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Cataloochee tract 245 and 245a: J. M. Conrad

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  • Page. ... ---- - -- ··-- --- -~··'··-~·'-·1·· ···· NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRA€T OF TITLE of Lands of -----------------------------·J .•... J! .•.... C..onrad. ......................... ------·----·--·-··--------------·------··---·----·-·--·····--···· -···-···-·--·--·--··-···-----·· ---·----·-----·----------C.!?:t~_lQQ_Q_b,~~-----------·-·······------·---·· Township -------------·--·---------.Rayw:o.od .................................. County. :NOTE: 19,64 12.77 18.87 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION Tract (245) All bearings in this description were turned from the true meridian, and all distances are expressed in chains of 66 feet. BEGINriiNG at Corner l a point on the ridge, Corner 14 of the Jo}1..n M. Palmer Tract (244) and ·corner 6 of theBlaine Conrad Tract {246) Thence with the John M. Palmer Tract (244) S, 76•00 E. Corner 21 a Z6." chestnut -oak with corner marks blazed and sorioed J.P. Cor. 12, Corner 13 of the John M. Palmer Tract (244) Thence. leaving the John M. Palmer Tract (244) and leaving the ridge Corner 3, a 10'1 dead hemlock snag in a small branch Set a 4n post in a mound of stones scribed J.c.cor.l. .A 12n hemlock blazed and scribed B.T.J.c. Cor. 1, bears N ~~ :1•30 w •• 24 chain distant; rrhenc e, N. 82•39 \1 . Corner 4, a 4" post scribed J.C. Cor. 2, at inter• section of fence lines, shown as Corner by J. M. Conrad, being Corner 2 of the ~laine Conrad Tract, (246) A 10" soul'wood blazed a."ld scribed E.T.J.c. Cor. 2, bears s. 1-30 w •• 36 chain distant; Thence s. 2•57 E. The place of Beginning, containing 20,84 Acres. Shut A 5tl2 ) .. ,, .o/ 4.2'1 e • .u DESGiUi'l' lOll OP :dii BOUBDAlll OF ft1.B :aesJ.mtns e.t comer 1,. a N•' hemlook·e4 ew4 sor 1b4J\l J .a.:r.a Ool'. l. e. COrlleJ' of thet D. a. J•l•• wroot ( S4,..a) A 20" h.-loa bled4 ani. so:r1bt4 . .B. J.~ .J.O. !..&t Cor. 1, beue a. 21..-QQ s •• 2, ohun 411tflltlt, l'bence. tl ltb tb• D. a. N•l•• J . 1.02 x. Passing Cornel' 4. of the D. B • .N'elaQG Tre.ot ( 249-a) • wblob ie s.leo Oomer 5 of ttt. J.A, Oon.rn4 fran (IU) • ComeJ' a, a pcUnt on top ot a ria.-. ebcnm. u oorm~ b7 J• •• Conrad. a oonier of the J.A .. Comoe4 'fraot (8.4$), elll a oorner of the n. B. JeleQD #J!raot (8t9) Set a 4" post 1n a mound of eton-es , eo.r1b•4 ;r.c. 1'-1 Oor. 2 • . An 8" epen1eb oek, blaaea &rut eortb•4 B.T.J.o. f-1, beu• s.el-00 w •• 20 obaitl 41etant, 1'heno•• op a. r14p witb ita rnetm4era tm4 with th• J>. B. Nelson t raot ( 24'1} H. 82-!9 We s. 81-&l'l ' · .A Joint s. 6S.OO w. A .Point N. 89-2'1 w. A POint N. 68-1'1 w. J POint N, 8'1...08 w. -!· "-, 232 s. 64-0t •• 1.'14 Comer 8, a 4ottble obeatnilt wttb eornear maaa, on a rllge • ble•4 an4 ser1be4 J .o.~..a . c~r. s, " . oorTJer •f tl1• »• B. N•l•on tract f 84'1) aXld. con•r !t of tbt 'lll1t ... Parsone J Ul) A Lumber co. 1'raot ( 60..) • A 10'* bla.ae4 ani. sort'ttl B,t.J,O.t-4 Cor. a. bears 11. 18.00 J. .to oha1ll distant. ~bene• • . l•svus t• . »· .s. lel•• Tr·a.ot ( I!• 'I). • but co. nt1nu.1»g -wttb the.. r.14ge •· at14 with tile Vbl tmer•!eraone ~'tip & Lumber co. 'lr aot: (Cia-a) e.,, ·come• '· a polnt of,\ top of tbe r!4p, llbOJa ae cortJtr b7 J. J&. ConJ84, bf1ng corne:r IS of ' the Vi b1tme~P•r•Cila Pt.tlp 1. z.umer oc. Trnot (2-et.i£684) set e poet e1):r1be4 :.c.t..a cor. 4 A ~•" obeetnut 0$1¢. 'blaae4 e.n4 eorlbe4 s . ;r.J .. o. !•! oo,-. 4., bean rr. 11$-00 "• •• o obun 41etenta 233 a.?J 'l'benoe, leaving the r14ge s. l-4'1 ••. OOl'llo~ 6 • e. .&0" forlte4 obeat.nut w1tb come:r me.m on a ndge 'blase& av.4 aor1bl4 J.C. T-..2, Cor. e. b•1JJ8 Corner 2' of tbe Wblttne-1'-Pa.rsone :rulp 6 Lumber Oo. ~.r&ot (68-a) 5. 89-20 E • . A· P01n' 1 . G6.S9 lh Corner .6. 1. a 14" Oboat.nut oak on the r11p • blaae4 ect eo '!~tbe4 J.o. , _.. Oo:r. & , A 11" ohae'tflut blazed fml UO'fibet B.'t •J .o. ~-~, Cor. 6 bean 1. '"--Q w •• ao oheln 41etttn,, being Cornel' 16 of the WhltMJ'•Parsms PUlp & Lumber co. 'l'raot (68..&) 234 L TbeDQ• lM'Yiq tbe Wh1t .. Jf• Pusona Plllp a. X.umb•r c~. T'r'U\ . C 68..a) N. 80-ot ll• The place o.f Beglr411ag. oonta11lin8 8'. '' A or••• 235 lt state ·owant rro. 262 1esue4 bY' the state to .ron.n GJ"&Y Blount. All wo M'V'e treated State !lrant ~Io. 252 by mesne conveyances fr'Om the time ~ant was assue·d, up ·throUg;.'l and irloludins tllo time said ~t· paaeea by tl1e last \'Jill ru16. toatanwnt or J'am0s Fl. tove to 236 h1a oxeoutors, the ctune 'Will not oo rop$8teci tn t his analysle• but may be E~een by re1'eNnoe to the analysis ot t1 tle of t ho Sidney :rrel• eon beginning with ~Db one of' enid annl.yele, and en41D6 Wi'h paragraph ten, pfi~Sfl tht'eo or t l1is abstract. a, We will first oonoider 1'raot r~o. MG. T:roflt No. 245 f,t;l $ll3\».taefX1 in two tleaaa executed ty :faJOOs R• Love's oxeeutore to a. t . :Pnl.mer A a on ootobezo 5 . 1001, W1ll1am n. Thomas , Robon o. a. t.ove, iill iam L. l11ll1are end samuel I~. t ove 1 e:.eoutora, eonvo}"ed t() o • . t. Palmer two trac1o of land \1h1oh tl"G.ots ombrnee a portion ot 'rre.o.t; ~lo. 245. tn t his deed the reserve one-halt or the mf.nernl tntereGt• 'lb1e dee.d ts reoo1.•dod in Haywood County. iH See page , ~;Li2 ot t his a'betl"eot. On Ap~11 l l• .10091 \'Jillitun Rt Tbomes, RQbert G. A. Love, 1'1ll1e.t11 L • . ·I1111ard tlttd SEUmlel t . I.o.· vOt (};,tO<)UtQrs, OQDV$j"Qd.· to 0 • l,t Pnl~ tWO tr&01ill ot lana. · These traots embraoe o. por• , tion of '!Toot No. 245. In t l !.s deod t be e~eou­ton reserve on~:Ml.f' or the minewl interest. Th1e deed 1& ot reool"cl in Hayv1ood cowty. See page ~39 ot t tlis abstract. j 237 3, On october 51 1~05, o. 1 . ., Palme.r a:ntl wife conveyed to a. n. Pelme".r a tftot of land OO!'lta.itiine; twentrtive aons, Wh1ob 'e$'80t em'breoos the lad ttnlter 1nvoatlgat1on. T"n1s deea is duly re­eor4$ d in flsyv;ood OGunty• See petge . 