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Cataloochee tract 215: George H. Caldwell

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  • . "-.__/ ._ · ~ SMO!<YIVlTN.PARK 6EOR6£. H. CAJ.DW£LL TRACT /SO. S6 ACRE.$ S CA~E 1''~20 CHAINS § sv l't I' I)' t:h' BY.W.N.SI. - ~· .._; . Page. ......... ~ ......7 ..1._8__:.. . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Land f s 0 -----·· ··· ·-· ·· ·· ·-·· ·-·- ·---·- ····· ·-- ---·f . ·-.-I ··Q--- -l. l --Cl .. • ·-- -L. --· .0. . .l. .J. __l ) _ • _____.T . . .! YIf.. ···---· ·-·· --· ··--·--····· · ··· -·· -- ·-· ·····-·· -·'··· ·· ··---·····-- -·· ··-· --· ····· (~) ' --··---···-··-·----------·-····-----------·-········----·-·--···· ----····-···-··-------····· Township ...... ll..A. .. JJI .. O .. .Q ... l).......................................... County. 2.6? STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION •• · --~ ...... ' ·. · . · .· ·.. .. ...... : ......... , ... .... - .....O tt. .... ............. . .. ..., • ....... .......... ........ • • A.ll!olat ......... ...... .•. ,,.... •. ..... .................... -••···· .. .... IJ• ·0. 6t • to,p lltP\1 Ri. .., Mbla oo--. .~r W . •• •• PJUI• Mot lilt). . . .a. Sbttt A 'r .. ~ ...... ~ ................... , .. , - ·-~-- dl& tbl .,..._ Of._., IMit• •• lt.M •• ::.-::r:.: l:.:'o:: ~--o::.c:.~;,-:t:.:· ......... . . •• e .• ...,. w, ••a .... -. • ,.._ .... • ••• ..... •• ........ •• eat.,. ... ... • ... .... ,.. la ... ., ........... ..,,., .... o. eo. .•.•• A 11• .... , .. ,,_. all MJrllft .a.t •. ~.U.O~ o., '" ...... •·..., •· .M·tbal•.u..u...-.., ........ 1t.- c_... " a aa• •••• ••• •• •fUll. e.a.o. o. •• "'* • 40* ......... , ...... 014 .... . A t• ._ ... ~laae4. •at •nNII l.t.G.a.c. Cor. t. .... .. ~Q .......... ··-·· !! .... 1$ . ·twO '· Cll"ffiii,IJI - _,,. ..... o ....... JODI .............. leV Cl ... ,. . • .... . II" q I"• - .tt . .._ '-llal 'lall4 •lA ._. .. G.B.O• W• I. ••s.-...a. · ),· 11•• b.U •u.a Q.- ..... MM c.-... , .• • ·pos• " ·••• • .o• ,.- oa aoct.tll •1• ot •U ••• ,.. a.:aa.a al& •oa• o.n..c...o.w... •.•. .... ...,~.--c ........... u,eo GfiaU. ••• n•• ._._.,. lltl'l ooa• a,. • poaa ** a ,..,.. •• of olA • ..., -.. ... -, •• a. OeK.U. ••· • t• ,., 1a • ....a c ••• •"'* t.s.o. Col'• 9. A t• .. .._, ltlla ... a..S. ••ii.-' a.t.G.IeCt o.w. '• ._ .. I• W• ... ,.,.. .... . ... •. ··~·· ... 0.... '· • 10• ., ...... 114 -~ .. ·-···· •l• ..... ,., •• llJalt& w ton• G.a.e.o.. •• 719 ,,. ••• " ......, ..... .. · ......... .. ... . .. )·.,~·.'"' :.·.::· . · ·c-~~-v.. ·•. .. ,. .......... ~ ............... ...... --.. . . .,., ......... ·~ ..................... .... _ ............... ~ ......... ... ... .... .u . ........... ...... ...... :. ' ' . ' . . ;_ . ' .. ,.. ........................... . ' . ' . . ' ' ~ . ·. ' ' 720 721 AiifA•. LYSIS OF TITLE \• , · TRACT }fO. 215 ' ' ' t , T:raot No. 215 is now owned bythe hairs at law ot George n, Caldwell, and is totally embraced by state. Grant N<>• 252 issued by .the State to J?~ f}ray Blount. As we have treated state Grant No. 252 by mesne oonveYe.floes. from the tyne said Grant was issued up through and including the time said gret passed by the last will and testament ot .Tames R. Love to his exeouto~s, the same will not be . ' . repeated in this analysis; but may be $een by r:eterenoe to the a~r-sis of t1 tle ot the Sidl\er lielson traot beginning with paragraph 1 ot ea14 :analys1s, a,n.d ending with paragraph 101 page 3 o:r this abstract, 19; On May 9! 1882,, W~ll.iatn R• 'nlOl!B-1 _Robert GwAt .. LoV"t,. Wi liam L. Hilliard and samuel t. t.;ve . Exeotttors1 oon~yed to G, H. Caldwell a traot .ot 'land containing 50 ao~e$ 1 wh1oh sa1d ·tract em'bX"aoed a :90X"t1on o·f tract No. $.5,,, In rne.k- :tng ·this conveyance 1 the ex.,,mtors re&CiJrv'ed one•hal:t ot the minet-al interest With Dlinill8 prl v1legea. It trill be noticed. that only two ot the e:teeuto~s signed this eonve;yanoe,, . Roweve~ 1 this .det&Q.t has _been our$4 by an ·agreement and oonsent judg- · ment entered 1n the oase or w. L~ . · ne~y versus w, L. Hilli.ard. see the analrsts ot title of . thf) Sidney Nelson tract; Pf!lse 3 ·Of this a~s~:raot-. ~e above · deed ' is of record in Haywood County• See page J?23 • ,o~ this absi;raot, (l:n MQ.Y' 91.. 1003, W.11liam Lt- ThQmtlS,_ Rob$l.-t G, At tove1 , wt liam L. Hillia.r• and S8Jm).el lJ• love., . exeeutortJ1 oo_nveyed to . G~ n. caldvre;l ~ tft)oond tract ot :Land oon~a1ning 60 '-ores, mo:re or less. one-halt Qf the mineral interest With mining pr1vi• leges 18 also reserve& in this•~· 'l'he above deed 1 s ot :reoort in Haywood County. See page '724 o·f this abstract. tv.: As lltt _.. .. tstrtia11r · 4epCH1cUng upon l'OJ•t.aato!l tor -.1 tle t .e . ft-ao~ . No• 2111 . w· obta1l114 · ~lda"fi•e or :posse .s $1oat , aa14 attida:n'C$ matle ae.