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Editorials commenting on the Appalachian National Park movement

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Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Charles Hallock, Founder of "Forest aftd Stream": Let the head waters be protected and the National Reserve will be not only a beauty and a joy forever, but will save the country fron droughts and freshets, and bestow ixpon a gratful land a plentitude of fruition. All the dredging in the world and con tinuous appropriations from Congress can keep our Harbors from filling with land wash so long as the up-lands are disregarded. Moses H. Cone, New York City: I am very mich interested in this mat tec and hope we can get Congress to see the matter as we do, Hon. A, D. Candler, Gov'r of Georgia: I thank you and the Association for the honor done me, and beg to say that I will take pleasure in accepting the position of Vice-President. Col. A. K. McClure, Philadelphia Times: If my name or efforts can be of any service to you in the matter, you are at liberty to command them. Hon. Jos. Bryan, The Times Richmond, Vaj The objects of the Association are, I think, exceedingly meritorious, and I shall be glad to advocate it and render you all the help I con to preserve the forests from destruction. Hon. Clarke Howell, Fd. Atlanta Constitiition: It will give me pleasure to do anything in my power to promote the objects of the Association. Hon. John Gary Fvans, Spartanburg, S. C: I know of no enterprise in which I feel a deeper interest than that which your Association is promoting, Gen'l Julian S, Carr, Durham, N. C: I am keeping watch on this movement and am greatly in sympathy with it. Hon, II, B. McSweeney, Gon'r of South Carolina: I sincerely trust that your efforts in secTxring an appropri at ion from the National Government will be successful. (hlucVc CO-)

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).