2iO ¢Jf t ld 4i abtrtlraot, 4• On S&pteniber 131 19201 a. n . l?t~lme;t> end '!tlife oonvo~d to .r. 111, Conar4 Treot t~o. tfl5-a. This deE'.Jd 1s or rooor4 in naywoo4 County, oflea pa~ . 24}. . of t h1a abstraot• is oomposod ot two traoto OotiVGJOli to :! • M, Coooru • t he tl;rst troot o<mttd.n1ng a};l})roxii~Btely rortJ' acres, wao O·oovey<Hl to 1. u. Conard bf o. Lt Pal.mel' t.rild ~1fo by- deed boar-lng &ilte ot f eb:ru&17 23; 1906• ~e b.a1'Q tUligently searched t he rooords1 but hav~ been unable to t1n4 from What SUttrC$· a. 1.. .. f o.lmar dor1VOd title to this t2'&Ct Of land• H0\1e..V~r, we are of tho opinion that sinoe J .• tt. Conard llu boon in pos:session of ·t his tract under eolor of title for a periot ot twen'r yearo and moro, that any person vmo mtsnt hsvo n ola1m to ao1d tract would now be barred by the statute of llmi tattona. 'l'l":oe above c'lee4 1& ot reoora 1n naywood county. J!l()(t pa~ ~i' . • or this abstract. G. The second doe4 that n;..eJ~s up es.nd 1e a portion ot Tre.ot [~o. 246-a ta a oon'V'eyenco trcm ·n. ·D. G1lmer, trustee and e.4m1n.1stft.tor ae boniES noo1 az r olntod by tih.e sup.or1or court ot naywood ·county in tM case ot ~-; . L. Henry, ot a1 v. w. Lt ~1ll1cu-d 1 ot fill. 'l'his deod ·convey& a tract ef fifty aores1 more or le&r.~ , and bears date ~ 'U.nP"oh 238 twatlfltb, 1894• In t his tlonvoy:uao• onrbalt .ot the m1nonl 1n* twoe\ '" rt.uservo4. Tnt above 4oe4 1 e · ot tG.eOJ'4 in tta:)'WOOd ecn nty, see ~ . 243 . ot thia abstl'"Gott '• wo tin& t>!' •oora a 4oo4 ot trust eml>ro.Olft8 a pof110J'l of th& land 'Uft(lft 1!1lveet l{P1t1on trhtob bae b¢Jcn1 pr-Qel'lJ oanoels4 ot e. For e.ttidavits ot posaeeJJiOn on this traot, see page 246 through 25J. or this e.batraot. For surveyor's affidavit, aee page No~ 252 ot th1a :\ abstraot. Page ....... .... .. .... 23.9 ... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT I:h Preamble As Signed As Aclmowledgecl Vlillia.m II. Thomas Robert G, 'A• Love Vlillia1:1 t . 1Iilliard samuel L. Love,Jg;rs. w. L. Hilliard w. L. Hilliard 1. Kind of Conveyance ............ Deed ................ , ............... . 2. Date of Conveyance ......... 4..0.ll~B.9 .............................. . 3. Is it properly executed ..... --- --- -------- - - - --- -- - --- -- - - ---- ~- ----- -----·-- 4. Date of Entry and No .......... ...... .................. , ..................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ....... C ... S,.C.., ....... . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ..... ........ Yes ....................... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .. .. ..... ............ ............ . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ........... .. l{O ....................... . 9. Date of acknowledgement ... ..... 5~1!3..-,.89 ................. . 10. Was privy examination of '\vife taken .......... ................. . 11. Did officer affix Seal... ... .... .................... .... ... .... ................. . 12. Was order of probate correct.. ........ Yes ....................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ......... 'l:->.24~89 .................... . (a) of seizin ...................... :r-1.0.................... . .................. . 15. Book ............... Y ....................... Page .......... 356 ............. . (b) power to convey ... .. ........... Yes ................................ .. for ............... J:l'aywoo.d ... : ....................... County. (c) against encumbrances ...... .. ...... No .......................... . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ............ .NO .................... . or restrictions .... ........... One~halt ... mine~---· . .. , ................ intarast ... re.s:erv.e.d, .................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .. . . TO .. H.AV'E .... -tiD ... TO .HOLD. the ... afor.esai.d ... trao.t ... of ............. . ..... la.nd .. with ... the ... privil.eges ... .e.nd .. appllt' ... there.t.o. ... bol.o.nging ... ...... . .... t h e. .. said .. a •... L •... Palmer ... an.d .. .his. .. .he.irs .. ,to .. his ... and ... their ... only ... uae ................... . . ....... .and behoof ... ror.ever... . ............................................................................................................................................... . Exact Description of Property "That whereas James R. Love, deceased, was seized of large tracts of l and commonltr called "Speculation Lands''; and Whereas the said J'ames R. LOV$ made ana published a last will end .testament appointing William. Ii. Thomas, Robert o.A. Love, William 1 ... Hilliard and Samu(.ll L .. Love, execu• tors, authorizing said executors to oQntinue the sales ot said lands and to make titles therefor, NpW; THEREFORE" BEGIUNING on a stake, the corner or a es acre tract, and runs N, 6 E• 44 poles to a locust and maple 2t poles trom branch; North 86 w, 52 poles to a water .oak on ridge; thence along the top s, 74 w. l2t- poles to a small chest• nut oak; West 25 poles to a chestnut on a knob; south 30 West 16 poles to a chestnut; South 6 w. ll poles to a stake, corner of' a 25 acre tract; thence with its lines s,. 84 E. 90 poles to the beginning. containing 25 acres,. ALSO 'l'i!IRTY·T"BREE ACRES ON tiTTI.E OATALO OCITh~E CREEK ADJOINING GEORGE :P AU;f!i!R ' S 50 ACHE TRACT BEGINNING on a maple, the N. V¥. Corner or Palmer's 50 aore tract, and runs 1 ts line s. 30 w • 31 poles to a hickory; thence N. 51 w. 55 poles to a locust on side of a mountain; thence N. 20 E. 70 poles to a chestnut in line of another 50 acre tract; thenoe its line and top of the mountain ~ 72 E. 60 poles; s. 50 E. 36 to a spanish oak; thenoe s, 35 w. 44 poles to a stake in Ge.orge Palmer's 50 acre tract its line N, 30 w. 44 poles to the beginning, Sheet B Page _________ -- -·--- ..... 