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Editorials commenting on the Appalachian National Park movement

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Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • -4" of the most picturesque and attractive in the United States. New York, N. Y.-Tribune: If no steps by the Government of the United Stares are taken, the entire tree system of these states will be obliterar ted, leaving the peaks and valleys of six great states of the Union divested of timber and foliage. Hartford, Cenn.-Courant: The Appalachian Park ought in a dozen years from now to be one of the chief attractions of the United States. The decisions in its favor would be unanimous if the matter was left to those who know the country and its possibilities. New York, N. Y.-Morning Sun: The question is whether this large source of supply shall be depleted ot whether by the methods of scientific forestry the timber shall be renewed so that later generations as well as ourselves may have the benefit of it, Roanoke, Va.-World: Such an appropriation of money, though it be large, would be justified and would preserve a section of th e country unrivaled for beauty. Commercial, Buffalo, N. Y.: The idea is endorsed by the national Bureau of Forestry. Newport R. I. -News: The central location of the proposed park is undoubtedly a strong point in its favor. It is within easy reach of most of the great cities of the Middle Western states and the east- e ern and southern states. Apart from these natural reasons, the eastern states are entitled to a national park. Boston, Mass,-Transcript: We hope the plan will frut ify, for it would give us benefit and bring us credit as a people. It is most sincerely to be hoped that this admirable scheme will be quickly and cordially taken up by Congress and carried to success. It is a case of now or never. i Hartford, Conn.-Courant. No part of the United States offers more attractions to the sight-seer. It is ideally fitted for a park and the Government will mis6 a great opportunity if it fails to avail itself of the present conditions and to secure the lands which can still be had for reasonable prices.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).