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Cataloochee tract 261: A. C. Bennett

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  • S MO ~,Y !v1TN. PARk A.C8£NNETTTRACT · t\ /41.8/ ACR£~ · 3CALE/-•20CHA/N~ @ \ \ SVHVEY o;#/.!128 '8 Y W. N. ..S I.. filA N / ' . 896 _/ _Page.7 •.. c ••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• ' NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Lands of ...................................................... ,A.., .... c .•.... Be.rmett. ................... , ......................................................................................... . ................................................. : .......................................... Township ..... o ..... ....... lla.~o.od. ........................................... County. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION TrBot (261) l'lOTE t ,\11 boar ins~ i n tbio deilcr1pt1on. •ere t urnod :from the t~u& mer1t11e.n en4 nll d1st~Jnces &re expree­s. ed 1n obacl.ns of 66 fe:et . Begtnnitlg at Corner 1 , tl point 1n ft line of the A. R. ~ dJm.h Tr& ~t ( 'a&o > ; Tr &ct C 160) R. 3'1..00 w. Oome.r 2 . a 4" c beetnut post at t he norUpeat oome.z-o1-. ·•·-___ a n-fr1ng _ . b 1ng com-er i of tbe A. a. Ba-m.all•ttot B60 ) ; Tnene•. down the sp:r1Jl8 brtmob wi tb itt J'JlCtan4etrs e.m still with tbe A• ·a. Rannah :.rroot ( 260) corner 5, a 4"' m&ple po~t in $ mo·un4 o! etonee ., sor1bl4 R.n. cor. &1 a t the Jt:mot1m of tbe apr11lg br611eb with Bnmah Cr~ek , Corner 'I, of tbe A.'R.ll•nmall Tra.ot ( 260), A 12" m&pl& bla_s 4 nn:t $Or1bed B.lf.a.n. Cot-. 1, be&re s. 114-50 E •• os obatn d1&t8llt; Thence. np Ha~nab Oroet wttb 1te .me&nietta tml still m tb tte A.a. li.&J1Jl8.b Tract ( 260) N. 2'1 ... 11 w. A POint Shut A - · 2.16 35.9& Oornor 4 • a 4" maPl-e poet 1tl n -moonl of etonew, eor1be4 R. a. cor. 6, otf'ln41n0 on tbe t1ortb bank of Satmfth Creek nn4 bei ng cornol' e ot t be t. . lt. Bannab ~ntot ( 260) ; Tl'Hlu'lc;e, le:a~ws the creek s. 3& .. 13 • • Corner & , a 10" tir.mo04 .1 tb ooJfn&r -mark• a-tll ld tnes ... a on top of a ridp. blase4 en4 eor1btd R.H. co.-. '• betns comer 9 ot tbeA. a . Hmmab TTaot ( ~60 ): _ Troc't (2&0 ) ~hflll Ge, le.&"d.ns tbe A.B. ~Wl1ll&b D. ~ 4..-.10 W. corn r &, • point with wltntt}&ee et 1ntel"soct1on of merk.e4 boundal"y 11nos, 2et a 4" becob poot in a moum ot atone a • . Ol'1.be4 A,c.B. oor. 1, A 12" l ocust blaae4 arl1 aor ibe4 :a . r. ~. .o. B~c o:r. 1 beera fl. ao..oo E .•• Oi c~ 1n l-1 etant. 7bonce • 1. Z-2·04 • · 897 '1c 6.42 R~b Ore•k ! lowing s outh .. t, ~.oe oo~ner r;, a :!4" boll ow bletorr, blaae4 a:al •or1b•4 A.o • .B. Cor. a, A !O" obeatnut b1ase4 nnd sor1be4 ll.l1.A.O•»· Oor. e, b•era w. 19·00 I • .2'1 41atant t.rhence N. 49..80 W. , _.,_ .. _,,. • ~,._.~, ..... .. _,.,__,--~-- - · •··"-~''"'" - -- --"'~" •a•_,_,.. ,_. .~,._-,,,.,.._,, _ _...,,.,._ . . , .,_,,, '• ,•'"-·'"•· ·• ''·-··--·"""'···• _,~ -.~_._,.,,-.;-,·<•- •- · ••',.....''""•'~'.·-·,_..,.,,: .•. ,~,--=-,.--,;.~'"'•'· -~,.._.,....,.,.._. ,-,,,...,.. .. ,,,_,._-''"·.,.,·-· .. •>_, .•. ,.~.-.--,...,_.~,....,._, ,~~,.,_,_..,""....,_..,.,.., comer e , e. IS" 4e&4 locust v;i tb oorneso ma~b an4 ~ tne •••• set a 4" ebea~tnut lloet J.t1 a tnoun4 of atonee acr1be4 A.o.a. Cor. t5. · A 30" obeatnut bl azed ard ecr1be4 J.T.t.c.a. Cor. z. beara fl .• 8.00 W •• 15 obs1n 41stent i f bence tl. 21-10 :s. comet e. a ~0" obeetnut wttb oorner .rk• apt w1tnesMe, blase4 en4 scribed A.c.s. cor. 4, b•1ns 10 ot tbe .Tania x.. JalmeJ~ i'not ( 224.a) Thence. dotm tbe :tl4p w1tb ita meender·s and vJ1th the Jatn1a t . ralmex- ~ raot ( £14-a) s. 88-42 E• A Point &,G, .l Point a .. 4•1& w. 6.ea Corne~ 10, a 42" eblatnat m v1tb o14 mara on top of tbe ~1dse •. be1ns corner 9 of tu Janis L. Pal.JDGI" ij;ftQt ( 224-a) ; Tbenoe. letl-v1nfl the r14ge an4 l ea-ving the Jarv1e L. Pnlmer 'l'raot ( 2241-$) · s. 6-11 ~ . Oortler 11, a po!At at 1nterseot1Gil of msrt•4 bonn4Q7 linea. Se't a '" oaeetnut poet tn · lDOW'.\4 of etonf~•• eor1'be4 A,c.a. oo:t. 6, A 20" mount&1n oat, blue4 M4 •cr1bed a. ·r.A .o.:a. Cor. '• bea:J~e s. '1~00 1 •• 18 ob81n 41atant: .· Thence s. 42-16 J •. co:rnar 12, a potnt at inte:tseotion of marua boun4&J.7 1111ee, on a eal1 r 14ge • set a 4" o~atnut poet 111 a •ouna of atQnea, eortbe4 .- ~~,_g..,..~4l. ._. ~2.!t ... -!.,l.. ,,,,,.,.,,., • ""''''''"'"'"'"'w·•·•·'··· • ,, .. ,.,, ... ,,,,. .... ,. .. ,,. ·---- -"'""'"'' .• , ... , ... .,,..,,, --~---- .. -.·. ·--·--.. ·~~------- .. --- j 6" White od: bleae4 am 8cr1be4 D.T, AtC•B• Oo:r. 9, 'bears N. 86-00 w •• oz obein 41•tent • · · · f benoe. up t be r14p '1.11 Comer 1z. •.· 20" · epenteb oak ld..tb corner mara ead wit• 11eesoa, blaa~d ani •crt.bt4 A.o.B. cor. 8, · Tbe.llOe ., S. 41..46 E. Thence s. 1__..1 v; .. The plaoe of bosinn1ttg, oontatnitlg 141.81 aor••• .Anagsis ot 'l'.itle (. 1. Traot 1~v. 281 is owned a. t :present by A. c. Bennett. It lies wholly within St e.te Grant no. 252 issued to Gray Blount. As the mesne oonveyanees of this gt•ant from the time of its issuance d~Jn through the . t ime the holdings thereunder passed, by the will ot Jas. B. Love, to his Executors, have been analyzed 1I;t t he title at tlle Sidney Nelson Tract, begi nning a t page one of this Abstra ct, the same Will not be repeateCI. l~ere, but may be seen by ret'erence to the Lnal ysis of ti t la to the 3idrey Nelson Tract. 2. Th is tract i s com. osed an1 made up of six different parcels wh ich will be analyzed separately fmvn to December 22; 1921, when t i tle to all bUd be cane vested in 't'eave:r Bennett. :?aroel 1fl): The f i rs t conveyance a f fe c t i ng this p¥l'eel is a. deed from the Executors of Jas . R, Love, bear1ng date, October 5, 1861, i n Which they couvey to J. L. Fulmer fif·~y acres on the right hand fork of Little vatalooehee Creek. The deed is regular i n t om, properly executed , except as not ed b_e low, proven by the subsori bing witness t.tnd r-ecorded .. . ~;. , Ch1y two of' the four Ex­ecutors ruerr~i on ed in the preambl e s i gned , but th is defect in execu­tion is remedied, we think, i n a. subsequent agreement and consent judgment i n the c ase of Henry et ~~ 1 vs. Hi l l iard et al, which may be seen by reference to page 41 to 45 of this Hbut r Deed is at page -Z.P.!/:- of' this 1.-bs t l'a ct. 3. Following the ves ting of tit lO to parcel (a) in J. L. ':i· ~uu -· ~-.-·· - - --·· ______ ., __ .... . J?alaneP-as ---ahown --1-n---preeeaing ·i~ 'I'agl'atm r · ti-'ble---!)as·aed -- by six successive mesne conveyances i n regu lnr fo'nn. , properly executed and recorded except as noted~ · First: On October 12 , 1882, J. L . Palmer and wife, Margaret Palmer, t o G. W. Pnlm,er. 'l'his deed was not filed for reoord until .&'ebruary 2G ; 1950. At t h is late date the Cl$rk ot the Superi or Court of Hayi'iood County was unable to verify the authority ot t he J us tice or the Peace , vtho took the a cknow l edgemf3nt. In accord­ance with provision of section 3310 of the Consolidated s tatutes ot North Oarolina, an aff idavit as to t he ge~ineness of the deed cures this defect in execution. See pa ge ._ t; t:JS, of this ~b stra ot. second: December 17, 1885, G. W. and wtte, Cali$ta Palmer, to G. H. Palma.r. f'¢-fi!' fPCr Third.: April 12 , 1889, G. H. Palmar to George Bennett. ~ will ''~ .G .. lf. J1.4~ lm.e;: ~a-1.GBe S~D;$" 'this deed. • We OO\"e seearea aff iilavit s:b c)Jling hia ntrmnrJ:ied-s.t~~this tilDe. gee page- of Abstract• · Copy of deed may be seen at pa8e ff Q ~. I -1... I Fourth: G. L. Bennett, who is one and the same person as George Bennett 1 in previous paragraph; . and his wife, Sarah Bennett, to 1h J. Caldwell am. Wif~za CaldWf}ll. . This deed is dated December 21, 1898. See page . o.f this .t~obstra ot. Fifth: H. J'. Oaldwell am Wife, Lizzie Caldwell; to W,,G.B • .Messer. J~ ttention is directed to the fact that the wife ot H. J'. Caldwell signa as Lizzie Caldwell, whereas in the previous canveyanoe she is mentioned as Li4a Caldwell. This disorep"' anoy is due to the limited edueat ion of the pa r t ies making the execu­tion. It is known that I,iza Caldwell a YJ.d Lizzie Caldwell is one and the same person, Lizzie be ing correct. This deed is dated F'ebruary 10, 1905. See page !j_!_j_ of this "' .. bs·tra ct. Sixth: Under date March 28 , 1 905, W. G.B. Me sser and wife, ·. . Rachel Me sser t o 1 • , c. Benne t t. dl:3e r>age 1J!!_ of t h is 11.bstraet. 4. Parcel (b): Under u1te August 7, 1901, R. D., Tr,ustee, oon­Ve¥ ed a truct oi' t h irty-five acres, Which is parcel (b) herein , to A. C. Ben nett, re;o er.ring on e-lUilf the mineral i nterest with mini ng privileges. 'l'h is deed is in regular fonn., properly executed and reco r ded. li'or aut ho:d.ty vested in R. D. Gilmer, Trustee t o c onvey t itle t o land be l onging to t he Love heirs, see pages 41 to 45 of t his il.bstract. Se e a l so page _2fL of t his · Ab$tr-act. . · 5. Parcel (c): On Febrw.ry 23, 1899, R. D. Gilmer, 'I'rustee, conveyed t h irty-two acres t o A. C. Be nnet·t , reserving one­hal f the mineral i nterest wi th min ing privileges. Th is deed is i n l ike forrn, pr operly executed and by t he sarae authority as in t he ·preceding parc.gTa ph. It is re corded in Haywood County. See :p ge 1J1:-. ot t his "'"'b s 'tl~act;. 6. date ·January 20, l. 9151 .A . C. Bennett oo.nveyed three tracts, par cels (a}, \ b ) and (o) herein to .Fieavel! .Bennat..t .• .. ... .lles.o.r•;L.p:tiecn .. :is. me-tes--and 'bounds. a m -a@P&es· withe· fo mer des ori:p tion conveying the se t racts, No Inent i on is w.ade as to whether .A.. C. Bennett was :rrnrried or single at the time the· deed wo.s rr.:ade. To cl ear t h is uncertainty \"Je have secured affidavit estab­lishing ·the f a ct of his 'being slngle. t~e page 4/:f ot this l~b atraot. The deed is regular L ro rm, :pro pe r i n i t s execution and recorded. See nage 11 ~ of t his ~"'bstraot. 7. Parcel. (dl; This pa r cel can.e 'by an unbroken chain or five coo.veyances from. the Execu,tors ot Jas. R. Love. Under date, March 11, 1889, we have a deed signed by w. l. Hilliard, one of the tour Of the executors of Jas. R. Love , c onveying thirty .. three acres t:O G. L. Palmer. 'l'he d eed is regular ln f o rm, p ro perly oxecuted except a.s noted, proven by subscribing witness and recorded. '.rhe a bove defect i n execution is corrected, we t h ink, by a subsequ ent ement and consent judgment in the case of Henry et al vs.JI1111ard. et al, see pages 41 to 45 of t h1s .iC~.bstra ct. Dee at page _'fi,JJ of.' this a bstract. ::1U, I '··· 8. G. 1 .. Palmer died in the year l9l0 seized ot this traot. In his will, properly proven and recorded 1n Raywood Co. title passed to his son, G H. Palmer. It i s d.ssoribed as . lying sou~h of Blink l{idge. i>s a ri1a·tter ot faot, it 1$ bounded on the .North by the c·restot this ridge. Gee page~;,- '- of this 4 bstraot. 