- 1lr ret.j:rtztct to pase 727: . · ~~~ 732 . of thi• abat2:'$o.t • v., suneror•a alttdavit DlAt be sean by rete.l'enee to page 7~3 ot 'tb1• abJtft(Jt, :~ ·- . ") ',· Page .......... ~ .............. 7.2.3 ... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION In Preamble oo William H• T'.uomaa ~ Rtb-t't G• Ai. Love ~ Wi.lliam. I., Hilliard ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed w. L. Hilliar4 As Acknowledged ; Prov~n ~~~s~emn~~~~l~- ~Lk·~· ~L~wo~~~·~·~Exr~~·~··~+---~s~amn- ~~·~l·L~-L~··-L~-t~o~v~e~·------~--------~------------ 1. Kind of Conveyance .......... D .. .E ... :E .. D:.......................... 2. Date of Conveyance ....... &!.9.~82 ................................... . 3. Is it properly executed ..... ~ ..................... :................... ....... 4. Date of Entry and No ..................... ; .................................. . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ... l?.l"O.bfl~e ... fudge 6. Acknowledgements, regular ......... Yes .......................... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back.......... ......................... 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .............. N~L .................... . 9. Date of acknowledgement ............. 5:'1'~0~S.2. ......... . ... 10. WaE privy examination of wife taken .......................... .. 11. Did officer affix SeaL .. : ........ ' ......................... :................... · 12 . . Was order of probate correcL ....... Yes ....... : ............... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ......... S"!:l2~82 ................... . (a) of seizin .: .............................. NO ............... :.................. 15. Book .................. 1?. .................... Page ....... 4l.6 ................. . (b) power to convey .......... ................ Yea........................ for ........... J!ayWOOd .............................. County. (c) against encumbrances ....................... JTO.................. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ................... Ye.a........... or restrictions ..... : ..... One.'!!halt .. m:lnara~ ..... .. ................. 1nt.e.res.'b ... .r.eserve4 ........................ .. 17. Habendum clause (Quote ·fully) ...... .TO ... HAVE .. AND ... TO .. HOLD ... t.he ... at.ore.sa14 ... uao.t .. .of ... ~n4- ............. Wi.~b .... t.b.Q ___ pr.1.rtl.eges .... and.·.tll)p' .... ther.eunto ... b.along1ng ... unto .... the . .............. ... Geo.rge. __ .ll,, .... C.aldw.ell ... ~d ... hi.a .. hairs .... en.ct .. ass.igns. .. :to ... th.eiJr ... .oDJ.y ......... . ............. Uf.Q ... ~nd ... bm.o.ot. ... ~orev.e.r. .............................................................................................................................................. . Exact Description of Pr-operty "T_'h at whereas J'au.ts R_, Lov_! J .~ o.ea_ sed,_ . was . set zed ot lFU"ge tracts or land commcmlY . oaned "Speculation Land" lying .and being in the · oount1e& of Yancy; !t§.:ati1sGn1 Duncombe, Haywood and .TCloks~n: and , · \ Whereas the said .Tames R. Love made and published a last will and testament in writing ~nd appointed \Ul~iam H. ·Tho .. mas, Robert (h A.,, Lave• William L. Hilliard and ~el .L. Lov~ exeoutors, _~fho _ qualified and took upon themselves the exeout1o:a thsreor, and · · Wbere•a the !$aid J'$:Il1Gs R, Love sold many tracts oi' said land to different persons and authorized end empov1ered his said executors to continue the s~les of sa1 d land. and to make ti·t1es; NOW TH!riltEFOlmV eto . !~GlNNrM~ At a small ehestnut sapling i:n tlie e~6e or a hollow and thence l"Un• ning s. 40 w. orOs$1ng the Shanty b~oh 125 poles to a stake; thence N. 5a~' · 64 poles to a stake; thEn oe lh 40 Ej ~Jiii:ll" poles to a blaokgum• thence South 50 Eafi'il4 poles to the baginn:ln.g, containing fitty acres, Sheet 8 } Page .. ......... ........ 7.2.4 ... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble WiU1em Jh · Thomas Robe~t o. A~ t ove W1U1am L, Hilliard Bamno1 Lt Love ,_Exra. ' As Signed samuel L• Love w.,. L. Hilliard As Acknowledged Proven ~~I G. H. Caldwell L-------------------~-------------------L------------------- · Deed 1. Kind of Conveyance ....................... ........... ... ......... . 2. Date of Conveyance .. ........ ~:~~~ ............................ .. 3. Is it properly executed .......... ..... .... .... ........ : ..... ............... ... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ..... ............ <::.