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Correspondence regarding an article on forestry policy

items 3 of 11 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12330.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • GEO. S. POWELL, President. DR. C. P. AMBLER, Sec. and Treas. ©to glppalachicm gtcttumctl §par% gi&&ocxatxotx $. CD. $0X 384. An „«.o • ur » — — hi JLtfhroUte, 3JL ©♦, interest if th* press throughout the country m& 1 m plw»«A to nuite tiu*.t almost every news paper in ttlf country of nay note have re-produced th* printed m&tte? ft havi sent them. In th* If Ping of 1900 our Association presented A Memo- rial to Confess and our Senator from this district presented II BUI praylftg for nn appropriation to defray the m«iM| of a preliminary investigation, This appropriation wit made and the tort* of investigation $&§ left at the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture• Be- gining June Hi* first this investigation w**s und^rtrfcen by the i&M#* tion of the Secretary of Agriculture Mihile Prof. Clifford Pinchot our &overn£i<2nt forester and Prof . Holmes of Chapel Kill, North Carolina, had. Charge of the work In the field.. The detail work was done T>y both Oovernrc*:nt foresters with the assistant* §t the Geological Si***f*y m%n. ■The \#iole section from Virginia South-west was thorough- ly goat over, m&ps prepared growing $h* forests, amount of timber, size awd value of tracts, lift of stress, wnter courses! water sheds, lOunt of cleared lends end »«wy other points *iich pertain to this sub -sect. This Investigation Is now complete, the trmn having left the woods not more than ten clays ago and it is the intention of the Secretary of Agriculture to see that their report is made out at t&i yt*#»

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).