9. Under date Deoembet• 12, UllO, G. H. Palmer and Wife, M. s . Palmer, conveye·d by metes and bounds the tract mention ed i n t he preceding paragraph, wh ich . i s parcel (cl) herein, to W. T. Noland and Badger Noland. In the preamble it is specified that at t he dea th of w. T. Noland t 1 U e is t o vest in Badger Iifole.nd. J therwise t he <lead i s r e:,3ula r in f'orm, properly executed nnd recorded. Page -2!..2. of t h is .n.nstract. 10 . Oc t ober L1 _ , 1915, W. T. Noland ani ·w :tre, M. c. Noland, and Badger Noland undertook to c oovey to sarah t Laura., Ne ttie 8m1th t his jJnrcel vt land. Badger Noland fa iled to a(lknow)d.f<dge i n this deed . At t b.a t time he was unmarried. ·.ve have s ecured a quit cJ.aim deed to cure ·th i s de f ect. It is p r o pe rly executed by Badger Uola.nd and wif'e , ____ Nola nd. 0 ee page .!!.JV' of t his .. tl.bstract • .a/.so 9 1 'i 11 . Under da t e December 21, 1921, Sarah L::m::m. Hettie Smith ccnveye.d by d .:;ed. in roc:u l \:l r ron:1, propex:l y execu t ed fJ.tld recorded the parcel :m en t i on ed i n the ~:vc c ed ing _tJ Hra s r..; No otate:ment is made as to ' hetller the gr antor w~ s rae. rried or s ingl e. tie have Ge e;;, red a n aftid .avi t to clea r up tll i s uncertainty. See page 9 U of t hi a .Abstraot. Copy of . dee-d n:ta.Y i.;;e seen a·~ page .:l.1:::P_ • 1 2 . Title to .Purcel (e) a:nd {f ) he rein ::is t l1e same except ii;. t he date t ransfer was rt1"lde t o 'Seaver }Jennett. Both pareels came o~t- o.f ;a i·cel (b) r r s. c.t 260t belongi ng_ to i~. R. Ha nna.h. Conseqmntly t1 t .t.e to parcels ( e ·) and (f J are lfl.den tloal wi th t 1 tle to :paroel ( b ) i.n t;·act 260 , down to .Tul y 9, 1 915 , ;;hen i t vested in A. B. Hannah . 1!3. That treatise wi l l not be repeated here, but may be seen ~ y reference to .:~l ysis of ~ i tl e t o 'J. r aot 260. IJages..P.f-f_ of ... th1S. . f.~hs,tJ:&~t •.. - ,, ... ' ..... ...... .... .. ....... " ''"' --· ............ -- -- .. - -·----·- --·----·- Fol lowing t hat da te, namely on September 6, 1916, A. R. Hannah j oined by his 'a ife, .Mary Hannah, c omte yed ·to Be rme·tt, one ani one "'halfaores desori bed by metes and bound.<S , wh1oh is parcel (4)here1n. deed i s regula r in f orra , properly executed and re• coxded. Gee page ~~~oi' t his .!Abstract. 14t Also on December 22, 1921 , A. R. Hannah and wite, ·Mary Hannah, c a1veyed t wo acres, d e s eibed by metes a nd bounda to Weaver Benne ::t. ·this is parcel (f) herein. 'Jihe deed is in regular fOI'.lll, prop erly executed and recorded. Soo f 'J..J. of! t his i· b strac~. 15. '"/e now have the s ix parc els {a ), {b ), (e), ( d ), {e) and (f) herein ve sted i n Weaver .Bennett. Accordingly on · October 27, 1924, We .uver Bennett j oined by his wite, Iiattie Bennett, conveyed six t aots to A. c. Bennett. De s cri p tion is by metes and bounds ani agr ees with de .c r1 pt1ons in f oxmer tta.nsrers of t hose tra.o,1Ut and are known to be the six parcels herein. 'l'he deed is regular in to :rm, properly exeoute4 and recorded.. See pages Abetraot. f;_f ot thi'J ' from · Sloan et a.nd reoora.e4. 17. The minerel taservatiena ment1onei in paragl'aphe f) ai:ul ·6 here1~, have be~)l recently aoqui:ted by a deed al. This deed is :reglll.a:t -in tol'll'l; properly f)Xeeuted See page . (;. ~ c.. .. ot this. ~straot. . The dead to the state should be signed by A. c. Beimett and wife • Oallia Be.nne,tt. , ··,,__ "·.n "'"' ~U'+ Page .................. .......... ............ . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged W• :L• HI:U.IAJID M. n. . ton, SAMUEL L • LOVE. sub:eer:i. bi :ng wi tn esa • L Kind of Conveyance ...... Deed........................................ 2. Date of Conveyance ...... l~5~l88l .......................... . 3. Is it properly executed ............. !'IO ...................... ;........... 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ... .... J:udge 6. Acknowledgements, regular l'e.S.. ................................... . 7. If inegular, copy in full on back ..... •.... ,, .. ,.................... 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ....... N.O ............................. . 9. Date of acknowledgement ... l.Q_..-.a-.-l..a6.l................... 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .. ~~-~----············· 11. Did officer affix SeaL ....... NO:............... ............................ 12. Was order _of probate c_orrecil!f~l"BS!·············· 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filmg for reco1d ....... .-. .-......................................... . (a) of seizin ......... NCL...................................................... 15. Book ---~P~---··························· Page .... 14.2 .................... . (b) power to convey ... Y<aS............................................... for .......... a.~Y:WQ-~--------········---··············-County. (c) against encumbrances .N .O......................................... 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ... ~f!?............................... or restrictions .... NO .......................................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ... TO l.L\V.E ... ..AND .. T.O HOLD .... the .... ai'ore.sai.d .... t.:ra.ot .... Ot ... land ... . .......... wit.h .... tJ.te .... p.:r.iVi.let_te.s. ... e.n:d .. .ap;pur.t.enmce.s .... the~eunt.o .... bel.angillS ... unto ... the. ... . .......... aaid __ ;r~:L •. ral.PJ.~r. ... a.n.d .... n.;W ___ h~ir.$ .•... to ... his .... an.d .... t.he.1.r. ... only. __ u~e .... an.d ... b.ehaot . ......... .•.............................. ............. _______________ .............. ······················-----------------------·-··------------------------------------ --------·------------------------- Exact Descxiption of Pxopexty KNOW .ALL MEN BY 'mESE 1lLll?SDITS ~ That t WH.EREAS , Ja~s R~ Love t deceased" was seit.f)d ot large tracts Of' lan<tw eanmonly oal~d ·~s:peeul.a,ion tands" 1y:tng and 'being in the counties of Yen oy, MadiSOnt Bun.oombe, Haywood and Jacksons and, WHERI:!.AS 1 t~ said James R.- '. Love made and publ1$e4 a lattt will and testal!l)nt in wl"it~t~g md a:p~.inted William R. Tll.Qinas• Robert G • . A. Love, Will1run t. Hil.l1a~ anti. $am.uelin Love• ~ecuto:rs• Who -·qual;4.:t'.1ed -and · t&o.k ~-u~on, 4;heu~.:tm·S· ·-11'H:}·---•xeout1o.n "tbe--»'eo'tf ·-~sni- -r ~··.-~-.. ··---·------·---· WHEREAS , tm said R. Love sold many t:raots ot said land to ditterent petfJoll$ and autlloriaed end empowered his said :gx .. eeutors to eo:nti.nue the sales Qt said lams and to make t1tlest NOWt THEREFORE t etc. on the right han~ fo:rk of Little Catalooebeel B]l}INN!N(} at a maple ~ar a lloll.(Yfl end wna s • 30 w, 63i p()les to a stake and loetl$t Witness; then s •. 60 Ef 12 G poles to a . blaCk . gum J thence ri t 50. E • 63-i pQle s to a rou; then 60 w. 126 . poles to the beginning •. containing oo t:U3res. · Sheri 8 NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As-Signed As Acknowledged Ill ~ G• w. PALMD .".' ~ L-------------------~------------------~------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ...... P~~·-···········-·········-·············· 3. Is it properly executed ..... ........... ftJ---·-·-·-··-·--·-----·· 2. Date of Conveyance .. .).O•l2-•1882--------------------------· 4 .. Date of Entry and No ........................................... ............. . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ...... .J..J?.~---···--······· 6. Acknowledgements, regular --Te•--------------------------------- 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ....... , ....... .. ................. . 9. Date of acknowledgement ...1...~...1...4•......_...'•, t ... .~f i.Of.) --- ····- · ·· · · ·· 11. Did officer affix Seal... _____ __ ____________ l\I:Q _____________________________ _ 13. Does conveyance _ contain convenants- (a) of seizin _____ Xt~L ...................................................... . (b) power to convey. ..Y....e... ~ ............................................. .. (c) against encumbrances .... Yes., ............................... .. (d) against claims of all others ..... Yel ........................ . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .......... Y-ee------------------------ 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .. ............ .. 12. Was order of probate correct ... J•t··--·-----------------------·-- 14. Date of filing for record .. .?..~~---~---'~0. .................... . 15. !oro~ __ ::::::::RaiS:O~d::::::::::: .. ~:~~::::::~£!~;;:·----·--·-- 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ----NQ-.......................................................... . 17. Habendum clause_ (Quote fully) ..... TJ) ... EAYli: ... AND. ... TO ... HOID .... tbe .... afo;e.eaaid ... $;ra.ct-... o.t----lan4-- ······wt·:l!b. .... t.h!·:·Jr:111.1~e.S .. ,an_d ... apir\U"t,ena(le$S---tAe~elUl~---b~l~~-ag--,un1;0··:1ihe·--·: ... · ·----~~-~'---~.~~l:.J .... ~~.~---~-4 .... ll.~.$. .... be..-... af .... th.e~tt--. .Ql\l7---US.e ... ~d .... belloov•th---ro~•V.Jt-~-- Exact Description of Property 011 _the _ hea.dyate;re _ or t.i t.tle Cat aloo~''i BEl-DlNlMG .on a map~a ileQ' e. hoUow and runs s., ~-0 w. 03j- po • . to._ a __ •ta!te and lot'U$ \9'1 ~ness•» I theaee Eh 60 E. 12G PO• t• bll'lo'k gU,.m.' thence li• 30 E/ 631 po. to ro:Qk; thence N• 60 w, U& p<>• to -~-----~- ___ -- ----·- --·- .. ... . ____. . ........ -----tl:lli .. ..b: .egtx:m1ag ..... -----C-ont,8:1-U1-D&--IiQ;.-ao:w s-.. ------------ -- ___., _________ ------------------- SIJut B .. ~Ub .. Page .............................. ........... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged f: G • W •· PAJ'Mllt anA ~ Wite C,A.ltSTA PAU41$ G .• w. P~ .. ~ .r.iJ. ~------------------------+-------------------------~------------------------ i.. G~ H.• PA.LME!R ~ 1. Kind of Conveyance ......... D~ed ..................................... . 3. Is it properly executed ............ l'e.a .............. , ................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .. li.~·'- ··················· 7. If irregular, C9PY in full on back .... lS•~.l.,.'!'!"-lee5 9. Date of acknowledgement ..... la~l'h>lEH!IL ........ . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ......... Y.ea .................................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin .... :tea ...... ··························· (b) power to convey .. "ftl ............................................... . (c) against encumbrances Ye.8 ..................................... . (d) against claims of all others .. Y~_fL ......................... , 2. Date of Conveyance ..... lJl~lf..,lS$5 ........................ . 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ........ Yea. ......................... .. 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .............. :.Y.e.a ................. . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ......... :"fea ....... . 12. Was order of probate correct. .. ... Y-&f .......................... .. 14. Date of filing for record ..... l~l885--------------- 15. :0:o~ __ ::::::::::::::~~:«J:::::: .. ~:~~:::::~~;~~~;:------····· 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ......... .NO .................................................... .. -~_7_._ __ _; ~~;r+~~.Pk\€~:~t:e:~rg~lb:~~itt.:: c H Pa. "-er "",. · ,......... · ...... ., 'l...o.. ...... · · · 1 - . -.11 b "'- · .,. "' · · · ···· · · · ··----•--- ---- · -~----- -- --- -~- : .....•.... ~.$ .... #.Rtot!l'.eJ.:J ... :~~.w. .... w. I<R..,.~ .. --on...., ..... uae .... ~ ... - e.u.uo..t: ... ..~..are:wr. ................. .. Exact Description of Property fll the healwe:te _., -ot L1 tt1e GatalGGOh«e Creek I Bl!X'l-INNING •• a .J®.p l.o no~ a. hollt>w and .fUllS s • 30 1h $3t to. a stake and _SJ:>c:~us·t witnese; thene'$ s., 60 Et ·126 pole a to a •1a~ 8lJln.l tlle.Jlce N •· ~ E. 6$1 pol.ea to a . l\19ki. thenco N* 40 4ess .. w.. 12& polee to ·- ~&-W&im:Jiq*-"---·- (l,&n,ai-nift@--159-·--e..,ft e ·.- ~~. --- -·--···· ·· ·----·- ----···-·-· -- · ----~- ---------·-· Shut B f c -•.=. ~ Page ................ : .... ; -.-- -: _____ : .. : .. . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged G • H. P .AI.Ml!R MAM'HA. S • p_.UJ~Eft ~~----------------------~-----------------------+----------------------- ~"' GEORGE Bm!fEl"I' -•= c:s L_ __________________ ~ _________________ _J ___________________ _ 1. Kind of Conveyance ...... ~-~~-~------------------ --------·-·- · --·------- 3. Is 1. t properly executed ...Y....e.. ;s __ ___ _________________________ ____ __ , ____ _ 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .. ~-~;£'-~----- -------------- 7. If irregular, copy in full o~!~t--*"1D3 0 ________ --------- 9. Date of acknowledgement.. .................. :. ___ _________________ ______ __ 11. Did officer affix SeaL ......... Yes ..................................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- ~:~ ;~,::!z~: ~~~~!~~~:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (c) against encumbrances ... YelL _______________________________ _ (d) against claims of all others _____ Y_e:S__ ___________________ _____ 2. Date of Conveyance .. 4.~12~l.88.9 ............................. .. 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 6. Acknowledgements, regular .. 1:0.1 ................................ .. 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .......... 'fq ...................... .. 10. Wa~ privy examination of wife taken ... Y.ea ............. .. 12. Was order of probate correct ...... Yea .......................... .. 14. Date of filing for record ..... 2....,.J!1-J..93Q ................. . 15. :0:o~ __ ::::::::~:::::::ft~YWQ~-~~~::::::::~!~~~·;:··--------- 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ...... NO---------·------·---------------------------------------- 17. Hfejjlm clause _ (Quote fully) __ TO ... &VE ... .AND. ... TO ... IIOLD ... the ... .a.t.oresai-d----tPaC)-k---b:r----}?&~1 -----·---~ata---g~----~,(\---~~--_p,~_TJ_l_QS, __ ~A ... epJ1Urtena.naas ... --------h~'------~-------~;g-~.Ji>~-~-~- l--- ~~-~;t."_~ ____ M4 .... fi\S$ignB ___ _f~_ene.r., ... to .... hi.S---OU:f---Wl·--·tmd---be-- ------------~-~,~---·--------·· :--.--- -------------------·-------------------------- -----·----- ------ - ------- ------------- ------------ ----------····-----·---------------- -------------·-------------------------------------- Exact Description of Property ,; BEGINNING on a maple near a hollow and :runs s • 30 deg:re$s Vf. 63i to a atake and loC\lSt witness: thence s. 60 degrees E., 126 pol,es to a black gum; thence N. 50 degrees w. 126 --Jg~:~.J-~,;~~- .. !?~.~~mw.& •.... . c.on~e.tnina Shut B -1 ,, NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ., G.L.BENNEl.''r sad ~ w~te SARAH BJ!:NNE1'T "..' ~ ~--------~--------~----------------~-+------------------- ., R.J.COLWELL and W1 t$ ~ LIZA COLWELL .".' ~ L-------------------~------------------~-------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ..... Dee.d ........................................ . 3. Is it properly executed ............ Yes ............................... . 2. Date of Conveyance ..... l£.~1•1Sg$--······················ 4. Date of Entry and No ...................................... .................. . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ..... J: .. .P • ................ 6. Acknowledgements, regular -YN-··················· ·············· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ... ........ ........................ . 9. Date of acknowledgement... .. l2.'!!<.2l."!!~898 .......... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ......... Y.CJ8····-··-················· 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ... y ••............... 11. Did officer affix SeaL. ..... NO ............................................ . 12. Was order of probate con-ect ...... yg ........................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin .... tes.,.~-----····················---····-· · ................ . (b) power to convey ..... YeS ............................................ . 14. Date of filing for record .. ~ --2-2-7"""19~ · ··· ······· · ·· ··· · 15. Book ................. 82 .................. Page .. -314---··················· for .............. Ha.yWJ.od ............................. County. (c) against encumbrances ... Y.e.$ .................................. . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others .... Yas ......................... . or restrictions ............ NQ. ................................................. . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .T.O ... HAVE .. .AND---TOUO.LD--·tbG····afo-r-esaid···tr-aet···o-:t···len-<1····· ·-· ····-~-~-j4··-~-A~ ... P;r._ ~Y'-'l.~.g~~----ml.<!. __ .... .... beJ.o.ugine';: ... uto. ... \he ..... . ........ .a.atd ... H. ... ,J . .-.C.olwell .•... his. .. ... and ... aas.igns._, ... :t;o. ... th~i-r- --onlY···U.-e·-·ElH:·················· ........ behOo.:!. ... .•.................................................................... ···-·-·--·-····-.·-················-···························· ··--···--············ Exact Description of Property BEGlNNlNG. oa a maple neal" a . hoUow and ~ns s, 30 W • 63f poles to a stake and loo'U$t as · .. witness near the top or a rtdge; th~noe s, oO E. 126 poles to a black gum; thence N, ~0 :E• -13i pole$ to a rook; thence N. 60 w. 126 __ poles. ~ta .. ~tha ... beg1nn1ag. --- Con:tain.1118 ,.-00-.-.f.U'JJ-&lh · S/u~l B 1,:. .II.J Q =.. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION In Preamble H. _ 1, _ COLWEtL and , w1f'e LIZZIE COLWELL ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed H• J, COLWELL LIZZIE COUIELL As Acknowledged H, :r • COLWELL LlZZX E COLWILL ~~------------------------+-------------------------~------------------------ ~ W ,G,B.MESSml =.".' ~ 1. Kind of . Conveyance ... P~f).sl ........................................... . 3. Is it properly executed ............. Y~JL ........................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ... J. .. P.t. ................ . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .. ...... ......... ................. . 9. Date of acknowledgement .. ?.~l.~.J..-~01$ ................ . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ... No .............................................. . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ...... Ye.a ....................................................... . (b) power to convey ... Yes .............................................. . (c) against en cumbrances .I~-~-----······························ · (d) against claims of all others .. :Y~-~----······ ·················· 2. Date of Conveyance ...... 2:~l-~.l9.0fL ..................... . . 4. Date of Entry and No .................................................... .... . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ... Ye.s ................................ . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ........... Y.t.fL .................... . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .... Yes ............. . 12. Was order of probate correct ....... Yes .......................... . 14. Date of filing for record ...... ~-~~?.~l,~~-0 ................ . 15. Book ....... .J~.Q.......................... Page ....... 16~---·········· ··· for ......... HD.YWQ.Qd .................................. County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ....... NO. .................................................... : .. 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ... TO. HAVE ... .AND ... T.O ... liO.Lll .. t.he ... afo.reaai.d .... tra.ot .... ~ ... pa;v .... . -_-_-_-_-_-_- :--_-, ~ Q~ l__. .. P. ~---~-r~~---~~---~-l ... P-~.v~l,~s-..l ... rm.l:l ....a ....i ... b.el..ongtng. .. . 1fhe .... s..~.d .. Jl..G ... :e .• .Mee•~-• ---h1s .... he.1rs ... .a:od ... ass1gna .•.... to ... theU-... .. . .......... ~4. ...'b QAo.9t. ....f O:l.t.Ytr•,----------·--························- -···················--------------·-·······································································----------·- Exact Description of Property :BEGINNING _on a J:Paple ll8ar a hoUow and rtui~ s • 30 w. 63i pol.ea to a $1; ake -and locust ae w1 tp.ess neu the top of a rtdge J thence s. 60 E., 126 poles to a blao~ gurru thenQe N. 30 E. 63-i poles to e. rook a tb.eno& _ N. 60 W. 1.26 to the beginning. Containing 50 acres mot'e or les.s. Shar/J ~ ="..' ~:fp-~·-~:~-: . : ~(10 ' .·· . Page ... c •. ,,.,; ··· ...... : ...•....•......•••...• ,. NORTH,CAROLI A PARK COMMISSIO~·" ·' ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknow]Pdgerl ~~-----------------------4------------------------~------~--------------- ~ A.o.~ ~"' 1. Kin~ of Conveyance ..... P!~.t,.j8 .............................. .. 3. Is It properly executed .............. , ................... .: .................. . 5. Before what Officer acknowledgedJif~.~.iL ............... .. 7. If irregular, copy in full on l;>ack. .......... , ................. ..... . 9. Date of acknowledgem'ill,t...:. ~. ..l..i , .2... .~...' ,,t!A. Jaiil! a.•. .iv \ ............... 11. Did officer affix Seal ..... :~.,l ............................................ . 13. Does conveyan!&ontain convenants- ~~~ ;~;::z~: ~~~~:::~~~::::;~;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (c) against encumbrances ......... "·y ........................... .. (d) against claims of all others ...... : .. ~ ............................ . 