~ ... $..~ .. C • 4. Date of Entry and No ........ .. .............................................. . 6. Acknowledgments, regular ............ I •. fil .................. .. 7. If irregular, copy in full on back12~31-*aer····: .. .. 8. Did all grantors acknowledge......... NO .............. .. 9. Date of acknowledgment..... .... .............. ................... ... ...... 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ... .... - ... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL........... ....................... ..................... 12. Was order _of probate correct... .. 1J~~~a·5 ............. . 13. Does con_v:yance contain f,f{,renants- 14. Date of fihng tJr record .......... ............... ... 238 ............ . (a) of se1zm ........... ........ ; ....... y 0 ...................... . ...... .. 15. Book ... HaYWOOd . . .. .... Page ........................ . (b) power to convey ...... ........ .... :.;0 .. ............................... for . .. .... .. ...... ... .. .... ... County. (c) agai~st enc~mbrances ................ "'Yes............ ....... 16. Does de:d _contain anoif~fklr/aiilrn~a!ions (d) agamst chums of all others ........... : .. :.. ........ ....... ........ or restnctwns "!:rit'eres't""rea·ervcfd""""""' 17 TO HAVE AND TO · HOLD. .. the ·af( .. trt1.e·t--'o:r·--len4 · Hamfi c~~ . ~~y{~e~es--·an:a----aJ>J)tlr't~llfHlOtnr -~he:re·t·o--·belong1·ng-- unto--·the· .. - ......... aat·d···o;.;-- H~ .. ·-oaldw&ll.Qfid .. his·· het,...s·--to··the tr .. ·onJ:y· ·use· .. ma:·--oohoot- ........ ·· ········· -··-;fore.vsr..f····· ·· ···--- -------- ---··· · ····· ·- · --- ------- -- ----- -- -------·· -· · -------···-··- · ··· · --- - · · · · · · · · · ·· · · ···· ·· ·· ·· · ········· Exact Description of Property "That whereas .T~es R • . Love; deoeaseCi; was set~ed of large tracts of l and commonly called "Speculation tand" lying -.nd bG,_~ in tile cou:nt1~s of Ys.noy1 Madison, Buncombe ,. Haywood end Jackson; and Vlhe:rea.s the said .Tru.'tlee R• Love made and published a last will and teatronont in writing and appointed Wf.lliaml!. 'l'ho­mtna1 Robert · G~ A. tove, · William L. Hilliattd and smnuel L. · LovG.. executors. wllo qualified $ttd took upon thamsel_ves . the exeout1on there'lf; and ~hereas the said J~es R. Love sold many traots of said land to different persons and eutho~ized nndempowerecl his sa1d exeouto:ts to continue the Qales of said land and ,to :mflke titles. NOW, '.11IEREF0$".• etc ON SILu'iTY . BllA.NCH OF. BI~ . CATALOOCHEE . . . BEGDTNI NG at '- small chestnut on sa1d Caldwell's Et boundary line about 5 pnles above the road, and runs with-said line l.f. 40°E. 40 polee to a small ohestnut, Cald ... well's corner: thenoe N. 40° E. 2~ poles to a. bl,aok oo.lq th_cnoe. s . 60° E.- 126 poles to a small spanish· oak; thence' s. 40;6 Vf· 6':3f· to a stake; thence to the beginning, containing fifty acres, more or less. Shut B I .-.· -· ../ ~ ,... Page .......... .......... .7.2.5 ...... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ~ R. n. Gilmel"t n •• D; Gilmer. n. n. Gilmer, = QS ~ Trustee Trustee Trustee r---------------------~~--------------------~---------------------- G. n. Caldwell 1. Kind of Conveyance .. ·-·····-·--·--D···E···E-···D······················ 2. Date of Conveyance ................ :.).l.037-•94----·············-· 3. Is it properly executed ................ ............. .......... .............. . 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ......... c-• - ··S•··· · G·~t 6. Acknowledgements, regular --··········--Y-ee-------,----·········· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ........ .............. ............ . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ........... ........ ... y ••............ 9. Date of acknowledgement ..... ... &-l-V-01---················ 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ........... : ............... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ........ ............................ ........ .... ... ..... . 12. Was order of probate correcL ........... yee----···············;·· 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- · 14. Date of filing for record ........ ... e .... l?•Ol---················ (a) of seizin ·····-·······-·NO·········································· ···· ····· 15. Book ······--------14----·················· Page ......... a-?4----·······-··- (b) power to convey ...... .. -Yes---···········-················· ········· for --·········-RaywoGd---··············-··-···········County. (c) against encumbrances ----·········No············· ··············· 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ........··················· or restrictions ---.One-half---mi-neral-·············· ····--····-···---1ntera-st---re-served-----·-··-··········· 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ...... TO----HAVE---AND---TO----HOLD----the--atore-&aid----t-rao:t----ot-----············· -····------- l~uul-- with--:~he---p-r-1vi.le-ges---and--appur-iena1lOOS---t-hereunto---belongt-n8--------: ..... . -· -·-···· - - --unto- - - -the- ·--said- - -G·--- II-,----Cald-wel:l---and-·-- · --h-1-s----he.1-rs- - -and---~as1gn.s---to--h1_s------···· ····· ---- -· and----·t-heil'-- -only----use---a~d-- - -ooboof--- ·tore.v-er-.-----------·-·------------ - --- --- ------------- - - ---- -- - ----- -- ------------------------········· Exact Description of Property THAT ltfHERE.As .Tames R. · t OV(J1 deoeased, ·under a d&o~ae . Qt the Court of Equity fo:P Bunoomoe Cou..~ty made in the year · 1857, and under the pro'V1s1ona of a deed ot agreement entered 1.n1:o on ·the 16th day ot Ootober1 185'1 1 by Jaraes R. Love, R. M, Hen~y ,. J"runes L, Henry• W.i :lli8ll .~'~ph, .1ohn B. Love, Dillard Love ahd . II. Thomas 1. beoam~V 'trustee for himself and the said parties above named of the said Love speculation Lands lying in .the · 90un~i,e$of Yancy, lf!Sdison, B\inoon1be, · Har wood and .Tackson. with power to make sales of the same and execute titles therefor; and WnEREAS the said James R .. ·Love died seized and possessed ot the said Love Speculation lands as trustee, as aforesaid;· and WHERE.AS ·the said J'ames ·R• tove made and published a last will and testament in wri tins and appointed William H. Thomas, · Robert Gt At Love1 .Willimn L, Hilliard antl Samuel t• Love exeoutora1 who qualified and took upon themselves ~he exeou• tion there~fJ and WHEREAS the said James R, Love sold many tracts ot said land to different persons and auth~rized and empowered his said exeoutors to continue the sales of said land and to make . titles; and S!Jut B 726 WIIEREAS upon the death of the said William t. Hilliard, th$ ~ole acting executor of the said .Tames R. Love, deceased, the Superto~ Coux:'l of Haywood· County at Spring term 18911 · ·in t,he .. case of w• t. Henry.and vr. L• Henry, atlmin1s!rator ot R. M. Henry • deceased_, ·v,. \V• :r.. Hilliard and others1 appoint• 1ng the · ~aid RiD. GiJ.mer trust~a tor the heirs at law ,ot · J'a:lll$s n. Love, ·aeoeased1 ~t al 1 owners of the said Love Specu­lation lands, w1 th power to make sales of said l ands and execute ti.tles therefor & and WHEREAS the said R. Dt Gilmer was appointed administrator de bonis .non with the will annexed of James ll. Love, deceased, by the ·~-gilll'e~ie>it' f'b~~-- of Haywood County on the l81#h day of September 189 ~; and: · ·' . . . WliE1lEAS R. D. Gilmer, trustee, . did on the 9th day of November 1893, oontraot to. c·onvey 'the land herein described to the said G, n.· Oalctwell ana .. upo. n the payment of SEVE:V1'l'Y•FIVE ( $75.00) DOLLARST r· t • WHEREAS the purOhase Pl"iOe money has been paid, to vii t, '!'rlen~r five {$ 25 • 00) no_lla.. r s on . the 9th day of November • 18931 . a!d Fifty { $50,00) Dollars on the 15th day of DeCember, 18~3, both amounts paid to R, D. Gilmer, trustee, NOW , · TIIER:&~F ORE" ect. BEGINNING on a stake, the North~ast corner. of the Lige Messer traot, ana runs No~th 40 East with the line of a. H. Caldwell new traot :pass-ing the No~thwest corner Of said traot at 27 poles - 39 pole$ to a chestnut oak on top of the mountain in o. N• Palmer's line: thEmoe with o. N, Palmer's line and with the top of said mountain, North at West 27 poles; t hanoe North 56 West 14 poles; thence North 49 West 14 poles; North 67 west 9 poles; · - North 42 West 10 polos; North 47 Vlast 12 poles: North 40l West 8 poles; North 32 West 12 pole·s; North 40 West 10 polas; . rlorth 52 west 12 poles to G. N• Pa lmer's corner; thence south 76 West 26 . poles to a spanish oal<: 'n top of the mountain; so~th 40 West 36 poles to a stone with pointers; South 15 East 36 poles t o a ~llestnut; South 31 East 14 poles to a chestnut ·stump} ~outh 33 East 20 poles to a chestnut in the 11n0 of the Messer tract; thence vii th that line fiorth 40 East 64 poles to a blaokgum oorner ot satd traot; t hence south 50 East with said line 72 poles to t he beginning• containing forty­five aores, STATE OF NOR'I'II C.tiillOLIN.A H.t .. Y\VOOD OOU'N'.t'Y - · ..J .;:Joo ~- ~,·Lf~c--~~""~.-r•;,.:.;_;-_,_.