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Cullowhee Yodel Volume 05 Number 08

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  • A Neighborly Call from the Hills to Kindred Spirits Everywhere Cullowhee, North Carolina, March 15, 1928 Miss Benton Attends Athletic Association The second annual meeting of the Southeastern Athletic Association of Junior Colleges was held in Asheville Friday and Saturday March 2 and 3. The first annual basket ball tournament was held on the Biltmore court this year with four teams entered. Among the Junior colleges represented at the meeting were: Weaver College, Weaverville, N. C, Mars Hill College, Mars Hill, N. C; Cullowhee State Normal, Cullowhee, N. C; Tennessee Wesleyan College, Athens, Tenn.; Biltmore Junior College; Biltmore, N. C; and Hiwassee College. The beautiful loving cup donated by the Asheville Chamber of Commerce was won by the Mars Hill team over Tennessee-Wesleyan by a score of 33 28. The Association decided to make Ashevilie the scene of next year's tourney. It is the hope of the officials to have at least 16 or 20 teams from all parts of the southeastern states to participate in the elimination competition. In the final meting of the association on Saturday the following officers were elected: James L. Robb of Tennessee Wesleyan college, President; Dr. C. H. Trowbridge, President of Weaver College, Vice-President Alice A. Benton, Cullowhee State Normal, Secretary-Treasurer. An executive committee composed of the association officers and Sinclair B. Conley, Biltmore Junior college, and R. M. Lee, Mars Hill college, also was elected. One Hundred One New Students Enroll With the Opening of the Spring Quarter ?or The Quarter to Date Reaches 251. Registration Not Approximately One Hundred Percent Increase in New Students Over Last Year. The opening of the spring quarter at the Cullowhee State Normal has been the largest and the most inspiring in the history of the school. As this article goes to the press, one hundred one new students have been enrolled. Several more who have made reservations and a few of last quarter students who have not been able to register on account of sickness, are expected to be added to this number. We lost a few of our students at the close of the winter quarter. Some of these have accepted positions as teachers to fill ' Also, we had three students to < plete their work for the Normal diploma at the end of the quarter. Although all the students could not be cared for in the dormitories, they have been comfortably placed in some of the best homes in the community. With the opening of the last six weeks' unit of the spring quarter, which will be April 16th, the cooperation of the community will again be called upon to provide homes for those students who are unable to secure rooms in the dormitories. Our increase in students over the spring quarter of last year has reached approximately one hundred percent. Alice Morgan Gives Graduating Recital On Tuesday evening, March 6, the first piano recital, for this year, was given in the Training School Auditorium. Miss Morgan is a pupil of Miss Daisy M. Franklin, who is at the head of the piano department, and has been doing splendid work. The program was as follows: Invention B Flat Bach Rondo Op. 22 Beethoven Noctune Op. 9. No. 2 Chopin Etude Op. 25. No. 9 Chopin Songs: The Call of Love. ..Ward Money, Honey, Money Hedden Polish Dance Scharwenka Ventian Love Song Nevin Seguidilla Albeniz Two Piano: Anitra's Dance Grieg-Werthner Morning. ...Grieg- Werthner Pizzicati Delibes-Sutro The program was one of much interest and was enjoyed by all. Three Students Complete Normal Course Although the beginning of the Spring Quarter brings us many new students whom we cordially welcome and the beautiful world around us, our hearts are saddened by the thought of losing some of our best beloved students. They are all "true blue" in every case, ever willing to do their part. Some have finished and others have decided to rest and continue their work later. Those who have left can feel assured that they will be greatly missed and that wherever they may be, our best wishes will be with them. Those who