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Western Carolinian announcement for Lavender Bridges

  • hl-westerncarolinianclipping-1991-10-10-vol57-no09-02.jpg
  • Lavender Bridges is mentioned under Clubs and Organizations in the News section of the October 10, 1991 Western Carolinian. A phone number and two names to contact are provided if interested. Lavender Bridges, an anonymously founded student organization open to all individuals, aimed to promote awareness of lesbian and gay lifestyle, provide lesbian and gay resources, and increase communication with all students and community members. The first organizational meeting took place October 10, 1985 and was officially recognized by the office of Student Development on December 13, 1985. The last mention of the group appeared in the October 10, 1991 issue of the Western Carolinian.
  • Clubs & Organizations Lavender Bridges will hold their first meeting on October 14. If interested, please contact Eric or Joe at 293-9333. The English Club will hold a meeting Thursday, October 10 at 6 p.m. in the fourth floor of the Music/ English Lounge. All majors are welcome. Please bring a favorite work or an original to share in discussion. WCU Film Society features films that are not from the "main stream". Films are shown free on selected Thursdays evenings at 7 p.m. Both faculty and and students are invited. The next film will be "Pathfinder", a Norwegian film filled with tension about "low tech" Norwegian Lapplanders and a marding band of warriors that capture the protagonist and force him to become their "Path finder."