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Cataloochee tract 200: Suncrest Lumber Company

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  • :,. .. ~ . :~~-7~~-'·T···:::.:F·:··:··~:i·-,~ NORTH CAROLINA PARK·COMMISSlON : l:· __ ·ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Lands of -··························SUilOl'aS·t-···L~be-1!--·Cant~·-····: ........ ,., ................................................. _~·-·········~---······ ... : ... ; ....................•....................... . ................ ~ ....................... Township ·········Hayv+OOd··;find···-sw&U··················· Countt .. s 5 .Qt;iI.'I o 6#1'43 ·~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DE~CRIPTION ' Tract (200) ., ' ·' :oTE ~ /-;.11 lH)turtng~ 1n th1.o ~or1»tl on WON t umel :f'r0:"1_:ti'.sl tr\lB J~l·1d1U.11 om Q ~ ~(18· (ll'O ezpraa- DSC. it-1 ohans Oct -G.~ £•~· - r5GC1:s:tnlug G. t Come l , a J)Oht on top---_. ~111m ·Knob -!U. the Es~VtlU ... 1.~11H,1Q4, C~ty- at 'tilia 1*.4 or tb.e a V'ldo bQ•t\"t~on ca. ~ell li'ot'k of en ~Me &ld .rotm- ..... Tnanco , wi tb the d 1vU. betweea CU.ldUell Tt:i:t'lt fSld J'~..m:ttlw.n Ct:eeks M it I.Bflndaa •. •..•. . ,l!l i ~· --· 1:-..,.,..,.. \ l ( \ \ \ \ ·, 1 ' s. 6641.1. 1.-IS A POat. ~ of CheaQ\l-t IU&ge tf, U•U a. u- .. .'tl\iilY:~~ -4$. Sctf71f B • . 1.08 A Point, tat I# »uot &lob N •• _,. &. \ ........ • 2 ')~ \ ;l""·· ~t \. \ \ .. \ I .\.; ,.·. - --· · .. . • ' H. • -~~.. -JF{;p""'""t · ·.~ · '\,\.) v~ . , .. ,.~ .. .... . ·- .. . , ... •.• .,.... •·"' • S9lllt .•. .,. .. .. u ....... ldl APOiat ..... ota_,.._ .... u ... , •• a.n48&. ••• • Polat ......... .......... s. n•• A PO&ld1 ... fit U'lt• II&.& Kilo' w • ..-a . ••• .. .-- ·~ ... ~. ..... . ..... .. ..... ;_ -~ ...... .. AHbt ltl6 A ·.Pcdat lt ,.· .._. ... .. _. .·, ~ ·~ ..• . .... ........ ........ ';. . " ... . ..... .. '•" -~ .... ~ ' . • '\ ll.~ • .,. . • ..., • • • -- _ ........ I ldl A blat, ._ .t ._lU MIA ..• .. .. JJ.lt41z. · <. ... A»olat ..• , •. 5 .. . i'''i"'' ... ... ... ~ ... ·. ~ •.• ; ... ... ... - A...,.,.,, . ... ..... 6 .......... .· ............ •. •.. . ....... . . . . ......... . . ..... . . ............. ......... . · ~· . ... , ..... • •• "' ' - ~~ ; .... .. ,. ... ... , •••• ••• .... ... ~._ - ...... ~-· ... ~ -........... . ....... ............ . _ ...... . ..• ~. - -.. ~-· •. ,,_. . . . · . •'"":' .... ttll A foUl ........ ••• ..... ,. .... ..., .,... ....... .. ... .. ....... ... A :Po!DI. t.• A Rdllt 9 ... APOsat ·~· ...... ... ___ , a.u •• a... M·. · ••• •• • . ., . ....... A a... . . '"'- . 4.,... ...... •••••• • • •• •. ........ .'"'P . • .... ......... .. ..........,. -· •. , . ........................ . ....... .... ..w ... A ._.w,... ....-iMI-IF A POlat . . ' . . . ............ Jf • . ....... •. .,• ..... •• a. •• I 411' J.f:. s.e e• ......,..,..... ... . ....... L ..... 11 ... ... :& ........ ..... ...... .,... ........ •••• ·"""·-~ . ... ;U'...,.. .. . •. , ••. ... ....,. ..,..... ... . llf Y:M6il , '.4 1. 12 .... a•- v~v ....... .c,..~,mi£o. .a. -~ ., a. p..oU.D.·.a ,:.· .. ...,.. , ..._ 41ntt. • •• ml•• ~ ~. • . o f' - - ..... Afldl• a:..u. "---- ,.,,),. -- ....... ..... _ _ $; . ~-. .. c-.. •• a 4114 •~•'-' ·edt-. •till u.._ ;:.~r.:,•,=r.i· ............. flit --... .-. ,., a •• _.1M& A-&~ • . a. 11:. ..... B. c ... 'l • c..-........ b,i: •I'NOd. , ..,. ~ ;·)aa .tu. . ·..·. ·-ot- ~· - c\!Qow. .t . onr. a·. · *· aM..I A a44t1 •.• h•.i _* •ft'•.a•o t cta.•t .t Jl . ••- Ot:IMI' l · ~--~· oo•• o. a a- atw oc.k, Wltll auta. _. wt.tsa_.• . - -.., ~ thtt 4td4• . ..... cata_,.)M all\ IOiaatllaa c..-. ... willS etR~~ae a ot •• an .• A4.U.. a.-. ,,.., (&tt)fr ·.· . · . · t• .. . ••~ ltltft.aa -. -.. A&U.• · sat• !not (llf) ad.. •.~.a.t.~ .t.». 41Y.M41 c ·ta tt• ,.• ..._ 13 '·· '\' .: ... ... ... • N' .l· l:--l.' t'. ~ ·.· ... . .' •• ""'*' ..... ••• .&.k .. ...... . ...... . .... - .• •, ., • Jtdat. - ... ·-.............. ···~- ·· ••• • ·Pfdat. . ...... --.•. •• • •• • \_-I ....... •.• .. ..., •. .., •. . 1 . ,.,.. .·. -.. ' - , --· - ;· ....... ........ •-"· .......... .......... .-.~ ·--·_ ........ ........... I ••• .., ..... ··.- .· •.·~ .L.• r·..· • ..·. · ····' ".· .• .- - •••. · .. . .... . • •• a· · •· ·. '*"'• ••td*••ll• • edte Gill ....... alii •• 1 ........ --...... 111 .•."...... ..... . ........ _ . . .( . ' 15 ; .•, •••• ••• -. ·wa. BQ4•tliols«~ T.-oct (attl; . . ,....,., 1..,.ns tn.e g._, • t .h . ·• ¥b. ~ 'btlt' UlOO} a.~ ••• 1. OOJI:M• '• a~ l)l'Q-. 1;QJ acma1atn ou* WStl\. JM,Ika, blaMI · aM:tlbel u.a, Vt.lq ..,.. .. 1 fit t1to wa. ~ 'lftOt t . ) ll. &t--ot •• o.m•• e. ·a a• ~ Witll .a·~ etat .... on 6 J:Mlt ·~ of ae Ca~JIM ~._ b.lAMl •• •vt.tJ~A !J,., ce. Sr b~iftB •"·l'DWt'" a or 1ba v.. :Btrt ~· {&W)J H_.aa.L a~• 9', -. ·p14at'8l a-t4nt 'lith •t_._.. at • 1'611 hli.Oe CONl" be~ ~l'-leJt · ftl tlut at, ~ ~t (.flf~Q) i u,. ...... . COJ'lllr10, a ._JlA&W ~ •J.ti1111l.._ _ _ beaW•• ~­taM tl} · _tlAt nqe. bttDa ooaH • .. · a ~ ,.. !'me\ \lttlt . B'-• 1t._ L ~ U.• polslt at i:a'a•eo11QD1J1Q_-. ~Pot •• 4tYf.ISp. n-.,.,. -~~ C.~Mlll• aal WM OM c..a, •• • »ed• · ~Gtl.tO· 1~ til• .. 1lQJ4 ftaet UW9) -Gad w1tli a. tttviU • ·Jt -~ s ..... "• 17 •• .. '· '----"'' ... A ftlat ... .. N • ,. •• --~ a. .. •• -SA A Po !at ..... •, .., lf· a-ot •• ... 14 Q.-st •• A ? m. ... ..... .. A ~\ li.- ll41 •• ••• • ~ --- N • ... ... .. A POIJI. H .- 11·-· 2•K A i;llJlt s •. ... L ••• ' A ,. .. l.t., 1119 .. l.ft A. ,.,..._ If .. ..... ... L A ,.... ·-·-.... 1149 • A. .... . 17. .... .. . •• A, ,.. .... u• •• ·-· A Hfat ,...,,. .............. ___ .. ....., ... .... 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Pdat ll .. 99•16 ••• A Joliat e. ea-oa •• A PO !at s. 16t41 ... & ·-~ s. 134 ... ... ,~ s., .... ... IS}:t6ta* ~-=-;:.-=·~-..:!- .. ·l'Mk., --~il. t -~ . ~"• ltrww U. ...a 21 ) i . 0 '! ~'~ s ~ 'j . .... ~-...----~ ... ...__~~-'1.---- 'e...- a~ ota ~ .. ,..-t;-;-.,.. ot .,,..., I . 2-;;- ~ -... wltzl..-.·Q;tt~·W aetdh••• •••• ., ... , ...... lMI 'fo---, ...... , .. -·-· ~--- •t• - J'oba l*lt . 1ta s-. ••• Colt_. 16, a ;uoblt 1tle'N'· ·\M. ~ke& u.n. 1n\e»Mote tu wut u&JVS~ ~ ta• f~t.. ~\$l".U._ D·. f·l.. Bta4., MU.S ocra _. 1 or the z .. •· ~ actn !-not tiii•J • . ........ ' ....... -- -~ St. fl .... · ~x.v.ticl.a. ~• ·1-..l?t :. ...... --.~ ...... ~II, • --., ...... .•.~.t,w.. --~·..'fd . ~o-•..•t •- t·.·i· *i.i· -.a ._J·s . a.f.t4, .•. ... .• _..• It ho_~t ;t1._a." I•.· . v. JJeuiA· Taei (18), A a,.- ·•kM1ilmlt ,1_. D4!tl a.t.w.n. cot-. •· ... m ~A 1E! ~ JllO't..a4 · a••••>iliiillt: o~ ~ ~-· •'"""' ...-;~,lt. · :IR''IItllAJF .J . _ . n.w~t;1 w!tl_a _.,._11M 01 u.. .;_•. v, m oOIIr lfl:m ?rM• \all1k) ad t t• I .. v. lta.-ll t'ftt,t (utl ' ' Jl• .... ..__, oolllft· l of* I . V. llld•t faot (D) :er~·:e!J!£.~KP-=- .. u4.witb. tba 7=-~·~Ut ::ft tliJ1 ....... "' ••· . ...,.._ 22 ........ ...,... ... •• ..... -- - . .. . ... _--· -_ ..... _ .. · . .. ........ . ... ........ ~ •. ' ··· ,·._~- .. -........ · - · -- ~·· If · -...... .. ·- ·~·- •• 411116~ - . ...-~•· ........ ....... . ..... 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WOO!V ~ a. 41-tt •• 27 •• lt, B. *16- B. ~- "ot." _.,~ •_.·_1 •. a 1..\· 0· tnt u_. tu· .o eu_ t. ·e ~- rJt ·':'JJI;eft, M1M OGr.'lft" 8 -of the ~ --.-E'ar$GW · . . •· & L'tmWJ" co~ ta•t tae•) u4 1n a lh\tt .f.d· aa w.o. WC047 ~ot (212)) . . . , _~!ICG' ,~~ t4til lJate flt .. tlie Wll1tnl»-~ Pal»~~~ oo. 'i:,aot IM4) s,, $li•UI. c-.. as, a "ia-t at b11eftttt1oa ot· .,. U.e, :::-~ tie.:J.•Mtta~••• ~- en& ~ s. lttMtt' w. ::r:~:o~: n~~ ~1=·=-e;~ ~t;t.U••• ~- eo. bao' \&a1,), M a f" loo\d ton ·t.a a~ of' .a~nee ar-u.& s.w. Cd. a. · a B* .o ~n. ·.. .. ·: t1 bta* •• .., .tb_·d · I.Y:.,s~.w. -eo~ a, •• n. 1040 w., .ot ol».m fU~JtUt. s .. l.O. ..,. =C<>-mer 241 a eo• aptnUk oe1c on a ri4aa.. blaHct oa ~tt:~-=:;= ~; :~,~!:a,:-r.r.r s. s. .. u w. eo~·· •..• ~1bl,e ..... w1th 1)14 ~ bl.a&t4 ==~:r.~:·t;t; :-...:~ -~ =:'\:1-:l ... A ao• cbtatmat bltL~ Abll acrt• Iif•'f•1•C• ~.a, Cor. a, .._ lt* 10-oo a. .10 e:,.1a «•• 28 29 u.·••-•• •. ,. ...... ... •••••• ... ,~. ,. ............•..••..•..•.•. . ~ ...... , &I ....... ,..,. • ,... ' • ·tatt· ( •• ,. - ...... ""* z.c. ....... . .. s., .... ·=. ·&:.a .,-... ' -:.:. ..f. -;.:.t,r...,-._~._~. .••.a u...- . 1,0.1¥1 1&.1 1', . ~'IIIIII IJ, .-...-.-.......m ..e.. .~..- ..-.:.v.. ;.n.u" l ..,. .•.- ~«,t.V. ,...,.. ..,. ......... ...... ,.. . ...... .... ,. _,. • ­~-- y · -tlolo ~ 30 .· ' A .',t.,l',-v.. a._._. ... liM e64tJ.., tomR ee a M• --., Mk ltl&Ml .,. aua.& .,• ••, .., 6-oi.•• G · te!., _o·-_-.--. .._1 '_11. .o t Vt4Wh1 .... l~ i\ll.J & ~- ~. , •• , (081), A 1P -~l b'luti alAI aol'llW D •. 'f,,J".:.c .• t.a ~ ••• *-li..- ... u •. • so eha1a flat., ·. ~ - 1~~---- ..... 'f;t:_ -' Ml. 4l<if!o.iiliWi! .of •to.& !hi .... •-•. ·. . , s .......... 'tM'la A. ~--...._ 1114 . ~~ .... ., . . . . . . . . ._,. • ~·· ~. ~- ,~..._,, . ......... llt:S& C=_.f. r t_;M- .: I'• Itt! . =fl G • ~- o_ n· ..• 1f_·i4fl ._. t '·. 0 ·. at'Jibtl z.c. ::;-~ fi..Gf.•s~ 4* u"-' •s_·•.. .•a ta•J_ a1 t.l A.-!J·_.-: · .·tW~ __M d·.l ttl_l ,l.TwJ'•O. cor. a. ·e!a!a Atnaat 3~···· ·c~ •· • •· 1oc.t~ ~- • a •t• ~­ ·~ - ··_or-.. ftbJ.~Jan.- Pfll» & ._ _ ao, tftot , • .,. •· '"*' el".Sbea :r .c.~._. • A 1• «..._._t. _ --_ ~-_, ttin•l, 'blutl _- · MMbt!l a.~.;r •. a.c_.. *'•· . . .s_ •• I• .-M Ob&Ul .,.~ . o. f•U I• COIMt' ·~ ~ a:nt taa a top ot . llad . _, llblJIIII M~t: . the 4lTfM 'b _ ...._ Wtlla ot Uttl• GaUl.._ :!crtll)~ ·O-=~ :f'T'' ~~~~~ an4 -~. ·.· -. • . c~ ~• t_•·- -~- .- t --••.· ...._.-· ·... •.·. •·•.. __... ·, ., ta. lUI ...... lt7 a. aao~Mt --· c· -·-"·• to •• ..,. .,: _'f. ___.· - ,:... : .. . _, li'_u. .l...v & ~· -..•.. - . ~-· --·. ll<'f' b¥ = ... ·t«&·.· . -~~ .••. 1-·t t\ - ·. ~..,~ b tllt !!AJ\f..S ~ .... e.a.:SaMtA~vs., ~-~ ·J.llGaeo 111a· lin . ot tre 1a\ m.cthla· 04 . w. Q8 top ot h1S JOmt as * •aa ot SballtJ' ~l'l1lh 31 ·~~ --­.... •••••••• i ....... •••••• ...... ...... '-" =t!l+; &0:., .a~ ',.••_•. /1,· ~~ ===~= .. - ........... ===·"lJ!--- ·.ea.· - ..... w..... ... _ ~....iilllri:.· ~ ~ •••• ·. 32 .... •..•.. A ·~•_. .~.~,. .& .~ .... ~· u: ....... . •. , ......... ~. lt., :-oo-...-.-.-.. •.. H.u,.~,.. ·• . 33 .... tt. ., Ut-61 W. 1o1__ ...•• • JOb' on hP or Iat\IU ~tw, -~=- er,.•• WM.•~-. ftlp & .... ...,.,. -. . • t••' < .,m_ ca ·~- - ~ta4in1Staeeat tJ&e lta·• fll Lt. lht-.., ....... "'~-_..._ .. If~· -S.. 4&-ol •• 34 "-----/ ... . a ..... ~ ..... •• ... ...• •~..:­......, · ~-­.... ' .. : ... ~ ... . . ,...: ........ ... •.••. ........... ...... . . ....... .. . T...,.. •• ... .... .... •• .· ;t 35 . •••• • .... . ••• 1.. •• ... . ;- s.86-IIW. .... 36 .... •·. ~ .. _ .. . .. ~. · . '~ ~ .,:, . t· .. , .. _ ......... a. ·W~'f'"""'''ll'W. - ­:• • .. ••. . . .. 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A r-o:mt .... v• 3\I~V x • 2•11 A ?01nt s. 43-&, s. 1.t.e A. !cJ..Uf ·l't ' ,... ~. 40"4'1 •• s.1o A ~l:tt ,. • s. 3'1 .. '· A ~int s. 17-14 "· a.o A PObt s • 21 ... ... ••• A Potn.t .... ~ 25~ "• . •• A. l'dut. s. 37,...16 lit fj .•• A POJlt .• s. 46 ... ... t: .. fl. A ?o.Ult iii;~ ., ... 4.3. ... 4 POJat ~-" .... ... a. Bf'-41 •• A Pel:A' ,... s. 11« •• A Polal s. ·-~· •• a.ot A ~- s .. &-o:s w. l.aD A -'4f.'~ - . '. I s., ,.._ •• 1.01 . A ~- s. a-ce w. •• A ftittt ~ oo.- w. •• 1& A -- $. 1•11 s. L• A Po tat . s. ... • aM A ~ s~ , .. .... •• A Po !at s. M-10 •• 1 •• A POtat ~- ... ... •• .... •• •• $ , ..... . ·. -~ s. ~A.....aA . .......... 45 46 s .• ~ ·· · J;.ot A Pot;d ·a.u A. iOld ·t•• &. fttat · a.M A ilalat R* Mt40 &; ....... •• ~,, - ... • 'bt&U .Bi .. · . ........ a..w.. D, , .O.f .".J ".J.· · ~.&. c1U:e' r.o . --.. ~•. . t. llli\b. lt c. ._. ~· ~ad, 1.-tq 'taU ... s.a~• a.~~- • .. ' ~ ~ A& 4 ~- ... •· ·• · A l!.otat -.--~.~·-­47 •• •• •• , .• •• a._ ·ao-aa .. • •• a• ...w,J_~L_Jca, . ... ~- ""'''flrG -· 48 • ..... ~ . . ~-· a.- a~ a ~. s ~ .~_... Wr"Va L 49 it tlt'ft ....... . . • III'Q ............ ~ ,s ...... o..,._ e;...-1•1•., e •t_. ~~'. lS~' ra~t f~lt»-.= ~-,, -ot~_S•ba 1~f'. .. ··&.. ~••.- ~·--• 0·0•. ~ .• ..,, . . . "--. .,~----­iS • • , ... "· 50 51 , . J.. ·hd•oioioi!» • ~U&II- .$•25 A Poll'l$ C<t~ -46• th$ \op 1)1. ~M hiSb. JOUst at tq htld fit ·~P~fJ!•'f..· il~ ·.~lIat!b · .Mill$ dOI'Qitl l 4e ttf tiWI\.d··....­•• ~ fitu' (GM)I / Th~t\ fi')i ffl. '0~ 3W&'&SJl1JaJ...C' ~~tmt7 ltatt 4l•a t~ '"' ot tM lal.'IUl !tfMRt•ata tt a 1t4~· d ~~.•. ·-*. -~ ~-· 52 53 54 0.10 '" A l'ODI ' l ;;;,_._._ -A ·~=v..u:w 55 I .... c~~~M'l' 4.4,, tt JJt~ ~~tat on the triA-•• Al.YiAd • "~' ~rA .ltttl .~ ot ~ lo\t. cntk, ...l M1 ..1.". .i. . l- y.;:.· ~.· :· i. J ~. i' ~l.!!lllll- ~:t""'' :1". ~-.· ~. ·• ··.· " · ~~~ .... ~ ~- · · ,. Th~.Jo still. 1tlth Uttu1, ot' a. .&,~'- t~w. s ...... "· 56 s ••••• CoJ~W-.•~ •. ·. ··~e..• a •t_a .•t •t • on__ _th __ !• l.rt_~ - ot a. -••• PlDJl(J et fk'IU4 U.t _ GftMikt beltiB .... t ot the illl~• e-. ?Gl;p t. SWAb• ao. tiUt (G8:•); · . TlMmo6, Uf a QU ft4Se, ettu wta liMa ot • ·• o.bcnt momtceea aee& · a. fGC "• s ••••• co_. tt, a .•Mto . .- top ot ........... a1._L. · MlnS . _._ ... e.or * lht•.-~Pul..*A~e· · ·. , ;;;;·,.... . . , . . . . . ,. .. ... !la'lllDUOidhl .' at~•tlll•11fl U.s ot W altow •• s ..... , •• s. 141 •• ·conw •'• • .~· ·• ,.,., .• au •• ot Oldlt•kll 11t111t tb* MUd~ b~ Boa~~. lleWMD at StlliWU ...,.., ,.ll)g COBQJt t/ .·t ... ill.Ct ihl-.-ft--- PIJ.lp at --CGIIIJilbJ' "fNOt (.._lJ _ . ft.,.. • Chilt ... nwa- ••m 1!tttll u ... of tlllf a'iote ·a•ttoa.a ._.. s ...... s. §.~....· •'.· • .......... tl:•••• ••• ~-' beloW !~ Gap • ,. ChQ.t-* M'-• •«<lllY 6 of' _. \llll~J~MU I:UlJ a lamb• C~ YI'M'I (Ge-a); T~•• atlU •t,lllia.ea ~r b s~~t:~4~M s,. ,N-<W E. s ...... a. &l-oa •• ••'' ~~. st,• .!..!,..u.. •· .. .•.• _. .• ,b ,N.laheG..D .. _~_ ..·r .·S I .-!... •... . .»lbnl fp.b. r lr­,_._. Mp 14 nab81' eo.· ~1'80\ tl&•)a ..... , .uu ... lt•• of •• &.,.______ . s. 1t•1Y L ' ldl AI I P. .K" ~.l. ·.t' . . . . •... ' ·.c.•a .-.v... I ................ 1 .8_41,. •,• ., ........... .... ., -. ·bl-~- .,, .......... ·ftMt (fSI;•t; . . ........ .......... ·=·.· ..· ,. . •• '"' ;--;..;...n· ...... ;·... ..•... · ,4 ...... .. . Wll.l. . .... ..~ .. .. .. . .. .· .·• ,._.,.. _ Cff'-- ~,. ... s • ., ••• ..a... P' o. .. t.• . . . ' ' •.,- · .. -· ... l!olat • • •• - ¥ ••• •• ..w.;..,; . ••• .... S. .· .......... .....A .v •• . ~ . ..... ,.,.,.., •. •. -....·.·· Jf¥""WV •• 6ft ..........e .. .•..· . ..... .. ... ......' -· ~ ... s •.•. ~." ".'W..V. • • ••• A~t It· .A Pelat ' .. . ~-··.·_, ..... _ •·· ••• ll'"VU&. . _.· .. - ... .., a. &14t •• s. 61« ·•· ~·••· •· .·. ...·....~... '-' .,.._,., •.•.• Vfl.i1!iWilllo.ll.iA. 1. 1''ll"ll!'l-"'t ...... - ' ... '' .. ' ·. ' 11. Of_ ••. b .. Lrlal, ..... ·--. ·~--- Mt A. 7A11bR Go:• Tnot &M-.) 1 ....._.toa. ••••• • t11 tM cu,..-. billa -~ o.... - ' ....,._ ._.,... ot...,.. s ...... · I \..__/ ..... _.. "' c.)'~2 . };. n..d _. .a.,.., . ~' ·~· n as~ 'lli . ; _,. Uf'.......V ... lf. A~~._o.A.A .· ~· L .... . . .1 ••. ~40 •• ti ft6.......6A .. _) ,u• -,..""''!i:Y L 8•· ..A.A, I 31--~ A . ... . . . w.•~ ,.,~ •_•. .. 1. W..N.1, ;2.t2'J O• - A,.... .•..," ...,..... ~% .1 o"-"' .•.·,:. ... ... ' .-;;~ ••'"' V*¥"*"'':.i.i.i.l.!.:!.~ lfrt .• ...·~ .......- ....... ,. .,..,~......, •• v " • - ~n/ • • .......... -.·.· / . .... ;.r"J .