2_ _4 _0_ ... NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ~ G. 1., Pal.lner and wife~ o. L. Palmer G. t. Palmer = 01 ~~_N_an-__o~y- -_s_.P~_al_m_e__r _____ ~ ___N _an_ o ~y~~~·-P_a~l~me-~r~--+---N~a~n~c~y~J~·--~P~n~lme~r~---- ~~.~.~ G:._ Ih Palmer L---------------~--J_------------------~-------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyimce .................. D.e.ed ............................ .' 2. Date of Convey:mce ... .... l.0~~-05 ............................... . 3. Is it properly executed ....... --- --·--------·------------············-------- 4. Date of Entry and No ..................... ................................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ........ ..T._P.-f:····-·.-·····- 6. Acknowledgements, r egular .............. YU---·-·--·--··········· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ___________ _______________________ _ 8. Did all grantors acknowledgc .......... ........... Yea ............ . 9. Date of acknowledgement ....... 1~16~0.6 ..... . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .. Yes ............... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL. ........ -----------···· ···---------------·-··········--·· 12. Was order of probate con-ect .. Yea .......... : .................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ..... ..... .6.~2t}.!l.9 .................. . (a) of seizin ___________ Ye.s ________________________ ·--------------·--····-·· 15. Book ............. .53...................... Page ..... !5()3 ................ .. . (b) power to convey .. .... ... Yes ___________________ ______________________ _ for ....... .H~ciod ................................... County. (c) against encumbrances .......... YeS ............................ . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others .... .... Y&.S ...................... . or restrictions ·················· ·- ·····--·---·· ·····--···-··········--·············· 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .. _______ T.O .. J IA.VE ... .AND .... TO ... HOLD ... the ... afor.esa1d ... tract ... or .... par- ________ Q.Ql_ ___Q f. ___l and. .. and. ..a l.l __ pr.l.Vilege.a ... and ... app.urtenance.a ... t her.eto. ...b elong1ng ............... :t.o ___ tllQ__ _e t__ d _ :(h_ __ L.• ....P alme.r ... and .. .Nan.o.J: ...•T .ane ... Palmer., ....G -. .. .!I. ... .Palmer., ....t heir ______ b,~l:r!'- ... a..n.d ... ~.f.i-~.1.sns .•.... t.o~ .. h1.a ... only ... ue.e ... an.d ... beh.o.of .... ro.r.ever-. ....................................... . Exact Description of Property BEGINNING at a cx:~oked spanish oak, the ~Torthe~st corner or his fitty ac;re tract, and runs North 6 East 44i poles to a stake,_ corner of twenty-five e.ore traot; thence North 6 East ~ poles to a locust and Ir'Aple > 2* polea from the b~anch; thence North 86 W$st 52 polee to a water oak; thence with old line 2 poles to an oak; thence south eo poles with conditional line made by a. H. Palmer and John M, Palmer to an oak on top of Bunk mountain in twenty-five acre tract; thence East With said line sa poles to a crooked s.o. the begi:rt..n1ng, containing twenty-1'1 ve acres, _more or I;ess. Shu t B Page ....... .... ..... 2.:41 ........ . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged G. rr. Palmer and G, H. Palmer o. H, -Palmer wite, Martha s, Palmer Martha s. Palmer Martha s. -Palmer J' t' M.- Conrad 1. Kind of Conveyance ....... ....... D.e.ed ................................ . 2. Date of Conveyance ..... .... ..... .9 . .,,1~.2() ......................... . 3. Is it properly executed ................................. .................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ........... J..,l?.,. ......... . 6. Acknowledgements, r egular ....... Yea ............................ . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ..................... .............. . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ........... .... Yea. .................. . 9. Date of a cknowledgement ........... ~l3 .... 20 ................ . 10. Was privy examination of wife t aken ........ y ••.......... 11. Did officer affix Seal... ............................................. ........... . 12. Was order of probate correct ..... Yea ............................ . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of fi ling for record ...... ~~9~,22 ......................... . (a ) of seizin ............. ............. ....... Ye.s ............................. . 15. Book ...... .5.'1 ............................. Page.56~1-............. ........ . (b) power to convey ............ ....... ..... Ye.s ......................... . for . .... ......... Jiaywo.ocl ............................. County. (c) against encumbrances .. ................ ... Ye.s ................ . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ......... ........ Yes ............. . or r estrictions .. ............... ............................................ ........ . 17. Habendum clause (Quote f ully ) .. ........ TO .. .IT.AVE ... .A.t'm ... TO ... .HOLD ... the .... afore.aa1d ... trac.t ... or ......... . ....... P.~~o.-~.l ... o.t. .. le.n.d .... and ... al.l ... P.rivil.eges ... and .. .... thare.t.o ... ~ ................ . ........ l9.n&1.ns. ... t.o. ... t h.o .... aa1.d ... l .•.... M •.... Conrad ... and .. his ... heirs ... .end ... a.s.s1gna1 .... :to .................. . ........ ~.P..~~r ... 9.nlY. ... ue.