___; being duly sworn; deposes and say~: That he i .s 7 1 years of age and has been a oi t1zen and resident o:f Haywood Col.mty for .2.L yearst that he is well eoque.inted with the ownership and possession o:f a ce1'tain tract 727 of land now owned by M. s . Caldwell and the heirs at law of George n. Caldwell; said land being more particularlt described as :f'ollowa:. BEGIN1p;NG At corner 1• a 7" chestnut oak w1 th old corner marks and witnesses, blazed and aori bed G .. H-.,o. corner 1, on top shanty Ridge and in the line of the George n. Palmer tract (239)• N. 78-46 w, '7 •85 A Point; N. 4?•00 W, 5.17 A Po!tltj N. 63--25 w. 2.87 A Point; N. 49•15 W, 1,33 A; N., 51 .. 05 W, 3 .• 4'7 l1. Point; li, 26-32 w. A Po;J.nt; N• 32-45 w, 2.27 A Point; N. 35-06 w. 2,'16 A PointJ N. 5?•32 w,. 4.,45 Corner 2• a 36" ch$stnut v.:ith corner marks and w1 tnesses blazed and soribed G .• P,• cor.ner 6t on top Shanty :Ridge, betng a. oo.rnc;l:r Qt the George ~r, PaJ.m.e:r Traot (239)) thenoe leaving the George N .. Palmer Tre..ot (239) and continuin.g with the meanders of Shanty Riqe1 s. Sl-08 W,.. 6. '71 corner 3, a 10" red oak with old oo;rnf)r marks and witnesses, blazed an,d sor~b$4 G.-~.,a. Corner B• on top Shanty Ridge; theno.e 5• 42-55 i • 8.,71 0-0l"lle.:r 4t a poin·t beside a planted stone w1 th wi tnesees., _the old corner; set a 4" chestnut post in e. xnound ot stones blazed and aeribed G/H"C• corne.r 3J A 12 n chestnut oak blazed and ~cribed B.T.G.H.c. corner 3 1 bears N • . 34-30 w •• 24 chain distant; thenoe s. 24•25 E. 19:.50 Corner 5; a . 28 " chestnut blazed and scribed Ch ii.c. corner 4, beside a 4011 dead chestnut snag, the old corner, A 9" ehestnu~ blazed and scribed B. 'l'.,G.u.c. Corner41 bears N. 79•00 E .• .,21 chain distant; then<t0 s. 46•40 w-. CJ:'OS.$ing two small streams 15.28 Corner 6 a point beside a cluster ot tour ououmbers 26"; 22" 1 !2" and 6"• the 26"be1ng bl_azed. and scribed a.1H~O• ECo:rner _ 5!. thence ~h 46•44 E•b J:.S 24 Small svream r, ows .. S.$'ti ., c~rner 7 t 4 poln'V . e-si! e a'~lT poplar on south slope o:r small riftge, blazed and scribed G.,H,c. Corner 6J thence N~r 44:•28 E. 7~25 small stream :t'lows southeas'l 15.50 small strQam flows Southeast 19.27 Corner 6, a point beside a fence si~e Of old corner shown by George H. Caldwell, Set a 4" post in a ~~nmd ot stones soribed G.Jt.,,c, Corner 7 A 9" chestnut blazed and E~Cribed B .,T~G.R.c •. corner '7, tears s, 3Q-30 w •• 36 chain distant; thence s. 63-47 E ~ 32.43 Corner 91 a 10" white oak VIith old marks and wit.nesses, alm with red point. blazed and scribed <.hH.c. Corner 8; thencE) North 40 •. so E• . A. r .oa4 heta:rl)l.g southeast l5,.ao co~e~lO, a 5" bl.aok oak with old marks and :n4 p~d.nt 'blazed ud so:ribed G•H•O• corner t, A 12" spanJ..ah oak blazed Qnd sor1"d B"T.G~R, o~ Cor».ei' $1 _ b,al'a Nt as-oo E. ,30 oh~ difJ't.&Jlll t .henoe N_~ . 5P+l w. 32,5f cone 11, _a p~ini not ~ke4t thtaoe N~ . <~;o-ao E, ",eo Tht pl.••• ot btgluine-. oonta1n1q 150,58 acrea,. 728 Att1ant f'l:trtller . eta tea that Mre, 11. s.. Oaldwtll en 4 the .. heir• •t Oe.o:rge n. Cal«wtll. tU14 tho• under .whoa ~,h~y ole.iat to w1 't, . o,org$ u. Oal4trell u4 t:tt• &:z:e.outor• or zam..- R • Love haTe l>een 1a the epen1 ocmti!l119Us, e.4ver•• an4 •to,,ou••at. tJl • .. '>I ·. ' _or- said l.ands., unde:r knowa end v1e1ble Jne't;t$ and bOu,nda, tor • pertod or 30 ~· an~ •r•; oult~vat1AS ~; tim'":r and t1:-ewoo~ ~heretroll1., past\Urlns -..e t end lllilktns such other u•• ot ae.14 lands as they ·are .susqeptiblt Ofi al't1ant tul"ther etatea ,• •-. -. . · I · · · IF . f ·•· r that tluit he has nevot- h~r4 ot any oontx-ove:ray ·aa to the title • ' ' ., ·- · ! , or to tl,i. e' pos-i~sa1on ot e.ny portion ot the above desorilMtd trao~ or land, Swo:rn to ~d wbaori bed betoll'e · ~ th1a z.:;cr-day ot C1.:t:. 19~ .~ My Commission Expires May 27, 1931 729 STl\.TE OF NORm OAROI.!NA HA.YVIOOD COUNTY ; 1 being duly swornt deposes and say$: That he is .. ~..zye~s ot agtt and has been a o1 tizen and resident or Ha;yvrood County fo~ .:$..2. years; that he is w~ll ao• quain~ed with -the ownership and possession or a. oe:Jrtabi tract ot land now owned by M. s. Caldwell and the heirs at law ot Geo:rge ' H. Caldwell; said land being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at corner 1 1 a 'I" chestnut oak w1 th old oo:rner marks and witnesses, blazed and scribed G.H.c. Corner l on top Q'f Shanty Ridge and in the line of the Geol'ge N. · Palmer Tract ( 239) ; thence up and W1 th the meanders or Shanty Ridge ·and w1 th the. George ~r. Pa).mer tract (239) N, '18•4~ w, 7.85 'A Point& N. 47"'*00 W, 5.1'1 A Point; 1'1; 63-25 W, 2187 A Point; Nt 49-15 W, )..,~3 A Point; N:, 51 .. 05 W, 3.47 A Point; li, 29*32 W;. 2.85 A Point; N. 32•45 W. 2,27 A Point: 1~• 35'-08 W:t 2•'16 A Point; N~t 57"'·32 w. 4•45 Corne~ 21 a 36" chestnut with corn~r Inal"ks and wit• , ness~a hla~ed and scribed G.