2. Date of Conveyance ..... ~~~l.P.~J .......................... .. 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 6. A~knowledgem~nts, regular ..... l't: ........................... .. 8. Dtd all granto1s acknowledge ....... "··· ................................ . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ... Ye.$. ............. . 12. Was order _of probate corre~~a:a!f·no ................. .. 14. Date of fi'j&Q for record ..................... 114 : .................. .. 15. :0:0~ .. :::::::::::~:~~:::::::: .. ~~~~:::::::::;;·~~~~;: .......... . 16. Does deed contain tfo special limitations, provisions or restrictions ...................... ............................................... . Exact Description of Property Sheri lJ 911 .. Page .......... ............................... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Sig-ned As Acknowledged I.l.l ~ !{,. _ P• . Git'M.'ER" T;rust~e e and Adnlini st~:tot- ~~-----------------------+------------------------~----------------------- R• D~ GILMllB t ~rustee and Adm1n1stratol' 1. Kind of Conveyance ..... D.e.ij.(i ......................................... . 2. Date of Conveyance ....... .S•-'l.iiklG>().l, ............................ . 3. Is it properly executed ........ .Yes .................... : .............. . 4. Date of Entry and No ............................... ......................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ... Jli!S-t.G•·········· 6. Acknowledgements, regularm$On&l.17-.. &Bly 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ........ .... ...................... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ........ ,. .~ ,-----------................. . 9. Date of acknowledgement..9.~26~l9Dl ............... . . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken~~-~-~ .............. . 11. Did officer affix SeaL .... -!1-o ............................................ . 12. Was order of probate correct .. Y.e s-~- -........................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record .... U~22:~1gOl .............. . (a) of seizin ·······---~~~---·· ····'·········· ······ ····· · ······· ·· · · · · ······· (b) power to convey ..... !~----·············· · ················· · :······· 15. Book ....... 14............................. Page ...... 515 .................. . for ........... &.ywood ................................ County. (c) against encumbrances ....... - ........ ~-----····· ·· ··· ·· ·········· 16. Does deed contqin any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others .... __. ....................... .. or restrictions :f; ___~ _r~~~~-±---~~-~-~~-~. ........... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ... TO ... l:U .. V1J;. AND _r,ro .. UOI.D---the .. .afO:.t"·f.l~&ld----t;ra-ot---~f-···land-­ ····--··witb,. ... t;b,e .... .. ~_and.-.-tlPPUJ.'!1;enanoe.s---the~$:UU'\;0-·-%1ong1-ne-··:{·(Ule-haU··· ........ of .. :.the ... ... W1th---mir.l.1ng ... pr.1.v1le~s---ruerved---aa---·bel!'-&1-nb0-f.ore----pl'o--- ·}. ... unto.~ .. the ... .said..A-.C,.Berute.t.t ... and. ... his .... hei;r.s ... and ... ass1gn.s---to---h1&····--·· and th-eir only use and behoof forever. Exact Description of Property Traot No* l , BJiXUltNnn~ on a stake in the North line ot ttu. 40 end runs N, 120 polee; thenoe :r-r., 45 w. 40 polos; thenCtl s, 5$ w. 22 poles to a stake in line of NO• 38f thence Vlith line s, GO E. 40 polee to the Northea$t . eorner; .· tllonee s. 35 W• 64 poles to a stake . -- --~-- :l.n-~J.3.n&-.Gt;~~NG.., ~4~t·~henee- wi-th -!t s--1-i:Re- ~e,e-po-lee----11-Q·· the---- - ----~------- -- begtnning.- Containing 36 acres more or le"ss .•. Tne ntur.ibe;r hel"c:>in mentioned being the numbers of tracts ot land excepted in the deed, Trustee an.d Adm.1n1strat.0':1! to the ~lorth (Je.rolina Land & _ tl:Ullber Company dn tlle fir'st day ot March, ~898 and recorded in the office fiJf the Regis-bel" Q.t Deed:;t ot I!e.'ywood Oqun.ty in Doolt No. 10 pages . · 5to 49J ttact . nUli'Lber one het'eb¥ c<:>nveyed being e:x:c~pt1on lro. 4,1 in :~a1d dGed, Shut B ~l'L Page ...... --------·-··--·--··------·-·- ····-··· NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged "..' ~ R. D• GI:wER-1Truatee n. n. GII.MKR,.Trustee R. D. GILMER f and .Administrator and Admi.nistre.tor c~------------------------+-------------------------~------------------------ 1. Kind of Conveyance .. Deed ........................................... . 2. Date of Conveyance ..... 2!it':Z.Z.l899 .......................... .. 3. Is it properly executed ...... No ....................................... .. 4. Date of Entry and No ............... ......................................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .. D .•. O.s .•. C. ....... . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ;P.e; ... only 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ___ , __________ ................... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ........................................ : .. .. 9. Date of acknowledgement .. ... 2.'!!".24~1.899 ............. .. 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ........ .... ........... .. 11. Did officer affix SeaJ... .. Yea ............................................ . 12. Was order of probate correct ...... Yes .......................... .. 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ..... 2,..,.2.4!!!tl8.9.9 ................ .. (a) of seizin ............ ~.~ ..................................................... . 15. Book .... 1.1 ............................... Page ...... l,22 ................. . (b) power to convey ..... Yes ........................................... .. for ........ Hay:wo.od .................................. County. (c) against encumbrances .... '!'!'.~--- -- ------·--- -- --.............. .. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ..... ~-~~ .... ................... .. or restrictions i ... mine:r.aJ. ... ... with ... pr.1:vlleges. ... reserved .......... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully).T-0- HAVE--·1\ND- -·110 -HOLD·--·the----af-oresai-d--·t·reet···-of---1-e-nd----· -------- wi-th---t-he----P~~v-1-l.eges -- and---appt\l'1ienanoea ---tbe-Peunto - - -be -l-ong-1ng----(l··'G1'--·the-­ · .. pri-v11-eges- -r-eserv-ed---a:-s----h-er-e1-nbe-to·n-----------· .........p roV1L.ed) .... ...t he .... sa;Ld .. A .. c. •.l 3ennett:1. . hi-s-- -h~ira---and----aes,tgns -1----to----the-ir only uae and behoof forever. · E;x:act Description of Property BEGINNING at. a. gwn1 the south corner of Now 38 and run_, with :Pal.mer's line Nw 60 w. 125 poles to his West corner; thence s. 25 E. with the mountain 145 po~es to a ·uswood1 southwest corner of No• 40; thence with its West J.irJ.e N• 32 E. ~ poles to the beginning, containing 32 aox-es. Being exception No. ·39 in the .deed UJadEL.-b.y: , B_.Il.G.ilme~,.-Trustee.,. ,.:to .the ~lor.t.h ,Carolina ·---------- .. ...... - Land & Lumber C()mpany on the first dalf or March t 1898, and recot'ded in the office of the Reg1ster of D$eds for Haywood County in Book Not 101 pages 1 to 59 inclusive. S!Ju1 B NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged A* c. Blilf.rJEl.'T A• c. BEI%1Jfi'[' A. ·c. BEN.N'ErT WEAVER l3J!'.NNFrT 1. Kind of Conveyance .. ne00 ............................................ . 2. Date of Conveyance ........... l~:J-1915-.................... . 3. Is it properly exe.cuted ...... ... Y.,e.$. .................................. . '!. Date of Entry and No ................ ...................... ................. .. 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ........ .J .• P ............. .. 6. Acknowledgements, regular .... Ye-S-............................. .. 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ................. ......... ........ . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ............ ---·-······--.. --...... .. 9. Date of acknowledgement ... .. l...z5..,1-9l-5---........... .. 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ... --.. ........... .. 11. Did officer affix Seal... .. J:.f-0-························· ................... . 12. Was order of probate correct.. ....... Y.$$ ....................... .. 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record .... -2- 2'7--1915--............... . (a) of seizin ........... .................................................. . 15. Book .... .......... 14 ...................... Page .. l2 ....................... .. (b) power to convey ........ :;{es ......................................... . (c) against encumbrances ...... ............................... . for .................. Ha;y":\vood ......................... County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ........ Yes ..................... . or restrictions ..... .... NQ ..................................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ----TO .. fiAV];-.. AUD---T-0-HOW .. ·the .. ·-above .. -d-e-eot>-i-bed-.. -land .......... .. ..... and ... premisea ... with .. all ... the .. .appur.tenances. .. har.e.unto .... belongi ng ... or ... i.n ............. .. ..... an:y ... wis.e ... a.wertaining ... unto. ... the .... said ... par.ty ... o.f .... the .... ee.c.ond .... part ... c• ........... : ....... .. ..... .... a.nd ... a ssisns. ... to .... the .... only. ... use. .. .and .... b.eho.o.f ... of ... W.eav.e.r ... B.ennet.t .... and. ....... .. his s a i d heirs and assi@s forever. · Exact Description of Property First Traot:- BECHNNll4G on rig:Q.t hand fork of Little Catalooohee BEGINiiDrG at a m.aple near a hollow and runs s-.. !30 W, 6!3 poles to a stake and. locust w1 tness;. thcnc~ s, 60 E. l26 pole$ · to a: black; thence N. !30 E, 6~ poles to a rook~ thence N. 60 w, 125 poles to the beginning., Containing 54 acres. Second Tract: ... BIDDJ"NTI'iG at a gum the South corner of No. 38 and runs Wi.1:;h Palmer's line N• 50 W. l25 poles t o his l'fe-st co rnet; thenoe s • . .25 .E,. nth. .the. .. mQuntain._ ll~ ~I>Ol~a .to _iot t1~o o_d_:a s~w. , .. 9.9-R!l~.r..JL:C ______________ No. 40; thence w1 t .b. its West line N. 32 1'! .. 82 poles to the beginnins• Containing 32 aorefi. ·Being an. exception No . 39 in its deed made by Il.D.Gilme:r-; Trustee to the N. C.Land & Lumber Compe.ny on the first day of lflarch, 1898; and record.ed in the office of Register of Deeds for He~wood county in Book NOt 101 pages from 1 to 39 inclusive, Third Tract:- l3ID:tNNING e1n a stake in ·the North line of No • 40 and runs t.h 120 poles; thenQe I'i. 45 w. 40 poles; thence s, 35 w, 22 poles to a sta.."