~ .... e.n.d .... b.ebo.o.f ... to:r.e.ver .•.................. , ............................................................ ................................. . Exact Description of Property BEGI.NNI NG at a . crooked spanish oak, the Northeast corner or a f1tty acre tract originally belonging to o. r~ • Palmer, and runs North 6 East 44i polee ,___ _ _ to a locust and maple 2t poles from the branch; thenoe !forth 86 West 52 poles to a wh1 te oak; then with old line 2 poles to an oak; t hence south 80 poles With a conditional line made by G. H. Palmer and John M, Palmer to an oak on top or Bunk moun• tain 1n t wenty-f ive acre tract; t hence East with said 11 ne 38 poles to the crooked spanish oak, the beginning corner. Containing t wenty-five acres, more or less. Shut B Page ....... ... ....... 2.42 ..... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged G. L• Palmer a. L. Palmer G. L. Palmer and witet Nancy Jane Palmer Nancy Jane Palmer Nancy Jane Palmer J. M. conrad 1. Kind of Conveyance ................... De&(l ........................... . 2. Date of Conveyance .... -2-•-23,.06--································· 3. Is it properly executed ................................. .................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ............................... ........... ....... ....... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ...... J..-P-•-··············· 6. Acknowledgements, regular ········Y-68···························· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ...... .... .... ....... ...... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ....... ......... ye8-················· 9. Date of acknowledgemenL ... 2"'23""-06---············· 10. Wa~ privy examination of wife taken .......... ¥88········· 11. Did officer affix SeaL ......... ...... .... .................... . .. ....... ...... . 12. Was order of probate con-ect ............. yea---·················· 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ..... ll•-16,.06----················· (a) of seizin ················--Yes ........................................... . 15. Book ··········-25--- ····················· Page ...... 266--- ··············· (b) power to convey ................ Yea---······························· for ......... n aywoo4---································County. (c) against encumbrances ·········----.YG&-························ 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ............. .. Yes---············ or restrictions ....... ........... ....... .................. ........................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully ) .. ---TO---HAVE---AND --'110 . HOLD . th.e ... af'or.esai.d ... trac.t ... or ................ . ............ pa~l- · of---land---a -nd-- -all----pr1vileges .. an-d .. .appurtenancea ... ... b.e:~ ........... . ···········lon-ging---to---the---sai-d---G.---- L.- ---Palmer--.a-nd --h1s .. he1ra .. .and. .. assigns ... to ................. . --···· ····· J····+J-.,·· Conrad --only----use---and---behoot'--: t.or.ever..... . .................................................................... . Exact Descr iption of Property DSGINNING on a forked chestnut on top of' a high ridge West corner of a survey made tor J. H. conrad sr., and runs south 70 poles to a chestnut oe.k .southwest corner or said survey; thence up and with the top of said ridge a Wes~ course 96 poles to a chestnut; t hence 64 poles to t he top of the ridge upon which t he begin• ning corner stands; thence East with the top ot the ridge to the beginning corner. Containing forty acres. more or less. Sheet B Page______ ________ __ 2_4_3_ ___ _ NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed . As Acknowledged n. n. Gilloor, 'l'rustee and Admi.nis .... trator De Bonis Non R. n. Gilmer R. D. Gilmer 1. Kind of Conveyance ____________ J)ee.d ________________________________ _ 3. Is it properly executed .... .. ----------- ---------- -------------------------- - 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ____________ (L.,.S.._O.t-- 7. If irregular, copy in full on back .................................. . 9. Date of acknowledgement. _ ------~21 ... 94 --- -----·-- .. 11. Did officer affix Seal... .............................. .......... ........ .... .... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ...................... NO------·---·------···----· ·----·--·---- ···-- (b) power to convey ............. .Yes ................................... .. (c) against encumbrances ........... No ............................ .. (d) against claims of all others ......... NO------·--------- -------- 2. Date of Conveyance ......... -:;)•,2(}!!>.94------------------------------ 4. Date· of Entry and No·--------- ----------------------- ------------------ -- ---- 6. Acknowledgements, regular ----------YGS-------------- ------- ····-- 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ................. Ye8---------------· 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ........ l40------··--·--· 12. Was order of probate correct.. .. Y$8--------·············--·····-- 14. Date of filing for recorcl ...... ~-21~9.4, .................... .. 15. Book ·······---------6·--·-·----------------· Page.$8-------------···-----·· for ....... : ..... Uaywo.od---·-·-----··--·------····: ... county. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ......... One~hal:t ... mineral ......... . --······-··----···---·-.. .. reserve.4 ............ . 17. Habendum clause <Quote fully)- ---- - . -- ---TO- -- HAVE--- A.I~D- 'l'O--HOLD---the- --afor-esaid---trac.t---Of--······· -- -----l.and--witb--t-he---pr-1-vtle.ges---and.appurtenanoes ... tl:e-:reto .... belongtng ... unto. .... . ----·----t-he---sai-d---J" .