-P. corner 6 1 on top Shanty Ri«get being a corner of the George N. Palme:r Tract ( 239); thence leaving . the George , 1~; [>alm~r ':l'l"e.ot ( 259) and continuing .with the meandel"s of Shfmty _Ridge, s. 81•08 w. 6.,71 Corner 3! a 10" red oak with old cor­ner marks a.nd witnesses· b azed and -scribed G.H.c. cor­ner 2, Qn top Shanty Ridge; thenoe s. 4~59 w. a,'ll Corner 4• a point bes,id• a planted ston~ w1. th w11nesses the old oornexo1 _ Set e: .;1:f'f bhestnut })Gst in a mound ot stones bla~ed and aerlbed G.H•C~ . Corner 3t A 12" ohe£~tnut oak blaze4 B,T'•G,,H.c .• corner 5, bears N. 54:•30 w, ,24 ohain distant; thenoe s, 24-25 :F:~ 19,30 Corm;r 5, a 28" chest• nut blazed and scribed G, H ~O· Corner 4, beside a 40" 4ead chestnut snag• the old oornel:', A 9" oheatnut blaz$d end scribed B.T.G..,G,c, corner 41 bears N, 79 .... 00 E: .~1 oha1n distant; thenoe s •. 46•40 . w, Crossing two small streams . l5tt28 corna:r 61 a point beside a cluster of four euoumbers 2&" 22" 1 12" ud 6", the 26" ououmber l?eins blazed and scribed G.H_..o. Cornel" 5J t.henoe s. 46 ... 44 E. 15.24 Small str$!\m flows. East lS.aa Oo1mer 7 ·. e. point beside a 30" poplar on south slope or· small rldge blazed ana· scr1 bed :a,n,c. Corner&; thence N. _44'-28 E, 7.25 Small stream flows Southeast 15,50 small stream flows southeast 19.27 Oo.rner 8, a point beside a fence; site of old oorner ·shown by George R~ Caldwell, set a 4" post in a mound ot $ton•• _. sQr1bed G.l):.Ot Corne;r '11 . a gn _ cheatnut blazed and eso:r1bed B.T.o._n,o. corner 71 t>ea;re s. 30•30 w. 136 ohalu._. d1stal1tl thenoe s, 5~47 E• 32•4. 3 co rn_et- 9., a 10" wh1 te oak 1d. th old marks and wi tnesse•• .·also w1 th re4 patn.t• blazt4 ana so:tibtd o,H:•S•· corn•. 8; 'l'ienoe North 40•80 - ~ • '?t 30 A S'Oad · b$U1~ swthea~t oo;onEU" 10, a 5"_ b~ack oak with old me.liks ··and re4 pe.l nt.f blazed and sort'b~d G ~H ,o , Corner ~. ,a 1$" spanish oak ol.azed and liarlbGd B•'l'•t,•H•C• .~orneX' 91 ' beare N• 25~00 E •. t 30 chain . dietutJ thenoe N• B~U w. 02.57 oorne:r llt a po:tnt not Illal:'kf4t . tll.enoe Nt 40~ 20 E-. 5;.,60 The place or beginning, oont~~.n:tns l50 • oe acr•ll·¥ 730 Att.iant turthe:r etatea that :Ml"s •. M. s. Caldwell and the heirs ot sear~ 11. Caldwell anl'l ~hQse - und~ whqm they ola1, to wit, George a, Caldwell and the exeoutors of James n. LOve llave been in the open, continuous, .advel"st Slid ~otona.ue pos.aession ot said lands, under known and b1stbl~ xnette and bounds, for a period I ' , ~ ~ f ot thirty y:eezs and lilOr&J oultivatins e.ame• tak1ns timber and tire-wood thero:trom., pasturing . same., and such other uses· ot mid land$ as they are S\Boeptible .Ofj a:f'tiant tlil"ther states that he has never heard of any oonti ovel"S7 att to the t1 tle or to the pos• .~· soasion ·ot any po:rt1qn ot tho above descr ibed tract of land .• _llld:{iz~ SWOcrn to and subaoribed before me this ~ .;,_ . day ot Ootober1 l929 -v_ej (dJ ;f~~xc My Commi:;sion Expires May 27, 1931 \ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA RAYWOOD COUNTY 731 ~ &itt~t)n and l."esident ot Ha;ywGod County. for Z/ :vearsJ that llhe is WE!lll &O'!uaintad W1 th t he o'Wnersh:lp and possession ot a oertaia ;)._;· ' ~· - ' . traot ot land now ownftd by he!' and the heil"s at law ot George H~ Daldwell, mo,-e particula:J."lY desori bed and bo1Ulded as follows: TRACT N'O., r-~215• BEG:OlNDiG at corner lt a 7" chestnut eak with old oo:rner marks and wi t:nesses, blazed and . seri bed .· . G,n.c. Ct>rner l ,e>n top ShantJ Ridge and in the 11ne ot the Geor8f) N• ~ allnet trao' (239); lh "18•46 w, ,.,as a Point; N. 4.,..00 w, 5,17 A Pointt Nr ~5o-e5 w, • . a.a'l A Po1nt; :fh 49•15 w. ·1,33 A Point; N. 51 ... 05 w, ,3.4'1 A l'o1nt; N. 2&-52 w •. A Point.: N, 52•45 w, .2.2'1 A l?Oint: N, ~oa w, a. ve J, Point N• 57•32 w. · ,4~45 corner 21 a 56" ~liesti~ut .,wi ~h aoJ"ner mal;'ks and · witnesses blazed and sorlbeci a.P. Corner e. · on top Shanty Rid~e 1 b$1ng e. corner ot the George N• Palmer Tl-aot No·,. · t 239}; thence leav:tmg the eeorge N. Palmer trao._ ( 239) . and ,cont:tnUint with the meander;s ot Shanty Ridge, s •.. a1•oa w. 6,'ll. ;corner s1 a 10" red ou With ol-4 corner mark.s and wi,tnesses. b~aze<l and sori bed · · ~. 1t. C-. eo:rne2t 21 on top Shanty Ridge• ·thenoe s. 42-55 w, a·~ '71 come~ ~.. a point· beside a planted stone wi tll Witnesses, the Old oo~e,. set a 4" chestnut pest in a me,und ot atones blazed anA scribed o.r.r .• o. C~l"ner 31 A 12" one,stnut oak. blazeU. and scri,bed B, T.c;;:.H,a • . corner 31 beare N. 3~30 y; . ·•24 chain distant; theaoe s. ~If East _l9.30. cotnCJ;- 64 a 26" chestnut blazed and, so:r1"M4 GrH.o •. C()rner· 4 · . lH.tside a. 4P". d~a4 chestnut snag• the old corner,_ A. ~- ft . ones. t~ut blazed an_ 4 sar:t.bed ~ •. T.o:.H.o, . Corner 41' D&EU's N\~ '79•00 E• ,21 .oha1n dista.n.tJ thenoe s~ . 