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Editorials commenting on the Appalachian National Park movement

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Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • 9 1 The Fvening Leader, New Haven, Conn: It is sincerely hoped that Congress will immediately take up the matter and establish the park. Fxtracts from personal letters: ' t S&'! d* *%■&*/ H, C. Fccles, Charlotte, N. C. I take pleasure in sending several sheets of petitions filled out and will send others as they are filled. Walter Harvey Weed, Washington, D. C: The movement has my hearty sympathy and support. A. M, Waddell, Wilmington, N. C, I have just returned from the meeting of the South Atlantic Lumber Association where I presented the resolution endorsing the Park movement and spoke briefly upon them. They were unanimously adopted. D. Matt Thompson, Statesville, N. C, Will be glad to aid in any way I can, H. E. VanDeraan, Parksley, Va; I propose to continue the work. I do not believe it will be hard to get this and other parks established is we work right, Henry Stewart, Highlands, N, C. Any information I can give you ot in whatever way I can further this enterprise I shall be glad to so all in my power, C, B. Reynold, Fd, Forest & Stream: I thank you for the very good description you send of the proposed National Park and Forest. Reserve. It is a grand idea and nothing but the indifference of the public, and their concentration of interest on the jungles of the Philippines, stand in the way of realizing the project, R. J, Hazlett, Rockford, 111. I feel that this is a matter that shouia be of interest and pride to all the Nation. Walter Nathan Pike, Floral Park, N. Y, The movement is one with .which I am heartily in sympatrry. and for which I shall do all that I am able to with my pen and by getting signatures to the Petition.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).