•... M_., ... c.onra-d--.and---h1s.--he-1r.s--.and.asstgns-,----to---h1a.--ana ... :t.w.r ..... . ···-·--on1y---use---and---beh.oof-.. ,forever.----·--· ---- ----···-·------------------------- ·--· ...... --------·---------·--···· ................................ . Exact Descrip_tion of Property " That whereas .Tames R. Love, deceased, under a decree of the Court ot Equity for Buncombe County made in the year 1857 and under the provisions of a deed of agree~ mont entered into on the 16th day of October, 1857, by J'e.mes -R. Love, R. M. Henry, .Tames L. Henry, William Welch, J'ohn B. Love, Dillard Love and William H. Thomas, became trustee for himself and the aai4 parties above named ot the "Love Speculation Landa" with power to make sales ot tho same and execute titles therefor; and Whereas the said .Tames P.. love made and published a last will and testament appointing William H. Thomas, Robe,rt G. A. Love, William L. Hilliard and Samuel L. Love, execu­tors, authorizing and empowering his said execut ors to Sheet B continue the sales ot said land and to make tit;tes t h~:re~or; and Whereas upon the death ot the said William :r. •. HiUia:rd, the sole acting exeouto~ ot J'al!'les R. Love, . deceased, the SUperior Court 244 ot Jlaywood County, at Spring Term, 1891, in t he oa•e of w. L. Hen17 versus w. L.• Hilliud1 et al, appointed the said R. n. Gil• mer trustee tor t he heirs a.t law of J'al!l$s R. Love, et al, owners ot the "love Speculation Lands" with power to make sales ot said l ends and to execute t1 tles t heref O!'J and Whereas t he said R.- n. Gilmer was appointed administrator de bonia . - non with the will · annexed or James R. Love by t he superior CoUl"t ot Haywood county on tlle 18th day or september-,. 1891 J and Wh.erea$ w, L. Hilliard, executor, on t he 29th day or August, 18901 executed bond tor title tor the lands hereinafter described to t he said :r. M• Conrad; NOW, THEREFORE," BEG!IDUNG at a large spruoe pine,. the South West corner ot a survey made tor J, A, Conrad, a~d l'UAS rtorth with the line of said surveJ; 57 poles to the top of the high ridge, a cor• ner of survey made for G. w, Conrad; thence with t he line ot said survey and top ot moun­tain West 125 poles to a chestnut; '&hence SoUth '10 poles to an oak on top of a ridge; t .henoe :uorth 78 East 125 poles to the begin• ning, containing fifty acres. Page........ . .... 2.~.5 .... NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION. Abstract of Satisfied Mortgages or Deeds of Trust (NORTH CAROLINA) Below give language of release or cancellation, and if by other than the original payee the authority must be shown by which t he cancellation or release is made. l. Kind of instrument ... ....... Dee4 .. ot .. Tr\1at- 2. Date of instrument . ...... 9.~.1~·.20~ - - J. M~ -Conard and wife, 3. Consideration $ ... 4QO,,QQ...... ..... .. ................ . 4. Maturity date . ..... . 9'!"13-'-2.2. .. .......... ... .. .... ... ......... .. Dellar Conard 5. Is it properly executed? .... . ..... Ye.a . .. ................ . to David Palmer• Trustee For Gt II. Palmer G. Date acknowledged ... .... ... 9~1:3"!'20 7. Before what officer acknowledged ... .. .. .... J. .. P . ........... . ~- Was privy examination of wife held ? .......... Yea .. .. H. Date of filing for record .... ... ........... . 2~ll<i~!>2.2 ...... .. 10. Recorded in Book........ 6 ............. Page ............. 250 . ............... Ha-ywood-..................................... County. 11. Does this instrument form a link in the chain of title? .... DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY D:EGlllNING ~ l'"' -< At a o~olced spanish oak, the ~lortheast ooner of hi a o 50 acre tract, and runs North 6 East ~~ poles to a ~ stake, corner of 26 acre t~ao~, and thence North G East z 44} poles to a locust and maple 2t poles from the 'branoh; oo thence North 86 West 52 poles to a white oak; thence ~ with old line 2 poles to an oak; thence south 80 pole• i with conditional 11ne made by G~ H. Falme~ and John M, . ~ Palmer to an oak on top . o.t Bunk mountain in 25 aore traot J~ thence East with said line 36 poles to the beginning, ~ THE RELEASE OR CANCELLATION OF ABOVE .MORTGAGE OR DEED OF TRUST IS AS FOLLOWS: For value reoei ved this deed of trust from 1.. M.. Conard and wite to David Palmer has been satisfied in full aa shown by receipt on original signed by o. H• Palme:r and is hereby canceled, Witness: Irine Howell, Dep • Reg, of Deeds David Palmer, Trustee IX! t"l > IX! ~ ::e > ~ t"l 0 0 z ~ 00 '1:l > ~ trJ All cases and authorities relied upon to ~Ute any defects 1n this Instrument ot ptoceedlngs thereon or to support any proposition of Jaw must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Shut H STATE OF NORTH CAROLUTA HAYWOOD COUNTY __ _...__l..,_M, coua:cQ.. ___ , being duly sworn, deposes a.nd says, that he is .tJZyaars of age (Uld has been a citi- ' ~en and resident of Heywood County for~[·yaars; that he is well acquainted with the ownership a11d possess ion of certain lands now owned by J. ?.1. Conard, mora particularly desori bed as follows: TRACT NO , 245 BEGHiNINC e t Corner 1 a point on the ridge Corner 14 of the John M. Pal..rner Tract ( 244) e..nd Corner 6 of' the· Blaine Conrad •rract ( 246 ).; t henoe with t he John M. l"almer Tract (244) s. ?6-00 E. 9~!18 Corner 2, a 38" chestnut oal<: with corner t:1arks blazed and scribed .T . P . Cor ner 12, Cor• ner 13 of the John M, Palmer Tract ( 244) ; the:aoe leaving . the John ?,1. Palmer Tre.ot (244 ) and leaving the ridgei N.9•24 E., Hh64 Corner 3, e. 10" dead hemlock snag in a smal branch set a 4" post in a mound of stones scribed J, c. Corner 1, A 12" hemlock blazed and scribed B.T • .r.c. Corner 1, bears 246 H. 1•30 ''< • ,24 chain distant; t hence N. 82-39 w. UH7? cor­ner 4, a 4rr post scribed J. c. Oorner 2, at intersection or fence lines, shown as Corner by J , }. .