<e in line of No• 38; ·thence \tith said line s. 60 E. 40 poles to the Northeast eornar; thence s. 35 w. 64 poles t o a stake in line of No. 40; thence rlith its lines 60 poles to t he be gin• ning. Contain:1ng 35 acres more 01' less._ The No. 5 mentioned being the No• 5 of tracts or land ex¢ep·t;ed in the deed made by R .D. Gilmet"t; T:rustee and Administrator to the N.G.Land & Lumber Company on the fi~st day of Mar-ch, 1898 and recorded in the office of the Register ot Deeds for Hay-vrood County in Book No. 10 pages l to 40, tract ·one hereby conveyed being Exception No. 41 in said deed. Shut B STATE OF NOR'l'H CA.110LINA, !lA"ri OQD COMY • having been first dul,.y eworn 1 on .........,....._ y&B.l'$ ot ag~ and 'that he has $!ways befll a :re$1dElnt of Hal'\'Ood CE>unty, North carolina. s. lh Palmer,, hta oath that he 1s 64 . , Att.Len t sta ~ es t.ha t he has 1<>118 be en t and is • well and personall;r acquainted v1ith A. c. BEnnett• now a resident or Buncombe Co'WltT bUt 1b1" many years a resident of Haywo«t County, North Carolina. At't1ant states that he knows ot his ()Wll knowledge that . A. c. Bennett was a wiO.ower on Jan:ua17 23rd1 1915• at which time ]J.e executed a deed tor eerta1n lrulds in Ca.talooehee TOmt$h1p, Haywood Counv, !lorth carolina • to \feaw~ Benn.Eltt1 which de~a is of record in Deed Doole 44• at ~..g e 12, reoorde of Rayvood Oounty. SUI3SCRIBED .AND swonr-l to before ne th.i s 26th day or FebrWlry, 1930. ,. .".'. Page ..................... .............. ...... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledg!"d W • W. S-TlRII-nFIELD1 Subsoribing witness. ~; G• I, • p .ALM..lJli ... ~L_------------------~---------------------L-----~------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ..... ......... D.e.6ld ................................ . 2. Date of Conveyance ........... ~~~-~~?§~---············· 3. Is it properiy executed ...... ..... No ................................... . 4. Date of Entry· and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ....... .O .. if.S..w.C .•....•... . 6. Acknowledgements, regular .......... Yes ......................... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .................. N.O .................. . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ... !'~------······· · ····· 12. Was order of probate correct... ... Z~~~~le.fJ.~ ......... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ............................... ... . 9. Date of acknowledgement .... ~~'?.~J,-~~----······· ······ 11. Did officer affix SeaL ..... ~~----·············· ·················· ···· ···· 14. Date of filing for record .... 7.~?~-!la6£L ............... . 15. :o:o~ __ ::::::~g~~~~:¢:::::::::: .. ~:~~::::::~:~!~~;:······· 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ............... N.O ............................................... . 13. Does con~e~ance Neiain convenants- ~:~ ;~,::~z~: ~-~-~~~~::::~~~:::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (c) against encumbrances ___ )'1.9. ................................... . {d) against claims of all others .... :N9 ............................. . .... . .. ····-··· .................................... . ······················ ······· 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) . .. ':I.'9 .. J{l~._Y]]_ -~P. .. 'X'O. .. Jl.OLP ... the .... .... tmct .... af' ... J.and .. ····---~~4 .... ~~--'-l?-~.v:t-~~-fl!? .. li$. .... ?.-P-.<'J: ... r,;P.P~.t-~_n.' ... the.r.e.t.o .... hel.ongj,.ng ... :uJlto .... the ............ . ·------~~-(J~g_!_----~-~---J?.~_r:_ ___ @g ___ l.P.,$ ... ~1l.'.B. ... tJL.h1s .... and ... their .... only. ... us.e ... ~~---_::~-~-~-~~ .9..~- --~-~1l: ................. ~.: ............................................................................................................................................ . Exact Description of Property KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE HUlS:&liTSt That:. WHEREAS., Jawea R. !..Qve, deoeased• wae se1aed of large tracts C1f land commonly oal.led nspeoulation tands" ly1ng and being in the Co1:,1nt1es of Yancy._ Ma<U.son, Buncombe1 Haywood e.nd J"aoksonJ . and, -VIUERE.AS , the said James R-. L0VEnl¥lQ:1al:ltt:;~ttbl.ial}~d a last Will and testament in wrtt~ng and appOinted William. H. _ Thoms1 nobert C!.!. A, . ~:V:~_t_ W_~l;~an! _ -~-~_ yp._g.~~~f:l.ASi J~~~~ -L.Llt9Y!l . ._ _ e~QU.t..QJ:Jl • .. _who.. .. ----­qual. ifleu ana took upom themselves 'the e:x:eout1on the;t>~ft and .. W'HEREAS, th~ said James R. Love sold many t~cte ot said lend to different :persons and authorized and empowered his said Exe­cutors to continue the saLes of said la:nd and to make titles; NOW THERETh"ORE• et9 • BIDIN!'UNG on a stalm co;rne r to a 25 acre traot and runs N • 6 ~. 44, poles to a l.ooust end maple 2$ poles :fl:om branch) N. So w, m polee to a water oak on a: ridge l thence along the top s .. 74. w. l2i poles to a r:tnall chest• nut oak; W. 25 poles to a. chestnut on a knob; s •. 30. w. 16. poles to a <ilestnut; s. 6 w-. llpoles to a atake oorner ot 25 acre tntot; thenoe • 1 tf; line s ._84, )r,tS,. i-~ poles to the beeinntng • Containing 21 ao:res •. Jt.l..BO, 33 a.o:res of land on Little Cata looohee Creek adjoin­ing Geor~ PariJ:er 00 aore tract and G.L.Parme:r 00 aor.e t:ruotJ Shut J.: B:F.GINNI~ on a maple the N .w, oo:rner oi" P~:r . ~0 atre tr.'ttet ~d ~s lts l.in4• so, 30 w. 31 pol•• to a h1¢kO!'Yl 4Ji&l)ce N• . 51 w. 35. poJ,.es -to a ·l.c.cuat on the side ot· the m.ountr;Un; thence N. ~0 E, 70 pole$ to a chestau.t t.n ltne . ot anothe~ SO aon iiraot t thence 1 t a U:ne and top of the InOuntain s • ?2 E4 60 · l)O;Le •1 s • . 50 E,, 31 pole a to a spanish ()akf . thenoe s. 35 w, 44 poles to a stake in George Palmer's 50 aore troot J its line Nw 30 w. 44 pOles. to the beg timing, 33'es mo~EJ o~ l...e$iSt NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION . ABSTRACT OF WILL 1. A verbatin copy of that part of the will affecting the lands abstracted is required . . 2. Set forth in detail all items of the will bequeathing money legacies, or placing any specific charge upon the land, and following abstract of the will, give all proof contained in the record of the payment of such legacies, and the satis­faction or removal of such charges. 3. A detailed outline of all petitions, orders and decrees relating to the estate from the time of probate of will and qualification of executor until final discharge, must be shown. 4. Such excerpts from the probate proceedings must be shown on this and immediately following pages, and in chronological order. 5. Always show whether or not testator left a widow, and show that her dower right has been barred by acceptance of a devise in lieu of dower, by participation in a division of the estate or in some other manner. 1. Date of will ........ 4~26~1SUCL .................................................... . 2. Book ............... .3............ ................. ............... Page ...... l54 ............. . 3. Date probated ........ 6~6::~:1910 .................................................... . 4. Common or solemn form ......... QClllmlOJl. ...................................... . Testator 5. Witnesses .............W .. .... A •. :. . Pa.l.lller.t···-1'•---.A ...... QrQC0.1 .................... R .• ... .L •.... P.enland ................................................... . G. t. Palmel' 6. Is attestation clause correct? ..................... YeA ............................ . 7. Probated before .............. O. .. ,S.a.C . .t ... .............. .......... ... ... .......... ...... . to 8. Letters issued ........................ .............................. ............................... . 9. To whom ............................................•................................................... 10. Book ........................................................ Page ................................... . 11. Final settlement ................................................................................. . Devisees. 12. Book ...................... ............................ ...... Page ........... ........................ . 13. Inheritance taxes paid .................................................. ....... .............. . 14. Any conditions or reservations in will? ................................ : ........ . 15. Has will been contested? ................................................................... . 16. Has will been construed by court?······-········································- oeorge R. Palmer, et al. I want my son George H. Palmer to have the p1eoe ot land lying on tittle Oatalooohee. joining the Andy Bennett land and lying on the south. s14o or the Lotts Bunk, and also one $50 note given by L111tle Jarvis Palmer. All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defect in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. . Shut D . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ~ G. «• Pf:.U~ enfl . 1 G. 11. PAIJ.m:R G~c II, Pl~.LMER ~ M. s~ P.ALMER, ·hie wit~ M. s. M. s. J?Al..MEll ~~-w--. ---------------~---+------------------------~----------------------- T• NOUl'lD ana. lrl.s flQn llAGER llOLtJID at the dt~ath CYt w ,1'., NOLAND 1. Kind of Conveyance ................ D.&Od ................... .' .......... . 2. Date of Conveyance ...... l2~J.2~l.9l0 ...................... . 3. Is it properly executed .................... Y~fL .................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .......... J.-J..:!?.~----········ 6. Acknowledgements, regular ...... Y.~JiL .......................... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .................................. . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ............. ~J:OS ................... . 9. Date of acknowledgement ... l2~:1..£~l~l.O ............. . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ........ Y.e.s ......... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ....... llO ......................................... :. 12. Was order of probate correct ........... Ye.s ...................... . 13. 14. Date of -fi!in1; for record ... J..~~J..9.J.~---·············· 1s. :0:o~ __ :::::::::~:::::::::Jj~rn9~~{~~~::::::~~~~~;:····-·· 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions Does conveyance con~n convenants- ~~i ;~;:~z:: -~-~-~~~;::::~~1~~:::::::::::·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (c)", t encumbrances .....Y .-..e....s.. ................................. . or restrictions .. L.:U'.e. ...e ... t.o ...W .• :r.._________ _ -~g-~~---::r:'.l?.~-~-~~-~r. ... t~.:-~~S9.~--J~9..l.Jmd 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .. T.O .. l:tt;.Jr.E .... AND .... TO .. JIDLD .... the ..... ... .... p;e ... par.ael ·"-----~Je~~<l~~'r·i~l~~-~~ !i ... :~gN"~f~t-~-=-:-s.a::~~~-::~---he:loWffel~---------- (d) against claims of all others ...... Y~UL .................... . ---------·-"·------·"··-----------------------·"··---'-··------------------ ·'·----------------------------------------------._ _________________________________________________ ~--·----------·--·----------·-·"··--------· ...... :t.