• - A Polllt ...,., • v ... J.f-Z"f~ 4 - 11., ........ ...,.,, ..........,...;_. ·a·, . -llif l•d t81~ A~. 65 ••• y!!!l...c.l,l.f-t. ... .-.-.·.-.­. . ' , .... ••••• •• 1tA..iii!SA • ....,......, .. ........ .•..•- .. .fit.-- ....•.. ..·. . ...· .. · a·.· ·-·C'-· ..... cr-. ~'1.:•-.,.~;m :• .... t:sz,'l! .. ..,..., la?ltfJ • ue·t ·••:neee ·tit •·•·•· t· 68 .·~.... ...... .. · . ~·~-- .~. -.. 69 :.~- ~: <.; ~ j . .. .. _ ,. , ~ ' . . .- -.,. ... ..: ·.. , · -.. \ . , ·!· ,r i .. ~ •' ... ,. .,. . ....' ~ ~ ~: '' :. -- • ·. W'bJJhfaih . . . . l . · .. · t ~ u ogr it~t :i.J.Jmiuilr a "~t ·."' . . ·< ,,. -~~--?:·· ~! ... · ,.. ' '•F ... - ~ jf /= ·•-;.: , . . '· •, I --;.. ··~. .. : .. . ;,, "i~- i.· ;. ;" ~ I . ANALYSIS OF TITLE TRACT NO. 200 SUNOREST LUMBER COMPANY. z,a.,EJ53• 53 AOBEB• 1. This lies entirely within the boun4.ry linea or state Grant 852, i•IJlled to John Gray Blount on ~ November 29 1 1'196. It WillJwt neoease.ry, however, to consider the t1 tle to th4tae l~Utda in two aeo1;1ona. ll'1r•t, a paroel, said to oantaitl 8407 acres, lpng west ot the Balaam ¥ounta1na and in swain county. Second, the remain• ing portion, ot the t:raot, or about 24,446.53 ao:rea, in Raywood county, and in the drainage area of Oatalooohee Creek. 2. The 8407 acre parcel in swain County, was con- ' - veyed to the stmo~at Lum.ber Company by the Wh1• Pulp & Lumber co. in a deed blaring date, !laroh 29 1 1926-. see pas• / o G or this abatraat. .Tb;ts tract· 1s a , ~ part ot what 1s known as the Qualla Boundary. formerly belonging to the Eastern Band ot Cherokee Indiana. 'l'he title down to the deed mentioned above hes been :tully ••' out in the analysis or title to eaid Wbitmer-Parsona Pulp • Lumber co, tract No. 68-a. The same will not be rep••tt4 here, but may be seen by reterenoe to Book a pages 841 'o 962. It should be note.cs, however, that only su.oh c11aoua· siona in this reference, e.a relate to Crant 852 ned be. conaideretl. other grants mentioned ia the analyaia reterred to as atreoting portions or the QUe.lla BounQr7, do not atteot the land$ now being oonside~ed. 3. Prior to the execution ot the deed mentioned in the previoue paragraph, the Ylh1 tmer-Pal'&ons. Pulp & twnber d'o. 70 , .. had executed aeveral deeds ot trust, covering all ot their landa. 'l'heae deeds ot trust are tullJ aet o~t •n Book o, p,ar. 64 on pase 859 to paragraph '12 page 981. Th:ree aeveJtal release deeda appe~ on the records ot swain County, 1end1Jll to release the lends, sought to be conv•yed, t"rom the pro­Visions of the said 4eeds ot trust, 4. on APril 2, 1916, the Guarantee TrUst ao. ot New York txeouted a release deed to Wh1""Paraona l'ulp & Lumber Co. , "o o these lan4•. Mention is made of the Deed or Trust and its proVision for releaee ot mortgaged or pledged property. Description is by :reference to the 4eed or paragraph 2 e:boTe. Number or ao.res. amount ot timber, and oorclwood ere recited. statement is made that Wh1tm•r- 71 Parsona Pulp & twnber OQ,. had oomplied with ell terma n•oeaaaJ7, . ~ I and were entitled ~o eaid release. see page )/1 ot .this abstraot. 5. On April 4, 1926, Chatham Phoenix Na.tional Bank &. T'l'Uat co, executed a t"eleaae deed to Wh~tmer-Parsone Pulp • ~ Lumber co., ooTering the lands under disoussioa. 'l'he original deed of trust is reoi ted, retert1ng to the uae and :release or the pledged prope~ty. De•orip .. ton 1a b.J r•:t'erenoe to the deed or paragraph 2 above. Numbexo ot acres, amount ot timber and oordwood, and ooaaicleration are also reo1te4. · 1rhi tmer•Pe.raonJ 'Pulp & twnbtr Co. ha4 statement is made that l eoapl1ed with all necessary terms and were entitled to M14 · release.. See page /,/~ or )his abatraot. ".. , ..,~,. . e. on April 12. 1926, The Oirard Trust oo. aJd wm.F t ~ ~ester executed a release deed ~o the Wh1 tmer-ParAons Pulp • Lumber co. ror thfl M0'1 e.ore traot under discussion. The original deed or trust and a'tlpplimental deed or trust are , ·,,j reo11ed .. The BlllO\lnt of the consideration, the pronaiona for release are also set out. statement is made that aa14 whi tmer-Pa:rsona Pulp & Lumber co. had complied W1 th all Ae• oeesary 'te7!1la are were en t1 tled to the release. · /(J o:r this abatre.ot,. See page 'h we will now oonalde:r the remaining portion or tract 200, ell or whioh lies w1 thin Haywood County . and in the drainage area of Cataloochee creek. T1 tle to this poJ-tioJJ. also is set out in tull in the anal7eia or title to 1raot 68-a. This t1 tle differs t'rom t hat or the e•o'. acs-e trao'i il'i that the oomplioations arising b7 reason or the W1ll18lll J'ohnson 1\ld~nta, the ·~ . R, Thomas claims, and various law suits relat1 ve to the rights and inte:reata ot tllt .Eastern Band or Cherokee Indiana do not arfeot these lanta. on the other hend the t1-.le remained in taot in the tofte, 111\4 4eaoended and bee~ vested in r. •• D., Gilaer 1 as T'l"Uat•• aat Admin1•trator tor the said Loves. All -.het~e me. tter.a haft been set out as shown in Book&* paragraph 4, page Ml to­paragraph 14 page B.t.5. see also pal"agraphe 0~ and 3i 1a said book, beginning at pag~ Eltil, e, Arter R. D. 01l.mer was appointed and became out in the above paras:raph he p;rooee4ed to •ell and dispoae or large bodies or the tove Speculation Lands. The t1rn ins'tirument appearing on the reeord td'feo,tng the aataloQ4hM bounda1'7 1 as suoh, 18 an opt1 on or o Onl:tf:tot to ••11 1"1'011 said R.. D11 CUlmer. T1"Us,ee and Adm1n11trator to one ~- . c. Sm11h. Deeor1ption in this contract 1s by natural objeo•• and 1noludta the Oatalooohe, Big Creek an4 White Oak bounlal'y. 72 rails to par a certain sum at a speoiried time 1 t "shaU be hel4 to be abaolutely null and vo14 as 1t the same had not been •xeouted." EVidently these Pl"OVi sions were not lived up w end the instrument became vo14 as prov•ted. Th1t oontraot bears date Ma7 10, 189~, and is recorded 1Jl Haywood county. see page 11 7 or this abstract • g .. .A littleoYer a year later, that is to ear August ~. 1B9t, atter the above mentlonttl e>ontraot had btooae votd, R~ n. Gilmer, as 1TUitee, •xeeuted an op,1on ooter1ng th& Catalooohee, Big Creek and White Oak boundary to w~ M~~,. Cooke. Manti ott is made or a survey and plat haVing been made, the sam ehowing an ••timated area or 54,'17& aorea. Exp1rat1ou date 1s named 1n the op~ion and provision r~~ 1~• extension, by paJilent ot certain auma ot money, is made. see pae;e r I !{ . ot thie abatraot. 10. on september 5th, 1894., R. D. Gilmer as 71'tla,ee and AdJnin~a'Cr&tor ror the Love~,olfller ot tba toye Sp•oul•t1oa Land•, made rurthel" agreements w1 th ·v;. M, Cooke atrecntng the Catalooobee, Big dreek and white Oak boun4ary. The option ot the prenoua paragraph was ratified a.nd extended and proviaion made for rurthe:r txtension or time. This 881" .. - ment 1s recorded in Ha11food county. see page 1 t tJ or th1s abstract. ll. It seams that w, M, Cooke ao~d whatel'er 1nt•.n•t he had in the lands mentioned in the above peregrsph to J, B.BCLrt and wm. J, Cocke, Jr. There appears on :reool!d, bearing date ootober 2, 1895, an 1natruD~ent or writing 1n wh1oh the said w. th. Cocke acknowledges reoeipt or tl.e,ooo.oo rrom. T, B. RQt e.n4 wm. J. Cooke, .Jr., and agreea to oortqJ the lands in queati on to them. or assigns tUI ther may 73 ,. see page _[""""'""b-'""'/ _ or this abatraot. 12.. on z. 1891 1 wa. 1. cooke, ( J':rL by ag~eemen1 1 tonveyed hia 1n~e:rest 1Jl the Oatalooetheet Big creek and White oak \)oun4el'y to :r. B. n•~t. !'hia in,ereat •• veated 1a w. :r •· QGoke, Jr. by virtue of oont:ruot mnttoaed in the p:rev1oue pal'agraph. said "~ ~ :r. oooke aa a oona14era-tion 1n thie esre~ment l'eCe1Yed oertaia monies and Ut'ttr••• 1n ~ands in the S1ate or Tennessee conveyed to him by the said Hart. ot the cont:raot ot paragraph ll above. '!'his instrument is ot record in Baywooel County. See page 1 t ~ ot thia abetraot. 13 • App ee.ring oa the :reool"ds 1 s an a~em•n t aoq wm • . M. Cooke, J. B. Ha7:t and w. :. eooke. '!his inat~nt Mentioa 1• made or the tact that J. B~ Rart had purchased a oae-rourth inte:reat in. the lands in question. and had 8olcl the .-e to one :r ~. ;;r,. Holli'lll)'· .u"'tiole or agreement setting out 'the partn•rah1p relatione or nUl Hart and. trolliway as ownel"a or oerta1n rights and interest are aet out. ot this abstraot. See pap 1£. f 14. on the aarne date ao the above agreement 1,. :e. Hut and 1• :;. Holli•:r entered into an a@l'eaeat, rat:lryins all previous eontnots and asreements atfptlq these lan«•, an<t. set out the relative interests and obliga-tions ot each. This agreement 1s or record in Haywood County. see pagt I k & ot thie abstract.. 74 signed by w • A~ .. Rote, .Tudge PresS.41ng; TWeltth lu41o1a 1 D1atr1ot. This order t'eoitea R. n .. Gilmo1'• autho:r1t7 to sell, h1a oontraol or option with. w. M. cooke anti the var1oua agreements montione4 above that tend to vest euoh :righta ucl interest in the oatalooohee, Eli a c:reek and Wh1 teoak boUDlarJ al had passed !)y :reaeon. or th~trexeout!oa.. Menti.on ia alao me,de Pl&US. o:t e. oontrol'ersy relative to the amount to be paid tor these lands. This was eettled by consen't of the attorneys lrep:resent1ng all parties interested. Thia order is or record in Haywood countY• see page 1 •t . ~ ot th1a e.batraot. 16, On the next day, March 30, 1698, 1. B. Ha.rt, b.y an order of assignment, direeted R. n .. Gilmer, as Tnatee and Jt.dJDin1stntoJ' ror the Love Heirs, to •xecute a deed to th• North Carol ina Land &. Lumber Company, the pu~ohaae moneJ haYing been paid by aa14 .r .• B. Hart and .r .• J'. Holl1'11aJ 1 tOJ-aa14 Oom.p~any. '!'his instrument is or :-eco:rd in Hanoo4 Oounty. See page /. ..:3 J •. tt ~his abatrut. 17, On March al. 1899 and in accordance with the order ot assigmnent aboT"e and the various oon-trao'C.s and age•tnents lOI!lding up to 1 t. R. D. G1lmel', TrUstee end At!miniatJ.-ator tor the tove He1re executed ·a d•e4 fQ.f the OatalooOhee, B1al·:ze7Mk and White Oak boun4ary to "h• Bol'th OtU*OUna tan4 & LWilbes- Company, a oo~o .. at1oa cs:reated by and u,n4er the proviaicme or an .Aei ot the Legislature or the · The dosoxoiption is by meteJte anct aores. I ------- com:reyed. 1310 aona, leaving a net aor.age or M,8'16 aores, All these exceptions that 11e w1,h1tt the put area have beea aequi:rtclor are in 1.11$ pr~eas or aoquie1t1on. title to which will be treated beyond 1n this•1•, or in the analysis or t .1 tle to other traQts that have been oonTeJ"t4 hom the bounda;n described in the deed of this pe»apaph. This deed i .e recorded in HayWOod county. see page 1 :.> ~ to page t.£,? ot th1 s abstl"S.ot. 18. In order to diVest any possible l"ight t1 tle or in the Oateloooh••• Big Oreelt and Whiteoak b0\U14an' o~ land that may have passed to w.. :r .. Oooke an.4 w. ~~~ Coote, zr. by reason of exec uti on or anr and all opt1 ona, o-ont•ota and asr-oeme-nts between the ea1d w. 1. cooke and w. M. Cooke• JJJ. and J. B• H8l't and ;r. ;r. Holllny in eonneotioa with 'h• bounctary of Pid t:raot cf land. u t ·lUJther 4ee4 was exeoa1ie4 on March 31st, 1898, and rile4 tor l"eoord April 6• 1898, hom w. :r. cooke as adminiltrato1" ot w. M. cooke,. 1r., d.e­•• M4, and w. 1. cooke 1nd1Vidl1illy, in taYor ot the Jorth Carolina Land & tumbe:r Ocnn.panr. t .hi$ abatraot •. on Mat ltt, ~9tl. the North carolina tan4 ~ LU11ber OompanJ executed a mortgage OJ' 4ee4 ot truat:::'to the s'ate frust Comp«nJ•. a corporatioa onated and exlatlng under the or the State o t New York. covering the lands 4eaol"1b•d in the' deed ot paragraph lf above. was executed to eeoure the payment or oertain oblip­t. lons evidenced by bonds ot even date 'J11ih ~his in1trument, . ! · ·1 ;}r - release ot the prope"7 upon the payment or the aa14 obllsa"" tione. '11lis mo:rttgage is or :record in Haywood county. Stt:l page 1 b 1-_ ot this alu•t:rao:c, ao. ' appears on the reoord a rel•••• 4te4. bearing date J'anual"J t>t 1002, the MOl"ton Trust O.ompaq 1a . tavor of the North Carollna Land &:. tumb•r Ooapany. The mortgage lllentioned in the p:renous paragxoaph 14 reo1 ted. statement is made that the state Trust Oompanr had ohu-4 see page 1, G ;;;_ ot thia abatraot. !1. on J'anual"J 30 ,. 1902, the Morton TrUet 00ilJ8D7 exeauted another release deed in ravor or the Nor'h. cuo-lina Land &: Lumber Company. This instrument alS') :reo1 t•• the mortgage of paragraph 20 above. statement ta m~de that full pa7JUnt and ~JBtis:raot1on or 1rwo hundred mor:~gap bon<ls or the denomination or one 'Ohousand dollars •aoh, bearing da1;.e l4ay lat, l.898, had been. paid and oane.ell~d. This instrument is recorded in Haywood county. see page ~ ot this abet,aot. 22. It aeQDla that the North Carolina Lan4 & tuabtJ> OompanJ never · undJrtook t .o opel"ete or dev•l•P ·1 te prope,_,- in North Carolina. but t'WlOt1one4 me:rtlY ae a holding aa-no7. on J'e..nua:ey 10, 1902 • 'the a:a1d worth oarolina Land l. LWilbeJ' company entel"eel into a o~traot with the aatalooohee coapu,­• xJIIItJI asreeii:lg to ••11 Qertatn timber on the lu4a con­veyed to the srantor by R. D. Gilaeto• n-uatee end A:bin1a-trator. paid in thirteen annual 1netallmenta. 'llli• oontrao t ie made su'bject to a timber d•ed or even date to the ttub. 'l'ailning Company tor lOO., 000 co~4• or 2240 pounds Mob · et 77 / Httml.oolc and Oh•atatt' oat tanbal' growing upon tht8e land a, Both the•• iaatrumen ta &l"e recorded in Bapoot aountyt see pages /.&' and. Lt. 7 ot tbia ebatraot. 23. It seeDtS 'that, under the provisions o't the oontraot znentioned in the aboYe p8!'8graph • the Oatalooob.te oompanr entered upon the•elanct•, installed maohinen1 bu11' n1lroads and undertook to • lumber o.n a large aoale at Oreatmont• near the mouth or Big QJ~eelt. EVidently the operation undertaken by the said catalooohee ocnnpany on these lands under the oont:re.ot mentioned in peragr&f>h aboTe proYed a railure. Appearing on the :reoor4a ot Ha11foo4 county ~~ a t1na1 deoree !! roreoolav!, signed b7 1. c. Pn tohar4, J'U:dgt Preaiding, 1n 11h16 1 t 11 o;r!ered, adjUdged and deoree4, that the aerenda.nt, 'lhe Cata.­loo. Qh•• Oompanf, do ~- henoerort stand absolutely deterred and to~eoloaed ot ancl fran all right t1tl•,1nte~es1, eata~e and tquit)' or redemption of, ln and to the lands and. pJ'ai .. • deaor1b•d the!"ein.. Inoluded in the 4eacript1on 1• the cata1ooohe, B1s Creek an<l white oak bouncta.r7 and oe~tau other 78 landa aoqu1s-ed by the Oataloooh .. Oompanr. see p-se . 16 ~Jp 1 ?D or this al)atraot, 14. Next to be cor.us14ered 1a an agreement 4a'e March 1.,, 3.906, bet.oween the Nonh carolina tu4 & tube company an4 the unata Tanning COlllpany in whioh is n\ out oee1ain o-.11aat1ona exiet1ng between the two pa~ttea lf reason or the execution or tJ.le timbel" Cited or p•re.sraJh 13, above-,· ana bJ ret&aon or the default &J)cl foreclosure ot the oatalooohee Companr. Thia agreement is ot record 1D Haywood County, see page t2/ . ot ~hie ebatraot. 85. On even date w1 th the instrument melltionect la the pre'Yioua paragraph, the Unaka Tannins Companf, exeoutt4 11a ••e4 to the )lorth OaJ'911na tan4 & Lumber Compuy tor eo muoh •• l"tmained unout and unsold or the tanbark aoqu1M4 by J'eason ot the execution or the timbe%' deed ot p•racraph 11. abaft. · 'l'b1a clte4 is x-eoorded in Haywood Cotmty. see pase 171, ot th1~ ubatnot .