Southern Appalachian Digital Collections

Western Carolina University (21) View all

Requests for information on Appalachian National Park

items 24 of 109 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11657.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • V . ^?A a ^La- ^>a_ <?^e/Z\fb^^^ /AuAAA. A7n~ SUCs £uAtLt v- t&cz /Aia^A j A- Acsc*s- f ^.^t->— (A_JL_J-^ UUU JiA^^fA- ffh ^^Au~JU^^ I. g , (AAipaJZ /&/(_ i/Llj>*-Ja^Ac^c A ^>- a^AZ A^oAul^l^ /*Ia^st«a^*^^A> A A- A^^^A^^Aa^^A A<y^Aiy^Ay^^j J * ^ AAT a ^Ats (7aa~&AAJ^aA sI^AAaAZZA, 4r^ /VLZ-t— ^L^-> /lAjT > j Ql^la-- yuAiA^A A^u^Aa- lA £jzA<AiA-?<fiA^ /CA~ {ia^aAAzA- As~t*^s- / AfA, /a-^A^A^jlA / ^AyL^AAiA AA Ia^A /A/i^jAJAA^^ /X ^a^^AM^-Ac- , (lA^Ai^c* ^t/JjiA^AA, ^/JAu (ViA^jAAfc A^^L fc^ AuZ^ / AiA^JzZct' AA^^^OA^, " ZZ~ Ace JLrAAjdL^Jcd /LZ ^ A^.yuuJ^ A^^AjA^ £AaALL- AjA st^s^ <Al^j^A %Ac*slA-j2~- „ A- A*^*—,

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).