~l: .. ~l\-~----t3p,~----Q~~~-t_ __ fqir_~~~'-l::t, ......................................................... ·········································-----·-··---····-················ Exact Description of Property BJIG:O.f.NII~G at a map).q; tb.e NQrtb. Cornel' ot A•C.­Ben~~ t'm. ~atJ.d etl.d_ rul1S _ ~ts _ :u,ne s , 5Q w. . 3~ i'QUs te a 111el¢nt? 1 thE~nce N. 51 w. 35 :p~les to e. l{)cU$t _on the sid$ of the mountains thence N. 20 E.- 70 PQ-l~s to a che EJtn ut; tn ;line of amthcr 50 aort~ traet ot . Jarvi;!Q Pall'!le:t'l thence, with 1ts l~ne end th.e tq, Qt ·the mountain s. 92 E. 50 :poles to a cbe,tnut; thenoe s. PO E• 56 pQl.$s to a «J?S-ni~ Q!alq · ttt·erro• ··s;.· e:r··w-.-~~4 """POllH!ll:o··a-~st1rrta ··l:n-Geo·rge·· yarm.e·J,-·a {n• B'EltUlett'$) :u.:ne; thence w1th its line f'I·• 30 w. 44 poles to the t-eginning. Containing 55 a. ores more ·-or ~-. . Shal lJ NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION In P1·eamble r: W• T • NOXJ\l:U) and w1 t1;1 = M. C, J:lOLJ~ and !.. BA&Jm NOJ..AND ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed W • T • NOL!IND M. c •. NOLAND HAGER N'OUJlTD As Acknowledged W.,. T • NO:t..'\Nl> M, . <h ~~--------------~-------+----~------------------~----------------------- "' t SAlUlt LA Uf\A NE.rl'I E ~ SMITH . 1. Kind of Conveyance .......... JJe.e.d .................................. . 2. Date of Conveyance ..... l.~ll~l~)..5 ........................ . 3. Is it properly executed ......... NO .................................... .. 4. Date of Entry and No ....................................................... .. 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .. J.,..r., .................. . 6. Acknowledgements, regular .. Ya.s-................................. . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .... .............................. . 9. Date of acknowledgement.l~l.l~.l~l.P, ......... .. 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ......... N ...... , .................... . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ... Yes .............. . 11. Did officer affix SeaL .. NO .............................................. .. 12. Was order of probate correct.. ....... y$q ........................ . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record .. l..~:J-~l~:lQ ................ .. (a) of seizin ........ Yes, ....................................... ............ . 15. Book ........ 4tL ......................... Page ...... l.OG ................. . (b) power to convey ..... Y~_tl .......................................... .. (c) against encumbrances ... :Y:e.S .................................. . for ........... .Ray.ytood. ................................ County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ..... Y.e.S ........................ . or restrictions ............. UC ................................................ .. 17 .. .. Habendum clause (Quote fully) TO . EtAVJ~! ... l\Nli ... TO .. RQLD ... :t;b.El, .. at.oresa1d---t.r.&et----Or--------------------­____ :p_~g-~+ ... ~if ... l~~--J'~~4 .... ~U ... .PJ~1:V.:f._),~g~~----mJ,_4 .... ~J;!P.:U.r:1i.~.n~Q.e.S .... tll~.reto ... be).Cng~----- .... .1.DS-.. :ttL .. ~e .... .sa;J.A .. .sarah ... La.ura ... Nett.1e .... .... end ... her ... hei.r.s ... ana ... assigaa ....... . ...... to .... the,1:r ... only. __ uae ... .and ... behoo.r. ... fe~e-ver ........................................................................................................ .. Exact Description of Property :emnnm\l'G at a 111aple the l~o:rth oornsr. of A~ c. Be.nnettts land &'l.d. -~ its lines s-. zo w. 31 PQle$ tp a hicko::r; thence t:r. 51 w,. 55 poles to a 19eust t;ll1 the side: of a mountain; thenee N., 20 ~. '1Q po;(.es t.o a <Sllestn:ut 1.n of anothe~ 50 ae~ t1!8Ct tJt Ja;rv1s L.-; the nee wt th it$ ~1ne and the top or the mountain s. ?2 E" eo. ,. ,, ..', n.*."~- a' ~. ......, ., L.a..., "~""J""'1"' a4-~~.-..,....,.... .I ..J .~- -~-*~',.. .e....... e·. . .. ~~-·, -'--·"ll"tQ· . .. ,.'l.i."_ .. __ ~m e' ,·~Po1 ·. e,a--.·4"-"."-.". '-··------~-·-,----·~------- -.- -------- a spen1~ oekf thextee s,. 35 w• _44 . ;poles tQ a atake in GeQrgEt Pa.ll:n.$:r• s _lnQW· Sml. th t a) Un~ ; thence W1 th 1fH1 line N. 00 w. 44 po,le)s to the,. Containing 35 ao~es more or lc:!ss. Sltut B .".' NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ~.... Badger Nola.ncl and wit' ~4ge» Noland Badgalr l~o~nd c~~~~~~~------~~M~OH!~l~i&t~J~f9~l~a~b4~-----+~M~o~l~1~1~a~~~io~1~a~n~4~---- State of North Carol a ' 1. Kind of Conveyance .... On:tt···"Cla-!l"ll·-·(J..e·ed-------· 3. is it properly execute{f'_~: ....... ... YfUl"···- -----·--······---···--·-·· 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ... :.rf.·Py···--·---··-·-- 7. If irregular, copy in f ull on back. ........ ......... ..... ..... ....... . 9. Date of acknowledgement...~l-....g&-3-0· · · -·-- ···· - · · -·· · ·· · · -- 11. Did officer affix SeaL ....... yea------·-- ·····-··--···-··--··-·---······ 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ------------Yea,------·····-----·-----·-----·-·········--·----··· (b) power to conveY-----·---·YeEJ··-··------·------··---····--·- --·-·· ··· (c) against encumbrances -··---··Yell·---·--------·----·-·---·---·­( d) against claims of all others .. ·-·--·-·Ye$-····---·-···--···-·· 2. Date of Conveyance ... ----2-•1'1-"1'2.0-··-· ··--·-·--·-···-·---·-- 4. Date of Entry and No ........ .............. : .. ----··----·-··--- ·-··-- -- ---- -- - 6. Acknowledgements, regular ------Ye$··-···-·----··--····---··----- 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .............. Ye·s-··--·····--··--·- 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .. : ..... Ye-s-----·---- 12. Was order of probate correcL------Ye$'·---···--·-······--···--·- 14. Date of filing for record ... 2--2-l""5t)·-····--····-··-··-··---- 15. Book ------81------·----------·------------ Page ____ :_tl.;····-··-·--·---··-- for ---·----- -Hayw-oed-···-··--· ------------------·-----County. lG. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions --·-··-·---N-G·-··· ·-·---··------···--··---··-·-··----··---------· 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully)To -- ba-ve· ··ani- · ·to···hol-d · -·tb:e·-sai-d·- · p-remi~s-es- · ·a-bove· ··- - ----- ·--- -·-- -­ ···--·-das·e-rtbe·d···w±i;h···eve-ry·-p-ri""ltile·ge··-a-nl··appu·rte-nen·o-e··tlrere.untq··'b-alons·mg··· · ····· -t-o··-tn•· · --aaid · -grant~e·;···- · 1t-8 : ··su-ccesaors· ·--a-nd- ~ ·aes-ig-ns·-to· · ·it.s-· · ani ·· ·the-:t.r---- -·- - ----- ··· ·- ·-use···and· · --baho-ot· · --fo~ve'Jt'·~-- -· ·-- · · · · · - -- ·- ·- ·-- -· ·-· ·- ---·· · ··- · · -- · - · -···· - --·· ···--·-··-·······-··-·--·---··-··---·-·-·-·-·-----·---··---·-··---·-----·----------· Exact Description of Property ,1{11 or the r:l~h1. ~ title o;r i nteres' they oove or migh' have in and to a certain tract of land Which was conveyed, unde::r date Oet. ll, 1915, by w. T. Noland al:ld Wit'El M:. o. Noland aDd Badgtr !l!ol.and to sarah Laura Nettie Smith, which deed 1$ reg1$tered in Book 45, pagetlOo, records or Haywood Oounty 1 wh1oh traot ot land is desc:ri bed in sat d deed a$ :follow$: · ·· "11:1<l!JnutfG e:·ta. · mp1~;-·· tn& "ilortli -eorner·or E.: cr~ -'l3a nne i~'•·~---.. ---- -·-----­laJ: l4 and runs 1 ts lines south 00 Weot 31 po+•• to a h iqko~yl then4., North 51 West 55 poles to a l oouat on the side of the lhf;)U.ntain; then<ie North 20 . East 70 p Oles to t\1 chestnut i n the line of anothel' fifty acre traot of J"a;rvia .t-al:m.•r; tnence with its line ani t .he 101> of the mou n\t•tn; s outh 72 Erai!Jt eo poles to a e~stnut; tbenqe sooVJ. 50 East. 5$ .poles to a spanJ,.sb. oolq theno~. south 35 Weat 44 poJ.eo to a ~;ite.k& in George Palmer's {now SrJith • s line) ; thence w1 th itli? lin!t liorth 30 We:~t 44 poles to tllf.t 'flEGINNTiiTG, containing ·thirt y -thr~e aer$1. more o:r :e sa. E.QDs This dead is exeo\l.tad and deli"tered tor the reason tllat whilO . t he m~e of Badger 1,1oland . a ;.:pears in .. the body of the above . 4e$• ori bed de ed and his signa tnlm appears thereon, the Jus ti.ce ut tne Peace taldng t he ae knowledgell1ent or the grant9:rs :tailed to 1nQlnde in his oartif'icate, the name ot B8dger Noland (who was then u.mnar:riect). S!Jut B NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ~ SAlWi LMJRA NEr'I'I E : surr:a SARAli LAUliA NETTIE SMI'm SARAH LAURA NFI'TI E ... SMITH "~------------------------+-------------------------~------------------------ ~.:.1 · ~ WEAVER BENNEl'T 1. Kind of Conveyance ....... :P~.e~t ...................................... . 3. Is it properly executed ...... .. J~9 .................................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ......... :~.~?.~ ............ . 2. Date of Conveyance ...... .l~2l~l.9.21..~ .................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ... Y~& ........ : ....................... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .................................. . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ........... ~.-. ..................... :. 9. Date of acknowledgement ... .l2~~~l92l. ............. . 11. Did officer affix Seal... .......... ~.q············· ··············· · ·········· 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ..... ~.~-- -· ······ ··· 12. Was order of probate correct .... Yea. ............................ . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ............ Ye.a ................................................. . (b) power to convey ..........Y.....e..s... ...................... ................. . (c) against encumbrances ........ 1~.~---······················· (d) against claims of all others ......... :¥.~~---·· ·············· 14. Date of filing for record ...... 2-a...l922 ................... . 15 . . ~0:o~ .. :::::J!J.~:¢:::::::::::::: .. ~:~~:::::::~~=~·;:········· 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions .... ................ 1{0 .......................................... . ··-··--···-········-·· ··························· ··················-·······-··--·················· 17. ·. Haben~m ct~mse (Quote_ fu~y) .. : ... 'l'.O .. lil\VE"l.!lliD .... TO ... HO!lL.the ..... af.QI'!.esaj,d .... traat .... ~ ................ . ···r-~·,·a··~e-~~d~ea~;---~~ri!·t~~:icl-~~s-~t!ii!~~,Q.:·: .. -~b~.r~w .... ... . ·:.:::~::::ijf~:::~4.:::~:ti9.:Qr:::t~~~r.~::::::::::::·::::·.·:::::::·.::::::::·:::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::~:~:~::::~::.·.