• ' ao. A re• months late, May 19, 1905, the unaka !'ann1ng CO.Ptlll7 ae!tnowl.e~e reeeipt ot the sum ot t80,000e00 troll the llorth Carolina Land & Lulnber Company which f'ullT oatiatied all terms and asr•ementa existing between the two pUtiea, and declared the same oanoellt4 and at · e.n eld. T~.a ~e.oeipt ia recorded in a.rwood county. see page~ ot 'th1a abatl"aO'i. The laet three mentioned inst:umen ,_, together with the court order sn4 deore~ or paragraph 2:5 a'bOte, opel'atea to .extin.~1sh all olaims ot right title as interest in the l.ands conveyed b7 n. D .. Ollmel', Truet" an4 Autniatrato~. to th$ Not"th Carolina Land &: Lumber CompuJ in, so tar as the oatalooehee ooapanr,. an4 the Unaka !a.Dnill8 Company are ooue:rned, a,, on Uaroh 10, 1901il whioh wat prioxo to ~he extOU11on of the th:"ee last named 1n$tt"Umentet, Mthell tht Unaka !unlng. CompailJ and the NQcr~h Carolina & tumbel' Company executed 1 ta d9ed foJ,- the bouncSarJ ot lanfl in queatio)'l to the Pigeon 111 Yt:r LUDlber CQmpa nJ, a co:po:ra t ioa 4ul1 1n­eo: rpo:rated, organ1~ed and ctxitfting under tlu~ 1e.1ra of the statt or 'fenne.esee. '.t'hia is a tull wanentr d•ed, and oarrite the uaual ooYtnanta. 'l'h• sa14 thne instrument~ were probablr •x•outed to protect t .he warf&nt1ts dte!' tull •«Juatmen' ot the elaillls t~etweel1 lhe partie• hat bee ma_4e. Reo1 tal 11 79 ~4e or the ta_ot that 'the taid No:rth Carolina Lan4 & Lube company ha4 been eu1Shor1J•d by tbe s. ;rd ot Direoto:ra to 11ake auoh sale and that 'the •e.m.e llad been duly approve« an4 ;ra1S1t1td by the stookholde~e of the aa1d company. Detor1p11oa contained in this deed is the sue aa that in the o1a.r &eect to the NOl'th Oerolina land & Lumber company, giVing the aaM exceptions in so re.:r as the catalooohee beain or t:reot 100 11 oonoern•d· This deed is ot 7•0ord in Haywood oounty. -,_o/ see page !.lfj;tp . ot this abatract. 28. On Maroh 15., 1900, the North Carolina tand • LUJnber OompanJ executed 1 ta deeCl t .o the Pigeon lli Ter LUDlber Oompanr tor "SO muoh a• remains unout or the 100,000 ton• ot Hemlook and Ohestnut oak tan bark, t.bat had been oonveye4 to the Unaka Tanning CO!rlpany. This deed is ot reoorct in Ha)'1rood County. Ste page ~P & ot t his al.tatrt1ot. 29. lietre should be mentioned a. deed of trust, oearil!l! date Maroh 1, 1906, exeouted by the Pigeon R1Yer Lumber oo. to the Intera~ate TrUst & CoJilpanJ conve)'ing all 1 ta Its purpose was to aeou:n an obligation ot 15t>0 1ooo.oo ev14enoed bJ oerta1l'l. bonde to be redeemed in thil'teen annlltll install.Jnents. Provision is made for the retirement or these bonds under otrtain condit1ott,a numed in the aeet .of truat • This deed ot truat 1a reeorded in Haywood County .. see page ,1 !) .::5· ot t 111• ab•trao1h ao. There also appears on the record Cl Sl:ippltPlta1-" aeed or ll"Uil, bearing date 1une 9, l906t executed by Piaeoa River Lwnber company 'So the Interstate Trust & Baank1na oo. This 1nst~ent :reci tea and :ret1r1ea the dted ot trust men-tioXLed in the preYious paragraph. •f.he purpose ot ita •xeoution wae to bring oe:rtatn other lands.. later aocnlln4 80 the original dee(t or trus-t set out in paragraph $9" Tht lands deaortbeo., howeVtlf, do not torm a part of· tJ"aotiOO, now under <'liaoussion, but 1s note4 b:e~t ·aa a m~r~ttr ot ooa• Ten1euoe :relative to other ti tlea to be abetrao,ed. Thta suppl811'1ental deea ot trust ie J'tOor4t4 in Ra1'f0o4 eountr. See page 1.1 j: o't th1 s a batraot, a1. Both the original 4ee4 or trust ~r parasraph .. and the supplemental deed of truat or parapeph &O were 4uly oanoelled and 41 eohe.rsed by the execution or a relt•a• dte4 by the Interstate Trust & Ba:nkillg CODlP*%17 to the P1gtOI1 River Lumb' er Company. Mention ia made of the taot thai all provieiona or the deed ot att.Cl the aupplemental 4ee4 ot trust retla t 1 ve to the reti reman t or the boncla had e1 ther ·been J:"tdeeliled and paid, or that sutr1o1ent f unds :ror euoh redemption and payment had been depoaittd with the trua,ee1 and 'that the things required by the sa1 d m.or.,gage an.d 4e•4 ot t~st to be done and pe:rol'med by the aaid P1se•n R1Te:r Lumber company have been done and peJtto:rmed in aoeordanoe with the Uel"Dl8 ot the said mortgage and deecl of 'Crust $11.4 suppltrnen1al mor1gage an(l dee<t of trust~ 4ee4 or release bears date, OOtoJ>•r V, 1911 ~ WbiOh RS St'iferal JllOD1he atter- t .ru, Pigeon RiTer Lumber OQmpanr had eon'feyed *h• leaq It is set ou. t here aa a ma tteJ-see pAge ):_~ t; or this sbatraot. 31. Htr.e 1 perhaps should be Mt out a deed execut•d by M, E. H1lllard to the Pigeon R1T•:t- LUJ!J:ber Company tQr lOO aoree or land. the same being Ex• 66 1n the 4eel rroa R. D. G1lller, TrUstee and A.4JD1ntlt:rator to the Worth Oarollaa Land & twnber Oompe.ny. 81 . ,J analyaia Of 'title to traO' 32?t EAft4 ~aterenot 1& he,tbf ._/ made to Book ~,t,.. p&.. -, /· :!:.,.. ~1, /- ''./f ·-- p. a-ge···,.. ... ti6l;;.. .. ~ ,~e: ·-- ,...2 Jro par•• graph ,f . paSf> ~_;; j tor a rtill tree.tuse of th1t ma1rter. 1'· is suff'1c1ent he:re to say that the aunoreat LUlJlber Companr. auceeaaor 111 ~1tle ot theae lands to the )'18eon River Lumber Oompatly, retatne4 .OJ)J.f ~/'12 ot EX. 66. whiob, qa pertitioned ani aet ott to 'luun. 4_.t.t~- ~~~ ;t 0 ~ - 33. J.ppeanns on the r•eords e>t Hatwood County i 11 a pet1· ' i.s made that oeJ'taia tn.'01'e1 diser~anc1es and u.b1gu1 tioa in mattQ'a :l"ela.tlng to the desor1ptiot'l ot tha bounda;ry ot la.tu1 ooaveyed by R. D.. (}1lmel", as 'l'r\tatee and A4min1&t:rator to .the North carolina Land &. Lumber Company, to •h1Qh the ee.14 Piseon RiTer tumbor Company ha4 suocee4.e4 i,n titlf!. Prayer was made tor an OJ'der rat1tying e. new c\eei that should be macte correctly dl$ the lands purported to haTe 'betll see page 2= () 1 or thi e abstract. y . to investigate the matter anct thins• aet torth 1• above pe,1• t1on; and af'ter ATe~y ha4 eubm1tted a ;report, !4\m%'4 B• Ol1ne, J'udge holding courts ot the 16th J'u41o1al M.striot, siptd an o:rde:r,41:reot1ng vi.). Rll1'llah, mo had 811eoedM R. D. Gil.m4tr, as Truatee and A4miniatl"a to-r f()r the toTe ll•ll'11 to exeoute a q111 t olata deed in tee simple, oonTeying t.l th• aa14 Ptc-oa. liter Luraber oompQy all tho ri ght, titl• and interest whatsoever ot the Love Eatate in ana to the $&14 54;$76 aorea of land, more or lees, aa pe:r cor;reote4 calla u4 deaor1pt1on ot said land set out in the cteed attaohe4. This order is at record in Haywood county. see page J.../ I ot thia abatlfaot. 82 85. In oomplianoe with the aboTe or4er, w. :r. HaiUlah aa Acbliniatra'tor and 'lTUetee, tor the Love Eeta1e exeoute41 on Fe"ruary 131 1911, a qui' olaia deed to the Piseon Rl'Yer Lumber CornpemJ tor the Oatalooohee, .B18 Creek and White Oak boundar7. Description 1a ma1nl.7 1>7 natum objeota 1nateat ot b7 metea and boun4a u in the Gilmer deed~ The • ._ 111 exoept$ona are note«, and the sue eat1mate4 aorta ta 11.,..• Th1a deed 1a reoor4e4 in Ba)'11'ood count7. see page ;2., / ~ ot thie a'batrao". 36. on March 831 1911; the Pigeon RiTer Lumber oo. executed ita deed to the 0~1on Lumber Company tor the Oatalooohee, · B1s ox-etk an4 White Oak boun4at7 ot lad, !he general dea.or1pt1on u g1 ven in th1s. 4ee4 1a the a.- aa the Hannah Quit Olallll bed eet out· in the pl'eYioua parapaph.. Certain ot the e~ept1ona 1 . however; are ~••erred ana are oonvered by th1a 4ee4. Only exception 66, • w~oh ha4, aeem1ns17 • bee.n aoqu1re4 unde;r a deed tro:m M. E. Bill1ar4, need be oon814e~ecl here. All the other exempted except! oaa lie outside the bound• ot traot 200, 'l'h1a deed was su'bje•t to the deed ot truet, aet out in parasraph n aboYe, the said OhallP1on tumbe:r Company assuming all obligaU. on• eX1atin1 by reason of 1 ta execution. Aa s•t out in paJ"at;rf.lph 31 above • this 4eed ot trust •• aatiat1e4 aa4 oanoelled a few montbe later. fhiapdeed is ot record in 1P 1- "f. . . Haywood county. see page UV',, ot thte abltraot. I 37. on APr11 1, 19111 the Champion tumbeJ- coapaa,., a corporation organized and under ~ct 'b7 nrtue ot the lawe or the state ot Delaware, executed a 4e•d ot tnat to the Pro'f1dent Lite ~ Tnst Oompany ot Phtladelpbta, eat 83 J'olm war, ot Philadelphia, Pa. for aU the la.zuta acquired b7 the a-.4 ae'b out 1~ puagraph ~~ •bove. Other lanAI ue 1ne1u4tt4 but <lo not torm a part ot traot 200. Thie 4t.e4 or trust ••• exeout,d to ••ou:re the pa11Jlt:at at a oertai.D boa4 1aaue not to exo•ea,ooo.oo. Po•:r aa4 au, 1a oont•rred upon the trustee.• there1n, 1A o•s• or dtfault in paJD.ea t ot aar ot the ol>lS.s•t1on, to enter upon the mortsapd property, t.ake poaaeaain, eell, administer or othem• dispose ot it in acoor4e.nce with These prov1a1as, were set out 1n full in stTeral art1tlea that have been oopied in this abatX"&ot and Jna1 be see;n. e.t page . ~ 1t1 anA tollowtag. 38. on Maroh 24th• 1913, Champion Lumber companr executed IUld delivered to the Frev14ent L1te & Trust ooapany ot Philadelphia, and John way, Trustees, a certain eupplemenial mo.-tgase or deed in trust. This 1nst:rument was exeoute4 tor the p\U"pose ot bl'1nging oer'tain othe;r pfopertiea la,etf aoquired by the eaid Champion Lumber OQliJ.pany under th• pl"o­V1a1o: na ot th. deed ot trust •• , out in paragl"&pb. • ., a't)oye. It ratifies an4 ocm.tirma the pr<>viaiona ot the or181D•l deed ot tru1t. The eddi tional lands • howeve:r • 4eaon bed th«Wein do not toJln a part or Tract No. zoo. Th1a inat~nt is ot reoord in Haywood County. see page J-$"/JL ot this abtt:rao-., $9. E•idently the ope;ations or the said Onamplon Lwnber Companr also proved a tailure. It seema th•t ..... time prior to August, 1918,. that the said lumber oo,mpaay had been declared a bankrupt, and that J'OJD.ea Ch Oampbell ha4 'beea appointee. trustee 1n said bankru:pioy prooeedirca, aa4 that one Phil. c. cooke had hea appo1ntt4 special M~u•te:r 1a a :suit brought by the J?rov14en't Ltte & 'l'l"ust oompany $p1nat siped on the aeove Jl'lQt1one4 da'le by ROll• .Tames E. Boyd, Un!.ted States J"Ud@le, re,ci tea that tlte sa14 Ohamp19a Lum'be:r Coa­pany hfl\.\ def1lulte4 oa certain of ita pe.JD!.en'lta, and thet the said rrueateee had declared the en,1re 1n4tl'trtettneas due aa4 P&T$ble, u4 to that end ordered that the propeJtty be a4Y.,­t1M ·d according to law 8!14 aolct. or otherwise d1spo• 4 ot to the best intel"ests or the sata T:ru.etees. complete copy ot said deo:ree has been made in this abstract and may be seen 'bJ reference to pages 2. s-2--to 2.2 t::: ot this :abstraot. 40. In order to carry out the orders of .tu«ge J"a•• E. Boy4 contained in the deo.ree of foreclostU'e set out in pre-vious paragraph Henry :a, stevens and A. B. Kimball were appointed as commissioners to make eale ot the•ts and effects ot the Champion I.umb~r Compeny described in the abo'fe In. the report ot tl:le aa14 Oommiesio•rs, n. B. stev$na and A. B. K11UbaU, it is set out that they h~ul tullJ oompl.ted with the deoree ·.Qt to:reoloaure en4 with tn• laws gol' such mattera., and that a aale ot· the •atd property had been h•ld on Jton4ay, eepteaber 1374, 191$, in t:ront ot the aourthouee door in the town ot • .,. .... Ville, ocuntr ot ••••••• !aJWoot,. at wh1oh 1Jtme ua plaoe the. suntreat Lwa'bct:r ca,any, a oorpoJat1oa duly oreate4, orsan1zt4 and ext&ting under the laws ot the state ot Del.&• ware,being last and best b144e1' beoa111e the puro.haael.' ot aaid p:ropert111 aaseta and ett•etaJ, at and tot: the pr1oe ot tl.,ooo,ooo.oo, spbJ.eot to all the teru, provisions an4 _, oon41 tiona of the said cleoree of toteoloaure. sa14 l'epo~t ot H. B. S'l;evena and A. B. K11lball has been oop1ed in •111• abat:raot Md :may be see a by :refereno• to pages 2 2,f to a= _y..,_.. • 41. It appears t~t prior to the exp1:rat1oa ot the period ot ten days allowt4 .sttw the above ment1one4 •1• that the Obamp1on Fibrct company, a conore;tion duly eXiatlas ant organized w:u\e:r the state of Oh1ot tiled 1a writing u advance bid ot ten per cent over the bid made b7 the atore• said plU'ohaeer at pttbl1o $ale on September az. 19181 bJ the sunereat Lumber Company • and dUly OOJnP11e.4 with the ,.,.. ot the said deoree ot to:otQloau:re by depoe1ting oertain atlmll ot money as r•qu.ired.. Howev•r • tor T•:ri ous rtalan• att out in decree or oont1rmat1on of .aale ot the said p;roptrty the bid ot the se14 Qh~1on Fibt'e oompanr waa r•Jecte4, ad the sale was 4ul7 oont1Jflll.e4., and the sunc:re1t Lumber Oom}le.ny. was declared to be the puohaser ot th9 p:roperty1 asset• and etreotts ot the Ohamplon Luntbe.r company. ae ae~ O"ut ad 4esoribed in decree or toreolosure in said oaee. This deoree ot oonttrmation ot s$le hal been oopied in tull in this a'bstrao._, and may be seen il'l tllll on pagta 2: Y'J to .A €f heteot • 42.; Upon the pet1 t1on ot the ea14sunoreat Lumber Company by ita attornt7• ClarEm.oe N~ GGe4wtn, Eaq., .Ta•• 1. Borel, Un1te4 states Ju4Se. oa the 16th uy ot Deoeuv; 1918 s1pe4 an or·4er at;reQtiug that the pl'ope1'11••• aesete e4 etteots ot the Champion Lumber Oompan;r, a• cleaor1be4 in 4eoree of to:reoloaun 1et out in pa~aph 89, 'be ttanattnt•4 fUld 4'11 Tered ~o the said sunoreat t.ober ocmpaey. Ia thi a ar4er it is also deoree4 that by oon1ent ot the .. 14 SU&oreat Lutabe' aompanr ~• , aa the p1U"Ob.aaer ot the p:rope:r~:lea ot t• Oh&Japioa Ooa»an7• asstml8 all obl1pt1ons and l1ab1ltt1es ot the reo-eiTtrs so that the aa14 reoei'fera ahall n.ot be liable tor any of the said obligations • . Thia Ot'der or deli Tt"7 ot propertr, wbio b. Pli'OVi des tot- oer­taill allowanoea, etc., • in oonneot1on with the J>eoeive:rehip and court p:rooeedint• tn this matte~ baa been oople4 1n tull in this abitnot and may be seen at pages ¢B:/. to 1;,z ... 3 htreot. 43. In his 4eoree ot oont1rmat1o!l ot sale hereto· tore :reterre4 to, J'ames E. Boyd, U. s. 1\lqe, ordered ud. d1reoted that tlle 4eten4ut, Chemp1<ul Lumber Qompanr, and the 4tf.ta4ant, Jelllea o. OtmP'b•U, BeoeiveJt, an.4 ocaplainuta, the ProT14ent Lite & Trust CompanJ of Pb11•4elph1a, and 1ohn Way, '.l'TUateea ot the mortgages herein toreolose4 abaU, as a tul'ther assurance to the pUS"ohaaer, join tht aa14 CommiaaionereJ Henry B. stevens an4 A. a.campbell 1a "he exeout~on ot the sate.\ 4ee4 oJt 4ee4a to bo made or the to tha sunoreat Lum.ber OompanJ• Ia aoool'4ance wi tb. the &bOTe .. t1oaed order on n.cem.ber l'lth, 1918, the said Ohamp1oa Ltmlber COlllP&llf • wlth the joind•r or other gran tote .abo•• aeAt1on•4 exeou'le4 a de•d oonve)'1ng emq other pr~~1••• ••set• a.d et:tect• th• Ce.talooohee • !is O;retk ana Wh1 te Oak · boundatty ot lan4 to the said aunortet Lumber OoaLpany. a. 4eese:ri.pttoa oonta1ne4 in this cleecl 11\ •o tu •• the .... etteot• lfraot No •. ate 1a tlie· as the 4teoript1oa eon· tain"'- 1n toJ'Dler 4eed• conveying this b01.Ul4Uy or laa4. Tbia Ae:ed S.s duly x-ecorded 11\ Haywoo4 County, and has been oop1e4 J.n full in this abetrao•, an4 may be seen b7 retoeat• to 'ba••• 7 c;~ ....rl t! a .:J I (' ""•••""*. 87 I . aa-A.. Br an ovtn,•,, a oe~ta1a quit 4ee4 •tr,oting the O•taloooh .. , B18 C:e•k an4 White Oak bow;.t.ary ot led ,..., om1 tted trOll tbia aaa.l.r•t• ot t1 tle.. Th1• ill,tJnU~e:nt should he:Ye bee• mtn'UDned tol.lowin6 PU8.ShJh II Bolltwar in thost l~da ae separate and 41et1not tra hi• 1nterut a• a part ()qer ot t.hct Nol"th Oa:rolina tau & LWI'b., OOlllpanr, ~he sa14 :r. :r. :a:oll1way an4 witt, Mary}:). Boll1waJ, ot the state or V1x-ginia, exeou.ted a qui t•claim deed t• 'he" lan4es to the Pigeon Ril'er Lumber company. This deed beu-a 4att Maroh 21 1911. 