finished their work at the end of the winter quarter were: Onnie Pres- cott, Maggie Smith, and Carr Hooper. Boys Leave Davies Hall for New Home "Davies, thou art but a memory- one page in my diary." At the beginning of the spring quarter we were compelled to leave our long cherished home and move to our new dormitory, which happens to be the second story of the store building near the Methodist church. We are very glad to have so many new girls, but we do not appreciate their taking our home from us. Since it was necessary for us to move to accomodate the girls, we are willing to take it like a man and live in our new home, although it does not have all the conveniences of Davies Hall. Pres. Hunter and Party Enjoy Will Rogers Lecture Miss Edna Reams and Miss Ruth Oliver were promised a prize by President Hunter, if the new students for the spring quarter totaled seventy-five. When they announced on Wednesday afternoon that the number had reached one hundred, President Hunter immediately reserved tickets at the Auditorium in Asheville to hear Will Rogers. Misses Reams and Oliver are very grateful to President Hunter for this unexpected treat, which they enjoyed in company with him, Mrs. Hunter, and Mr. Bird. Practice Teachers Entertain Faculty Grab your hat. Powder your face. 5:30 is the time. Joyner is the place. In front of the building, trucks will be. What happens then ? Wait and see." That is what the Demonstration School Faculty received last Wednesday evening—late. The early-to-bed were disturbed by many whispers in the hall—"What do they mean? Where are they taking us?" Thursday we learned. Everyone rushed out to the trucks, gay, happy, and anxious. The dinner at the Jackson Hotel was delicious—chicken salad and "everything." The show was perhaps most delightful. John Gilbert playing in "Twelve Miles Out", gave us a picture of the life we know little about but the tragedy quited not the hilarious crowd. Singing made the moon light ride home, along the river a perfect picture. Voice Pupils Give Pleasing Recital The Voice pupils of Miss Mary Rose Feagans gave their recital before a large and responsive audience Friday evening, March 9th, in the Training School auditorium. The whole program convinced the appreciative listeners that we have with us a group of young women with voices of rare charm, which have been skillfully trained. A special complimentary "Lilt" number from Miss Benton's Physical Education class was given by Misses Mary Louise Russell and Gladys White, and very much enjoyed. The beautiful stage setting, which was made possible through the courtesy of the Medford Furniture Company, Sylva, added greatly to the effect of the program. The numbers as rendered were as follows: La Chanson du Tambourineur— Deems Taylor. Bessie Fike Chapin, Ruth Elizabeth Grubb, Annie Brown, Louise Brooks, Gladys White, Alice Morgan, Mary Dell Bynum, Ruth Kirkpatrick, Mary Louise Russell. Twilight—Geibel. Ruth Elizabeth Grubb. The Castle of My Dreams—Ward. Mary Dell Bynum. Break, Dawn of Delight—Gerald Maundrell. 01' Car'lina—James Francis Cooke. Gladys White. Kathleen—Lowden. Annie Brown. Fairy Babies Hiding — Vernon Eville. Alice Morgan. My Wild Irish Rose—Chauncey 01- cott. Mary Louise Russell. (Complimentary "Lilt" from Miss Benton's Class.) God Shall Wipe Away All Tears— Caro Roma. And He Shall Feed His Flock from "The Messiah"—Handel. God's Love—Jules Massener. Ruth Kirkpatrick. The Truth Potion. A Musical Sketch—Arthur A. Penn. Scene—A living room. Time—Morning. Characters, Mrs. Doo Little—Bessie Fike Chapin; Miss Pertly, Louise Brooks; Old Mrs. Peddler, Mary Dell Bynum; Jane, Alice Morgan. Miss Feagans Entertain Voice Pupils Miss Mary Rose Feagans was hostess at a delightful luncheon to her voice students at her studio last Mon- Delicious salad, sandwiches, coffee, , and cake were served. Various selections were played on the new vic- trola, and Miss Feagans favored the truest s with a humorous song. Those present were: Bessie Chapin, Louise Brooks, Mary Dell Bynum, Ruth Grubb, Annie Brown, Alice Morgan, Ruth Kirkpatrick, Mary Louise Russell, and Gladys White.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).