4S;,.-4o w. erosa1ne two _small at,eEijnS ,}.S.oo .co:rncr 6t a . pof.n:t ,bas1.te a cluster . ot to.u Q~OU.beJ:is, 26" 1 82" 12" and 6"t . the 26" eu<ntmber . beill$ blazed and son bod &-,HtC• Cc>:rnel' .5~ thenOe. St 46.-.44 E• 15.24 smaU stream flows East 1a.ea Oorne:r 71 a p0:111t .beside a 30" popla:r o-n south slope or small :ridge blaz~cl and scribed corner .&J theno~. rr • .,..~ :m .. '1~25 Bmall stnam :tlon southeast 15·•50 small str$am tlows southeast .19~. 8'1 s* a pei:qt. be.a14e· a tenoe, site or old oorur .shown b,- GeOrge u. Caldwell, set a 4" poat 111 a mound ot a~on•• a•r1bed. ~u.c~ corn'~ '1 A 9" oheatnut bl.aM4 and so,-ibed :a,T·•tha.c, corner ~. beus s ,. 3o-~ Wi · •.· 36 oha1n dist.~-ta the:toe .& •.. 5~417 E~• . 3.2,, 43· Oo.~•r .91 a lO" Wh1 tct oak with old marks and 'fd taf8ses also w1 ,;h rttd pa;ln~, blazed a».d scribed ()/tl•O•• Corn.-4• . thenoe N• ~20 L 'I11:SO A ~ad bearit18 southeast l5•BQ corner 10 a 5" . blao~ Oak with <:~ld . marks and red paint, bl~ed . and soribed o•ll.C; corner 9, A 12" 111patd$h oak bla~e4 and ,scribed B,T.a:-.H.o. corner 91 bears ,~¥. 25~00 E • .430 . chain distant: thence !l t 5~11 w. 3~-.57 Corner ll .. a point... . not ~l«JdJ. thence. N. 4o-2o E, The plaoe f'f" begiJU11ng,. containins 150-.58 acres. Affiant turthE£" .states that she and the ~.:hei:ra of George H •. Oal.dwell and thoe~ un-de~ whoni 'hey claim, to,. Geore;e u. Oald.well-and the '.r!'Ust~e and Executors o:f' James 11.. tov.e have been . . in the open* oont1nue>W.,·, a.dvers~ ah4 notc>rioW~ poes$-sston' ot add lanaa un_der known and vi.aivle Diete.s·. and bounds·, r,r. 8: pe~:iod ot 30 yeal'"$ and more; cUlt1oat1ng Bf;U!l$* taking timtler and firewood • > . the"trOZil,. :past.urins sam.e., and •tns such other US;•• ot Jf.lid ~a. as they a;re SU8oept1b).e ,Oft affiant rurther state$ thai; .sht!t haa never heard ot any o~nt~.versy as to the title or t~ thepoaa~aaion o~t any I>o:rtitn ot the above des~riWd lands. sworn to and suWer1 bed be. tore . > . me tpiQ ?> 1 ~1 ~f _o.ot. 1929 ¥«~~1ii9Mtto My CommisSion- Expires Ma'y27, 1931 Page ................. 7.3.3 .... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA, ------~}W.QQ~------------COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO ·--~~-'~P---~~--J~4~~~--~'~~~-------------------------· --~-\~-~~--~--~,.--~~----------------------------- --~-·---Jifh. ___~l ,"-------------------------------------------------------- AFFIDAVIT. -----------~~---Q-~ ____ !!_~~~~--------------------------------: ....... , being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of Register of Deeds of ........... ~~~-----------County, in Book ..... ~~---------------• Page ... 21L ............... . That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga-tion, he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no djspute or controversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this £ z~-;;l~.~~·"''f;_ .. · 1 - 9---~.~-!:)_/_ /. _ --------1~f-----~~~ M y comrm· ss·w n expi·r es.-.- - -A-- .~n-r-·1·r ·1··- , ·-·1- '01-- l-1- 930 -u ~, ·------------/-~,--~,----------~------- -.. · , . ;, (Fill in all blanks indicating year, and show on lines whether or not the taxes have been paid. If paid an affirmative showing must be made by use of the word "Paid." The use of ditto marks is not permissible). The property in question is assessed for taxation for the current year, 19 .......... , at $ ...•................ : ........... , in the name : ................................ ......................... ..... ..... and the taxes for the past ten years have been paid or not paid as follows: 19 ...... 19 • ... 19lf ... ······· ·-~---··· ·-~~~'-·-'-1.14 ......................................... . -·········· ·· ········· ······· ····Pei4···- ·····--···· ········- ·-···· ·· ··· ······· . ................................ h,$.4.-·-······································· 19... · ... : .................. hlf. .............. : ..................................... . 19 .• .. ..................... hi-6. ....................: .. ............................ . 19 .• . .. • ...... ............ -hit .................................................... . 19 •.................................... ,.,.. .......... ............................. .. 19 .•.. ..................... l!a14 ................................................... . 1981 ..................................... b~4 ............. , ........................... . 