'l'hts indiVidual interest or :r. J. Holli•J beo_. Tt•ted. in hilll by reaso.n ot the execution ot tw<:> agee• •nta as set out in paragJ"aphs 13 and 14 respeoti Tely on the ,;,·fl#:. pap ot this abstract. The ezi4 qui t·claim 4ee4 1• reoor4ed in Harwood County. see page . .3'/ 7 ot this abatrao1. 4.4. Aa hereinbefore men t1ont4, •• will n~w diapoae ot the exQtptions that appeu in all the ueds .or conveyp..oe et• teotins tbeae lud•• t, Exc.eptiona No. l to 24 1nQ1ua11'e, aD4 ala~ Bqept1ona Nos. 26 ud If JZe s1 tuated outside the )ount11n' to ot traot $00 1 and need net here/be oonaide~e4. .U•• &xoept$OU No. 120 to Notii 115 inoluaJ. ve a.l'• s11:utdeO outside the 'boun:Aarr ot traqt 200 and nee4 not be cons14le~4. uonnoN ae. !he lanta ea.braoe4 1a thte coep1d.u ue ahoq •• T,raot No. I~I,..A. in the Wr'ltY ma4t b7 the N.J'~h OUOl.1U Park 0~.8110.1\t 'fitl.• to thea4t lfUlla deac;$lUttd ul hto.e.M vea1;•4 .1A the ct•n ~·•• ot one J. v. woo~r, a.u4 Will ht:reat1·1J bt aoqui.J"ed by the ~ate ot NQl-th O.roliua under that aou.H• ot title. .Abstra.'t ot t1 tle to tbi.s 1raot has been fully set out in. Book e. pages l to 15 inclusive ot this $batraot. 88 EXOJIPTION ae. The lan4a dlb~oe4 in this exoep'tioa al'e shown in the survey made by tk4' North Carolina Park OoJam1•1oa aa traota 256, 85'1 ad 858 • 81.1 ot which ha• he:retofo:re been aoqu17e4 by the State ot North Carolina. Abstrae~ or title to all ot lands has been t'ullf set out in Book '1, paSfa to ·130 uolusive; pages 64,6 to 6f0 iueluai 't'l an4 pasea 0'11 to 6'13 tnolusive,et this al1trac~. EXOB!'TION 29. The lands tmbraoed in tble exoe1>tion ar4t eho• as a Pat't. ot Traot 814-A in the eurvey made by the Nerth Ce.rol1JU1 Park Ooi!JlD$$a1o~ a.nct has bet~n heretofore aoqu1H4 bJ the State or North Oar~l1na., Ab•traot ot title to thie t:raot has been tully set out in Book 81 pages 326 to 318 1n­olus1 ve, ot thi a ahatra~t. EXCEPTIOJf 30t EXCEPTION 31. then two exoeptions ue sho.n in the S'IU"Wey ma4• 'b7 the North auolina Park Oommisa:t.op. l .tt T,:aat 118, and have hereto· fOJ"e been aoquil".,d by 1Jhe statt ot North Oarolina, AltiU&ot ot t1 tle to theoe lan4a haa be.ea. tull7 set ou' in BOok a. P•ge $85, ot this abst.;a,~~- EXOEPTION 32. 1'1\f lends e.brace~ in this fXcepU. oa ah ahOllll 1n the surver ma4e bJ the No~th Carolina Pal'k commiaa1oa •• traol 854, ·en..,_ hae he~e.toto;-t been aoq.u1:rt4 b1 1ht State ot North cucl1na. Ab•t:raot ot title to this tll'$ct baa bae:a tul.l7 ••t Qut 1n Boo- '• P•iM• 'f'11 ~ '190 t.nolusive, or tlde abat:rac'b. EXCEPTIOll 33 anl BXCEPTIOlt 14. la theee exoepttons are •l:lown 1n the aun•7 M4e. by 1h• N.nh Oarol•na P·ark Otamlae1en •• a ppt ot 'l'.raot U3, u4 will htH•tt• be Mqul"A lJY the statt ot Noi"lh C•rollaa. .lbdn.ot 89 l r ot title to thelt lan41 haa been tully Qt out 11\ Book 8, Papa 809 to 211 inoluatve, ot this abet~c1. EXCEPTION 35 u4 EXCEPTION 31. DL• lancla eab:raoe4 in \, . theu •xotpt1ona a;e shown in a &tU"Vef me4e by the North cuo­lina Pa7k oo-.esioa ae a pe,rt ot Tl"aOi; aaw..•A, ul ot wd.oh ha• h•r•ttton be• •oqui:red by tht state ef' !Jo:rth carolina. Abtt:raot ()t title to these lends haa been tully aet out 1n Doole 8, pe.gta 126 to 328 1nolua1 Te; of this abltl"aot. EXCEPTION 17, EXCEPTION 38, IXCEPTION 39, IXCEPTIOH fl. (41.) The l.n4a emb:raoed in th••• tour exoepti ona are ehOwn in the auve.y. made by the N or'th Oa:rol1na Park oommi aid on at T:reio • ltl, au ot whiOb haa here,ott#o 'be.c a.oqu1re4 by the state ot KOrth auol~na. 4batraot ot ·u 'tile w all or theae land• haa b•a eet ou.t in tull in BoQk '• Paaee 900 to 90S 1nolua1 fi, or thit abetrao t. EXCEPTIO.N 4:0t BXOEP'fiON 42, IXOEPTION 48. !he lan4e ooapcunq theae ~hl'ee •xoopt ions _,. shou s.n-tht aurTtf matt• by the No;rth Oaroli.l:la Park OQmmiaaton •• 'l'raot aeo, all ot w}l!oh haa he:retotore beeft ao.q'Uitect' by th• S~ate ot North Quo• , 1~. A'btttlra.01i of t1 tle to theae land• baa beq tully .. , out in Book •• pagee 449 to 4i2 1n•lus1v•, ot th1a abatraot, IXOIP~ION t-3. '1'U 1an4• ebrao:ed 1n th1t txoeptitu , , ue .ab.own Jn the eurvey made by the North ca;rolina Park Cor ,._, <·. 1Uaa1• •• ft'aot 15t ant a part ot e24•A, all ot which haT• he:t:t·totore been ••quite4 by tbe State ot Ntrth Oal'Olilla. AbatJaot ot title to all of the•• lenda hae been tull7 aet -o'Q:C ln Book a, Pagea •34 tct 4•5 1aolus1vt, an4 Pa~e 386 to $18 -1nolua1Te. C>t this abn:•ot. UClP!'ION "-• 'the lan4• OJfl~SOid 1n thS.a e~oept1CQl ut 90 shown 1n the aw1't7 made br the North ovolina Park 00lll1',1••1oa •• fte.oJ 111, a put ot TJaot ua. aact a p.a• ot asa.. all ot wh~ah lant.a ha'te b•en, or will 'be h•reat,er- aoqu1re4 bJ the Ab•traot or title to tht:tse laa4a haa been tu.ll7 s•t out in Book 8, Pagea 586 to 586 inolua1Y•• Pece• 2.09 'o Ill. 1nolus1Ye, an4 Pagea 46S to 48& 1nol~eiYt, ot this abamot. liiOEPTION 44-1/J. The land embraced 1n this 11 ttle •xoept1 on 1.a shown in tho sul't'e;r .tUade by the North O$.rol1aa Park ColDb11ss1on as a part of Traot 153, aacl wUl hereatte:- be acquired by the State ot North carolina. Abatre.ot ot t1 tle to tlle .. lands has been tlllly set out in Beok a, Papa 209 to 111 tno.llila11'e; ot this abat:raot. JXCEP'l'ION' ••• The l8ll4a a'blated in 1h1a eDep't1ou art abOn 1n the auney utade 'by the Norlb cuoliJU1 Park co.t•loa aa a part ot Traot e5a, anct has. heretofore been aoquir•4 bJ' the state ot North Carolina, Abatraot ot t1~le to theae lande 1• tully att out 1u BOok e at Pagee 48~ ~o 486 1noluaift ot this aba'tl:raot. EXCEPTION 4& t lttCEPTION 47 • theee two uceptt. ons ue shown in the survey ma.te bf the Nort.h Oe.ro11na Pal!"k Comtn1ss1oa aa a part ot Trilot Al•o wh1oh have lleJ"etotore Men aoqu1red bJ the state ot NO:rth O~lina. Ja.betnot or title to aa10. traot 1a tully ••• ou~ in Book 8 at Past• 520 to 528 1nolua1ve,ot this abatraot. EXCEPTION 49 •n4 IXCEPTION IO• The lancls covered by "---'" theae 'ttlo exoept1one ue shown in ilhe aun•y made by the lferih carol1Jla Park Oommiasion as 7:raot a&9; Q4 wUl heJ'eatter be aoquired by the state of North QaroUna. .&.ba-..ot ot i1tle t ·o th••• la#.4• has been tull7 set out ,.n Book S a1 Paat• ., ., to 129 1nclu,1Te, ot this abatraot. IXOIPTlotl' 11. 'lht lancta tll'braoed tn $hie exoept1oa aJ'e sb.owa 1a the aunrey made b7 th• Korth OaJ>Olina Park Oo.S. s•d·tll aa Tract 112, and haa hb'etotore be.en aequ1re4 by 'he sta'• ot Noxoth AJ:t.alys1a ot title to -.his tract haa beta aet out in tuU in Book 'I • at Page a 833 to ~ 1nclus1 ,.. , or this abs•raot. EXCEl''l'ION 12. The ~anda eabJ'ac•d in thi~ exoept1oa ·ue aho~ in the aurvtJ •4• bf th• North oaro.ina Parle commiaaioa aa '1\-aot M'l • whioh has het-etotore been acquired bY.. the state ot North Oaroltl'll!h Abat:raot of title to this tract is tully set out in Book '• pages aeo to 161 1nelus1 ve, ot th1 s abatnot. EXCEPTION 1.3 an.4 IUOKP'l'ION M. 'l.'he laada 1nal.ude4 1a these two exetPt 1on• are ehown in the aurf'ey Jft&de by the wom carolina Park OOJmnisaioll as 'l'rac' &6&-A, which has heretofore been acquired. by th• state ot Nor~h carolina. Abatrac1 ot ti'Cle to tht.s traat is aet to:rth in tull in Book '• at pa~•• Ill to aze 1nolua1ve, ot this a"batraot. UCEPTION' 55. ne lande 1nolu4e4 tn this ezoeption are shown 1a the au.ttey made b:y the North carel1na J?a:rk Commisel oa aa T:raot• 14'1""A and 248, both ot Whioh have heretofore beea aQq\11re4 b7 the state ot No1'th Abat;raot ot t1 tle to theae lands ha•e been sot to~th in tull in Book 7. at pqea 260 'to Jl63 inolust ve, u4 Book a, at pages 898 to 39$ 1nolua1 Te ot thS.a a).)atJ"aot. JXOBPTION 1.&. In the o:tlmer Deed to the Nerth oaxo 11aa Lt.n4 & Label" OOlllpeny, ae well as in all othe.r deeds ot eoa­Te,. n(tf etteot1ng these lMds under thi• number, the tq.ll.Mias nott appee.J'a: "J'.L.F. Stine•• This 1• a mistake, there belq no suoh aUJ~ber or oo~tlOJh" IXCEPTION 07 • 'l'he landa eabraoe4 in this ezoeptioa u• thown iu tne SU.J'Ve7 m$de by the l!fOl"th Carolina Parle: OOIIDli Pioa •• TJaot• 1.!9 and 110, all ot wbioh have heretofore bee aoqu-1"4 by the state of North Carolina. AbatJ>aots ot t1 tle to theM tracts ha'r'e been tet out ia tu.ll in Boot 8 at paces 860 ~• Ml 6Jlctlua1ve, and at page &'1& ot this ab•t.raot. EXCEPT! ON 18 tm4 IXOJPfiOlf 19 • The lazUli 1no1u4e4 18 these two except ioas ue shown in the sul"Ver made by the lforth Oaro1f.tta Park ColtU!lissi on as !raots l~s. 833 aut4 a part ot 111. all ot whioh have been :neretotore -.oqu1"4 b;y tn• state ot No:rth carolina~ Analysis ot title to the•• land a haTe bHn tully set ou,t iJ'l Bo()k 'I a.t pages lOS •o Ul Jeolu•iw aal .,._.. 111 to ).13 ine~lutd'fe, an4 in :Book 8 at pagte 51' to Ill inelu• siTe ot thi.s abstract. EXGIPTI ON eo attd IXOEP'lt 01f 61.. The len4a •brae•d ta these two esoeptioaa •rt ahown tll the auJ"'feJ •4e by the JJoZ"th Oa!'Ollaa Park Ootnnd.sei<»A a a 'l'MO._s a3l..;A, 831•8 o .a IM, et 1 ot whioh lan41 haYe her•totor• been aoqui:red by the S'•'• ot North Carolina. AbatJ:aots ot title to theae tztaote ue .. , out 1a full. 1ti l3oolc 8 • p&gee 510 to 519 iatlusi 'Ye, aa4 Book ' at pasea lf.ft to 1'15 inolusiYe ot this abatPot. EXOEPTIO!f ea. The land tiabre.oed ia 1hia JUll exeept1oa 1• ahcnnt 1• 'the surJtJ acte by the North Carol.iaa Park ceamia­a11) ll •• a pa~._ ot f.ra~t 881, and ha$ he:retoto:re be• aoqu1n4 b;r the state &t llozo'th Otatol1u.. Ab•traot .,, t1 tle to this t .raet hal be$n hl.l7 se't£ out 1a Book 8, paeea fS18 t:o 11$ 1a· oltud.Ye o:r this a'batraot. EXCEPTION 01. The lu4a 1nolu4ed in thia •xoept1oa .r• ahon in the aun1.y made by the North oarolSaa Park Oomod.a11•• 1 , · r1"', "r': ·' ""; ·-,-;;y::>,... <J 93 •• a part ot TJ:taot 220t aoquired .1D pan f~OJI S1dn.e;r Nelaoll, and 111 part rr• w • M. Hilll .• ot lo.nd oonatituting exception 63 haTe been .. t out in full in Book '1 at pagea 3 to 'I inoluatw, anc1 in. So:ok 8 at pagea 864. to 11'1 inclusive of this abatraot. EXCEPT! ON 64, EXOEP'l! ON t5, an4 EXOEPTIOll $5--A. The lniJ embraced in these three exceptl otus are •hown in a survey ~ade by the North carolina Park CoDIDllaa1oa aa T:re.ot 82'1•.41 1111oh will he:reatter be acquired by the S1ate ot Borth oaroliu. Analysis or t1 tl.e tor these lands are hllJ' set out in Book ..!J_ at pages srf? 7 to d?l=/ ot this ab•trac~. EXOEPTION ea. A small portion ot this exception haa been aoquired by the sunoreat Lum.ber COlllpany u4 now ro:ma • part ot Traot 200 .. to in pa.ragl't\ph 32 ot this analysis. The remaining port1o1 line. Park Commisai0%1 aa T:raot 12'1. Abetraot of title to this t.raot hes been tully .$et out in Book tj at pagee £J b. to §"J G:. of' this abatraot. EXOEPTI ON 67• The len& a mraoed in this exoep1l on are shQwn 1n a survey made by th& North Oal:'tUQa Park Comtn1ss1 oa ae ~act 8&1, a part ot 106-A, ant a part ot 1.16, aU ot wh1oh letnda have bee11 he:reto:tore a.oq\i17ec1 by iht state of North caro-lina. Abstract of title to then traote ue tullr aet wt 1n Book Bt Pages '126 to ,. 1AOltta1T•, BoOk 'ft Past• Uti ta 189 inoluai Tt, ut Book $ a' pe.sea aM to 86' ino luai'Ye ot ibia abatraot .. BXCEPTIO:I 68 and EXCEPTION 19 • The landa •mbraced ia theett two eueptiona are shown 1a the SUJ!·ver made bJ the NOr.'lh ·.·' Carolina Park Oomm1$110a al Traot 82* aa4 a part ot 806-A, ell ot wbioh ha'fe heretQton. been lOqu!Hd b7 ~he state ot North Carolina. Abet:.aot of t1tlt to these t:raota have b:e.ea tul17 set cut in Book e, Pages 320 to 38$ 1nol us1 ve, and BoOk 7, at Pages 185 to 189 1nclus1To ot th1s ab•traot • . EXCEPTION vo. flle l~mda elnbraoed 1n th1• ••oeptt. ea ue ;shown in the au,rvey made by th' North carol1aa Pflrk 0()1D111 sa1oa aa Tract 122, and have heretofore bee acqUired by tlae sta.te ~ No::otb: carolina. Abstract ot title to th1 s trao t has be• aet ou.t in tull in !took a, at Pages 296 to 298 1nolue1Ye ot th1 s abstract. EXCEPTION '11. arn.e lan4a flllbraced tr1 thin the bounds ot thia except1. on are shown in the survey made by the North caro­lina Park Colmlliesion as Tl'aot $05, which has heretofore bee aoqUirec! bJ the s~te ot North carolina. .A.batraot at t1 tle to th1a tnct is tully set out 1a Book 7, Pagea 491 to 494 1no lusi ve ot this abat~a<i t • EXCEPTION 72, The lan4a embraced in thta exo•ption are s4.own by the SUl"Vey In4\de by the North carolina Park oommtaetoa aa Tract 225•A ~d T:ract 298, both ot whioh have hel!'eto:rore been aoquil:'ed by the state et North Carolina. AbstJaot of t1 tle to thee• lands has b$tUt. tullJ set out in .BOok e, :Pagea va& to '128 tnolusive, and Pagea 423 to 485 inQlu.aive ·•r ~hi• abat:re.ot. EXCEPTION n. All ot the leJld ot this exoep'tion t.bat . lles within the Park area is shown in the aurTey made by 'he N~'tfh carolina Park Commissioll aa 'l'~ot 29~ ant has bee lt•r•· totore aoqui:red by the state ot North carolina, .Abstraot ot title to this t:reot haa been fullJ set out in Book ?, tt Past• \' EXCEPTION '14. 'fhat portion or th1 s except ion which liea within tbe Pt;Lrk e.r•a 1s shown by the S\U"VflJJ made by the North Carolina Park COmm1$s ion as Tract 29'1, a..nd has heretotar e been aoquire4 by the state or North carolina. Abstract of title to this tract is tully set out in Book S, at pages 6Sl tQ 683 1nol.us1ve of this abstract. EXCEPTION 75. The lands eJlbraced in this exception !U"e shown by the survey made by the Nox-th Carolina Park Comm1ss1 oa •• Tract 206""13 and has heretofore been e.oqui:red by the statt O't North Carolina. Abstract o:r title to this tract is tully ••t out in Book 8, at pages 55'7 to 558 inclusive Of this abstract. EXCEPT! ON 76 end EXCEPTION 7'1. The lands embraced Uthill these two exceptions are shown by the sul."Vey made by the North oarol1n.a Park Commission as Tract 295, and has heretofore been aoquired by the state af North carolina. A.bst+-act ot' title to this tra.ot is tully set out ilt ~ Book 9, Pages 578 to 580 inclusive ot this abstract. EXCEPTIO~ 78. The lands that make up thia e~eept1oa are shown by the f3\lrVey made 'by the NOrth Carolina Park QO:m­JII1ssion. as Tract 221-A. and has heretofore befll acquired bf the state of North Carolina. Abstraot of tt tle to this traot haa been set out 1n full in Book 7, at pages 555 to 557 inclu­sive of this abstract. EXCEPTION '19. This exception consi.ts ot two sepal'att tracts, one of which is shown a& a part of Traot 2!2l, tht!t other being shown as Tract 223 in the su~ey .tnade by the North OarOlina Park Com.misston,. All of these lands have heretotore bee acquired by the s tate of No:rth Oarol1nEl. A.'bstrac t or title to one ot these parcels has been set out in full in 96 ' 0 97 Book 7, at pages 555 to 556 inclusive, the other in Book '1, at pages 601 to 602 inclusive ot this abatraot. EXCEPTION 80, EXCEPTION 81 and EXCEPT! ON 88 • The landa included in these th•ee exceptions are shol'ln in the survey macie by the North Carolina Park Commi as ion as a part of Tl"aots 218, 219, 220, and a part of 221, all of which lands have been hereto:tore aoquited by the state ot North carolina. Abstract of title to the•• traots has been set out in tull in Book '1, Pages 685 to 68? 