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Requests for information on Appalachian National Park

items 104 of 109 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11735.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Nov, 9th, 1901, •, J. f, Brook*, tfalla Valla, "-'ash, I My dear Sirs -• Your letter of thl 2nd inst, is just received. I enr.ios* /■ you a map as originally proposed by our Association, liter, however, w* abandoned all line* as we found that w* v/ere antagonizing nojs* «$%« Owned property outside of tints boundary, 'Cue a-overni->ent has investigated the forestry conditions of th* s*eiion b*tw«*n Virginia and U*orgla, but as far as tin'- exact location in which the reserve would be established, we are in no position to giw« you any in;" nation .^ince the Government would not l«t it b*ooni« Known 4%* re. th*y proposed to establish the reserve until they had obtain-'" options iga-i such section, Th* probabiiitias are that if anything i« don-' it f/ill b? along the V,-r,un.-i;ertu Carolina line but v^hfth*r or no:: tt *©uld oorsMi as near Hopiiny Cr*mtc as vox* state ijS a question of eensidarahl* do^Jlt, '"e hav- **pr***nt*d to the Oov*rfWt*ftt that ®uffiOi*nt territory could bo secured at a i^rice varying from fP.,50 to A>*00 per acr*.. Two miles north of Hominy Creek wuld bring the property som<= place in th* neighborhood of Pry-man mountain and 1 think it very improbable ind**® in this mountain would be included as the coves of this section are entirely under oultiva-tioit, If you will define yotir lo+ cation more exactly, 1 will give you my personal ox>inion as to the probabilities of its being inclined, but of cours* you will understand that this is not to be considered as official. Yours v^r-y truly, (10

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).