• Conrad, being Corner 2 of t he Dlaina Conrad Tract (246) A 10" sourwood blazed and scribed I . T.J41 C. corner 2, bears s . 1•30 Vi , ,36 chain distant; tllenoe s. 2•5? E,. 18 •. 87 The place of beginning , containing 20;t84 Acres .. 'l'fiACT NO. 245•a BEGINNTI'IG at Corner l, a 36" hemlock blazed and scribed J. c .T.-2Cornel· 1, a co:rngr of t he D. E. Nelson Tract (24'1-a) A 20" hemlock blazed and scribed B. 'l'. J . c .. T-2. Corner 1, bears s , 21-00 E, .2. 1. : chain distant; thence w1 th the D. B. !elson Tract ( 24'7-e.) .N, 1 .. 02 E. 2. 53 Passing corner 4 of the D. n. nelson Tract {24?•a) \'hioh is also Corner 5 of the J, .t\• Conrad Tract (245) 15.75 Corner 2, a point on top of a ridge; shown as corner by J' •. M. Conrad, a corner of the D, B. Nelson Tract (24'7} set a 4" post ina mound of stonea scribed J.c.T-2 Corner 2 An 8" spanish oak, blazed and scribe-d B. T.J,c. T-2 bears s . 85-00 w, .20 chain distant; thence up a ridge with its meanders and With the o .. n. Nelson Tract ( 24?) .N, 82•39 W. 3.45 A Point; S. E)l•5'7 W • 3•32 A Point; s. 88•00 W., 4.79 A Point1 !\T• 89-27 W. 4.27 A Point; N. 68-17 W, 2,42 A Point; lJ, 87•0tS W, 4•06 A Point; N, 83-28 W. 1,51 A lloint; s, 64 ... 07 w. 5.74 Corner 3, a double chestnut with cor­ner marks on a :ridge , blazed and scribed J.c. T.-2 Corner 3, a corner of the n., B, Nelson Tract ( 247) and Corner 29 ot t he Whitmaer-Parsons Pulp and Lumber Company Tract, (G8•a) 247 A 30 '' ehestnut blazed and sO.ribed B. T •. T .c. T--2 Corner 3 bears !'h 28•00 E ... 30 chain distant; t hence. leaving the D., B. r~elson TraQt ( 247), but continuing with the r1 dge, and with the Wh~ 1;mer--Parsons Pulp &, Lumber co. 'l'ract ( 68•a), N111 88-25 \~ . 2.54 A Point; r-r. 49-36 w. 1.14 A Point;. N. 83-06 w. 6,28 A Point; q• 74-14 W, lt48 A Point; N . 65•25 vV. lt20 A Point; N. 52-24 W, 5~76 A Point; N, 57-11 w, 5,52 A Point; N. 83-18 w. 3,49 corner 4, a point on top of the ridge shown as corner by J. M, Conrad, being Corner 28 of the \",'hi tmer-Parsons Pulp &: Lumber Co41 Tract (68•a) set a post scribed .r. c . T.-2 corner 4, A 24" cm stnut oak blazed and scribed B.T. J,c, T-2 Corner 4 bears N. 15•00 Vf • . • 40 chain distant; thence leaving the ridge s, 1•47 w. 16.58 Corner 5, a 40 f' forked chestnut with corner marks on a ridge blazed and scribed J,c.T,-2 Corner 51 baing Corner ~7 of the Whitmer Parsons Pulp ·and Lumber Co, Tract . (68-a); thmce down the ridge with its meanders, s. 56-23 E. 4.46 A Point; s ~ 67•11 E. 2•59 A Point; s. 47•25 E. 2.08 A Point; s. 60•42 E ~ 2,27 A Point; s. 68-44 E. 3.82 A Point; s. 64-49 E. 3,57 A Point; s . 89•20 E. 3, 23 A Point; s. 88-47 E. 1.53 A Point; s. 86-53 E. 2.73 A Point; N. 66-:39 E •• 39 Corner a, a 14" chestnut oak on t he ridge, blazed and scribed J.C,T,-2 Corner e, a ' 12" chestnut blazed and scribed B,.R.J .c. T-2 Col"ner 6 bears N. 74-00 w •• 20 distant1 being Cor~ ner 26 of the Whitmer-Parsons Pulp & Lumber lio. Tract (68 .. a); thence leaving t he Whit me:r-Parsons Pulp & LUlilber Co. Tract (68-a}, N. 80-01 E. 30-28 The plaoe of Beginning, cont aining 87.74 Acres. Affiant further states that he and t hose under whom. he Sworn to and subscribed before me this~day of Se~tember, 1929 ftl @"_~' ' . ---" ... ' · .. ' .· N~ My Commission Expires May 27, 1931 248 STA'l.'E OF :r;JQHT.H CAROLINA HAYWOOD COIDTTY f=eorre Penneff , being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is £-7 years of age and has been a citi• zen and resident of Haywood County for 1: 7 years; t hat he is well acquainted with the ownership and possession of certain lands now owned by J • t:. Conard; more particularly described as follows: TRACT NO. 245 BEGI1Uli NG at Corner 1 a point on t he ridge, Corner 14 of t he John M. Palmer Tract ( 244) and Corner 6 of the Blaine Conrad Traot (246); thence with the John M. Palmer Tract (244) s. '16•00 1!:.9.18 Corner 2, a 36" chestnut eak with corner marks blazed and scribed J. P. Corner 12, Cor­ner 13 of the John M. Palmer 'l'raot ( 244) ; thence leaving the John M. Palmer Tract {244) and leaving the ridge, N. 8•24 E. 19.64 corner 31 a 10" dead hemlock snag in a small branch set a 4" post in a mound of' stones scribed J.c. corner 1, A 12" hemlock blazed and scribed ·B.T•J.c. Corner 1, bears }T. 1•30 w • .• 24 chain distant; thence N. 82•39 !f . 12.?? Cor• ner 4, a 4'' post scribed .r . c. Corner 2, at intersection of' fence, shown as Corner by J. M:. Conrad, being Corner 2 of t he Bl aine Conrad Tract, · (246) A 10" sourwood blazed end scribed B.T.s.c. Corner 2, bears s. 1-30 w, .36 chain Qistant; t hence s. !-57 E. 18,8? The place or Beginning1 containing 20.84 Acres, TRACT NO. 245-a BEGINNING at corner 1, a 36" hemlock blazed and scribed Y.c.T--2 Corner 1• a corner of t he D •. B. Nelson Tract (24?•a) A 20" hemlock blazed and scribed B.T.J. c . T-2, Cor-ner 1, bears s . :3l•OO ,E •• 24 chain distant; thence with the D. B • . Holson Tract (24?-a) N. 1-02 E. 2.53 Passing Corner 4 of t he D. B. t-!elson Tract ( 24.,..a) which is also Corner 5 of t he J. A. Conrad Tract (245), 13;75 Corner 2, a point on t op of a ridge, shown as corner by J. M. Conrad, a corner ot the n. B. Nelson Tract (24?) Set a 4" post in a mound of stones scribed J. C.T-2 Corner 2 An 8" spanish oak, blazed and scribed B.T4 J, c. '1'-"2, bearss. 85-00 w, •• ~o chain distant; thence up a ridge with 1 ts meanders and with the D. I,, :Nelson Tract ( 247} N, 82•39 We 3.45 A Point; s. 81-5? W. 3.32 A Point; S, 68•00 W 4.?9 A Point; N. 89•2? w. 4,2? A Point ; N. 68•17 W. 2.42 A Po1nt N., 8?-08 W. 4•06 A Point; N. 83•28 W, 1.51 J:i. Point; s. 64-07 W-. 