1nolus1ve, Book '1, pages 474 to 4'16 1nolu~i ve, Book a, at pages &63 to 664 inclusive, Bc;>ok 7 • •t pages 555 to 556 inclusive or this abstract. EXCEPTION 83. The lands embraced by this exception was shown in survey made by the Nol"th Carolina Park commteaion as Tracts 20'1-A, 212-A, a part of 216 and a part ot 218. All of ~ se lands have been heretofore acquired by the State ot North Carolina. .Abstract of title to -· these vu1ous traota are fully set out in Book 8; at pages 371 to 374 inCl. usi Te, Book '1, Pages 361 to 365 inolusi ve, Book 8, Pages 21 1J3 24 inclusive, Book a, page 710, Book 71 pages 665 to &If inolu ... aive of this abstract. EXCEI;TION 84. '!he land elllbraoed in this exoeptt on waa shown 1n the survey made by the North Carolina Park collldae1on as Tract 206, and has been heretotore acquired 'by the state ot North Carolina. out in Book e,, Pages 552 to 555 1nelus1ve ot this absthot. EXCEPTION 85. The lands included in this exception ue 0 0 shown in the survey made by the No.rth Park comm1 8111. on as Tracts 293, 294 and 295, all or which have been heretoto:re acquired by the state ot No:rth carolina. Abstract ot ti ile t- ~:;, . . ,· "' '• r ,"~ ( to these three tracts has been set out in Book '1 1 at pages l-i4 to 145 ·tnolusive, Book "1, page 630, and Book 8, at pages 804 to 805 inclusive ot this abstract. EXCEPTION 86. The lands designated by this excepti.on are ehown in the survey mate by the North Carolina Park Oomm1a­s1on as Tract 292, and has been heret ofore acquired by the State of North Carolina. Abstract ot title to this tract ia set out in fUll in Book '1 1 at page 639 ot this abstrac-.. EXCEPTION 87., The land embraced in this exaeptl. on is shown in the survey made by the North Carol ina 'Park Commisai oa as Tract 291-A; and has heretofore been acquired by the state of North carolina. Abstract or title to th1 s tract has been set out in Book a, at pages 827 to 831 inclusive of this abstract. EXCEPTION 88 and EXCEPTION 89. The lands embraced within these two e~eptlona are shown in the survey made by the N~rth Carolina Park commission as Tract 201-A, both of which have been heretofore acquired by the state of North Carolina. Abstract of title to this t:ract is set out in tull in Boot '1, at pages '/42 to 744 inclusive or this abstraot. EXCEPTION 90. The lends embraced in this exception are shown in the survey made by the North Carolina Park Comm1aa1o:a as Tracts 202 and 203 bpth ot which has been heretofore aoqu1re4 by the state ot North carolina. Abstract ot title to theae lands have bem set out in tull in Book 'I, at pages lf59 to 161 1nolus1 ve, and Book a, at page 117 ot this abstrao t. EXCEPTION 91. The ltmds desoribe4 in this exception are shown in the 1\U"Vey made by the North Carolina Parle cor mission as Traot 2.91, and has been heretofore a'quired by th• 98 ~, State ot )Torth Carolina. Abstract of title to this treot has been tully set out in Book a, at pages 827 to 830 inclu­sive of this abstract. EXCEPTION 92. The lands described in this exoeptl on are shown 1n the survey 1D$de by the North carolina Park Oommiaaion as Tract 201 and has been heretofore aoqui:red by the state ot North. carolina. Abstract or title to this tract has been fully aet out in Book "1, at pages '139 to 941 inclusive ot this abstract. EXCEPTION 93. The lands embreoed within this eoeption are shown in the survey made by the North Carolina Park oo:r mission aa Traot 209-A, .arid has been heretofore acquired by ~· State of North Carolina. Abstract of title to this tract haa been set out in tull in Book a, at pages 598 to 600 inol.usiTe or this abatraot, EXCEPTION 94. The boundary of land included in this exoeption is shown as 1'1-aot No. 810 in the survey made by t~e North Carolina Park C$mm1 ssi on, and has been heretofore ao• quired by the state ot North carolina. Abatraot of title to this traot is set out in full in Book e, at page 61? ot thia abatraot. EXCEPTION 95. The lands oompl!'ising this except ion an shown in the ~vey m$de by the North carolina J?ark CoJDDda•1oll as ~act all, and has been heretotore aoquired by the state ot North carolina. Abstract or title to this boundary ot land hat been set out 1n tull 1n Book a, at pages &15 to 62'1 1nolu­s1ve or this abstract. 99 •.. -·::::. "··' ~ ! :¥· .f ,1oql ?. EXCEPTION 9(.. The land purported to be described in th1a exception is shown in the survey made by the Nor~h Carolina Parle commission aa T:raot 2ll""A and haa been heretotore aoquae4 b7 the s-tate of North Carolina. Ho•ever, the deeor1pt1on contained in said exception did not properly desori be ~the laa4a that were held under possession by F. w. Woody, frca 1hoa the ltate ot North carolina acquired title. Aa a re·sul:t ot th1e . . 1~egularity, a suit was instituted in the SUperior Court ot Haywood county, entitled "Floyd w. woody and s. 1, woody vs. sunorest Lumber company" May Term 1931. As an outcome ot this suit a compromise was reached, and a judgment signed b7 Judge 1. H .. Harwood, which declared the said w-oodys to be the rightfUl owners or Tract 211-A as located by survey and mown on the mapa made by the North carolina Park Commission. PUll abstract of title to this tract has been set out in Book 8, at page 627 ot this abstract. EXCEPT! ON 9'1 and EXCEPTION 98. The lands embraced in these two exoept1 ons are shown in the su:rvey made by the Jlol"th Carolina Fark commias:1on aa Tract 213, and h$s hereto:ta: e been acquired by the state of Nor~h Carolina. Abstract of titlt to these lands has been fully set out 1n nook 7, at page• &97 to 699 inclusive ot this absteaot, EXCEPTION 99. The lands described in this exoeptl. oa &Ue shown in the survey made by the North carolina Park oomnda­sion aa Traot 209, and has been heretofore acquired by the state o:t North Carolina. Abstract of title to this t:raot has been fully set out in Book 8, at pages 598 to 600 1nolua1Ye ot this abstract. .,., t.. / EXCEPTION lOO and EXCEPTION 101. 'l'he lands deaor1 bed in these two exoeptions are shown in the surv~y ma4e by the North Carolina Park Commission as Tract 208; all or 1flh1Ch baa been hereto:ro:re acquired by the state of North Cat-olina. Abatrao' or title to this tract of land has been set out in full in Book a, at pages 983 to 985 1nolusi ve of this abstract. EXCEPTION 102. The land described .in this exception ie shown in the survey by the North Carolina Park CODII'lisaiou as Tract 214. and has been heretotol"e acquired by the State ot North Carolina- Abstract of title to this tract has been s~t out in tull in Book '1, at pages 93 1X> 95 inclusive ot. this abstl"act. EXCID'TION,l03, EXCEPTIONl04 and EXCEPTION 106. The laade described in thcuJe three exceptions are shown in the survey made by the North Caroline Park Commission as Traot211, and has been acquired heretofore by the state ot North Ca"llll&. Abstract or title to this tract is set out in tull in Book '1, at page.s 721 to 722 1nalus1 ve or this abstnot. EXCEPTION 106• EXCEPTION 10'1 and EXCEPTION 110. The lands embraced in these three exaeptions are shown 1n the survey made by the North Carolina. Park Commission as Traot. 2.81 • and has heretofore been acquired by the state of North Carolina. Abstract or title to these lands ia set out in full in Book 8, at pages 785 to 786 inclusive ot this abstra.ot. EXCEPTION lOth The lands described in this exeept1 on ue $hc>wn in the survey made by the North Carolina Park Oommissioa as Traot !38, and has been heretofore acquired by the State or North Carolina. Abstract of title to this tract is set out in tull in Book a, at pages 949 to 951 inclusive of this abatraot, 101 shoYm in the survey made by the tlorth carolina Park Oommiaaioza as Tract 240, and part ot 241, all or l'dlioh baa been hereto­tore acquil'ed by the state ot North Carolina. Abstract of title to tbese lands has been set out in full in Book '1 • a·t pages 431 to 433 in.olusive, and Book a, at pagee 953 to 954 inclusive or this abstract. EXCEPT! ON 111. is shown in the survey macle by the North Carolina Park Com­mission as a part of Tract 241, and has heretofore bee acquired by the state or North carolina. Abstract ot title to this land is set out in tull in Book 8, at pages 753 to 754 inclusive ot this abstract. EXCEPTION ll2t The land described in thiliJ exoepU oa is shown ~n the survey made by the North Carolina Park 0~ mission as a part or Traot 238-A• and a part ot 24l•A• Both ot these parcels have been acquired by the state ot w~rth carolina. Abstract of title to these lands lla s been aet Out in Book s, at pages 952 to 954 inclusive, and at page8 '133 to '156 inclusive of this abstract. EXCEPTION 113• The land desert bed in this exceptl o.n ia made by shown in the survey d the No;rth carolina Park commiss1 on •• a part ot ':h'act 238-A, and haa been aoqui:red he:retotoro bf the state or North carolina. Abstract of title to this land 1a set out in fUll in Book 8, at pages 952 to 954 inolusiYe ot tbis abatraot. EXCEPT! ON ll4 • are shown in the survey made by the North Carolina Park Com­mission as Tracts 242 an4 243• btth of whioh have bf1Jen h~eto­rore acquired by the state or North Carolina. Abstract ot 102 title to these tracts has been aet out in tull in Boolt a, at page 817, and Book '• at pages 612 to 114 inclusive or th1a abstract, · EXCEPTION' 115, EXCEPT! ON 116, and EXCEP'l'I ON 118. The lands deaoribed in these· three exceptions are shown in the sur­vey made by the North Carolina Park Commission as Tracts Nos. 244, 245 and 246~ all ot whioh have been heretofore aoquire4 by the state of North Carolina. Abstract ot title to all ot these lands has been tully set out in Book 7, at pages 512 to 524 inclusive, pages 230 to 23'1 inclusive, and pages 110 to 212 inclusive of this abstract. EXC:B.'PTION 117, The land described in this exception ia shown in the survey made by the North carolina Park Oommiaa1on as Traot 235, and has been heretofore acquired by the state ot North Carolina. AQstract of title to this traat haa. bef!ll set out in tull in Boot s, at page 283 of this abatraot. EXCEPTION 119. The lands embraoed in this exaeptt. on ue shown in the survey made by the North Carolina Park comm1aa1oa as Tract 236 and a part or Tract 23'1, all ot which has been heretofore acquired b;y the state ot North Carolina. Abatrao't ot title to these tracts has been set out in fUll in BOOk 81 at pag•s 243 to 245 inclusive and in Book 'l, at pages '179 to '180 inclusive of this abstre.ot. 45. In addition to the ninety-two exceptions acQ) UD.te4 tor ab<Jve theTe is within the bounds or Tract 200 six paJ'tels of land shown by the surv.;ty made by the North Carolina Park commission Owned and under posse sst on by individuals., Thea• ..•-: ­. ~· \ ';' parcels are as follows: a, 'l'raot 204 olaimed by t he heirs ot w. M. su~ton. Tbie 're.ot is also claimed by tbe sunoreat Lumber Company. suoh ::reoor4 title e.s appea:rs .has been set out in full in Book a, at pages 390 to 392 1nolus1 Te ot this abstraot. T:rue ownership ot this tract of land ts. at the present time, a matter Of contrcrt'eray1 and vd.ll be olear,ed up 1n e. suit pending in the SUperior Court ot Buncombe County en.ti tled, "State of North 0U011ns Ys. S'Uncl'est LUlllber COmpany". b, Tract 20?. 'Ih.i s tract ot land is owned and oooup1e4 by D. w. Caldwell, and has heretofore been acquired by the state ot North carolina. Ab:rtract of title to this tract haa been tully set out in Book e at pages 371 to 372 inclusive of this abstract. c ~ Tract 2.12. Th1s tract was owned and ooeup1ed by Tboll18s II. Cal4well, and has hereto-tore been acquired by the State ot North Carolina. Abstract of title to the same has beetn set out in full in Book 7, at pages 418 to 419 1nclusi ve ot this abstract~ d. A part 9f Tract 231-~- This parcel ot land wae owned and oocu_pied by w. o. B. Messer, and has been heretotore acquired by the state ot North caroline.. Abstract of title to this land has been set out in full in Book a, at pagea 520 to ~22 inclusive of this abstract. This tract was n:t QWlle4 and held under possession by the Heirs at law Of Ella Caldwell and her sur-v1v1ng husband, s. c. CaldwelL Thic tract bas heretotore been acquired by the state ot North carolina. A.bst;raot of 104 t1tle to the •am• has been tull7 aet out in Book '• on Pas•• '196 and '9'1 1nolua1ve ot this e.b•trac~. 'l'b1a parcel ot laad •• owned an4 oooupied b7 c._ J. Palmer, and baa beetl here toto" purohaa•a by ·the state ot North carolla.. Abstnot o.t title to this lan4 baa been aet out 1n :Book e, at paeea ves to ne 1nelua1Te ot this ab8tract , . "'~'!'."' · 105 AN~UY\J IS OF TITLE 1051. TO A FIFTY ACRE TRACTim I NCL tJDED IN THE SUNCRi!;ST LutiBK.11 COli!T ANY TR:i..CT 200 1. This tract of land lies northeast of Cove Creek Gap on the Cata­loochee side of the divide. It is embraced within the bounds of State Grant 252, issued to John Gray Blount on November 29; 1 '186. A full show· ing of the instrum.en ts making up the chain of title to these lands down to the time the same became vested in the executors of James R. Love, has been set out in connection with the title t \) the Sidney Nelson tract, and may be seen by reference to Book 7, pages 3 to 10, of this abstract. ~ 2. on May 24, 1875, the said exe-cutors of James H. Love conveyed to R. M. Henry 50 acres of land, the same 'Qeing the tract under consideration. The deed is duly recorded in Haywood County. See Page .3,:; 4 of this ab- ~· _ stract. 3. Some time thereafter, about the year 1885, R. M. Henry died without ever having di 3posed of the above mentioned tract of land. Wm. L. Henry was duly qualified as his administrator and instituted a special proceeding in the Superior Court of Haywood County, entitled "Wm. L. Henry, Administrator of R. M. Henry, deceased, vs. Eliza J. Candler,et al. t heirs-at-law of R. M. Henry." The petitioner ask ed for power and authority to sell the r eal estate , of which the said R. M. Henry died seized. Petition, order of sale and confirmation of ~ale have been copied in this abstract and may be seen at pages .7 ;?,5 to 2 )..7 of this abstract. 4. In compliance with an order signed in the above mentioned special proceeding, the s•id wm. L. Henry, a4 administrator of R. :M. Henry, on September 19, 1891, executed a deed to w. J. G. B. Boyd for the fifty acre traot of land described in above mentioned proceeding. See page .37;~ of this abstract. 5. Some time thereafter, 'it. J. G. B. Boyd died intestate wit hcut eve-r--having disposed o't the land mentioned in the previous paragraph. In a special proceeding in the Superior Court of Haywood County, N. C., entitled "John H. Boyd, et al., vs. Ma ggie E. Mars hall, et al.," R. T. Boyd was appointed commi ssione r with po v1er and authority to sell any and all of the lands of which said W. J, G. B. Boyd died s eized . As such c or.L":liss ione r of the court, R. T. Boyd sold at private sale the 50- acre tract menti oned in the previous paragraph. Report of sale and confirmation of sale to c. M. Moody have been copied in this abstract. See pages ~ 1-f to .:) :.:. 0 of this abstrac·t. 6. .An order signed in the above me ntioned proceeding directed commissioner R. rr. Boyd to execute a deed in fee simple to c. M. Moody, This deed bears date December 1, 1919. See Page .;;,~ 1 or this abstract. 