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Resolutions supporting Appalachian National Park movement

items 16 of 17 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11998.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • January twenty-fourth, 1901. Pres. Knoxville Chamber of Commerce, Knoxville, Tenn. My dear Sir:- Since writing you yesterday T have noticed in yesterday*• Knoxville papers a resolution was passed by your Chamber of Coram-rce relative to the movement toward th« establishment of fche Appalachian National Parfc, Seeing that year Chamber of bommeree heartily end© r as the suae and that the people of Knoxville realize that if ..successful in this movement the same will be of the utmost importance to them, T think that it is only gmst to them that T should let you know that Bhat has been accomplished up to time has been largely due to the in strumentality of our Association and to their un-tiring efforts in this work. This, of course, means that *e have had to .raise money from those interested and this money has been fpent in the sanding out of literature to the press and advertising our movement* Up to this time have raised and spent about $1600,00, the greater portion o. ah has fe been raised here in Asheville, The 4sR.evi.lle Board of Trade espsotally being due great credit for several most liberal contributions, afl they have given us check for '"■100,00 upon several occasions, If the matter aaseplaced properly before the people of Knoxville I have no doubt hut what they would take pleasure in assisting our movement and I trust that your Chamber of Commerce will make some effort in that direction, especially so as ,a are under heavy expense |ust at this time for the reason that w* wish to sent printed matter to

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).