~~::.::::: Exact Description of Property BIDINNDfG at a. 100ple the North corner ot Weaver :BEI:lnf.ltt law and runs 1ts l.tnet and the tQp ot the :mounta:tn · s. 72 E. 60 poles to a chestnut ; thence s. 00 :m. 36 poles to a apaniab. oalq thenoe s. 35 W • 64 poles to a stake in George Palm!f:'a {now Bennett'•) line; thenoo with its line N. 30 W. · 44 poles to the beginning.. Conta ining 33 nares more or less. Slur/ lJ STATE OF NORTH CAROIJNAt COUNTY OF HAlVIOOD. ·. A. c. BBl:&rT1 having been first dulf sworn, on his oath states that he is . , years of ageJ t~-Lat he now l'esides in Bunoom~ County but that h$ was ~¢r many years. a resident ot Hay­W& Qd countr1 :NDl"th Ca1"0lina• Att1ant states that be is well and personally aoquain• tecl with Sarah Laura Nettie sm1 th and Ule.t he kr).~ta ot his own know• ledge that tbe said S~ah Laura Nettle Smith was unnnmed1 on Decem­ber 2l•t•t 19211 at l'IUob time sbe executed a. deed ror o.ertain lends in Cataloocb,ee Town!b.1Pt Haytl)cxl Colll'ltY• to Weaver Bennett, which deed is recorded in Book 57 • page 591• reeo:rds or Haywood County. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to be tore m this 26th day of February 1 1930., 'b'J:y eomm.i.ssion expires May 27th-.' 1931. NORTH CCAROLINA PARK COMMISSION In Preamble ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed A'• R. HANNAH and Mlu:\Y l!ANNAit As Acknowledged A• :R. H.ArUlAH and JWlY HANNAH 1. Kind of Conveyance ...... P.~-~-cl. ....................................... . 2. Date of Conveyance,. ...... ,. .. ~~-~-~~~}._~-----------·------·----·· 3. Is it properly executed ............. Ye.S ............................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ...... ;l'.~:PJL ............. . 4. Date of Entry and No .................... ,. .............................. ,. .. . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ................. .... .. ........... .. 6. Acknowledgements, regular __ I~A'Yi ......... -------·----------·· 8. Did all grantors acknowledge,. ............ ~-~-----------------------· 9. Date of acknowledgement... ... fs..-..7..~~9.1.8 ........... ____ __ 11. Did officer affix SeaL .. .. .... ,NO ..................................... .. 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ... .'X~-~--------------· 12. Was order _of probate correc~.I~!lCJl~:f----------·----· 14. Date of fil~O for record .......... : ........ ... 538 ......... ,. .... ,. .. . (a) of seizin ..... X~~L ..................................................... . (b) power to convey ...... Yta$,. .......... ,. ............................. . (c) against encumbrances ____ ¥_~-~--------------------------------·· 15 . :o0r0 ~ .. :::::::::::::::n~m9.~::::: .. ~~~~:::::::::c·~-~~~;:·--·--····· (d) against claims of all others ...... Y.e.a ...................... .. 16. Does de:d. contain ifo special limitations, provisions or restnct1ons ......... :, ...................... ____________ __ ____ _________________ __ 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .... __ 'l:Q .. ru~YE ANP ___ 'r_Q_ n.ow::::th:~::_:!it9r~:~:~:4;:::j:ii~::::9.:t:::::::::::::::: _________ l.a.nd ___e nd._.,all_ ___p rtv..1_l~e.-~- - - -fJti.~----~PPVJ:"_t_~_m1-.PP. ~.?? ....: t.;P.,~_:r_~~Q. ... J?§_J,Q~~-m ....~ .9 ............... .. ... ______th e_ ___ ~ai.d. __ w.~~~-~---a.~.®.~~-~---t?,IJ,C:t _f l.1 .. ~_ ___A _fi)_i.I'Q.. _AAg ____~ - ~~-~-~---'11.9. ... :t.~.~J~.---9~Y.'. ............ . ·'-._../ __________ us..e ___ ml4 ___ ~_b.Q.9.f. ___ f.9!'_~Y.~~-~-----·· ··· ·--· ·········---·· ··-··-···---- ·-···---·· · ····----·· - ·---········--······--···--······--·····--··------------------------------------ Exact Description of Property Adjoining the lands o:r A.R.Ran:nah and wever Bennett and 1s on the Viaters of Little Oatalooohee Creek and is a part ot the land A. T. Hannah died seized,. BJ!G nmnra on a $1W.ll sprucf pine on a branqh 1 being the fir at bra ndh be low weaver Bennett t s house and between Weaver Bennett t s and A. lh Hannah t s and runs a westw~dly course up and with Little Ca.ta­looohee Creek 17 poles j near the edge of the road to Weave:r: Bennett's line; thence with said Bennett's 11X1a a Northwardly course 16 poles to a black gUm (now gone); thence m th said Bel').nett 's line an east• wardly course 8 poles to the \:ranch; thence down the branah 19 poles 1 more or le sa, to the 1300-00·liNG• Containing l i acres m:>re or le .,s, Slletl B NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ·In Preamble ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed A. R* f!A.NtlAlt Wur.t HANNAH As Acknowledged· A • R • ftAlllNAH MARY IWUU.H 1. Kind of Conveyance ..... D:e:e.d ________________________________________ _ 2. Dat~ of Conveyance ..... l2~2.2!'!1.92.l ........................ . 3. Is it properly executed ............ Ye.aL ............................. . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged . .J.e-1?-•--··-·---·--------·· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ................................. .. 9. Date of acknowledgement.l2!!!o.2.2~1.92l .... -·---·----· 11. Did officer affix SeaL. .. Y.e.s ............................................ . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin .............. Y.ea .............................................. .. (b) power to convey __________ "{~~-------··-··· -········ ·······-···· ···-· (c) against encumbrances ...... Y.e.IL. ............................ . (d) against claims of all others ........ Ye$. .................... .. 4. Date of Entry and No ....................................................... .. 6. Acknowledgements, regular .YeS .................................. . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ......... Y.e.a ........................ . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ... Ye.a ............. .. 1" Was order of probate correct...Ye,e. .............................. . 14. Date of filing for record.2 .... ~l9.29 ............. : ......... .. 15 . :o0r0~ .. ::::~~i~:94::::::::::::::: .. ~~~~:::~:~~~~~;:··----···-- 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ... N-0----·-·····---···------··------------··--·---------···--·--· 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ....... 'r.O .. J~:VJJ! .. Al.HL'l.'O. .. HQLP .... th~ .... gfQ.f.~-~JI, .... t.rn.ot .... Ot ............. .. ........ paroel ... of ... land.:_and.-__ all_,_prinl.eges ... and .. appurt.aru.moes .... ... he.long"' .. ........ in$ ... tQ .... th.e __ "aa1d ... wea.w.r. __ B~nn-ett ... and .... hia .. he.1ra ... a.nd ... ass.igns_, ___ t_o ... t.hei.r .... . ........ onlf .... use ... and. ... beboo1' ... for.eve~ .................................................................................................................................... . Exact Description of Property Adjoi!Uilg the land·e of A.R.Hannah and weaver Bennett and ' lying on tl:le water$ _ of_ tittle Cata.laochee Creek and is a pa)rt Of the land Of A,'l' .Han.naht d•oeasedJ BEGINNING _on a anall spruce _ pine ne!U" a branch and l;'Uns up said brandl a nonhwardly direot:J.9n 19 poles to a stake in line of :Bennett'f!J tract and with Benn&tt•s line an east~dlt _ OQ.u:n;e 26 poles _ to the spring branch; thence down sai.d bl'Snch lS poles to Little Cataloochee Or&ttkl thence _ up $aid c:retlJk a westwal" course 15 poles to the beginninG 1 oonta.i.nlng 2 acres :more or less, in­cluding the land · the said sp:r:J.ns house stands on. SltutB · w s =.0.: NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION In Preamble VIEA VER EENNErT and MATTJ;E J3Emoo:'T • ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed WEAVER BENNEl.Tf Ml\TT IE lliD::mU."TT As Acknowledged iUJlA VER BENNErT MATTI I~ BENNETT his vr.J.fe 0~--------------------~--------------------T-------------------- ~ ~ A. c._ B:nlllETT .0.: oL_ __________________ _l ____________________ _L __________________ _ 1. Kind of Conveyance ... P.~-~~---······································· 2. Date of Conveyance ...... l.~2"l:"'.l9.24. ...................... . 3. Is it properly executed .......... Y~-~----------·-··-··········-········ 4. Date of Entry and No ....................................................... .. 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ... if.4l?..L .............. .. 6. Acknowledgements, regular ... Yes. ................................ . 7. If irregular, copy in full on rS:.a?~1924 ......... . 1~: ~~;eo;~ce:~~~~;l~~:;JJ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::.::.::: s. Did all grantoTs acknowledge .......... Yos ...................... .. 10. Was privy examinatio!l' of wife taken .... Yes ............ .. 12. Was order of probate correctYSS. ................................ . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin .. '!.~.~ ....................................................... . (b) power to convey ... Xe..f!. ............................................ .. (c) agam· st encumbrances .Y.....e , .s.. , .................................... . (d) against claims of all others .. X~HL ........................ . 14. Date of filing for record .. .l~28•J..924 ................ . 15. Book ...... f!.'l............................... Page .... 45'7. ................... .. for ................... Hayw.ood ......................... County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ............. ............ ............................................ . --- - .................. ············-·······-·-················· 17. Hab.endum.da.use (_Quote fully) .... J'.9..!IA.Y.E... ....N :T. .P . ..1 '0..Jl0to. ... ~b~ ... a.f..or..e. sm.. d . ....t r. ·a. at. S ... £ll!.. ........... .. paroe ls of land and al,~ ... .and ... ... .... 'b& ............ . ·:·::.:::~~oo~::::~~:::j~:::~nY.:::~i~~:~---~ppe:f" __ to ..... the .... .s.aid .... A.c.Bennat-t.:.and------....... . ......... ~-~_f3 __ h_q_~-~---·~nct ... g~-~-:1.g~ _ , ____ :to ... t.he1r .... only ... tm e .... and .... bell.Oot .... fore.ver,. ......................... .. Exact Description of Property First Traot,t B].X}IIitUNG on the right hand fork of . Little Cat alooohee at a maple near a holler/ and runs s. ro w, 63 pole$ to a stake and loe>ust witnesses; thence s. 60 E. ~6 poles to ~ black gt.tmf thence N • 50 E, 63ft poles to a roCk J thence N • 60 W • 126 pole a to the be• ginning• containing 54 acres nnre or less. SeCOnd Tract t• BllPTiiJNlNG at a gum the South corner of #38 and runs w1 th PSlmer*e line N• 63 w. 126 poles to llls West corner; thence s. 25 E• w1 th the mountain 145 poles to a tiswood, southwest corner or #401 . thence with it.s W~ st .line N • . 32 Et 82 poles to the beginniDG oontain1ng 32 acres more or lese, beil.lg and excepting f/39 in its deed Itltlde by R.D.G1~r 1 Trustee to the North Carolina Land & Lumber Co~any on the first day of March; 1898 and recorded tn the office of the Register or Deeds of EaJl\vood County in Book 10 pages l to 40, Third 'l'raat:- Bll.UDlNING on a stake in the North line of 1/40 and rUll.S N. 120 poles; thence N. 46 w._ 40 ;; thence s. 35 w. 22 poles to a in line of #38f thence vdth sai d line s. 60 E •. 