7. On December 31, 1919, c. M. Moody conveyed the above mentioned 50-aore tract to H. T. Boyd. The deed is duly recorded ih Haywood ... ~ #') County. See Pa ge .3 ~· ;,of this abstract. 8. On February 7, 1920, R. T. ·Boyd exeou ted a deed to Jas. Evans tor the tract or land under cons idera ti on. In executing this deed, one-half the loouat timber was reserved unto R. T. Boyd. This deed is of recor d in Haywood County. See Page ,.? -l">-- of this abstract. 9. Jas. Evans,. joined by his wife, Ina Evans, conveyed the above mentioned tract of land to Sarah J. Sutton (widow) on December 19, 1922. The deed is of record in Haywood County. See Page ;s,.~ + of this ab• stract. 10. On June 19, 1923, Sarah J. Sutton executed a deed in trust 1 covering the above mentioned traot to w. R. Franoia, Trustee. The ssd deed in trust confers upon the trustee power to sell arid convey the land descri bed therein, in case of default in payment of the debt se­cured thereb or an ll. After default had been made and after advertising in aooordanoe with law, and in accordance with the provi sions of· the deed of truat set out in above paragraph, w. R. Francis, Trustee, oonveyed the 50-aore tract of land to Franklin Real Estate and Investroont Company. The deed bears date March 3• 1925, and is of record in Haywood County. See Page 3.3-~: ot this abstrac)t. j:_-, 12. Next we find· a deed from R. T. Boyd and his wife, Ethel Boyd, to Franklin Real Estate and Investment Company of one-half the locus-. timber on the 50-acre tract of +t;tnd, the subject of t his .investigation. This is the reservation noted in Paragraph a above. The deed is of record in Haywood county. See Page i5., ::S ? of this abstract. . -- ! 13. On Sfptember 26t l92'1, Franklin Real Estate e.nd Investment Compariy conveyed the tract or land mentioned in the above paragraph to suncrest LlJ.l.l)ber Company. This deed is recorded in Haywood County. see Page .J;} Y ot this abstraot. 14. This tract of l a nd is aubjeot to all deeds of trust and sup­plemental deeds or trust exeou ted 'by the Sunorest Lumber Company. 1051 . . ,, .. r~· . -~-"? Page·---------·····--····· ·---lHo NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMtSSION - ' ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged = LlSnber co. Lum\ier 004. 1. H. Allay E. M. ] Wh1tm_e.. r -_Paraona Pulp & Wbi.tao.•r --Pai·aona P_u l.p ·. •_· ~ Bechtel e · E.•M. B&Olltel, Vi oe Pre • " J. Fh Allay,.;.=sc.;;:e...:.o. .Y. --"•-=T=r...:::e'""'a==a""".'--~------------ !/ Sunorest Lumber co. I 1. Kind of Conveyance ... .. ~.l.l ... J¥~.7.~n.ty .d.o.e.d 3. Is it properly executed .... Y • . I .................................. ........ . 5, Before what Officer acknowledged.~~~f!l-~Y. :PU,P.l10 7. If irregular, copy in full on back.. .. . . . .. . . .. .. !:J. Date of acknowledgment .. ~.-.2~ .. 25 . . .. _, 11. Did officer affix SeaL ............ .Y$.~ ........... ................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convcnantf.- (a) of seizin .... J·~.tiJ ........................... ............ ....... . (b) power to convey ....... J~!IJ ........................................ . (c) against encumbrances .... ..... 'r•~:·······-·----------······ (d) against ch.ims of all others ....... ~-~---· ············· · · · ······· 2. Date of Conveyance .. ... ~::".?~ .... ~~---·-------·· ............... . 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 6. Acknowledgments, reguhn· ... YI.I!L ................... .. .......... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ....... X~J!J ...................... . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ............. .... ......... . 12. Was order of probate correct ......... T4iJ.S. ........................ . 14. Date of filin1sjr record ... +..- . ~~. ... 1!.~:56.2 ........... ... 15. :a:o~-- ·_·::: ~:~-~_i:(_::·.:_·::·._:: .._ .: ::·---~-a-~~:::._ .. ~-~-~~~;:··· 16. Does deed contain any ~ec ial limitations, provisions . t. No or r estnc wns ., ... ... ............... .... .. ...... ......... _____ .... ..... ........... . Exact Description of Property ALt THE LAt.iD .AND ALL THE TIIIBJ!:R .AND ALL TI MBE:R RIGHTS IN <.HlN'NECTI ON WITH THE _lAND tOO.ATED IN SWAI:.N COUNTY, NORTH CAP.OI,INA, l3EINO LOOA'nJP ON OR ABOUT STRAlOH't' FORK AND RAVENS FORK OF THE OCONA-I.tJIPTY -P.l:VER, MOH.D.! J? .ARTIOULARLY DESCRIBED AS ll'OLLOWS t . BEGINNING et a stake on top of the Balsam ~tountai n diVide between Oataloooh~e ed Ledge creek; t·henoe running down a long ridge that d1v1dc,s the right and lett prong or tedse Oreek twenty­• eve:n call•, as follows: s. ?a degrees w. 132' N. 85 fJ 30 w.. .... 168' s. Sl lf w. 252' N. so tt 45 w. -540' - s. $3 " w. ., 475' a. 68 " so w. ... 312' s. 75 ., 15 w• - 266' N. as " 30 w. .... 260• N. 86 ,,, w. - 110' N. 57 " 55 w. .... 1"12' N. ea ff 55 w. - 361• N. t$1 tt 55 w. .. aao• N. 64 ,, l~ w. - 222' s, ~l ,, 25 w. ... 2.01' s. >62 tf 45 w, ... 194' s. 07 " 515 w. ... 169' a. 80 " 05 w. --287• N. 83 " w.. - 25S' :a. 79 " 11 w • ... 2&?' ~ N. e8 des:r•es 32 w, 318' s. V8 " 03 w, .._ 14&• s .... , " 30 w. ... 4'1' s. 54 " 42 w. - 'llf s. 42 " 30 w. - ,,. s. 44 " 45 w •• 485' s. $7 " 02 w. - 16&• to a stake on the lett aide- of' the R1gh Prong ot Le4ge Creek. Theuoe orosaing Creek and up to the top or R14ge that 41 vi dee Le4ga creek and ttound Bottom Creek •even ('7) calla aa tollo:trs: s. ll de~ees 0!5 w. ·• eer s. at " 32 w. • aso• s. 27 " 15 w. - 195' s. 10 " 0? E. - 125• s. 3 " 27 E. ... 63' s. 2 " 28 E. - 25'1' s. 23 " 45 w. - 86' to a stake on center of' ridseJ thenoe orosstns the lett prong ot Rou;nd Bottom Creek to a high point on ridge that di vt«es the Right and Lett Prongs of' Round Bottom Qreek, eight (8} oalls, tu tollowa: s. 10 degrees lh -205' s. 4.0 It 45 lh - 200' s. 8" " 40 E. -550' s. e "· zo w. ... 16:5' s. 20 " 15 w. .. 85 s. 4 tt 30 w. ... 2'10' . s. 13 " 15 w. -394' s. 6 tf 10 w. ... 210' thence eleven (ll.) oalle to a stake on left side ot the Bight Prong of }louna Bottom Creek, as follovrs1 s~ 5? degrees 15 w. -178' a. 47 " 40 w.. ... '18 t s. 55 " w. - 2781 s. 42 tt 30 w. - %35' s, 38 n 25 w. ... 320f s. 5 " 15 Et ..... 465' s. 7 " 45 E. .. 562' s. 45 ff 30 w • ... %28' s •. 51 ff 05 w. ... .88' s. 43 If 45 w. - S24' s. 27 " w. ... 390' the~ot eross1ng orEutk and tolloW1Jl8 a rtt&• up to the top at laYeu· rooet 114g., thirteen {13} Calls, att tollOWit s. eo 4es;rees 15 w. - ·856' s. vo " 25 w ... . 0!;' s. 17 " 55 w .... 15$' s. '' " 52 w. .. fl' s. 49 " 12 w. - 106' S.t 16 " 8"/ W, ... 410' s. 83 " 1a w6 .. ~.&ot '-...._./ lOB s. 59 4egreea 8'1 w, ""' 145' s. '19 " 47 w ... 178' s. 60 " u w. .. 804' s. 15 " 9 w ., • 110. S. 60 " 1'1 Yh • l50t s. I& " 4 w. ... llSt to a a"'ake on top ot R148•; thence up :ridge .au ( 0) oalle, as tollowa: s. 5 4egt-ees 2'1 w. • ll&• a, 17 " 45 w. ... 310 • s. 22 ,, 23 l!. • 390 t s. 18 " 85 I• "" 730' s. 9 " 23 w ... 308' s. e "' 03 w. - 215' to a on Potato Hill Bald ot Oldltoak1e Ridge D111.4e betweeD. Round Bot1Dm. and Stillwell Creeks. Thenoe up Ch1ltosk1e :Rt.qe to a point below BNshy Gap ot the Chiltoak1e Ridge six ( 6) ctall•, as tollows: s. 52 degrees 13 E. .. 300• s. 61 11 21 E. ... 164• s. 47 tt 05 E. ... 154• s- '16 ft 27 E. ... 138' G· '17 " 55 :z • ... 302' s. f9 " 06 I• ... 21$5' to a etake; thenoe down Ridge and on lett side ot seme ridge to a stake between the right and lett pt-ong or Stilwell Creek eleTeD (11) oalls, tl$ follows: s. 30 deg:rees 2'1 E. .... 295' s. 32 " 5& w. - 314• 8 ,, 46 E. - 600• s. 2"1 ft 31 E .. ... 185' s. 35 ft 31 .E. - 12at s. 46 ft 21 E. .... 33S' s. " 23 B. - 460' s. !9 " 53 E. - 400' s. 26 " 55 x. .. 170' s. afJ " 21 E. ... 208• s. 18 " 1a E. ... 335' to a t.ftak•J thence oross1ng right p.:rons ot Stillwell creek and ttp to ~P ot Ro~ee Ridge ten (10) oalls, as tollon: s" 1.5 degrees 3'1 E• - 300' s. 19 " 2'1 :a. .. 188' s. ? " 48 w. ... 148' s. 5 tf 36 w.. ... l96' s. 16 " 42 w., -160' s. 22 " 10 w. ... 80' s. 10 " 22 lh - 104' s, 19 " 4 ~~ ... 154' s. 13 tf 51 Ee ... 148' s. M " 51 E. • 3!)0• .• 'l 109 to a •take on Horse R14ge; thence down Horse Ridgf!J to the .D1v14e be1ween Stillwell and Indian Creeks. tortr·one (41) calla, as follows: s. ~1 s. 66 s. ,, s. 85· s. 77 a .• 63 s.. 40 s. 31 s. 40 s." s. $9 s .• 8'1 s. 59 s. 3S s .• eo N •. '10 S.e '14 s .• 5'1 s. eo s. 69 s .• 66 s. eo s. 53 s. 3~ s. 68 s.. 86 s. 66 S-• 62 s. 56 s.. ?2 s.. 6 s.. 35 N. '75 N.. '7':3 s. ?? a. 45 s .• 67 s. '73 s. '73 S"' 62 s .• 65 degrees t:t " " " " " "' " " ,",' It Jt tt " " " " n " 't " " " ff " " ,", " " " " tt " It " 9 w .... zvo·• $4 w.. ... 394• 19 w.. .. 305• 4 w.. - 275' 27 w .... eo6• 4! w.• - 285' 42 w.• - 834' 24 w.• • BOB• 34 w. ... 380' 59 vr ... aaa• M wl. ... 110 • 39 w ... 335' 24 w. ... 355• 20 w.• - 280' 3& w. - 16' 18 w ... 240' 'I w .... a20t 62 w. - 200' 22 vr. - 242' 37 w.. .. 1~2· 2 w. - 215' 57 w. - 155• 5'1 w. - 2$0' 35 w. - 2SOt 15 w.• - 174' 05 w. 255' 35 w.. ... 128' 41 w ... 322' 16 w.• - 264• 11 w... - 405' 59 w. - 61()' 19 w. 330' 44 w... - 458' 59 w. - 400' 26 w. - 290' 31 w. - 282' 5G w. - 195' 14 w. 500' 59 w., 200' 39 w.. ... 200' 14 \Y.. 238t to a stake. on Horse Ridge and on the Blue patntetl Boundary 11ne between holdings ot Wh1 tm~r ... Parsons Pulp and . tUJI1ber COIIPU7 and thE~ Indian Reservation; thence w1 th sa1 d 1~ne s.. 33 418• I• a straight line oro sst. ng lett and right prong ot Indian creek ·.,. Hein.-toog• Ore•k ... Camp !re.nOh - :eunohea creek and uppeJ •n4 or Slide »ranoh 1o the top ot Bunohes Bald. . Thenoe in a North.,:;te:rly d1reot1on passi .ng through Blaok Camp Gap and . over Strawberry Knob with . many turns an4 at81•• to a Beeeh on Whim Knob. '1'h1s divide is the Bottl'.l.dary line between .;: HaJWood and swain counties, and is also the wateehtcl ot Buaohu and :o-tlwl'a creek. · · !hence with the boundaey line betweeJ:t a:aid oount1ea ot Haywood and swain along the top of · the Balsam Mountain 1n a genenl Northerly d1reott on. with :maay t~rns and t\neles paas1n8 throush 1n suooess1on, Pallte Gap. Horae Creek Gap, over Chiltoake MOUDtain ancl Spruce MoWltain, thl"cngh ' Horae Pen Gap to 1Jhe Hginn1ncJ oon· ta1n1ng eight thQUse.nd tour huntU'td aeven and aeYentr ... •tx oae• huadredths (814:07.'16) aoree, more or less. The above deeorlbed prem1tiea being eomet1mes known •• the Ravenator4 'J.Te.ot and being located generallY on the Rea4watera ot Utdge ereelt1 Ro~d Botten oreek, Stillwell Oreek end Bunches Ore•k 1n swain oounty, NOrth carolina. I· I .P 110 Page ................... .. ::l:.J-.. :1.- NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledo-ed 0 Guarantee Trust co • Of Nc• . York Whitmer-Parsons Pulp & Lumber Company. L Kind of Conveyance .... ... :Rol.~-~JUL .. ............... . 2. Date of Conveyance .. ....... 4:"'.2'!'.l92.tL ..................... . 3. Is it properly executed ...... .. ..Y .e.S.. ................., . ................ 5. Before what Officer acknowledgecl ....... N., .... :f'.!" .. ....... . 4. Date of Entry and No ... ...... ... ...... ................................. .... . 6. Acknowledgments, r egular ........... ... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ..... ...................... .... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .... . \J. Date of acknowledgment ..... -............. ........... ...... ... .... ... ..... . 10. Was privy examination of vvife taken .. ........ ..... ..... .... .. . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ........ .Y.~H!L ......... . 12. Was order of probate correct ... .... ...... .......... ... .............. . 13. Does conveyance contain co nv c n a n t~- (a) of seizin ... ... .... ..... ... ........... ....... .. ........ ...... . 14. Date of filiiD;$4 f or r ecord .... .... 68 . . 15. Book . . SWe:fJ.l . . . ... . .... Page .. . (b) power to convey .............. ....... ....... .. ....... .... ...... . for .. .. . .. . ..................... ...... .. ........ ... . County. (c) against encumbrances .... ..... .... .... .. ....... . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, pro visio n~ (d) a gainst chims of all others .. ..... ..... ... . or r estrictions ........ ... ............. .... .. .. .. ........... ... ....... ..... .. ..... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote f ully) .... ... ........ . ···· ·-·- -----·---······ ··· -·· ···- ···· · -·· ··-·· · ·· ······ ···------------- Exact Description of Property WHEREAS by Deed of Trust Ol" Mortgage, dated September 11 _1923 and hereafter duly reoorded in the county or swain. Nol"th carolina; Whitmer­Paraons PUlp & LU\Uber coxnpan.y did grant and convey and mortase unto the said Guarantee Trust company- ot New York astrustee to seob.rE:t .an issue or $1,500,000iOO par value or the First Consolidated Mortgage 8% Bonds or Wb.itmer•Pars.ons Pulp&-. Lumbftt OQIIlpany, with interest, certain pieces, parcels or tracts or land, the timber and forest produ¢ts thereon standing, including t-he land, mo:rc;t particularly desori bed in Exhibit "A" of the deed fran Wh1 tmer-Parsona Pulp &. Lumber Company to sunoreot Lumber Company, dated Meroh 29• 1~26, and tully set out on pages ____ to ____ Of thi B abst:re.ot • . Here refers to provisions for release of mortgaged o:r pledged proper­ty 1 as provided tor in the Deed ot Truat from Parsons Pulp an4 Lumber Company to G1ra~d Trust Company, Here o1tee 6,407.76 aQr,ea; 65113S,ooo.oo teet of timber. 49 1600 oorclls of oor4:woot standing on said premis•a, release having been made by Girard Trust Company permitting sale of property to SunOl'eat Lumb~:r Company by Whi tmer•P•raCila Pulp & Lumb~r company; conei,d.eration $2'1'1 ,180,521 oertity­ing that this amount has been eppll•4 to a inking tund by G1re.rd Trust omr pany in accordance wi tb. proVisions ot mortgage or November l, 1909 • ~ntl supplemental mortgage ot sept• l; l<a2~, and oertifying that the principal ~0-~ Y/h! t\hWi-~~-~ofl\8~~ &tutUl\efln~,mit~a~~~li~'av ana• J.~O~h-1 s "'~e"'tlb"-th1s; a~4 •here••• l"equest has been made, now therefore. etc. EXHIBIT nA" Same description as set out on p ages _ to or this abstrao t. Page __________ --------1-l-2-- NQRTH -CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ]~- he.tllam. ,Phoenix N •·,~i- -_onai· ~ e.nk & 4rust company 0 ~----------------------+----------- ifhitm_ er•Pa~_ son_s Pulp & ~ um.ber company • .... 0 1. .Kind of Conveyance .. ...... Re.le.ese-.. ---------------- 3. Is it properly executed __ ________ Yea ________ ------------- . 5. ·Before what Officer acknowledged ...... _l'{, ___ f' _~ -- -· · 7. If irregular, copy in full on back 9. Date of ackno\vledgn1ent .. .. -- -- ---- ---·· -· --·---· -· ····· ··--·--···-- --- -· 11. Did officer affix SeaL ... ----·--·----·--· -·· ------- ·-·- ···---- ----··-- --- ·- - 13. Does conveyance contain convena nts'--- (a) of seizin ------ -·--·---·------- ·-- ----- --· -- --·---···-- -··- (b) power to convey ...... ... .. ... ....... ......... ....... ... . . (c) against encumbrances ...... .............. .......... .......... .. . (d) against chims of all othe rs ......... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ......... ... . 2. Date of Conveyance __ _____ 4..,_7..,._19.2.6 ............. . 4. Date of Entry and No .. ---- ··-·-··---- -····-· --···-····-·-····· · 6. Acknowledgments, regular .. ·---- -···--·-- ·-- ---· ----- ·-·--·-··-··-·- ·· 8. Did all grantors acknowledge___ _______ ·-- -··--- ·--·······-·· -- 10. \Vas privy examination of wife taken. 