5.?4 Corner 3, a double chestnut with corner marks on a rtdge, blazed and scribed J. c. T.·2 Corner 3, a corner of the D. B. Nelson Tract (24?) and Corner 29 of t he Whit:man- .. arsons .Pulp and Lumber Company Traot {68-a) A 30" chestnut blazed and soribed B.T.J.C.,T-2 Corner 3, bears N. 28-00 E • .• 30 chain distant; thence leaving the D. B. Nelson Tract ( 247) but continuing with the ridge, and with the Whitmer-Parsons Pulp & Lumber co. Tract ( 68•a) . 'N• 88•25 . w. 2,54 A Point; r.r, 49-35 w, 1•14 A Point; N. 83-06 w. Eh28 A oint; ti. 74•14 \1:, 1.48 249 A Point: N, 66 ... 25 W. 1.20 .A Point; r;r. 52•24 w. 5.76 A Point; N. 57•+1 w. 5•52 A :Point; £1. 8 3•18 fl . 3.49 Cor­ner 4t a point on top of the ridge shown as corner by J. Mt Conrad, being Corner 28 of the Whitmer-Parsons Pulp & Lumber co, Tl·e.ot {68•a) Set a post scribed J,c.T.•2 Corner 4 A 24" chestnut oak blazed and scribed B.T.J.c. T-2 Corner 4 bears N .• 15•00 w •• 40 chain distant; thenoo leaY. ing the ridge s. 1-47 w •. 16.58 Corner 5, a 40n f orked chestnut with come!' marks on a ridge blazed and soribed J .• o.T,•2 Corner 5, being corner 27 of the Vlhitman•Parsons Fulp & lumber co. Tract (68•a) t hence down the ridge with its meanders s. 56•23 E. 4.46 A Point; s. 6'7-11 E1 24 59 .A Point; s. 47•25 E. 2,.08 A Point~ s. 60•42 E. 2.-27 A Po;tnt; s. 68-44 E. 3•82 A Point; s,. 64-49 E. 3.57 A Point; s.. 89-20 E • . 3·• 23 A Point; s. 88•47 E. l.; 53 A Point; s. 86-53 E. 2•73 A Point; N. 66•39 K ... 59 Corner . 6, o. 14" chestnut oak on the . r1~ge, blazed and soribed J .• c.T.-2 corner a, A 12" chestnut blazed and scribed B.T .. J. c. '1'-2 Corner 6 bears N • . 74•00 w • .• 20 ehain distant, bein6 Corner 26 of the Jhitmer-Parsons Pulp e.,. Lumber Co,.: Tract { 68""'a) thence leaving the \~hi t mer-Parsons Pulp & Lumber co. Traot (68-a) N. 80-0l E-. 30.28 T'.ae place of Begim;ting, oontai ning 87-.74 Acres., Affiant further states ~h~t J. M. Conard and those under wham he claims, to wp;: G. L. Palmer, a. n. Palmer and t he executors and trustees of James R. Love .have been in t he open; continuoulS, adverse notorious possession of said lands. under known and visible metes and bounds for a period of 30 years and more; cultivating same, taking tim­ber and firewood t!.:.::refrom, p~sturing same, . and:. ~ing such other uses ' . of said land as they are susoeptible o:f; affiant turtl1er states that he has . never heard Of any controversy as to t he title Ol.' possessiOn of any portion or t he above described lands. Sworn to and subscribed before me t his 3 c{ c1ay of Sept . 1929 ll (I ' • •~Y -.nmmJssJon Expires May 27, 193[ , Notary Publio \ '~ STATE OF NOHTII C11.ROLINA HAYWOOD COtmTY 1/!L (f, ]:3: t:.1. . e-...:;;;.:..s.::;..5..;;e...;.r _____, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ~Z years of age and hae been a citi­zen and resident of Haywood County for E{ years; that he ts well acquainted with the ownership and. possession or certain l ands now owned by :r. :M. Conard, more particularly described as follows: TRACT NO. 245 BEGINHING at Corner l a point on t he ridge, Corner · 14 o1! the John M. Palmer Tract (244) and Corner 6 of the Blaine conrad Tract ( 246) ; t hence with tho Joll.n M. Palmer Tract (244) s. '76-00 ! . 9.18 Corner 2, a 36" chestnut oak with corner marks blazed and scribed J. P. Corner 12, Cor­ner 13 of the John M. Palmer Traot ( 244); t hence leaving 250 t he John M. J>almer Tract (244) and leaving t he ridge N.S-24 E. 19.64 Corner 3• a 10" 'dead hemlock snag in a small branch · Set a 4" post in a mound of stones scribed J. c. Corner 1, A 12" hemlock blazed and scribed B. T • . T. c. C orn~r +, bears N. 1-30 w •• 24 chain distant; thence N. 82-39 w. 12.7'7 Cor­ner 4, a 4" post scribed J. c. corner 2, at intersection of fence lines shown as Corner by J'. M. Conard, being Corner 2 or t he Blaine Conard Tracrt · ( 246) A 10" sourwood blazed and scribed B.T • .r.c. Corner ,2, bears s. 1•30 w •• 36 chain distant; t hence s·. 2-57 1~ . 18.87 The place of Beginning, containing 20.84 Acres. TRAqT ·No. 245-a BEGINNilTq at Corner 11 a 36" hemlock blazed and scr ibed .r. c .~2 Corner 1,, a corner of the D. B. Nelson Tract (24'7-a) A 20'' hemlock blazed and scribed B.T • .r.c. T-2, Cor­ner 1, bears s. 21-00 .E •• 24 chain distant; thence with the D. n. Nelson Tract (247-a) N. 1-02 E. 2.53 Passing Corner 4 ot the D. B. Nelson ~act (247-a} which is also Corner 5 of t he J. A. Conard 1'rac;t { 245), 13. '75 Corner 2, a point on top of a ridge, shown as corner by J. M. conrad, a corner or the D. B. Nelson Tract ( 247) Set a 4" post in a mound of stones scribed J'. c. T-2 Corner 2 An 8" spanish oak blazed an1 aortbed B.T, J 11C. T-2 bears s. 85•00 w •• 20 chain distant; thence up a ridge with its meanders and with the D. B. Nelson Traot (247) N. 82-39 W, 5.45 A Point; s. 81-57 w; 3.32 A Point; S. 68-00 w. 4.79 A Point; ~h 89-:2'7 W. 4.2'7 A Point; f-T. 68•17 W, 2.42 A :Point' N. 8?-08 w. 4e06 A Point; N. 85•28 W, 1.51 A Point; s. 54!07 V<' . 5.74 dorner 31 a double chestnut with cor­ner marks on a ridge, blazed and scribed J •. c •. T-2 Corner 3 a corner of t he D. E. Nelson Tract ( 247) and Corner of the \'Jh i tman-Parsons Pulp & Lumber Company Tract ( 68•a.) ; A 30'• chestnut blazed and scribed B.T.J.c.T-2 Corner 3, bears N. :zs-oo E •• 30 .chain distan. t; t hence, leaving the n. B. Nelson .Traot . (247} but continuing with the ridge 1 and with the Wlli t:rr~r-Parsons I"ulp &. Lumber co. Tract {68-a} J>r. 88-25 w. e, 54 A Point; I"lt 49 ... 35 w. 1.14 A Point; N. 83•06 ·w. 6,28 1'1. Point; th 94•14 w. 1.48 251 A Point; lr. 65.,.25 w. 1.,20 A Point; N ~~: 52•24 W •. 5.76 A :Point; N, 57•11 w. {h52 A Point: Nt 8 :3-18 w, 3.49 cor .. ner 4, a point on top of t he ridge shown as corner by :r. M. Conrad; being Corner .28 of the Whitmer-Parsons Pulp &. Lumber co. Tract (68•a} set a post scribed J. c ,T.