40 poles to the N.E. CorneJ>; thence S" 35 W • 64 poles to a stake. in line of #40; thence w1 th. its line 60 po].E} s to t :1e beginning. Containing 35 acres more or leas. The No• 3 ttact numbered above being en exoep't• ion in a deed from lh D ,Gi~r 1 Trustee • to the I~or·th Carolina Land & LU111ooJ: Company, beartng dat.e of Marlil 1, 1898 and recorded in Book 10; pages l to 40, record ot deeds for Haywood County., Fourth T:raot t- Adjoining the other tracts heJ;>einbe fore mentioned and BEGOOUNG on a ane.ll spruce pine on a. branch,. being ·the first branch below Weaver Bennett's house and between Weaver Bennettts and A~ R. Hannah te line and l"llns a Westwardly course up ana with Little Cataloochee Creek 17 poles, near the edge of the 1·oad 1 . · to WeaveJ". . .\ltnl n Bennett's line; thence with said Bennett's line 8ll eastwardly course a poles to a branch; thence the branch 19 poles, more or less to the beginning. containing 1~ acres more or less, bei.tlg thf3 same land conveyed by A. R.IIannah to V'leaver Bennett by deed dated SeptEI!lber 6 1 1916, Which 1s registered in the office Of tb.e Register Of Deeds of f!eywood County in Book 501 p1ge 5:.~8• Fifth Tract: ... Adjoining the l e.nds hereinabove desori bed, BJ.roU11UNG on a small spmce pine near a branch and runs up said branch a n~'Vh'Vfardly direction 19 poles to a stake in line of Weaver Bennett '• tract and V.rith Bei'lnett•s line an eastwardly course 26 poles to the spring branch; thence down said branch 18 poles to Little Cata.looahee Creek; thence up said Creek, westwardly courae, 15 poles to the be­ginning,, Containing 2 acres mo:re or lees including the land said spl"ifig house stands on., sixth Tract: •Known a s the ho 11 OR maple tract and lies on the Long 'BUiik mountain and adjoins the first tract hereinbefore described and bounded as follows: • BliDDlliiNG at a maple the North corner of Weaver Bennett's line and runs with its line s. 30 w. 31 poles to a hickory; thence N. 51 w. 35 poles to a locust on the side ot the mo~tainJ thence N • 20 E. 70 poles to a chestnut in line of another 50 acre tract of Jarvis L. Palmer~ thence with its line and the top of the mountain, s. 72 E. 60 poles to a chestnut; thence s. 50 E. 36 poles to a spani!ili, oak; thence s •. 35 W. 64 poles to a rrt ake in George Palmer's (ncm Bennettte) line; thence with its line N. 30 w. 44 polea to the beg inni ng , cmta1ning 33 acres :roore or less • . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA, t --~-~!-~~p. _______________ COUNTY. ~ IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO __________ 4\_,Jt!'.~-~~i_Jt;_~~---A1-m ... W.l:FllL.QA~l~.--~H!1 TT D'f:S!GliAT:F:D Ill SURVEY AS TI:ACT 261 AFFIDAVIT. ________________ li.C . .aifi.l.bu.r.IL ..................................... , being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of Register of Deeds of ___________ ~X~.QQIL ........ County, in Book ______ ,~----------------• Page ..... ~~----------------· That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga~ tion, he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land. ---------------~--~---~--------- Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ~-~~----day oL.~~!~-----------• 19 .. ~.<?. .. --~~zz=.0--~~--- \" .. l Notary Public. My commission ~xpires,..:9~!_/~,:tlf3 I . ( / :.TAXES (Fil{in all blanks indicating year, and show on lin~s opposite the year whether or not the taxes have been paid. If paid an affirmative showing must be made by use of the word "Paid." The use of ditto marks is not permissible). The property in question is assessed for taxation for the current year, 19 .......... , at $ ................................ , in the name ......... J. ..... Q .•.... Jae •• ,, ................. and the taxes for the past ten years have been paid or not paid as follows: 19 .. 2():. ·························Pti·l················································· 193fS··· ... . ...... :p-.5.4································································ 19 .. :2)... . ........................ J.a-14.................................................. 1924··· ·····~···· ·Pfl:'-4:·············································· ··············· · 19 .• §~.. . ........................ '?-.4.-t..t................................................... 192:7.... . ......... .PaJ.4 .............................................................. . 19 .. &1.. . ....................... .!:.ail.................................................. 192$.... . ......... ............................................................... . 19.1 .4.. .. ...................... .P.aJJL................................................. 192~.... . ......... :J?.:a.f.& ............................................................... .. ASSESSMENTS LES PENDENS MECHANICS LIENS JUDGMENTS 8/un G ATTORNEY'S CER'I:'IFI CATE . AND OPINION 'biao, .. ·. N<>• .. 2&1 IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full; complete and correct abstract of all instruments and court proceedings of record affecting the same from and including · the beginning entry there of has . been carefully .examined and noted, . and that the following named t· · J C: · owner ...... : .. J..I ........ seized in fee simple of a good and _valid title to the same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed hereon. ENCUMBRANCES This ..... -3»4---·····day of ............... .J.llJ.y ...................................... , 1934) .. Attorney. Address ....................................................................................... . _,_ 260 261 262 ~1. ~.;. ·.iooey ./ )\ 4 room framed hou.9e 3 stall barn 1 1) aoras cl eare ti land • .100.00 10 nares ·· ,:,;7o.oo I 28 o.orHs ·,voodlund ' 10.00 :9r._; .a~ s~cag.e wio~ eravnirj s, ·1 ·: . 00 Old o . ! ous 291-A M1' ~'• ~,;ac ~-l o .Jervis -'1i . . · i 4 a~r e .lea:cc ll ltmd ' 40. 00 ~ <l: ,f ... ,·· --· , ~ ltl ~ · lwuse J V ~~·'' e.ore woodlmJU ' 10 293 · 1.·;. F. Messer ; .. , · t; .)}0 -· ;j old l :'!'>«lds l (X 2 room log house : . ! . . ' -- <r •• • 35 nor·JS clea1·ed laud < ·40.00 . · 3Btt nor,;s vJoodla.ud ' 10.00 294 G. l<i. D. ;:Ieoaer W) uor•cs cleurori .la.nd • 45.00 \ 2 room 1oc house ' 71; nore~ \Vooriland 1J.OO \ o ro'.lm i) •)xod house 1 barn t; 2 sheds 296 · Robert J•artin A ., 20 aores ole l'ed land ;..>5. 00 . 1 ,• .• / ..... !\ b room l0c, J"'uae .../' ' Shtp & . Shed· / lj 'lO~<J B WO•Jdland t 10. 48.13 93.11 48.10 I 27.48 :?2. 97 1G0.00 200.1)0 100.')0 300.')0 2625.00 670.00 3995.00 400.00 , . .. 100.00 1000.00 7ou.oo 280.00 .. , .'. ' • . . 9:'10.00 50.00 200.00 2;;.oo lO 'J .~ t) 4JO.OO 500.00 300.00 450.GO 75.CO 1200.00 200.GO 100.00 50.00 1400.00 385.00 90;.i.OO 200.00 75.00 =~oo.oo lf>O.OO 2480.00 •.- _.f' ./, . ' . . ' :· ·i / ."1 980.00 76b.OO ,.1,..- c/ ...; ., ( . ... r ·' · .• v' 272o.oo 1935.00 l ·• .;.. .. : ; - 1fi25.0() ·""' ,.. . ,,. : / 70:;.QJ . ,/ 200.00 ,/ 50.00 1:;o. oo 1oao. 0 ~1 260 261 MACK W. HANNAH ( oon tinued) 5-room frame house a-stall barn Small barn and smolce house 2 small log houses Small barn 2-room boxed house Apple house and smoke house TAX VLLUATION $1,602.00 A. R. HANNAH 133. 92 8-roo house,. ·rramed. "-'- 4-stal barn/ '... Apple ho e· ''/ 60 acres q tivated land c .. -:s·o.~oo 74 acres _,-'l':oo and @ 10 :·Q9 TAX VALtiATION \ I " $2,200.00 A. C. BEI-.T. }..TE'!'T ""-· 141.81 2-room boxed house~ 4 small log houses ·~ Smoke house and apple ~use a-stall barn ·, 75 acres cultivated land @ 67 acres woodland TAX V;iLUATION 291 lffiS. MAGGIE VIS 93 acres wo dland 01 d log hous~-.. .. ./ ,•" 29la MRS. I:L\.GGIE JERV~ . .4S.l0 5 acres c1eared '~an~' © 40.00 Log barn \ 43 acres woodlan ·\ © 10.00 Old boxed house ; · · ll ,-,..// \ T~, VALUATION / $9~.00 .... ,;:, 1/ . 't .. _, ..&..._ Ct; ~. ~, ., ./ ./,4--"cll( .~ _,.;· U"J' /1"'. '- . . . , . - .,,, 298 R. L. JENKINS .All WOO\Uand TAX VALUATION 800.00 500.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 75.00 $9,34!;;.00 600.00 150.00 100.00 1,800.00 740.00 $3,390.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 300.00 2,625.00 670.00 $3,995.00 930.00 50.00 980.00 200.00 25.00 100.00 430.00 755.00 \ / ~-.. / .~ ... · · .. / 403.30 ,~ . ~ (.· ,) ·· IliFORt.; (tt SECURIID BY WOODBURY AND CH .. APM.All ON Sii;PT.!:;!H i~~R 18 AT vu.v . HJ .. L.i::, 1{. C., },ROM. T.d..t.: TA..1. I,IST OF' H.ri.Y' OOD · .t;TY l•'OR 'L .L. ;~A!t 1928 Ol~ 1J.AlW~ ( ll:iT.i!:lUOE :lOLDHiG; } ;~ I'l'lLH1 T~ m '!hHK. ..A.R ;A · Dri G ~.'!:~·. LO•,CH ::;r~ c;u.; r.;K , CA'l' , !,OL)G.Li ; . 'fJ~X 'fl;~iJ~SitiP . J j,! y J ~C i' ~HJ ItiO"v' 150 ·,; u 1 u.e ~ ~~m.ou 1bf>v.Ov 743.0V 1813.00 317~00 231.00 '/02.,00 .-;~~b.OO IO!E: In 1920 Jarvie L. Palmor 11atod 250 aoros on tho old homo plaoe at $4,30o.oo, and 1n the same year l1ato4 166 aorea on Little Oe.talooohee known as tho z.~t1.n Trtt.ct a.t $2.&ou.oo. In ·1920 -roal property was pr6fHlmed to bo liasto{t at ita c ush value • .:. __ l::..1l:::~U .. L~=·~·~- ~~.-~t .. .. Guy PetJee 60 '1 o"'i~ .vv - . L. 1,1. Kiritl ' (Hot listod) -· W. M. Hali 170 " ~, 053.00/ ~;..,,. L _.. J. G. Stikelon.t her(2)994 :r 9,900.00 r r;:::::; ..). *-) ~ D :i ?- "~-' (. .. 'I , Hainbow l!'iehillt~ Clu~ (l~ §t lir.tod), .. / z,?~ ncrea 32,4~-o.OO i ~2,44S.OO I HD I AN C il: t-:: :K Gee. N. Pu.lmcr 200 acres 2,186.00 T. H.• Burris 8~-i 11 1,036.00 J. R.. Hall 135 11 1, 600.00 ~ ~. . C. Cal(tw,Jll 54 11 38f>. 00 .. Carl Sutton uO 11 50o.ou "' J .• , v. Woou.Jr Hei r ~:> 150 n l,luo .oo v V •. A. Campbell · 38 " 500.00 / C. ..T . Palmor.;·(2'}- · • (1~ot lioted )£SA 7,f"!J,lrf> - J. B. Lockman 50 acres ~~?7. ou , I. B. 1~cGahe. 10 " 7'7. 00 ' Jno. H. Pe.lmt!r 108 11 935.ov ~ '878~ " 8,656.00 LIT~rL.;~: CATAT~OOCi .. El.~ . J • .M .• ConrEl.d ,. • 116 &eros 99o.oo- Blaiue Com•ad 1// i::!5 " 242.00 Dave B. Nelaon, (2) 70 11 557.00 J. A. Conrad v 30 " ;)30. 00 W.G.B. :Messer J (~) 334 " .~ ,60 0 .00 J. W. But•gel16 >~ < 44 11 '122 . 00 w. B. BenrJ.ett / 44. 11 788.00 Goo . Bonnet t "'/ 46 " 743.00 M. H • Hall /. / :?0 n 4 9 5. 00 w.. c. Woody .--/ _ 6DBiinot liote d) Jf:ilf·o 0 J. s. Woody ..,r"" 156 acreo 1,650.0J J, • R. .Hatmah:. 150 " 2 , 200. 00 A. c. Ben.lJett ,, 156 " 1,320.00 Jarvis L. Pt:lmor / (.A.l1 listed on Big ea.taloochce ) :t ark w. Ht•nrulh 182 acres 1,602.00 Vi. J. ila.nnah . -· 4!5 II 540.00 J. BlaillO Harmah 55 11 880.00 J e gs-v Smith ...... ·38 " 2'15. Ov \;' . D. Meese~ .. <.35 11 721.00 L. l~. Hall. 5.-;,' ) G<J u l 298.00 J. Hannah -·-··-·· l Z " '116. 00 •:, . H. Hannah .-" 12 " 110.00 I . V. Halmah _,.... 26 " 275.00 .. 1,7Db n ;::Z , 456.00 ·- .. -.. -----. - · ... -·--~ J:J I~ \:,_ t i ~ 0 6,656.00 •..• ii:;,~ 00 GfoJ t • vi:> •

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).