12. Was order of probate correct. __ ·- -· ·····--·-· ·· ·--··-·····- ··· 14. Date of fi~1" for record _______ -·- ·---·- ··-- -- -· -·· 15. Book ----··- -- ------ ·-··----·- ·-- ·- .. ·---· -·· --· Page ____ _ 62 f or ___ SWain __ --·- County. 16. Does de ed contain any special limitations, provisions or r estrictions ........... ....... . · ···------ -- -------· ·· · ·- -------- · --- ---- ---------- ----- - ---- -· -··-- ---- -- --·- ·· ···· ··· · ·· -··· · ··- ----- -·--·-· --- ------------- -- --·· · -- ·-------·-·-·- ·· --- ----- --- --- ---- ·- -·------- --·· Exact Description of Property Ret'e :rs to Deed or Trust to Metropolitan rrruet company ot New York (heretofore mergetd with Obatham) _to aeo\ll"e the '1% 20-year income bond• ot Whitmer-Parsons. aggregating in the pr1no1pal amount $.11, covering oe:rtein lands and timber, including the land desoribed in Exhibit "A••. ReoitE!'s .Al*tiolt tV relating to possession, use and release ot morti­gased an4 pletdged prQpe~ty. VIHERJU.Sfl cu.rud 'P.r:ust oompany has at or before the deli very or this release duly exeouted to ChatheJn Phoenix a oe;rt1tioate complying in all respects with S.otion ~. -U-ti ole 5, a't1Jve l'eo1ted1 and. al~ oert1tytns that l'elease has been xnade of 8,407.76 acres or land aa ..,_escribed in Exhibit "Att• 85,1561000 feet of _t1mbe:r, 49 1600 cords or oordwood atan41ns on said pl"tmisea. to be conveyed to sunorest lumber cempany. cona14era· tion $2'17,180.&2. . _ _ _ _ _ _ Certi.ty1na that said oo.aside~ation has been paid and that t~ B&Dle w11 1 be _ appll_ e._~_· by a_1rU4 T_r ust CQmpe_ny in_·. acoordanoe w:i th prov1s_1. on_• ot original c•ed ot trust to siuking :tunl. Also oertitying that p~1ao1pal. amount or bonds now outstan41n.g is $ WhitmerF~atso-ns complied and enti tleQ. to tllt.s :release. wow, ,.HlmEFOJU$ • tto. Quit claim and release th& bQunda:ry as desori \M4 in EXhibit ''A" wldoh 1$ the same as in deed trom Whi tme:r-Parsons Pulp a; Lumber company to SUnorest Lumber company, dated Maroh 29, 19261 and ••t out in pages _ to _ or this abstract. \__ ' - ............................ ~------- NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged "'WbitJilerParaema PUlp ~ & LUmbf!tr CompanJ. .~... ~L_ ___________________ L-----------------------~-------------------- L Kind of Conveyance .... -~:~.1.~-~--EL ................... . 2. Date of Conveyance .... 4. .... ~2:-'-19.26. . . .. .. 3. Is it properly executed ........ ............. ... Ye •.. --··-p·· 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ..... ... ........ •. 7. If irregular, copy in full ofr2,l~;,;;.lDS(f ·· · ···· ····· · 1~: ~~;e 0~~c:;k~~;:le~!~~-e-~t_:::::::::.!~:a. ::.::::::::::::.: .. :::.:::::::: 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ...... ............ .... . (b) power to convey ........... ........ .. ....... ... .......... ... . . 4. Date of Entry and No .. ................... ................ .... . 6. Acknowledgments, regular ..... Yes.... . ................ . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ......... ........... .......... : ......... . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .. ....................... . . 12. Was order of probate correct ... ..... .. ... ............. .... ....... ... ... . . . . 4•22•19!6 14. Dat~ of filmsior ICCOHL .. . ..... ........ .. ""573···· ········ 15. Book ...... ......... .............. . ... Page ........................... . for ... ...... SW$.1.n.. .... ... . ........ ................. County. (c) against encumbrances .......... ...... ........... ... .. ...... . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against chims of all others ..... ......... ........ .. . or r estrictions .... ... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ... ... ............. ..... . ···· · --· --- ----- ·- ---··· -· ·· · --······ ·· ···· ······· -· ··--· ·-· ------- ---- ---- ·-· ·-··········-···· ·· ··· ············ ·· ·· ···· ··· ···· -· ·-· · -···· ····· ·-·· ·---·· ········ -· --· ·-······· ······ ·· ···--· ··· ---·------ -· ---- -· ··········· ·· Exact Description of Property Relea-ee made: bJ Girard Trust company end William F. Lester aa Trustee the tleed of trust hereina~ter mentioned, to Vthitmer­Paracwta Pulp & Ltll!lbar Company. WI'i'NESSETB~ WHEREAS, by- deed or trud or mortgage dated 'Nov. 1, 1909 and re­corded in the county or swain, !l.orth carolina, in Deeb Book No. &, Page 130,. !)arsons Pulp & Lumber company d1d grant and oonvey and mortgage unto the Girard Trtt•t Company,. e corporation 4ulT organized and ai.at1ng undel' the laws or the state of Pen.nq1Yan1a, end Charles J. Bboa4a ot Ph1leu.lelph1s1 Penne., 'b"uatee, to seoure an isaoo of $3,eoo,ooo.oo par ot the fir a\ mortgage a1x_ per eent. Gold Bonas ot aaid r arsona Pulp ~ Lumber company t • .. 1 th. interest. oertain pieces. parcels or . tracts ar land, 1nolud1ng the and and timber thereon located, more particularly des• ortbea 1n Exhild. t "A" ot the deed trom Wb1 tmer-Persons Pulp & Lumber Company to S'Wlol"eet Lumber Oomper, dated Alaroh 29 1 192:6, which 1a tu.llJ set out h. _pages to_ ot th1s abatract;anc1 WHEREAS• oerta1n suppleMntal deeds of trust or mortgages were made by the Paraoas Pulp &. Lwnbet· Oompanr to the said TrUstees supplemtn tal to said deed of trust or mortgage ot flovember 1• 19-09; and · WHEREAS, 1;1 supplemental agreement, dated Novembe;r 1. 1923, has here• totore been entered into between said Parsons Pulp &:. Lumber company,. •14 Oi.rerd Trust Company and William F. tester and Wh1 tmet-Pars<ms Pulp & Lwnber Company an4 others, prov141ng1 allong other things, that the Wh1 tmer-Pal"sa'ls Pulp & Lumber company, tor all purposes, under tlB aa1d Shut B 11.4 deed or trust or mortgage of november let, 1909, shall be deeued the successors of the Parsons Pulp & LUJ.Dber compan,-, as is more pirtioularly provided 1n said agreement or t:J"ovember 1, 1923, and providing als:> that any action requ1:i'ed or -·perm1tted to be taken b7 or in relation to Clark L • . Poole & Company by Article II or .AZtiole XVI ot said deed of trust or morteuse ot November 1! 1909 1 may be tako!l with like force and erreot by or in relation to Mr. Barnes Newberry ot .1: rovidenoe, 'R . I., or his nomi• nee designated by him in writing, tiled \'11th the said Girard TrUst Co. J and WHEREAS, the satd deed or tl"USt or mortsage of November 1, 1909, and &aid supplemental deeds ot trust or mortgages and said agreement of' uovember 1• 19231 are all intended to be included herein within the term "deed of trust oT mortgage" as hereinafter mentioned; and WHEREAS, the deed of trust or mortgage aid contain the following clauses in Article XVI thereof, t:> wit: ".AR 'l'I C LE 'XV I • •. • • ·• • • • • • .• • • • • • • • • ·• • • • • • • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • It 1 s further expre~sly understood and agreed that the company may sell, from time to time, in peroels ot not lees than 40 acres, at such prioe as 1 t shall be able to get, any ot the timber lan.d or timber hereby mort• gaged under the following o ondi t'ions: 1. The company shall procure a written and signed estimate of the amount, log aoele, ot the timber so desired to be sold; suoh timber eati• mate to be made by Lem1eux Brothers & Company or other tilnber estimator satisfactory to said Clark t. Poole &. Company, enG shall file eCtid timber estimate w1 th the trustees. · 2. The Company shell also file w1 th the TrUstee, an affidevi t r:t 1 ts president, Vice !'resident • aeoretarr or treasurer, stating that said _pro­posed sale is bona fide, giVing the name of the purchaser and the purchase price. 3. The company shall pay the trustee an amount equal to the amunt or ouch p\U"ohaae prioe, which shall not be leas than $3,00 per 1000 t't, or all standing merchenteb.le timber shown by the estimates above mentioned, together with $20.oo pEt,r aore tor ell lnnd intended to be sold. such par ment shell become a part of' the sinking rund mentioned in Utiole II herein. 4., The Trust.Qo shall thereupon execute ana doli ver to the purchaser or purchasers at eny suoh sale a release in proper form or the land or timber eol.d, llhioh release shall be et1"eot1 ve to discharge suoh land or timber trom the lien of this instrument. 5. The oompe.ny shall not, however,. bnve the right to s$11 any le.nd on which there shall be located any faoto:ry, pulp mill or lumber mill plant or any pert thereof or any structure neoessary thereto, or any P-.R. o:r part thereof • or building necessary thereto, and the trustee may re- . quire proof satisfactory to it by aff'idavi t of the president of the com­pany, or otherwise, that any land so sold or attempted to be sold. has no faotory1 pulp mill or lumber mill plant. or part thereof or any structure necessary thereto, or any R.lh or part thereat or building necessary thereto, located on it before exeouting a release of any suoh land." WliEREAS , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • lfi11ER F..A.S , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 115 WHEREAS by indenture dated January 2, 1924, the said Parsons Pulp & Lumber company,a conveyance or certain land and timber including the land and timber described in the Exhibit "A" hereinbefore ret'ernd toaaa4 WHimEAS Whitmer-r ar·sona Pulp & Lumber company heve entered into a wr1 tten agreement w1 th sunoreat Lumber company, dated as ot DeOG!l ber 11 1925, tor t1» sale by the Whitmer-Parsons Pulp & Lumber Company to the sunoreat Lumber Company of the land and timber thereon located, described in the aforementioned EXhibit "A"; and W!lfi:REAS the Treasurer of' Wh1 tmer-Parsons Pulp &. J,umber Company has duly mede and delivered unto the said Girard Trust Company and William F. tester, Trusteet,as ator tsaid, an affidavit as required by said deed of trust or mortgage or November lt 1909 1 stating among other things that the Whi tmer-rarson.a Pulp & !.umber Company has entered into a bona fide agree­ment with the suncreat tumber Company, e corpora tion organized and exiat1q under the laws of' the state or Delaware, ror tlll:t sale ot land and U.aber thereon: located, deaoribed in Exhibit "A" hereinbefore speottioally retene4 to, situate in the county of swain, state ot Harth carolina, and being part of the premises described in said deed or trust or mortgage of November 1 • 1909, for the purchase prioe of $2'17 ,180.52 and that snid sale waa bona fide in every respect, and that there is no f~ otory, pulp mill, lumber mill, plant or any part thereof', or any structl1re necessary thereto or any n.R. or any part.thereof or building necessary thereto located or situate on any of the premises so sold and described in Exhibit "A" afore­mentioned; and WfllmEAS the Whl tmer-Parsons Pulp &. Lumber Company has procured a wri ,, .. and signed estimate or the amount, log aoale, of the timber so sold and looe.ted upon the premises desoribed in F..xhiblt "A", by Mr. 1-::. H. Lemieux, ttmber estimator and oru1ser, showing that th er~ was looate4 upon aaid l and described in Exhibit "A" 83,135,000 :feet or timber besides 49,600 oorda or oordwoo4, and has prooun4d e.nd delivered to the said Girard Trust Company and William F. tester, Trustee, as ntore· said• from Mr. Barnes N«twberry, substituted by said agreement of Novembe 1, l9S3, in plooe of Me8Brs. Olark L. Foole &. ComP,any, named in said deed ot trust otr mortgage or November 1, 1909 1 a letter to t he effect that the ::~aid w.H. Lemieux was sat1staotory to him as an estimator or said timbera and W!IF.JtE118 tho Whi tmer-Parsona Pulp &. l,umber company has done end per­formed all or the matters and things required by said deed of trust or mortgage of November 1, 1909, end the said agreement of November 1, 1923, in order to entitle the aeid 'fihi tmor-~l arsons Pulp &. !.umber Company, 1 ta S"J.ocossors and assigns upon the pnymen t of a sum or sums aggregating $277 11 160.52, to a delivery of this release; and WUERE .. A.S • • • • • • • • • • •· • • • • • • •. * •. • • • • • • • • • • W'nE:ni~Ji.S Wb.i tmer.,.. T,arsons !1Ulp & !.umber Company, tho suc,:essor ot said 'Parsons Pulp & Lumber Company has requested the Q1rnrd rrrust CompUJ and William F. Leuter, as trustee, as aforesaid, to execute this releaee nnd to deliver t he s ame upon the pe yment of the full sum of $277,180,51. l'TOW 1 THEREFORE, t his indenture Wl'r.JBSSETU:. '!'hat the Oirsrd Trust co. and 'llilliam !". Leator, Trustee, in consideration or the stlll or $27'1,180.88 receipt ot same hereby acknowledged. have covenanted, promised and aaree41 and do hereby for 1 tselt and himself,. t heir suoceaaors. exeoutore, a4mlalr trators and assigns 1 covenent, promise and agree to nnd w 1 th the said Pulp & Lumber Company, its successors and assigns that no execution or other final process or proceeding in law al811 be sued, le'W1•4 o• .rA ,..t..a ke_n... .. ...o.....r.. _e_x__e_c u-te-d_ _b_y . i-t- -or him, their respective exeoutors, adm1n1atJ-a• t...- _ _... __ .... ____ ... --i ...2 ..S--..3 - .A .... _ _ _ _ ,.A.. ----- --~ - - .&.. - .. .:.:..... .• .i.l.O o~ ~oft Ol'- aptna.t eaid ttaber ao 1014 an4 grentt4 aa atoreeald by tbe lhitmer-Par"ae• P~p & L\110er coapany, an4 by the" pr•••n'• the o1nr4 'ITUat .ooJA.P· •ll7.•.. e .d W1.ll1em v. Le.•t•r• 'ftu•toea1 4o .henb·.y rU&i•.•, rel•.... .. utl roreYer qult ol.alm unto the ea14 WhJ;-.r·••Paraona PUlp &. Lusnber ooapu7 1 ta auooe•eorl anc! aasipa. all of the lana an4 1d. abe:r th.-eon looate4, lf1ng anA belns in swain oountr, the ... •n4 llOl'e petlcntlarl;r 4e10rl be4 in axhlblt "A~ ato~nt1one4. · PROVlDID, b.ou..-er 1~t nothing herein oontained alutll 1n il17 •1• atteot, •lter or d1;d.n1eh the lien or Qpera,ion or •1d deed ot ti'Uat u mortgage upon Ol' ap.1nat the r...-nlng or ather port10li ot the pra1eel in tho .aiel 4eed or trust o:r mortpge teao:r1be4 and not 1nten4e4 htreia to be relea•41 dlaoha:r,.a or. exoa•ratt4 thuetrvsa. w. w. Ely, Pna. l'lat P. Leiter, t'r'Uatee. KXHIBIT "A"- Deao11.:pt1on ot p,-operty. see l%hib1t "A." 1n the deed t"rca Whi tmer•Paraona Pulp & Lumber Companr ·to auno:reat Lumber company. &l:ted Maroh ag • 1016, whioh 11 tully aet out on Pasea __ to __ ot th1a eibltre.ot. i:1~.,~,· Page .. :~-- ----- ------------+-~-·--•--- ""-- NORTH CAROLINA -PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged u; R. n~ G1lme:r ror ; 1 R. D .• Gilmer, T.rustee =: I.ove He .rs w. o. ~th subscribing Witness ca ~'" ~-----------------------+------------------------~----------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ...... ........ Gon.tra"e.t ................... . 2. Date of Conveyance .......... fr-.~Q~ .Q.3 ............................ . 3. Is it properly executed .................. Ye.&L ....................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ....................... .. : .............................. . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ........ O.e.S.-.0 .•........ 6. Acknowledgements, regular .YelL ................................ . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ........ ............. ... .... ...... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ........ Ye.S ......................... . 