-2 Corner 4 A 24" chestnut oak bl ased and scribed IhT. J .C.T-2 Corner 4 bears l"f. l&-00 \',·. .40 chain diste,.nt; t hence leav­ing the ridge s, 1•47 w. 16. 58 Corner 5 a 40" forked chestnut w1 th corner mtlrks on a r i dse biazed and sori bed J, c .T.•2 Corner 5, being Corner 27 of the Whitman-Parsons Pulp &-. Lumber Co., Tract ( 68- a ) ;. t hence down the ridge with its meanders s. 56•23 1!; ,. 4 . 46 A Point; s. 67•11 r~ . 2. 59 A Point; s, 47 ... 25 Ih :ih08 A l)oint i s. 60- 42 E• 2, 27 A Point; s. 68-44 E. 3-,82 A Poi nt; s. 64r49 E. 3. 57 A Point; S, 89-20 E• 5,23 A Point; n, 88•47 E. 1,53 A Point, S·. 86•53 l~. 2-,73 A Point; l\i • 66- 39 E, .39 Corner 6 1 a 14" ohestnut oak on t he ridge bl azed a.'ld sori bed .T. C·• •r.-2 corner 6, a 12" ch estnut bl azed rn1d scribed B. T.J. c . T-2 Corner 6 bear s. N. 74-00. 1.•' • , 20 chain distan.;.t, bein~ Corner 26 of the Vvhitme:r-r arsons f'Ul:p & Lumber co. 'l~ract \68•a) N, 80""'01 g , 30-,28 The plaoe of Begi l" . containing 87.74 Acres • . i\.f:t'1&nt further states t hat J . M. Conrad and t b:ose under whom he claims, to Wit: a.. r .• Pal me r . Gh n. Pa lmer and t he executcrs and trustees of James R, :tove have been in the open, eontinuousa ad• verse notorious p ossessi~m of said l ands , under known and . Visible metes and bounds, for a period of :30 years and more; aultivating s.7.Hne~ taking timber and firewood therefrom, pasturing, and making suoh .other uses of s.::1j.d ltUJ.d a.a t hey are susceptibl e of; a :ff i Etnt f urther states t hat he l1as never heard of any contr over sy as to t he ~,1 tle or posses­sio: rl of any portion of the above descr i bed l ands. sworn to and · subsori bed bef~ra me t his . .3 d day of September, 1929 My Commission Expires May 27, 1931. .Ji. tE.,, ~ · · No ary FunTio Page ....... ...... ......2....5.....2.... ... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA, -----~~-~----······---COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO J . M. CO:NRAD and Vl1 t e Dlh'tl.A ----~9~-'---~~-~-~-~~-~--J~--~~Yf!l. _____________ _ as 'l'RA.CTS mnm~:tt 245 ~ 246•A AFFIDAVIT. _____________1__1_ !! ...C. ~. !'. ...W. ~ -P-- ~-~B- ~t-J-!-T-h-"-"L _____ , _______________________________ , b em· g d uI y sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of Register of Deeds oL ... ~-~----------···----County, in Book. ....... ~.! ............. , Page ........ ~-~--------·-··· That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga-tion, he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land . ........... >f ... ~--~----·-········· Sworn to. and subscribed before me, this ---~day of _______ ~-!.P)~be.r, 19 ... .2.9 r~---Ld'dft./-!ha&££' . Notary Public. M y commi· ssi·o n exp·i res. ...A...p..r...i...l.. ...2...0...1..].. . 930 253 Page .......... .......... o ••• • ••• • •••• ••• NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION TAXES (Fill in e.ll blanks indicating year, and show on lines opposite the year whether . or not the taxes have been paid. If paid an affirmative showing must be made by use of the word "Paid." The use of ditto marks is not permissible) . The property in question is assessed for taxation for the current year, 19 .......... , at $ ................................ , in the name .. ............................ .... ........... ......... .............. and the taxes for the past ten years have been paid or not paid as follows: 19 .. .29.. . ........................ Bot ... f.aJ;A ................................... . 19-afr... . ................ P.a$4---······················································ 19 .. 28. . ........................ Pai4---·············································· 192$ .................... Pa-14-·-· ······················································ 19 .. 2.'1.. . ........................ P.a14.................................................. 19Q... .. ............... 1?&14. ........" . ............................................... . 19 .. 26.. . ........................ Paitl................................................. 1921... . ......... ....... Pald. ....................................................... . 19 .. 8D.. . ............. : .......... Pail ........................................ ·.......... 19SQ... . ... : ............ ;pas.a .................................................... :·· ASSESSMENTS LES PENDENS NONE MECHANICS LIENS NONE JUDGMENTS v SAut G 254 Page ................. .................. . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE AND OPINION IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIE-D: That the title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instruments and court proceedings of record affecting the same from , and including the beginning entry there of has been carefully examined and noted, and that the following named owner ...... : ................ seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to the same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed hereon. ENCUMBRANCES Mberal lnter$Gt ootstan41ng 1l1 .th1s baot Wit.h tb.o G'llei!tl>'tlon ot forty sor•s • sa14 1nt~at being o:ao-half tnt~:ro~~. now ow:a~t by St~lltgfl&ld and othert As we ar4t iktpentUns upon possesSion to~ tltl• to tMa t:Mct. we l'u!l'to cbtatnea atf14a"f'ite ot th~ oonti~\tGlllJ EUlV&I'S"O ,.IB$$Si~C ~f t h1. baot fo~ 10 ~a~e or m.o~e. This ........................ day of ............................................ : ............. ........ , 19 ........ . Attorney. Address ................ : ...................................................................... .

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).