Guess they will run against as big a fight as that of the Court if they get too upity [sic]. Thanksgiving we all went to Mason-e for dinner. Lucy bought a 27lb as fine a turkey as ever you saw, cooked it & took it over hot. Also took her “Ma van” to wash dishes etc. The Rileys went & took George Mack & the Errol Birds came from Albany. By the way Sam Bird is a Freshman here at Cornell & is signed up for crew. His father of course is pleased, but I agree with you about present day athletics. Sam seems level headed & sizes up values very well. The Birds furnished the vegetables- gleaned from the Burnside garden-& The mince & pumpkin pies, cheese & fruit. Julie brought cranberries. I gave a bit toward the turkey & all joined in on the good time. Of course there were “hairs in the

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).