9. Date of acknowledgement .. ... ... 5::••.l:3~-~-3 ................... . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ............. .............. . 11. . md officer affix SeaL ................ J~O. ................................ . 12. Was order of probate correcL ...... Yes ......................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record .......... 5~~3:':1.~.3 .................. . (a) of seizin ··-·---- ----·----······---------------··--· ··-·--·-·-·---·--- ·---------· 15. Book ............. 4 ....................... , .. Page ........ 3tl7 ............... . (b) power to convey ......... ................................................. .. for ............. .HfAY-.WO.Q.d ............................. County. (c) against encumbrances ........... .................................... . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ....................................... . or restrictions ..................... ..... ..... ........................ .............. . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .. ..... ... ....... ........ ........................... ................................................ ....................................... ................. . Exact Description of Property Vi'"I'l'NI~TH '!HA'f, The p.rty ot the rtrst part ha$ this t\ay solt\ to - -w~ o. smith all. the unsold lands 1n a certain botmdary. Desot1pti.on. by na.tltr$1 objeet• 1noludes all ·or Big creek water­shed and all- or Oata loochee wat•.rahe41 $0\'lth aacl west $t the 'l'VlelVe:""Mil:J strip; said · to oonta~n 60,000 ao;vQs, tnol'e or less. · Terms Of paJmellt of the pax-ohase prioe set out. , Party ot first part agr$es to make the necessary S\U"Veys t<» determine th€ number or acres in &aid boundary • . And it is f\ttthel' agreed between the se1d parties·hereto, thai 1f the 1ald w. a. Smith shall to pay the sa14 sum of $3'1.500, wtupa the sante ohall become due• aooord1ns to the provisions or thisoontraot, this O-Ontraot shall ,..ea~nt and c1etermint. and shall be held to be abso1utel7 null and void as if the same had not been executed •. 1/l Q,> Q,> ..., .... .. .l:'age .......... ......... .I.. . .I...U. . ....... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK CO,. MMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged (th~ same) Witness: w. B. Ferguson c=~ w. M. Cooke L_ ____________ _J __ ~----------~-------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ... ...... OP:t.10Xt ............................. . 2. Date of Conveyance ........ g-'""3-Q-1694························· 3. Is it properly executed ............... :y ••............................ 4. Date of Entry and No .................... .......... ... ................ ....... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ..... -e.,.S.,.Q .•.......... 6. Acknowledgements, regular -----Yes------------------------------- 7. If irregular, copy in full on back .. ..... :·· ···· ····· ················ , 9. Date of acknowledgement ----8~1-'"'1894 -······· · · ···· · 11. Did officer affix SeaL ........ ......... .. NO ..... : ....... ---······:········ 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ............. ye~8 ...... ............. .. 10. Wa~ privy examination of wife taken .... ....... .. ........ ...... . 12. Was order qf probate correct... ..... ......... ...... y-$8------------ 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ..................... .................. ..... ..... .............. ........ . 14. Da te of filing for record ..... 8·""'3·lwlS9'4c--------------- 15. Book .............. $ ......................... Page ............. l-- ----------··· ·-- (b) power to convey .... .. .. .............. ............. ...... ....... ........... . (c) against encumbrances ....... ....... .................... ............. . for -- ---·--·····--··--······--:Hanood.----------------County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ... ......... ...... .. ...... ............. . or restrictions ....... ... ................. .. ... ...... ........ ............ ........... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .. .......... .... .... .. .. .. .. .............. ... . ... . .... --·- -· -· · .- - -- ·· ·· ···· ··· · · · - · -- -- --· -···· ···· · .- - -· ... -- .... ·· ·- . . ······· · ··· ···· ··-··-· --·-·-· ··· · · · ·· ···· ·· · · ··· ·· ·· ·· •··· ·· ··· ···· · ·· ··· · ---- -- -· ·· · ·:·· ··· · ···· ·· ···· · ·· ·· Exact Descrip tion of Property w I T N E s s 1 T n: Tha t R. D. Gilmer, Trustee tor the heirs at. law ot J anes R. Love and others, owners Of tha land$ kncwn as the Love Speoulation Lands, lying in the Counties ot HayWoOd. Jaekson and Swain. under the powel."'s oonter red upon him, the said Gilmer, Trust•e •. by the Superior Court ot Haywood County by D~oree made in t ne oat;Je ot w. L. Henry and W. 1. Henry,. i>.dmr. of B. M. Henry, deoea.sed, against w. L. Hilliard and. othere at Sp:rl:ng Te:rm, 1891 or sa~d 001rt baa agreed to sell and convoy to w. M.Cocke am h i s heir$ ot the City ot .. Asooville, N. c. or hiS a sigll.$, the Gatalooohae, Big Creek and Whiie,> Oak boundary ot lalil in said county o.t Haywooct not heretof ore sold · · oontain1 P.g 54.'176 aor$s, bel.oll#g1JJ.g to said Love Speculation lands agreeable to a survey heretofore made ct the same and pla t s thereot in "blue Prints-'' furnished said w. M. Cooke, containing by ast~tion 541776 aeres at thtt price .or One Dol lar a nd Twenty ... tive cents per aore, making the SUll1 of Sixty-e1ght Thousand Fo:Ar Hundred and s~venty (f8S,475) Dollar& . The aa14 w. M.Coeke at 1118 own option is to P'BY the puro:ha&e money at any ti~ before the· first day ot OctobQ~, 1894, and then it he sfloulddesire tl.ntil the first day at Novembe~, 1894, · to p:~.y the purchase money by the said W, M, Cocke, paying to R. D'. GilmEur, Trustee on or before the 1st day ot Octobe;, leg4,. the sum ot Three IIundre4 Dollars, the ·time to ~Y ·tn · money, shall ex,tend to tb,t) ls' day of N'ovembeJ:; 1894, a.nd so on by pl ying the Three :trundred Dolla,..s at any -time before t his option exp ires, or before one extension thereot expires the payment of the said su shall extend the time thereof one month lotl(Ser, in wh ioh the said. W. M. Cocke $y pt;J;y the whole purchaee ~ney, · trpon· r~n.ra.est, the said . R .• l) , Gilmer 18 to pl'epare and execute a d.eed 1n. tee wi'tll' tu~l wa:rran ties. eto. for said lands to w. M. oooke, as auoh pe:rson aa he may d.i:t$•1 . and p,_.e the same 1n esor• to bt:)· del~ve:re4 upon the paYJ7Bnt. o~ ~11 the ;)i:u'chase :money and all the moniea pa14 tor an e.xtension of' time· on this option are no part ot the purchase money, and, are ttbsolutely torteited to the said R. D. Gilmer, Trustee, as a:roreea1d and. are not to be considered as any pan ot the purchase money pe.1d toit' said lands but the said R- D. G1lmeJt, Trustee as ato~se:id is te reooYer one Dollal' am twenty-tin 0$1.1• per e.ore net to:r eaeh and &T$l"Y acre ot said l$1d.S and the suma here1n\Htfore provided to be paid 1o the aa14 R. D. Gilmer, T:ruatee tor monthly extension are paid for the-- purpose ot obtaining the said ex­tens1en and in no event. to be o onsidered as any part or- the purchase monoy as herein'be:t'or., provide.d. The said R. D. Gil:meJ.t,. T:Nstee, as aforesaid 1s to tum1eh the w. M,Cooke, Abstract o-r title, maps of said land and such in:f"ol"Jnation as be can c cncetning thr same. In testd.mony•- -- ---·etc. r'· rage ..... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT ; In Preamble · As Sig-ned As Acknowledged ·-a; - ~ =::: R. J>. G1llz:er, Trturtee ( th$ same) \Vitness c~--~------~------~----~------~----~------------~------ 1. Kind of Conveyance ... ........................... . 2. Date of Conveyance ..... -9-•6-94····································· 3. Is it properly executed ...... ....... Yfil-tl-·---·--·-·-----················ 4. Date of Entry and No ........... ........ ......................... ............ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .. C.-S-.,0··········•····· 6. Acknowledgements, regular . -·-······Yea···························· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ........ ..... ....... .... ....... ... . 9. Date of acknowledgement .. 9.~--..$4-- - -··· ···· ·· · ·· ········ ·· ·· · 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ............. ·-·v························ · · f ·f t k "'88 10. 'Nas privy exammatwn o w1 e a en ............ .. ............. . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ....... .. N.o ....................................... . 12. Was order of probate correct ... Ye-a······························ 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- ( a) of seizin ....... ............. .......................... ........ .. ............... . 14. Date of filing . for record ..... ... 9·"'6·'""94························· 15. Book ...... ............ ...................... Page ....... ·-2:2-·· ······· ··· · · ···· · (b) power to convey ......... ......... .............. ........... .. .... .......... . (c) against encumbrances .................... .................. ......... . for ·············r·Hayw-ood·····················; ....... County. 16. Does deed 'contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others .. .. ... ................. ............... . or restrictions ·········· ···· ··No················································ 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ... ..... ........... .. .. . ····················· ····· · --/- ----················ ··· ············· ·· ··-········-··· ······· ······-·· · ··· ··· ············· ·· ······ ·· -·· ······-- . ...... . .......... ........ · -···- -·--- ·- ........... . .......... ·· · ······· ····· ··· · ··· ·-··-- ........... : ........... ......... ... ...................................... . Exact Description of Property Know tallman by these p res ents that WHE11EAS R~ D. Gilmer, Trustee fo 1..· the heir's :at law ot Ja.s. R. Love, .d$oeo.sed and others,owners or the lands kriown as the Love Specu Lation Land.s• diet on the 30th day ot August~ 1894, execute to W,M. Cocke an option or oontftct to convey to th~. said w. u.oooke or his assigns the l ands therein referred to, u :)o~ :the condi t tone as stated in said option Which said option has be~# rae:orded in the . Otf"i 08 of the Register Of Deeds tor Haywood Coitnty i n Book 6 of Deeds; r..age 1. ' NOW THlS AGREE:MENT, Witnesseth: that the p~ov1s1ohs and terms of the said option .,.. oontractshall remain 1~ full fol.'Oe an4 efteot according to the time thereof, except the s8iid opt.ion sball. t ake et'teot on the 12th day O't September, 1894 and ~that tittJ.Q fixed f or -~ he paynwmt of the ) urchast:} money shal l be ext$.d~d until the 12th day of _. 0Qt• 1894, and ~hould the purchase mon~y tlot be :-:a:ld &n the said 12th day of oot. l894t and should the sa1cJ. ~.4 Cocke or his assigns des ire an extension thereof, thEJ same •hall be _extended according to the privision ot the said option thirty ,days fran the said 12th day ot Oot. 1894, upon the payment of the 9Um ot $300,00 and so on by pay1tJg $5oo.oo b efore the 12th ot each /month. And the said option dated August 30, 1894, f5hall remain in force and «;JN'ect exoep"t in so fa!' as modified by a greement. In Testimony·-----~eto, . ' .... \ .. t. ... NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ~"' .__w_ •_ _u _.-__o_o_· a l ---ke-----------~~c!..·Mn.-~.;--.~~-e_9~.c!·.!..So·~!·-~~~- e!il.J-·r_· 5 ________- +------------------------ f- u~ .r~.l> J.\._ Witness: Ohas • .r" Gaff 111 .~.. =Ill ~ L_ ________________ _l __________________ ~---~------------- 1. Kind of ConveyanCont.m~t ....... Bec.e.ipt ......... 2. Date of Conveyance. ............ ..l..0....-...2 c• .-. •.9.•. .5.. • .•..•. .. .• ••...• .... .... . 3. Is it properly executed .......... ... Y.$11.. ............................ . 4. Date of Entry and No ......... ... ....... ..................................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .. .N.-.P:, .................. . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back .. , ... ....... . .................. . 9. Date of acknowledgement ...... G .-.l~-~~7 6. Acknowledgements, regular .. 1".~ .................................. . 0 • • ves 8. D1d all grantors acknowledge .......... 4f. ....... ........................• 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ............ ............... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL. .... ................ ............ ..... ................... . 12. W~s order of probate conecL .... Y~HP ............................ . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ........ ........................................... . (a) of seizin ........... ................................... .... .. .... .... . 15. Book ............ 9 ............................ Page ....... 9,4 .................... . (b) power to convey ....... .................. .... .................. .... ........ . for ...................... f.Ia;rw.ooQ. ...................... Count y. (c) against encumbrances ....... .............. .......................... . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of a ll others ......... .......... ...... ...... ........ . or restrictions ........... ........... .. .......... .. .................. ............... . 17. Habendtim clattse (Quote fu lly) ____ ------ --- --·--·····--·· ---------········ ····· -·· · ···········-····-·· ·· · ------- - --······ · ·· · ·· - ·· - · - ···· ··· · ·· · ··· · · · ·-~-- --- - --- --· · · - · ···· -----· · ··· ·· Exact Description of Property Re4e 1vad ot :r, :a.. Ha.rt and Wm. J. cooke.~ the sum ot E 1gb teen ThouSSl'l4 DOllars. for . ml_ ;tnterast in a oelrtain boundary of l.an4 1n Haywood CoU,nty in the . ;:lta te r;Jt North Ca rolina, oontauuns Fittr-tour thousan4 $BV~n hundred. and ~eventywt,1ve aoree3 * known as the catalooohee Big Creek and White Oak b:ound.ay ot the Lo~ Specula tiflll la.n4. The said J, B. Hart and W. J. Co eke are to b£Aat s.ll expense$ ot keeping the opt1 a'l on said lands an4 their ina iden~l ~J:pe~~s and a re to pay all tha vlirohase .money dae te R. D. QilJAeJr, 'i'Wt14Jte• t'or said land and the said J" .. B. Hart ancl w~. J. Cooke are to pay to w. B. Ferguso~ '!'hitteen Thousand s i• hundred and ninet}r-tive dol lars for . is eerv-iqes as attorney in the matter am tor the service~ Ocf J'. 11. :Moore. Urnber oroEJrt • . It is understood that the .. ··· (?) ani to oo paid VI. B. Fer{iSUGOit. is only to t-e paid VJben the land ii sold by ;r. :S. Hart and Wmt J. Cooke or '1hen the:r pay th r p'!;l.l?oha,se money to R .. D. etillne:r, should th.rY desire to r~y for the l@d a:c<l hole\ i.t. When t tt$ said J~ 'B . Ha.ri and Vfm., J. CoQke pay or eaU$e to be paid ·the pul'ehase money du$ 1. D~ G:l.lm.H!·· r.rrustee :t:ol' said la.nct and the s"Qm ot Thirteen Tnousan4 six hlllldred and n1nety'""!ou:r dollars to ·W. B. Fa~gu­. sJon, tb,().ll the u..n4al'$1gtted. w. M. Cooke, Jr., 'bi:nda hi .. self and ad­m. 1nl s t~ato~s sad t ·o mke or ctrnse to be made to sat d .1. B. Hart and· _W:m.• __:r .. _o o*·. '. or _~_ -·•Si~las•· a_ny :person to whom they rr~J.y direot a good and indefea

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).