19.110: . ..................... J4lU .................................................... . ASSESSMENTS ro•-• LES PENDENS :JOtfl MECHANICS LIENS N 0 N I JUDGMENTS N'ONB Shttl G NORTH.CAROLiNA PARK COMMISSION ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE AND OPINION IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instruments and court proceedings of record affecting the same from and including the beginning entry there of has been carefully examined and noted, and that the following named owner .... :.: ~- .ll. Cal4.U. Jtel-.e ................ seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to the same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed hereon. ENCUMBRANCES Copy This ..... H ............. day of ........ :OIJ.tO-'he:J:t+-·····························• 1!8 .. . Attorney. Address ....................................................................................... . 215 216 ..... 217 218 / 219 .· 220 221 ,/ _.,.. Bl4r•4&• ~4··~ :U•¥• 122.98 9 rooa :tr&.~aed ~ae 10 aall bup .44 x <i6 r ~o- .. 2 stall barn ' 1 2 room 1oe; ho\lSe \ ···.· \ ' \, 70 acres bottom land v • .i l ..l / 33 aoros woodlaDd. < 1.0. ;o ~·,.,. Geor,.:e H. aldwoll 6 room framed l1ouse "larn 150.58 / .n pple houne t crib 10 acres cultivated land '· .;}).00 40 aores lip :er fields ·Ab.OO 100 acres woodland ~10.00 ,. \ ./ J. H. Hall 121.44 ., . \ {alreail.y purchased) X:' Cutaloochee School 3G x 48 f .r·ancd house Lot Palmers Chapel Church 30 x 40 framed ho'll.':e lot 1.47 :Mrs. ;·:. "' . Pn l1~er 14ti. 66 I {\ 35 acres bottom laud Gl25.00 13 acres pasture (; 25.00 99 acres woodland(~ l5. 00 20 x 40 ~d store house ,box r.a1•a.,:;esa.nd 2 8 room framt)(i ltouse I.i. ht plal!t house ~>>•tf,kc J!O':S e and Spring h ouse :loc:k apple house 50 :{ 65 barn ::ov. barn ·\"'' v! . H. n. ''' ·lr:1er . . · _.- S".J.o~ 163.29 3u acres bottoll).. ·rland l :l2b.OO 49 aor•as upltufd ( 40.0 .· .. 4 :•area u,pt}cr flat land ' 50.00 60 acr •.~ I).--'Woodland ·: ~-.: ; 24~· ~ore bldg. old ' arn. '\ shed ol box ho~e ;·i . ll. Pnlmer 59.15 6 room f 1•aned house 5 stall bnrn s ,ri~ House E. apple hou.<Je 54 acres o'Ultiva ted land ,·,;:;o.oo 5 acres woodland<' lO.OO r:. H • I'nl m l' 52.06 · :r,o,·; house L ~1 hod · J Smoke house ant' ori b 1 .' ·-.. 20 norco oul\ivated fields 34. acres wooC.lami li10. :JJ · bO. OO $1500.00 eoo.oo 100.00 100.00 7500. 00 330. 00 [ ~· . 600.00 300.00 71>.00 300.00 1000.00 1000.00 32'75.00 4000.00 4000.00 1200.00 .... 125.00 1325.00 1000.00 150.00 1150.00 4375.00 ,, 325e00 F' 1650.00 300.00 50.00 1200.00 50.00 50.00 300.00 1000.00 300.00 9,600.00 3750.00 / 1960.00 200.00 ,.,1).0') ~oo.oo · 200.00 580.oo '7St;o.oo 600.00 ..- 300.00 75.00 2700.00 50.00 150.00 50.00 1000.00 340.00 3725.00 1540.00 Bryson Cipy,H.C. Oct.~d,I928. .. s.hevillc, ]l oG. Mr.Sloan asked ne to mail you list of ·r... • .. .•.i. .'·. t \ (I Catalo~ohee . \ h .ve bern c.O!'lputed.The \'71th e.rel.1.S :f'ollJWf!:- I • • x~ ..,.. ..! .-_:.:·.:-..-. J .r.~.C a lch'H•ll. o o •.••.•••••.• o • . • 0:· . 75 .nci'f'!'l · · C T 8 94 ,.~ n · ' · · · • • J.J 0 Il£: • . . • • • • • • • ,. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • " .. -,-~ ~; ~ .. · ~ ald w All ~cho~l Lot ••• o••·······-2.!6 ~ \ = .. : '/. I.:.(;\<.tton Heirs •••••••••••••• oi7.4! '' · : _.·_.. 1\:e.ri. :::.h J.~. ;_>alJner •.• o • o •••••• o • • 6 7. 24 : ~rs.Lou King tract ~ ! •... ~.o•• 9~.02 II If tt f! }! 2 o o o o o o • o 23 • 5 7 . •I:."i.(~a.ldwcll tr:..:; t T (hOI~.e) ••• I8.GO ·. n " ' ' · 2 • •••..••• 50.~~8 ~·- ·: .. , Jomes Caldwell ................ o ••• !55. 82 _ · · · Jo r~nathan :.voody ,.: I ••........ o 92.-II ' · ! n t~ ••••••••••• 59.,38 ~~ · .... i".~rs. ~-~ . J. /ooc1y !lei.ra •••••• ._ ••• i •• 74 .. ......... ~, • .'1 • ::·.· o '' d;,r • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • • •• a. I I 6. I 8 ·.-.. .. h os • C'. a ,.1. ~.· ;·t .·; ..J. ~_.!. . .tI I .-t. (.. :·!••~ n. Jt ,.;- c" "L } • 4. 7 .,5 8 . ... - ... · ·r ·. ': • •, •. •. •. • ••• 46.~7 ,f7o. c·l.,. 'fr....! ~'"\'.; n~· l " !: 1 ~·/' f: ll . !99 00 ""--~::--'' H . .... ..._. e • <,. • .,"1 · '-""' .L\. ' I • . • • •• • • • .. t .. • • • (jt4- Eldrf'ur-e Cc ld7Tell ••••.•.••••• I22. 98 ··~~·~~· Geo. H.Ca.lti\'lelJ. . ....... ... .. ... !50.58 ... . J .F. .. Hall ..• o .• o •• o .• ••••••••• !2I.44 Inc~~ D.i'l C re(• k ~c ho ol lot ••• ·• • • • ! • :.: j :-. ·~·p<:.~ lr~e r s 'Chapel Church lot • . • • • I.i7 . . ~ar~· ·;:.i~. r?ulner •• ~- ••••. o o ••••• I45 •• 6 . . . · '· t'/.1" • .. almer • tr~ot - I ••.•• o •• . •• 52.~0 .Linton Pulrr.or •••.••••••••••• o 47.55 Yourn v~ry t ~ 1 l y, ., It ,, ., W"I :.·•· .• . It ,, If " If II ., " rt !I " " If )( It It traota that -......

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).